Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
bhikṣā | 3.3.232 | Feminine | Singular | raviḥ, śvetaḥ, chadaḥ | |
garut | 2.5.38 | Neuter | Singular | pakṣaḥ, chadaḥ, pattram, patattram, tanūruham | |
gṛhaḥ | 3.3.246 | Masculine | Singular | paricchadaḥ, nṛpārhaḥ, arthaḥ | |
irā | 3.3.184 | Feminine | Singular | alpaḥ, parimāṇaḥ, kārtsnyam, paricchadaḥ | |
jagaraḥ | 2.8.66 | Masculine | Singular | kaṅkaṭakaḥ, kavacaḥ, tanutram, varma, daṃśanam, uraśchadaḥ | |
mitraḥ | 3.3.175 | Masculine | Singular | paricchadaḥ, jaṅgamaḥ, khaḍgakośaḥ | |
nicolaḥ | 2.6.117 | Masculine | Singular | pracchadapaṭaḥ | |
oṣṭhaḥ | 2.6.91 | Masculine | Singular | adharaḥ, radanacchadaḥ, daśanavāsaḥ | |
pattram | Neuter | Singular | dalam, parṇam, chadaḥ, palāśam, chadanam | ||
puraḥ | 3.3.191 | Masculine | Singular | pradhānam, siddhāntaḥ, sūtravāyaḥ, paricchadaḥ | |
saptaparṇaḥ | Masculine | Singular | viśālatvak, śāradaḥ, viṣamacchadaḥ |
chada | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering | ||||||
chada | m. a cover, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') | ||||||
chada | m. see alpa--, uttara--, uraś--, ghana--, tanu--, danta--, daśana--, vadana-- | ||||||
chada | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a wing | ||||||
chada | m. a leaf. | ||||||
chada | m. see a-yuk--, kara--, karkaśa--, etc. | ||||||
chada | m. asra-bindu-- & āyata-cchadā- | ||||||
chada | m. the lip | ||||||
chada | m. Xanthochymus pictorius | ||||||
chada | m. the plant granthi-parṇa- | ||||||
chada | n. feathers | ||||||
chadana | n. a cover, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) | ||||||
chadana | n. see mallikā-- | ||||||
chadana | n. a sheath | ||||||
chadana | n. a wing | ||||||
chadana | n. a leaf. | ||||||
chadana | n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia | ||||||
chadapattra | m. a kind of birch | ||||||
agniparicchada | m. the whole apparatus of a fire-sacrifice | ||||||
agracchada | n. the point of a leaf, | ||||||
alpacchada | mfn. scantily clad. | ||||||
alpacchada | mfn. scantily clad, | ||||||
alpaparicchada | mfn. possessing little property, poor, (conjectural) | ||||||
aparicchada | mfn. ( | ||||||
audumbaracchada | m. Croton Polyandrum | ||||||
avacchada | m. a cover | ||||||
ayugacchada | m. Echites Scholaris, | ||||||
ayugmacchada | m. equals a-yuk chada- q.v | ||||||
ayukchada | etc. See a-y/uj-. | ||||||
ayukchada | m. "having odd (id est :seven see sapta-parṇa-) leaves ", the plant Alstonia Scholaris | ||||||
badarīcchada | m. | ||||||
bahucchada | m. Alstonia Scholaris | ||||||
bahulacchada | m. a red-flowering Hyperanthera | ||||||
barhicchada | m. the feather of a peacock, | ||||||
barhicchada | n. the plumage of a peacock | ||||||
bhavacchada | m. prevention of births or transmigration | ||||||
bhavacchada | m. Name of a grāma- | ||||||
bṛhacchada | m. a walnut | ||||||
dacchada | m. equals danta-cch- | ||||||
daṇḍacchadana | n. a room for utensils | ||||||
dantacchada | m. ( on ) "tooth cover", a lip etc. | ||||||
dantacchadana | n. equals da- | ||||||
danturacchada | m. "prickly-leaved", the lime tree | ||||||
daśanacchada | m. equals danta-- | ||||||
dīrghacchada | mfn. "long-leaved" | ||||||
dīrghacchada | m. Tectonia Grandis or sugar-cane | ||||||
dṛḍhacchada | m. "hard-leaved" | ||||||
dṛḍhacchada | m. Borassus Flabelliformis | ||||||
dṛḍhacchada | n. a kind of fragrant grass | ||||||
dṛkcchada | m. an eyelash, | ||||||
duravacchada | mfn. difficult to be veiled or hidden | ||||||
duśchada | mfn. badly covering (the body) | ||||||
duśchada | mfn. hardly covered, tattered | ||||||
garmūcchada | m. (fr. mūt-for mut-or mud-) a kind of rice (commonly Maduya) | ||||||
ghanacchada | mfn. involved in clouds | ||||||
ghanacchada | m. "thick-leaved", Flacourtia cataphracta | ||||||
ghanacchada | m. Pinus Webbiana | ||||||
