bradhma | m. a particular disease (written vr-; see bradhna-and budhna-roga-).  |
bradhna | mfn. (of doubtful origin ) pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay (especially as the colour of a horse, but also applied to soma- and the puroḍāśa-)  |
bradhna | mfn. great, mighty  |
bradhna | m. the sun (see viṣṭap-)  |
bradhna | m. the world of the sun (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bradhna | m. a horse  |
bradhna | m. the point or some other part of an arrow (in śat/a-b- q.v)  |
bradhna | m. a particular disease (see bradhma-and budhna-roga-)  |
bradhna | m. Name of a son of manu- bhautya-  |
bradhna | n. lead (often wrong reading for budhṇa-and budhnya-)  |
bradhnabimba | ( ) n. the disc of the sun.  |
bradhnacakra | n. the zodiac  |
bradhnaloka | (bradhn/a--) mfn. being in the world of the sun  |
bradhnamaṇḍala | ( ) n. the disc of the sun.  |
bradhnaśva | m. Name of a prince (wrong reading for bradhnāśva-or vadhry-aśva-?)  |
bradhnatva | n. greatness, mightiness  |
brādhnāyanya | m. patronymic fr. bradhna- gaRa kuñjādi- (f(yanī-).; m. plural yanāḥ- )  |
brahm | cl.1 P. brahmati-, to go, move  |
brahma | m. a priest (See asura--, ku--, mahābr-)  |
brahma | n. the one self-existent Spirit, the Absolute  |
brahma | in compound for brahman-. - Observe that in the following derivatives the Nominal verb n. (brahma-) is used for the impersonal Spirit and the Nominal verb m. (brahmā-) for the personal god.  |
brāhma | mf(ī-)n. (fr. brahman-,for which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) relating to brahma- or brahmā-, holy, sacred, divine etc.  |
brāhma | mf(ī-)n. relating to sacred knowledge, prescribed by the veda-, scriptural  |
brāhma | mf(ī-)n. sacred to the veda- (with or scilicet tīrtha- n.the part of the hand situated at the root of the thumb),  |
brāhma | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to the Brahmans or the sacerdotal class peculiar or favourable to or consisting of Brahmans Brahmanical etc. (with nidhi- m.money bestowed on the sacerdotal class )  |
brāhma | mf(ī-)n. belonging to an inhabitant of brahmā-'s world  |
brāhma | m. (with or scilicet vivāha-) Name of a form of marriage (in which the bride is bestowed on the bridegroom without requiring anything from him)  |
brāhma | m. Name of a man (son of kṛṣṇa- and father of maheśvara-)  |
brāhma | m. patronymic of nārada-  |
brāhma | m. of kavi-  |
brāhma | m. of Urdhva-nabhan and rakṣo-han-  |
brāhma | n. sacred study, study of the veda-  |
brāhma | n. (with or scilicet tīrtha-) See above.  |
brāhma | brāhmaṇa- etc. See p.741.  |
brahmabala | n. Brahmanical power  |
brahmabala | m. Name of a man  |
brahmabali | m. Name of a teacher  |
brahmabandhava | n. (prob.) the office or occupation of a nominal Brahman (see next)  |
brahmabandhu | m. an unworthy or merely nominal Brahman ( "a Brahman who omits his saṃdhyā- devotions") etc. ( brahmabandhū dhū- f. ; brahmabandhutā dhu-tā- f. ; Comparative degree and superl. dhū-tara-, dhū-tama- )  |
brahmabandhū | f. brahmabandhu |
brahmabandhutā | f. brahmabandhu |
brahmabhadrā | f. Ficus Heterophylla  |
brahmabhāga | m. the share of a brahman- or chief priest  |
brahmabhāga | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a poet  |
brahmabhāva | m. absorption in the one self-existent Being or brahma-  |
brahmabhavana | n. brahmā-'s abode  |
brahmabhāvana | mfn. revealing or imparting religious knowledge  |
brahmabhāvastotra | n. Name of a stotra- by śaṃkarācārya-.  |
brahmabhid | mfn. dividing the one brahma- into many  |
brahmabhraṣṭa | mfn. one who has fallen from (id est who has forfeited) sacred knowledge  |
brahmabhūmijā | f. "growing in brahmā-'s land", a kind of pepper  |
brahmabhūta | mfn. become id est absorbed in brahma-  |
brahmabhūta | n. identification with brahma-  |
brahmabhūti | f. twilight  |
brahmabhuvana | n. brahmā-'s world  |
brahmabhūya | n. identification with or absorption into brahma- etc. ( brahmabhūyatva -tva- n.)  |
brahmabhūya | n. Brahmanhood  |
brahmabhūyas | mfn. becoming one with brahma-  |
brahmabhūyas | n. absorption into Brahmanhood  |
brahmabhūyatva | n. brahmabhūya |
brahmābhyāsa | m. study and repetition of the veda-  |
brahmabīja | n. "seed of the veda-", the sacred syllable om-  |
brahmabīja | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmabileya | (?) m. Name of a man  |
brahmabindu | m. a drop of saliva sputtered while reciting the veda-  |
brahmabindūpaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
brahmabodha | m. Name of work  |
brahmabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
brahmabodhyā | f. Name of a river (Bombay edition -vedhyā-).  |
brahmabruva | m. equals next  |
brahmabruvāṇa | mfn. calling one's self or pretending to be a Brahman  |
brahmacaitanyayati | m. Name of an author  |
brahmacakra | n. " brahmā-'s wheel", the circle of the universe  |
brahmacakra | n. Name of a particular magical circle  |
brahmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
brahmacāraṇī | f. Clerodendrum Siphoantus (prob. wrong reading for -cāriṇī-).  |
brahmacārika | n. religious studentship  |
brahmacārin | mf(iṇī-)n. practising sacred study as an unmarried student, observing chastity etc.  |
brahmacārin | m. a young Brahman who is a student of the veda- (under a preceptor) or who practises chastity, a young Brahman before marriage (in the first period of his life) etc. (see āśrama-and ;the N. brahma-cārin- is also given to older unmarried Brahmans, especially if versed in the veda-, and by the tantra-s to any person whose chief virtue is continence)  |
brahmacārin | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
brahmacārin | m. of skanda-  |
brahmacārin | m. of śiva-  |
brahmacārin | m. a woman who observes the vow of chastity  |
brahmacārin | m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus (varia lectio raṇī-)  |
brahmacārin | m. Thespesia Populneoides  |
brahmacārin | m. equals karuṇī-  |
brahmacāriṇī | f. Name of durgā-  |
brahmacārivāsa | m. the living of a brahma-cārin-, (in the house of his religious teacher)  |
brahmacārivāsin | mfn. living as a brahma--ca1rin etc.  |
brahmacarya | n. study of the veda-, the state of an unmarried religious student, a state of continence and chastity (alsof(ā-). ) etc. (accusative with grah-, car-, vas-, ā-gam-, upa-i-,to practise chastity; see -cārin-)  |
brahmacaryaskhalana | n. deviating from chastity  |
brahmacaryāśrama | m. the period of unmarried religious studentship  |
brahmacaryatva | n. the unmarried state, continence, chastity  |
brahmacaryavat | mfn. leading the life of an unmarried religious student, practising chastity  |
brahmacaryavrata | n. a vow of chastity,  |
brahmacintananirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmaciti | f. brahmā-'s layer in the fire-altar  |
brahmacodana | mf(ī-)n. inciting or urging brahma- or brahmā- ( )  |
brahmada | mfn. imparting religious knowledge  |
brahmadaitya | m. a Brahman changed into a daitya-  |
brahmadāna | n. the gift of the veda- or of sacred knowledge  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. " brahmā-'s staff", Name of a mythical weapon  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. the curse of a Brahman (varia lectio brāhma-d-)  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Name of a particular ketu-  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. of a prince  |
brāhmadaṇḍa | m. (prob.) wrong reading for brahma-d-  |
brahmadaṇḍī | f. a species of plant (equals adhyāṇḍā- )  |
brahmadaṇḍin | m. Name of a sage  |
brahmādanī | f. a species of plant (equals haṃsa-padī-)  |
brahmadarbhā | f. Ptychotis Ajowan  |
brahmādarśa | m. " brahmā-'s mirror", Name of work  |
brahmadāru | m. n. Morus Indica  |
brahmadāsa | m. Name of the father of nārāyaṇa-dāsa- (author of the praśnārṇava-)  |
brahmadāsa | m. of a king (about 1600)  |
brahmadātṛ | mfn. equals -da-  |
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahma-  |
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahmā-  |
brahmadatta | m. Name of various men (see naḍādi-)  |
