dan | d/anas- See d/at-, 2. and 1. dam-.  |
dan | according to to some from daṃs-,"to make straight", either"to raise, erect", or"to put right, rule, guide, manage"; in some places probably ="a guide, manager, institutor".  |
danāyū | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order d/anu-.  |
danāyus | y/ū- See d/anu-.  |
danāyus | f. Name of daughter of dakṣa- (named with danu-)  |
dandaśa | m. ( daṃś-) a tooth  |
dandaśūka | mfn. mordacious  |
dandaśūka | mfn. malignant,  |
dandaśūka | m. a snake  |
dandaśūka | m. Name of a hell infested by serpents,  |
dandaśūka | m. of a rākṣasa-  |
dandhvana | m. ( dhvan-, dhen-, Intensive)"whistler" , a kind of cane  |
dandramaṇa | mfn. fr. Intensive of dram-  |
danīdhvaṃsa | mfn. (fr. Intensive of dhvaṃs-)  |
danocchiṣṭa | n. the remains of food lodged between the teeth  |
danta | m. (fr. &) equals d/at- etc. (n. ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',f(ā-).[ ]orf(ī-).[ ] )  |
danta | m. the number 32  |
danta | m. an elephant's tusk, ivory etc. |
danta | m. the point (of an arrow? athar/ī-)  |
danta | m. the peak or ridge of a mountain,  |
danta | m. an arbour  |
danta | m. a pin used in playing a lute,  |
dantabhāga | m. the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear)  |
dantabhāga | m. part of a tooth  |
dantabhaṅga | m. fracture of the teeth  |
dantabīja | m. pomegranate  |
dantabījā | f. idem or 'm. pomegranate '  |
dantabījā | f. Name of a gourd  |
dantabījaka | m. equals ja-  |
dantacāla | m. looseness of the teeth  |
dantacchada | m. ( on ) "tooth cover", a lip etc.  |
dantacchadā | f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips)  |
dantacchadana | n. equals da-  |
dantacchadopamā | f. idem or 'f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips) '  |
dantacchedana | n. biting through  |
dantāda | mfn. corroding the teeth  |
dantādanti | mfn. (see ) tooth against tooth  |
dantadarśana | n. (a dog's) showing the teeth  |
dantadhāva | m. cleaning the teeth  |
dantadhāvana | n. idem or 'm. cleaning the teeth ' etc.  |
dantadhāvana | n. equals -pavana-  |
dantadhāvana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvana | m. Acacia Catechu  |
dantadhāvana | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
dantadhāvana | m. a kind of karañja-  |
dantadhāvanaka | m. Name of a tree  |
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of  |
dantadyut | f. brightness of the teeth  |
dantagharṣa | m. chattering of the teeth  |
dantaghāṭa | m. equals -kāra- ( )  |
dantaghata | m. a bite  |
dantāghāta | m. equals ta-gh-  |
dantāghāta | m. equals ta-karṣaṇa-  |
dantaghāṭaka | m. equals -kāra- ( ) .  |
dantāgra | n. the top of a tooth  |
dantagrāhitā | f. the state of injuring the teeth  |
dantāgrīya | mfn. fr. gra- gaRa gahādi-.  |
dantaharṣa | m. morbid sensitiveness of the teeth  |
dantaharṣa | m. equals -gh-  |
dantaharṣaka | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
dantaharṣaṇa | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
dantahastin | mfn. having tusks and a trunk  |
dantahīna | mfn. toothless.  |
dantajāha | n. the root of a tooth gaRa karṇādi-.  |
dantajanman | n. growth of the teeth  |
dantajāta | mf(ā- Va1rtt. 1)n. ( )  |
dantajāta | mf(ā-)n. ( ; gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) equals jāta-danta- ; (a-- negative)  |
dantaka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "a tooth" See a--, kṛmi--, śyāva--  |
dantaka | m. a projection in a rock  |
dantaka | m. "a pin projecting from a wall" See nāga--  |
dantaka | mfn. paying attention to one's teeth  |
dantakāra | m. an ivory worker  |
dantakarṣaṇa | m. "teeth-injuring", the lime  |
dantakaśa | m. the tusk of an elephant compared to a flower-cup,  |
dantakāṣṭha | n. a small piece of the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth  |
dantakāṣṭha | n. cleaning the teeth with the danta-kāṣṭha-, 4996  |
dantakāṣṭha | m. Name of various trees the wood of which is used for cleaning the teeth (Flacourtia sapida ;Asclepias gigantea, Ficus indica, Acacia Catech, Pongamia glabra, Terminalia alata)  |
dantakāṣṭhābhakṣaṇa | n. "omitting to use the d- ", Name of  |
dantakāṣṭhaka | m. N. Tabernaemontana coronaria  |
dantakrūra | m. Name of a prince, .  |
dantakumāra | m. of a man.  |
dantakūra | Name of a place  |
dantālaya | m. equals tasadman-  |
dantalekhaka | m. one who lives by painting the teeth on  |
dantāli | f. a row of teeth.  |
dantālī | f. idem or 'f. a horse's bridle '  |
dantālikā | f. a horse's bridle  |
dantalīna | mfn. that to which the teeth adhere (?), , Scholiast or Commentator  |
dantamadhya | n. the space between an elephant's tusks  |
dantamala | n. impurity of the teeth  |
dantamāṃsa | n. the gums  |
dantamaya | mfn. made of ivory  |
dantamūla | n. equals -jāha-  |
dantamūla | n. equals -śopha-  |
dantamūlikā | f. equals dantikā-  |
dantamūlīya | mfn. belonging to l/a-, dental (letter)  |
dantaniṣkāśita | mfn. showing the teeth (a jackal) (varia lectio)  |
dantāñji | mfn. showing the teeth  |
dantāntara | n. "space between the teeth",  |
dantāntaradhiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa- '  |
dantāntaragata | mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa-  |
dantapāli | f. an ivory hilt (of a sword)  |
dantapālī | f. the gums  |
dantapāñcālikā | f. an ivory doll,  |
dantapāta | m. the falling out of the teeth  |
dantapattra | n. a kind of ear-ring  |
dantapattra | Nom. ttrati- to represent that ear-ring  |
dantapattraka | n. a kind of jasmine (its petals being compared to the teeth)  |
dantapattrikā | f. an ivory ear-ring  |
dantapattrikā | f. a comb  |
dantapavana | n. "tooth-cleaner", a small piece of wood (equals -kāṣṭha-)  |
dantapāvana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaphala | m. Feronia elephantum  |
dantaphala | n. equals -puṣpa-  |
dantaphalā | f. long pepper  |
dantaphala | n. Name of a gourd  |
dantaprakṣālana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaprakṣālanapavana | m.  |
dantapraveṣṭa | a case round an elephant's tusk  |
dantapuppuṭa | m. gum boil  |
dantapuppuṭaka | m.  |
dantapura | n. "city of buddha-'s tooth", the capital of kaliṅga-  |
dantapuṣpa | n. Strychnos potatorum  |
dantaracanā | f. equals -dhāva-  |
dantarajas | n. equals -mala-  |
dantārbuda | m. n. equals ta-śopha-  |
dantaroga | m. tooth-ache ,  |
dantarogin | mfn. suffering from ga-,  |
dantasadman | n. "tooth-abode", the mouth  |
dantasaṃgharṣa | m. gnashing the teeth  |
dantaśāṇa | m. tooth-powder  |
dantaśaṅku | n. a pair of pincers for drawing teeth  |
dantaśarkarā | f. tartar of the teeth, 23; .  |
dantaśaṭha | mfn. "bad for the teeth", acid  |
dantaśaṭha | m. acidity  |
dantaśaṭha | m. Name of several trees with acid fruits and (n.) Name of the fruits (equals -karṣaṇa-,Citrus Auraritium equals -phala-,Averrhoa Carambola ), 42 and 46  |
dantaśaṭhā | f. Oxalis pusilla  |
dantaśirā | f. a back tooth  |
dantaśirā | f. the gums  |
dantaskavana | n. picking the teeth  |
dantaśliṣṭa | mfn. entangled in the teeth  |
dantāśliṣṭa | mfn. equals ta-i-  |
dantaśodhana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaśodhanacūrṇa | n. tooth-powder  |
dantaśodhanī | f. a tooth-pick  |
dantaśopha | m. swelling of the gums  |
dantaśuddhi | f. equals -dhāva-.  |
dantaśūla | mn. equals -roga-  |
dantaūla | mfn. having teeth gaRa sidhmādi-.  |
dantauṣṭhaka | mfn. paying attention to one's teeth and lips  |
dantavaidarbha | m. looseness of the teeth through external injury  |
dantavakra | m. Name of a karūṣa- prince (also called vakradanta-and vakra-;described as a dānava- or asura-)  |
dantavaktra | for -vakra-.  |
dantāvala | m. ( )"tusked" , an elephant  |
dantāvala | m. Name of a man  |
dantāvali | f. equals tādli-  |
dantavalka | n. the enamel of the teeth  |
dantavāṇijya | n. ivory trade (forbidden to Jain laymen) |
dantavarṇa | mfn. "tooth-coloured", brilliant  |
dantavāsas | (m. ) equals -cchada-  |
dantavastra | mn. equals -cchada-  |
dantavat | mfn. having teeth  |
dantaveṣṭa | n. equals tana-  |
dantaveṣṭa | n. the gums (dual number"the gums of the upper and lower jaw") (of an elephant) , tumour of the gums,  |
dantaveṣṭaka | m. idem or 'n. the gums (dual number"the gums of the upper and lower jaw") (of an elephant) , tumour of the gums, ' , 11  |
dantaveṣṭaka | m. dual number the gums of the upper and lower, jaw  |
dantaveṣṭana | n. equals -praveṣṭa-  |
dantavidradhī | f. an abscess of the teeth  |
dantavighāta | m. equals -gh-  |
dantavīṇā | f. "tooth-guitar", ṇāṃ vādayat- mfn. "playing the ṇā- ", chattering with the teeth  |
dantavyāpāra | m. ivory work  |
dantavyasana | n. fracture or decay of the teeth or of a tusk.  |
dantāyudha | m. "tusk-weaponed", a hog  |
danteya | m. indra- (varia lectio datt-)  |
dantī | f. equals tikā-  |
dantī | f. (in music) Name of a composition  |
dantī | f. see ibha-dantā-  |
dantī | f. kuḍmala-- and krūra-a-dantī- etc.  |
danti | for t/in- q.v  |
dantidaitya | m. Name of a daitya-  |
dantidanta | m. "an elephant's tusk"  |
dantidantamaya | mfn. made of ivory  |
dantidurga | m. Name of a man.  |
dantijā | f. equals tikā-  |
