cand | (fr. ścand- q.v) cl.1. dati- ( ) , to shine, be bright ; to gladden ; ([ confer, compare Latin candeo,candela.])  |
canda | m. (for dr/a-) the moon  |
canda | m. Name of the author of the work pṛthivi-rāja-rāsaka-.  |
candaka | mfn. pleasing  |
candaka | m. the moon  |
candaka | m. moonlight  |
candaka | m. varia lectio for draka- q.v  |
candakapuṣpa | for candana-p-  |
candalā | f. Name of a woman (see dralā-)  |
candaladevī | f. Name of the princess candralekhā-  |
candana | mn. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes;hence in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
candana | m. Name of a divine being  |
candana | m. of a prince  |
candana | m. equals naka-  |
candana | m. Name of an ape  |
candana | n. the grass bhadra-kālī-  |
candanā | f. a kind of creeper  |
candana | n. Name of a river (varia lectio for ndrā-)  |
candanabhānu | Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
candanācala | m. equals na-giri-  |
candanadāsa | m. Name of a man  |
candanadāsa | m. of a merchant  |
candanādri | m. idem or 'm. equals na-giri- '  |
candanagandha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
candanagaura | mfn. white as the moon,  |
candanagiri | m. "sandal-mountain", the Malaya  |
candanagopā | f. a kind of Ichnocarpus  |
candanāgrya | m. Name of a man  |
candanaka | m. Name of a man  |
candanamaya | mfn. made or consisting of sandal-wood, |
candanāmbhas | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
candanapaṅka | m. sandal-unguent  |
candanapāta | m. laying on of sandal-unguent  |
candanapura | n. Name of a town ,  |
candanapuṣpa | n. cloves  |
candanapuṣpaka | n. cloves  |
candanaputri | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanaputrikā | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanarasa | m. sandal-water  |
candanasāra | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, ' ' ,  |
candanasāra | m. a kind of alkali  |
candanasārivā | f. equals -gopā-  |
candanavanī | f. a sandal wood,  |
candanavāri | n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, '  |
candanāvatī | f. Name of a river (?),  |
candanāya | Nom. yate-, to become a sandal-tree  |
candanī | f. Name of a river (see ku--, pīta--, rakta--, śveta--, hari--.)  |
candanin | mfn. anointed with sandal (śiva-)  |
candanīyā | f. a kind of yellow pigment  |
candanodaka | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanodakadundubhi | m. Name of bhava-  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
candila | m. a barber  |
candira | m. (fr. ndr/a-) the moon  |
candira | m. an elephant  |
candira | m. equals dra-ja-  |
candra | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ścandr/a- q.v) glittering, shining (as gold), having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods, of water[ ] and of soma-)  |
candra | m. the moon (also personified as a deity etc.) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). etc.)  |
candra | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "the moon of" id est the most excellent among (exempli gratia, 'for example' pārthiva--[ gaRa vyāghrādi- ]or narendra--[ ],"a most excellent king")  |
candra | m. the number"one"  |
candra | m. a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind  |
candra | m. a spot similar to the moon  |
candra | m. the eye in a peacock's tail  |
candra | m. the mark of the visarga-,  |
candra | m. a kind of reddish pearl  |
candra | m. camphor  |
candra | m. water  |
candra | m. the kāmpilla- plant  |
candra | m. a metre of 4 x 19 syllables  |
candra | m. Name of a daitya- (equals -varman-,king of the kāmboja-s)  |
candra | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
candra | m. of a son of viśva-gandhi- and father of yuvanāśva-, ix, 6, 20  |
candra | m. of a grammarian (equals -gomin-)  |
candra | m. of a king  |
candra | m. of one of the ancestors of the gauḍa- Brahmans  |
candra | m. of several other men  |
candra | m. one of the 18 minor dvīpa-s  |
candra | m. equals -parvata-  |
candra | n. ( ;also m. ) gold  |
candra | n. a kind of sour rice-gruel  |
candra | n. Name of a sāman-  |
candrā | f. a hall covered only at the top, awning, canopy  |
candra | n. cardamoms  |
candra | n. Cocculus cordifolius (guḍūcī-)  |
candra | n. equals drāspadā-  |
candra | n. Name of a river  |
candrabāhu | m. Name of an asura- (varia lectio)  |
candrabāhu | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrabālā | f. large cardamoms  |
candrabha | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
candrabhā | f. equals -puṣpā- |
candrabhāga | m. "Name of a man" See cāndrabhāgi-  |
candrabhāga | m. of a mountain  |
candrabhāgā | f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-) the river Chenab (in the Panjab) (see cāndr-)  |
candrabhāgasarit | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-) the river Chenab (in the Panjab) (see cāndr-)' gaRa bahv-ādi- (see )'  |
candrabhāgī | f. idem or 'f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-) the river Chenab (in the Panjab) (see cāndr-)' gaRa bahv-ādi- (see )  |
candrabhānu | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
candrabhāsa | m. (equals -hāsa-) "moon-brilliant", a sword  |
candrabhāsa | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrābhāsa | m. an appearance in the sky like the moon, false moon |
candrābhavaktra | mfn. moon-faced  |
candrabhīru | n. silver,  |
candrabhūti | n. silver  |
candrabimba | n. the moon-disc  |
candrabimbamaya | mfn. consisting of moon-discs  |
candrabimbaprabhā | f. Name of a gandharva- virgin  |
candrabindu | m. "moon-like spot", the sign for the nasal $  |
candrabindu | m. equals candrakita-  |
candrabudhna | (dr/a--) mfn. having a bright standing-ground  |
candracañcala | m.  |
candracañcalā | f. the fish candraka-  |
candrācārya | m. Name of a Jain teacher.  |
candracitra | m. plural Name of a people  |
candracūḍa | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candracūḍa | m. a form of bhairava-,  |
candracūḍa | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candracūḍa | m. of an author (son of śri-bhaṭṭa-- puruṣottama-)  |
candracūḍa | m. of a prince,  |
candracūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
candracūḍāṣṭaka | n. Name of a hymn.  |
candradakṣiṇa | (dr/a--) mfn. offering anything bright or gold in sacrifice  |
candradāra | m. plural "moon-wives", the 27 lunar mansions  |
candradatta | m. "moon-given", Name of an author.  |
candradeva | m. Name of a warrior  |
candradeva | m. of a Brahman (of kāśyapa-'s family)  |
candradeva | m. of a poet  |
candradhvajaketu | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
candrādiloka | m. equals dra-lok/a-.  |
candradīpikā | f. Name of an astrological work  |
candrāditya | m. Name of a prince  |
candradūta | m. "moon-messenger", Name of a poem.  |
candradvīpa | m. Name of a dvīpa-  |
candradyuti | m. "moon-bright", sandalwood  |
candragarbha | m. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
candragiri | m. equals -parvata-  |
candragiri | m. Name of a prince  |
candragolastha | m. plural "dwelling in the lunar sphere", the manes  |
candragolikā | f. moonlight  |
candragomin | m. Name of a grammarian (also called candra-)  |
candrāgra | mf(ā-)n. brilliant-peaked  |
candrāgra | mf(ā-)n. brilliant-surfaced (a liquid),  |
candrāgra | according to to some,"having gold as the chief part, containing or yielding gold"  |
candragraha | m. an eclipse of the moon  |
candragrahaṇa | n. idem or 'm. an eclipse of the moon '  |
candragrahaṇodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
candragupta | m. "moon-protected", Name of a renowned king (or reigning at pāṭali-putra- about 315 B.C. as the founder of a new dynasty;installed by the Brahman cāṇakya- after causing the death of nanda-) Va1rtt. 7  |
