da | the 3rd and soft letter of the 4th or dental class.  |
da | mf(ā-)n. (1. dā-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ) giving, granting, offering, effecting, producing (exempli gratia, 'for example' abhīṣṭa--,"giving any desired object" ; gaja-vāji-vṛddhi--,"promoting the welfare of elephants and horses" ) etc. (see agni--; a-doma-d/a-; anna--, artha--, garbha--, janma--etc.)  |
da | m. n. a gift  |
da | mfn. ( do-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See anala--, 2. jīva--  |
da | m. n. the act of cutting off  |
da | mfn. (4. da--) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See ṛśya-d/a-.  |
da | equals d/at- see a-panna--, panna--  |
da | ṣo-ḍa-.  |
da | m. a mountain  |
da | n. a wife (derived fr. d/am-patī-)  |
dabdha | See (/a--.)  |
dabdhi | f. injury  |
dabh | or dambh- cl.1. (subjunctive d/abhat-and bhāti- ; plural bhanti-, , bhan-, and ; Potential bheyam- and cl.5.) dabhn/oti- ("to go" ; imperative nuhi- ; see A1., Passive voice dabhyate- ; perfect tense dadābha-, ; d/ambha-[ ] ; plural debhur-[ Va1rtt. 4 ] ;also dadambhur-and 2.sg. debhitha-or dadambhitha- ; Aorist plural dadabhanta- ; adambhiṣur- ) to hurt, injure, destroy ; to deceive, abandon : Causal (subjunctive and p. damebh/ayat-;2. sg. yas-, ya-) to destroy ; dambhayati- or dābh-, to impel ; dambkayate-, to accumulate, : Desiderative d/ipsati- (subjunctive [ ] and parasmE-pada d/ipsat-) to intend to injure or destroy ; dhips-, dhīps-, didambhiṣati- Pa1n2. 7-2, 49 and 4, 56 (i, 2, 10 )  |
dabha | mfn. deceiving  |
dabha | mfn. (āya-), dat infinitive mood to deceive,  |
dabha | mfn. see a--.  |
dabhīti | m. an injurer, enemy  |
dabhīti | m. Name of a man (favoured by indra-, x;by the aśvin-s, i, 112, 23).  |
dabhna | See dura-dabhn/ā-.  |
dabhra | mf(ā-)n. little, small, deficient  |
dabhra | mf(ā-)n. see dahra-  |
dabhra | m. the ocean  |
dabhra | n. distress  |
dabhra | n. see /a--.  |
dabhrabuddhi | mfn.  |
dabhracetas | (r/a--) mfn. little-minded, .  |
dabhram | ind. scarcely,  |
dabhya | mfn. deceivable,  |
dabhya | mfn. deceitful, 61, 2.  |
dacchada | m. equals danta-cch-  |
dad | cl.1. dati- See dā-  |
dad | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See āyurd/ad-.  |
dada | mf(ā-)n. ( )"giving" See abhayaṃ--  |
dada | mf(ā-)n. dhanaṃ-dadā-.  |
dadā | ind. an exclamation,  |
dadadas | ind. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) imitative sound of a thunder's roaring |
dadana | n. giving  |
dadari | Name of a river  |
dadāti | m. a gift  |
dadāyudha | mfn. using the teeth as a weapon  |
dadāyudha | See d/at-.  |
dadda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of various kings (of Gurjara etc.),  |
dadh | (reduplicated of dhā-), cl.1. dhate-, to hold ; to give : Intensive 2. sg. imperative dādaddhi-  |
dadha | mfn. "giving" See iḍā--, ilā--.  |
dadha | mfn. (2, 171 Va1rtt. 3)"giving"  |
dadha | mfn. preserving (with accusative)  |
dadha | n. a house  |
dadhan | See 2. d/adhi-.  |
dadhana | n. "putting" See antar--.  |
dadhanvat | mfn. containing coagulated milk  |
dadhi | n. (replaced in the weakest forms by dh/an-[ ] : instrumental case etc. dhn/ā- dhn/e-, dhn/as-; locative case dhani- dhni-,[ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ] ) coagulated milk, thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy;differing from curds in not having the whey separated from it) etc.  |
dadhi | n. turpentine  |
dadhi | n. the resin of Shorea robusta  |
dadhibhakṣa | m. food prepared from d/adhi-  |
dadhibhakṣa | mfn. eating d-  |
dadhibhāṇḍa | n. equals -dhānī-  |
dadhīca | m. equals dhy-/ac- (devoted himself to death that indra- might slay vṛtra- with the thunderbolt fabricated by tvaṣṭṛ- out of his bones) (father of sārasvata- by sarasvatī- )  |
dadhīca | m. (blamed dakṣa- q.v) (varia lectio ā-)  |
dadhīca | m. author with the patr. pāthnya- on  |
dadhīcakṣupasaṃvāda | m. dialogue between dadhīca- and kṣupa-saṃvāda-  |
dadhicāra | m. a churning-stick  |
dadhīci | m. equals ca- (blaming dakṣa-)  |
dadhīcyasthi | n. " dakṣa-'s bones", the thunderbolt  |
dadhīcyasthi | n. the diamond  |
dadhidhānī | f. a vessel for holding d/adhi-  |
dadhidhenu | f. a cow represented by d/adhi- (offered to priests)  |
dadhidrapsa | m. a globule of thickened d/adhi-  |
dadhighana | m. "thickened d/adhi- ", curds  |
dadhigharma | m. a warm oblation of d/adhi-  |
dadhigharmahoma | m. idem or 'm. a warm oblation of d/adhi- '  |
dadhigraha | m. a cup with d/adhi-  |
dadhigrahapātra | n. the vessel used for taking up d/adhi-  |
dadhija | mfn. produced from or on d/adhi-  |
dadhija | n. fresh butter  |
dadhika | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for dhi- gaRa ura-ādi-.  |
dadhikarṇa | m. "milk-ear", Name of a cat ( )  |
dadhikarṇa | m. varia lectio for adh-.  |
dadhikaṭuka | m. kaṭuka |
dadhikra | m. Name of a man ( )  |
dadhikrā | m. ( ) Name of a divine horse (personification of the morning Sun;addressed in ),  |
dadhikrāvan | m. equals -kr/ā-  |
dadhikrāvatī | f. (scilicet /ṛc-) the verse iv, 39, 6 ( )  |
dadhikulyā | f. a stream of d/adhi-  |
dadhikūrcikā | f. mixture of boiled and d/adhi- milk  |
dadhimaṇḍa | m. whey  |
dadhimaṇḍoda | mfn. having whey as liquid (an ocean)  |
dadhimaṇḍodaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having whey as liquid (an ocean) '  |
dadhimantha | m. a beverage obtained by churning d/adhi- (plural)  |
dadhimanthana | n. the churning of d/adhi-  |
dadhimukha | m. "milk-faced", a kind of snake  |
dadhimukha | m. Name of a nāga-  |
dadhimukha | m. of a yakṣa-  |
dadhimukha | m. of a monkey (brother-in-law of su-grīva-)  |
dadhimukha | m. (-pūrvam-) (metrically dhī-.) 7, 32  |
dadhimukha | m. (also dhi-vaktra-, )  |
dadhīmukha | See dadhi-m-.  |
dadhinadī | f. Name of a river,  |
dadhiparṇa | m. Name of a man  |
dadhipayas | n. dual number d/adhi- and milk  |
dadhiphala | m. Feronia elephantum (its fruit having the acid taste of d/adhi-)  |
dadhipiṇḍa | m. equals -ghana-  |
dadhipṛṣātaka | Name of a mixture made with d/adhi-  |
dadhipuccha | m. "milk-tail", Name of a jackal  |
dadhipūpaka | m. Name of a cake made of d/adhi-  |
dadhipūraṇa | m. Name of a nāga-  |
dadhipūrvamukha | See -m-.  |
dadhipuṣpī | f. the plant kola-simbī-  |
dadhipuṣpikā | f. "milk-flower", Clitoria Ternatea  |
dadhisaktu | m. plural barley-meal with d/adhi-,  |
dadhisambhava | mfn. produced bya-  |
dadhisambhava | n. fresh butter  |
dadhisamudra | m. the d/adhi- ocean (see -vāri-),  |
dadhiśara | m. equals -maṇḍa-  |
dadhisāra | n. idem or 'n. fresh butter '  |
dadhiṣāyya | n. (for didh-) clarified butter  |