brahmadatta | m. of a man with the patronymic caikitāneya-  |
brahmadatta | m. of a king (plural his descendants)  |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince of the pañcāla-s in kāmpilya- etc.  |
brahmadatta | m. of a king of the sālva-s  |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in vārāṇasī-  |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in śrāvastī-  |
brahmadatta | m. (see ) of a prince in campā-  |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in kusuma-pura-  |
brahmadatta | m. of the 12th cakra-vartin- in bhārata-  |
brahmadatta | m. of a Brahman  |
brahmadatta | m. of a merchant  |
brahmadatta | m. of the father of kṛṣṇa-datta-  |
brahmadatta | m. of several authors  |
brāhmadattāyana | m. patronymic fr. brahma-datta- gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
brahmadāya | m. (fr. 1. dāya-) equals prec.  |
brahmadāya | mfn. imparting or teaching sacred knowledge  |
brahmadāya | m. (and . 2, dāya-) sacred knowledge as an inheritance ( brahmadāyahara -hara- mfn.receiving it from [gen.] ; brahmadāyāda yāda- mfn.[according to Scholiast or Commentator ]either"enjoying sacred knowledge as an inheritance"" brahmā-'s son" )  |
brahmadāya | m. the earthly possession of a Brahman  |
brahmadāyāda | mfn. brahmadāya |
brahmadāyahara | mfn. brahmadāya |
brahmadāyāpahārin | mfn. robbing it  |
brahmadeva | m. (also with paṇḍita-) Name of various authors  |
brahmadeya | mfn. given in marriage after the manner of Brahmans (see )  |
brahmadeya | m. (with vidhi-) marriage of this kind  |
brahmadeya | n. instruction in the veda- or sacred knowledge ( brahmadeyānusaṃtāna yānusaṃtāna-, mfn.one in whose family Vedic teachings;is hereditary [ brahmadeyātmasaṃtāna yātma-saṃtāna-,"the son of a woman married according to the brāhma- rite"; see ātma-s-]) |
brahmadeya | n. gift to Brahmans  |
brāhmadeya | mfn. equals brahma-d- mfn. (Bombay edition) on  |
brahmadeyānusaṃtāna | mfn. brahmadeya |
brahmadeyātmasaṃtāna | mfn. brahmadeya |
brahmadhāman | n. brahmā-'s place or abode  |
brahmadhara | mfn. possessing sacred knowledge  |
brahmadharmadviṣ | mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge and the law  |
brahmadhātu | m. an essential portion of brahma-  |
brahmādhigama | m. devotion to sacred study or the veda- (also brahmādhigamana mana- n.W)  |
brahmādhigamana | n. brahmādhigama |
brahmādhigamika | mfn. relating to it  |
brahmadhvaja | m. Name of a buddha-  |
brahmadhvajopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
brahmādijātā | f. the river go-dāvarī- (varia lectio mādri-j-).  |
brahmadina | n. a day of brahmā-  |
brahmādiśīrṣa | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
brahmāditya | m. Name of an author (also called brahmārka-)  |
brahmādrijātā | f. See mādi-jātā-.  |
brahmaduṣaka | mfn. falsifying the Vedic texts  |
brahmadvāra | n. entrance into brahma-  |
brahmadvārapāra | m. (equals pāla-) the guardian of it  |
brahmadveṣa | m. hatred of sacred knowledge or of Brahmans  |
brahmadveṣin | mfn. equals -dviṣ-  |
brahmadviṣ | mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge or religion, impious (said of men and demons)  |
brahmadviṣ | mfn. hating Brahmans  |
brahmādya | mfn. (fr. 1. ādya-) beginning with brahmā-  |
brahmādya | mfn. (fr. 2. ādya-) to be eaten by priests or Brahmans  |
brahmagandha | m. the fragrance of brahma-  |
brahmāgāra | n. the house of the chief priest  |
brahmagarbha | m. the embryo of a Brahman (?)  |
brahmagarbha | m. Name of a law-giver ( brahmagarbhasmṛti -smṛti- f.his work)  |
brahmagarbhā | f. Ocimum Villosum  |
brahmagarbhasmṛti | f. brahmagarbha |
brahmagārgya | m. Name of a man  |
brahmagāthāstuti | f. Name of work  |
brahmagaurava | n. the potency (of the weapon given) by brahmā-  |
brahmagavī | f. a Brahman's cow  |
brahmagavī | f. dual number Name of 2 classes of verses or formulas  |
brahmagāyatrī | f. Name of a magical mantra- composed after the model of the gāyatrī-  |
brahmaghātaka | m. a Brahman-killer  |
brahmaghātin | m. id  |
brahmaghātinī | f. a woman on the second day of the menses  |
brahmaghna | m. equals -ghātaka-  |
brahmaghnī | f. See -han-.  |
brahmaghnī | f. Aloe Perfoliata  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. murmur (arising from the recital) of prayers (also plural) (also brahmaghoṣarava ṣa-rava- m. )  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. the sacred word or text, the veda-  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
brahmaghoṣarava | m. brahmaghoṣa |
brahmagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
brahmagiri | m. (?) of Comms. on various upaniṣad-s  |
brahmagītā | f. plural Name of particular verses ( ) ascribed to brahmā-  |
brahmagītā | f. Name of work  |
brahmagītāparātmānusaṃdhāna | n. Name of work  |
brahmagītāvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
brahmagītikā | f. "the song of brahmā-", Name of particular verses  |
brahmagola | m. " brahmā-'s globe", the universe  |
brahmāgrabhū | m. a horse (see next and brahmātma-bhū-).  |
brahmagraha | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
brahmagrāhin | mfn. worthy to receive that which is holy (varia lectio mārgha-).  |
brahmagranthi | m. Name of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord ( )  |
brahmagranthi | m. of a particular joint of the body  |
brahmagupta | m. Name of a son of brahmā- (by the wife of the vidyā-dhara- bhīma-)  |
brahmagupta | m. of an astronomer (son of jiṣṇu- and author of the brahma-sphuṭa-siddhānta-, born A.D, 598)  |
brahmagupta | m. of a chief of the bhakta- sect  |
brahmagupta | m. of a trigarta-ṣaṣṭha- on (varia lectio brāhma-g-)  |
brahmagupta | m. plural Name of a race  |
brāhmagupta | m. plural (fr. brahma-gupta-) Name of a race on (varia lectio brahma-g-)  |
brahmaguptīya | m. a prince of the brahmagupta-s  |
brāhmaguptīya | m. a prince of the brāhmagupta-s (varia lectio brahma-g-).  |
brahmahaṃsopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
brahmahan | mf(ghnī-)n. "Brahman-slaying", the murderer of a Brahman etc.  |
brahmahari | m. Name of a poet  |
brahmahatyā | f. murder of a Brahman (or any crime equally heinous)  |
brāhmāhorātra | m. a day and night of brahmā- (a period of 2000 ages of the gods or 2 kalpa-sof mortals) (see )  |
brahmahrada | m. Name of a lake  |
brahmahṛdaya | m. n. the star Capella  |
brahmahṛdaya | Name (also title or epithet) of a particular anuvāka- ( ),  |
brahmahuta | n. "offering to brahmā- or the Brahmans", hospitality (see brāhmya-huta-).  |
brahmāhuta | mfn. one to whom oblations of prayer and devotion have been made  |
brahmāhuti | f. the offering of prayer or devotion  |
brahmaikyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmaja | mfn. sprung from that which is holy (said of kārttikeya-)  |
brahmaja | m. plural Name of particular clouds  |
brahmaja | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a class of divinities  |
brahmajajña | mfn. "born from and knowing brahma-"or"knowing what is brahma--born" id est "knowing all things"  |
brahmajālasutra | n. Name of a sūtra- (see ) .  |
brahmajāmala | wrong reading for -yāmala-.  |
brahmajanman | n. "spiritual birth", investiture with the sacred thread  |
brahmajanman | mfn. " brahmā- -born"(said of prajāpati-)  |
brahmajapa | m. a particular formula of prayer  |
brahmajāra | m. the paramour of a Brahman's wife  |
brahmajaṭā | f. Artemisia Indica  |
brahmajātaka | n. Name of work  |
brahmajaṭin | m. Artemisia Indica  |
brahmajijñāsā | f. the desire of knowing brahma- (see ) . |
brahmajīvanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
brahmajīvin | mfn. subsisting by sacred learning  |
brahmajīvin | m. a mercenary Brahman (who converts his religious duties into a trade)  |
brahmajña | mfn. possessing sacred knowledge, knowing the sacred text, spiritually wise, holy (said also of gods exempli gratia, 'for example' of viṣṇu-, kārttikeya-)  |
brahmajñāna | n. divine or sacred knowledge (especially knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the vedānta-), spiritual wisdom  |
brahmajñānamahātantrarāja | m. Name of work  |
