cha | the 7th consonant (aspirate of the preceding).  |
cha | m. ( cho-) dividing  |
cha | m. a fragment  |
cha | mfn. pure, clean  |
cha | mfn. tremulous, unsteady  |
chā | f. covering, concealing (see chad-)  |
chā | f. a mark, sign  |
chā | f. see chā-.  |
chā | m. a young animal  |
chacchikā | butter-milk  |
chāchikā | Name of a tīrtha-  |
chad | cl.1. dati-, to cover (varia lectio): Causal (or cl.10) chād/ayati- (once ch/ad- ; chand-[fr.1. chand-] ; Epic also A1. perfect tense chādayāṃ- cakre- ; parasmE-pada yāna- ), to cover, cover over, clothe, veil etc. ; to spread as a cover ; to cover one's self. ; to hide, conceal, keep secret ; to protect ( ) : Causal Desiderative cicchādayiṣati- Va1rtt. 2 ; ([ see Gothscadus.])  |
chad | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( )"covering" See dhāma-- and (?) bhūte-cch/ad-, mallikā--  |
chad | mfn. see ā--.  |
chad | or 2. chand- cl.10. chad/ayati- (also te-= arc- [ varia lectio, ti-]; subjunctive yat- ;2. plural yātha-, ), chandayati- (twice cl.1. ch/andati-[ equals arcati- ] ; A1.[ subjunctive yāte-] ; Aorist acacchadat- ; acchān- ;2. plural nta-, ;3. plural ntsur-, ; subjunctive chantsat-[ ] ;2. sg. tsi-, ; perf. cacchanda-, ; Potential cacchadyāt-, ) to seem, appear, be considered as ; to seem good, please (with dative case) ; (with acc,) (see ) ; A1. to be pleased with, delight in (accusative or locative case) ; chandayati-, to gratify any one (accusative;exceptionally genitive case ) with anything (instrumental case, especially vareṇa-,"with a boon" ) ; to try to seduce any one (accusative)  |
chad | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "appearing as" See prathamacch/ad-  |
chad | mfn. ,"pleased with" See kavi-- and (?) bhūte-cch/ad-.  |
chad | cl.1. to nourish  |
chada | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering  |
chada | m. a cover, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chada | m. see alpa--, uttara--, uraś--, ghana--, tanu--, danta--, daśana--, vadana--  |
chada | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a wing  |
chada | m. a leaf.  |
chada | m. see a-yuk--, kara--, karkaśa--, etc.  |
chada | m. asra-bindu-- & āyata-cchadā-  |
chada | m. the lip  |
chada | m. Xanthochymus pictorius  |
chada | m. the plant granthi-parṇa-  |
chada | n. feathers  |
chāda | n. (irregular ) a roof.  |
chādaka | mfn. covering  |
chādaka | mfn. any obscuring object (as a cloud)  |
chadana | n. a cover, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
chadana | n. see mallikā--  |
chadana | n. a sheath  |
chadana | n. a wing  |
chadana | n. a leaf.  |
chadana | n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia  |
chādana | m. "coverer", Barleria caerulea  |
chādana | m. the skin  |
chādana | m. covering, cover  |
chādana | m. concealing  |
chādana | m. darkening  |
chādana | m. (in dramatic language) ignoring or tolerating offences if useful for one's aims  |
chādana | m. a leaf  |
chadapattra | m. a kind of birch  |
chaḍḍalikā | Name of a metre  |
chaḍī | f. a kind of palm  |
chadi | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering  |
chadi | mfn. "a roof" See n/ava--.  |
chadiḥsammita | mfn. corresponding to a cover  |
chadin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering,  |
chadin | mfn. "having leaves" See daśa--  |
chadin | mfn. having wheels (pattra- equals dhārā- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
chādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' hiding, obscuring  |
chādinī | f. the skin  |
chadirdarśa | m. appearance of roofs  |
chadirdarśa | m. (a-cch- negative)  |
chadirdarśa | m. see  |
chadis | n. ( ) a cover, roof of a carriage, roof (gṛha- )  |
chadis | n.  |
chadis | n. see chādiṣeya-.  |
chādiṣeya | mfn. suitable for the roof of a carriage or house (chad/is-) Va1rtt. 2  |
chadiṣmat | mfn. having a cover or roof (a carriage)  |
chadistṛṇa | n. straw for a roof,  |
chādita | mfn. covered, covered over  |
chādita | mfn. obscured (the moon)  |
chādita | mfn. concealed, disguised  |
chadma | in compound for dman-.  |
chadmadyūta | n. deceitful playing at dice  |
chadmagati | f. approaching clandestinely  |
chadmaghātin | mfn. killing deceitfully  |
chadman | n. ( ) a roof  |
chadman | n. external covering, deceptive dress, disguise, pretext, pretence, deceit, fraud  |
chadman | n. (in dramatic language) deceitful intelligence or tidings  |
chadman | n. see kūṭa--.  |
chadmarūpeṇa | instrumental case ind. in disguise  |
chadmarūpin | mfn. disguised as (in compound), 1792  |
chadmastha | m. (Prakritchauma-ttha),"remaining in error", a common man or ascetic (not possessing the knowledge of a kevalin-)  |
chadmasthita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' pretending to practise (austerity, tapaś--)  |
chadmaṭ | See chambaṭ-kara-.  |
chadmatāpasa | m. a pretended ascetic  |
chadmavallabha | m. the perfume coraka-  |
chadmaveṣa | m. a deceptive dress, disguise  |
chadmaveṣin | mfn. of a pretended appearance  |
chadmaveṣin | mfn. a cheat  |
chadmikā | f. Cocculus cordifolius  |
chādmika | mfn. (fr. chadman-) fraudulent  |
chadmin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' disguised as  |
chadvara | m. a tooth  |
chadvara | m. a bower  |
chādya | mfn. to be sheltered  |
chādya | m. the object obscured  |
chaga | m. equals ch/āga-, a he-goat  |
chāga | m. equals chaga- ("limping"?, of etc.) a he-goat : etc.  |
chāga | m. the sign Aries  |
chāga | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
chāga | mfn. coming from a goat or she-goat  |
chāgā | f. a she-goat  |
chāgaka | n. herd of goats  |
chāgakarṇa | m. "goat-ear", Tectona grandis  |
chagala | m. idem or 'm. equals ch/āga-, a he-goat '  |
chagala | m. ( ) Name of a muni-  |
chagala | m. of a locality gaRa takṣaśilādi-  |
chagala | m. plural Name of a family  |
chagala | n. blue cloth  |
chagalā | f. Name of a woman gaRa bahv-adi- equals lāntrika-  |
chagala | n. a she-goat ( chagalapayas -payas- n.)  |
chāgala | mfn. coming from a goat (chagal/a-) or she-goat  |
chāgala | mfn. born in chagala- gaRa takhṣaśilādi- (not in )  |
chāgala | m. a goat  |
chāgala | m. equals laka-  |
chāgala | m. patronymic fr. chagala- (if of atri-'s family)  |
chāgala | m. Name of a mountain  |
chagalaka | m. a he-goat  |
chāgalaka | m. a kind of fish  |
chāgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of śukla-yajurveda-pariśiṣṭa- ii.  |
chagalāṇḍa | n. "goat-testicle", Name of a tīrtha- (varia lectio chāg-)  |
chāgalāṇḍa | varia lectio for chag-.  |
chagalāṇḍī | f. varia lectio for lāntrī-  |
chagalāṅghrī | varia lectio for lāntrī-  |
chāgalānta | m. equals ga-nāśana-  |
chagalāntrī | f. equals trikā-  |
chāgalāntrī | f. equals chag-  |
chagalāntrikā | f. Argyreia speciosa or argentea (ajāntrī-)  |
chāgalāntrikā | f. equals chag-  |
chagalāntrin | m. "having goats in the bowels", a wolf  |
chāgalāntrin | m. equals chag-  |
chagalapayas | n. chagala |
chāgaleya | mfn. fr. chagal/a- gaRa sakhy-ādi-  |
chāgaleya | m. Name of the author of a law-book Introd.  |
chāgaleya | m.  |
chāgaleya | m. (plural) equals geya-  |
chāgaleyin | m. plural ( ) the pupils of chagalin-  |
chagalī | f. idem or 'f. Name of a woman gaRa bahv-adi- equals lāntrika- '  |
chāgali | m. patronymic fr. chagala- (if not of atri-'s family ;one of atri-'s family varia lectio la-, gava-) or metron. fr. chagalā- (gaRa bāhv-ādi-), Name of a prince  |
chagalikā | f. a she-goat  |
chagalin | m. Name of a teacher (pupil of kalāpin- ), 109.  |
chāgamāṇsa | n. goat's flesh, Mn, iii, 269.  |
chāgamaya | mfn. like a goat  |
chāgamitra | m. "goat-friend", Name of a man gaRa $ ādi- (not in )  |
chāgamitrika | mf(ā-, ī-)n. fr. tra-  |
chāgamukha | m. "goat-faced", Name of a kimpuruṣa-  |
chagaṇa | m. (fr. śakn--of śakṛt-) ([n. ]) dried cow-dung  |
chagaṇa | m. see chāg-.  |
chāgaṇa | m. a fire of dried cow-dung (chag-)  |
chāganāśana | m. "goat-destroyer", a wolf.  |
chāgaratha | m. "whose vehicle is a goat", agni-  |
chāgaromamaya | mfn. consisting of goat-hair  |
chāgaśatru | m. equals -nāśana-  |
chāgavāhana | m. equals -ratha- =  |
chāgavya | m. plural Name of a family, (varia lectio sthāg-)  |
chāgavya | m. see va- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order gali-.  |
chāgeya | m. plural Name of a school of the black yajur-veda-,  |
chāgī | f. id  |
chāgikā | f. equals gī-  |
chāgīkṣīranāśa | m. "goat-milk-destroyer", Trophis aspera  |
chāgyāyani | m. patronymic fr. chāga- vArttika  |
chaidika | mfn. deserving mutilation (cheda-)  |
chaidika | mfn. equals chidrāṃśa-  |
chajjū | m. Name of a man  |
chakāra | m. the letter or sound cha-.  |
chal | cl.10. (orNom.fr. chala-) P. chalayati- (infinitive mood litum- ) to deceive, cheat, delude, outwit ; to feign  |
chala | n. ( skhal-) (exceptionally m. ; gaRa ardharcādi-) fraud, deceit, sham, guise, pretence, delusion, semblance, fiction, feint, trick, fallacy (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', exempli gratia, 'for example' upadā-chalena-,"under pretence of gifts of honour" id est with feigned gifts ; rajaś-chalena-,"under the semblance of dust", ;See kanyakā--, dharma--, vāk--) (a-cch-, negative) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