candragupta | m. Name of two kings of the gupta- dynasty  |
candragupta | m. for citra-g- q.v  |
candraguptaka | m. the king candra-gupta- (of pāṭali-putra-)  |
candragupti | m. Name of a prince of avanti-  |
candragūtīgiri | m. Name of a locality  |
candrahan | m. "moon-slayer", Name of a dānava-  |
candrahantṛ | m. (equals han-) Name of a dānava-  |
candrahanu | m. Name of a dānava-, 12939.  |
candrahāsa | m. (equals -bhāsa-),"moon-derider", a glittering scimitar  |
candrahāsa | m. rāvaṇa-'s sword  |
candrahāsa | m. Name of a prince, lxv-lxxv  |
candrahāsa | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrahāsa | n. silver  |
candrahāsā | f. equals -puṣpā-  |
candrahāsa | n. Cocculus cordifolius  |
candrahāsa | n. Name of a yoginī-  |
candrahāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
candrāhvaya | m. equals dra-saṃjña-  |
candraja | m. "moon-born", the planet Mercury  |
candrajanaka | m. "moon-progenitor", the sea  |
candrajasiṃha | m. Name of a man.  |
candrajñāna | n. Name of work  |
candrajñānatantra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work '  |
candraka | m. the moon (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).)  |
candraka | m. a circle or ring shaped like the moon  |
candraka | m. a spot similar to the moon (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).)  |
candraka | m. the eye in a peacock's tail  |
candraka | m. a finger-nail  |
candraka | m. Name of a fish (varia lectio daka- )  |
candraka | m. Name of a poet  |
candraka | m. of an owl  |
candraka | n. black pepper  |
candrakalā | f. a digit or 1/16 of the moon's disc (each digit is personified as a female divinity, ), the crescent on the day before or after the new moon  |
candrakalā | f. the mark of a finger-nail resembling the crescent before or after new moon  |
candrakalā | f. the fish Pimelodus Vacha  |
candrakalā | f. a kind of drum  |
candrakalā | f. (in music) a kind of measure  |
candrakalā | f. Name of a drama  |
candrakālānala | n. a kind of diagram  |
candrakālānalacakra | n. idem or 'n. a kind of diagram'  |
candrakalātantra | n. Name of work  |
candrakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
candrakānta | mfn. lovely as the moon,  |
candrakānta | m. "moon-loved", the moon-stone (a gem supposed to be formed from the congelation of the moon's rays and to dissolve under the influence of its light) etc.  |
candrakānta | m. n. the white eatable water-lily (blossoming during night)  |
candrakānta | n. sandalwood  |
candrakāntā | f. the wife of the moon  |
candrakānta | n. night  |
candrakānta | n. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
candrakānta | fn. Name of a town  |
candrakāntamaṇimaya | mfn. made of the gem candra-kānta-  |
candrakāntamaya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. made of the gem candra-kānta- '  |
candrakāntaratnamaya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. made of the gem candra-kānta- ' '  |
candrakānti | f. the brilliancy or lustre of the moon, moonlight  |
candrakānti | f. Name of the moon's disc on the ninth day  |
candrakānti | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrakāntīya | Nom. yati-, to resemble the moon-stone (candra-kānta-)  |
candrākara | m. Name of a man  |
candrakāṭuki | m. Name of a man  |
candrakavat | m. "having eyes in the tail", -a peacock  |
candrakavi | m. Name of a poet  |
candrakeśa | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-,  |
candrakesarin | m. idem or 'm. Name of a hero of kālikā-, '  |
candraketu | m. Name of a son of lakṣmaṇa-  |
candraketu | m. of several other men  |
candraketu | m. of a vidyādhara-  |
candraketu | m. of a prince of cakora- (slain by an emissary of king śūdraka-)  |
candraketu | m. of a prince (emissary of king śūdrika-) |
candraketu | m. of a hero of kālikā-,  |
candrakin | m. equals ka-vat-  |
candrakīrti | m. Name of a prince of ujjayinī-  |
candrakīrti | m. of a sūri- of the jaina-s.  |
candrakita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) furnished with brilliant moon-like spots (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
candrakośa | m. Name of a lexicon,  |
candrakrīḍa | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
candrākṛti | mfn. moon-shaped, like the moon (in roundness etc.)  |
candrakṣānta | m. Name of a man.  |
candrakṣaya | m. "waning of the moon", new moon  |
candrakula | n. Name of a town  |
candrakulyā | f. Name of a river in Kashmir  |
candrakumāraśikhara | n. Name of a place  |
candrakuṇḍa | m. Name of a pond in kāma-rūpa-  |
candrakūṭa | m. Name of a mountain in kāma-rūpa-  |
candralā | f. Name of a woman  |
candralalāma | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candralalāṭa | mfn. moon-crested (śiva-)  |
candralauha | n. idem or 'n. silver '  |
candralauhaka | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. silver ' '  |
candralekha | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
candralekhā | f. equals -rekhā-, a digit of the moon  |
candralekhā | f. Serratula anthelminthica  |
candralekhā | f. a metre of 4 x 13 syllables  |
candralekhā | f. another of 4 x 15 syllables  |
candralekhā | f. Name of a daughter of the nāga- su-śravas-  |
candralekhā | f. of kṣema-gupta-'s wife,  |
candralekhā | f. of a princess (whose teacher was bilhaṇa-;also called śaśi-kalā-)  |
candralekhā | f. of two other women  |
candralocana | m. "moon-eyed", Name of dānava-  |
candralohaka | n. silver  |
candraloka | m. plural the worlds or spheres of the moon (see candrādi-l-.)  |
candrāloka | m. Name of work on rhetoric by jaya-deva-.  |
candramā | f. Name of a river (see -masā-.)  |
candramaha | m. a dog  |
candramālā | f. the metre also called candra- (q.v)  |
candramālā | f. varia lectio for indu-m-.  |
candramanas | m. one of the ten horses of the moon  |
candramaṇḍala | n. equals -bimba-  |
candramaṇḍala | n. a halo round the moon  |
candramaṇi | m. the moon-gem (candra-kānta-)  |
candramārga | m. "moon-path", the atmosphere  |
candramas | m. (dr/a--) (mas- equals m/ās-; gaRa dāsī-bhārādi-) the moon, deity of the moon (considered as a dānava- ;named among the 8 vasu-s ) etc.  |
candramas | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candramas | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order candr/a-.  |
candramasa | See ava--  |
candramasā | f. Name of a river (see -vaśā-.)  |
candramāsa | m. a lunar month (YV) 31 Scholiast or Commentator  |
candramata | n. the doctrine of the moon(-worshippers)  |
candramauli | mfn. moon-crested (a daitya-)  |
candramauli | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candramauli | m. Name of a man  |
candramauli | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
candramaulin | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candramaya | mf(ī-)n. representing the moon  |
candrāmṛtarasa | m. "essence of the moon's nectar", a particular medicine.  |
candrāṃśu | m. equals dra-pāda-  |
candramukha | m. "moon-faced", Name of a man  |
candramukhavarman | m. Name of a prince  |
candramukhī | f. equals -vadanā-  |
candramukhī | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
candramukhī | f. a metre of 4x10 syllables  |
candramukhī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
candramukuṭa | m. "moon-crested", śiva-  |
candranābha | m. "moon-navelled", Name of a dānava-  |
candrānana | m. "moon-faced", skanda-  |
candrānana | m. Name of a jina-  |
candrānana | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrāṅgada | m. Name of a son of king indra-sena- (varia lectio citrāṅg-).  |
candranibha | mfn. "moon-like", bright, handsome  |