dantikā | f. (ika-) Croton polyandrum (yielding a pungent oil)  |
dantila | m. Name of a man  |
dantimada | m. the juice flowing from a rutting elephant's temples  |
dantin | mfn. tusked (gaṇeśa-) (ti- )  |
dantin | m. an elephant etc.  |
dantin | m. a mountain  |
dantinī | f. equals tikā-  |
dantistha | mfn. seated on an elephant  |
dantivaktra | m. "elephant-faced", gaṇeśa-, .  |
dantodbheda | m. appearance of the teeth, dentition  |
dantolūkhala | n. "tooth-hole", alveole  |
dantolūkhalika | mfn. "using the teeth as a mortar", eating unground grain (an ascetic)  |
dantolūkhalin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "using the teeth as a mortar", eating unground grain (an ascetic) ' , ix, 2166  |
dantoṣṭhaka | for tauṣṭh-,  |
dantura | mf(ā- )n. ( ) having projecting teeth  |
dantura | mf(ā- )n. jagged, uneven ( danturatā -tā- f.abstr.)  |
dantura | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals rita-  |
dantura | mf(ā- )n. ugly ( danturatā -tā- f.abstr.)  |
danturacchada | m. "prickly-leaved", the lime tree  |
danturaka | mfn. having prominent teeth  |
danturaka | m. plural Name of a people (east of madhya-deśa-),  |
danturatā | f. dantura |
danturatā | f. dantura |
danturaya | Nom. yati-, to fill with (instrumental case)  |
danturita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' filled with, full of  |
dantya | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. dental (a letter)  |
dantya | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. being on the teeth |
dantya | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. suitable to the teeth  |
dantya | mf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. see a--.  |
dantyauṣṭhya | mfn. denti-labial  |
dantyoṣṭhya | mfn. denti-labial  |
danu | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- (by kaśyapa- [or danāy/ū- ],mother of the dānava-s) etc.  |
danu | m. Name of a son of śri- (also called dānava-;originally very handsome, but changed into a monster[ kabandha-]by indra- for having offended him)  |
danuja | m. "born from danu-", a dānava-  |
danujadviṣ | m. " dānava--enemy", a god  |
danujāri | m. idem or 'm. "dānava--enemy", a god '  |
danujedra | m. a dānava- prince  |
danukabandha | m. the monster dānava-  |
danusambhava | m. = - ja-  |
danusūnu | m. id.  |
danv | cl.1 P., to go  |
abhimardana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') oppressing  |
abhimardana | n. oppression.  |
abhinandana | n. delighting  |
abhinandana | n. praising, applauding  |
abhinandana | n. wish, desire  |
abhinandana | m. Name of the fourth jaina- arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-.  |
abhinandanīya | mfn. to be acknowledged or applauded  |
abhinigadana | n. the act of talking or reciting to,  |
abhivadana | n. salutation  |
abhivadana | n. addressing commentator or commentary on  |
abhivādana | n. respectful salutation (including sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed and followed by the mention of the person's own name)  |
abhivādana | n. salutation (of a superior or elder by a junior or inferior, and especially of a teacher by his disciple;in general it is merely lifting the joined hands to the forehead and saying aham abhivādaye-,I salute).  |
abhivādanaśīla | mfn. one who habitually salutes, respectful.  |
abhivādanīya | mfn. deserving respectful salutation  |
abhivādanīya | mfn. (said of the name) used for the salutation  |
abhivandana | n. saluting respectfully  |
abhyanumodana | n. agreement with, approval,  |
abhyāsādana | n. attacking an enemy  |
abhyavaskandana | n. impetuous assault  |
abhyudan | -/aniti-, to breathe towards or upon (accusative)  |
abhyunmodanīya | mfn. to be assented to or aquiesced in,  |
abhyupapādana | n. coming to aid,  |
ācchādana | n. covering, concealing, hiding  |
ācchādana | n. cloth, clothes, mantle, cloak etc.  |
ācchādana | n. a cover for a bed  |
ācchādana | n. the wooden frame of a roof  |
ācchādanavastra | n. the lower garment  |
ācchedana | n. id  |
ācchedana | n. exclusion  |
ācchedanī | f. Name of the passage in ( , apām medhyam-,-10, śaradaḥ śatam-) in which the word ā-cchett/ṛ- occurs (by called chedanamantra-).  |
ācchodana | n. hunting, the chase (varia lectio ā-kṣod- q.v)  |
ācyudanti | varia lectio for tanti- and tantīya-.  |
ācyudantīya | varia lectio for tanti- and tantīya-.  |
acyutadanta | m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).  |
ācyutadanti | and tīya- varia lectio for ācyutanti- and tīya- below.  |
adana | n. act of eating  |
adana | n. food  |
adana | adanīya- See ad-.  |
adanīya | mfn. to be eaten, what may be eaten.  |
adanta | mfn. toothless  |
adanta | m. a leech  |
adanta | mfn. (in grammar) ending in at- id est in the short inherent vowel a-.  |
adantāghātin | mfn. not striking against the teeth (as a sound),  |
adantajāta | mfn. one who has not teethed,  |
adantaka | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. toothless.  |
adantaka | ([ ]) mfn. toothless.  |
adantya | mfn. not suitable for the teeth  |
adantya | mfn. not dental  |
adantya | n. toothlessness.  |
adhidanta | m. a redundant tooth  |
adhikadanta | m. a redundant tooth which grows over another (see adhi-danta-.)  |
adhivedana | n. marrying an additional wife.  |
ādhivedanika | mfn. (fr. adhivedana-), belonging to a second marriage  |
ādhivedanika | n. (scilicet dānam-) property (gifts etc.) given to a first wife upon marrying a second |
adhivedanīyā | f. equals -vettavyā-.  |
adhivedanīyāvedyā | f. equals -vettavyā-.  |
adhovadana | mfn. equals adho-mukha-.  |
aditinandana | m. equals -ja- q.v  |
adribhedana | n. the splitting of the soma- stone,  |
aduḥkhasukhavedanā | f. the nonperception of either pain or pleasure, .  |
agnimadana | n. the fire of sexual love,  |
ahalyāsaṃkrandana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a drama.  |
ahidanta | mfn. having the teeth of a serpent  |
ahimardanī | f. "killing snakes", the ichneumon plant |
āhlādana | n. the act of gladdening, refreshing  |
āhlādanīya | mfn. to be refreshed or gladdened |
ajādanī | f. a species of prickly night-shade.  |
ākhedana | n. drawlng to one's self, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ākidanti | m. Name of a prince [or f(ntī-).of a princess ], (gaRa dāmany-ādi- q.v)  |
ākidantīya | m. plural Name of the tribe governed by the above prince (or princess)  |
ākrandana | n. lamentation  |
ākrandanīya | mfn. to be called for help  |
akṣṇayāpacchedana | n. transverse division,  |
ākṣodana | varia lectio for ā-cchod- q.v  |
alamatardana | mfn. easy to perforate  |
amadana | m. Name of śiva-  |
ambhojavadanā | f. a lotus-faced woman,  |
ambuprasādana | n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains).  |
amitodana | m. (for a-- mṛt-) Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
amlabhedana | m. sorrel |
āmodana | n. rejoicing, delighting  |
amṛtodana | m. Name of a son of siṃhahanu-, and uncle of śākyamuni-.  |
ānandana | n. delighting, making happy  |
ānandana | n. civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting  |
ānandanātha | m. Name of a man.  |
ānandanidhi | m. Name of a commentary.  |
anindanīya | mfn. unblamable, faultless.  |
aniṣṭāpādana | n. not obtaining what is desire or (fr. aniṣṭa-and āpādana-) obtaining what is not desired.  |
annācchādana | n. food and clothing.  |
annādana | n. eating of food.  |
anṛtavadana | n. speaking falsehood, lying.  |
anumodana | n. pleasing, causing pleasure, applauding  |
anumodana | n. assent, acceptance  |
anumodana | n. sympathetic joy.  |
anupamardana | n. non-demolition or refutation of a charge.  |
anutpādana | n. not producing, non-production.  |
anyataratodanta | mf(ā-)n. having teeth on one side (only)  |
apacchedana | n. idem or 'mn. separation.'  |
āpādana | n. causing to arrive at  |
āpādana | n. bringing any one to any state  |
āpādana | n. producing, effecting  |
apanodana | mfn. removing, driving away  |
apanodana | n. removing, driving away  |
aparavedanīya | n. (Karman) manifesting itself at a subsequent period,  |
aprapadana | n. a bad place of refuge  |
ārambaṇacchedana | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aravindanābha | m. viṣṇu- (from whose navel sprung the lotus that bore brahmā- at the creation)  |
ardana | mfn. moving restlessly  |
ardana | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (janārdana-) disturbing, distressing, tormenting etc.  |
ardana | mfn. annihilating, destroying (see mahīṣārdana-)  |
ardana | m. a Name of śiva-  |
ardanā | f. request  |
ardana | n. pain, trouble, excitement  |
ardani | m. sickness, disease  |
ardani | m. asking, request  |
ardani | m. fire  |
ardhacandanalipta | mfn. half rubbed with sandal  |
arimardana | mfn. foe-trampling, enemy destroying etc.  |
arimardana | m. Name of a son of śvaphalka-  |
arimardana | m. of a king of owls  |
arinandana | mfn. gratifying or affording triumph to an enemy  |
ariṣṭasūdana | m. (equals -mathana- q.v) Name of viṣṇu-  |
arisūdana | m. destroyer of foes.  |
arkacandana | n. red sanders  |
arkanandana | m. (equals -ja- q.v) Name of the planet Saturn  |
arkanandana | m. Name of karṇa-  |