chala | n. deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words  |
chala | n. wickedness  |
chala | for sthala- MBH. xiii. 7257 m. Name of a son of dala-  |
chalā | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' in names of several treatises or chapters belonging to (exempli gratia, 'for example' -ūha--, ūhya--,etc., qq. vv.)  |
chāla | m. (gaRa ardharcādi-,not in and ) Cyprinus Rohita  |
chaladyūta | n. equals chadma-dy-  |
chalaka | mfn. delusive  |
chalakāraka | mfn. practising fraud |
chalakārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. practising fraud '  |
chalākṣarasūtra | n. Name of work  |
chalana | n. deceiving, deluding, tricking, outwitting  |
chalana | n. (in dramatic language) contempt (avamānana-),  |
chalanā | f. deceiving, ( )  |
chalanāpara | mfn. deceitful  |
chalapāta | m. gliding out,  |
chalatā | f. deception  |
chalavāc | f. deceitful speech,  |
chalika | n. a song consisting of 4 parts (recited with gesticulation;subdivision of nātya- ) (in Prakrit) and (varia lectio litaka-).  |
chālikya | n. equals chalika-  |
chalin | m. a cheat  |
chalin | m. a swindler  |
chalita | mfn. deceived  |
chalita | n. a kind of dance performed by men  |
chalitaka | m. Name of a man  |
chalitaka | n. See lika-.  |
chalitakayoga | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v)  |
chalitarāma | n. "the outwitted rāma-", Name of a drama  |
chalitasvāmin | m. Name of a sanctuary (called after chalitaka-)  |
challi | f. (Prakrit fr. 1. chard/is-) bark ([ llī-, ])  |
challi | f. a cloak  |
challī | f. bark  |
challī | f. a creeper  |
challī | f. a kind of flower  |
challī | f. offspring (saṃtāna-)  |
challita | See asthi--.  |
chalokti | f. equals vāk-chala-,  |
cham | cl.1. mati-, to eat  |
chamacchamikāratna | m. See chanacchan-iti- at end.  |
chamacchamita | n. crackling  |
chamaṇḍa | m. equals chem-  |
chamaṇḍa | m. a single man (who has no kinsmen)  |
chamaṇḍala | n. equals pradeśa-viśeṣa-  |
chamaṇḍala | See 2. cha-.  |
chambaṃkāram | ind. (equals baṭ-k-) so as to fail  |
chambaṭ | ind. (gaRa cādi-) in compound  |
chambaṭkara | mf(ī-)n. ruining (varia lectio chadmaṭ-k-).  |
chambaṭkāra | m. only negative dative case acchambaṭkārāya /a-cchambaṭkārāya- ind. for not making a failure  |
chambaṭkāram | ind. only neg, /a-cch-, so as not to make a failure  |
chambaṭkṛ | to make a failure  |
champ | cl.10. to go  |
champaṇa | varia lectio for śaṅkhaṇa-.  |
chanacchaniti | ind. (fr. natchanad-iti- ) onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) (imitative of the noise of drops falling on anything hot) (varia lectio chamaccham-iti- ,whence the author of the verse is called cchamikā-ratna-).  |
chāṇaka | m. a particular mixed caste,  |
chand | and 2 See 1. and 3. chad-.  |
chand | varia lectio for chṛd- q.v  |
chanda | mfn. equals nna-  |
chanda | mfn. pleasing, alluring, inviting  |
chanda | mfn. praising (ch/anda- )  |
chanda | mfn. see madhu-cch-  |
chanda | m. appearance, look, shape  |
chanda | m. see prati- and vi-cch-  |
chanda | m. pleasure, delight, appetite, liking, predilection, desire, will etc.  |
chanda | m. according to the wish of (genitive case)  |
chanda | m. (a-cch- negative"against the wish of") 7098 and 8557  |
chanda | m. (a-cch- negative"involuntarily" )  |
chanda | m. poison  |
chanda | m. Name of śākya-muni-'s charioteer (chandaka-)  |
chanda | m. of a prince  |
chanda | m. see sva--  |
chanda | m. indra--, kalāpa--, deva-and vijaya--, various kinds of pearl-ornaments.  |
chanda | and 2 See 1. and 3. chad-.  |
chānda | See ndasa-.  |
chandacārin | mfn. complying with the wishes of (genitive case)  |
chāndaḍa | m. Name of a Brahman  |
chandagati | f. interpretation of the veda- (nda-for ndas)  |
chandaḥ | in compound for das-  |
chandahānis | mfn. giving up one's desires (?)  |
chandaḥkalpa | m. collection of ritualistic rules  |
chandaḥkalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
chandaḥprakaraṇa | n. a chapter on metre  |
chandaḥprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
chandaḥpraśasti | f. equals nda-pr-.  |
chandaḥpratiṣṭhāna | mfn. based on metre,  |
chandaḥpuruṣa | m. metre personified  |
chandaḥsaṃgraha | m. "summary of metres", Name of a work  |
chandaḥsāra | m. piṅgala-'s work on metre  |
chandaḥśāstra | n. metrical science  |
chandaḥśāstra | n. equals -sāra-  |
chandaḥsiddhi | f. a chapter of the kāvya-kalpa-latā-vṛttiparimala-.  |
chandaḥstubh | mfn. idem or 'mfn. praising in hymns '  |
chandaḥstut | mfn. praising in hymns  |
chandaḥsudhākara | m. Name of work  |
chandaḥsūtra | n. equals -sāra-.  |
chandaja | mfn. "originating from one's own wish", self-produced (gods)  |
chandaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "charming" See sarva--  |
chandaka | m. Name of śākya-muni-'s charioteer  |
chandaka | 1. & 2.  |
chandakanivartana | n. " candaka-'s return", Name of a caitya-,  |
chandakapātana | m. a hypocrite  |
chandamṛtyu | mfn. having death in one's power  |
chandana | mfn. charming  |
chandana | 1. & 2.  |
chandānugāmin | mfn. complying with the wishes (of others), submissive  |
chandānuvartin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. complying with the wishes (of others), submissive '  |
chandānuvartin | mfn. following one's own will  |
chandānuvṛtta | varia lectio for do-'nuv-.  |
chandapātana | m. equals ndaka-p-  |
chandapraśasti | f. Name of work by harṣa-.  |
chandas | n. "roof" See bṛh/ac--  |
chandas | n. deceit |
chandaś | equals das-.  |
chandas | n. desire, longing for, will  |
chandas | n. intention, purport  |
chandas | n. a sacred hymn (of ;as distinguished from those of and ), incantation-hymn  |
chandas | n. the sacred text of the Vedic hymns etc.  |
chandas | n. metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms[ etc.] to which virāj- is added as the 8th[ ]; ch/andas-opposed to gāyatr/i-and triṣṭ/ubh- )  |
chandas | n. metrical science  |
chandas | n. equals do-grantha- ; ([ confer, compare Latin scando,"to step, scan."])  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. having the sacred text of the veda- (ch/andas-) as (its) subject, peculiar or relating or belonging to the veda-, Vedic  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. (once nda- )  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. archaistic  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. (gaRa manojñādi- ) studying the holy text of the Vedic hymns, familiar with it  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa khasūcy-ādi- )  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to metre  |
chāndasabaṭhara | m. the deceitful chāndasa-  |
chāndasaka | n. the being familiar with the Vedic hymns, gaRa manojñādi-.  |
chāndasatā | f. the being Vedic  |
chāndasatva | n. idem or 'f. the being Vedic ' etc.  |
chāndasatva | n. the being archaistic  |
chāndasatva | n. the being metrical  |
chandaścit | mfn. piled with metres  |
chandaścūḍāmaṇi | m. a work by  |
chandasikā | f. equals ndo-grantha-.  |
chāndasīya | m. one familiar with metrical science  |
chandaska | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) equals das-, metre  |
chandaskṛta | mfn. composed in metre  |
chandaskṛta | mfn. (a-cch- negative)  |
chandaspakṣa | (ch/and-) mf(ā-)n. borne aloft on the wings of desire  |
chandastva | n. the state of a sacred hymn or of its metre ,  |
chandasvat | (ch/and-) mfn. desiring (-pakṣa- )  |
chandasya | mfn. ( ) taking the form of hymns, metrical, relating to or fit for hymns  |
chandasya | mfn. made or done according to one's wish  |
chandasyā | f. (with /īṣṭakā-) Name of a sacrificial brick  |
chandāt | ind. ablative according to the wish of (in comp.)  |
chandatas | ind. at will, at pleasure |
chandatas | ind. according to the wish of (genitive case) |
chandena | ind. instrumental case ([also with svena-, ;or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with sva--( ) or ātma-- ]) according to one's own wish  |
chandita | mfn. gratified  |
chando | in compound for das-.  |
chandobaddha | mfn. equals das-kṛta-  |
chandobhāga | mf(ā-)n. one whose share is a metre  |
chandobhaṅgavat | mfn. offending against metre  |
chandobhāṣā | f. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-) the language of the veda- )  |
chāndobhāṣa | mfn. fr. chando-bhāṣā- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandobhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
chandodeva | m. Name of mataṅga-  |
chandodevī | f. "metre-goddess", gāyatrī-  |
chandodīpikā | f. Name of work  |
chandoga | m. ( gai-) "singer in metre", chanter of the , udgātṛ- priest etc.  |
chāndoga | mfn. "relating to the chando-ga-s", in compound  |
chandogabrāhmaṇa | n. equals chāndogya-br-  |
chāndogabrāhmaṇa | n. equals gya-br- (varia lectio chand-).  |
chandogāhnikapaddhati | f. Name of work by rāma-kṛṣṇa-.  |