ghanacchada | m. a kind of Moringa | ||||||
gucchadantikā | f. Musa sapientum | ||||||
haritacchada | mf(ā-)n. having green leaves | ||||||
haritacchada | m. a tree, plant | ||||||
kākacchada | m. a wagtail | ||||||
kākacchada | m. side-locks of hair (kāka-pakṣa-) | ||||||
kamanacchada | m. "having beautiful plumage", a heron | ||||||
karacchada | m. Trophis Aspera | ||||||
karkaśacchada | m. Trophis Aspera | ||||||
karkaśacchada | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca | ||||||
karkaśacchada | f. equals dagdhā- | ||||||
kaṭucchada | m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria | ||||||
kharacchada | m. "sharp-leaved", Name of a tree (= bhūmī-saha-) | ||||||
kharacchada | m. a kind of grass (ulūka-,or kundara-) | ||||||
kharacchada | m. a kind of reed (itkaṭa-,commonly Okera) | ||||||
kharacchada | m. Name of a small shrub (kṣudra-gholī-) | ||||||
komalacchada | m. "tender-leaved", Name of a plant | ||||||
kopacchada | m. a kind of incense (dhūpa-) | ||||||
krakacacchada | m. "saw-leaved", Pandanus odoratissimus | ||||||
kratucchada | m. one skilled in sacrifice (?) | ||||||
kratucchada | m. for kraku-cchanda- | ||||||
krīḍāparicchada | m. plaything, toy | ||||||
kṣīracchada | m. Calotropis gigantea (the leaves of which yield a milky juice). | ||||||
madhucchada | m. Flacourtia Sapida (alsof(ā-). ) | ||||||
mahāchada | m. Lipeocercis Serrata | ||||||
mahāsanaparicchada | mfn. amply supplied with seats and furniture | ||||||
mallikāchadana | n. a lamp-shade | ||||||
mālukācchada | m. a species of tree | ||||||
maśacchada | m. Andropogon Serratus | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. (only ) Betula Bhojpatra | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. a species of pilu- tree | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. Blumea Lacera | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. a tree similar to the vine-palm | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. Amphidonax Karka | ||||||
mṛducchada | m. a species of grass equals śilpikā-. | ||||||
mukhacchada | m. or n. (?) a face-cover, eye-bandage | ||||||
municchada | m. "seven-leaved", Alstonia Scholaris | ||||||
nayanacchada | m. eye-covering, an eyelid | ||||||
netracchada | m. the eyelid | ||||||
nīlacchada | m. "dark-leaved", the date tree | ||||||
nīlacchada | m. "blue-winged", Name of garuḍa- | ||||||
niśāchada | m. a species of plant | ||||||
niṣparicchada | mfn. having no retinue or court | ||||||
paricchada | m. a cover, covering, garment, dress, etc. | ||||||
paricchada | m. paraphernalia, external appendage, insignia of royalty | ||||||
paricchada | m. goods and chattels, personal property, furniture etc. | ||||||
paricchada | m. retinue, train, attendants, necessaries for travelling etc. | ||||||
paricchada | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals -cchad- | ||||||
paridaṣṭadacchada | mfn. biting the lips | ||||||
parimṛṣṭaparicchada | mfn. trim, neat, spruce | ||||||
phalacchadana | n. a house built of wooden boards | ||||||
pracchada | m. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket | ||||||
pracchadapaṭa | m. (L.) idem or 'm. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket ' | ||||||
pracchadavāsas | n. () idem or 'm. (L.) idem or 'm. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket ' ' | ||||||
praticchadana | n. a cover, covering | ||||||
pṛthucchada | m. "broad-leaved", a species of plant | ||||||
puraśchada | m. a nipple | ||||||
puraśchada | m. Imperata Cylindrica | ||||||
radacchada | m. "tooth-covering", a lip | ||||||
radanacchada | m. "tooth-covering", a lip | ||||||
raktacchada | mfn. red-leaved ( raktacchadatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
raktacchadatva | n. raktacchada | ||||||
rūḍhaparicchada | mfn. laden with chattels | ||||||