candranirṇij | (dr/a--), having a brilliant garment  |
candrapāda | m. a moon-beam  |
candrapāla | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrapañcāṅga | n. the lunisolar calendar.  |
candraparvata | m. "moon-mountain", Name of a mountain  |
candrapati | m. Name of a man.  |
candrāpīḍa | m. equals dra-mukuṭa-  |
candrāpīḍa | m. Name of a son of janamejaya-  |
candrāpīḍa | m. of a king of Kashmir (brother of tārāpīḍa-)  |
candrāpīḍa | m. of a prince of kānyakubja-  |
candrāpīḍa | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
candraprabha | m. Name of an arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
candraprabha | m. of a yakṣa-  |
candraprabha | m. of a king  |
candraprabha | m. of several other persons, etc.  |
candraprabhā | f. moonlight  |
candraprabhā | f. Serratula anthelminthica  |
candraprabhā | f. a compound of various drugs (used in jaundice, piles, etc.)  |
candraprabhā | f. Name of several women  |
candraprabhāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
candraprabhasvāmicaritra | n. " candra-prabha-'s life", Name of a Jain work.  |
candraprabhāsvararāja | m. Name of several buddha-s.  |
candraprabhāva | mfn. splendid as the moon  |
candraprajñapti | f. Name of the 6th upāṅga- of the jaina-s.  |
candraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
candrapramāṇa | mfn. "moon-measured", lunar  |
candrapramardana | n. "moon-enemy", Name of a brother of rāhu-  |
candraprāsāda | m. an apartment on the housetop  |
candrapriya | m. Name of a prince.  |
candrapṛṣṭha | m. Name of a man  |
candrapura | n. "moon-town", Name of a town (see cāndr-.)  |
candrāpura | n. Name of a town  |
candrapuṣpā | f. a kind of Solanum  |
candraputra | m. equals -ja-  |
candrarāja | m. Name of a minister of king harṣa-  |
candrarāja | m. of a man  |
candraratha | (dr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant carriage  |
candraratna | n. a pearl  |
candrārdha | m. a half-moon  |
candrārdhacūḍāmaṇi | m. equals candra-mukuṭa-  |
candrārdhakṛtaśekhara | mfn. one who has adorned his forehead with a crescent mark  |
candrārdhamauli | m. idem or 'm. equals candra-mukuṭa- '  |
candrarekhā | f. a digit of the moon  |
candrarekhā | f. Serratula anthelminthica  |
candrarekhā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
candrareṇu | m. "having only the dust of the moon", a plagiarist  |
candrāri | m. "moon-enemy", rāhu-  |
candrārka | m. dual number equals dra-sūrya-  |
candrārkadīpa | m. equals candrasūrya-pradīpa-.  |
candrārkamaraana | m. "tormenter of sun and moon", Name (also title or epithet) confer, compare rāhu-,  |
candrārkī | f. Name of an astronomy work by dina-kara-  |
candrartu | (-ṛtu-) m. a lunar season  |
candrasaciva | m. "moon-friend", the god of love  |
candrasāhi | m. Name of a prince  |
candraśakaīa | m. n. the half-moon,  |
candraśālā | f. equals -prāsāda- (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), moon-light  |
candraśālikā | f. equals -prāsāda-  |
candrasālokya | n. attainment of the lunar heaven  |
candrasāman | n. Name of a sāman-  |
candrasambhava | m. equals -ja-  |
candrasambhavā | f. small cardamoms  |
candrasaṃjña | m. "having any Name of the moon", camphor  |
candrasāra | m. Name of a man  |
candrasaras | n. "moon-lake", Name of a mythical lake  |
candraśarman | m. Name of a Brahman.  |
candraśekhara | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candraśekhara | m. Name of a minister (father of the author of )  |
candraśekhara | m. of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
candraśekhara | m. of the author of the play madhurā-niruddha-  |
candraśekhara | m. of a prince  |
candraśekhara | m. of a mountain (see -parvata-)  |
candraśekharacampūprabandha | m. Name of work  |
candrasena | m. Name of a prince (son of samudra-sena-)  |
candrasena | m. equals -vāhana-  |
candrasena | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-,  |
candraśilā | f. the moon-stone (candra-kānta-)  |
candraśilā | f. varia lectio for -śītā-.  |
candrasiṃha | m. Name of a king (son of darpa-nārāyaṇa-)  |
candrasiṃha | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
candraśītā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- (-śilā-,C) .  |
candrāśma | ([ ]) m. the moon-stone (candra-kānta-).  |
candrāśman | ([ ]) m. the moon-stone (candra-kānta-).  |
candrasoma | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
candrāspadā | f. oak-apples on Rhus  |
candraśrī | m. Name of a prince  |
candraśrī | f. Name of a woman  |
candrasthalanagara | n. Name of a town  |
candraśubhra | mf(ā-)n. illuminated by the moon  |
candraśukla | m. one of the 8 upa-dvīpa-s (in jambu-dvīpa-)  |
candrasūkta | n. Name of two sāman-s  |
candraśūra | m. Lepidium sativum  |
candraśūra | n. the seed of that plant  |
candrasurasa | m. Vitex Negundo  |
candrasūri | m. Name of sūri- of the jaina-s.  |
candrasūrya | m. dual number moon and sun  |
candrasūryajihmīkaraṇaprabha | m. "whose splendour obscures moon and sun", Name of a buddha-  |
candrasūryākṣa | mfn. having moon and sun as his eyes (viṣṇu-)  |
candrasūryapradīpa | m. "illuminating moon and sun", Name of a buddha-  |
candrasuta | m. equals -ja-  |
candrasūtra | n. plural the (grammatical) sūtra-s of candra-.  |
candrāśva | m. Name of a son of dhundhu-māra-  |
candrasvāmin | m. Name of several men  |
candraṭa | m. Name of an ancient physician (not in ed.)  |
candratāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
candrātapa | m. moon-light  |
candrātapa | m. an open hall, awning  |
candratāpana | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio indra-t-) and 12939.  |
candratāraka | n. sg. the moon and the stars  |
candrataram | ind. (Comparative degree) more lovely  |
candrātmaja | m. equals dra-ja-  |
candrātreya | m. plural Name of a family  |
candratva | n. the condition of the moon  |
candravadanā | f. a moon-faced woman  |
candravāhana | m. Name of a prince of pratiṣṭhāna-,  |
candravaktrā | f. Name of a town.  |
candrāvalī | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
candrāvalī | f. of one of kṛṣṇa-'s female companions.  |
candravallarī | f. Ruta graveolens or a kind of pot-herb  |
candravallī | f. idem or 'f. Ruta graveolens or a kind of pot-herb '  |
candravallī | f. Paederia foetida  |
candravallī | f. Gaertnera racemosa (?, mādhavī-)  |
candrāvaloka | m. Name of a prince.  |
candravaṃśa | m. the lunar race of kings (2nd great line of royal dynasties, the progenitor of which was soma- the Moon, child of the ṛṣi- atri- and father of budha- [Mercury see candra-ja-];the latter married iḷā-, daughter of the solar king ikṣvāku-, and had by her a son, aila- or purūravas-;this last had a son by urvaśī-, named āyus-, from whom came nahuṣa-, father of yayāti-;the latter had two sons, puru- and yadu-, from whom proceeded the two branches of the lunar line;in that of yadu- was born kṛṣṇa- and bala-rāma-;in that of puru- came duṣyanta-, hero of the śakuntalā- and father of the great bharata-; 9th from bharata- came kuru-, and 14th from him śāntanu-, who had a son vicitra-vīrya- and a step-son vyāsa-;the latter married the two widows of his half-brother, and had by them dhṛtarāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu-, the wars of whose sons form the subject of the ) (see sūrya-v-.)  |
candravaṃśin | m. one of the lunar dynasty  |
candravandya | m. Name of a man.  |
candravapus | mfn. "moon-formed", handsome,  |
candravaralocana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
candravarcasa | n. moonshine,  |
candravarman | m. Name of a kāmboja- king  |
candravarman | m. of a prince conquered by samudra-gupta-  |
candravarṇa | (dr/a--) mfn. of brilliant colour  |