chandogamāhaki | m. Name of a teacher  |
chandogapaddhati | f. Name of the work yajña-pārśva- (parīś-. xv'> )  |
chandogapariśiṣṭa | n. supplement on  |
chandogaśākhā | f. a branch of the (quoted in a work on śrāddha-s)  |
chandogasopāna | n. Name of work  |
chandogaśrāddhatattvapramāṇa | n. Name of work by raghu-nandana-  |
chandogaśruti | f. "tradition of the chandoga-s", the  |
chāndogasūtra | n. Name of work (varia lectio chand-).  |
chandogavṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work  |
chāndogeya | m. plural Name of a family (varia lectio gi-).  |
chāndogi | See geya-.  |
chāndogika | n. equals gya-  |
chandogovinda | n. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandograntha | m. "metre-book"  |
chāndogya | n. "doctrine of the chando- -gas", a brāhmaṇa- of the (including the ) ,  |
chāndogyabhāṣya | n. equals -mantra-bh-  |
chāndogyabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'n. "doctrine of the chando- -gas", a brāhmaṇa- of the (including the ) , '  |
chāndogyamantrabhāṣya | n. guṇa-viṣṇu-s commentator or commentary on the prayers and texts in  |
chāndogyaveda | m. equals gya-  |
chāndogyopanīṣad | f. Name of an (part of the chāndogya-)  |
chāndogyopanīṣadbhāṣya | n. śaṃkara-'s commentator or commentary on  |
chandoma | m. (fr. do-'ma-,"hymn's or metre's home"?) the 8th, 9th, and 10th day in the dvādaśāha- rite (but see )  |
chandoma | m. Name of the 3 stoma-s sung in that rite ,  |
chāndoma | mfn. taken from the chandoma-s  |
chandomadaśāha | m. idem or 'm. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite '  |
chandomadaśarātra | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite  |
chandomālā | f. a similar work.  |
chandomāna | n. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-),"measure of a metre", a syllable regarded as the metrical unit  |
chandomāna | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chāndomāna | mfn. fr. chando-m- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandomañjari | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandomañjarī | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandomapavamānatrirātra | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chandomārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work on metre.  |
chandomatrikakud | m. Name of a try-aha- rite  |
chandomavat | mfn. accompanied by a chandoma-  |
chandomavatparāka | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chandomaya | mfn. consisting of or containing or representing sacred hymns |
chāndomika | mfn. belonging to the chandoma-s  |
chandonāma | mfn. "named metre", metrical  |
chandonāman | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "named metre", metrical '  |
chandonuśāsanavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
chandonuvṛtta | n. compliance with any one's wishes ( ; varia lectio dānuv-).  |
chandopahārāvali | f. Name of work  |
chandoratnākara | m. a similar work by sarvajña-ratnākara-śānti-.  |
chandorūpa | n. a form of metre,  |
chandoruṭstoma | m. (fr. -ruh-st-) Name of a ṣaḍ-aha- rite  |
chandovatī | f. (in music) a kind of śruti-.  |
chāndovicita | mfn. fr. chando-viciti- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandoviciti | f. (gaRa ṛgayanādi-),"examination of metres", metrical science  |
chandoviciti | f. Name of work (called vedāṅga-)  |
chandovivṛti | f. explanation of metres  |
chandovivṛti | f. equals daḥsāra-  |
chandovṛtta | n. any metre  |
chandu | mfn. pleasing  |
chandya | mfn. equals ndu-  |
chandya | mfn.  |
channa | mfn. covered, covered over etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see )  |
channa | mfn. obscured (the moon)  |
channa | mfn. hidden, unnoticed by (dative case), secret, clandestine, disguised  |
channa | ind. (in compound nna--)  |
channa | ind. (with gai-,to sing) privately, in a low voice  |
channa | See 1. chad-.  |
channam | ind. secretly  |
channe | ind. locative case secretly  |
charda | dana-, etc. See chṛd-.  |
charda | varia lectio for di-, vomiting  |
chardana | mfn. causing vomition  |
chardana | m. Vangueria spinosa  |
chardana | m. equals di-ghna-  |
chardana | m. equals alambuṣā-  |
chardana | n. vomition  |
chardana | n. retching  |
chardanīya | mfn. to be caused to vomit  |
chardāpanīkā | f. (fr. Prakrit Causal chṛd-) "emetic", a kind of cucumber  |
chardayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be caused to vomit '  |
chardi | f. vomiting, sickness  |
chardi | f. expulsion (of the breath)  |
chardighna | m. "anti-emetic", Azadirachta indica  |
chardikā | f. vomition  |
chardikā | f. Clitoria ternatea  |
chardikāripu | m. "anti-emetic", cardamoms  |
chardis | n. (equals chad/is-) a fence, secure place or residence (gṛha- )  |
chardis | n.  |
chardis | n. (f. ) vomition  |
chardiṣpā | mfn. protecting a house  |
chardita | mfn. got rid of (demerit)  |
chardyāyanī | f. equals dāpan-  |
chardyāyanikā | f. equals dāpan-  |
chaṣ | cl.1 P. A1. to hurt  |
chaṭā | f. a mass, lump, assemblage, number  |
chaṭā | f. a collection of rays, lustre  |
chaṭā | f. equals chaḍī-  |
chaṭā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on (also chāṭā-).  |
chāṭā | See chaṭā- at end. |
chāta | See cho-.  |
chāta | mfn. equals chita-  |
chāta | mfn. emaciated  |
chaṭābhā | f. lightning  |
chaṭāphala | m. the betel-nut tree  |
chattra | m. ( ;often spelt chatra-) a mushroom  |
chattra | m. Andropogon Schoenanthus  |
chattra | m. a parasol-shaped bee-hive  |
chattra | n. a parasol, Chattar (ensign of royal or delegated power ) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
chattra | n. an umbrella  |
chattra | n. a particular constellation  |
chattra | n. "shelter (of pupils)", a teacher (a meaning derived fr. chāttra-)  |
chattrā | f. Name of a plant growing in Kashmir  |
chattra | n. Anethum Sowa  |
chattra | n. Asteracantha longifolia  |
chattra | n. Rubia Munjista  |
chattra | n. a mushroom  |
chattra | n. see ati--, ahi--, eka--, gomaya--, sita--  |
chattra | n. ākṛti-cchattrā-.  |
chāttra | m. (fr. chattra-[q.v.] ) "sheltered", a pupil, scholar  |
chāttra | n. a kind of honey  |
chāttra | ttraka-, etc. See 1. chad-.  |
chattrabhaṅga | m. "destruction of the royal parasol", loss of dominion  |
chattrabhaṅga | m. anarchy (svātantrya-)  |
chattrabhaṅga | m. widowhood  |
chattracakra | n. (in astrology) a kind of diagram.  |
chāttradarśana | n. "looked at by pupils", fresh butter  |
chattradhānya | n. coriander  |
chattradhāra | m. ( ) a parasol-bearer ( chattradhāratva -tva- n.abstr., )  |
chattradhāraṇa | n. carrying or using a parasol (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chattradhāratva | n. chattradhāra |
chattradhārin | mfn. bearing a parasol  |
chattradhārin | m. Name of a son of horila-siṃha-.  |
chattrādi | a gaṇa- of  |
chāttragaṇḍa | m. a bad scholar (knowing only the beginnings of verses)  |
chāttragomin | mfn. any one attendant on pupils  |
chattragrāhiṇī | f. a female parasol-bearer  |
chattragṛha | n. the room in which the parasol (or badge of royalty) is kept  |
chattraguccha | m. "umbrella-clustered", Scirpus Kysoor  |
chattrahaya | m. plural Name of a family  |
chattraka | m. a parasol-shaped temple in honour of śiva-  |
chattraka | m. a parasol-shaped bee-hive (see chāttr-)  |
chattraka | m. Asteracantha longifolia  |
chattraka | m. a mushroom  |
chattraka | m. a kingfisher  |
chattraka | n. a parasol  |
chattraka | n. a small parasol  |
chattraka | n. a mushroom  |
chattraka | n. candied sugar  |
chattrāka | m. a plant akin to Acacia arabica  |
chattrāka | n. a mushroom  |
chāttraka | n. equals ra-tā- gaRa manojñādi-  |
chāttraka | n. equals ra-, a kind of honey  |
chattrākāraśiras | mfn. having a parasol-shaped head  |
chattrākī | f. the ichneumon plant  |
chāttramitra | m. "pupils' friend", Name of a grammarian  |
chattramukhā | f.,"parasol-faced", Name of a nāga- virgin, .  |
chāttranilaya | m. "pupils' abode", a college  |
chattrapa | m. equals -pati-  |
chattraparṇa | m. "parasol-leaved", Alstonia scholaris  |
chattrapati | m. the officer watching over the royal parasol,  |
chattrapattra | m. "parasol-leaved", Hibiscus mutabilis  |
chattrapattra | m. Betula Bhojpatra |
chāttrapriya | mfn. dear to pupils  |
chattrapuṣpaka | m. "parasol flowered", the tilaka- tree  |
chattrasāla | m. Name of prince sabhā-siṃha-'s father.  |
chattrasinha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
chāttratā | f. pupilage  |
chattrāticchattra | m. a fragrant grass  |
chattrāticchattrā | f. idem or 'm. a fragrant grass '  |
chattravat | mfn. furnished with a parasol  |
chattravatī | f. Name of a town (ahi-cchattra- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
chattravṛkṣa | m. Pterospermum suberifolium  |
chāttravyaṃsaka | m. a knavish pupil gaRa mayūra-vyamasakādi-.  |
chattrayukti | f. "use of the parasol", Name of a chapter of bhoja-'s yukti-kalpa-taru-.  |
chattrī | ind. in compound for ttra-.  |
chāttri |  |
chattrikā | f. a parasol, 323 and 1446  |
chattrika | m. equals ttra-dhara- gaRa purohitādi-.  |