dadhiskanda | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dadhisneha | m. equals -maṇḍa-  |
dadhiśoṇa | m. a monkey  |
dadhiṣu | ṣū-pati- See didh-  |
dadhisveda | m. butter-milk  |
dadhisya | + Nom. yati- equals dhīya-  |
dadhittha | m. equals dhi-phala- (the wood of which is not allowed to be used in sacrifices)  |
dadhittha | m. equals -rasa-  |
dadhitthākhya | m. n. idem or 'm. the resin of Dadhittha, 49, 24.'  |
dadhittharasa | m. the resin of Dadhittha, 49, 24.  |
dadhivāhana | m. Name of a prince (son of aṅga- and father of divi-ratha-) |
dadhivāhana | m. (adh- )  |
dadhivāhana | m. of a king of campā-, jain.  |
dadhivaktra | See -mukha-.  |
dadhivāmana | m. "milk-dwarf." Name of a mystic person  |
dadhivāri | mfn. having d/adhi- as liquid (an ocean)  |
dadhivat | (d/adh-) mfn. prepared with d/adhi-  |
dadhividarbha | for daśi-- 1.  |
dadhīya | Nom. ( Va1rtt. 3 ; Potential yāt-) to like d/adhi-, ( )  |
dadhna | m. Name of yama-  |
dadhṛk | ind. ( ) strongly, boldly  |
dadhṛṣ | mfn. ( dhṛṣ-) bold (Nominal verb dhṛk-)  |
dadhṛṣa | mfn. bold, .  |
dadhṛṣi | See d/ādh-.  |
dadhṛṣvāṇi | mfn. bold, .  |
dadhy | in compound for dhi-.  |
dadhyac | m. (Nominal verb -/aṅ- accusative -/añcam-; dative case dhīc/e- genitive case dhīc/as-; see ) "sprinkling d/adhi- " (see dhi-kr/ā-and ghṛtāī-) Name of a mythical ṛṣi- or sacrificer ( and [called aṅgiras-] [ āṅgirasa-] ;son of atharvan-[ see ātharvaṇ/a-] ;having the head of a horse and teaching the aśvin-s to find in tvaṣṭṛ-'s house the m/adhu-or soma- ;favoured by indra- [ ] who slays 99 vṛtra-s or foes with a thunderbolt made of his bones ;propounder of the brāhmaṇa- called m/adhu- )  |
dadhyac | -anna-, etc. See above.  |
dadhyagra | n. equals dhi-maṇḍa-  |
dadhyāhva | m. the resin of Pinus longifolia  |
dadhyāhvaya | m. the resin of Pinus longifolia  |
dadhyākara | m. equals dhi-samudra-  |
dadhyānī | f. Name of a plant  |
dadhyanna | n. rice prepared with d/adhi-  |
dadhyāśir | (d/adh-) mfn. mixed with d/adhi- (soma-)  |
dadhyasya | Nom. jati- idem or '+ Nom. yati- equals dhīya- '  |
dadhyodana | m. ( ) boiled rice mixed with d/adhi-  |
dadhyuda | mfn. equals dhi-vāri-  |
dadhyuttara | n. equals -agra-  |
dadhyuttarā | f. bulb-milk  |
dadhyuttaraga | n. equals dhy-uttara-  |
daḍī | varia lectio for dāḍī-  |
dadi | mfn. giving, bestowing (with accusative) ( )  |
daditṛ | m. a giver (preserver?)  |
dadittha | Name (also title or epithet) of a monkey,  |
dadṛśānapavu | ( dṛś-) having visible fellies  |
dadṛt | mfn. ( dṝ-) bursting or causing to burst Va1rtt. 3  |
dadru | m. a tortoise  |
dadru | f. (also dara- k.) equals drū-  |
dadrū | f. ( vArttika l and ) a cutaneous eruption, kind of leprosy (also dard- dardū- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
dadrughna | m. (also dara-) equals drū--  |
dadrughna | m. Psoralea corylifolia  |
dadrūghna | mfn. "removing leprosy", Cassia Tora or alata  |
dadruka | m. equals drū-  |
dadrukuṣṭha | n. idem or 'f. (also dara- k.) equals drū- ' ,  |
dadruṇa | mfn. (gaRa pāmādi-) leprous (also dard- ), 8, 456.  |
dadrūṇa | mfn. equals druṇa- (also dara-).  |
dadrunāsinī | f. "removing leprosy", Name of an insect (varia lectio dara-).  |
dadruroga | m. equals dadrū-  |
dadrurogin | mfn. leprous (also dard- ), 8, 444; 11, 232 and 244  |
dadrūrogin | mfn. equals dru-- (varia lectio dard-).  |
dagārgala | n. "water-key (daga- equals daka-) ", examining the soil in searching for wells or rules for doing so  |
dagārgala | n. (udag-)  |
dagārgala | n. Name of liv.  |
dagdha | mfn. ( dah-) burnt, scorched, consumed by fire etc.  |
dagdha | mfn. tormented, pained, consumed by grief or hunger, distressed  |
dagdha | mfn. dry, insipid  |
dagdha | mfn. inauspicious,  |
dagdha | mfn. miserable, execrable  |
dagdha | n. cauterisation (see agni--)  |
dagdhā | f. (soil. diś-) the quarter where the sun remains overhead  |
dagdha | n. (scilicet tithi-) Name of certain inauspicious days  |
dagdha | n. equals -ruhā-  |
dagdhajaṭhara | n. the hungry stomach  |
dagdhakāka | m. "inauspicious crow", a raven  |
dagdhakilbiṣa | mfn. one whose sins are burnt away or destroyed,  |
dagdhākṣara | an inauspicious letter (in a word)  |
dagdhamandirasāra | mfn. one who has burned the, best of mansions.  |
dagdhamaraṇa | m. Name of an author  |
dagdhamatsya | m. a grilled fish  |
dagdhānna | n. scorched rice,  |
dagdhaputra | (dh/a--) mf(ā-)n. whose son is burnt  |
dagdharatha | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
dagdharuha | m. "growing in ashes", Clerodendrum phlomoides  |
dagdharuhā | f. Name of a plant  |
dagdhavarṇaka | Name of a grass  |
dagdhavraṇa | m. a burn, singe.  |
dagdhavya | mfn. to be burnt  |
dagdhayoni | mfn. having its source or origin destroyed.  |
dagdheṣṭakā | f. a burnt brick  |
dagdhodara | n. equals dha-jaṭhara-  |
dagdhṛ | m. one who burns (with accusative)  |
dagdhṛ | m. dh/ṛ-, a burner of (genitive case)  |
dagh | cl.5. (Potential ghnuyāt-; preceding 3. sg. ghyās-; Aorist subjunctive 1. plural ghma-) with paśc/ā-, or c/āt-, to fall short of (see /a-pascā-daghvan-) ; with adhas-, to reach below the regular height ; to strike ; to protect (see daṅgh-) : cl.4. d/aghyati-, to go ; to flow ; see ati--, ā-- ; prad/aghas- ; .  |
daghna | mf(/ā-, ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ),"reaching up to" see aṃsa--, aśva--, ā--, upa-kakṣa--, upastha--, ūru--, kaṇṭha--, kulpha--, gulpha--, jānn--, nābhi--, mukha--, stana--.  |
dagu | m. N. See dāgavyāgani-.  |
dah | cl.1.P. dahati- (Epic also A1.; parasmE-pada d/ahati- imperfect tense /adahat-; Aorist adhāk- ; 1 . sg. kṣam- ;3. plural kskur- ; subjunctive dhāk- ;2. sg. dhakṣi-, ; parasmE-pada dh/akṣat-[also Nominal verb m.], d/ahṣat-, ; future dhakṣyati-[ ] [ Potential dhakṣyet-, ] etc.; dahiṣy-, ; infinitive mood dagdhum-) to burn, consume by fire, scorch, roast etc. ; to cauterise ; to consume, destroy completely etc. ; to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve etc.: Passive voice dahyate- (ti- ) ; to be burnt, burn, be in flames etc. ; to be consumed by fire or destroyed ; to be inflamed (a wound) ; to be consumed by internal heat or grief, suffer pain, be distressed or vexed etc. ; Causal dāhayati- to burn or be burned etc. ; to cause to be cooked (Aorist plural adīdahan-): Desiderative didhakṣati- (confer, compare kṣā-, kṣu-) to be about to burn or consume or destroy (parasmE-pada kṣamāṇa-): Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada kṣayat-) to cause any one to make efforts to burn : Intensive dandahīti-, hyate- ( ) to burn or destroy completely (imperative dagdhi-) ; A1. to be burnt completely [ confer, compare Lithuanian degu4,"I am hot"; Gothic dag-s; Old German ta1h-t,"a wick"]  |
