deya | mfn. ( | ||||||
deya | mfn. fit or proper for a gift etc. | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be or being given in matrimony (see brahma--) | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be delivered or handed over | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be ceded (road) | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be returned | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be paid (as a debt, wages, taxes etc.) | ||||||
deya | mfn. to be laid or set to (as fire) | ||||||
deya | n. giving, gift (see a--, bala--, magha--, rādho--, vasu--, vaira--) | ||||||
deya | n. tax, tribute | ||||||
deya | n. water (?) | ||||||
deyadharma | m. "the duty of giving", charity | ||||||
ādeya | mfn. to be appropriated | ||||||
ādeya | mfn. to be received | ||||||
ādeya | mfn. to be taken away | ||||||
ādeya | acceptable, agreeable, | ||||||
ādeya | mfn. varia lectio for ā-dheya- q.v | ||||||
ādeya | mfn. See under ā-- | ||||||
adeya | mfn. improper or unfit to be given, (am-) an illegal gift. | ||||||
adeyadāna | n. an illegal gift. | ||||||
ādeyataratā | (f.) | ||||||
anādeya | mfn. unfit or improper to be received, unacceptable, inadmissible. | ||||||
anudeya | n. a present | ||||||
avadeya | mfn. to be divided commentator or commentary on | ||||||
bahudeya | n. munificence, liberality | ||||||
baladeya | n. bestowal of strength | ||||||
brahmadeya | mfn. given in marriage after the manner of Brahmans (see ) | ||||||
brahmadeya | m. (with vidhi-) marriage of this kind | ||||||
brahmadeya | n. instruction in the veda- or sacred knowledge ( brahmadeyānusaṃtāna yā | ||||||
brahmadeya | n. gift to Brahmans | ||||||
brāhmadeya | mfn. equals brahma-d- mfn. (Bombay edition) on | ||||||
draupadeya | m. plural metron. of the 5 sons of draupadī- (viz. of prativindhya-, son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-;of suta-soma-, son of bhīma-;of śruta-kīrti- or śrutakarman-, son of arjuna-;of śatā | ||||||
durādeya | mfn. difficult to be taken away or seized | ||||||
dvādaśamāsadeyadānaratnākara | m. Name of work | ||||||
gaudeya | m. metron. fr. gudā- gaRa śubhrā | ||||||
maghadeya | n. the giving of Presents | ||||||
mārdeya | m. patronymic or metron. fr. mṛdi- | ||||||
mārdeyapura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
māsadeya | mfn. to be paid in a month (as a debt) | ||||||
nādeya | mfn. not to be taken etc. | ||||||
nādeya | mf(ī-)n. (fr. nadī-) coming from or, belonging to a river, fluvial, aquatic | ||||||
nādeya | m. Saccharum Spontaneum or Calamus, Rotang | ||||||
nādeya | n. rock-salt | ||||||
nādeya | n. antimony | ||||||
pathideya | n. a toll levied on public roads | ||||||
pradeya | mf(ā-)n. to be given or presented or granted or offered or communicated or imparted or taught (with dative case,sometimes in compound with the recipient) etc. | ||||||
pradeya | mf(ā-)n. to be instructed or initiated in (locative case) | ||||||
pradeya | m. a present, gift | ||||||
pratideya | mfn. to be given back or returned | ||||||
pratideya | n. a pledge, pawn | ||||||
pratideya | n. an article purchased and given back | ||||||
pratyādeya | mfn. to be received back, to be (or being) received | ||||||
rādhodeya | n. bestowal of gifts or favour | ||||||
samādeya | mfn. to be taken or received | ||||||
śiṣyapradeya | mfn. to be delivered or imparted to pupil | ||||||
śraddhādeya | n. trust, confidence | ||||||
śraddhādeya | n. also wrong reading for next. | ||||||
taudeya | m. plural (fr. tuda- gaRa śubhrā | ||||||
taudeya | mfn. produced in or coming from the district called tūdī- | ||||||
upādeya | mfn. to be taken or received | ||||||
upādeya | mfn. not to be refused | ||||||
upādeya | mfn. to be allowed, admissible, acceptable, etc. | ||||||
upādeya | mfn. to be included, included | ||||||
upādeya | mfn. to be chosen or selected, excellent, admirable. | ||||||
upādeyatva | n. selection, choice, preference. | ||||||
vairadeya | (v/aira--) n. enmity, revenge or punishment (see vīra-d-). | ||||||
vasudeya | n. the granting of wealth, liberality | ||||||
videya | mfn. to be given or granted | ||||||
videya | See under vi- | ||||||
vīradeya | wrong reading for vaira-d-. | ||||||
yāvaddeya | in the beginning of a compound (in law) until paying a debt. |