chattrīkṛ | to use as a parasol  |
chāttrikya | n. the office of a parasol-bearer (chattrika-) gaRa purohitādi-.  |
chattrin | mfn. furnished with a parasol  |
chattrin | m. a barber  |
chattriṇa | m. Name of a man  |
chattrinyāya | m. "the manner of applying the term chattrin- to a king ", permitted synonym  |
chāttriśāla | n. ( )  |
chāttriśālā | f.  |
chattropānaha | n. sg. ( ) the parasol and the shoes  |
chāttryādi | a gaṇa- of  |
chattvara | m. a house  |
chattvara | m. a bower  |
chautu | m. Name of a man  |
chavi | f. skin, cuticle,  |
chavi | f. colour of the skin, colour etc.  |
chavi | f. beauty, splendour  |
chavi | f. a ray of light  |
chavi | f. see kṛṣṇa-cch-.  |
chavi | f. skin, hide  |
chavillākara | m. Name of a historian of Kashmir  |
chāya | m. granting shade (śiva-)  |
chāya | n. ( ) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (especially after a word to be taken in the genitive case) shadow  |
chāya | n. reflection  |
chāya | n. colour, complexion, beauty  |
chāyā | f. , shade, shadow, a shady place ("a covered place, house" ) etc.  |
chāya | n. the shadow of a gnomon  |
chāya | n. shelter, protection,  |
chāya | n. a reflected image, reflection etc.  |
chāya | n. shading or blending of colours, play of light or colours, lustre, light, colour, colour of the face, complexion, features (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
chāya | n. gracefulness, beauty, 77 & 101  |
chāya | n. a series, multitude (paṅkti-)  |
chāya | n. a Sanskrit gloss on a Prakrit text  |
chāya | n. a copy (of a manuscript)  |
chāya | n. a little (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chāya | n. nightmare,  |
chāya | n. a bribe  |
chāya | n. "Shadow", (like saṃjñā-) wife of the sun and mother of the planet Saturn  |
chāya | n. (Name of a śakti-)  |
chāya | n. the sun  |
chāya | n. a metre of 4 x 19 syllables  |
chāya | n. a kind of rhetorical figure  |
chāya | n. (in music) Name of a rāga-  |
chāya | n. Name of kātyāyanī- (or durgā- )  |
chāyā | See ya-.  |
chāyābhartṛ | m. "husband of chāyā-", the sun  |
chāyābhinna | mfn. divided in radiance, reflecting light from various surfaces  |
chāyābhṛt | m. "bearing a (hare's) image", the moon  |
chāyādruma | m. equals -taru-  |
chāyādvitīya | mfn. accompanied by one's shadow, casting a shadow |
chāyāgraha | m. "receiving the image or the gnomon's shadow", a mirror or equals -yantra-  |
chāyāgrāha | mf(ī-)n. depriving of the shadow  |
chāyaka | mfn. (said of demons) causing nightmare (?)  |
chāyākara | m. "shading", a parasol-bearer  |
chāyākara | m. a kind of metre =  |
chāyāmāna | n. an instrument measuring a shadow  |
chāyāmaya | mfn. shadow-like  |
chāyāmaya | mfn. casting a shadow  |
chāyāmaya | mfn. reflected  |
chāyāmitra | n. "shade-friend", a parasol  |
chāyāmṛgadhara | m. equals bhṛt-  |
chāyānāṭaka | n. a small drama or one imitative of another (as the dhūtāṅgada-).  |
chāyānaṭṭa | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
chāyāṅka | (yān-) m. "marked by a (hare's) image", the moon  |
chāyāpatha | m. the milky way  |
chāyāpiṅga | m. equals yāṅka-  |
chāyāpuruṣa | m. puruṣa- in the form of a shadow,  |
chāyāsaṃjñā | f. chāyā- as saṃjñā-  |
chāyāsuta | m. equals -tanaya-  |
chāyātanaya | m. "son of chāyā-", the planet Saturn  |
chāyātaru | m. an umbrageous tree  |
chāyātmaja | m. equals -tanaya-  |
chāyātman | (yāl-) m. "shadow-self."one's shadow or reflected image  |
chāyātoḍī | f. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
chāyāvat | mfn. umbrageous  |
chāyāvṛkṣa | m. equals -taru-, Hibiscus populneoides  |
chāyāvyavahāra | m. measuring the shadow cast by the sun on the dial.  |
chāyāyantra | n. "shadow-instrument", a sun-dial  |
cheda | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "cutting off" See sthāṇu--  |
cheda | m. divisor, denominator  |
cheda | m. a cut, section, piece, portion etc.  |
cheda | m. an incision, cleft, slit,  |
cheda | m.  |
cheda | m. cutting off, tearing off dividing (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
cheda | m. separation (of syllables or words)  |
cheda | m. dissipating (doubt, etc.)  |
cheda | m. interruption, vanishing, cessation, deprivation, want, etc.  |
cheda | m. limit of (in compound)  |
cheda | m. smoothing (a conflict, by an ordeal, divya--)  |
chedādi | a gaṇa- of ( ).  |
chedagama | m. disappearance of the denominator.  |
chedaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' cutting off  |
chedaka | m. the denominator of a fraction  |
chedaka | m. see granthi--.  |
chedakara | mfn. making incisions  |
chedakara | m. a wood-cutter  |
chedana | mfn. cutting asunder, splitting  |
chedana | mfn. destroying, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'),  |
chedana | n. an instrument for cutting  |
chedana | n. section, part  |
chedana | n. (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') cutting, removal (of doubts, saṃśaya--)  |
chedana | n. a medicine for removing the humors of the body  |
chedanīya | mfn. to be cut up or divided  |
chedanīya | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
chedī | f. gaRa gaurādi- (not in )  |
chedī | m. see ṛṇa--.  |
chedi | mfn. one who cuts or breaks  |
chedi | m. a carpenter  |
chedin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' cutting off, tearing asunder  |
chedin | mfn. removing  |
chedita | mfn. cut, divided  |
cheditavya | mfn. to be cut, divisable  |
chedopasthāpanīya | n. taking the (Jain) vows after having broken with doctrines or practices adhered to formerly  |
chedya | mfn. to be cut or divided or split or cut off or mutilated  |
chedya | n. cutting off, cutting, tearing (with teeth or nails) ;  |
chedya | n. see kuḍya--, duḥkka--, pattra--, laghu--, saṃśaya--.  |
chedyaka | n. drawing, projection  |
chedyakādhyāya | m. Name of  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. clever, shrewd ( )  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. domesticated  |
cheka | m. a bee  |
cheka | m. equals kānuprāsa-  |
chekala | ([ ]), mfn. clever.  |
chekāla | ([ ]) mfn. clever.  |
chekānuprāsa | m. a kind of alliteration (with single repetitions of several consonants as in ;opposed to lāṭān-),  |
chekila | mfn. idem or '([ ]) mfn. clever.'  |
chektokti | f. indirect speech, hint, double entendre  |
chelaka | m. (fr. chagal-) a he-goat  |
chelikā | f. a she-goat, 76.  |
chelu | Vernonia anthelminthica  |
chemaṇḍa | m. equals cham-, an orphan  |
chemuṇā | f. idem or 'm. equals cham-, an orphan '  |
chemuṇā | f. see chā-  |
cheppa | (fr. s/epa-) tail  |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut off  |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut  |
chettavya | ttṛ-, etc. See 1. chid-.  |
chettṛ | mfn. one who cuts off, cutter, woodcutter (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chettṛ | mfn. a remover (of doubts, saṃśayānām-,2, 21)  |
chi | m. abuse  |
chid | cl.7. chin/atti-, chintte- (imperative n/attu-;2. sg. ndh/i-[ confer, compare ];2. dual number nt/am-; subjunctive 1. sg. n/adai-; Potential ndet- ; cl.9. 1. sg. chinnāmi- ; imperfect tense 2. sg. achinad-,or nas- ; perfect tense ciccheda-, cchide-; parasmE-pada cchidvas-, ; Aorist acchidat-or acchaitsīt-[ subjunctive ch- etc.] ;2. sg. chitsi- ;1. plural chedma- ; A1. acchitta-and 2. sg. tthās-[ subjunctive ch- ], on ; future chetsyati-, ; ind.p. chittvā- infinitive mood chettum-; Passive voice chidyate-; See /a-cchidyamāna-; Aorist /acchedi-and chedi- ) to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce etc. ; to divide, separate from (ablative;exceptionally instrumental case ) ; to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out etc. ; (in mathematics) to divide : Passive voice to be split or cut, break : Causal chedayati- (Aorist acicchidat-) to cut off. ; to cause to cut off or through : Desiderative See cicchitsu- : Intensive cecchidīti- ( ), dyate- ( Va1rtt. 2 ) ; future Ist ditā-, Va1rtt. 2 ; ([ confer, compare , etc.; Latin scindo; Gothic skeida.])  |
chid | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ) cutting, cutting off. cutting through, splitting, piercing (see ukha-cch/id-, keśa--, pakṣa--, marma--, vana--, hṛdaya--)  |
chid | mfn. destroying, annihilating, removing (see darpa--, duḥkha--, paṅka--, bhava--)  |
chid | m. the divisor, denominator  |
chid | f. the cutting off (with genitive case)  |
chid | f. "annihilation of (in compound) " See bhava--.  |
chida | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "cutting off" See mātṛka--  |
chidā | f. (gaRa bhidādi-) the cutting off (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chidaka | m. "thunderbolt"or"diamond" (see )  |
chidi | an axe  |
chidira | m. idem or 'an axe ' ,  |
chidira | m. a sword  |
chidira | m. fire  |
chidira | m. a rope, cord  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. torn asunder  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. containing holes, pierced  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. leaky  |