dah | mfn. "burning" See uś/a--.  |
dahadahā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-, 2638.  |
dahana | mf(ī-)n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
dahana | mf(ī-)n. (said of the dhāraṇā-of fire)  |
dahana | m. fire (of three kinds), agni- etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
dahana | m. the numeral three  |
dahana | m. one of the 5 forms of fire in the svāhā-kāra-  |
dahana | m. a pigeon  |
dahana | m. Plumbago zeylanica  |
dahana | m. Anacardium officinarum  |
dahana | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
dahana | m. Name of a rudra-,  |
dahana | n. burning, consuming by fire etc.  |
dahana | n. cauterising  |
dahana | n. sour gruel  |
dahanā | f. Name of part of the moon's course  |
dahanagarbha | mf(ā-)n. filled with the fire (of wrath)  |
dahanāguru | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
dahanahalpa | m. a crematory rite,  |
dahanakarman | n. the act of burning  |
dahanaketana | m. "mark of burning", smoke  |
dahanapriyā | f. the wife of agni-  |
dahanārāti | m. "fire-enemy", water  |
dahanarkṣa | (ṛk-) n. the constellation kṛttikā-  |
dahanasārathi | m. the wind,  |
dahanatā | f. the state of fire  |
dahanavat | ind. as (at) cremation, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
dahanī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
dahanīya | mfn. to be burnt, combustible  |
dahanīyatā | f. combustibility  |
dahanīyatva | n. idem or 'f. combustibility '  |
dahanolkā | f. a firebrand  |
dahanopakaraṇa | n. the means for cauterising  |
dahanopala | m. the sun-gem  |
dahara | m. a child  |
dahara | m. a young animal  |
dahara | m. a mouse  |
dahara | mfn. (fr. dobhr/a-) small, fine, thin (varia lectio dabhra-)  |
dahara | mfn. young in age  |
dahara | m. a younger brother  |
daharaka | mfn. short (day),  |
daharapṛṣṭha | n. Name of ,  |
daharasūtra | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
dahati | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
dahra | mfn. small, fine, thin, (re para-rātre-,"in the shorter half of the night")  |
dahra | n. the cavity of the heart  |
dahra | m. a wood on fire  |
dahra | m. fire  |
dahrāgni | m. agastya- in a former birth, iv, I, 36.  |
dahram | ind. little  |
dahyu | m. fire,  |
dai | cl.1 P. dāyati-, to purify, cleanse (see 7. dā-).  |
daiḍa | mf(/ī-). patron.  |
daidhiṣavya | m. (fr. didhiṣū-) prob. the son of a woman by her second husband  |
daigambara | mf(ī-)n. relating to the Dig.ambaras  |
daihika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. deha-) bodily, corporeal,  |
daihya | mf(ā-)n. being in the body (ātman-)  |
daihya | m. the soul  |
daikṣa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dīkṣā-) relating to initiation or inauguration etc.  |
dailīpi | m. patronymic fr. dilīpa- q.v  |
daina | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dina-) relating to a day, diurnal, daily  |
daina | n. (fr. dīna-) = the next  |
dainaṃdina | mf(ī-)n. happening daily, quotidian  |
dainaṃdinadānakāṇḍa | mn. Name of work  |
dainaṃdinasadācāradarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
dainapralaya | m. destruction of the world after the lapse of 15 years of brahmā-'s age  |
dainika | mf(ī-)n. daily, diurnal  |
dainikī | f. a day's hire or wages  |
dainya | n. wretchedness, affliction, depression, miserable state etc.  |
dainya | n. meanness, covetousness  |
daipa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dīpa-) relating or belonging to a lamp  |
dairgha | n. (fr. dirgha-) length, longness  |
dairgha | vṛddhi- form of dīrgha- in compound  |
dairgharātrika | mf(ī-)n. long, chronic (disease)  |
dairghaśravasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to dīrgha-śravas-,  |
dairghaśravasa | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
dairghatama | m. equals next m.  |
dairghatamasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to dīrgha-tamas-  |
dairghatamasa | m. patronymic fr. dīrgha-tamas-  |
dairghatamasa | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
dairghavaratra | mfn. (with kūpa-) founded by dīrgha-varatra-  |
dairghya | (oftener) n. (fr. dirgha-) length, longness  |
daiśeya | m. metron. fr. 2. dis- gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
daiśika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. deśa-) relating to space (opp. to kālika- ) or to any place or country  |
daiśika | mf(ī-)n. local, provincial, national  |
daiśika | mf(ī-)n. a native  |
daiśika | mf(ī-)n. knowing a place, a guide  |
daiśika | mf(ī-)n. showing, directing, spiritual guide or teacher (see deśika-and deśya-)  |
daiśika | n. a kind of dance on  |
daiṣṭika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. diṣṭi-) fated, predestined  |
daiṣṭika | m. predestinarian, fatalist ,  |
daiṣṭikatā | f.  |
daiṣṭikatva | n. fatalism, predestinarianism, destiny  |
daiteya | m. (fr. diti-) a son or descendant of diti-, an asura- etc.  |
daiteya | m. Name of rāhu-  |
daiteya | mf(ī-)n. proceeding from or belonging to the daiteya-s  |
daiteyī | f. a female descendant of diti-  |
daitya | m. a son of diti-, a demon etc.  |
daitya | mf(ā-)n. belonging to the daitya-s  |
daityā | f. Name of plants (equals caṇḍauhadhi-and murā-)  |
daitya | mf(ā-)n. spirituous liquor  |
daityadānavamardana | m. "crusher of daitya-s and dānava-s", Name of indra-  |
daityadeva | m. "god of the daitya-s", varuṇa-  |
daityadeva | m. Wind  |
daityadvīpa | m. "refuge of the daitya-s (?)", Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
daityaguru | m. "preceptor of the daitya-s", Name of śukra-, the planet Venus  |
daityahan | m. " daitya--slayer", Name of śiva-  |
daityahan | m. of indra-  |
daityahantṛ | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
daityāhorātra | m. a day and night of the daitya-s (= a year of man)  |
daityamātṛ | f. "mother of the daitya-s", diti- (plural ) .  |
daityamedaja | m. "produced from the marrow of daitya-s", a kind of bdellium  |
daityamedajā | f. the earth (supposed to be produced from the marrow of madhu- and kaiṭabha-)  |
daityanāśana | m. " daitya-s-destroyer", Name of viṣṇu-  |
daityanirūdana | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
daityaniṣūdana | m. "id", Name of indra-  |
daityāntaka | m. " daitya-s. destroyer"  |
daityapa | m.," daitya-s-prince", Name of bali-  |
daityapati | m.," daitya-s-prince", Name of bali- |
daityapūjya | m. equals -guru-  |
daityapurodhas | m. equals -guru-  |
daityapurohita | m. equals -guru-  |