brahmajñānatantra | n. Name of work  |
brahmajñānavipratipatti | f. Name of work  |
brahmajñānin | mfn. equals -jña-  |
brahmajñānopadeśa | m. Name of work  |
brahmajuṣṭa | (br/ahma--) mfn. gratified by prayer or devotion  |
brahmajūta | (br/ahma--) mfn. incited by prayer or devotion  |
brahmajya | mfn. molesting or oppressing Brahmans (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
brahmajyeṣṭha | m. (printed ṭhya-) the elder brother of brahmā-  |
brahmajyeṣṭha | mfn. having brahmā- as first or chief  |
brahmajyeya | n. the act of oppressing Brahmans  |
brahmajyotis | n. the splendour of brahma- or of the Supreme Being (also written brahma-jy-)  |
brahmajyotis | mfn. having the splendour of brahmā- (Scholiast or Commentator"of the presiding priest")  |
brahmajyotis | m. Name of śiva-  |
brāhmaka | n. equals -brahmaṇā kṛtam- (saṃjñāyām-) gaRa kulālādi-  |
brahmakaivartapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
brahmakalā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- who dwells in the heart of men  |
brahmakalpa | mfn. like brahmā-  |
brahmakalpa | m. the cosmic period of brahmā-  |
brahmakalpa | m. Name of work  |
brahmakāṇḍa | n. the inner portion of the veda- which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of brahma- (= jñāna-k-,and opp. to karma-k- q.v),  |
brahmakāṇḍa | n. Name of work (or chapter of a work) of bhartṛ-hari-  |
brahmakanya | (prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmakanyaka | m. (prob.) idem or '(prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus '  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Ruta Graveolens  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Name of sarasvatī-  |
brahmakara | m. an impost paid to the Brahmanical class  |
brahmakāra | mfn. making or offering prayers  |
brahmakāraṇavāda | m. Name of work  |
brāhmakārikā | f. plural Name of particular kārikā-s  |
brahmakarman | n. the office of the brahman- (id est presiding priest) or of the Brahmans  |
brahmakarmapradāyaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
brahmakarmaprakāśaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
brahmakarmapustaka | n. Name of a manual on ceremonies  |
brahmakarmasamādhi | mfn. occupied with or meditating upon the one self-existent Spirit  |
brahmakāṣṭha | m. Thespesia Populneoides  |
brahmakāya | m. plural Name of a particular class of deities  |
brahmakāyika | mfn. belonging to the brahma-kāya-s ( ) .  |
brahmaketu | m. Name of a man  |
brahmakhaṇḍa | n. Name of  |
brahmakilbiṣa | n. an offence against Brahmans  |
brahmakileya | (?) m. Name of a man  |
brahmakośa | m. the treasury of the brahma- id est of the sacred word or text, the entire collection of the veda-s  |
brahmakośa | m. Name of atri-  |
brahmakośī | f. a species of plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
brahmakṛt | mfn. making or offering prayers (also applied to indra-, viṣṇu-, the marut-s etc.)  |
brahmakṛta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
brāhmakṛteya | m. patronymic fr. brahma-kṛta- gaRa śubhrādi-. |
brahmakṛti | (br/ahma--) f. prayer, devotion  |
brahmākṣara | n. the sacred syllable om-  |
brahmākṣaramaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of sacred syllables  |
brahmakṣatra | n. sg. and dual number Brahmans and kṣatriya-s  |
brahmakṣatrasava | m. plural Name of particular rites |
brahmakṣetra | n. Name of a sacred district  |
brahmakuṇḍa | n. Name of a sacred pool  |
brahmakūrca | n. a particular kind of penance (in which the 5 products of the cow are eaten; see pañcagavya-)  |
brahmakūrcavidhi | m. Name of the 38th pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
brahmakuśā | f. a species of cumin  |
brahmakuśā | f. equals aja-modā-  |
brahmakūṭa | m. a thoroughly learned Brahman  |
brahmakūṭa | m. Name of a mountain,  |
brahmalakṣaṇavākyārtha | m. Name of an abridgment of the vedānta-sudhā-rahasya-.  |
brahmālaṃkāra | m. the ornament of brahmā-  |
brahmalaukika | mfn. inhabiting brahmā-'s world  |
brāhmalaukika | mfn. (fr. brahma-loka-) possessing claims to brahmā-'s world  |
brahmalāyā | f. the wife of a Brahman  |
brahmalāyā | f. (with juhū-) Name of the supposed authoress of this hymn  |
brahmalekha | m. " brahmā-'s writing" equals -rekhā-  |
brahmalikhita | n.  |
brahmaloka | m. (also plural) the world or heaven of brahmā- (a division of the universe and one of the supposed residences of pious spirits)  |
brahmamaha | m. a feast in honour of the Brahmans  |
brahmamāla | m. plural Name of a forest (Bombay edition)  |
brahmamaṇḍūkī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmamāṇḍūki | f. equals -maṇḍ-  |
brahmamaṅgaladevatā | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
brahmamantra | m. or n. Name of work  |
brahmamaṭha | m. " brahma-'s college", Name of a theological college in kaśmīra-  |
brahmamati | m. Name of a demon  |
brahmamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed or consisting of or identified with brahma- etc.  |
brahmamaya | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or fit for a Brahman  |
brahmāmbhas | n. "holy water", the urine of a cow  |
brahmamedhyā | f. Name of a river (see -bodhyā-).  |
brahmamekhala | m. Saccharum Munjia (of which the sacred thread of a Brahman is made)  |
brahmamīmāṃsā | f. "investigation into brahma- or the spiritual doctrine of the veda-", Name of the vedānta- philosophy treating of the one self-existent Spirit (see -sūtra-).  |
brahmamitra | m. "having brahmā- or the Brahmans for friends", Name of a muni- (see )  |
brahmāmṛta | n. Name of a vedānta- work  |
brahmāmṛtavarṣiṇī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the brahma-- sūtra-s.  |
brahmamuhūrta | m. a particular hour of the day  |
brāhmamuhūrta | m. n. a particular period of the day (that included between the 4th ghaṭikā- and the 2nd before sunrise), dawn (see ) .  |
brahmamukha | (br/ahma--) mf(ā-)n. preceded by the priests, following or inferior to them  |
brahmamūrdhabhṛt | m. "carrying brahmā-'s head", Name of śiva- (as having in a dispute cut off one of brahmā-'s heads)  |
brahmamūrti | mfn. having the figure or form of brahmā-  |
brahman | n. (literally"growth","expansion","evolution","development""swelling of the spirit or soul", fr.2. bṛh-) pious effusion or utterance, outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods, prayer  |
brahman | n. the sacred word (as opp. to vāc-,the word of man), the veda-, a sacred text, a text or mantra- used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the ṛcas-, sāmāni-and yajūṃṣi-; see brahma-veda-)  |
brahman | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda-  |
brahman | n. the sacred syllable Om , (see )  |
brahman | n. religious or spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as tapas-etc.)  |
brahman | n. holy life (especially continence, chastity; see brahma-carya-)  |
brahman | n. (exceptionally treated as m.) the brahma- or one self-existent impersonal Spirit, the one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return), the Self-existent, the Absolute, the Eternal (not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge;also with jy/eṣṭha-, prathama-j/a-, svay/om-bhu-, a-mūrta-, para-, paratara-, parama-, mahat-, sanātana-, śāśvata-;and equals paramātman-, ātman-, adhyātma-, pradhāna-, kṣetra-jña-, tattva-) etc. ( ) |
brahman | n. the class of men who are the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge, the Brahmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brahman)  |
brahman | n. food  |
brahman | n. wealth  |
brahman | n. final emancipation  |
brahman | m. (brahm/an-), one who Prays, a devout or religious man, a Brahman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells, one versed in sacred knowledge etc. ([ confer, compare Latin,fla1men])  |
brahman | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- (as the priest of the gods)  |
brahman | m. one of the 4 principal priests or ṛtvij-s (the other three being the hotṛ-, adhvaryu- and udgātṛ-;the brahman- was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 veda-s, to supervise the, sacrifice and to set right mistakes;at a later period his functions were based especially on the atharva-- veda-) etc.  |