chidra | n. a hole, slit, cleft, opening etc. (daiva-kṛta-,"opening or hole made by nature", the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye ; draṃ- dā-,"to yield an opening or free access" )  |
chidra | n. defect, fault, blemish, imperfection, infirmity, weak point, foible etc.  |
chidra | n. (in astrology) the 8th lunar mansion  |
chidra | n. the number"nine"(there being 9 openings in the body)  |
chidra | n. the lower regions (see /a--, karṇa--, kṛta--, gṛha--, niś--, mahā--).  |
chidradarśana | mfn. "exhibiting deficiencies", only a-cch-, faultless  |
chidradarśana | m. " equals " rśin- '"Name of a (Brahman changed into a) cakra-vāka-  |
chidradarśana | m. (rśin-, ) .  |
chidradarśin | mfn. observing deficiencies  |
chidradarśin | m. equals rśana-, (q.v at end) .  |
chidradātṛtva | n. the (air's, ākāśasya-) yielding openings or access to everything  |
chidrakarṇa | mfn. having the ears bored  |
chidrāṃśa | m. "having perforated parts", reed  |
chidrāntar | m. "internally hollow", reed  |
chidrānusaṃdhānin | mfn. looking out for faults or flaws  |
chidrānusārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. looking out for faults or flaws '  |
chidrānveṣaṇa | n. searching for faults  |
chidrānveṣin | m. equals nusaṃdhānin-  |
chidrānvita | mfn. having weak points  |
chidrāpaya | Nom. yati- idem or 'Nom. yati-, to perforate '  |
chidrāphala | n. a thorn-apple  |
chidrapippalī | f. Scindapsus officinalis  |
chidratā | f. "perforatedness", the (air's, ākāśasya-) being pervaded by everything  |
chidrātman | mfn. one who exposes his weak points, .  |
chidravaidehī | f. id  |
chidraya | Nom. yati-, to perforate  |
chidrin | mfn. having holes (a tooth)  |
chidrita | mfn. perforated  |
chidrodara | n. Name of a disease of the abdomen ,  |
chidrodarin | mfn. affected with ra-  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. cutting, dividing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. easily breaking  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. extinguishing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. decreasing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. annihilating (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. hostile  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. roguish  |
chiduretara | mfn. not breaking, strong  |
chidvara | mfn. equals chittv-  |
chikkā | f. sneezing  |
chikkā | f. See cikkā-.  |
chikkākāraka | mfn. causing sneezing  |
chikkana | n. sneezing  |
chikkanī | f. "causing sneezing", Artemisia sternutatoria  |
chikkara | m. a kind of animal  |
chikkāra | m. a kind of antelope  |
chikkika | mfn. sneezing  |
chikkikā | f. equals kkanī-  |
chikkika | See kkana-.  |
chilihiṇḍa | m. Name of a creeper  |
chindaka | m. Name of a race,  |
chindatprāṇi | n. an animal cutting (id est living on) grass  |
chinna | mfn. cut off, cut, divided, torn, cut through, perforated etc.  |
chinna | mfn. opened (a wound)  |
chinna | mfn. interrupted, not contiguous  |
chinna | mfn. disturbed (kiṃ naś chinnam-,"what is there in this to disturb us?"there is nothing to care about )  |
chinna | mfn. ? (said of the belly of a leach)  |
chinna | mfn. limited by (in compound)  |
chinna | mfn. taken away or out of.  |
chinna | mfn. disappeared  |
chinna | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' decaying or exhausted by  |
chinnā | f. a harlot  |
chinna | f. equals nnodbhavā- (see /a--, reṣm/a--).  |
chinnabandhana | mfn. having the bands broken, liberated  |
chinnabhakta | mfn. "having one's meals interrupted", starving  |
chinnabhinna | mfn. pierced through and through, cut up, destroyed  |
chinnabhūyiṣṭhadhūma | mfn. bursting through the thick smoke  |
chinnadhanvan | mfn. (a warrior) whose bow has been broken by his enemy's arrow  |
chinnadruma | m. a riven tree  |
chinnadvaidha | mfn. one whose doubts have been destroyed,  |
chinnagranthinikā | f. a kind of bulbous plant  |
chinnahasta | mfn. "cut-hand", Name of a man,  |
chinnaka | mfn. "having a little cut off."  |
chinnakarṇa | mfn. having the ears shortened (as animals)  |
chinnakarṇa | mf(ī-)n. ( )  |
chinnakatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) Va1rtt. 5.  |
chinnakeśa | mfn. having the hair cut  |
chinnama | m. Name of a poet (vv.ll. nnapa-, chittapa-) (chitrama- edition)  |
chinnamastā | f. equals staka- .  |
chinnamastakā | f. "decapitated", a headless form of durgā-  |
chinnamastakīkṛ | to decapitate  |
chinnamūla | mfn. cut up by the root  |
chinnanāsa | m. "cut-nose", Name of a man  |
chinnanāsya | mfn. having the nose-rein broken  |
chinnāntra | mfn. affected with a koṣṭha-bheda- disease  |
chinnapakṣa | (nn/a-.) mfn. having the wings torn off.  |
chinnapattrī | f. "having divided leaves", Hibiscus cannabinus  |
chinnaruha | m. Clerodendrum phlomoides  |
chinnaruhā | f. equals nnodbhavā-  |
chinnaruhā | f. Boswellia thurifera  |
chinnaruhā | f. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
chinnasaṃśaya | mfn. one whose doubts are dispelled, confident  |
chinnaśāsa | mfn. breathing at irregular intervals  |
chinnaśāsa | m. interrupted or irregular breathing, .  |
chinnasthūṇa | mfn. having broken legs,  |
chinnataraka | mfn. (Comparative degree) equals chinnaka-tara-, vArttika 1 and 2  |
chinnavat | mfn. (pf.p.P.) having cut or cut off.  |
chinnaveṣikā | f. Clypea hernandifolia  |
chinnnābra | n. a cloud torn asunder,  |
chinnodbhavā | f. Cocculus cordifolius |
chippikā | f. a kind of bird  |
chippikā | f. see cipya-.  |
chismaka | m. Name of a prince, (varia lectio for śiśuka-).  |
chita | See cho-.  |
chita | mfn. cut off cut, divided  |
chiṭi | only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with kāñcika-- equals kāñcika-  |
chittapa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammarian and a poet,  |
chitti | ttvara- See 1. chid-.  |
chitti | f. division  |
chitti | f. Pongamia glabra  |
chittvara | mfn. ( ) fit for cutting off.  |
chittvara | mfn. hostile (see chatt-) roguish  |
cho | cl.4. chyati- ( ; perf. 3. plural cacchur- see Va1rtt. 2 ; Aorist acchāt-and acchāsīt-, ) to cut off, cut : Causal chāyayati- ; see anu--, ava--, ā--.  |
choja | Name of a man  |
cholaṅga | m. the citron tree  |
cholaṅga | n. a citron  |
choraṇa | n. abandoning  |
chorana | rita-. See chur-. |
chorita | mfn. abandoned, thrown away  |
chorita | mfn.  |
chorita | mfn. drawn (a sigh)  |
choṭana | n. cutting off  |
choṭana | ṭi-, etc. See chuṭ-.  |
choṭi | varia lectio for ṭin-, 1  |
choṭikā | f. snapping the thumb and forefinger,  |
choṭin | m. a fisherman (varia lectio ṭi-).  |
choṭita | mfn. cut off  |
choṭita | mfn. see ā-cch-.  |
chṛd | cl.7. (imperative chṛṇattu-,2. sg. chṛndhi-; future, chardiṣyati-and chartsy- ; perfect tense caccharda-,3. plural cchṛdur-, Va1rtt. 3 ) to vomit ; to utter, leave ; P. A1. (chṛntte-) to shine ; to play : cl.1. chardati- (varia lectio rpati-) to kindle, : Causal chardayati- idem or 'f. see ' (varia lectio rpay-) ; to cause to flow over ; to vomit, eject (with or without accusative) ; to cause to spit or vomit ; A1. to vomit : Desiderative cicchardiṣati- and cchṛtsati- : Causal Desiderative cicchardayiṣati-, Va1rtt. 2 ; see ā--, pra--.  |
chṛp | cl.1.10. varia lectio for chṛd- q.v  |
chubuka | n. equals aub-, the chin  |
chucchu | m. a kind of animal  |
chucchukabhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of a laghu-vṛtti- on  |
chucchundara | m. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14  |
chucchundarī | f. idem or 'm. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14 '  |
chucchundari | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14 ' '  |
chuḍ | cl.6. varia lectio for thuḍ- ; see pra--.  |
chuḍḍa | m. Name of several men  |
chuḍḍā | f. Name of a woman, 461; 1124; 1132.  |
chudra | n. retaliation  |
chudra | n. a ray  |
chup | cl.6. pati- (see ) to touch : Intensive cocchupyate- Va1rtt. 2 ; see a-cchuptā-.  |
chupa | m. touch  |
chupa | m. a shrub, bush  |
chupa | m. air, wind  |
chupa | m. combat  |
chur | cl.6. rati- (see ) to cut off, cut, incise, etch : Causal churayati- ; to strew or sprinkle with (instrumental case) : Causal chor-, to abandon, throw away |
churā | f. lime  |
churaṇa | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' strewing with  |
churī | f. equals kṣurī-, a knife, dagger  |
chūrī | f. equals -churī-  |
chūrī | f. see  |
churikā | f. (fr. kṣur-) a knife Introd. 30/31 iv, 26/27 f.  |
churikā | f. Beta bengalensis  |
chūrikā | f. a knife  |
chūrikā | f. a cow's nostril confer, compare sthūrikā-, parasmE-pada 1265  |
churikābandhaprayoga | m. the ceremony of providing a śūdra- with a billhook,  |
chūrikāpattrī | f. "knife-leaved", Andropogon aciculatus  |
churikāphala | n. equals kṣur-  |
churita | mfn. strewed, set, inlaid with (instrumental case or in compound), blended etc.  |
churita | n. flashing (of lightning)  |
chuṭ | cl.6. ṭati-, to bind : cl.10. choṭayati-, to cut, split (varia lectio for cuṭ-).  |
chyu | cl.1 A1. to go  |
abhicchad | ( chad-), abh/i-cchā-dayati- to cover over  |