deya | देय a. [दा कर्मणि यत्] 1 To be given, offered or presented; R.3.16; (see अदेय). -2 Fit to be given, proper for a gift. -3 To be returned; or restored; विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते V.4.33; Ms.8.139,185. -4 To be shown. -5 To be given in marriage. -6 To be paid (as a debt &c.). -7 To be placed, put, applied, laid, &c.; see दा above. -8 To be ceded (road); पन्था देयो वरस्य च Ms.2.138. -यम् A gift, donation, -Comp. -धर्मः Charity; Buddha. |
deya | देय See under दा. |
adeya | अदेय a. Not to be given; what cannot or ought not to be given away; अदेयमासीत्त्रयमेव भूपतेः R.3.16. -यम् That which it is not right or necessary to give-wife, sons, deposits, and a few other things belong to this class. अन्वाहितं याचितकमाधिः साधारणं च यत् । निक्षेपः पुत्रदाराश्च सर्वस्वं चान्वये सति ॥ आपत्स्वपि च कष्टासु वर्तमानेन देहिना । अदेया- न्याहुराचार्या यच्चान्यस्मै प्रतिश्रुतम् ॥ -Comp. -दानम् an unlawful gift. |
anādeya | अनादेय a. Not fit to be taken, unacceptable; inadmissible; अनादेयस्य चादानादादेयस्य च वर्जनात् Ms.8.171. |
ādeya | आदेय a. To be taken or received, receivable. acceptable. |
upādeya | उपादेय pot. p. 1 Capable of being taken. -2 Capable of being endured; Māl.1. -3 Acceptable, admissible. -4 To be chosen or selected. -5 Excellent, admirable. |
draupadeyaḥ | द्रौपदेयः 1 A son of Draupadī; Bg.1.6,18. -2 A son of Drupada; स हतो द्रौपदेयेन पाञ्चाल्येन शिखण्डिना Mb.6.12.7. |
nādeya | नादेय [नद्या नदस्य वा ठक्] River-born, aquatic, marine; Rām.4.39.12. -यम् Rock-salt; नादेयं नादेयं शरदि वसन्ते च नादेयम् Vaidyakam. -यी N. of several plants (Mar. भुइजांभळी, टाहाकळ, बोरू etc.). |
pratideya | प्रतिदेय a. To be returned &c. -यम् A pawn, pledge. -2 An article purchased and given back. |
pradeya | प्रदेय a. 1 To be given, imparted, communicated &c.; किं वस्तु विद्वन् गुरवे प्रदेयम् R.5.18,31. -2 To be given in marriage; इमे अपि प्रदेये Ś.4. |
deya | fp. to be given; -bestowed in marriage; -granted; -delivered; -restored, -paid: -h panthâh, way must be made for (g.); atithitvena saktyâ deyam, n. impl. one should give according to one's ability in regard to hospitality; n. gift; impost; wages. |
adeya | fp. not to be given. |
anādeya | fp. not to be taken; in admissible. |
ādeya | fp. to be taken or plucked; to be removed; to be employed. |
upādeya | fp. (√ dâ) to be accepted or chosen; excellent; contained in (--°ree;). |
nādeya | a. coming from a river (nadî); aquatic. |
pradeya | fp. to be given, bestowed, or offered, to (--°ree; or d.); -given in marriage, marriageable (f.); -imparted (news, doctrine) or taught, to (d. or --°ree;); -initiated or instructed in (lc.); m. present; -desa, m. designation, reference; determination, definition; appeal to a precedent; example; spot, place, region (often --°ree; with a part of the body); short while: -bhâg, -vartin, -stha, a. of short duration, -vat, a.occupying a place; -des- ita, cs. pp. urged, directed; -desinî, f. fore-finger; second toe; -deshtri, m. chief justice; -deha, m. unction; unguent, plaster. |
rādhodeya | n. bestowal of favour or gifts (RV.). |
bahu | deyaṃ ca no 'stu ViDh.73.28d; MDh.3.259d; YDh.1.245d; AuśDh.5.73d; BṛhPDh.5.280d. |
ajaṃ | jīvatā brahmaṇe deyam āhuḥ # AVś.9.5.7b. |
athā | mano vasudeyāya kṛṣva # RV.1.54.9d. See adhā mano. |
aditir | iva tvā suputropaniṣadeyam (Mś. saputropaniṣade yeyam) indrāṇīvāvidhavā # KS.1.10; Mś. See next. |
adhā | mano vasudeyāya kṛṇuṣva # AVś.3.4.4c. See athā mano. |
ahaṃ | prajāṃ vīravatīṃ videya # TB.; Apś.4.8.5d. |
ā | cyāvaya maghadeyāya śūram # RV.10.42.2d; AVś.20.89.2d. |
indriyāvatīm | adyāhaṃ vācam udyāsaṃ dīrghaprāṇo 'chinno 'dabdho gopāḥ # Apś.6.20.2. See madhumatīṃ vācam udeyam. |
iṣaḥ | pinva vasudeyāya pūrvīḥ # RV.6.39.5b. |
iṣam | ūrjaṃ rāyaspoṣaṃ tad videya # Lś.3.5.15d. See tad vide. |
audumbaryāṃ | stobhadeyaḥ sa gadgadaḥ # GB.1.5.24b. |
kāmaṃ | stutvod ahaṃ bhideyam # AVś.9.2.2d. |
gosaniṃ | vācam udeyam # AVś.3.20.10a; AVP.3.34.11a. |
jīvapatnī | prajāṃ vindeya # AG.1.7.22. |
jīvo | jīvantīr upa vaḥ sadeyam # TB.; Apś.1.12.14d. See jīvā jīvantīr. |
tasmād | brahmabhyo deyaiṣā # AVś.12.4.10c. |
tasyāhaṃ | lokam anūdbhideyam # AVP.1.72.1d. |
dātāram | adya savitā videya # TB. |
deva | barhiḥ svāsasthaṃ tvādhyāsadeyam # Aś.1.4.7. Cf. māmṛṣad. |
dhruvaṃ | paśyāmi prajāṃ vindeya # śG.1.17.4. |