brahman | m. brahmā- or the one impersonal universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods (= prajā-pati- q.v;he never appears to have become an object of general worship, though he has two temples in IndiaSee ;his wife is sarasvatī- ) etc.  |
brahman | m. equals brahmaṇa āyuḥ-, a lifetime of brahmā-  |
brahman | m. an inhabitant of brahmā-'s heaven  |
brahman | m. the sun  |
brahman | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahman | m. the veda- (?)  |
brahman | m. the intellect (equals buddhi-)  |
brahman | m. Name of a star, Aurigae,  |
brahman | m. a particular astronomy yoga-  |
brahman | m. Name of the 9th muhūrta-  |
brahman | m. (with jaina-s) a particular kalpa-  |
brahman | m. Name of the servant of the 10th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
brahman | m. of a magician  |
brāhmaṇa | mfn. relating to or given by a Brahman, befitting or becoming a Brahman, Brahmanical  |
brāhmaṇa | m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to agni-), a Brahman, a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindu body (generally a priest, but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the veda-) etc.  |
brāhmaṇa | m. equals brāhmaṇācchaṃsin-  |
brāhmaṇa | m. a Brahman in the second stage (between mātra- and śrotriya-)  |
brāhmaṇa | m. Name of the 28th lunar mansion  |
brāhmaṇa | n. that which is divine, the divine  |
brāhmaṇa | n. sacred or divine power  |
brāhmaṇa | n. Brahmanical explanation, explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (especially for the use of the Brahmans in their sacrifices)  |
brāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda- (as distinct from its mantra- and upaniṣad- portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇa-s (they contain rules for the employment of the mantra-s or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends;they are said by sāyaṇa- to contain two parts: 1. vidhi-,rules or directions for rites;2. artha-vāda-,explanatory remarks;each veda- has its own brāhmaṇa-, that of the is preserved in 2 works, viz. the aitareya-, sometimes called āśvalāyana-, and the kauṣītaki- or śāṅkhāyana-- brāhmaṇa-;the white yajur-veda- has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa-;the black yajur-veda- has the brāhmaṇa- which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā-;the has 8 brāhmaṇa-s, the best known of which are the prauḍha- or pañca-viṃśa- and the ṣaḍviṃśa-;the has one brāhmaṇa- called go-patha-) etc.  |
brāhmaṇa | n. the soma- vessel of the brahman- priest  |
brāhmaṇa | n. a society or assemblage of Brahmans, a conclave  |
brahmanābha | m. "having brahmā- (proceeding out of a lotus on his) navel", Name of viṣṇu-  |
brāhmaṇabhakta | mfn. apportioned to Brahmans,  |
brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇa | n. Name of a kind of artifical composition (contained in the kavi-kalpa-latā- q.v)  |
brāhmaṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇabhāva | m. the rank or condition of a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇabhojana | n. the feeding of brāhmaṇa- (as a religious act)  |
brāhmaṇabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇabhuyiṣṭha | mfn. principally consisting of (or containing) brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇābhyupapatti | f. protection or preservation of a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇabruva | m. "calling one's self a Brahman", a brāhmaṇa- only by name or a brāhmaṇa- who disgraces his caste (see dvija-bruva-and brahma-bruvāṇa-).  |
brāhmaṇacāṇḍāla | m. " cāṇḍāla- among brāhmaṇa-", a degraded or out-caste brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇacāṇḍāla | m. the son of a śūdra- father by a brāhmaṇī- mother  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsin | m. (fr. ṇāt-śaṃ-) "reciting after the brāhmaṇa- or the brahman-", a priest who assists the brahman- or chief priest at a soma- sacrifice  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsinokthya | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsiśastra | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsīya | n. the office of the brāhmaṇa--chief  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsīyā | f. the office of the brāhmaṇa--chief  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | mfn. relating to the brāhmaṇācchaṃsin-  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | n. his office  |
brāhmaṇacela | m. cela |
brāhmaṇāda | mfn. devouring brāhmaṇa- (said of a rākṣasa-)  |
brāhmaṇadārikā | f. a brāhmaṇa- girl |
brāhmaṇādarśana | n. absence of Brahmanical instruction or guidance (others"not seeing or consulting Brahmans").  |
brāhmaṇadhana | n. the fee bestowed on brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmanadī | f. " brahmā-'s river", Name of the sarasvatī-  |
brāhmaṇaḍimbha | m. a brāhmaṇa- lad, young brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇadravya | n. the property of a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇadveṣin | mfn. hating brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmanāga | m. Name of two authors  |
brāhmaṇaghna | m. the killer of a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇagṛha | n. equals -kula-  |
brāhmaṇahita | mfn. suitable to or fit for a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇaja | mf(ā-)n., said of an iṣṭi- (see Scholiast or Commentator)  |
brāhmaṇaja | n. equals next  |
brāhmaṇajāta | n. ( ) the Brahmanical caste or race  |
brāhmaṇajāti | f. ( ) the Brahmanical caste or race  |
brāhmaṇajātīya | mfn. belonging to it  |
brāhmaṇajīvikā | f. the occupation or subsistence of, a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇajuṣṭa | mfn. pleasing to brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇaka | m. a bad Brahman, a brāhmaṇaka- only by name  |
brāhmaṇaka | m. a country inhabited by warlike brāhmaṇaka- ( brāhmaṇakīya kīya- mfn. )  |
brāhmaṇakalpa | m. plural the brāhmaṇa-s and kalpa-s (two kinds of Vedic texts)  |
brāhmaṇakalpa | mfn. like a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇakāmyā | f. love for brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇakāraka | mfn. making a person a brāhmaṇa- , on  |
brāhmaṇakīya | mfn. brāhmaṇaka |
brāhmaṇākriya | m. an initiated brāhmaṇa- who is not familiar with sacrifices  |
brāhmaṇakṛta | m. Name of a man  |
brāhmaṇakṛteya | m. patronymic fr. prec. (f(ī-).) gaRa śārṅgaravādi-.  |
brāhmaṇakula | n. the house of a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇakumāra | m. a brāhmaṇa- boy  |
brahmanāla | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place in Benares  |
brāhmaṇalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇaliṅga | mfn. resembling the texts called brāhmaṇa-s (said of verses or formulas)  |
brāhmaṇamahimādarśa | m. Name of work  |
brahmanāmāvali | f. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇamukhīna | m. plural Name of particular verses or formulas  |
brahmānanda | m. "joy in brahma-", the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit  |
brahmānanda | m. Name of various men and authors (also brahmānandagiri -giri-m., brahmānandaparamahaṃsa -parama-haṃsa-m., brahmānandabhāratī -bhāratī-m., brahmānandayogin -yogin-m., brahmānandayogīndra -yogīndra-m., brahmānandasārasvatī -sārasvatī-m.,and brahmānandin din-,m.)  |
brahmānanda | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandabhāratī | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandagiri | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandaparamahaṃsa | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandasārasvatī | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandastava | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandasūtramuktāvali | f. Name of work  |
brahmānandavallī | f. Name of work  |
brahmānandavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandayogin | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandayogīndra | m. brahmānanda |