abhicchāyā | f. a dark line formed by a cloud's shadow,  |
abhicchāyam | ind. in darkness  |
abhigacchat | mfn. approaching, etc.  |
abhimūrchita | mfn. augmented, intensified  |
abhimūrchita | mfn. excited, stirred up (as by passions)  |
abhiprach | to ask or inquire after  |
abhisammūrch | (parasmE-pada -mūrchat-) to assume a solid form with regard to or in connection with (accusative)  |
abhisaṃvāñch | to long for,  |
abhivāñch | to long for, desire etc.: Caus. idem or 'f. ( van-) a cow that nourishes her calf, ' |
abhivāñchā | f. longing for, desire (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhivāñchita | n. wish, desire  |
abhyanuprach | to inquire after, ask for  |
abhyṛch | -archati-, to come to, visit or afflict with ; (imperfect tense -ārchat-) to strive against (accusative), strive to overpower  |
abhyucchraya | m. ( śri-),"elevation", in compound with  |
abhyucchrayavat | mfn. having a great elevation, being higher than (ablative)  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. raised aloft, elevated etc.  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. prominent  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. excellent through (instrumental case)  |
abhyucchritakara | mfn. with uplifted proboscis  |
accha | mfn. (fr. a-+ cha-for chad-or chaya-, chad-),"not shaded","not dark, pellucid", transparent, clear  |
accha | m. a crystal  |
accha | m. (corruption of ṛkṣa-), a bear.  |
accha | (so at the end of a pāda-) , or usually /acchā- ind., Vedic or Veda to, towards (governing accusative and rarely the locative). It is a kind of separable preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, as in the following.  |
acchabhalla | m. a bear (see bhalla-).  |
acchābrū | to invite to come near  |
acchācar | to attain, go towards  |
ācchad | ( chad-), -cchādayati- to cover, hide etc. ; to clothe, dress ; to present with clothes etc.: P. A1. to put on (as clothes) etc. : A1. to put on clothes ; to conceal  |
ācchad | f. a cover  |
ācchāda | m. garment, clothes  |
ācchādaka | mfn. concealing, hiding (on )  |
ācchādaka | mfn. protecting, defending  |
ācchādakatva | n. hiding  |
ācchādana | n. covering, concealing, hiding  |
ācchādana | n. cloth, clothes, mantle, cloak etc.  |
ācchādana | n. a cover for a bed  |
ācchādana | n. the wooden frame of a roof  |
ācchādanavastra | n. the lower garment  |
acchādhanv | to run towards  |
ācchādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering, concealing |
ācchādita | mfn. covered etc.  |
ācchādita | mfn. clothed  |
acchādru | to run near  |
ācchadvidhāna | (ācch/ad--) n. an arrangement made for defence, means of covering  |
ācchādya | ind. (and irregular ā-cchādayitvā- ) ind.p. having covered, having clothed etc.  |
ācchādya | ind. covering, clothing etc.  |
acchāgam | to attain, go towards  |
acchāi | to attain, go towards  |
acchambaṭkārāya | ind. chambaṭkāra |
acchānakṣ | to go towards, approach  |
acchānaś | to come near  |
acchandaska | mfn. having no metre,  |
acchānī | to lead towards or to  |
ācchanna | mfn. clothed  |
acchānu | to call out to, to cheer  |
acchāpat | ([ ]) and Causal P. -patayati- ([ ]) , to fly towards.  |
acchāsṛ | to flow near  |
acchāsyand | Caus. to flow near (Aorist -/asiṣyadat-) ,2: Intensive to cause to flow near (participle Nominal verb sg. m. -s/aniṣyadat-)  |
acchaṭāśabda | m. the sound of a snap, a snap with the fingers,  |
acchaṭāsaṃghāta | m. the sound of a snap, a snap with the fingers,  |
acchāvac | to invite  |
acchāvad | to salute  |
acchāvāka | m. "the inviter", title of a particular priest or ṛtvij-, one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the soma- juice.  |
acchāvākīya | mfn. referring to the acchāvāa-  |
acchāvākīya | mfn. containing the word acchāvāka-  |
acchāvākīya | n. the state or work of the acchāvāka-  |
acchāvañc | Passive voice -vacy/ate-, to extend itself towards, to go towards  |
acchāvṛt | (Opt. A1.1. sg. -vavṛtīya-), to cause to come near  |
acchāya | mfn. without shadow, casting no shadow  |
acchāyā | to approach  |
acchayā | to approach  |
āccheda | m. cutting, cutting off, excision  |
ācchedana | n. id  |
ācchedana | n. exclusion  |
ācchedanī | f. Name of the passage in ( , apām medhyam-,-10, śaradaḥ śatam-) in which the word ā-cchett/ṛ- occurs (by called chedanamantra-).  |
acchedika | mfn. not fit or needing to be cut  |
acchedya | mfn. improper or impossible to be cut, indivisible.  |
acchera | (or añś/era-), mfn. (said of the waters),  |
accheta | mfn. approached, attained  |
ācchettṛ | m. one who cuts off  |
ācchettṛ | etc. See ā-cchid-.  |
acchetya | mfn. to be approached  |
ācchid | ( ā-chid-), -cchinatti- (imperative 2. sg. -cchindhi- ; future 1. sg. -cchetsyāmi- ) ; to tear or cut off, cut or break into pieces etc. ; to take out of ; to cut off, exclude or remove from (ablative) commentator or commentary on ; to snatch away, tear from, rob  |
acchidra | mfn. free from clefts or flaws, unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured  |
acchidra | n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free from defect or flaw  |
acchidrakāṇḍa | n. Name of a chapter of the taittirīya-- brāhmaṇa-.  |
acchidreṇa | ind. uninterruptedly, without break from first to last. |
acchidrodhnī | f. (a cow) having a faultless udder  |
acchidroktha | mfn. having (its) verses complete,  |
acchidroti | mfn. affording perfect protection  |
ācchidya | ind.p. cutting off etc.  |
ācchidya | interrupting (exempli gratia, 'for example' a tale, kathām-)  |
ācchidya | setting aside  |
ācchidya | in spite of (accusative), not with standing  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. not fragile (a needle)  |
acchinna | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed, uninjured  |
acchinna | mfn. undivided, inseparable.  |
ācchinna | mfn. cut off etc.  |
ācchinna | mfn. removed, destroyed (as darkness)  |
acchinnaparṇa | mfn. having uninjured leaves  |
acchinnapattra | mf(ā-)n. (/acchinna--) (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird) , having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured  |
acchinnapattra | mf(ā-)n. having uninjured leaves  |
āccho | ( ā-cho-), -cchyati- (imperative 3. sg. -cchyatāt-,3. plural -cchyantu-) to skin, flay  |
acchoda | mfn. having clear water  |
acchodā | f. Name of a river  |
acchoda | n. Name of a lake in the himālaya- formed by the river acchodā-.  |
ācchodana | n. hunting, the chase (varia lectio ā-kṣod- q.v)  |
acchokti | f. invitation  |
ācchoṭita | mfn. pulled, torn  |
ācchoṭita | mfn. (from Causal of chuṭ-) torn off,  |
ācchṛd | ( ā-chṛd-), -cchṛṇatti- (imperative 3. plural -cchṛndantu-) to pour upon, fill (see /an-āchṛṇṇa-.)  |
ācchuka | m. (equals ākṣika-,m.) the plant Morinda Tinctoria  |
acchuptā | f. Name of one of the sixteen vidyādevī-s of the jaina-s.  |
acchūrikā | or acchūrī- f. discus, wheel  |
ācchurita | mfn. ( chur-), covered, clothed with (instrumental case)  |
ācchurita | n. making a noise with the finger-nails by rubbing them on one another  |
ācchurita | n. a horse-laugh  |
ācchuritaka | n. a scratch with a fingernail  |
ācchuritaka | n. a horse-laugh  |
adhvagacchat | m. a traveller,  |
aducchuna | mfn. free from evil, propitious  |
agaccha | mfn. not going  |
agaccha | m. a tree  |
agnihotroccheṣaṇa | n. the remains of the agnihotra- ([ ])  |
agnihotrocchiṣṭa | n. the remains of the agnihotra- ([ ])  |
agniparicchada | m. the whole apparatus of a fire-sacrifice  |
agnipuccha | n. tail or extreme point of, a sacrificial fire (arranged in the shape of a bird)  |
agracchada | n. the point of a leaf,  |
ahicchattra | m. a kind of vegetable poison  |
ahicchattra | m. the plant Odina Pennata  |
ahicchattra | m. Name of a country etc.  |
ahicchattrā | f. sugar  |
ahicchattrā | f. the city of ahicchattra-  |
āhicchattra | mfn. (fr. ahi-cchattra-,or ā-), coming from the country ahicchattra- or its city  |
ahicchattraka | n. a mushroom  |
āhicchattrika | m. an inhabitant of the country ahicchattra- or its city.  |
ahitecchu | mfn. wishing evil, malevolent.  |
aicchika | mfn. (fr. icchā-), optional, arbitrary, at will commentator or commentary on  |
akṛcchra | mn. absence of difficulty  |
akṛcchra | mn. freedom from trouble.  |
akṛcchrin | mfn. free from difficulty or trouble.  |
ākṛticchattrā | f. the plant Achyrantes Aspera  |
akṣarachandas | n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables.  |
akṣṇayāpacchedana | n. transverse division,  |
alāñchana | mfn. spotless  |
alpacchada | mfn. scantily clad.  |
alpacchada | mfn. scantily clad,  |
alpaparicchada | mfn. possessing little property, poor, (conjectural)  |
alpeccha | mfn. having little or moderate wishes  |
alpecchu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having little or moderate wishes '  |
amoghavāñchita | mfn. never disappointed  |
anaccha | mfn. unclear, turbid.  |
anācchṛṇṇa | mfn. not poured upon  |
anavacchinna | mfn. not intersected, uninterrupted  |
anavacchinna | mfn. not marked off, unbounded, immoderate  |