daityāri | m. "foe of the daitya-s", a god (especially viṣṇu-)  |
daityāripaṇḍita | m. Name of a poet  |
daityartvij | (yai-it-) m. equals -guru-  |
daityasenā | f. Name of a daughter of prajā-pati- and sister of deva-senā-  |
daityāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to represent a daitya-  |
daityayuga | n. an age of the daitya-s (= 4 ages. of man)  |
daityejya | m. equals tya-guru-  |
daityendra | m. " daitya-s-prince", Name of pātāla--ketu  |
daityendrapūjya | m. equals tyejya-  |
daiva | mf(/ī-)n. or daiv/a- (fr. dev/a-) belonging to or coming from the gods, divine, celestial etc.  |
daiva | mf(/ī-)n. sacred to the gods ( daivatīrtha -tīrtha- n.the tips of the fingers ; see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order; vīdik- f.the north ; see 2. diś-)  |
daiva | mf(/ī-)n. royal (vāc-)  |
daiva | mf(/ī-)n. depending on fate, fatal  |
daiva | m. (with or without vivāha-) a form of marriage, the gift of a daughter at a sacrifice to the officiating priest  |
daiva | m. the knowledge of portents  |
daiva | m. patronymic of atharvan-  |
daiva | m. plural the attendants of a deity  |
daiva | n. a deity (see kula--)  |
daiva | n. (scilicet karman-, kārya-etc.) a religious offering or rite  |
daiva | n. divine power or will, destiny, fate, chance ( daivāt vāt- ind.by chance, accidentally)  |
daiva | vṛddhi- form of deva- in compound  |
daivacintā | f. ( ) fatalism or astrology.  |
daivacintaka | m. "reflecting on fate", astrologer, Name of śiva-  |
daivacintaka | m. fatalist  |
daivacintana | n. ( ) fatalism or astrology.  |
daivadārava | mf(ī-)n. made of the tree deva-dāru- on being on it  |
daivadarśanin | m. plural the pupils of deva-darśana- gaRa śaunakādi-.  |
daivadatta | mfn. (for 2.See 2. daiva-) given by fate or fortune, innate, natural,  |
daivadatta | mf(ī-)n. being in the village deva-datta-  |
daivadatta | m. plural the pupils of deva-datta-, Va1rtt. 5 (see deva-dattīya-)  |
daivadattaśaṭhin | m. pl. idem or 'm. plural the pupils of deva-datta-, Va1rtt. 5 (see deva-dattīya-)' gaRa śaunakādi-  |
daivadatti | m. patronymic fr. deva-datta-  |
daivadattika | mf(ī-)n. relating to deva-datta- gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
daivādhīna | mfn. subject to fate  |
daivādika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the div-ādi-s id est to the 4th class of roots  |
daivadīpa | m. "the heavenly lamp", the eye (see deva--, deha--).  |
daivadoṣa | m. the fault or evil result of deeds, evil fate  |
daivadurvipāka | m. the evil ripening of destiny through the effect of deeds done in the present or former births, Hit.  |
daivādyanta | mfn. beginning and ending with a ceremony in honour of the gods (opp. to pitrādy-)  |
daivagati | f. "course of destiny", fortune (tyā- equals daivāt-)  |
daivahata | mfn. stricken by destiny, ill-fated  |
daivahataka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. stricken by destiny, ill-fated ' : cursed by destiny  |
daivahataka | n. a blow of destiny,  |
daivahataka | n. cursed Destiny. ,  |
daivāhaurātra | n. a day and night of the gods (= a year of men) (see daityāho--).  |
daivahava | mf(ī-)n. gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
daivahavya | m. patron. fr. deva-hū- gaRa gargādi-.  |
daivahīna | mfn. forsaken by fortune  |
daivajana | (d/ai-) mf(ī-)n. belonging to the gods collectively  |
daivajña | mfn. knowing fate or men's destinies  |
daivajña | m. equals -cintaka- Name of śiva- etc.  |
daivajñā | f. female fortune-teller  |
daivajñabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
daivajñacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
daivajñadīpakalikā | f. Name of work  |
daivajñadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
daivajñajātaka | n. Name of work  |
daivajñakalānidhi | m. Name of work  |
daivajñālaṃkṛti | f. Name of work |
daivajñamanohara | m. Name of work  |
daivajñamukhamaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
daivajñasanmuni | m. Name of an astrologer  |
daivajñaśarman | m. Name of viśva-nātha- (son of gopāla-)  |
daivajñaśiromaṇi | m. Name of work  |
daivajñatva | n.  |
daivajñavallabha | m. Name of work  |
daivajñavallabhā | f. Name of work  |
daivajñavidhivilāsa | m. Name of work  |
daivajñavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
daivaka | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals daiva-, a deity (see sa--)  |
daivākari | m. (fr. divā-kara-) "son of the Sun", patronymic of yama- and śani- (the planet Saturn)  |
daivākarī | f. "daughter of the Sun" patronymic of the river yamunā-  |
daivakarman | n. oblations to the gods, religious rite  |
daivakī | f. equals devakī-, the mother of kṛṣṇa-  |
daivakīnandana | m. Name of an author  |
daivakīnandana | m. varia lectio for devakī-n-  |
daivakovida | mfn. acquainted with the destinies of men  |
daivakovida | mf. (ā-) a fatalist, fortune-teller  |
daivakṛta | mfn. caused by divine power or nature, natural (opp. to,"artificial")  |
daivakṣatri | m. patronymic fr. deva-kṣatra-  |
daivala | m. patronymic fr. devala-,  |
daivalaka | m. equals devalaka-  |
daivalaukika | mf(ī-)n. celestial and worldly  |
daivalekhaka | m. fortune-teller, astrologer  |
daivali | m. patronymic fr. devala- gaRa taulvaly-ādi-  |
daivamānuṣaka | mfn. belonging to gods and men  |
daivamati | m. patronymic fr. deva-mata- and -mitra gaRa taulvay-ādi-.  |
daivamitri | m. patronymic fr. deva-mata- and -mitra gaRa taulvay-ādi-.  |
daivānīka | n. (fr. devān-) Name of a sāman-.  |
daivanirmita | mfn. equals -krita-  |
daivantyāyana | m. (patronymic fr. ?) Name of a man plural his descendants  |
daivānurodhin | mfn. obedient to fate or to the will of the gods  |
daivānvita | mfn. favoured by destiny  |
daivāpa | m. patronymic fr.  |
daivapara | mfn. trusting to fate, fatalist (also rāyaṇa- )  |
daivapara | mfn. fated, willed, predestined  |
daivaparikṣā | f. Name of work  |
daivapraśna | m. inquiring of fate, astrology (see deva--)  |
daivapraśna | m. a supernatural voice heard at night (see upa-śruti-)  |
daivarāja | n. Name of a sāman-  |
daivarājaka | mfn. made by deva-rāja- gaRa kalālādi-  |
daivarājika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
daivarājya | wrong reading for deva--.  |
daivarakṣita | mfn. (for 2.See 2. daiva-) guarded by the gods  |
daivarakṣita | m. patronymic deva-- ratha- (also plural)  |
daivaratha | m. divine chariot (wrong reading for deva--?)  |
daivarathāyani | m. patronymic fr. deva-- ratha- gaRa tikādi-.  |
daivarāti | m. patronymic fr. deva-rāta-, Name of janaka-  |
daivarāti | m. of yājñavalkya-  |
daivāripa | m. (fr. devāri-pa-) a shell  |