brahmanandin | m. Name of two authors  |
brahmānandin | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandīya | n. Name of work  |
brahmānandīyakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇanindaka | mfn. reviling brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
brāhmaṇapañcikā | f. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇāpaśraya | mfn. seeking refuge in brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇapatha | m. a brāhmaṇa- text, Scholiast or Commentator  |
brāhmaṇaprasaṅga | m. the applicability of the term brāhmaṇa-, the idea of Brahman  |
brāhmaṇaprātiveśya | m. a neighbouring Brahman  |
brāhmaṇapriya | m. a friend of brāhmaṇa- (said of viṣṇu-)  |
brāhmaṇaputraka | m. a Brahman boy  |
brāhmaṇarūpabhṛt | mfn. bearing the form of a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇasambhāṣa | mfn. speaking with a Brahman,  |
brāhmaṇasaṃstha | mfn. belonging to or abiding with a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇasaṃtarpaṇa | n. equals -tarpaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇasāt | ind. to the Brahmans (with kṛ-,to present to or bestow on the brāhmaṇa- ;with as-,to belong to the brāhmaṇa-)  |
brāhmaṇasattama | m. the best of brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇasava | m. Name of a particular sacrifice  |
brahmaṇaspati | m. (fr. brahmaṇas- genitive case of brahman-+ p-) equals b/ṛhas-p/ati- etc. ( brahmaṇaspatisūkta -sūkta- n.Name of work)  |
brahmaṇaspatisūkta | n. brahmaṇaspati |
brahmaṇaspatnī | f. the wife of the priest called brahman-  |
brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāya | m. the rule or phrase of the Brahman śramaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāyāt | ind. according to the phrase "a brāhmaṇa- śramaṇa-"(which involves a contradiction as it expresses a brāhmaṇa- Buddhist; see śramaṇa-)  |
brāhmaṇastuti | f. "praise of the brāhmaṇa-", Name of chapter of  |
brāhmaṇasva | n. the property of brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇasvara | m. the accent usual in a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇatā | f. the rank or condition of a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇatarpaṇa | n. the feeding or satisfying of brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇātikrama | m. disrespect towards Brahmans  |
brāhmaṇātmaka | mfn. belonging to brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇātmaka | mfn. containing an account of the brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇatrā | ind. among the brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇatva | n. equals -tā-  |
brāhmaṇatvavicāra | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇavacana | n. the statement of a brāhmaṇa- text  |
brāhmaṇavācana | n. the recitation of benedictions (as becomes brāhmaṇa-) (wrong reading brahmaṇa-v-).  |
brāhmaṇavadha | m. the murder of a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇavākya | n. equals -vacana-  |
brāhmaṇavara | m. Name of a prince  |
brāhmaṇavarcasa | n. the excellence or dignity of a Brahman (see brahma-v-).  |
brāhmaṇavarṇin | mfn. belonging to the caste of Brahmans, Sch.  |
brāhmaṇavat | mfn. connected with a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇavat | mfn. (br/āh-), possessed of or in accordance with a brāhmaṇa-, correct  |
brāhmaṇavatī | f. Name of particular iṣṭakā-s  |
brāhmaṇavedam | ind. (to feed etc.) as many Brahmans as one knows  |
brāhmaṇāvekṣa | mfn. based on the brāhmaṇa-s,  |
brāhmaṇavidhi | m. any injunction (contained) in a brāhmaṇa- work  |
brāhmaṇavihita | mfn. prescribed in a brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇavilāpa | m. "the Brahman's lament", Name of an episode of the ( ,more usually called baka-vadha-parva-).  |
brāhmaṇayajña | m. a sacrifice intended for brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇayajña | m. a sacrifice offered by brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇāyana | m. a mere descendant of a Brahman (Scholiast or Commentator"a Brahman whose father or elder brother or any elder relative is still alive")  |
brāhmaṇāyana | m. a Brahman sprung from learned and holy progenitors |
brāhmaṇayaṣṭī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brāhmaṇayaṣṭikā | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brāhmaṇayoni | f. a Brahman's form of existence,  |
brahmāṇḍa | n. " brahmā-'s egg", the universe, world (also plural) (also brahmāṇḍakaṭāha -kaṭāha- m. )  |
brahmāṇḍa | n. Name of a purāṇa- and an upapurāṇa-  |
brahmāṇḍabhāṇḍodara | n. the interior of the vessel-like egg of brahmā- |
brahmāṇḍajñānamahārājatantra | n. Name of Tantric work  |
brahmāṇḍakalpa | m. Name of Tantric work  |
brahmāṇḍakapāla | m. the skull or hemisphere of the world, the inhabited earth  |
brahmāṇḍakaṭāha | m. brahmāṇḍa |
brahmāṇḍapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as revealed by brahmā- and containing an account of the egg of brahmā- and the future kalpa-s.; see )  |
brahmāṇḍatantra | n. Name of Tantric work  |
brahmāṇḍayāmalepañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇeṣṭa | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmāṅgabhū | mfn. one who has touched the several parts of his body during the repetition of mantra-s ( )  |
brahmāṅgabhū | m. equals prec.  |
brahmāṇī | f. the śakti- or personified female energy of brahmā-, the wife of brahmā- (see )  |
brahmāṇī | f. Name of durgā- (wrong reading brāhmānī-or brāhmaṇī-)  |
brahmāṇī | f. a kind of perfume  |
brahmāṇī | f. a kind of brass  |
brahmāṇī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio brāhmaṇī-).  |
brāhmaṇī | f. See brāhmaṇī-  |
brāhmaṇi | in compound for ṇī-.  |
brāhmaṇī | f. (of ṇa-) a brāhmaṇī- woman or a Brahman's wife etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ṇīka- see sa-brāhmaṇika-)  |
brāhmaṇī | f. a kind of lizard with a red tail (see brāhmaṇikā-)  |
brāhmaṇī | f. a kind of large-headed ant  |
brāhmaṇī | f. a kind of wasp  |
brāhmaṇī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brāhmaṇī | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
brāhmaṇī | f. Ruta Graveolens  |
brāhmaṇī | f. a kind of brass  |
brāhmaṇī | f. equals buddhi-  |
brāhmaṇī | f. Name of a river  |
brāhmaṇī | f. wrong reading for brahmāṇī-.  |
brāhmāṇī | wrong reading for brahmāṇī- q.v  |
brāhmaṇībhū | P. -bhavati- (ind.p. -bh/ūya-), to become a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇibruvā | f.  |
brāhmaṇicelī | f.  |
brāhmaṇicelī | f. cela |
brahmanīḍa | n. the resting-place of brahma- or of"the holy"  |
brāhmaṇīgāmin | m. the paramour of a brāhmaṇī- woman or of a brahman-'s wife  |
brāhmaṇigotrā | f.  |
brāhmaṇihatā | f.  |
brāhmaṇikā | f. (prob.) a species of lizard (see brāhmaṇī-)  |
brāhmaṇikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
brāhmaṇika | mfn. derived from or relating to the brāhmaṇa-s  |
brāhmaṇikalpā | f.  |
brahmāṇīmantra | m. a particular verse or formula  |
brāhmaṇimatā | f.  |
brahmanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
brahmanirukta | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇirūpā | f.  |
brahmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmanirvāṇa | n. extinction in brahma-, absorption into the one self-existent Spirit  |
brāhmaṇīsattamā | f. the best of brāhmaṇī- women  |
brahmaniṣṭha | mfn. absorbed in contemplating brahma- or the one self Spirit  |
brahmaniṣṭha | m. the mulberry tree  |
brāhmaṇitamā | f.  |
brāhmaṇitarā | f.  |
brāhmaṇītva | n. the state or condition of a brāhmaṇi- woman  |
brahmāñjali | m. joining the hollowed hands while repeating the veda-  |
brahmāñjalikṛta | mfn. one who has joined the hands hands in token of homage to the veda-  |
brāhmaṇokta | mfn. prescribed in a brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmanutta | (br/ahma--) mfn. driven away by a sacred text or spell  |
brahmaṇvat | mfn. (v/at- ) accompanied by prayer, devout  |
brahmaṇvat | mfn. practising a sacred work (and"having a Brahman")  |
brahmaṇvat | mfn. including or representing the Brahmans (as agni-)  |