anavacchinna | mfn. undiscriminated.  |
anavacchinnahāsa | m. continuous or immoderate laughter.  |
anavacchitti | f. uninterruptedness,  |
āñch | āñchati- (Potential āñchet-; perf. āñcha-,or anāñcha- ) to stretch, draw into the right position, set (a bone or leg)  |
āñchana | n. stretching, drawing, setting (a bone or leg)  |
āñchita | mfn. provided or furnished with,  |
aṅgoñcha | m. a towel  |
aṅgoñchana | n. a towel  |
aniccha | mfn. or an-icchaka- or an-icchat- undesirous, averse, unwilling  |
aniccha | mfn. not intending.  |
anicchā | f. absence of wish or design, indifference.  |
anicchu | mfn. equals an-iccha-  |
aṅkaccheda | m. (in dramatic language) interruption (of the action) by the close of an Act,  |
annācchādana | n. food and clothing.  |
antaḥsthāchandas | n. Name of a class of metres.  |
antaśchid | to cut off, intercept  |
anucchāda | m. ( chad-), a garment which hangs down (probably that part of the lower garment which hangs down in front from the waist to the feet)  |
anuccheda | m. equals an-uc-chitti-.  |
anucchedya | mfn. indestructible, not severable.  |
anucchid | ( chid-) to cut along or lengthwise.  |
anucchindat | mfn. not destroying.  |
anucchindat | mfn. cutting lengthwise.  |
anucchinna | mfn. not cut off  |
anucchinna | mfn. unextirpated.  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. ( śiṣ-with ud-), without remains or leavings of food, pure  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. not mere remains  |
anucchitti | f. ( chid-), not cutting off, non-extirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility.  |
anucchittidharman | (/anucchitti--) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible  |
anuccho | ( cho-) cl.4 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -chya-) to cut open or cut up  |
anuhurch | to fall down after another  |
anukaccham | ind. along or on the shore,  |
anuprach | (with accusative of the person and thing) , to ask, to inquire after.  |
anuṣṭupchandas | mfn. having anuṣṭubh- for metre  |
anvicchā | f. seeking after, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyacchāyāyoni | mfn. "having its source in another's light", borrowed,  |
anyoktipariccheda | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
apacchad | ( chad-), Causal -cchādayati- to take off a cover  |
apacchattra | mfn. not having a parasol  |
apacchāya | mfn. shadowless, having no shadow (as a deity or celestial being)  |
apacchāya | mfn. having a bad or unlucky shadow  |
apacchāyā | f. an unlucky shadow, a phantom, apparition.  |
apaccheda | mn. cutting off or away  |
apaccheda | mn. separation.  |
apacchedana | n. idem or 'mn. separation.'  |
apacchid | ( chid-) to cut off or away  |
apacchid | f. a cutting, shred, chip  |
apakṣapuccha | mfn. without wings and tail  |
apārch | ( apa-ṛch-), to retire |
aparicchada | mfn. ( chad-), without retinue, unprovided with necessaries  |
aparicchādita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. uncovered, unclothed.'  |
aparicchanna | mfn. uncovered, unclothed.  |
apariccheda | m. want of distinction or division  |
apariccheda | m. want of discrimination , want of judgement, continuance. |
aparicchinna | mfn. without interval or division, uninterrupted, continuous  |
aparicchinna | mfn. connected  |
aparicchinna | mfn. unlimited  |
aparicchinna | mfn. undistinguished.  |
apicchila | mfn. clear, free from sediment or soil.  |
apocchad | ( ud-chad-), (ind.p. -chādya-) to uncover  |
āpracchana | n. expression of civility on receiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding farewell etc. |
apracchanna | n. courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest,  |
apracchāya | mfn. shadeless,  |
apracchedya | mfn. inscrutable  |
apracchinna | mfn. not split  |
āprach | A1. -pṛcchate-, rarely P. (imperative -pṛccha- ) to take leave, bid farewell ; to salute on receiving or parting with a visitor etc. ; to call (on a god), implore ; to ask, inquire for ; to extol  |
aprayucchat | mfn. attentive  |
āpṛcchā | See under ā-prach-.  |
āpṛcchā | f. conversation, speaking to or with  |
āpṛcchā | f. address  |
āpṛcchā | f. bidding farewell, saluting on receiving a visitor, asking, inquiring  |
āpṛcchya | mfn. ( ) to be inquired for  |
āpṛcchya | mfn. to be respected  |
āpṛcchya | mfn. to be praised, laudable, commendable  |
āpṛcchya | ind.p. having saluted or asked or inquired.  |
āptacchandas | mfn. complete as to metre,  |
apuccha | mfn. tailless  |
apucchā | f. the tree Dalbergia  |
ārambaṇacchedana | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ārch | ( ā-ṛch-) P. ārcchati-, to fall into (calamity or mischief) ; to obtain, partake of  |
ardhaguccha | m. a necklace of sixteen (or twenty-four) strings  |
ardhocchiṣṭa | mfn. having the half left,  |
arjunacchavi | mfn. of a white colour, white.  |
arjunāriṣṭasaṃchanna | mfn. covered with arjuna- and Nimb trees.  |
arthakṛcchra | n. sg. ([ ]) or plural ([ ]) a difficult matter.  |
asacchākhā | and -chāstra- See /a-sat-.  |
asacchākhā | f. an unreal branch (?)  |
asacchāstra | n. heretical doctrine  |
asaṃchanna | mfn. not covered  |
asipucchaka | m. the Gangetic porpoise (Delphinus Gangeticus).  |
asitapucchaka | m. "having a black tail", Name of an animal (see kāla-pucchaka-.)  |
asrabinducchadā | f. Name of a tuberous plant.  |
astaṃgacchat | m. (= lagna-),  |
asthicchallita | n. a particular fracture of the bones  |
aśūdrocchiṣṭin | mfn. not coming into contact with śūdra-s or with leavings  |
aśūdrocchiṣṭin | mfn. not giving the remnants of food to a śūdra-,  |
asvacchanda | mfn. not self-willed, dependant  |
asvacchanda | mfn. docile  |
aśvapucchaka | m. Name of a plant  |
aśvapucchikā | f. the plant Glycine Debilis  |
aticchanda | m. (probably) too much wilfulness or criticism, (Bombay edition - ccheda-).  |
aticchandas | mfn. past worldly desires free from them  |
aticchandas | fn. (ās-, as-) Name of two large classes of metres  |
aticchandas | n. (as-) Name of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place.  |
āticchandasa | n. (fr. /ati-cchandas-), Name of the last of the six days of the pṛṣṭhya- ceremony  |
atichattra | m. a mushroom  |
atichattrā | f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)  |
atichattrā | f. the plant Barleria Longifolia.  |
atichattraka | m. a mushroom  |
atichattrakā | f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)  |
atichattraka | f. the plant Barleria Longifolia.  |
atikṛcchra | m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days  |
atikṛcchra | mfn. (said of viṣṇu-),  |
atikṛcchram | ind. with great difficulty,  |
atiprach | to go on asking  |
ātmacchandatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ātmecchā | f. desire of (union with) the Universal soul,  |
audumbaracchada | m. Croton Polyandrum  |
aupacchandasika | mfn. (fr. upa-cchandas-), conformable to the veda-, Vedic  |
aupacchandasika | n. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of alternately eleven and twelve syllabic instantsSee grammar 969). |
avacchad | ( chad-), -cchādayati- (ind.p. -cchādya-) to cover over, overspread etc. ; to cover, conceal ; to obscure, leave in darkness  |
avacchada | m. a cover  |
avacchādana | n. covering, (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
avacchanna | mfn. covered over, overspread, covered with (instrumental case) etc.  |
avacchanna | mfn. filled (as with anger)  |
avacchāta | mfn. skinned  |
avacchāta | mfn. reaped  |
avacchāta | mfn. emaciated (as by abstinence)  |
avaccheda | m. anything cut off (as from clothes)  |
avaccheda | m. part, portion (as of a recitation)  |
avaccheda | m. separation, discrimination  |
avaccheda | m. (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining  |
avaccheda | m. a predicate (the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else).  |
avacchedaka | mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining  |
avacchedaka | m. "that which distinguishes", a predicate, characteristic, property  |
avacchedana | n. cutting off  |
avacchedana | n. dividing  |
avacchedana | n. discriminating, distinguishing  |
avacchedāvaccheda | m. removing distinctions, generalising  |
avacchedya | mfn. to be separated.  |
avacchid | ( chid-) to refuse any one : Passive voice /ava-cchidyate-, to be separated from (ablative)  |
avacchinna | mfn. separated, detached etc.  |
avacchinna | mfn. (in logic) predicated (id est separated from everything else by the properties predicated) , distinguished, particularised  |
avacchita | mfn. skinned  |
avacchita | mfn. reaped  |
avaccho | ( cho-), (ind.p. -cchāya-) to cut off ; to skin  |
avacchurita | n. a horse-laugh  |
avacchuritaka | n. a horse-laugh  |
avāchid | (ind.p. -chidya-) to tear away or out from (ablative)  |
avākchruti | mfn. deaf and dumb,  |
avamūrch | (Potential -mūrchet-) to be appeased or allayed (as a quarrel)  |
avārch | ( ṛch-), avārchati- (sic; Potential avārch/et-) to fall down, become damaged  |