daivasaka | mf(ikā-)n. (fr. divasa-) happening in one day  |
daivasampanna | mfn. favoured by destiny  |
daivasampannatā | f.  |
daivaśarmi | m. patronymic fr. deva-- śarman- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
daivaśarmīya | mfn. gaRa gahādi-.  |
daivaśrāddha | n. a particular śrāddha-.  |
daivasthāni | m. patronymic fr. deva-sthāna- gaRa pailādi-  |
daivāsura | mf(ī-)n. relating to the gods and asura-s  |
daivāsura | mf(ī-)n. see vArttika  |
daivāsura | mf(ī-)n. existing between the gods and asura-s (vaira-,"hostility") , 125 vArttika |
daivāsura | mf(ī-)n. containing the word devāsura- (as an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) gaRa vimuktādi-.  |
daivāt | ind. daiva |
daivata | mf(ī-)n. (fr. devatā-) relating to the gods or to a particular deity, divine and  |
daivata | m. Name of a prince  |
daivata | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) a god, a deity (often coll."the deities" , especially as celebrated in one hymn see gaRa prajñādi-) etc.  |
daivata | n. image of a god, idol  |
daivata | mf(ā-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having as one's deity, worshipping (see ab--[add.], tad--, bhartṛ--).  |
daivatakāṇḍa | n. Name of  |
daivatantra | mfn. subject to fate  |
daivatapara | mfn. worshipper of the gods  |
daivatapati | m. "lord of gods", Name of indra-  |
daivatapratimā | f. the image of a deity  |
daivatarasa | m. patronymic fr. deva-taras-  |
daivatareya | m. patronymic fr. deva-tara- gaRa śubhrādi-. 2.  |
daivatas | ind. by fate or chance  |
daivatasarit | f. "divine stream", the Ganges  |
daivatīrtha | n. daiva |
daivātitha | mf(ī-)n. relating to devātithi-  |
daivātitha | n. Name of a sāman-  |
daivatya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. devatā-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having as one's deity, addressed or sacred to some deity (see devatya-).  |
daivātyaya | m. danger or evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena  |
daivavāṇī | f. a voice from heaven  |
daivavaśa | m. the will or power of destiny  |
daivavaśāt | ind. by chance, fatally  |
daivavāta | mf(ī-)n. relating to deva-vāta-  |
daivavāta | m. patronymic of śṛñjaya-  |
daivavid | mfn. destiny-knowing  |
daivavid | m. an astrologer  |
daivavidhi | m. course of fate  |
daivāvṛdh | n. (fr. dev-) a particular formula  |
daivāvṛdha |  |
daivayajñapiṇḍasūrya | m. Name of an author (wrong reading for deva--?).  |
daivayajñi | m. patronymic fr. deva-yajña- gaRa taulvalyādi- (f(ī-).orf(yā-). )  |
daivayāneya | m. metron. fr. deva-yānī-  |
daivayātava | m. patronymic fr. deva-yātu-  |
daivayātavaka | mf(ī-)n. inhabited by the daivayātava-s gaRa rājanyādi-.  |
daivāyatta | mfn. dependent upon destiny  |
daivayoga | m. juncture of fate, fortune, chance  |
daivayogāt | ind. by chance, accidentally  |
daivayogena | ind. by chance, accidentally  |
daivayuga | n. an age of the gods (see daitya--)  |
daivayuta | mfn. favoured by fate, Var.  |
daivejya | mfn. sacred to the planet Jupiter (topaz)  |
daivī | f. a woman married according to the daiva- rite  |
daivī | f. a division of medicine, the medical use of charms, prayers etc.  |
daivika | mf(ī-)n. peculiar or relating to the gods, coming from gods, divine  |
daivika | n. a fatal accident or chance  |
daivika | n. a particular śrāddha- (on behalf of the gods, especially the viśve- devā-s)  |
daivikadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
daivodāsa | mf(ī-)n. relating to divo-dāsa-  |
daivodāsa | m. patr. fr. divo-dāsa-  |
daivodāsi | m. patronymic of pratardana-  |
daivodāsi | m. of parucchepa-  |
daivoḍhā | f. a woman married according to the daiva- ritual (See above)  |
daivoḍhāja | m. the son of such a woman  |
daivodyāna | n. divine grove (see devody-).  |
daivopahata | ( ) ( ) mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (see daiva-h-).  |
daivopahataka | ( ) mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (see daiva-h-).  |
daivya | mf(ā-and ī-)n. divine (especially vyā h/otārā-,the two divine priests) etc.  |
daivya | m. Name of a messenger of the asura-s  |
daivya | n. divine power or effect  |
daivya | n. fortune, fate  |
daivyahotṛ | m. plural the divine priests (see above)  |
daiyāmpāti | m. patronymic fr. dyāmpāta-  |
daka | n. equals ud-, water  |
daka | n. see dagārgala-.  |
dakalāvaṇika | mfn. prepared with water and salt  |
dakāra | m. the letter or sound d-.  |
dakarākṣasa | m. a water- rākṣasa-  |
dakodara | n. a dropsical belly (see udak-)  |
dakṣ | cl.1 P. (imperative 2. plural d/akṣatā-) to act to the satisfaction of (dative case ) ; A1. d/akṣate- (parasmE-pada d/akṣamāṇa-; perfect tense dadakṣe-) to be able or strong, ; to grow, increase ; to act quickly ; to go, ; to hurt : Causal dakṣ/ayati- (Aorist adadakṣa-), to make able or strong  |
dakṣa | mf(ā-)n. able, fit, adroit, expert, clever, dexterous, industrious, intelligent etc.  |
dakṣa | mf(ā-)n. strong, heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (soma-), ix f.  |
dakṣa | mf(ā-)n. passable (the Ganges)  |
dakṣa | mf(ā-)n. suitable  |
dakṣa | mf(ā-)n. right (opposed to left)  |
dakṣa | m. ability, fitness, mental power, talent (see -krat/u-), strength of will, energy, disposition  |
dakṣa | m. evil disposition  |
dakṣa | m. a particular form of temple  |
dakṣa | m. a general lover  |
dakṣa | m. a cock  |
dakṣa | m. Name of a plant  |
dakṣa | m. fire  |
dakṣa | m. śiva-'s bull  |
dakṣa | m. Name of an āditya- (identified with prajā-pati- ;father of kṛttikā- )  |
dakṣa | m. Name of one of the prajā-pati-s ( etc. ;born from brahmā-'s right thumb etc.;or from a-ja-,"the unborn" ;or son of pra-cetas- or of the of 10 pra-cetasa-s, whence called prācetasa- ;father of 24 daughters by pra-sūti- etc.;of 50 [or 60 ;or 44 ] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 ;or 8 ]those of kaśyapa-, becoming by this latter the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals, while 10 are married to dharma- etc.;celebrating a great sacrifice [hence dakṣa sy/ayana-,"Name of a sacrifice" ] to obtain a son, he omitted, with the disapproval of dadhīca-,to invite śiva-, who ordered vīra-bhadra- to spoil the sacrifice [identified with viṣṇu-] ,= ;named among the viśve-devā-s ; . [ ] etc.)  |
dakṣa | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
dakṣa | m. of a man with the patronymic pārvati-  |
dakṣa | m. of a law-giver etc.  |
dakṣa | m. of a son of uśī-nara-  |
dakṣa | m. of one of the 5 kānyakubja- Brahmans from whom the Bengal Brahmansare said to have sprung  |
dakṣā | f. the earth  |
dakṣa | m. see a-tūta--, din/a--, samān/a-  |