brahmaṇvat | mfn. containing the word brahman-  |
brahmaṇvat | ind. like brahma- or brahmā- or a Brahman  |
brahmaṇvatī | f. (ī-) Name of an iṣṭakā-  |
brahmaṇya | Nom. P. y/ati- (only pr. p. y/at-) to pray, be devout or religious  |
brahmaṇya | mfn. relating to brahma- or brahmā-, devoted to sacred knowledge or friendly to Brahmans, religious, pious etc.  |
brahmaṇya | m. Name of kārttikeya-  |
brahmaṇya | m. of the planet Saturn  |
brahmaṇya | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmaṇya | m. Saccharum Munjia  |
brahmaṇyā | f. Name of durgā-  |
brahmaṇya | (ṇy/a-) n. (plural) "praise"or"sacrificial food"(?) ( )  |
brāhmaṇya | mfn. (fr. brāhmaṇ/a-) fit for Brahmans  |
brāhmaṇya | m. the planet Saturn (see 2. brahmaṇya-)  |
brāhmaṇya | n. the state or rank of a Brahman, Brahmanhood, priestly rank or character etc. (see a-br-)  |
brāhmaṇya | n. a multitude or assembly of Brahmans (see ) .  |
brahmaṇyabhāskara | m. Name of a man  |
brahmaṇyadeva | m. Name of viṣṇu- (= brahmaṇyānāṃ śreṣṭhaḥ- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
brahmaṇyatā | f. friendliness towards Brahmans, piety  |
brahmaṇyatīrtha | m. Name of a teacher  |
brahmapada | n. the place of brahma-  |
brahmapada | n. the station or rank of brahmā- or of a Brahman  |
brahmapāda | (in the beginning of a compound) brahmā-'s feet  |
brahmapādapa | m. " brahmā-'s tree", Butea Frondosa (see -pattra-).  |
brahmapādastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
brahmapalāśa | m. plural Name of a school of the atharva-- veda-, (varia lectio brāhma-p-).  |
brāhmapalāśa | m. plural Name of a school (also read brahma-p- q.v)  |
brahmapannaga | m. Name of a marut- (varia lectio bahu-p-).  |
brahmapāra | m. the final object of all sacred knowledge  |
brahmapāra | m. equals next  |
brahmapāramaya | mf(ī-)n. (with japa-,m.) a particular prayer  |
brahmapārastotra | n. Name of a stotra-  |
brahmapārāyaṇa | n. a complete study of the veda-  |
brahmapariṣad | f. an assembly of Brahmans  |
brahmapariṣadya | m. plural equals -pārṣadya-  |
brahmaparṇī | f. Hemionitis Cordifolia  |
brahmapārṣadya | m. plural (with Buddhists) brahmā-'s retinue, Name of a class of deities (see ) .  |
brāhmaparvan | n. Name of work  |
brahmaparvata | m. " brahmā-'s mountain", Name of a place  |
brahmapāśa | m. " brahmā-'s noose", Name of a mythical weapon  |
brahmapatha | m. the way to brahma- or to brahmā-  |
brahmapathakovida | mfn. knowing the way to brahma-  |
brahmapati | (br/ahma--) m. equals brahmaṇas-pati-  |
brahmapattra | n. " brahma-'s leaf", the leaf of Butea Frondosa (see -pādapa-).  |
brahmapavitra | n. kuśa- grass  |
brahmāpeta | m. Name of one of the rākṣasa-s said to dwell in the sun during the month māgha-  |
brāhmapiṅgā | (?) f. silver  |
brahmapiśāca | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
brahmapitṛ | m. " brahmā-'s father", Name of viṣṇu- (see -nābha-).  |
brahmaprabha | m. Name of a man  |
brahmaprajāpati | m. dual number brahmā- and prajāpati-  |
brāhmaprajāpatya | mfn. (fr. brahma-prajāpati-)  |
brahmaprakṛtika | mfn. emanating from or originating in brahma- ( brahmaprakṛtikatva -tva- n.)  |
brahmaprakṛtikatva | n. brahmaprakṛtika |
brahmapralaya | m. " brahmā-'s destruction", the universal destruction that takes place at the end of every 100 years of brahmā-'s (and in which even brahmā- himself is swallowed up)  |
brahmaprāpta | mfn. one who has obtained brahma-  |
brahmaprāpti | f. obtainment of or absorption into brahma-  |
brahmaprasūta | (br/ahma--) mfn. impelled by brahma-  |
brahmapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmaprāyaścitta | n. plural Name of work  |
brahmaprī | mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion  |
brahmapriya | mfn. fond of devotion or of sacred knowledge  |
brahmapṛṣṭa | m. Name of a man  |
brahmapṛṣṭha | m. Name of a man  |
brahmapura | n. " brahmā-'s town", Name of a city in heaven ( brahmapuramāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work)  |
brahmapura | n. of a city on earth  |
brahmapura | n. of a kingdom  |
brahmapura | n. the heart  |
brahmapura | n. the body (see )  |
brahmapurābhidheya | mfn. (with nāma-) to be called by the name brahma-pura-  |
brahmapuraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
brahmapurākhya | mfn. named brahma-pura-  |
brahmapuramāhātmya | n. brahmapura |
brahmapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (also called ādi-p-;it is supposed to have been revealed by brahmā- to dakṣa-, and its main object appears to be the promotion of the worship of kṛṣṇa-)  |
brāhmapurāṇa | n. equals brahma-p-  |
brahmapurī | f. brahmā-'s citadel in heaven or his capital on the mountain kailāsa- ( brahmapurīmāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work)  |
brahmapurī | f. Name of a city on earth  |
brahmapurī | f. of the city Benares  |
brahmapurī | f. of any city the inhabitants of which are mostly Brahmans  |
brahmapurī | f. of a peak in the himālaya- range  |
brahmapurīmāhātmya | n. brahmapurī |
brahmapurogava | (br/ahma--) mfn. preceded by brahma- or"the holy"  |
brahmapurohita | mfn. (br/ahma--) having the sacerdotal class for a purohita- |
brahmapurohita | m. plural "the high priests of brahmā-", (with Buddhists) Name of a class of divinities (see ) .  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. an assistant of the brahman- or chief priest  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. a minister of brahmā- (also said of the 5 vital airs)  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
brahmapurustāt | ind. when or where the Brahmans have the first place  |
brahmapuṣpa | m. Name of a man (see brāhmapuṣpi-).  |
brāhmapuṣpi | m. patronymic fr. brahma-puṣpa- (wrong reading brahma-puṣpi-).  |
brahmapūta | mfn. (br/ahma--) purified by devotion  |
brahmapūta | mfn. purified by brahma-  |
brahmaputra | m. the son of a priest or Brahman  |
brahmaputra | m. a son of brahmā- (as sanat-kumāra-, vasiṣṭha- etc.) ( brahmaputratā -tā- f.)  |
brahmaputra | m. a kind of vegetable poison  |
brahmaputra | m. Name of a river (rising on the Tibet side of the himālaya- and falling with the Ganges into the Bay of Bengal)  |
brahmaputra | m. of a lake  |
brahmaputra | m. of a place of pilgrimage (prob. the source of the brahma-putra- river)  |
brahmaputra | m. of a sacred district  |
brahmaputratā | f. brahmaputra |
brahmaputrī | f. a kind of esculent root (equals vārāhī-)  |
brahmaputrī | f. " brahmā-'s daughter", Name of the river sarasvatī- (see -nadī-).  |
brahmarahasyasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
brahmarāja | m. Name of a man  |
brahmarāja | m. of a prince  |
brahmarājanya | m. dual number a Brahman and a kṣatriya-  |
brahmarakṣas | n. a class of evil demons (see -rākṣasa-).  |
brahmarākṣasa | m. a kind of evil demon, the ghost of a Brahman who led an unholy life etc.  |
brahmarākṣasa | m. a species of plant  |
brahmarākṣasī | f. Name of one of the 9 samidh-s  |
brahmārambha | m. beginning to repeat the veda-  |
brahmarandhra | n. " brahma-'s crevice", a suture or aperture in the crown of the head (through which the soul is said to escape on death) ( ) .  |
brahmāraṇya | n. "holy forest", a grove in which the veda- is studied  |
brahmāraṇya | n. Name of a forest  |
brahmāraṇyamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
brahmarasa | m. the savour of brahma-  |
brahmarasāsava | m. brahma-'s nectar  |
brahmarāśi | m. the whole mass of sacred texts or knowledge  |
brahmarāśi | m. a particular constellation  |
brahmarāśi | m. Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
brahmarāta | m. "given by brahmā-", Name of śuka-  |
brahmarāta | m. Name of the father of yājñavalkya-  |
brahmaratha | m. the chariot or carriage of a Brahman  |
brahmarāti | wrong reading for brāhma-rāti-.  |
brāhmarāti | m. (fr. brahma-rāta-) patronymic of yājñavalkya-  |
brahmaratna | n. any valuable present made to Brahmans  |
brahmarātra | m. " brahmā-'s night", Name of a particular hour of night  |
brahmarātri | wrong reading for brāhma-rāti-.  |