arodana | n. not weeping.  |
arokadanta | mfn. having black or discoloured teeth  |
aryamanandana | m. patronymic of yama-,  |
āsadana | n. sitting down  |
āsadana | n. a seat  |
āsadana | n. reaching  |
āsādana | n. putting or laying down  |
āsādana | n. reaching, getting possession of  |
āsādanā | f. attacking, assailing,  |
āskandana | n. going towards  |
āskandana | n. assailing, attack  |
āskandana | n. battle, combat  |
āskandana | n. reproach, abuse  |
āskandana | n. drying  |
aśmarībhedana | a lithontriptic  |
aspandana | mfn. not quivering or moving (see garbhāspandana-.)  |
āspandana | n. trembling, quivering  |
aspandanasthiti | f. fainting,  |
aśruvadana | mf(ā-)n. tear-faced,  |
asthidantamaya | mfn. made of bones or ivory  |
asurārdana | m. "harasser of A", a god,  |
asurasūdana | m. =  |
āsvādana | n. the act of eating, tasting, enjoying  |
āsvādanīya | mfn. pleasant,  |
aśvavadana | m. plural Name of a people,  |
asvedana | mfn. not perspiring (as feet)  |
āsyandana | n. flowing near  |
ātardana | n. See alam-āt-.  |
atidantura | (/ati--) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent |
atipādanicṛt | f. Name of a Vedic metre of three pāda-s (containing respectively six, eight and seven syllables). |
ātmanivedana | n. offering one's self to a deity  |
audanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. odana-), one who knows how to cook mashed grain gaRa saṃtāpādi-  |
audanvata | mfn. (fr. udanvat-), relating to the sea, marine  |
audanvata | m. a descendant of udanvat- on  |
audanya | m. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha-  |
audanyava | m. (fr. udanyu-) idem or 'm. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha- '  |
audanyāyani | m. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ])  |
audanyi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ]) ' gaRa pailādi- ]  |
avacchādana | n. covering, (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
avacchedana | n. cutting off  |
avacchedana | n. dividing  |
avacchedana | n. discriminating, distinguishing  |
avadanta | m. "not speaking", a baby  |
avāgvadana | mfn. having the face turned downwards  |
avakledakledana | n. trickling, descent of moisture  |
avakledakledana | n. fetid discharge  |
avakrandana | n. crying, weeping aloud  |
avamardana | mfn. crushing, oppressing, giving pain  |
avamardana | n. rubbing (as of hands and feet)  |
avamardana | n. oppression, giving pain  |
āvandana | n. ( vand-), salute  |
avasādana | n. oppressing, disheartening  |
avasādana | n. the state of being disheartened  |
avasādana | n. an escharotic, removing proud flesh by escharotic applications  |
avasādanā | f. humiliation, discouragement  |
avasādanāvineya | mfn. to be taught by discouragement,  |
avaskandana | n. idem or 'm. assault, attack, storm '  |
avaskandana | n. descending  |
avaskandana | n. bathing  |
avaskandana | n. (in law) accusation.  |
avaskandana | n. (also) attack, onset, rushing on (prati-),  |
avastātprapadana | mfn. (anything) attained from below (as heaven)  |
avasyandana | n. (gaRa gahādi- q.v)  |
avavadana | n. speaking ill of. on  |
avedana | n. not knowing  |
avedana | mfn. painless  |
āvedana | n. announcing, informing  |
āvedana | n. stating a complaint  |
āvedana | n. addressing or apprising respectfully.  |
āvedanīya | mfn. to be declared or reported or announced  |
aviraladantatā | f. the having teeth without gaps (one of the 32 signs of perfection), .  |
bahūdana | (hu-od-?) n. collection of various kinds of food (?)  |
bāhudantaka | n. (with śāstra-) Name of a treatise on morals abridged by indra- (see next) .  |
bāhudanteya | m. equals -dantin-  |
bahudantī | f. Name of a woman  |
bāhudantin | m. Name of indra- (see bahudantī-suta-)  |
bāhudantiputra | m. a son of indra- (Name of jaya-datta- author of a tantra-)  |
bahudantīsuta | m. "the son of bahu-dantī-", Name of an author (varia lectio valgndantī-sukha-).  |
bakaniṣūdana | m. "destroyer of baka-", Name of bhīma-sena-  |
bālandana | m. patronymic of vatsa-prī- (see bhālandana-)  |
balanisūdana | m. equals -nāśana-  |
balasūdana | mfn. destroying armies  |
balasūdana | m. "destroyer of bala-", Name of indra-  |
balavṛtraniṣadana | m. "destroyer of bala- and vṛtra-", Name of indra-  |
balinandana | m. "son of bali-", Name of the asura- bāṇa-  |
balisudana | wrong reading for bala-s-.  |
bhadanta | dāka-, dra- See under bhand- below.  |
bhadanta | m. ( ) a term of respect applied to a Buddhist, a Buddhist mendicant  |
bhadanta | m. varia lectio for bha-datta- q.v  |
bhadantadharmatrāta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaghoṣaka | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantagopadatta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantajñānavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadantarāma | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaśrīlābha | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
bhadantavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadradanta | m. Name of an elephant  |
bhadradantikā | f. a species of Croton  |
bhadraudanī | f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia  |
bhadravadana | m. "auspicious-faced", Name of bala-rāma-  |
bhagavedana | mfn. proclaiming connubial felicity (varia lectio for -daivata-).  |
bhagnadantanakha | mfn. having the teeth and claws broken  |
bhalandana | m. Name of a man (father of vatsa-prī- or vatsa-prīti-)  |
bhalandana | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- (bhanandana-, bhalanda-and dava-prob. wrong reading)  |
bhālandana | m. patronymic fr. bhalandana- gaRa śivādi-  |
bhālandana | m. Name of vatsa-prī-  |
bhālandanaka | mfn. (fr. bhalandana-) gaRa arīhaṇādi-.  |
bhanandana | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for bhalandana-).  |
bhandana | mf(ā-)n. shouting, yelling ( "gladdening"or"beautifying")  |
bhandanā | f. (also plural) acclamation, applause, praise  |
bhandanā | f. plural rain-making sun-rays  |
bhandanāya | (Nom.fr. prec.) , only pr. p. y/at-, to shout loudly, yell  |
bhandanīya | mfn. a word formed in , to explain bhadra- q.v  |
bhāṇḍavādana | n. playing on a musical instrument  |
bhāṇḍīravananandana | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhāsurānandanātha | m. Name of bhāskarācārya- after his initiation  |
bhaṭṭamadana | m. Name of authors  |
bhavadantya | mf(ā-)n. having bhavat- at the end  |
bhavadanya | mfn. other than you  |
bhavanandana | m. patronymic of skanda-  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedana | mf(ī-)n. ( ) destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavānīnandana | m. Name of a poet  |
bhaviṣyadanadyatana | m. not the same day in the future on  |
bhedana | mfn. breaking, cleaving, splitting, rending, piercing, dividing, separating etc.  |
bhedana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to flow, giving free course (to a river)  |
bhedana | mfn. causing pain in the joints or limbs  |
bhedana | mfn. loosening (the faeces), cathartic, purgative  |
bhedana | mfn. destroying, dissolving, relieving (see hṛdaya-granthi-bh-)  |
bhedana | m. a hog  |
bhedana | m. Rumex Vesicarius  |
bhedana | n. the act of breaking, cleaving etc. etc.  |
bhedana | n. bursting, parting asunder, breach, fracture  |
bhedana | n. the passing (through an asterism)  |
bhedana | n. disclosure, betrayal (of a secret)  |
bhedana | n. embroilment, disunion, discord  |
bhedana | n. discrimination  |
bhedana | n. a purgative  |
bhedana | n. Asa Foetida  |
bhedanīka | See ghaṭa-bho-.  |
bhedanīya | mfn. to be broken or split or cleft or divided ( bhedanīyatā -tā- f. )  |
bhedanīya | mfn. causing the secretion of bad humours  |
bhedanīyatā | f. bhedanīya |
bhoginandana | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhogīndranandana | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhojanācchādana | n. food and raiment  |
bhrājobhrādantya | (?) m. plural Name of a race  |
bhṛgunandana | m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus  |
bhṛgunandana | m. patronymic of śaunaka-  |
bhṛgunandana | m. of ruru-  |
bhṛgunandana | m. of paraśu-rāma-  |
bhṛśavedanā | f. violent pain  |
bhūnandana | m. Name of a king  |
bhūṣaṇācchādanāśana | n. plural (dainty) food, clothes and ornaments  |
bhūtodana | m. a dish of rice (eaten to counteract the influence of demons)  |
bodhicittotpādanaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
brahmacodana | mf(ī-)n. inciting or urging brahma- or brahmā- ( )  |
brahmādanī | f. a species of plant (equals haṃsa-padī-)  |
brahmasadana | n. the seat of the chief priest,  |
brahmasadana | n. equals -sadas-  |
brahmasadana | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
brahmaudana | m. boiled rice distributed to Brahmans and especially to the chief priest at a sacrifice  |
brāhmaudanika | m. (fr. brahmaudana-;with or scilicet agni-) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled  |
brahmāvādanagara | n. Name of a city  |
bṛhadanīka | (h/ad--) mfn. powerful-looking  |
bṛhaddantī | f. Name of a plant  |
cakaṭyodana | n. bad rice  |
cakradantī | f. Name of a plant  |