dakṣa | m. su-d/akṣa-  |
dakṣa | m. mārga-dakṣaka-  |
dakṣa | m. dākṣāy/an-  |
dakṣa | m. ; Latin dex-ter ; Gothic taiksvs.  |
dakṣādhvara | m. equals kṣa-yajña-  |
dakṣādhvaradhvaṃsakṛt | m. idem or 'm. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana- '  |
dakṣādhvaradhvaṃsana | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana- ' '  |
dakṣādhvaradhvansaka | m. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana-  |
dakṣajā | f. "daughter", durgā- |
dakṣajā | f. plural the Moon's wives  |
dakṣajā | m. equals kṣātmajā-p-  |
dakṣajāpati | m. "lord of durgā-", śiva-  |
dakṣakanyā | f. a daughter of  |
dakṣakanyā | f. durgā-  |
dakṣakratu | m. du kr/ad/u-d/akṣau-  |
dakṣakratu | mfn. able-minded  |
dakṣamakhamathana | ri.,"destruction of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", Name of f.  |
dakṣamathana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-", śiva-  |
dakṣāṇḍa | n. a hen's egg  |
dakṣaṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dakṣanidhana | n. equals nidh-.  |
dakṣapati | m. (d/akṣ-) lord of the faculties  |
dakṣapati | m. see 56, 2.  |
dakṣapitṛ | (d/akṣ-) m. "id."or,"having dadhīca- as father"(mitra- & varuṇa-, the gods etc.), vi-viii (dual number tarā- plural taras-) (plural tāras-)  |
dakṣaputra | See -sāvarṇa-.  |
dakṣāri | m. " dadhīca-'s foe", śiva-.  |
dakṣas | mfn. able, dexterous  |
dakṣas | mfn. .  |
dakṣasādhana | mfn. effective of cleverness  |
dakṣaśāpa | m. "curse of dadhīca-", Name of  |
dakṣasāvarṇa | m. Name of the 9th manu- ; -putra sāv- or simply -putra-  |
dakṣasāvarṇi | m. idem or 'm. Name of the 9th manu- ; -putra sāv- or simply -putra- '  |
dakṣasmṛti | f. Name of a law-book  |
dakṣastha | mf(ā-)n. being (on the right id est) south  |
dakṣasuta | m. a son of dadhīca-, god (see -pitṛ-)  |
dakṣasutā | f. a daughter of dadhīca-  |
dakṣasuta | f. plural the Moon's wives  |
dakṣat | dakṣi- See dah-.  |
dakṣatā | f. dexterity, ability  |
dakṣatāti | (d/akṣ-) f. idem or 'f. dexterity, ability '  |
dakṣātmajāpati | m. "lord of dadhīca-'s daughters", the Moon  |
dakṣavihitā | f. durgā-  |
dakṣavihitā | f. (scilicet gāthā-) a song composed by dadhīca-  |
dakṣavṛdh | mfn. rejoicing in cleverness  |
dakṣayajña | m. dakṣa-'s sacrifice  |
dakṣayajñaprabhañjana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", śiva-  |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsa | m. equals kṣa-makha-manthana- Name of  |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of  |
dakṣayajñavināśinī | f. durgā-  |
dakṣāyya | mfn. to be satisfied by skill, .  |
daksehiṇāvarta | mfn. turning (from the left) to the right (a conch-shell ; kuṇḍala- ;a fruit ;a woman's navel )  |
daksehiṇāvarta | mfn. moving in the southern course (the sun)  |
daksehiṇāvarta | m. a conch-shell opening to the right  |
dakṣeśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-,  |
dakṣi | m. plural Name of a family  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. (also ṇ/a- ) (declined as a pronoun when denoting relative position ["right"or,"southern"] etc.; see ;but not necessarily in ablative and locative case sg. m. n.[ ṇe- ] and Nominal verb plural m.;except ) able, clever, dexterous (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. right (not left) etc. (ṇaṃ parī-,"to walk round a person with the right side towards him" ; maṃkṛ-,"to place any one on the right side as a mark of respect", )  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. south, southern (as being on the right side of a person looking eastward), situated to the south, turned or directed southward etc.  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. coming from south (wind)  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. (with āmnāya-) the southern sacred text (of the tāntrika-s),  |
dakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. straightforward, candid, sincere, pleasing, compliant  |
dakṣiṇa | m. the right (hand or arm)  |
dakṣiṇa | m. the horse on the, right side of the pole of a carriage,  |
dakṣiṇa | m. śiva-  |
dakṣiṇa | m. or n. the south  |
dakṣiṇa | n. the righthand or higher doctrine of the śākta-s  |
dakṣiṇā | f. (scilicet go-),"able to calve and give milk", a prolific cow, good milch-cow  |
dakṣiṇā | f. a fee or present to the officiating priest (consisting originally of a cow see ). etc.  |
dakṣiṇā | f. Donation to the priest (personified along with brahmaṇas-pati-, indra-, and soma-, ;authoress of ;wife of Sacrifice[ ],both being children of ruci- and ākūti-, )  |
dakṣiṇā | f. reward  |
dakṣiṇā | f. (offered to the guru-)  |
dakṣiṇā | f. (ṇām ā-- diś-,"to thank" ; Causal "to earn thanks", )  |
dakṣiṇā | f. a gift, donation (see abhaya--, prāṇa--)  |
dakṣiṇā | f. (scilicet diś-) the south, Deccan  |
dakṣiṇā | f. a figure of durgā- having the right side prominent  |
dakṣiṇā | f. completion of any rite (pra-tiṣṭhā-)  |
dakṣiṇā | f. of ṇa- q.v  |
dakṣiṇā | ind. (old. instrumental case) on the right or south ( ) , on the right side of or southward from (ablative : ) (also d/akṣ-)  |
dakṣiṇā | f.  |
dakṣiṇābandha | m. "bondage of ritual reward", one of the 3 states of bondage (in sāṃkhya- philosophy)  |
dakṣiṇābdhi | m. the southern ocean (varia lectio for ṇāpatha-).  |
dakṣiṇabhāga | m. the southern hemisphere (ṇa bh-, )  |
dakṣiṇābhimukha | mf(ā-)n. having the face turned southwards  |
dakṣiṇābhimukha | mf(ā-)n. flowing southwards  |
dakṣiṇābhimukhasthita | mfn. standing with the face southwards  |
dakṣiṇāc | m(accusative ṇāñcam-)fn. southward  |
dakṣiṇācala | m. "southern mountain", the Malaya range  |
dakṣiṇācāra | mfn. upright in conduct  |
dakṣiṇācāra | mfn. equals rin-  |
dakṣiṇācāratantra | n. Name of a Tantric work.  |
dakṣiṇācārin | mfn. worshipping śakti- according to the right-hand ritual  |
dakṣiṇācaritantra | n. equals ra-t-.  |
dakṣiṇadagh | See -s/ad-.  |
dakṣiṇādeśana | n. (ṇād-) thanksgiving  |
dakṣiṇādeśanā | f.  |
dakṣiṇādhipati | m. the lord of the Deccan  |
dakṣiṇadhurīṇa | mfn. harnessed on the right side of the pole  |
dakṣiṇādvāra | n. a door on the south  |
dakṣiṇādvāra | mfn. having a door on the south  |
dakṣiṇadvārika | mfn. (an asterism) propitious to a military expedition to the south  |
dakṣiṇādvāta | m. the south wind  |
dakṣiṇāgavi | f. plural the cows given as a sacrificial fee  |
dakṣiṇāgni | m. the southern fire of the altar (= anvāhārya-p/acana-)  |
dakṣiṇāgra | mfn. having the points turned to the south  |
dakṣiṇāhi | ind. far to the right or in the south (of, ablative ),  |
dakṣiṇaiḥ | ind. instrumental case to the right [ confer, compare Lithuanian de4szine7 f."the right hand."]  |