namo | dvīpyāya ca srotasyāya ca # MS.2.9.5: 124.15. See namaḥ srotasyāya, and namo nādeyāya. |
namo | nādeyāya ca dvīpyāya ca # VS.16.31; KS.17.14. See under namo dvīpyāya. |
namo | nādyāya (VS. nādeyāya) ca vaiśantāya ca # VS.16.37; TS.; MS.2.9.6: 125.8; KS.17.15. |
parā | navavāstvam anudeyam # RV.6.20.11c. |
parā | śulkāya deyām (SV. dīyase) # RV.8.1.5b; SV.1.291b. |
prajāṃ | videya vājavatīṃ suvīrām # KS.31.14d. |
phalena | nādeyān (KSA. nādyān) # TS.; KSA.3.4. |
brāhmaṇam | adya videyaṃ (VSK. videya) pitṛmantaṃ paitṛmatyam ṛṣim ārṣeyaṃ sudhātudakṣiṇam # VS.7.46; VSK.9.2.6; śB. P: brāhmaṇam adya Kś.10.2.19. See prec. two. |
madhumatīṃ | vācam udeyam # AVś.16.2.2. |
māmṛṣad | eva (read deva ?) barhiḥ svāsasthaṃ tvādhyāsadeyam ūrṇamradam anabhiśokam # Kauś.3.7; 137.39. Cf. deva barhiḥ svā-. |
mūlaṃ | prajāṃ vīravatīṃ videya # TB. |
yaṃ | bahava upajīvanti yo janānām asad vaśī taṃ videya prajāṃ videya # Aś.1.11.1. Two metrical pādas at the beginning. |
yasyāṃ | hiraṇyaṃ vindeyam # RVKh.5.87.2c. |
deya | noun (neuter) gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) giving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tribute (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) water (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17997/72933 | |
adeya | adjective improper or unfit to be given (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9300/72933 | |
anādeya | adjective inadmissible (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unacceptable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unfit or improper to be received (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20543/72933 | |
anupādeya | adjective Frequency rank 23000/72933 | |
apratyādeya | adjective Frequency rank 43917/72933 | |
upādeya | adjective acceptable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) admirable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) admissible (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) excellent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) included (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not to be refused (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to be allowed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to be chosen or selected (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to be included (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) to be taken or received (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47722/72933 | |
upādeyatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 23526/72933 | |
upādeyatva | noun (neuter) choice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) preference (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) selection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47723/72933 | |
durādeya | adjective difficult to be taken away or seized (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35718/72933 | |
draupadeya | noun (masculine) metron. of the 5 sons of Draupadī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4431/72933 | |
nādeya | adjective aquatic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) belonging to a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) coming from a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fluvial (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9198/72933 | |
nādeya | noun (masculine) Calamus Rotang
Saccharum Spontaneum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21564/72933 | |
nādeya | noun (neuter) saindhava
antimony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rock-salt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) añjana sauvīrāñjana Frequency rank 18049/72933 | |
pradeya | noun (masculine) a present (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59167/72933 | |
bahudeya | noun (neuter) liberality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) munificence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37615/72933 | |
brahmadeya | noun (masculine) marriage of this kind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29424/72933 | |
mārdeya | noun (masculine) patr. or metron. from mṛdi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62126/72933 | |
yāvaddeya | adjective (in law) until paying a debt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63034/72933 |