brahmarava | m. muttering of prayers  |
brahmarekhā | f. " brahmā-'s line", the lines of a man's destiny supposed to be written by brahmā- on the forehead of a child on the 6th day after its birth  |
brahmārgha | mfn. worthy of brahmā- or of sacred knowledge (varia lectio for ma-grāhin-).  |
brahmarīti | f. a kind of brass  |
brahmārka | m. See māditya-.  |
brahmārpaṇa | n. the offering of sacred texts  |
brahmārpaṇa | n. Name of a magical spell  |
brahmaṛṣi | See brahma-rṣi-.  |
brahmarṣi | m. (= and for -ṛṣi-) "Brahmanical sage", Name of a particular class of sages supposed so belong to the Brahman caste (as vasiṣṭha- etc.) etc. (see deva-rṣi-, maha-rṣi-, rāja-rṣi-)  |
brahmarṣideśa | m. the country of the brahmarṣi-s (including kuru-kṣetra- and the country of the matsya-s. pañcāla-s, and śūra-senaka-s)  |
brahmarṣitā | f. the state or rank of a brahmarṣi-  |
brahmarṣitva | n. the state or rank of a brahmarṣi-  |
brahmarūpa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
brahmarūpiṇī | f. a species of parasitical plant  |
brahmaśabda | (in the beginning of a compound), brahmā-'s word  |
brahmaśabdārthavāda | m. Name of work  |
brahmaśabdārthavicāra | m. Name of work  |
brahmaśabdaśaktivāda | m. Name of work  |
brahmaśabdavāda | m. Name of work  |
brahmasabhā | f. the hall or court of brahmā-  |
brahmasabhā | f. Name of a lotus pond  |
brahmasadana | n. the seat of the chief priest,  |
brahmasadana | n. equals -sadas-  |
brahmasadana | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
brahmasadas | n. the residence or court of brahmā-  |
brahmasāgara | m. Name of a place  |
brahmaśālā | f. brahmā-'s hall  |
brahmaśālā | f. Name of a place  |
brahmaśalya | m. Acacia Arabica  |
brahmasāma | n. Name of a sāman- (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin-)  |
brahmasāman | n. Name of a sāman- (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin-)  |
brahmasambandha | m. union with the Supreme Spirit  |
brahmasambandha | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
brahmasambhava | mfn. sprung from brahmā-  |
brahmasambhava | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the second black vāsudeva-  |
brahmasambhava | m. Name of the author of a law-book  |
brahmasambhavasmṛti | f. Name of his work |
brahmaśambhu | m. Name of an astronomer  |
brahmasaṃhitā | f. a collection of prayers  |
brahmasaṃhitā | f. Name of several works. (also brahmasaṃhitāvyākhyā -vyākhyā- f.)  |
brahmasaṃhitāvyākhyā | f. brahmasaṃhitā |
brahmasāmika | mfn. relating to it,  |
brahmasaṃsad | f. brahmā-'s hall of assembly  |
brahmasaṃsad | f. an assembly of brahman-s  |
brahmasaṃśita | (br/ahma--) mfn. sharpened by prayer or by a sacred text  |
brahmasaṃstha | mfn. wholly devoted to brahma- or sacred knowledge  |
brahmāsana | n. the seat of the chief priest  |
brahmāsanā | f. a particular posture suited to devout religious meditation  |
brahmāsananiviṣṭa | mfn. seated in that posture  |
brahmāsandī | f. the throne of Brahman,  |
brahmasaras | n. " brahmā-'s lake", Name of a very sacred bathing-place  |
brahmasarpa | m. " brahmā-'s serpent", a kind of snake  |
brahmasārṣṭitā | f. union or equality with brahma-  |
brahmaśāsana | m. Name of a grāma-  |
brahmaśāsana | n. a command of brahmā- or of a Brahman  |
brahmaśāsana | n. an edict addressed to the Brahmans (equals dharmakīlaka-)  |
brahmasatī | f. Name of. the river sarasvatī-  |
brahmasātkṛta | mfn. brought into union with brahmā-  |
brahmasattra | n. sacrifice of devotion or meditation, constant repetition of Vedic texts  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. offering the sacrifice of devotion  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. absorbed in the self-existent One  |
brahmasava | m. purification of prayer  |
brahmasava | m. Name of a particular libation (equals brahma-kṣatra-s-).  |
brahmasāvarṇa | m. Name of the 10th manu- (also ṇi- )  |
brahmasāvarṇa | n. his manv-antara-  |
brahmaśāyin | mfn. resting in brahma-  |
brahmasāyujya | n. intimate union or identification with brahma-  |
brahmasiddhānta | m. Name of various astronomy works. (also brahmasiddhāntapaddhati -paddhati- f.)  |
brāhmasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
brahmasiddhāntapaddhati | f. brahmasiddhānta |
brahmasiddhi | m. Name of a muni-  |
brahmasiddhi | m. of a vedānta- work  |
brahmasiddhivyākhyāratna | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
brahmaśiraḥkhaṇḍana | n. Name of chapter of  |
brahmaśiras | n. " brahmā-'s head", Name of a mythical weapon (also -śīrṣan- )  |
brahmasoma | m. Name of a sage  |
brahmasphuṭasiddhānta | m. Name of an astronomy work by brahma-gupta- (also called brahma-siddhānta-):  |
brahmaśrī | f. Name of a sāman-  |
brahmasṛj | m. " brahmā-'s creator", Name of śiva-  |
brahmastamba | m. Name of a man (see brāhmastambi-).  |
brahmastena | m. a thief of that which is sacred, one who obtains a knowledge of the veda- by illicit means  |
brahmasteya | n. unlawful acquisition of the veda- (see prec.)  |
brahmasthala | n. Name of a city (see -pura-)  |
brahmasthala | n. of a village  |
brahmasthāna | n. " brahmā-'s place", Name of a tīrtha-  |
brahmasthāna | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmāstra | n. " brahmā-'s missile", Name of a mythical weapon (which deals infallible destruction)  |
brahmāstra | n. of a particular kind of incantation (see )  |
brahmāstrakalpa | m. Name of work  |
brahmāstrakāryasādhana | n. Name of work  |
brahmāstrakavaca | mn. Name of work  |
brahmāstrapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmāstravidhānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmāstravidyāpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmastuti | f. Name of a hymn of praise (also ti-stotra-)  |
brahmasū | m. " brahmā-'s son", Name of kāma-deva- or of aniruddha- (kāma-deva-'s son)  |
brahmasūkta | n. Name of work  |
brahmaśumbhita | (br/ahma--) mfn. purified or adorned by devotion  |
brahmasūnu | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 12th king of bhārata-  |
brahmasuta | m. " brahmā-'s son", Name of the ketu- brahmadaṇḍa-  |
brahmasutā | f. brahmā-'s daughter  |
brahmasūtra | n. the sacred thread worn over the shoulder etc.  |
brahmasūtra | n. a sūtra- work treating of the knowledge of brahma- (especially the aphorisms of the vedānta- philosophy ascribed to bādarāyaṇa- or vyāsa-, also called bādarāyaṇa--or vedānta--or vyāsa--or śārīraka-sūtra-,and uttara--or brahma-mīmāṃsā-)  |
brahmasūtrabhāṣya | n. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrabhāṣyadīpikā | f. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrabhāṣyasāra | m. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrabhāṣyavārttika | n. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtrādvaitavṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrakārikā | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtralaghuvārttika | n. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrānubhāṣya | n. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrānubhāṣyapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrānubhāṣyavivaraṇa | n. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrānuvyākhyāna | n. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrapada | n. the word or statement of a brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrapada | mf(ā-or ī-)n. consisting of such a word or statement  |
brahmasūtrapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtraṛjuvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtrārthamaṇimāla | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrasaṃgati | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtratantradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtratātparya | n. Name of work  |
brahmasūtravṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtravṛttivārttika | n.Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrin | mfn. invested with the Brahmanical cord  |
brahmasūtropanyāsa | m. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtropanyāsavṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasuvarcalā | f. a species of plant (Helianthus or Clerodendrum Siphonantus )  |