dakṣiṇajānvakna | mfn. having the right knee bent  |
dakṣiṇājyotis | (d/akṣ-) mfn. brilliant by the sacrificial gift  |
dakṣiṇākāla | m. the time of receiving the sacrificial fee  |
dakṣiṇakālikā | f. a form of durgā- worshipped by the tāntrika-s  |
dakṣiṇakālīmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
dakṣiṇākaparda | See ṇat/as-k-.  |
dakṣiṇalipi | f. the southern way of writing  |
dakṣiṇālipi | varia lectio for ṇa-l-.  |
dakṣiṇam | (am-) ind. to the right  |
dakṣiṇamānasa | n. Name of a tīrtha- near Benares.  |
dakṣiṇamārga | m. the southern course (of a planet), .  |
dakṣiṇāmukha | mf(ī-)n. standing with the face to the right or south  |
dakṣiṇāmūrti | m. a Tantric form of śiva-  |
dakṣiṇāmūrti | m. Name of a copyist of the 17th cent.  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtimantra | m. Name of  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtiprayoga | m. Name of a chapter of  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtisaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtistava | m. 10 verses ascribed to śaṃkara- (explained by viśva-rūpa- or sureśvara- in a commentary with gloss by rāma-tīrtha-)  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtistotra | n. 10 verses ascribed to śaṃkara- (explained by viśva-rūpa- or sureśvara- in a commentary with gloss by rāma-tīrtha-)  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtyupaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
dakṣiṇāntikā | f. Name of a metre.  |
dakṣiṇānyāya | mfn. equals ṇato-ny-  |
dakṣiṇāpada | mf(ī-)n. having the feet towards the south,  |
dakṣiṇapañcāla | mfn. belonging or relating to the southern pañcāla-s (realm)  |
dakṣiṇapāñcālaka | mfn. equals -pañcāla-  |
dakṣiṇāpara | mf(ā-)n. southwestern  |
dakṣiṇāparābhimukha | mfn. turned to the south-west  |
dakṣiṇapaścārdha | m. ( Va1rtt. 3 ) the south-western side  |
dakṣiṇapaścāt | ind. ( Va1rtt. 2 ) south-west from (genitive case)  |
dakṣiṇapaścima | mf(ā-)n. southwestern  |
dakṣiṇāpatha | m. path of the dakṣiṇā- cow, (between the śālā- and the sadas-)  |
dakṣiṇāpaṭha | m. (ṇa-saṃcara- ) the southern region, Deccan :  |
dakṣiṇāpaṭha | m. See ṇābdhi-.  |
dakṣiṇāpathika | mfn. belonging to the Deccan  |
dakṣiṇāpavarga | mfn. terminating in the south  |
dakṣiṇaprācī | f. equals -pūrvā-  |
dakṣiṇāprāgagra | mfn. having the points turned to the south-east  |
dakṣiṇāpraharaṇa | (ṇ/ā--) mfn. hurled to the right  |
dakṣiṇaprākpravaṇa | mfn. sloping south-eastwards  |
dakṣiṇāprañc | mfn. directed towards the south-east, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
dakṣiṇāpraṣṭi | m. the horse harnessed on the right side of the yoke-horses  |
dakṣiṇāpratīcī | f. south-west  |
dakṣiṇāpratīcī | f. (with diś-)  |
dakṣiṇāpratigraha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s,  |
dakṣiṇāpratyac | mf(tīcī-)n. "south-western"  |
dakṣiṇāpratyagapavarga | mfn. terminating in the south-west  |
dakṣiṇāpratyak | ind. south-westwards, 1  |
dakṣiṇāpratyakpravaṇa | mfn. sloping south-westwards  |
dakṣiṇāpravaṇa | mfn. sloping down southwards,  |
dakṣiṇāpravaṇa | (ṇ/ā-) mf(ā-)n. sloping southwards  |
dakṣiṇapūrva | mf(ā-)n. ( ) south-eastern  |
dakṣiṇapūrvā | f. (scilicet diś-) the south-east  |
dakṣiṇapūrvaka | mfn. equals rva-  |
dakṣiṇapūrvārdha | m. the south-eastern side,  |
dakṣiṇapūrvāyata | mf(ā-)n. extending south-eastward  |
dakṣiṇapūrveṇa | ind. instrumental case south-east from (accusative),  |
dakṣiṇarāḍhā | f. southern rāḍhā- (in Bengal)  |
dakṣiṇāranya | n. "southern forest", Name of a forest  |
dakṣiṇārdha | m. the right or southern side  |
dakṣiṇārdhāparārdha | m. equals ṇa-pascardha-  |
dakṣiṇārdhapaścārdha | m. equals ṇa-p-  |
dakṣiṇārdhapūruvārdha | m. equals ṇa-p-,  |
dakṣiṇārdhya | mfn. being on the right or southern side  |
dakṣiṇārdhyapūrvārdhya | mfn. being on the south-western side  |
dakṣiṇārha | (ṇā-) mfn. deserving the sacrificial fee  |
dakṣiṇārus | mfn. wounded on the right side  |
dakṣiṇāśā | f. "southern quarter"  |
dakṣiṇasad | mfn. sitting on the right or southern side  |
dakṣiṇasad | mfn. (ṇā-s-) ix, 35  |
dakṣiṇasad | mfn. (ṇa-dhak- Nominal verb fr. -dogh- )  |
dakṣiṇāsad | See ṇa-s-.  |
dakṣiṇāsaṃcara | m. See -patha-.  |
dakṣiṇāśāpati | m. "lord of dakṣiṇa-", yama-  |
dakṣiṇāśārati | f. "delight of dakṣiṇa-", canopy  |
dakṣiṇasavya | mfn. dual number right and left  |
dakṣiṇāśras | mfn. having the head southwards  |
dakṣiṇāśroṇi | f. the right buttock  |
dakṣiṇastha | m. "standing on the right of his master", a charioteer  |
dakṣiṇāt | ind. ablative from or on the right side  |
dakṣiṇāt | ind. from the south, southward  |
dakṣiṇāt | See ṇa-.  |
dakṣiṇataḥsad | mfn. ṇa-s-  |
dakṣiṇatas | ind. ( ) from the right or south, on the right side or southward from (genitive case) etc. (with as-or bhū-,"to stand at the right side of. assist", ;with kṛ- equals ṇena-with kṛ- ;with pur/astāt-or ras-,south-east ) |
dakṣiṇataskaparda | mfn. wearing the braid on the right side of the head  |
dakṣiṇataskaparda | mfn. (ṇā-k- )  |
dakṣiṇataupacāra | mfn. having the entrance on the south  |
dakṣiṇataupavītin | mfn. wearing the sacred thread on the right, iii, 17, 11  |
dakṣiṇātinayana | (ṇāt-) m. the mantra- with which the dakṣiṇā- cows are driven southwards  |
dakṣiṇatonyāya | mfn. where the southern direction is the rule  |
dakṣiṇatrā | ind. on the right side  |
dakṣiṇātsad | mfn. sitting to the south  |
dakṣiṇatva | n. uprightness, honesty  |
dakṣiṇātva | n. the state of the sacrificial gift  |
dakṣiṇāvacara | mfn. (an embryo) moving in the right part (of the womb)  |
dakṣiṇāvah | mf(Nominal verb -v/āṭ-)n. being borne to the right of the fire (the ladle)  |
dakṣiṇāvarjam | ind. with the exception of the sacrificial gift,  |
dakṣiṇāvartaka | mf(ikā-)n. turned to the right or southwards |
dakṣiṇāvartakī | f. Tragia involucrata  |
dakṣiṇāvat | mfn. (d/akṣ-) giving sacrificial presents (indra-, )  |
dakṣiṇāvat | mfn. abounding in sacrificial re-wards (sacrifice)  |
dakṣiṇāvritta | mfn. twisted from the left to the right  |
dakṣiṇāvṛt | mfn. turning or going round to the right, (the ladle)  |
dakṣiṇāyana | n. "southward way", way to yama-'s quarter  |
dakṣiṇāyana | n. "sun's progress south of the equator", the winter half-year  |
dakṣiṇāyana | mfn. situated in the sun's winter course (as an asterism)  |
dakṣiṇāyugya | m. the right yoke-horse  |
dakṣiṇe | ind. locative case on the right side  |
dakṣiṇena | ind. instrumental case on the right or south ( ), on the right side of or southward from (accusative; ) etc. (with kṛ-,to place or leave on the right )  |