candrāvartā | f. a metre of 4 x 15 syllables.  |
candravartman | n. "having a path resembling that of the moon (because of not having any caesura)", a metre of 4x 12 syllables. |
candravaśā | f. Name of a river (varia lectio -vasā-).  |
candravasā | f. idem or 'f. Name of a river (varia lectio -vasā-).' , iv, 28, 35 (see -masā-.)  |
candravat | mfn. (dr/a--) illuminated by the moon  |
candravat | mfn. abounding in gold  |
candrāvataṃsaka | m. Name of a man  |
candravatī | f. (tī-) Name of a daughter of su-nābha- and wife of gada-  |
candravatī | f. of a princess  |
candravatī | f. of the wife of a potter  |
candravatī | f. of several other women  |
candravatī | f. of a town (see drā-v-).  |
candrāvatī | f. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
candrāvatī | f. of the wife of king dharma-sena-  |
candravatsa | m. plural Name of a people  |
candravihaṃgama | m. "moon-bird", the crane Ardea nivea  |
candravijña | m. Name of a prince  |
candravikrama | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-,  |
candravimala | m. "pure as the moon", Name of a samādhi-  |
candravimalasūryaprabhāsaśrī | m. "whose beauty is spotless like the moon and brilliant as the sun", Name of a buddha-.  |
candravrata | n. =cāndrāyaṇa-v-  |
candravyākaraṇa | n. candra-'s grammar (published under abhimanyu-),  |
candrāya | Nom. yati-, yate-, to represent or resemble the moon ; (perfect tense Passive voice parasmE-pada yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
candrayoga | m. a conjunction of the moon with any asterism.  |
candreśaliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
candreṣṭā | f. "moon-loved", a night lotus  |
candreśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
candrī | f. Serratula anthelminthica (see ardha--.)  |
candrikā | f. moonlight etc.  |
candrikā | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' splendour  |
candrikā | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' illumination, elucidation (of a work or subject, e. gaRa alaṃkāra--, kātantra--,etc.)  |
candrikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on  |
candrikā | f. "moonshine", baldness  |
candrikā | f. the chanda- fish  |
candrikā | f. cardamoms  |
candrikā | f. equals candraśūra-  |
candrikā | f. Gynandropsis pentaphylla  |
candrikā | f. Jasminum Zambac  |
candrikā | f. Trigonella foenum graecum  |
candrikā | f. a kind of white-blossoming kaṇṭakārī-  |
candrikā | f. the utpalinī- metre  |
candrikā | f. (in music) a kind of measure  |
candrikā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
candrikā | f. of a woman  |
candrikā | f. of a surāṅganā-  |
candrikā | f. of the candra-bhāgā- river  |
candrikā | f. of draka- q.v  |
candrikādrāva | m. "melting in moonlight", the moon stone (candra-kānta-)  |
candrikāmbuja | (kām-) n. "moonshine-lotus", a lotus blossoming during night  |
candrikāpāyin | m. "moonlight drinker", the cakora- bird  |
candrikāśana | (kāś-) m. equals kā-pāyin-  |
candrikātulya | m. "resembling moonlight", the chanda- fish (candraka-)  |
candrikāya | A1. to represent the moonlight.  |
candrila | m. a barber  |
candrila | m. śiva-  |
candrila | m. Chenopodium album  |
candrimā | f. (fr. candr/a-mas-; see pūrṇimā-) moonlight  |
candrin | mfn. golden  |
candrin | mfn. possessing gold,  |
candrin | m. equals dra-ja- (varia lectio)  |
candrodaya | m. moon-rise  |
candrodaya | m. (equals drātapa-) an open hall  |
candrodaya | m. Name of a mercurial preparation  |
candrodaya | m. Name of a pāṇḍava- warrior  |
candrodayā | f. a medicine for the eyes  |
candrodayamakaradhvaja | m. Name of a medicinal preparation  |
candrodayavarṇana | n. description of moon-rise  |
candronmīlana | n. Name of work  |
candropala | m. the moon-stone (candra-kānta-)  |
candroparāga | m. eclipse of the moon  |
candrottarya | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
abhinavacandrārghavidhi | m. "a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon", Name of the 114th chapter in the  |
acandra | mfn. moonless.  |
ācandram | ind. as long as there is a moon.  |
ācandratārakam | ind. as long as there are moon and stars  |
ācāracandrikā | f. Name of work on the religious customs of the śūdra-s.  |
ādityacandrau | m. dual number sun and moon.  |
āgamacandrikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
ahaṃcandrasūri | m. Name of an author  |
āhnikacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
alaṃkāracandrikā | f. work on rhetoric  |
amaracandra | m. Name of the author of the bāla-bhārata-.  |
aparārkacandrikā | f. the name of his comment.  |
ardhacandanalipta | mfn. half rubbed with sandal  |
ardhacandra | m. half moon  |
ardhacandra | m. the semi circular marks on a peacock's tail  |
ardhacandra | m. the semicircular scratch of the finger nail  |
ardhacandra | m. an arrow, the head of which is like a half-moon (see ardhacandra-mukha-and ardha candrāpama-below)  |
ardhacandra | m. the hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw (as for the purpose of seizing anybody by the neck;generally accusative am-with1. dā-,to seize any one by his neck)  |
ardhacandra | m. Name of the anusvāra- (from its being written in the older manuscripts in a semilunar form)  |
ardhacandra | m. Name of a constellation  |
ardhacandrā | f. the plant Convolvulus Torpethum  |
ardhacandra | mfn. crescent shaped, of a semilunar form  |
ardhacandrabhāgin | mfn. seized by the neck  |
ardhacandraka | m. (equals ardhacandra-) the hand bent into a semicircle for grasping any one's throat, in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( dattārdhacandraka dattārdhacandraka- mfn.) "seized at the throat"  |
ardhacandraka | n. the semilunar point of an arrow,  |
ardhacandrākāra | mfn. half moon shaped, crescent shaped  |
ardhacandrākṛta | mfn. half moon shaped, crescent shaped  |
ardhacandrakuṇḍa | n. Name of a mystical figure of semilunar form  |
ardhacandramukha | mfn. (an arrow) the head of which is like a half-moon  |
ardhacandrikā | f. Name of a climbing plant (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla or Convolvulus Torpethum;See ardhacandrā-above ).  |
ardhacandropama | mfn. "like a half-moon", of semilunar form (said of an arrow, the head of which is like a half moon)  |
arkacandana | n. red sanders  |
aśvaścandra | (/aśva--), brilliant with horses  |
aupacandhani | varia lectio for aupajandhani-, column 2.  |
avacandramasa | n. disappearance of the moon  |
bājabahāduracandra | m. Name of a son of nīla-candra- and patron of anantadeva- (see bāhādura-).  |
bālacandra | m. the young or waxing moon (also dra-mas-)  |
bālacandra | n. a cavity of a particular shape (made in a wall)  |
bālacandrikā | f. Name of a woman  |
barhacandraka | m. the eye in a peacock's tail  |
bāṣpacandra | m. Name of an author  |
baṭukārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhakticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhāgavatacandracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhakticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhakticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhālacandra | m. "having the moon on his forehead"Name of gaṇeśa-  |
bhālacandrācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhānucandra | m. "ray-moon", Name of a prince  |
bhānucandra | m. of an author  |
bhānucandragaṇi | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on vasantarāja-'s śakunārṇava-.  |
bhāratīcandra | m. Name of a king  |
bhārgavārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhāṣyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaṭṭāraharicandra | m. Name of authors  |
bhaṭṭicandrikā | f. Name of Comms. on  |
bhavacandra | m. Name of a man  |
bhāvacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bheṣajacandra | m. "moon of medicine", Name of a man  |
bhīmacandra | m. Name of a king  |
bhuvanacandra | m. "moon of the world", Name of a man  |
brahmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
caitanyacandrodaya | m. "moon-rise of the reformer caitanya-", Name of a drama.  |
camatkāracandrikā | f. Name of a grammar  |
cārucandra | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
ciccandrikā | See 4. cit-.  |
ciccandrikā | f. a commentator or commentary on by gaṇeśa-.  |
cidgaganacandrikā | f. Name of work Scholiast or Commentator  |
ḍālacandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
dāmacandra | m. Name of a man  |
dānacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
daśacandra | mfn. having 10 moon like spots  |
dattakacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
dattārdhacandraka | mfn. ardhacandraka |
devacandra | m. Name of a man  |
dhanacandra | Name of an author.  |
dharmacandra | m. "law-moon", Name of a man  |
dhātucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
dhātucandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
dhavalacandra | m. Name of the patron of nārāyaṇa- (the author of )  |
dvicandra | mfn. having 2 moons  |
dvitīyācandra | m. the moon of the 2nd day of the half-month, the young moon  |
dvitīyārcanacandrikā | f. (yārc-) Name of work  |
ekacandrā | f. Name of one of the mothers in the retinue of skanda-  |
ekāmracandrikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
gauracandra | m. Name of caitanya-  |
ghātacandra | m. the moon when in an inauspicious mansion  |
gocandana | n. (equals -śīrṣa-) a kind of sandal-wood  |
gocandanā | f. a sort of venomous leech  |
gopālakelicandrikā | f. Name of a drama  |
gopālārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work (in honour of kṛṣṇa-)  |
gopīcandana | n. a species of white clay (said to be brought from dvārakā- and used by viṣṇu-'s worshippers for marking the face pp. 67 and 400;"a kind of sandal-wood" )  |
gopīcandanopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
gośīrṣacandana | n. idem or 'n. camphor '  |
govindacanda | m. for -candra-  |
govindacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
gūḍhārthacandrikā | f. Name of commentary  |
guhacandra | m. Name of a merchant  |
guṇacandra | m. Name of a man  |
guṇacandra | m. Name of a disciple of deva-sūri- (author of a commentator or commentary called tattva-prakāśaka-vr2itti-).  |
haḍḍacandra | m. equals haṭṭa-c-  |
haimacandri | m. patronymic fr. hemacandra-  |
haṃsacandrāṃśu | m. plural the rays of the sun and the moon  |
haricandana | m. n. a sort of sandal tree  |
haricandana | m. yellow sandal etc. (in this sense prob. only n.), one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being pārijāta-, mandāra-, saṃtāna-, and kalpa-)  |
haricandana | n. the pollen or filament of a lotus  |
haricandana | n. saffron  |
haricandana | n. moonlight  |
haricandana | n. the person of a lover or mistress  |
haricandanāspada | n. a place where yellow sandal grows  |
haricandra | m. Name of various authors and other persons  |
harilocanacandrikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
harisādhanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
hariścandra | mfn. (See candra-) having golden splendour  |
hariścandra | m. Name of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the tretā- age (he was son of tri-śaṅku-, and was celebrated for his piety; according to to the mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa- he gave up his country, his wife and his son, and finally himself, to satisfy the demands of viśvāmitra-;after enduring incredible sufferings, he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven : according to to , his performance of the rāja-sūya- sacrifice was the cause of his elevation, and in the aitareya-brāhmaṇa- quite another legend is told about himSee under śunaḥśepa-, : in later legends hari-ścandra- is represented as insidiously induced by nārada- to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, whereupon he was degraded from svarga-, one stage at each sentence, till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air;his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times; see saubha-) etc. |
hariścandra | m. Name of various authors etc.  |
hariścandra | mn. (?) Name of a place  |
hariścandra | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
hariścandracaritra | n. Name of work  |
hariścandrākhyāyikā | f. Name of work  |
hariścandrapura | n. the city of Harikandra (equals saubha-)  |
hariścandrapura | n. a mirage  |
hariścandrapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
hariścandratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hariścandrayaśaścaudracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
hariścandropākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
harivaṃśacandragosvāmin | m. Name of an author  |
haṭhasaṃketacandrikā | f. Name of two works.  |
haṭṭacandra | m. Name of a grammarian (often quoted).  |
hemacandra | mfn. decorated with a golden crescent (as a chariot)  |
hemacandra | m. Name of a king (son of viśāla-)  |
hemacandra | m. of a celebrated jaina- author (pupil of deva-candra- sūri- and teacher of king kumāra-pāla-;he lived between 1089 and 1173 A.D. and is the author of a great many works, especially of the anekārtha-keśa-, the abhidhānacintāmaṇi-, the uṇādi-sūtra-vṛtti-, the deśī-nāmamālā-, a Sanskrit and Prakrit grammar etc.)  |
hṛdayacandra | m. Name of a king  |
hṛtacandra | mf(ā-)n. bereft of the moon (lotus)  |
ikṣvākucandramas | m. Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-,  |
indracandana | n. equals hari-candana-  |
īśānacandra | m. Name of a physician  |
jagaccandra | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (founder of the tapā-gaccha-, 1229 A.D.)  |
jagaccandrikā | f. bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on (also called cintā-maṇi-) .  |
jalacandra | m. Name of a poet  |
janacandra | m. "Name of a poet", for jala-c-.  |
janakacandra | m. Name of several men  |
jānakīramacandravilāsa | m. Name of  |
jayacandra | m. Name of the author of gośṛṅga-svayambhū-caitya-bhaṭṭārakoddeśa-  |
jayacandra | m. of a man  |
jayacandra | m. of a gauḍa- king  |
jayacandra | m. of a king of kānyakubja-  |
jinacandra | m. Name of 8 Jain sūri-s (1. predecessor of the famous abhaya-deva-, author of saṃvega-raṅga-śālā-prakaraṇa-; 2. A.D.1141-67, 3. 1270-1320; 4. died 1359; 5. 1431-74; 6. 1539-1614; 7. died 1707; 8. 1753-1800).  |
jñānacandra | m. Name of a man.  |
jyotiścandrārka | m. "stars, moon and sun", Name of work  |
kālanirṇayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
kalyāṇacandra | m. Name of an astronomer in the twelfth century  |
kalyāṇacandra | m. of a king.  |
kāmacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
kanakacandra | m. Name of a king.  |
karkacandreśvaratantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
karmacandra | m. Name of several princes.  |
kavicandra | m. Name of various authors (of the kāvyacandrikā-;of the dhātu-candrikā-;of the ratnāvalī-;of the rāmacandra-campū-;of the śānti-candrikā-;of the sārala-harī- grammar;of a book named stavāvali-).  |
kāvyacandrikā | f. Name of work on artificial poems by kavi-candra-  |
kāvyacandrikā | f. another work on the same subject by nyāya-vāgīśa-.  |
kramacandrikā | f. Name of work ,  |
krīḍācandra | a metre of 4 x 18 syllables  |
krīḍācandra | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
kṛṣṇabhakticandrikā | f. Name of a drama.  |
kṛṣṇacandra | m. Name of a copyist who lived about A.D. 1730 (son of rāma-candra-)  |
