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Grammar Search
"dadhire" has 1 results
dadhire: third person plural tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepadadhā
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
dha 1. dhá put, III. dádhāti, v. 83, 1; supply with (inst.), ii. 35, 12; bestow, ipv. dhehí, x. 14, 11; dhattá, i. 85, 12; ii. 12, 5; x. 15, 7; dadhāta, x. 15, 4. [237] 7; dadhātana, x. 15, 11; dhattá̄m, iv. 51, 11; dadhantu, vii. 63, 6; perform, ipf. dhatta, i. 85, 9; bestow, s ao. sb. dhāsathas, i. 160, 5; establish,pf. dadhé, x. 129, 7; ds. desire to bestow, didhiṣanti, ii. 35, 5; support, dídhiṣāmi, ii. 35, 12 [Gk. τἰθημι]. ádhi- put on (acc.): pf. dadhire, i. 85, 2; ao. ádhita, x. 127, 1. á̄- deposit, root ao. sb. dhās, v. 83, 7. ní- deposit, root ao. dhātam, vii. 71, 5; ps. ao. ádhāyi, viii. 48, 10. pári- put around, vi. 54, 10. prá- put from (ab.) into (lc.), vii. 61, 3. ví- impose: pf. dadhur, iv. 51, 6; divide, ipf. ádadhur, x. 90, 11. purás- place at the head, appoint Purohita: pf. dadhire, iv. 50, 1.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results1 result
dadhire vasuvittamam RV.1.45.7b.
Vedabase Search
5 results
dadhire turnedSB 10.84.27
antardadhire disappearedSB 6.2.23
antardadhire they disappearedSB 11.5.44
śraddadhire put their faith (in such statements)SB 10.7.10
vidadhire executedSB 10.6.19
Parse Time: 1.602s Search Word: dadhire Input Encoding: IAST: dadhire