cakradantībīja | m. "having seeds resembling those of the plant cakra-danti-", Name of a plant  |
caladanta | m. a loose tooth  |
camasodbhedana | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage (spot of bursting forth of the river sarasvatī-)  |
candana | mn. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes;hence in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
candana | m. Name of a divine being  |
candana | m. of a prince  |
candana | m. equals naka-  |
candana | m. Name of an ape  |
candana | n. the grass bhadra-kālī-  |
candanā | f. a kind of creeper  |
candana | n. Name of a river (varia lectio for ndrā-)  |
cāndana | mf(ī-)n. consisting of sandal-wood (cand-)  |
candanabhānu | Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
candanācala | m. equals na-giri-  |
candanadāsa | m. Name of a man  |
candanadāsa | m. of a merchant  |
candanādri | m. idem or 'm. equals na-giri- '  |
candanagandha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
cāndanagandhika | mfn. (fr. candana-gandha-) smelling of sandal (not all manuscripts)  |
candanagaura | mfn. white as the moon,  |
candanagiri | m. "sandal-mountain", the Malaya  |
candanagopā | f. a kind of Ichnocarpus  |
candanāgrya | m. Name of a man  |
candanaka | m. Name of a man  |
candanamaya | mfn. made or consisting of sandal-wood, |
candanāmbhas | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
candanapaṅka | m. sandal-unguent  |
candanapāta | m. laying on of sandal-unguent  |
candanapura | n. Name of a town ,  |
candanapuṣpa | n. cloves  |
candanapuṣpaka | n. cloves  |
candanaputri | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanaputrikā | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanarasa | m. sandal-water  |
candanasāra | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, ' ' ,  |
candanasāra | m. a kind of alkali  |
candanasārivā | f. equals -gopā-  |
candanavanī | f. a sandal wood,  |
candanavāri | n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, '  |
candanāvatī | f. Name of a river (?),  |
candanāya | Nom. yate-, to become a sandal-tree  |
candanī | f. Name of a river (see ku--, pīta--, rakta--, śveta--, hari--.)  |
candanin | mfn. anointed with sandal (śiva-)  |
candanīyā | f. a kind of yellow pigment  |
candanodaka | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanodakadundubhi | m. Name of bhava-  |
candrapramardana | n. "moon-enemy", Name of a brother of rāhu-  |
candravadanā | f. a moon-faced woman  |
cāṇūramardana | m. " cāṇūra--conqueror", kṛṣṇa-  |
cāṇūrasūdana | m. idem or 'm. "cāṇūra--conqueror", kṛṣṇa- '  |
caraṇāskandana | n. treading down with the feet  |
cāruvadana | See cārv-ad-.  |
cārvadana | mfn. having beautiful teeth (? or for ru-vad- equals -mukha-).  |
cātakānandana | m. " cātaka-'s delight", the rainy season  |
caturdanta | mfn. "having 4 tusks", indra-'s elephant airāvata-  |
caturdanta | mfn. Name of an elephant  |
chadana | n. a cover, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
chadana | n. see mallikā--  |
chadana | n. a sheath  |
chadana | n. a wing  |
chadana | n. a leaf.  |
chadana | n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia  |
chādana | m. "coverer", Barleria caerulea  |
chādana | m. the skin  |
chādana | m. covering, cover  |
chādana | m. concealing  |
chādana | m. darkening  |
chādana | m. (in dramatic language) ignoring or tolerating offences if useful for one's aims  |
chādana | m. a leaf  |
chandana | mfn. charming  |
chandana | 1. & 2.  |
chardana | mfn. causing vomition  |
chardana | m. Vangueria spinosa  |
chardana | m. equals di-ghna-  |
chardana | m. equals alambuṣā-  |
chardana | n. vomition  |
chardana | n. retching  |
chardanīya | mfn. to be caused to vomit  |
chedana | mfn. cutting asunder, splitting  |
chedana | mfn. destroying, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'),  |
chedana | n. an instrument for cutting  |
chedana | n. section, part  |
chedana | n. (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') cutting, removal (of doubts, saṃśaya--)  |
chedana | n. a medicine for removing the humors of the body  |
chedanīya | mfn. to be cut up or divided  |
chedanīya | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
citrāṅgasadana | m. " citrāṅga- -killer", arjuna-  |
citraudana | mn. trānna-  |
cittaprasādana | n. gladdening of mind  |
cittavedanā | f. equals -kheda-  |
codana | mfn. impelling (see ṛṣi--, eka--, kīri--, brahma--, radhra-c/od-)  |
codana | fn. impelling, invitation, direction, rule, precept  |
codanā | f. reproof (as in pāli-)  |
codanāguḍa | m. a ball to play with  |
codanī | f. Name of a plant (varia lectio for rodanī-)  |
cūḍādanta | m. a piece of wood projecting from a wall  |
dadana | n. giving  |
dadhyodana | m. ( ) boiled rice mixed with d/adhi-  |
daityadānavamardana | m. "crusher of daitya-s and dānava-s", Name of indra-  |
daityanirūdana | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
daityaniṣūdana | m. "id", Name of indra-  |
daivakīnandana | m. Name of an author  |
daivakīnandana | m. varia lectio for devakī-n-  |
daṃśavadana | m. "sharp-beaked", a heron  |
daṇḍacchadana | n. a room for utensils  |
dāśaudanika | mf(ī-)n.  |
dāśaudanika | m. (scilicet yajña-) Name of a particular sacrificial rite  |
dāśaudanikī | f. the priest's fee at it  |
daśavadana | m. equals -kaṇṭha-  |
devadantin | m. Name of śiva- (?)  |
devakīnandana | (or kin-) m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
devamādana | mfn. gladdening or inspiring the gods (soma-)  |
devāribalasūdana | m. "destroyer of the army of the asura-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
devasadana | mfn. serving as a seat for the gods  |
dharmanandana | m. " dharma-'s joy or son", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira-  |
dharmanandana | m. plural the sons of pāṇḍu- (see -ja-, -janman-etc.)  |
dhautadanta | mfn. having clean teeth  |
dhenukasūdana | m. equals -dhvaṃsin-  |
dhvāṅkṣādanī | f. Capparis Sepiaria  |
dhvāṅkṣadantī | f. Capparis Sepiaria  |
digdantin | m. equals dik-karin-  |
dikṣitāvedana | n. equals ta-vāda-  |
dīnākrandanastotra | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
dīnavadana | mfn. equals -mukha-  |
dīrghadanta | mf(ī-)n. "long-toothed"  |
ditinandana | m. equals -ja-  |
droṇodana | m. Name of a son of siṃha-hanu- and uncle of buddha-  |
durāpādana | mfn. difficult to be brought about  |
duṣkarmasūdana | mf(ī-)n. destroying criminals  |
duṣprapadana | mfn. difficult to be attained or entered on  |
duṣprasādana | ( ) mfn. difficult to be propitiated.  |
dvidanta | mfn. equals -dat-  |
dvidanta | m. elephant  |
dyudantin | m. heavenly elephant (see dik-karin-)  |
dyūtasadana | n. ( ) a gambling -house  |
ekacodana | n. a rule concerning one act only  |
ekacodana | mfn. having one and the same rule  |
ekadanta | m. "one-toothed", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
etadanta | mfn. terminating with this, ending thus  |
gadana | n. telling, relating  |
gadanigraha | m. Name of work  |
gādhinandana | m. equals -ja-  |
gajādana | varia lectio for jāśana-.  |
gajadanta | m. an elephant's tusk, ivory  |
gajadanta | m. a pin projecting from a wall  |
gajadanta | m. Name of gaṇeśa- (who is represented with an elephant's head)  |
gajadanta | m. a particular position of the hands  |
gajadantamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory  |
gajadantaphalā | f. a kind of pumpkin  |
gajavadana | m. equals -mukha-  |
galitadanta | mfn. having the teeth decayed, toothless  |
galitanakhadanta | mfn. one who has lost his claws and teeth  |
gandhamadana | metrically for gandh/a-mādana- q.v  |
gandhamādana | m. "intoxicating with fragrance" equals -modana-  |
gandhamādana | m. "delighting in fragrances", a large black bee  |
gandhamādana | m. Name of a mountain (forming the division between ilāvṛta- and bhadrāśva-, to the east of meru-, renowned for its fragrant forests) etc. (once gandh/a-madana- )  |
gandhamādana | m. Name of rāvaṇa-  |
gandhamādana | m. of a monkey (attendant of rāma-)  |
gandhamādana | m.  |
gandhamādana | m.  |
gandhamādana | n. the forest on the mountain gandha-mādana-  |
gandhamādanavarṣa | m. n. the division of jambū-dvīpa- formed by the mountain gandha-mādana-  |
gandhamādanī | f. equals dhottamā-  |
gandhamādanī | f. a parasitical plant  |
gandhamādanī | f. a kind of perfume  |
gandhamodana | m. (equals gandh/a-mādana-) sulphur  |
garbhāspandana | n. non-quickening of the foetus |
garbhavedana | n. a mantra- producing impregnation  |
garbhavedanā | f. equals -kleśa-  |
gātrotsādana | n. cleaning the person with perfumes  |
gauḍābhinandana | m. Name of a poet  |
gaudanteya | m. patronymic fr. go-danta- gaRa śubhrādi- (not in , but in ) .  |
gautaminandana | m. (metrically for mī-n-) metron. of aśvatthāman-  |
gavādana | n. "cattle-food", pasture or meadow grass  |
gavādanī | f. (gaRa gaurādi-) a trough for holding grass to feed cattle  |
gavādanī | f. a species of cucumber (Cucumis coloquintida)  |
gavādanī | f. Clitoria Ternatea  |
ghaṭabhedanaka | an instrument used in making pots  |
ghoṇāntabhedana | m. "having a snout that is divided at the end", a hog  |