kṛṣṇacandra | m. Name of a prince of the eighteenth century  |
kṛṣṇacandradevaśarman | m. Name of a logician who lived about A.D. 1736.  |
kṣudracandana | n. red sandal-wood  |
kucandana | n. red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus)  |
kucandana | n. sappan or log-wood (Caesalpina Sappan see pattrāṅga-)  |
kucandana | n. a leguminous plant (Adenanthera pavonina)  |
kucandana | n. saffron  |
kucandana | etc. See  |
kucandanacara | etc. See  |
kulacandra | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the  |
kulacandra | m. of the author of the durgā-vākya-prabodha-.  |
kumudacandra | m. Name of the astronomer siddha-sena-.  |
laḍahacandra | m. Name of a poet  |
laghucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
laghucandrikāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
laghusiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of easy versions of the siddhānta-kaumudī- See laghu-k-.  |
lagnacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmaṇacandra | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣmīcandramiśra | m. Name of an author  |
lakvanacandra | m. Name of a man  |
lālacandra | m. Name of an author  |
lalitārcanacandrikā | (tār-) f. Name of work  |
līlācandra | m. Name of a poet  |
liṅgadhāraṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
lohitacandana | n. saffron  |
lokapradīpānvayacandrikānidāna | n. Name of work  |
maḍḍacandra | m. Name of a man  |
mādhavacandrakara | m. Name of a medical writer  |
mahācandra | m. Name of a man  |
mahākaruṇācandri | mahākaruṇacandri m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahākaruṇacandri | mahākaruṇācandri m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāvidyāsāracandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
maheśacandra | m. Name of author.  |
mahīcandra | m. "earth-moon", Name of a king  |
malūkacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
manaḥśilācandanadhāvana | n. a fluid prepared from red arsenic and sandal  |
māṇikyacandra | m. Name of a prince (patron of keśava-)  |
māṇikyacandra | m. (with sūri-) Name of an author  |
māṇikyacandraka | m. Name of a man  |
mantracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
manuṣyālayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
manvarthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
mārtaṇḍārcanacandrikā | f. of commentator or commentary on it.  |
meghacandraśīṣya | m. Name of an author  |
merucandratantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
mīmāṃsātattvacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
mohanacanda | m. Name of a man  |
muhūrtacandrakalā | f. Name of work  |
mukhacandra | m. "face-moon", a moon-like face  |
mukhacandramas | m. equals prec.  |
mukhyacandra | m. or n. (?) the principal lunar month (which ends with the conjunction, as opp. to the gauṇa-c-which ends with the opposition)  |
municandra | m. Name of a pupil of vardhamāna-  |
nāmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nānakacandrodaya | m. or n. Name of a poem by deva-rāja-.  |
naracandra | m. Name of a jaina- writer  |
nāracandra | m. Name of an author (see nara c-)  |
nāracandrapaddhati | f. Name of his work  |
naṣṭacandra | m. "moonless", Name of the 4th day in both halves of bhādra-  |
nāṭakacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
navīnacandra | m. the new moon  |
nayacandra | m. Name of a dramatic. poet  |
nayacandrasūri | m. Name of the author of the hammīracarita-  |
nayanacandrikā | f. moonshine, anything looking bright to the eyes  |
nayanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nemacandra | m. "half-moon", Name of a prince  |
nibandhacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
nicandra | m. Name of a dānava- |
nīlacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
nirṇayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nṛcandra | m. "man-moon", Name of a prince (a son of ranti-nāra-)  |
nyāyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
padabhāvārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
padacandrikā | f. "elucidation of words", Name of several works.  |
padārthacandrikā | f. Name of work |
paddhaticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
pāṃsucandana | m. Name of śiva-  |
pañcacandra | m. Name of a man  |
pañcīkaraṇatātparyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
pāṇicandra | m. Name of a king  |
paripūrṇacandravimalaprabha | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
paripūrṇasahasracandravatī | f. "possessing a thousand full moons", Name of indra-'s wife  |
pārśvacandra | m. Name of an author  |
pārvaṇacandrikā | m. Name of work  |
paryāptacandra | mf(ā-)n. adorned by the full moon (as a night)  |
phakīracandra | m. Name of an author  |
phalacandrikā | f. Name of several works.  |
pītacandana | n. yellow sandal  |
pītacandana | n. saffron  |
pītacandana | n. turmeric  |
prabhācandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher,  |
prabodhacandra | m. "the moon of knowledge", knowledge personified and compared with the moon  |
prabodhacandrikā | f. "moonlight of knowledge", Name of several works.  |
prabodhacandrodaya | m. "rise of the moon of knowledge", Name of a celebrated philosophical drama and of several other works.  |
prabodhacandrodayāmalaka | mn. (?) Name of work  |
prabodhacandrodayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
pracuracandana | n. much sandal  |
prajācandra | m. "people's moon", honorific Name of a prince  |
prajñācandra | m. "moon of wisdom", Name of a scholar  |
prajñānakumudacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
prākṛtacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
prakṣīṇacandra | m. prakṣīṇa |
praṇavārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
prasannacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
praśnacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
pratāpacandra | m. Name of a king  |
pratāpacandra | m. Name of a jaina- author  |
prātaścandra | m. the moon in the in the morning  |
prātaścandradyuti | mfn. having the colour of the moon in the moon id est pale,  |
praticandra | m. a mock moon, paraselene  |
pratimācandra | m. "reflection-moon", image of the moon  |
pratipaccandra | m. the moon on the first day, the new moon (especially revered and saluted)  |
prāyaścittacandrikā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittteṣṭicandrikā | f. Name of work  |
prayogacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
premabhakticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
prīticandra | m. Name of a preceptor  |
pṛthivīcandra | m. "earth-moon", Name of a prince of the tri-garta-s  |
pṛthvīcandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
punaścandrā | f. Name of a river  |
puraścaraṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
pūrṇacandra | m. the full moon  |
pūrṇacandra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
pūrṇacandra | m. of an author  |
pūrṇacandranibhānana | mf(ā-)n. having a face like the full moon  |
pūrṇacandraprabhā | f. the lustre of the full moon  |
pūrṇacandraprāyaścittaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
pūrṇapuruṣārthacandra | m. or n. Name of a drama.  |
puruścandra | mfn. much-shining, resplendent  |
rāgacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
rājacandra | m. Name of a lexicographer  |
rākācandra | m. full moon  |
raktacandana | n. red sandal  |
raktacandana | n. Caesalpina Sappan  |
raktacandana | n. saffron |