saṃdaṣṭadantacchada | mfn. biting or compressing the lips | ||||||
sāṃgrāmikaparicchada | m. implements of war | ||||||
saparicchada | mf(ā-)n. attended by a train, provided with necessaries | ||||||
saptacchada | m. "7 leaved", a kind of tree | ||||||
saptacchada | m. Alstonia, Scholaris | ||||||
śatacchada | m. a sort of woodpecker, Picus Bengalensis | ||||||
śāṭīpracchada | n. gaRa gavā | ||||||
sitacchada | mfn. white-winged, having white leaves | ||||||
sitacchada | m. a goose | ||||||
śītalacchada | m. a white leaf | ||||||
śītalacchada | mfn. having white leaves | ||||||
śītalacchada | m. Michelia Champaka | ||||||
śiticchada | m. "white-feathered", a goose (see sita-cch-). | ||||||
snukchada | m. a kind of reed, Lipeocercis Serrata | ||||||
sthiracchada | m. Betula Bhojpatra | ||||||
succhada | mfn. having beautiful leaves | ||||||
śukacchada | m. a parrot's wing | ||||||
śukacchada | n. equals granthi-parṇa- | ||||||
śukacchada | n. Xanthochymus Pictorius | ||||||
surabhicchada | m. fragrant jambu- | ||||||
surasācchada | m. (prob.) the leaf of the white basil | ||||||
śvetacchada | m. "white-winged"or"white-leaved", a goose | ||||||
śvetacchada | m. a kind of plant | ||||||
śvetacchada | m. Ocymum Album | ||||||
tanucchada | m. (see ) equals -tra- (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') | ||||||
tanucchada | m. plural feathers | ||||||
tapanacchada | m. the sunflower | ||||||
tucchadaya | mfn. unmerciful | ||||||
tvakchada | m. Lipeocercis serrata | ||||||
uraśchada | m. breastplate, cuirass, armour, mail | ||||||
uttaracchada | m. a cover thrown over anything | ||||||
uttarapracchada | m. a cover-lid, quilt | ||||||
vacācchada | m. a kind of white basil | ||||||
vadanacchada | wrong reading for radana-cch- | ||||||
vaiyāghraparicchada | mfn. covered with a tiger's skin | ||||||
vakṣaśchada | m. "breast-cover", armour | ||||||
vaktracchada | m. a cloth covering the face (of an elephant) | ||||||
viṣamacchada | m. equals sapta-cch-, Alstonia Scholaris | ||||||
viṣamacchada | m. Echites Scholaris | ||||||
viṣvagviluptacchada | mfn. having leaves torn off on all sides (said of a tree) | ||||||
yamalacchada | m. Bauhinia Variegata |
chadaḥ | छदः छदनम् 1 A covering, cover; अल्पच्छद, उत्तर च्छद &c. -2 A wing; अन्यभृतच्छदच्छवेः Śi.16.5; -च्छद- हेम कषन्निवालसत् N.2.69. -3 A leaf. -4 A sheath, case; षण्णेम्यनन्तच्छदि यत्त्रिणाभि Bhāg.3.21.18. -Comp. -पत्रः the Bhūrja tree. |
aparicchada | अपरिच्छद a. Poor, destitute. पुमांसश्चापरिच्छदाः Ms.8.45. |
upacchadaḥ | उपच्छदः A coverlet, cover in general. |
paricchadaḥ | परिच्छदः 1 A covering, cover, canopy, awning; विद्यालयं सितगृहं सपरिच्छदं तत् Bil. Ch.2; पयःफेननिभा शय्या दान्ता रुक्मपरिच्छदा Bhāg.; दर्शनीयास्तु काम्बोजाः शुकपत्रपरिच्छदाः Mb.7.23.7. (com. शुकपत्रपरिच्छदाः शुकपत्राभरोमाणः). -2 A garment, clothes, dress; शाखावसक्तकमनीयपरिच्छदानाम् Ki.7.4. -3 Train, retinue, attendants, circle of dependants; नरपतिरतिवाहयांबभूव क्वचिदसमेतपरिच्छदस्त्रियामाम्; R.9.7. -4 Paraphernalia, external appendage, (as छत्र, चामर); सेना परिच्छदस्तस्य R.1.19. -5 Goods and chattels, personal property, all one's possession or belongings (utensils, implements &c.); विवास्यो वा भवेद्राष्ट्रात् सद्रव्यः सपरिच्छदः Ms.9.241;7.4;8.45;9. 78;11.76; अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत्कर्म सपरिच्छदम् Rām.; स्रुग्भाण्डमरणीं दर्भानुपभुङ्क्ते हुताशनः । व्यसनित्वान्नरः क्षीणः परिच्छद- मिवात्मनः ॥ -6 Necessaries for travelling. |
pracchadaḥ | प्रच्छदः A cover, wrapper, coverlet, bed-clothes, bed-cover; प्रच्छदान्तगलिताश्रुबिन्दुभिः R.19.22. -Comp. -पटः bed-clothes, coverlet. |
praticchadanam | प्रतिच्छदनम् A cover, a piece of cloth for a covering. प्रतिच्छन्दः praticchandḥ प्रतिच्छन्दकः praticchandakḥ प्रतिच्छन्दः प्रतिच्छन्दकः 1 A likeness, picture, statue, an image; धनुःशतमात्रेण दृष्टः स दिव्यवारणप्रतिच्छन्दः Pratijñā.1. -2 A substitute; गिरिप्रतिच्छन्दमहामतङ्गजाः Śi.12.29; प्रतिच्छन्दं धात्रा युवतिवपुषां किं नु रचितम् Avimārakam 2.3. |