ghṛtaudana | n. ( ) rice sprinkled with ghee  |
gītavādana | n. sg. singing and music  |
gobalīvardanyāyena | instrumental case ind. after the manner of"a bull of cattle", an expression to denote when a pleonasm is allowed on Introd.  |
gocandana | n. (equals -śīrṣa-) a kind of sandal-wood  |
gocandanā | f. a sort of venomous leech  |
godanta | m. a cow's tooth  |
godanta | m. yellow orpiment |
godanta | m. a white mineral substance (apparently an earthy salt)  |
godanta | mfn. having cow's teeth  |
godanta | mfn. armed, armed with a coat of mail  |
godanta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
godanta | m. of a dānava-  |
godantamaṇi | m. a particular precious stone  |
gopadanta | m. Name of an author  |
gopīcandana | n. a species of white clay (said to be brought from dvārakā- and used by viṣṇu-'s worshippers for marking the face pp. 67 and 400;"a kind of sandal-wood" )  |
gopīcandanopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
goprapadanīya | n. Va1rtt. 1  |
gośīrṣacandana | n. idem or 'n. camphor '  |
govandanī | f. the priyaṃgu- plant  |
govandanī | f. the plant gandha-vallī-  |
govindanātha | m. Name of one of śaṃkara-'s teachers  |
govindanāyaka | m. Name of a sage  |
grahamardana | n. idem or 'm. (friction id est) opposition between certain planets.'  |
grahāvamardana | n. equals ha-marda-  |
grāsācchādana | n. sg. food and clothing, bare subsistence  |
grāsāchādana | n. food and raiment,  |
gṛhapativadana | n. a particular religious recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
gṛhaprapadana | n. (solemn) entrance into a house,  |
gucchadantikā | f. Musa sapientum  |
gudaniḥsaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. prolapsus ani, 14, 74.'  |
gudanirgama | m. prolapsus ani, 14, 74.  |
guḍaudana | n. boiled rice and coarse sugar  |
gudavadana | n. the anus  |
gudavadanā | f. Name of a goddess  |
guḍodana | equals guḍaud-, .  |
guruprasādanīya | mfn. fit for propitiating one's Guru  |
hadana | n. evacuation of excrement or ordure  |
haricandana | m. n. a sort of sandal tree  |
haricandana | m. yellow sandal etc. (in this sense prob. only n.), one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being pārijāta-, mandāra-, saṃtāna-, and kalpa-)  |
haricandana | n. the pollen or filament of a lotus  |
haricandana | n. saffron  |
haricandana | n. moonlight  |
haricandana | n. the person of a lover or mistress  |
haricandanāspada | n. a place where yellow sandal grows  |
hariddantāvala | m.  |
harinandana | m. Name of various authors  |
harivandana | n. Name of work  |
hastacchedana | m. the amputation of a hand  |
hastidanta | m. the tusk of an elephants (See hāstidanta-)  |
hastidanta | m. a pin or peg projecting from a wall  |
hastidanta | mn. a radish  |
hastidanta | n. ivory  |
hāstidanta | mfn. (fr. hasti-d-) consisting or made of ivory  |
hastidantaka | mn. a radish  |
hastidantaphalā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
hastidantavastramaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory or cloth  |
hastidantī | f. a radish  |
hastidantī | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
hastiniṣadana | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
havyasūdana | ( ) mfn. preparing or providing the oblation.  |
hemadantā | f. "golden-toothed", an apsaras-  |
hiḍimbanisūdana | m. "destroyer of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
hiraṇyadanta | mfn. equals -dat-  |
hlādana | mfn. idem or 'f. rich in refreshments or enjoyments '  |
hlādana | n. refreshing, refreshment  |
hlādanīya | mfn. fit for refreshment  |
hotṛṣadana | (for -sad-) n. the hotṛ-'s seat or place where the hotṛ- sits at a sacrifice (said to be near the uttara-vedi-)  |
hṛṣṭavadana | mfn. merry-faced, having a cheerful countenance  |
ibhadantā | f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum  |
indracandana | n. equals hari-candana-  |
indramādana | mfn. animating or delighting indra-  |
indunandana | m. Name of the planet Mercury.  |
induvadana | mf(ā-)n. moon-faced  |
induvadanā | f. a metre of four verses (each of which contains fourteen syllables).  |
īṣādanta | mfn. having tusks as long as a pole  |
īṣādanta | m. an elephant with a large tusk  |
jagadanta | m. the end of the world  |
jagadantaka | m. "world-destroyer", death ( jagadantakāntaka kāntaka- mfn.destroying death) .  |
jagadantakāntaka | mfn. jagadantaka |
jagadantarātman | m. "innermost soul of the universe", viṣṇu-  |
janārdana | m. (gaRa nandy-ādi-) "exciting or agitating men", viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
janārdana | m. Name of several men  |
janārdana | m. of a locality,  |
jānārdana | m. patronymic fr. jan-, pradyumna-  |
janārdanavibudha | m. Name of a scholiast (author of bhāvārtha-dīpikā-).  |
jātadanta | mfn. (gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) having teeth growing (a child)  |
jihvāchedana | n. cutting off of the tongue  |
jñātanandana | m. "son of the jñāta- family", mahā-vīra-  |
jñaudanīya | Nom. P. (Desiderative jujñ yiskati-) to wish for the rice of jñā- Va1rtt. 9  |
juhoticodana | mfn. impelled by the word juhoti-,  |
kadana | n. destruction, killing, slaughter  |
kadanapriya | mfn. loving slaughter  |
kadanapura | n. Name of a town  |
kadanna | n. bad food or little food  |
kadanna | mfn. eating bad food  |
kadannatā | f. the state of bad food  |
kaiṭabhārdana | m. equals bha-jit-  |
kākādanī | f. idem or 'f. the gourd Cucumis colocynthis (varia lectio for the next) .' gaRa gaurādi-  |
kākādanī | f. a white variety of the Abrus precatorius  |
kākādanī | f. the plant Capparis sepiaria.  |
kākadanta | m. "crow's tooth", anything impossible or not existing, chimera (see śaśa-viṣāṇa-) etc.  |
kākadantaki | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-.  |
kākadantakīya | m. a prince of the kāka-dantaki-s  |
kākadantavicāra | m. a discussion about nothing commentator or commentary on  |
kākadanti | m. idem or 'm. a prince of the kāka-dantaki-s '  |
kākadantīya | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a prince of the kāka-dantaki-s ' '  |
kāladantaka | m. Name of a nāga- (a son of vāsuki-)  |
kalamaudana | n. boiled rice, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kalandana | m. Name of a man.  |
kālavadana | m. "black-faced", Name of a daitya-  |
kālavadana | m. (varia lectio śāla-v- )  |
kalindanandinī | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. Name (also title or epithet) of the river yamunā-, ' '  |
kālindībhedana | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
kālīyamardana | m. idem or 'm. equals kāliya-jit- '  |
kāmadantikā | f. varia lectio for -dattikā-  |
kamalānandana | n. " kamalā-'s joy", Name of miśra-dinakara-.  |
kamalavadana | mf(ā-)n. lotus-faced  |
kāmamardana | m. "destroyer of the god of love", Name of śiva-  |
kaṃjavadana | n. a lotus-face (see vadanakaṃja-.)  |
kaṃsakeśīniṣūdana | m. the destroyer or conqueror of kaṃsa- and keśin-, Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
kaṃsamardana | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
kaṃsaniṣūdana | m. idem or 'm. Name of kṛṣṇa- '  |
kaṅkavadana | n. "heron's mouth", a pair of tongs  |
kāṇṭakamardanika | mfn. (from kaṇṭakamardana-) effected by or resulting from the treading down or crushing of thorns or enemies gaRa akṣa-dyūtādi-.  |
kaṇṭakapraticchedana | m. a two-edged battle-axe,  |
karabhādanī | f. a species of Alhagi (equals -priyā-above) .  |
karālavadana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a terrible mouth '  |
karālavadanā | f. Name of durgā-.  |
kardana | n. rumbling of the bowels, borborygm  |
kardana | m. Name of a prince  |
kardanī | f. equals kūrdanī- q.v  |
karidanta | m. an elephant's tusk  |
karidanta | m. ivory  |
karmacodanā | f. the motive impelling to ritual acts  |
kāsamardana | m. Trichosanthes dioeca  |
kaṣāyadanta | m. "having red teeth", a kind of mouse  |
kaśyapanandana | m. "son of kaśyapa-", Name of garuḍa- (bird of viṣṇu-)  |
kāśyapanandana | m. plural "the children of kaśyapa-", Name of the gods  |
kauṇapadanta | m. Name of bhīṣma- (uncle of the pāṇḍu-s)  |
kaupīnācchādana | n. a cloth for covering the pudenda,  |
kausalyānandana | m. "son of kausalyā-", rāma-  |
kelisadana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
keśamardana | n. cleaning the hair (varia lectio -mārjana-,one of the 64 kalās-) commentator or commentary on  |
keśiniṣūdana | m. "slayer of the asura- keśin-", kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio -nisūdana-).  |
keśisūdana | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "slayer of the asura- keśin-", kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio -nisūdana-).' '  |
khadana | n. juice |
khadana | firmness, solidity,  |
khādana | m. a tooth  |
khādana | n. chewing, eating  |
khādana | n. food, victuals  |
khādanā | f. Name of a wife of king megha-vāhana-  |
khādanīya | mfn. eatable, edible  |
khedana | mfn. piercing  |
khedana | n. lassitude, exhaustion,  |
khedana | n. pain, sorrow, affliction  |
kīcakaniṣūdana | m. idem or 'm. "conquering kīcaka-", bhīma-sena- '  |
kīcakasūdana | m. equals -jit-  |
