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Grammar Search
"daivatam" has 3 results
daivatam: neuter nominative singular stem: daivata
daivatam: masculine accusative singular stem: daivata
daivatam: neuter accusative singular stem: daivata
Amarakosha Search
Apte Search
1 result
adhidevanam अधिदेवनम् Gambling table, board for gambling (अधि उपरि दीव्यते यत्र.) अधिदैवम् adhidaivam दैवतम् daivatam अधिदैवम् दैवतम् [अधिष्ठातृ दैवम्-दैवतम् वा] 1 The presiding god or deity; अधिदैवं किमुच्यते Bg.8.1. पुरुषश्चा- धिदैवतम् Bg.8.4;7.3; शिवाधिदैवतं ध्यायेत् वह्निप्रत्यधिदैवतम्; तमभिनन्दन्ति...यः अधिदैवतमिव स्तौति K.19. -2 The supreme deity or the divine agent operating in material objects.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results4 results
agniṃ pratyakṣadaivatam # RVKh.10.142.6b.
ādityānām avasā nūtanena # RV.7.51.1a; TS.; MS.4.14.14a: 238.12; Aś.3.8.1; 5.7.13; Mś. Ps: ādityānām avasā TB.; śś.8.1.4; ādityānām Lś.2.8.1. Designated as ādityadaivatam (sc. sūktam) Rvidh.2.26.3.
ādityāso aditayaḥ syāma # RV.7.52.1a; KS.11.12a. Designated as ādityadaivatam (sc. sūktam) Rvidh.2.26.3.
āpo hi ṣṭhā mayobhuvaḥ # RV.10.9.1a; AVś.1.5.1a; SV.2.1187a; VS.11.50a; 36.14a; TS.;;; MS.2.7.5a: 79.16; 3.1.6: 8.10; 4.9.27a: 139.3; KS.16.4a; 19.5; 35.3a; śB.; TB.; TA.4.42.4a; 10.1.11a; KA.1.219a; 3.219; Apś.7.21.6; 9.12.2; 18.8; 13.15.13; 14.18.1; 16.4.1; AG.2.8.12; 9.8; 4.6.14; Kauś.6.17; HG.1.10.2; 21.5; 2.18.9; MG.1.2.11; ApMB.2.7.13a (ApG.5.12.6); BDh.; LVyāsaDh.2.19; N.9.27a. P: āpo hi ṣṭhā MS.2.13.1: 153.4; KSA.4.8; Aś.5.20.6; śś.4.11.6; 15.3; 8.6.7; 7.12,20; 9.28.6; 14.57.7; Vait.28.11; Kś.16.3.16; Mś.4.3.43;; (20); PG.1.8.6; 2.2.14; 6.13; 14.21; 3.5.4; VārG.9.9; ViDh.64.18; 65.3; GDh.26.10; ParDh.11.34; 12.10; LVyāsaDh.1.22; VHDh.8.25; BṛhPDh.2.38,50,56,129; Rvidh.1.3.5; 4.10; 3.4.3,6. Designated as āpo-hi-ṣṭhīyam (sc. sūktam) śG.3.1.4; āpo-hi-ṣṭhāḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) VāDh.15.20; VHDh.4.30; āpo-hi-ṣṭhīyāḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) śś.4.11.6; 21.5; 8.6.7; 7.12,20; 14.57.7; Lś.2.10.20; 3.6.6; 4.11.7; Apś.15.11.16; 20.18.7; śG.1.14.8; MG.1.1.24; 6.4; 11.26; 2.2.27; Svidh.1.2.5. This and the next hymn of AVś. (1.6.1) are designated as śaṃbhumayobhū (sc. sūkte) Vait.10.19; Kauś.9.1,4; 18.25; 19.1; 41.14; 43.12; this hymn alone as sindhudvīpasya sūktam Rvidh.3.11.4. Cf. BṛhD.6.153. See abdaivatam.
Vedabase Search
12 results
daivatam (having Him) as my object of worshipSB 10.38.20
daivatam demigodSB 4.2.2
SB 6.18.33-34
daivatam worshipableSB 7.14.42
daivatam worshipable DeitySB 1.11.7
daivatam worshipable deitySB 10.24.18
daivatam worshipable DeitySB 3.16.17
adhidaivatam called adhidaivaBG 8.4
ātma-daivatam the Lord of all living entitiesSB 6.9.26-27
ātma-daivatam the Lord of all living entitiesSB 6.9.26-27
hari-daivatam unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, HariSB 7.15.5
hari-daivatam unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, HariSB 7.15.5
Wordnet Search
"daivatam" has 2 results.


maghā, pitryam, pitryā, pitṛdaivatam   


maghā āśleṣāyāḥ anantaram āgacchati।


bhagavān, devaḥ, devatā, daivatam   

sadācaraṇāt janeṣu devaprakhyaḥ puruṣaḥ।

matkṛte mahātmā-gāṃdhīḥ bhagavān eva asti।

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