mālukācchadaḥ | मालुकाच्छदः A species of tree (Mar. आपटा). |
saparicchada | सपरिच्छद a. Provided with necessaries. |
chada | a. covering (--°ree;); m. cover, covering; wing; leaf; n. plumage; -ana, n. cover, covering; wing; leaf; -i, -in, a. covering (--°ree;); -ís, n. cover (also of a wagon); roof. |
ayugmacchada | m.=ayuk-kha- da; -lokana, m. Siva (odd- i.e. three-eyed); -sara, m. Kâma (odd-=five-arrowed). |
ayukchada | m. (odd-leaved, i. e. seven-leaved) a tree (sapta-parna). |
avibhūṣaṇaparicchada | a. lacking ornaments and furniture. |
uttaracchada | m. cover, coverlet; -ga, a. born of the last mentioned marriage. |
uraśchada | m. cuirass. |
tanucchada | m. feather; armour, cuirass; -ga, m. son: â, f. daughter; -tâ, f. smallness; meagreness, slenderness; condition of having a body; -tyag, a. abandoning the body, dying; risking life, brave;-tyâga, m. sacrificing or risking one's life. |
dacchada | m. (teeth-cover), lip. |
dantacchada | m. (tooth-covering), lip; -ganman, n. growth of the teeth; -gâta, pp. having teethed; -dyut, f. glitter of the teeth; -dhâva, m. cleansing the teeth; -dhâv ana, n. id.; splint of wood chewed for clean ing the teeth; -pattra, n. kind of ear orna ment: i-kâ, f. id.; -pâñkâlikâ, f. doll of ivory; -pâli, f. ivory sword hilt; -prakshâl ana, n. cleansing of the teeth; means for cleansing the teeth; -praveshta, m. (?) ring round an elephant's tusk; -bha&ndot;ga, m. break ing or splitting of the teeth; -maya, a. made of ivory; -mâmsa, n. gum; -mûlá, n. root of a tooth; -mûlîya, a. dental (letter); -rak anâ, f. cleansing of the teeth; -vakra, m. N. of a prince; -vâsas, n. (cover of the teeth), lip; -vînâ, f. chattering of the teeth (lit. teeth-lute): -m vâdaya, play the teeth lute=have chattering of the teeth (from cold); -veshta, m. gum: du. gums; -vyâpâra,m. working in ivory; -suddhi, f. cleansing the teeth; -sodhana, n. id.; -samgharsha, m. grinding of the teeth. |
pracchada | m. coverlet, bed-cover; -kkhanna, pp. (√ khad), hidden, secreted, disguised, etc.; -khhâdaka, a covering, concealing (--°ree;); m. song, accompanied by the lute, of a woman deserted by her husband, and containing a veiled reference to her forlorn state; -kkhâdana, a. covering, concealing (--°ree;); n. concealment; -kkhâdya, fp. to be concealed; -kkhâya, n (?) shady place, shade; -kkhita, pp. √ khâ. |
śukacchada | m. parrot's wing; -tâ, f. condition of a parrot; -tva, n. id.; -nalikâ-nyâya, m. manner of the parrot and the Nalikâ plant: in. as the parrot is fright ened at the Nalikâ plant without cause; -nâ sa, m. N.; -vat, ad. like a parrot. |
agnim | antaś chādayasi # AVś.9.3.14a. |
achānta | me chadayāthā ca nūnam # RV.1.165.12d; MS.4.11.3d: 170.1; KS.9.18d. |
amaṇikā | maṇichadaḥ # AVś.20.130.9. |
indram | agniṃ kavichadā # RV.3.12.3a; SV.2.21a. |
gokāmā | me achadayan yad āyam # RV.10.108.10c. |
tad | in nu me acachadan # AVP.5.27.1a. |
tvam | indra śarma riṇāḥ # AVś.20.135.11a; GB.2.6.14; śś.; Aś.8.3.27; Vait.32.30. Designated as bhūtechadaḥ AB.6.36.1 ff.; KB.30.5. |
divyānāṃ | sarpāṇām adhipatiḥ pra likhatām # śG.4.15.7; ... adhipatiḥ pra limpatām 4.15.8; ... adhipatir ava neniktām 4.15.6; ... adhipatir āṅktām 4.15.11; ... adhipatir ā chādayatām 4.15.10; ... adhipatir ā badhnītām 4.15.9; ... adhipatir īkṣatām 4.15.12. |
divyāḥ | sarpā ava nenijatām # śG.4.15.6; ... sarpā ā chādayantām 4.15.10; ... sarpā āñjatām 4.15.11; ... sarpā ā badhnatām 4.15.9; ... sarpā īkṣantām 4.15.12; ... sarpā eṣa vo baliḥ 4.15.13; ... sarpāḥ pra likhantām 4.15.7; ... sarpāḥ pra limpantām 4.15.8. |
pākāya | cic chadayati # RV.3.9.7b. |
marmāṇi | te varmaṇā (TS. varmabhiś) chādayāmi # RV.6.75.18a; AVś.7.118.1a; SV.2.1220a; VS.17.49a; TS. P: marmāṇi te Vait.34.12; Kś.13.3.11; Kauś.16.7; BṛhPDh.9.111. |