kiṃvadanta | m. Name of an imp (inimical to children)  |
kiṃvadantī | f. ( )"what do they say?" the common saying or rumour, report, tradition, tale  |
kiṃvadanti | f. equals -vadantī- before  |
kīricodana | mfn. exciting the praiser  |
kirmīraniṣūdanabhid | m. equals -jit-  |
kirmīrasūdana | m. idem or 'm. equals -jit- '  |
kiṭivaravadanā | f. Name of a deity  |
klāntavadana | mfn. having a weary face.  |
kledan | m. the moon  |
kledana | mfn. making wet, moistening  |
kledana | m. phlegm, phlegmatic or watery humor (see kapha-)  |
kledana | m. a species of phlegm  |
kledana | n. wetting, moistening  |
kledana | n. oozing, trickling  |
kledanabhāva | m. the being moistened or wet  |
krandana | m. "crier", a cat  |
krandana | n. crying out, calling  |
krandana | n. mutual daring or defiance, challenging  |
krandana | n. lamenting, weeping  |
krandanadhvani | m. cry of grief, lamentation  |
krandanu | m. roaring, shaking  |
krauñcādana | n. "curlew's food", the fibres of the stalk of the lotus  |
krauñcādana | n. the plant Arum orixense  |
krauñcādana | n. long pepper  |
krauñcādana | n. another plant (equals ciñcoṭaka-)  |
krauñcādanī | f. the seed of a lotus  |
krauñcaniṣadana | n. a particular kind of being seated (practised by yogin-s)  |
krauñcaniṣūdana | m. equals -dāraṇa- (edition Bomb.)  |
krauñcasūdana | m. idem or 'm. equals -ripu- '  |
kṛdanta | m. a word ending with a kṛt- affix (such a word would be called by simply kṛt-).  |
kṛdanta | See 1. kṛt-, p.301.  |
kṛmidantaka | m. toothache with decay of the teeth  |
krodhodana | m. varia lectio for śuddhod- (q.v)  |
kṛṣṇadanta | mfn. having black teeth  |
kṛṣṇadantā | f. the tree Gmelina arborea  |
kṛṣṇanandana | m. equals -ja-  |
kṛtanandana | m. Name of a prince  |
kṛtāskandana | mfn. one who has made an attack, assailing, attacking  |
kṛtāskandana | mfn. effacing from recollection (?)  |
krūradantī | f. "having bloody or cruel teeth", Name of durgā-  |
kṣadana | n. carving, dividing  |
kṣatriyamardana | mfn. destroying the kṣatriya-s  |
kṣatriyamardana | mfn. (sarva-kṣ-)  |
kṣīraudana | m. ( ) rice boiled with milk  |
kṣīraudana | m.  |
kṣīraudana | m. (r/audana-)  |
kṣīrodanandana | m. (equals kṣīrābdhi-ja-) the moon  |
kṣīrodanvat | m. idem or 'm. equals radhi- '  |
kṣitinandana | m. (equals -ja-) Name of the planet Mars.  |
kṣudracandana | n. red sandal-wood  |
kucandana | n. red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus)  |
kucandana | n. sappan or log-wood (Caesalpina Sappan see pattrāṅga-)  |
kucandana | n. a leguminous plant (Adenanthera pavonina)  |
kucandana | n. saffron  |
kuḍmaladantī | f. Name of a metre (equals anukūlā-).  |
kuḍmalāgradanta | mfn. one whose teeth look like buds  |
kukkuṭamardana | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. Name of a plant (with fragrant leaves) ' '  |
kukundanī | f. the plant Cardiospermum halicacabum  |
kulanandana | mf(ā-) a boy or girl causing joy or doing honour to a family  |
kumudanātha | m. "lord of the lotuses", the moon  |
kundasamadanta | mfn. one whose teeth are like the jasmine.  |
kuntinandana | for kuntī-n- q.v  |
kuntīnandana | m. either of the three elder pāṇḍava- princes.  |
kūpadanḍa | m. a mast,  |
kūrdana | n. leaping. commentator or commentary on  |
kūrdana | n. playing, sport  |
kūrdanā | f. the day of full moon in the month caitra- (a festival day in honour of kāma-deva- or the god of love)  |
kūrdanī | f. idem or 'f. the day of full moon in the month caitra- (a festival day in honour of kāma-deva- or the god of love) '  |
kurunandana | m. a descendant of kuru- (as arjuna-, yudhiṣṭhira-, etc.)  |
kuṣṭhanodana | m. "curing leprosy", the red khadira- tree  |
kuṣṭhasūdana | m. "subduing leprosy", the Cassia tree (Cassia or Cathartocarpus Fistula)  |
kusumadanta | m. (equals puṣpa-d-), Name of a mystical being  |
kūṭadanta | mfn. having prominent teeth,  |
ladanī | f. Name of a female poet  |
laghudantī | f. a kind of Croton  |
lākṣāprasādana | n. the red Lodh tree (an astringent infusion prepared from its bark is used to fix colour in dyeing)  |
lakṣmījanārdana | n. sg. lakṣmī- and janārdana-  |
lambadantā | f. a kind of pepper  |
leṣṭubhedana | m. a clod-breaker, a harrow or other agricultural implement used for breaking clods  |
līlāsampādanakrama | m. Name of work  |
lohitacandana | n. saffron  |
loṣṭabhedana | mn. equals -ghna-  |
madana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) passion, love or the god of love etc.  |
madana | m. a kind of embrace  |
madana | m. the season of spring  |
madana | m. a bee  |
madana | m. (?) bees-wax (See paṭṭikā-)  |
madana | m. Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madana | m. a thorn-apple and various other plants (exempli gratia, 'for example' Phaseolus Radiatus, Acacia Catechu etc.)  |
madana | m. a bird  |
madana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
madana | m. (in astrology) Name of the 7th mansion  |
madana | m. Name of various men and authors (also with ācārya-, bhaṭṭa-, sarasvatī-etc.; see below)  |
madanā | f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor  |
madana | n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating  |
madana | n. (scilicet astra-), Name of a mythical weapon (varia lectio mādana-)  |
madana | n. bees-wax  |
madana | mfn. equals mandr/a-  |
mādana | mfn. exhilarating, delighting  |
mādana | mfn. maddening. intoxicating  |
mādana | m. the god of love  |
mādana | m. Vanguiera Spinosa  |
mādana | m. the thorn-apple  |
mādana | n. intoxication, exhilaration  |
mādana | n. "stupefier", Name of a mythical weapon. (varia lectio madana-).  |
madanabādhā | f. the pain or disquietude of love  |
madanabhavana | n. "abode of love or matrimony", (in astrology) a particular station or state of the heavenly bodies  |
madanābhirāma | m. Name of a prince  |
madanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of a play.  |
madanācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
madanacaturdaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 14th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanadahana | m. " kāma-deva-'s burner or consumer", Name of śiva-rudra- (and so of the number eleven)  |
madanadamana | m. " kāma-deva-'s subduer", Name of śiva-  |
madanadaṃṣṭrā | f. Name of a princess  |
madanadhvajā | f. the 15th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanāditya | m. Name of a man  |
madanadvādaśī | f. the 12th day of the light half of the month caitra- (sacred to, kāma-deva-)  |
madanadviṣ | m. "enemy of kāma-deva-", Name of śiva-  |
madanagopāla | m. "herdsman of love", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
madanagopāla | m. Name of the preceptor of vaikuṇṭha-purī-  |
madanagopālavādaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
madanagopālavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
madanāgraka | m. Paspalum Scrobiculatum  |
madanagṛha | n. Name of a particular Prakrit metre  |
madanaharā | f. (Prakrit for -gṛha-) Name of a metre  |
madanaka | m. Artemisia Indica (prob. wrong reading for damanaka-)  |
madanaka | m. the thorn-apple  |
madanaka | n. bees-wax  |
madanakākurava | m. a pigeon  |
madanakalaha | m. a love-quarrel  |
madanakaṇṭaka | m. erection of hair caused by a thrill of love  |
madanakaṇṭaka | m. Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanakīrti | m. Name of a poet  |
madanakliṣṭa | mfn. pained by love  |
madanalalita | mf(ā-)n. amorously sporting or dallying |
madanalalitā | f. a kind of metre |
madanalekha | m. a love-letter  |
madanalekhā | f. idem or 'm. a love-letter '  |
madanalekhā | f. Name of a daughter of pratipa-mukha- (king of vārāṇasī-), kath-.  |
madanalekhā | f. of another woman  |
madanamaha | m. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva-  |
madanamahārṇava | m. Name of 2 works.  |
madanamahotsava | m. idem or 'm. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva- '  |
madanamālā | ( ) f. Name of two women.  |
madanamālinī | ( ) f. Name of two women.  |
madanamañcukā | f. Name of a daughter of madana-vega- and kaliṅga-senā- (the 6th lambaka- in the is called after her)  |
madanamañjarī | f. Name of a daughter of the yakṣa- prince dundubhi-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a surāṅganā-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of other women  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a sārikā-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a drama  |
madanamanohara | m. Name of an author (son of madhu-sūdana- paṇḍita-rāja-)  |
madanamaya | mf(ī-)n. entirely under the influence of the god of love  |
madanamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
madanamodaka | m. a particular medicinal powder  |
madanamohana | m. "the infatuater of the god of love", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
madanamohanī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
madanamukhacapeṭā | f. Name of work  |
madananālikā | f. a faithless wife  |
madanāndhamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
madanāṅkuśa | m. the penis  |
madanāṅkuśa | m. a finger-nail  |
madananṛpa | m. Name of an author (equals -pāla-).  |