avaṭakacchapa | m. a tortoise in a hole (said of an inexperienced man who has seen nothing of the world), (gaRa pātresmitādi- q.v)  |
aviccheda | m. uninterruptedness, continuity etc.  |
avicchedāt | ind. ablative ([ ]) , uninterruptedly.  |
avicchedena | ind. instrumental case ([Comm. on ]) or in compound aviccheda-- ([ ]) , uninterruptedly.  |
avicchindat | mfn. not separating from each other, |
avicchinna | mfn. uninterrupted, continual  |
avicchinnapāta | m. continually falling (on one's knees)  |
avyavaccheda | m. uninterruptedness  |
avyavacchinna | mfn. uninterrupted and (together with s/aṃtata-)  |
avyavacchinnam | ind. or in compound avyavaccihinna-- ([ ]) uninterruptedly.  |
avyucchettṛ | m. one who does not injure (with genitive case)  |
avyucchinna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
ayugacchada | m. Echites Scholaris,  |
ayugmacchada | m. equals a-yuk chada- q.v  |
ayukchada | etc. See a-y/uj-.  |
ayukchada | m. "having odd (id est :seven see sapta-parṇa-) leaves ", the plant Alstonia Scholaris  |
badarīcchada | m.  |
badarīcchadā | f. Unguis Odoratus  |
badarīcchadā | f. a kind of jujube  |
bahucchada | m. Alstonia Scholaris  |
bahucchala | mf(ā-)n. deceitful  |
bahucchalatva | n.  |
bahucchinnā | f. a species of Cocculus  |
bāhucchinna | mfn. having a broken arm  |
bahulacchada | m. a red-flowering Hyperanthera  |
bakakaccha | m. Name of a place  |
bandhupṛch | mfn. seeking or caring for relations (see pṛṣṭa-bandhu-).  |
barhicchada | m. the feather of a peacock,  |
barhicchada | n. the plumage of a peacock  |
bhagavacchāstra | (for vat-śā-) n. Name of chapter of  |
bhagavallāñchanadhāraṇapramāṇaśatapradarśana | n. Name of work  |
bhakṣacchandas | n. a metre used while eating the sacrificial food,  |
bhaktacchanda | m. desire of food, hunger, appetite  |
bhakticcheda | m. plural divided lines or streaks of painting or decoration (especially the separating or distinguishing marks on the forehead, nose, cheeks, breast and arms, which denote devotion to viṣṇu-, kṛṣṇa- etc.)  |
bhallapucchī | f. "bear's tail", Hedysarum Lagopodioides  |
bharchu | m. Name of a poet (prob. wrong reading for bharvu-).  |
bharukaccha | m. Name of country or (plural) a people (varia lectio kacchapa-,or marukaccha-; see)  |
bharukaccha | m. of a nāga-  |
bharukacchanivāsin | m. an inhabitant of bharu-kaccha-  |
bhāṣāpariccheda | m. "definition of (the categories of) speech", Name of a compendium of the nyāya- system by viśva-nātha-  |
bhasmacchanna | mfn. covered with ashes  |
bhāṭṭaśabdapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
bhavacchada | m. prevention of births or transmigration  |
bhavacchada | m. Name of a grāma-  |
bhavacchid | mfn. preventing births or transmigration  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedana | mf(ī-)n. ( ) destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedhavināśin | ( ) mfn. destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavoccheda | m. equals va-ccheda-  |
bhirukaccha | n. Name of a town  |
bhīrukaccha | m. plural Name of a people (prob. w.r. for bharu-k-).  |
bhīticchid | mfn. keeping away fear or danger  |
bhogaguccha | n. hire of prostitution  |
bhojanācchādana | n. food and raiment  |
bhramaracchallī | f. a species of creeper  |
bhṛgukaccha | mfn. Name of a town and sacred place on the northern bank of the river narmadā- (now called Broach)  |
bhṛgukaccha | m. plural its inhabitants  |
bhṛgukacchatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhūchāya | n. "earth-shadow", darkness  |
bhūchāyā | f. "earth-shadow", darkness  |
bhujacchāyā | f. shadow of the arms, secure shelter  |
bhuktocchiṣṭa | n. the rejected leavings or remnants of food  |
bhūmīcchā | f. desire for lying on the ground  |
bhūmicchattra | n. a mushroom  |
bhūmicchidra | land unfit for cultivation,  |
bhūṣaṇācchādanāśana | n. plural (dainty) food, clothes and ornaments  |
bhūtechad | f. plural Name of  |
bhūyaśchandika | mfn. having a great desire for anything.  |
bisakisalayacchedapatheyavat | mfn. having pieces of fibres of young lotus as provisions for a journey  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsin | m. (fr. ṇāt-śaṃ-) "reciting after the brāhmaṇa- or the brahman-", a priest who assists the brahman- or chief priest at a soma- sacrifice  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsinokthya | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsiśastra | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsīya | n. the office of the brāhmaṇa--chief  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsīyā | f. the office of the brāhmaṇa--chief  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | mfn. relating to the brāhmaṇācchaṃsin-  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | n. his office  |
brahmaviśeṣacittaparipṛcchā | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra- work  |
bṛhacchada | m. a walnut  |
bṛhacchāla | (hac-+ śā-) m. a large or lofty Vatica Robusta  |
bṛhacchalka | (hac-+ śa-) m. "large-scaled", a kind of prawn,  |
bṛhacchandas | (h/ac-.) mfn. high-roofed, having a lofty ceiling  |
bṛhacchandenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
bṛhacchāntistava | (hac+śā-) m. the larger śānti-stava-  |
bṛhaccharīra | (h/ac+śar-) mfn. having a vast body  |
bṛhacchātātapa | (hac-+ śā-) m. "the larger śātātapa-", Name of a particular recension of śātātapa-'s law-book  |
bṛhacchattrā | f. a species of plant  |
bṛhacchimbī | (hac-+ śi-) f. a kind of cucumber  |
bṛhacchiras | (for - śiras-) m. a kind of fish,  |
bṛhacchloka | mfn. (hac-+ ślo-) loudly praised  |
bṛhacchloka | m. Name of a son of uru-krama- by kīrtti-  |
bṛhacchoka | (hac-+ śo-) mfn. being in great sorrow  |
bṛhacchravas | mfn. (h/ac-+ śra-) loud-sounding  |
bṛhacchravas | mfn. loudly praised, far-famed  |
bṛhacchrīkrama | (hac-+ śrī-) m. Name of work  |
bṛhacchṛṅgāratilaka | (hac-+ śṛ-), n. the larger śṛṅgāra-tilaka-  |
bṛhacchuka | (hac-+ śu-) m. a kind of peak  |
buddhacchāyā | f. Buddha shadow  |
buddhicchāyā | f. reflex action of the understanding on the soul  |
cakraguccha | m. "having circular clusters", Jonesia aśoka-  |
calapuccha | m. Coracias indica  |
camarapuccha | n. a Yak's tail  |
camarapuccha | m. "having a bushy tail", the Indian fox  |
carmācchādita | mfn. covered with skin  |
cārugucchā | f. "beautiful-graped"a vine  |
caturviṃśacchata | n. caturviṃśat |
cicchakti | (-śak-) f. mental power  |
cicchila | See 4. cit-.  |
cicchitsu | mfn. ( chid- Desiderative) intending to cut off  |
cicchuka | for cit-sukha- and khī-.  |
cicchuka | See cit-sukha-.  |
cicchukī | for cit-sukha- and khī-.  |
cidacicchaktiyukta | mfn. having power (śakti-) over mind and matter  |
cīritacchadā | f. Beta bengalensis  |
citrabalagaccha | m. Name of a Jain gaccha-.  |
citrapiccha | m. equals -pattraka-  |
citrapicchaka | m. idem or 'm. equals -pattraka- '  |
dacchada | m. equals danta-cch-  |
dadhipuccha | m. "milk-tail", Name of a jackal  |
daṇḍacchadana | n. a room for utensils  |
danocchiṣṭa | n. the remains of food lodged between the teeth  |
dantacchada | m. ( on ) "tooth cover", a lip etc.  |
dantacchadā | f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips)  |
dantacchadana | n. equals da-  |
dantacchadopamā | f. idem or 'f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips) '  |
dantacchedana | n. biting through  |
danturacchada | m. "prickly-leaved", the lime tree  |
darduracchadā | f. the plant brāhmī- |
darpacchid | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' destroying the pride of  |
dārukaccha | m. or n. Name of a district  |
dārukacchaka | mfn. relating to it  |
daśacchadin | mfn. ten-leaved, ,  |
daśanacchada | m. equals danta--  |
daśanocchiṣṭa | m. a kiss  |
daśanocchiṣṭa | m. a sigh  |
daśanocchiṣṭa | m. a lip  |
dātṛpratīcchaka | m. dual number giver and receiver, .  |
devacchanda | m. a necklace of pearls (composed of 100 or 103 or 81 or 108 strings)  |
devacchandaprāsāda | m. a temple consecrated to a god  |
devacchandas | n. a divine metre  |
devacchandasa | n. a divine metre  |
dhāmacchad | mfn. hiding (id est changing) his abode  |
dhāmacchad | m. Name of agni-  |
dhāmacchad | m. of a vaṣaṭ-kāra-  |
dhāmacchad | m. of  |
dhanacchū | m. the Numidian crane (equals kareṭavyā-)  |
dhanecchā | f. desire for wealth  |
dharmacchala | m. fraudulent transgression of law or duty  |
dharmakṛcchra | n. a difficult point of duty or right  |
dharmapramāṇapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
dharmasāṭapraticchanna | mfn. clothed with the garb of righteousness, naked  |
dharmitāvaccheda | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsatti | f. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsattinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakarahasya | n. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakatāvāda | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakatāvādārtha | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakavāda | m. Name of work |
dhūliguccha | m. the red powder thrown about at t |