mātā | ca me chadayathaḥ samā vaso # RV.8.1.6c; SV.1.292c. |
chada | noun (masculine) a cover (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a leaf (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a wing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) covering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the lip (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant granthi-parṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Xanthochymus pictorius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6223/72933 | |
chada | noun (neuter) feathers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52518/72933 | |
chadana | noun (neuter) a cover (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a leaf (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a wing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) covering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the leaf of Laurus Cassia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11255/72933 | |
asthiracchada | noun (masculine) Betula Bhojpatra Frequency rank 46023/72933 | |
uttaracchada | noun (masculine) a bed cover
a cover thrown over anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14054/72933 | |
uttarapracchada | noun (masculine) a coverlid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) quilt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27102/72933 | |
uraśchada | noun (masculine) armour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) breastplate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cuirass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mail (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19066/72933 | |
karacchada | noun (masculine) Trophis Aspera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33833/72933 | |
karkaśacchada | noun (masculine) Trichosanthes Dioeca (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Trophis Aspera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27413/72933 | |
ketakacchadanīya | noun (masculine) Strychnos potatorum Frequency rank 50076/72933 | |
krakacacchada | noun (masculine) Pandanus odoratissimus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50330/72933 | |
kramukacchada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 50342/72933 | |
kharacchada | noun (masculine) a kind of grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of reed (itkaṭa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a small shrub (kṣudragholī) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27749/72933 | |
gucchadantikā | noun (feminine) Musa sapientum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51343/72933 | |
ghanacchada | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of Moringa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Flacourtia cataphracta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Pinus Webbiana (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51790/72933 | |
tanucchada | noun (masculine) feathers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21359/72933 | |
tapanacchada | noun (masculine) common sunflower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53296/72933 | |
tilacchada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 53581/72933 | |
dacchada | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 24173/72933 | |
dantacchada | noun (masculine) a lip (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21425/72933 | |
daśanacchada | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 9613/72933 | |
dṛḍhacchada | noun (neuter) a kind of fragrant grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54866/72933 | |
dṛḍhacchada | noun (masculine) Borassus Flabelliformis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the palm-tree Frequency rank 54867/72933 | |