madanāntaka | m. " kāma-deva-'s destroyer", Name of śiva-  |
madanapakṣin | m. a kind of bird (equals sārikā-)  |
madanapāla | m. Name of a king (patron of viśveśvara- etc. and supposed author of various works.)  |
madanapālavinodanighaṇṭu | m. equals madana-viloda- q.v  |
madanaparājaya | m. Name of work  |
madanapārijāta | m. Name of a compendium of rules of morality and ritual composed by viśveśvara- (See next) .  |
madanapāthaka | m. "announcer of love or the spring", the Indian cuckoo  |
madanapaṭṭikā | f. (prob.) a wax-tablet  |
madanaphala | n. the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanapīḍā | f. equals -bādhā-  |
madanaprabha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
madanaprabhā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
madanapura | n. Name of a town,  |
madanarāja | m. Name of a man  |
madanaratna | n. Name of work  |
madanaratnanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
madanaratnapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
madanarekhā | f. Name of the supposed mother of vikramāditya-  |
madanarekhā | f. of a divine female  |
madanāri | m. equals na-dviṣ-,  |
madanaripu | m. equals -dviṣ-  |
madanārṇava | m. "love-dwelling", pudendum muliebre  |
madanārṇava | m. a lotus  |
madanārṇava | m. a sovereign, prince  |
madanārṇava | m. equals na-bhavana-  |
madanaśalākā | f. Turdus Salica (equals sārikā-)  |
madanaśalākā | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo  |
madanaśalākā | f. an aphrodisiac  |
madanasaṃdesa | m. a message of love  |
madanasaṃpīḍā | n. Name of a drama  |
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. Name of a divine female  |
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. of a treatise on erotics  |
madanasārikā | f. Turdus Salica  |
madanāśaya | m. sexual desire  |
madanasenā | f. Name of various women  |
madanaśikhipīḍā | f. the pain of the fire of love  |
madanasiṃha | m. Name of various authors  |
madanasundarī | f. Name of various women  |
madanatantra | n. the science of sexual love  |
madanātapatra | n. the vulva  |
madanatrayodaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 13th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanatṛṣṇā | f. "love-thirst", Name of a dancing girl  |
madanātura | mfn. love-sick  |
madanavahniśikhāvalī | f. the flame of the fire of love,  |
madanavaśa | mfn. influenced by love, enamoured  |
madanāvastha | mfn. being in a state of love, enamoured  |
madanāvasthā | f. the being in love  |
madanavatī | f. Name of a town  |
madanavega | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
madanaviklava | mfn. bewildered by passion,  |
madanavinoda | m. Name of medical vocabulary (written in 1375 and attributed to madana-pāla- q.v)  |
madanāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the god of love  |
madanayaṣṭiketu | m. a kind of lag  |
madanāyudha | n. pudendum muliebre  |
madanāyuṣa | m. a species of shrub  |
madanecchāphala | n. a species of mango  |
madanī | f. idem or 'f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor '  |
madanī | f. musk  |
madanī | f. Name of a plant (equals atimukta-)  |
madanī | f. the civet-cat  |
mādanī | f. Name of two plants (equals mākandī-and vijayā-)  |
madanikā | f. Name of a woman  |
madanīya | mfn. intoxicating  |
madanīya | mfn. exciting passion or love  |
mādanīya | mfn. intoxicating, inebriating  |
mādanīya | n. an intoxicating drink  |
madanodaya | m. "rising of love", Name of work  |
madanodyānāna | n. "love's garden", Name of a garden  |
madanotsaya | m. kāma--deva's festival (equals na-maha-) the holy or vernal festival (see )  |
madanotsaya | m. a particular game  |
madanotsayā | f. a courtezan of svarga-  |
madanotsuka | mfn. pining or languid with love  |
madantī | f. idem or 'f. (in music) a particular śruti- '  |
madantī | f. plural (with or scilicet āpas-) bubbling or boiling water  |
madantikā | f. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
mādhavanandana | m. Name of an author  |
madhukaiṭasasūdana | m. Name of viṣṇu- (wrong reading for -kaiṭabha-s-).  |
madhuniṣūdana | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-.  |
madhusūdana | m. "destroyer of honey", a bee  |
madhusūdana | m. "destroyer of the demon madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- etc.  |
madhusūdana | m. Name of various scholars  |
madhusūdanaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
madhusūdanāyatana | n. a temple of viṣṇu-  |
madhusūdanī | f. Beta Bengalensis  |
madhusūdanī | f. Name of various authors (also with guru-, go-svāmin-, ṭhakkura-, dīkṣita-, dujanti-, paṇḍita-and ta-rāja-, vācas-pati-sarasvatī-)  |
madhvamukhamardana | n. Name of work  |
madhyadanta | m. a front tooth  |
mādrinandana | m. metron. of saha-deva- and nakula-  |
mahādanta | m. the tusk of an elephant  |
mahādanta | mfn. having large teeth or tusks (said of śiva-)  |
mahādanta | m. an elephant with long tusks  |
mahāpuruṣadantā | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
mahāpuruṣadantikā | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
mahāsahasrapramardana | n. Name of a sūtra-  |
mahāsahasrapramardanī | f. Name of one of the 5 great tutelary goddesses  |
mahaudanī | f. Asparagus Racemosus  |
mahiṣārdana | m. "tormenter of mahiṣa-", Name of skanda-  |
mahiṣasūdanī | f. equals -ghātinī-  |
mahiṣāsurasūdanī | f.( )  |
maindamardana | m. "slayer of mainda-", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
mālākuṭadantī | f. Name of a rākṣasī-  |
mallikāchadana | n. a lamp-shade  |
māṃsabhūtodana | n. boiled rice mixed with meat  |
māṃsapiṇḍagṛhitavadana | mfn. carrying a lump of flesh in the mouth  |
māṃsaudana | m. meat and boiled rice  |
māṃsaudanapiṇḍa | m. a ball of meat and boiled rice  |
māṃsaudanika | mf(ī-)n. gaRa guḍādi-.  |
māṃsodana | m. equals māṃsaudana-  |
manaḥśilācandanadhāvana | n. a fluid prepared from red arsenic and sandal  |
mandana | mf(ā-)n. gay, cheerful  |
mandana | mf(ā-)n. equals mandra-  |
mandana | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya- (also -miśra-). (see maṇḍana-)  |
mandana | n. (with a sect of pāśupata-s) Name of a particular limping gait  |
mandana | n. praise, eulogium  |
mandana | mandayu- etc. See .  |
mandanāga | m. (prob. wrong reading for malla-nāga-) = vātsyāyana-  |
mandavedana | mfn. causing little pain ( mandavedanatā -tā- f.)  |
mandavedanatā | f. mandavedana |
maṇipūravibhedana | n. Name of a jewel  |
maṇiradana | mfn. pearl-toothed  |
mardana | mf(ī-)n. crushing, grinding, rubbing, bruising, paining, tormenting, ruining, destroying etc. (see candrārka--, samara--and samiti-m-)  |
mardana | mf(ī-)n. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
mardana | n. the act of crushing or grinding or destroying  |
mardana | n. rubbing, anointing etc. ( mardanaśālā -śālā- f. ), cleaning or combing (the hair;See keśa-m-)  |
mardana | n. friction id est opposition (of planets;See graha-m-).  |
mardanaśālā | f. mardana |
mardanī | f. a cover for the feet  |
mardanīya | mfn. to be crushed or trodden down  |
mardanīya | mfn. to be rubbed or touched  |
mārgavinodana | n. entertainment on a journey  |
markaṭadanta | mf(ā-or ī-)n. monkey-toothed  |
marmabhedana | m. "piercer of the vitals", an arrow  |
marunandana | m. Name of a prince  |
matabhedana | n. Name of work  |
mātṛnandana | m. "mother's joy", Name of kārttikeya-  |
matsyādanī | f. Commelina Salicifolia  |
mattadantin | m. a furious or ruttish elephant  |
maudaneyaka | mfn. gaRa kattry-ādi-.  |
maudanika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (fr. modana-) gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
medana | n. the act of fattening  |
medinīnandana | m. equals -ja-  |
mitranandana | mfn. gladdening one's friends  |
modana | mfn. (fr. Causal) gladdening, delighting, gratifying (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
modana | n. the act of gladdening etc.  |
modana | n. wax (equals ucchiṣṭa-m-)  |
modanātha | m. Name of an author  |
modanī | f. musk  |
modanīya | mfn. to be rejoiced at, delightful  |
mṛgādana | m. "animal-devourer", a hyena  |
mṛgādana | m. a hunting leopard  |
mṛgādanasahadevī | f.  |
mṛgādanī | f. coloquintida  |
mṛgādanī | f. Sida Rhombifolia  |
mṛtanandana | m. a kind of hall with 58 pillars  |
mudgaudana | m. a soup made of beans and rice  |
muktitrayabhedanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
muramardana | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
mūṣikādanta | mfn. "mouse-toothed", having the teeth of a mouse  |
nabhaḥprabhedana | m. Name of a descendant of virūpa- and author of  |
nābhicchedana | n. equals -kṛntana-  |
nadana | mfn. sounding  |
nadanadī | (in compound) the male and female rivers  |
nadanadībhartṛ | m. "id.", the ocean  |
nadanadīpati | m. "lord of male and female rivers", Name of the sindhu-  |
nadanadīpati | m. of the ocean  |
nadaniman | mfn. humming, murmuring  |
nadanu | m. noise, din  |
nadanu | m. the sound of approbation  |
nadanu | m. war, battle  |
nadanu | m. a cloud (nad/anu-)  |
nadanu | m. a lion  |
nadanu | m. a cloud,  |
nadanumat | mfn. roaring, thundering  |
nāgadanta | m. elephant's tusk or ivory  |