rāmacandra | m. " rāma-s-moon", Name of the principal rāma- called dāśarathi-, as son of daśa-ratha-, and rāghava-, as descended from raghu- (although the affix candra-seems to connect him with the moon, he is not, like kṛṣṇa- and bala--ra1ma, of the lunar but of the solar race of kings;he forms the 7th avatāra- of viṣṇu- and is the hero of the rāmāyaṇa-, who, to recover his faithful wife sītā-, advanced southwards, killed the demon rāvaṇa- and subjugated his followers the rākṣasa-s, the poetical representatives of the barbarous aborigines of the south) ( )  |
rāmacandra | m. Name of various kings and authors etc. (also with ācārya-, kavi-, kṣiti-pati-, cakra-vartin-, daṇḍin-, dīkṣīta-, naimiṣa-stha-or vājapeyin-, nyāya-vāg-īśa-, parama-haṃsa-, pāṭhaka-, bhaṭṭa-, bhaṭṭācārya-, bhārgava-, bhiṣaj-, miśra-, yajvan-, yatīśvara-, vācas-pati-, śāstrin-, sārasvatī-, siddha-etc.)  |
rāmacandracampū | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandracarita | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandracaritrasāra | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandracatuḥsūtrī | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandradāsa | m. Name of a poet  |
rāmacandragaṇeśa | m. Name of an author  |
rāmacandrāhnika | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandrajyotsnā | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandrakaruṇāsāgaracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandrakavaca | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandrakāvya | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandramahodaya | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandranāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandranāṭaka | n. Name of a drama (equals rāma-nāṭaka-)  |
rāmacandrapañcadaśī | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandrapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandrāryamaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandrāśrama | m. Name of an author  |
rāmacandrāśrama | n. of a tīrtha-  |
rāmacandrāśritapārijāta | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandrāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandrastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandrastotra | n. Name of work  |
rāmacandratīrtha | m. (formerly, mādhava śāstrin-) Name of the successor of vāg-īśa-tīrtha- (of the madhva- school;he died in 1377) (see )  |
rāmacandratīrtha | m. of two other scholars  |
rāmacandrayaśaḥprabandha | m. Name of work  |
rāmacandrendra | m. (with sarasvati-) Name of a teacher  |
rāmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rāmacandrodaya | m. "rise of rāma-candra-", Name of various works.  |
rāmārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rāmaśrīkramacandrikā | f. Name of work on bhakti-.  |
rāmāyaṇakālanirṇayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rasacandra | m. Name of work  |
rasacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rasapadmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rasikacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
ratnacandra | m. Name of a god (said to be guardian of a jewel-mine)  |
ratnacandra | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
ratnacandra | m. of a son of bimbi-sāra-  |
ratnacandrāmati | m. Name of a bhikṣu- |
ravicandra | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the amaru-śataka-.  |
rohiṇīcandraśayana | n. Name of two religious observances  |
rohiṇīcandravrata | n. Name of two religious observances  |
rolicandrū | (?) m. Name of a man  |
rudracandra | m. Name of a king  |
rudracandradeva | m. Name of an author  |
rudrārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
rūpacandra | m. Name of an author  |
śabdacandrikā | f. Name of a lexicon by bāṇa-kavi- and of a dictionary on materia medica by vaidya- cakrapāṇi-datta-.  |
śabdaliṅgārthacandrikā | f. "elucidation of the gender and meaning of words", Name of a lexicon.  |
śabdārṇavacandrikā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
śabdārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śabdārthacandrikoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
sacandraka | mf(ikā-)n. having a moon-like spot  |
sacandrikāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
saccandrikā | f. splendid moonlight  |
sadācandra | m. Name of a king  |
sadācāracandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
sadalaṃkāracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
ṣaḍbhāṣācandrikā | f. Name of work  |
ṣaḍdarśanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
saddharmacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍrāgacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
saduparāgacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
sāgaracandra | m. Name of a Jain poet  |
sahacandralalāma | mfn. along with the moon-crested id est śiva-  |
sahamacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sahasyacandra | m. the wintry moon  |
sāhityacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śākhācandranyāya | m. rule of the moon on a bough (a phrase denoting that an object seen or matter discussed has its position or relation assigned to it merely from theappearanceof contiguity)  |
sālacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
sāmānyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
samāsacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śambaracandana | n. a variety of sandal  |
śambhucandra | m. Name of a Zamindar (who wrote the vikrama-bhārata- in the beginning of this century)  |
saṃgrāmacandra | m. "excelling in battle", Name of a man  |
saṃkalpacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
saṃketacandrodaya | m.  |
sāṃkhyacandrikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the sāṃkhya-kārikā- by nārāyaṇatīrtha-.  |
sāṃkhyatattvacandrikā | f. equals sāṃkhya-c- above.  |
saṃkṣepāhnikacandrikā | f. Name of work |
saṃnipātacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sampatsaṃtānacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sampradāyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śānticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
saptapadārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śarabhārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sāracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śaraccandra | m. the autumnal moon  |
śaraccandrāya | Nom. P. yate-, to resemble the autumnal moon  |
śaraccandrikā | f. autumnal moonshine (pariṇata-candrikāsu kṣapāsu- see pariṇata-)  |
sārdhacandra | (fr. sa-+ ardhac-) together with the moon's crescent  |
śārīrakasūtrasārārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sarpahṛdayacandana | m. a kind of sandal.  |
sarvacandra | m. Name of an author  |
ṣaṣṭhacandra | m. Name of a man  |
śatacandra | mfn. adorned with a hundred moons (or moon-like spots)  |
śatacandra | mfn. (scilicet asi-or carman-) a sword or a shield adorned with a hundred moons  |
śatacandra | m. Name of a warrior  |
śatacandrita | mfn. equals -candra-  |
śataślokīcandrakalā | f. Name of work  |
satkarmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
satkīrticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
ścand | (see cand-), only in Intensive p. c/aniścadat-,"shining brilliantly"  |
ścandra | mfn. shining, radiant (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See aśva-ścandra-, puru-ścandr/a-, viśv/a-ścandra-, suścandr/a-, śv/a-ścandra-,and h/ari-ścandra-).  |
śeṣarāmacandra | m. Name of a Scholiast on the naiṣadīya-- carita-  |
śeṣavākyārthacandrikā | f. Name of a vedānta- work  |
siddhacandragaṇi | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the kādambarī-.  |
siddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of various works (also siddhāntacandrikākhaṇḍana -khaṇḍana- n.and siddhāntacandrikāṭīkā -ṭīkā- f.)  |
siddhāntacandrikākhaṇḍana | n. siddhāntacandrikā |