dhanvanacchada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 55320/72933 | |
niśāchada | noun (masculine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 36384/72933 | |
paricchada | noun (masculine) a cover (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) attendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) covering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dress (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) external appendage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) furniture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) garment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) goods and chattels (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) insignia of royalty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) necessaries for travelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) paraphernalia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) personal property (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) retinue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) train (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4003/72933 | |
paricchadavant | adjective Frequency rank 36650/72933 | |
puṣkaracchada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 58262/72933 | |
pṛthucchada | noun (masculine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37029/72933 | |
pracchada | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 29119/72933 | |
badarīcchadana | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 59961/72933 | |
bahulacchada | noun (masculine) a redflowering Hyperanthera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60137/72933 | |
bṛhacchada | noun (masculine) a walnut (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29405/72933 | |
maṇḍalacchada | noun (masculine) Boerhavia Procumbens Frequency rank 61208/72933 | |
markaṭacchada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 72886/72933 | |
municchada | noun (masculine) Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br. Frequency rank 38330/72933 | |
mṛducchada | noun (masculine feminine) śilpikā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Amphidonax Karka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of Pilu tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a tree similar to the vine-palm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Betula Bhojpatra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Blumea Lacera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19864/72933 | |
yamalacchada | noun (masculine) Bauhinia Variegata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38510/72933 | |
yugacchada | noun (masculine) Bauhinia variegata Frequency rank 63060/72933 | |
radacchada | noun (masculine) a lip (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63380/72933 | |
viṣamacchada | noun (masculine) Alstonia Scholaris Frequency rank 39557/72933 | |
śatacchada | noun (masculine) a sort of woodpecker (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Picus Bengalensis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67158/72933 | |
śītalacchada | noun (masculine) Michelia champaka Linn. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67766/72933 | |
śukacchada | noun (neuter) granthi-parṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sthauṇeyaka Xanthochymus Pictorius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25612/72933 | |
saptacchada | noun (masculine neuter) Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Echites scholaris Linn. Frequency rank 8203/72933 | |
surabhicchada | noun (masculine) fragrant Jambu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41020/72933 | |
haritacchada | noun (masculine) a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 31248/72933 |