nāgadanta | m. a peg in the wall to hang things upon  |
nāgadantā | f. Name of an apsaras- (varia lectio -dattā-)  |
nāgadantaka | m. equals -danta- m.  |
nāgadantaka | n. a particular posture in yoga-,  |
nāgadantamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory  |
nāgadantī | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
nāgadantī | f. Heliotropium Indicum  |
nāgadantikā | f. Tragia Involucrata  |
naiṣadhānandanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
nakhacchedana | n. ( ) nail-cutting.  |
nakhavādana | ( ) ( ) n. "nail-music", noise made with the finger-nails.  |
nakṣatrapatinandana | m. the planet Mercury  |
nalinīnandana | n. Name of a garden of kubera-  |
namucisūdana | m. "destroyer of namuci-" idem or '( ) m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-.'  |
namucisūdanasārathi | m. indra-'s charioteer mātali-  |
nandana | mf(ā-)n. (the initial n-is not changeable to ṇ- gaRa kṣubhnādi-) rejoicing, gladdening (see daka-)  |
nandana | m. a son etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also naka- )  |
nandana | m. a frog (see daka-)  |
nandana | m. a kind of poisonous plant, (also f. Scholiast or Commentator)  |
nandana | m. a particular form of temple  |
nandana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
nandana | m. Name of viṣṇu- or śiva-  |
nandana | m. of an attendant of skanda-  |
nandana | m. of a siddha-  |
nandana | m. of a deity (varia lectio nanda-)  |
nandana | m. (with jaina-s) of the 7th of the 9 white bala-s  |
nandana | m. of a mountain  |
nandana | m. of several authors (also -bhaṭṭācārya-and -miśra-)  |
nandana | m. of the 26th year in a Jupiter cycle of 60 years  |
nandanā | f. daughter (see kula--)  |
nandana | n. gladdening or gladness a divine garden, (especially) indra-'s paradise etc. |
nandana | n. Name of a sword (see daka-)  |
nandana | n. Name of a metre  |
nāndana | n. ( nand-or nandana-) a pleasure garden, paradise  |
nandanadruma | m. tree of the divine garden  |
nandanaja | m. "grown in the divine garden", yellow sandal-wood  |
nandanakānana | n. Name of a wood  |
nandanamālā | f. Name of a garland worn by kṛṣṇa-  |
nandanandana | m. equals -kumāra-  |
nandanandanī | f. " nanda-'s daughter", Name of durgā-  |
nandanātha | m. Name of authors  |
nandanavana | n. divine grove  |
nandanodbhava | m. equals na-ja-  |
nandanta | mf(ī-)n. rejoicing, gladdening  |
nandanta | m. son, friend, king  |
nandantī | f. daughter  |
naradanta | m. a man's tooth  |
narakavedanā | f. Name of work  |
nardana | m. "roarer", Name of a nāga-rāja-  |
nardana | n. sounding, roaring  |
nardana | n. celebrating, praising aloud  |
nardanīya | mfn. to be sounded  |
nardanīya | mfn. to be celebrated or praised aloud  |
nāsāsaṃvedana | m. Momordica Charantia  |
naṣṭavedana | mf(ī-)n. finding any lost object  |
naṭanānandanātha | m. Name of an author  |
nigadana | n. reciting from memory  |
niḥśabdaniścala | mfn. (night) noiseless and motionless  |
niḥṣyandana | n. a trickling or flowing down, streaming, dropping (equals ni-syanda-,m.)  |
nijātmānandanātha | m. Name of an author  |
nindana | n. reproach, censure, blame  |
nindanīya | mfn. blamable, reprehensible  |
nirdanta | mfn. (elephant) having no teeth or tusks  |
nirdayadantadaṃśa | m. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth)  |
nirhrādana | n. sound, cry  |
nirvāṇasaṃcodana | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
niśādana | m. equals niśāvana-  |
niṣadana | n. sitting down, dwelling, residing (see uṣṭra-niṣ-, krauñca-niṣ-).  |
niṣpādana | n. effecting, causing, producing  |
niṣpādanīya | mfn. to be effected or brought about or achieved  |
nistodana | n. piercing, pricking, stinging  |
niṣūdana | m. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') killer, slayer, destroyer '  |
niṣūdana | m. removing, destroying  |
niṣūdana | n. killing, slaughter  |
nivedana | mfn. announcing, proclaiming  |
nivedana | m. Name of śiva-  |
nivedana | n. making known, publishing, announcement, communication, information (ātma-niv-,presentation or introduction of one's self) etc.  |
nivedana | n. delivering, entrusting, offering, dedicating  |
nivedana | n. (in dramatic language) the reminding a person of a neglected duty  |
nodana | mfn. driving away, removing  |
nodana | n. equals noda-  |
nodana | n. impelling, impulse  |
nṛmādana | mfn. gladdening men  |
nṛṣadana | n. assemblage or residence of men  |
odana | mn. ( ud- ), grain mashed and cooked with milk, porridge, boiled rice, any pap or pulpy substance etc.  |
odana | m. cloud  |
odanabhojikā | f. eating boiled rice on  |
odanāhvā | f. Name of a plant  |
odanāhvayā | f. Name of a plant  |
odanapac | mfn. (Nominal verb - pak-), Sch.  |
odanapacana | m. Name of the fire on the southern altar  |
odanapākī | f. ( ) Barleria Caerulea  |
odanapāṇinīya | m. one who becomes a pupil of or studies the work of pāṇini- only for the sake of getting boiled rice on on  |
odanapiṇḍa | m. a ball of boiled rice,  |
odanaprati | ind. on .  |
odanasava | m. a particular oblation commentator or commentary on  |
odanavat | mfn. provided with boiled rice  |
odanī | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
odanika | mf(ī-)n. receiving boiled rice on  |
odanikā | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
odanīya | Nom. P. odanīyati-, to wish for boiled rice commentator or commentary on  |
odanīya | mfn. consisting of or belonging to boiled rice, gaRa apūpādi-, pāṇ-.  |
odanya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. consisting of or belonging to boiled rice, gaRa apūpādi-, pāṇ-. '  |
okodanī | f. idem or ' okaṇi- m. a bug '  |
pādābhivādana | n. equals da-vandana-  |
pādābhivandana | n. equals da-vandana-  |
pādacchedana | n. cutting off a foot  |
padana | mfn. who or what goes or moves (see ) .  |
pādanakha | m. a toe-nail  |
pādanālikā | f. an ornament for the feet, an anklet  |
pādanamra | mfn. bowing down to the feet of any one  |
padanī | mfn. following the steps of another  |
pādanicrit | mfn. (a metre) wanting one syllable in each pāda- (wrong reading -ni-vrit-)  |
padanidhana | mfn. having the nidhana- (q.v) at the end of every quarter of a verse (as a sāman-),  |
pādaniketa | m. a foot-stool  |
pādaniṣka | m. a quarter of a niṣka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
padanīya | mfn. to be investigated ( padanīyatva -tva- n. )  |
padanīyatva | n. padanīya |
padanuṣaṅga | m. anything appended to a pada- or quarter of a verse (see padānuṣ-).  |
padanyāsa | m. putting down the feet, step, footmark etc.  |
padanyāsa | m. position of the feet in a particular attitude  |
padanyāsa | m. conduct, procedure (?) idem or 'm. position of the feet in a particular attitude '  |
padanyāsa | m. writing down (quarters of) verses  |
padanyāsa | m. Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribulus Lanuginosus  |
pādanyāsa | m. putting down or placing the feet  |
pādanyāsa | m. casting rays (said of the moon)  |
pādanyāsa | m. a dance or measured step  |
pādasvedana | n. causing perspiration in the feet  |
pādasvedanika | mfn. produced by it gaRa akṣa-dyūtādi-.  |
pādavandana | n. "saluting the foot", respectful salutation  |
pādavandanika | mfn. accompanied by a respectful salutation  |
pākaniṣaṃdana | m. "foe or destroyer of the daitya- pāka-", Name of indra-  |
palādana | m. "flesh-eater", a rākṣasa-  |
palalaudana | n. a pap made of ground sesamum seeds on  |
pāṃsucandana | m. Name of śiva-  |
pāṃsumardana | m. "dust-destroyer", an excavation for water round the root of a tree (equals ālavāla-)  |
pañcaudana | mfn. prepared with fivefold pulp of mashed grain etc.  |
pāñcaudanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pañcaūdana-)  |
pañcavadanastotra | n. Name of a stotra- (see pañcavaktra-st-).  |
pāṇḍaradanta | mfn. having white teeth or tusks (elephant)  |
pāṇḍusūdanarasa | m. a particular preparation made of quicksilver |
paṅkadanta | mfn. having mud or clay between the teeth |
pāpasūdanatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- (see -vināśana-t-).  |
parabhedana | ( ) mfn. destroying enemies.  |
paracakrasūdana | m. destroyer of it  |
parādana | m. a horse of Persian breed  |
paradhanāsvādanasukha | n. feeding luxuriously at another's expense  |
paramāhlādana | mfn. most delightful or agreeable,  |
paramapadanirṇāyaka | m. Name of work  |
pardana | n. breaking wind  |
paricchedana | n. ( ) discriminating, dividing  |
paricchedana | n. the division of a book  |
paricchedana | n. joyful laughter (?).  |
parimardana | n. idem or 'm. crushing, wearing out, using up, destroying '  |
parimardana | n. rubbing in  |
parimardana | n. a remedy for rubbing in  |
parīndana | n. gratification, present  |
parinindana | n. gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
parispandana | n. throbbing, vibration, motion  |
pariṣyandana | n. dropping, oozing  |
parisyandana | n. dropping, oozing  |
parivadana | n. reviling, accusing, clamouring  |
parivedana | n. idem or 'm. complete or accurate knowledge ' (varia lectio pada-v-).  |
parivedana | n. the marrying of a younger brother before the elder  |