dakṣiṇerma | mfn. broken on the right side (a cart)  |
dakṣiṇerman | mfn. (1 26) equals ṇālrus-  |
dakṣiṇetara | mfn. "other than right", left  |
dakṣiṇeti | f. (equals ṇāyana-) the sun's progress south of the equator  |
dakṣiṇīkṛ | equals ṇena- with kṛ- to give anything (accusative) as a sacrificial fee  |
dakṣiṇit | ind. with the right hand  |
dakṣiṇit | ind. see pra--.  |
dakṣiṇīya | mfn. ( ) equals ṇy/a-  |
dakṣiṇīya | mfn. venerable  |
dakṣiṇīya | mfn. see a--.  |
dakṣiṇodagdvāra | mf(ā-)n. having doors north and south  |
dakṣiṇopakrama | mfn. beginning on the right,  |
dakṣiṇottāna | mfn. having the right hand turned upwards  |
dakṣiṇottāna | mfn. (the hands) of which the right is turned upwards  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. having the right lying on the other (the two hands)  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. right and left  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. southern and northern  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. (in compound)  |
dakṣiṇottarāyāma | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. extending from south to north, north; 875/876; 903a/b; 9, 141 3/5'  |
dakṣiṇottarāyata | mf(ā-)n. extending from south to north, north; 875/876; 903a/b; 9, 141 3/5  |
dakṣiṇottarin | mfn. overhanging on the right side  |
dakṣiṇya | mfn. ( ) worthy of the sacrificial fee, fit for a sacrificial gift  |
dakṣiṇya | mfn. see a--.  |
dakṣu | mfn. burning, blazing  |
dakṣus | mfn. burning, blazing  |
dal | (= dṝ-) cl.1. lati- (pf. dadāla- ; Aorist plural adāliṣur-, ) to crack, fly open, split, open (as a bud) : Causal dālayati-, to cause to burst : dal- idem or 'mfn. worthy of being seen ' , Anargh. ; to expel ; ; see ava--, ud--, vi--. |
dala | n. (m. ) a piece torn or split off. fragment (see aṇḍa-, carma--, dvi--, veṇu--) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
dala | n. "part", a degree  |
dala | n. a half (see adhara--, ahar--, dyu--)  |
dala | n. a hemistich  |
dala | n. "unfolding itself."a small shoot, blade, petal, leaf (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' in names of plants) etc.  |
dala | n. cinnamon leaf.  |
dala | n. unclean gold  |
dala | n. a clump, heap  |
dala | n. a detachment  |
dala | n. equals utsedha-, dhavad-vastu-, avadravya- (apad- )  |
dala | n. dividing, splitting  |
dala | m. Name of a prince ,  |
daladdhṛdaya | mfn. broken-hearted  |
dalāḍhaka | m. Pistia Stratiotes, Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens, wild sesamum, Mesua ferrea, Acacia Sirissa  |
dalāḍhaka | m. red chalk  |
dalāḍhaka | m. foam or sea-foam  |
dalāḍhaka | m. a ditch  |
dalāḍhaka | m. the head of a village  |
dalāḍhaka | m. an elephant's ear  |
dalāḍhaka | m. a hurricane  |
dalādhiśvara | m. Name of the author of nṛsiṃha-prasāda-.  |
dalāḍhya | m. mud  |
dalāditva | n. the state of a leaf. etc., .  |
dalāgralohita | a sort of spinage  |
dalaja | mfn. produced from petals (honey)  |
dalakapāṭa | m. a folded petal or leaf.  |
dalākhya | m. equals la-yoga-  |
dalakomala | the lotus  |
dalakośa | m. a kind of jasmine  |
dalāmala | m. (for mla-?) the plants damanaka-, maruvaka-, and madana- (? damana-)  |
dalamālinī | f. leaf-cabbage  |
dalāmla | n. sorrel  |
dalamodaka | m. petal-honey  |
dalana | mf(ī-)n. splitting, tearing asunder, dispelling  |
dalana | n. breaking (of the heart)  |
dalana | n. destruction  |
dalana | n. causing to burst, splitting  |
dalana | n. see nir--  |
dalana | n. mānsa--.  |
dalanagara | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
dalanī | f. a clod of earth  |
dalanirmoka | m. "leaf-shedding", Betula Bhojpattra  |
dalapa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa cūrṇādi-) a weapon  |
dalapa | m. gold  |
dalapati | m. Name of a prince  |
dalapati | m. equals lādhīśvara-.  |
dalapuṣpā | f. Pandanus odoratissimus =  |
dalapuṣpī | f. Pandanus odoratissimus =  |
dalaśālinī | f. Name of a pot-herb  |
dalasāriṇī | f. Colocasia antiquorum  |
dalaśas | ind. ( yā-to go) to pieces .  |
dalasāyasī | f. white basil  |
dalasnasā | f. the fibre of a leaf.  |
dalasūci | m. "leaf-needle", a thorn  |
dalataru | m. Corypha Taliera  |
dalatṛ | gaRa arīhaṇādi-.  |
dalavīṭaka | n. Name of an ear-ornament  |
dalayoga | m. Name of a constellation  |
dalbha | m. a wheel, 151 Scholiast or Commentator  |
dalbha | m. fraud  |
dalbha | m. Name of a ṛṣi- gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
dalbhya | See dāl-  |
dalegandhi | m. "fragrance in the leaf", Alstonia scholaris  |
dali | f. idem or 'n. mānsa--.'  |
dalika | n. timber  |
dalīkṛta | mfn. halved  |
dalin | mfn. fr. la- gaRa sukhādi-  |
dalita | mfn. (gaRa kṛtādi-, ) burst, split, broken, torn asunder etc.  |
dalita | mfn. unfolded, blown  |
dalita | mfn. halved  |
dalita | mfn. divided into degrees, .  |
dalita | mfn. driven asunder, scattered, dispersed, destroyed  |
dalita | mfn. ground  |
dalita | mfn. displayed  |
dalita | mfn. see saṃ--.  |
dalmi | m. ( ) indra- (see darm/a-)  |
dalmi | m. indra-'s thunderbolt gaRa yavādi-  |
dalmimat | mfn. having a thunderbolt  |
dalodbhava | mfn. equals la-ja-  |
dalya | mfn. fr. la- gaRa balādi-.  |
dam | cl.4. dāmyati- ( ; ind.p. dāntvā-and damitvā-, ; Aorist Passive voice adami-, ;P. mit- ) to be tamed or tranquillised (imperative d/āmyata-) ; to tame, subdue, conquer (ind.p. damitvā-) : cl.9. irreg. (? subjunctive 2. sg. d/anas-) idem or 'mfn. ' : Causal damayati- (parasmE-pada m/ayat-; A1. ) to subdue, overpower ; Desiderative See dān- ; ([ confer, compare , ; Latin domareetc.])  |
dam | m. a house (genitive case plural damām-)  |
dam | m. p/atir d/an- (genitive case sg.) equals d/am-patis-,  |
dam | m. p/ati d/an- equals d/am-patī-,  |
dam | m. ś/iśur d/an- "a child of the house",  |
dam | m. ([ see etc.])  |
dama | m. (or n.) house, home (, Latin domus) (also puru-d/ama- q.v)  |
dama | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "taming, subduing" See ariṃ--, gaṃ-- baliṃ--  |
dama | m. self-command, self-restraint, self-control (m/a-,but see ) etc.  |
dama | m. taming  |
dama | m. punishment, fine,  |
dama | m. Name of a brother of damayantī-  |
dama | m. of a maha-rṣi-  |
dama | m. of a son of dakṣa-, Scholiast or Commentator  |
dama | m. of a grandson [or son ] of marutta-  |
dama | m. see dur--, su--.  |
damadamāya | (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) P. A1. yati-, yate- Va1rtt. 1 (not in edition)  |
damadāna | n. dual number self-control and liberality,  |
damaghoṣa | m. Name of a cedi- prince (father of śiśu-pāla-)  |
damaghoṣaja | m. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- |