siddhāntacandrikāṭīkā | f. siddhāntacandrikā |
siddhāntacandrodaya | m. a commentator or commentary on the tarka-saṃgraha- (written in 1774 A.D. for rāja-siṃha-, son of king gaja-siṃha- of vikrama-paṭṭana-, by kṛṣṇa-dhūrjaṭi-dīkṣita-).  |
siddhāntanyāyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
siṃhacandra | m. Name of various men  |
siṃhacandrā | f. Name of a woman  |
sītārāmacandra | mf. Name of a king  |
śiticandana | n. musk  |
śivacandra | m. Name of the great grandfather of the late mahārāja- satīśacandra- rāya- (author of the aṣṭādaśottara-śata-ślokī-)  |
śivacandra | m. (with siddhānta-) Name of the author of the siddhānta-candrikā-  |
śivārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śivārkacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
smaracandra | m. a kind of sexual union  |
smṛticandra | m. Name of work  |
smṛticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
smṛticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
somacandra | m. Name of a man (also rarṣi-)  |
somacandragaṇi | m. Name of an author  |
śoṇitacandana | n. red sandal  |
sphoṭacandrikā | f. Name of work (on the above philosophical sphoṭa-).  |
sphuṭacandratāraka | mf(ā-)n. radiant with the moon and stars (said of night)  |
sphuṭacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrāddhacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrautacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrautaprāyaścittacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrīcandana | n. a kind of sandal  |
śrīcandra | m. Name of various men (also -deva- )  |
śrīkramacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śrīvidyārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
śṛṅgāracandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
śruticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
stuticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
subalacandra | m. (with ācārya-) Name of an author  |
śubhacandra | m. Name of the author of the śabda-cintāmaṇi-vṛtti-  |
subhagārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
subhāṣitacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
subuddhicandra | m. Name of a man  |
sucandana | m. a fine sandal tree  |
sucandra | m. a particular samādhi-  |
sucandra | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
sucandra | m. of a son of siṃhikā-  |
sucandra | m. of a son of hema-candra- and father of dhūmrāśva-  |
sucandra | m. of various kings  |
sucandra | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
sucandra | m. of a Ficus Indica  |
śuddhicandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sudhīcandrikā | f. Name of work  |
sūracandra | m. Name of the Guru of bhānucandra-  |
sūryacandra | m. Name of a man  |
sūryacandra | m. dual number the sun and moon  |
sūryacandragrahaṇa | n. Name of work  |
sūryacandramas | See saurya-cāndramasa-.  |
sūryacandramasa | See saurya-cāndramasa-.  |
sūryācandramasā | m. dual number the sun and moon (also characterized as dānava-s)  |
sūryācandramasau | m. dual number the sun and moon (also characterized as dānava-s)  |
sūryacandrastotra | n. Name of work  |
sūryacandravrata | n. Name of work  |
sūryacandravratakalpa | m. Name of work  |
sūryacandroparāgaśānti | f. Name of work  |
suśarmacandra | m. Name of a king  |
suścandra | mfn. glittering beautifully  |
sūtrārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
svānandacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
svarasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
svaścandra | (sv/a--) mfn. self-glittering, self-brilliant  |
śvetacandana | n. white sandal  |
śvetāmbaracandra | m. Name of a man  |
śyāmārcanacandrikā | (mār-) f. Name of work  |
tamālapattracandanagandha | m. "smelling like tamāla- leaves and sandal wood", Name of a buddha-.  |
tārācandra | m. Name of a commentator  |
tārācandra | m. of a king  |
tārācandtodaya | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem  |
tarkacandrikā | f. Name of an elementary exposition of the nyāya- philosophy |
tattvacandra | m. "truth-moon", Name of a commentator or commentary on prakriyā-kaumudī-  |
tattvacandra | m." tattva--moon", Name of a commentator or commentary on -kaumudī-  |
trimallacandra | m. Name of a prince.  |
uccandra | (ud-ca-) m. the moonless period of the night, the last watch of the night  |
udāharaṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
udakacandra | m. (?) , a kind of magic ( )  |
udakacandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
upāsanācandrāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
uragasāracandana | n. a kind of sandal-wood  |
uragasāracandanacūrṇa | n. the powder of the above  |
uragasāracandanamaya | mfn. made of sandal-wood  |
vādicandra | m. (with sūri-) Name of a jaina-  |
vaidyacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
vaidyakayogacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vairāgyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vaiṣṇavākūtacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vājacandra | m. Name of an author  |
vajravaracandra | m. Name of a king of Orissa  |
vākyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vākyārthacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vāmārcanacandrikā | f. Name of a Tantric work  |
vanacandana | n. aloe wood or Agallochum  |
vanacandana | n. Pinus Deodora  |
vanacandrikā | f. Jasminum Sambac  |
varacandana | n. a sort of dark sandal-wood  |
varacandana | n. Pinus Deodora  |
varacandrikā | f. Name of a Commentary.  |
vāstucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vasucandra | m. Name of a warrior  |
vedāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vedāntasiddhāntacandrikā | f. vedāntasiddhānta |
vedārthacandra | m. Name of work |
vibhūticandra | m. Name of an author  |
vicandra | mf(ā-)n. moonless (as a night)  |
vigamacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
vijayacandra | m. "victory-moon", Name of a king |
vikramacandrikā | f. Name of a drama  |
vimalacandra | m. Name of a king  |
vimukticandra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
vīraśaivānandacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vīryacandra | m. Name of the father of vīrā- (wife of karaṃ-dhama-)  |
viṣayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
viśiṣṭādvaitacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
viṣṇubhakticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
viṣṇucandra | m. Name of various authors  |
viśvacandra | mfn. all-radiant, all-brilliant  |
viśvaścandra | (viśv/a--) mf(ā-)n. all-glittering  |
vivādacandra | m. Name of work  |
vivādacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vivekacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
vrajanavanāgaracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vṛkṣacandra | m. Name of a king  |
vṛndāvanacandra | m. (with tarkālaṃkāra cakravartin-), Name of an author  |
vṛttacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vṛttacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
vṛtticandrapradīpikānirukti | f. Name of work  |
vyāsasūtracandrikā | f. Name of work on the above sūtra-.  |
vyavahāracandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
yaśaścandra | m. Name of a king  |
yogacandraṭīkā | f.  |
yogacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
yogacandrikāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
yogasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
yogasūtracandrikā | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra-  |
yogasūtrārthacandrikā | f. Name of work relating to the yoga-sūtra-  |
yogavāsiṣṭhasāracandrikā | f. Name of work  |