brahmasuvarcalā | f. an infusion of it (drunk as a penance)  |
brahmasva | n. the property id est lands or money of Brahmans  |
brahmasvāmin | m. Name of a man  |
brahmasvarūpa | mfn. of the nature or essence of the one self-existing Spirit  |
brahmāsya | n. the mouth of brahmā-  |
brahmāsya | n. the mythical of a Brahman  |
brahmatā | f. the state or condition of a Brahman,"Brahmanhood"  |
brahmatā | f. the state or nature of brahma- divine nature  |
brahmatāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure,  |
brahmatantra | n. all that is taught in the veda-  |
brahmatantregāyatrīpañjara | n. Name of work  |
brahmatarkastava | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
brahmatarkastavavivaraṇa | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
brahmatas | ind. from the Brahmans  |
brahmatattva | n. the true knowledge of brahma-  |
brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
brahmatattvasaṃhitoddipanī | f. Name of work  |
brahmatattvasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
brahmatattvavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmatejas | n. the power and glory of brahma- etc. ( brahmatejomaya jo-maya- mf(ī-)n.formed of brahma-'s glory )  |
brahmatejas | n. the glory or lustre supposed to surround a Brahman  |
brahmatejas | n. (br/ahma--) having the glory or power of brahma- ( ) or of a Brahman ( )  |
brahmatejas | m. Name of a buddha- ,  |
brahmatejomaya | mf(ī-)n. brahmatejas |
brahmatīrtha | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage on the revā- or narmadā- river  |
brahmatīrtha | n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus  |
brahmātithi | m. "Brahma1's guest", Name of a kāṇva- (author of ).  |
brahmātmabhū | m. a horse (see brahmāṅga--and māgra-bhū-).  |
brahmatulya | n. Name of a jyotiṣa-  |
brahmatulyagaṇita | n. Name of work  |
brahmatulyasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
brahmatulyaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
brahmatuṅga | m. Name of a mountain  |
brahmatva | n. the office of the Brahman or chief priest  |
brahmatva | n. Brahmanhood  |
brahmatva | n. the state of or identification with brahma-  |
brahmatvac | m. or f. (?) Alstonia Scholaris  |
brahmatvapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmatvaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmaudana | m. boiled rice distributed to Brahmans and especially to the chief priest at a sacrifice  |
brāhmaudanika | m. (fr. brahmaudana-;with or scilicet agni-) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled  |
brahmaupagava | m.  |
brahmāvabodha | m. Name of work (also brahmāvabodhavivekasindhu -viveka-sindhu-,m.)  |
brahmāvabodhavivekasindhu | m. brahmāvabodha |
brahmavāc | f. " brahmā-'s word", the sacred text  |
brahmavada | (or -vala-) m. plural Name of a Vedic school (prob. wrong reading)  |
brahmavada | f. " brahmā-'s tendril or creeper", Name of an upaniṣad- (equals brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad-)  |
brahmavāda | m. discourse on or explanation of sacred texts  |
brahmavāda | m. Name of a nyāya- work (also brahmavādārtha dārtha-,m.)  |
brahmavāda | mfn. (m. Calcutta edition ) equals next  |
brahmavadalipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
brahmāvādanagara | n. Name of a city  |
brahmavādārtha | m. brahmavāda |
brahmavadha | m. the murder of a Brahman  |
brahmavadhyā | f. idem or 'm. the murder of a Brahman '  |
brahmavadhyākṛta | n. act of murdering a Brahman  |
brahmavādin | mfn. discoursing on sacred texts, a defender or expounder of the veda- etc. (f inī-. ; brahmavāditva di-tva- n. ) |
brahmavādin | mfn. one who asserts that all things are to be identified with brahma-, a vedāntin-  |
brahmavāditva | n. brahmavādin |
brahmavadya | n. recitation of sacred texts  |
brahmavadya | n. equals brahmodya-  |
brahmavadya | mf(ā-)n. (in dyā-kathā-)  |
brahmavādya | n. rivalry in sacred knowledge or in magical power  |
brahmavāhas | (br/ahma--) mfn. one to whom prayers are offered  |
brahmavaivarta | n. "metamorphoses of brahmā-"(who is identified with kṛṣṇa-), Name of a purāṇa- (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to kṛṣṇa- with narratives about his loves for the gopī-s and rādhā- etc.) ( )  |
brahmavaivartaka | n. "metamorphoses of brahmā-"(who is identified with kṛṣṇa-), Name of a purāṇa- (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to kṛṣṇa- with narratives about his loves for the gopī-s and rādhā- etc.) ( )  |
brahmavaivartarahasya | n. Name of work  |
brahmavaivartasāra | m. Name of work  |
brahmavaktṛ | m. a proclaimer or teacher of sacred knowledge  |
brahmavala | See  |
brahmāvalībhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
brahmavallī | f. " brahmā-'s tendril or creeper", Name of an upaniṣad- (equals brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad-)  |
brahmavallīlipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
brahmavāluka | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
brahmavani | mfn. devoted to Brahmans ( )  |
brahmavaraṇa | n. election of a chief priest  |
brahmavarcas | equals casa-, in cas-vin- (mfn.) equals casin-  |
brahmavarcasa | n. divine glory or splendour, pre-eminence in holiness or sacred knowledge, sanctity, superhuman power etc.  |
brahmavarcasakāma | mfn. desirous of holiness or sacred knowledge  |
brahmavarcasin | mfn. eminent in sacred knowledge, holy (Comparative degree s/i-tara-)  |
brahmavarcasya | mf(ā-)n. conferring sanctity or sacred knowledge  |
brahmavardhana | n. copper (as peculiarly suitable for sacrificial utensils)  |
brahmavarman | n. " brahmā-'s armour."Name of particular oblations  |
brahmavarta | m. equals māvarta-  |
brahmāvarta | m. "the holy land", Name of the country situated between the rivers sarasvatī- and dṛṣadvatī- to the N. of hastinā-pura- etc. ( )  |
brahmāvarta | m. of a tīrtha- (also brahmāvartatīrtha -tīrtha- n. )  |
brahmāvarta | m. of a son of ṛṣabha-  |
brahmāvartatīrtha | n. brahmāvarta |
brahmavāsa | m. the abode or heaven of brahmā-  |
brahmāvāsa | m. "home of or in brahmā-", Name of a work (on salvation to be attained in Benares).  |
brahmavat | ind. according to the sacred text or the veda-  |
brahmavat | ind. like the veda-  |
brahmavat | mfn. possessing brahma- or sacred knowledge  |
brahmāvatī | f. Name of a woman  |
brahmāvatī | f. of a lotus pond  |
brahmavāṭīya | m. Name of a class of muni-s  |
brahmaveda | m. "the veda- of sacred spells or charms"the atharva-- veda- etc.  |
brahmaveda | m. the veda- of the Brahmans (as opp. to kṣatra-veda- q.v)  |
brahmaveda | m. knowledge of brahma-  |
brahmaveda | m. knowledge of the veda-s  |
brahmavedamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of the brahma-- veda-  |
brahmavedapariśiṣṭa | n. Name of work  |
brahmavedhyā | See -bodhyā-.  |
brahmavedi | f. " brahmā-'s altar", Name of the country between the 5 lakes of rāma- in kuru-kṣetra-  |
brahmavedin | mfn. equals -vid-, acquainted with the veda- or spiritual knowledge  |
brahmavid | mfn. knowing the one brahma-, a Vedic philosopher etc. etc. (also -vida-)  |
brahmavid | mfn. skilled in sacred spells or magic  |
brahmavid | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidvas | mfn. one who knows brahma- or the one universal Spirit,  |
brahmavidviṣ | mfn. equals -dviṣ-  |
brahmavidyā | f. knowledge of"the one self-existent Being", knowledge of brahma-, sacred knowledge etc. (see )  |
brahmavidyā | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (see below)  |
brahmavidyābhāraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāmahodadhi | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidyātīrtha | m. Name of an author  |
brahmavidyāvijaya | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
brahmavihāra | m. pious conduct, perfect state (4 with Buddhists)  |
brahmavīṇā | f. a particular stringed instrument  |
brahmaviśeṣacittaparipṛcchā | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra- work  |
brahmaviṣṇumaheśvaradāna | n. Name of work  |
brahmaviṣṇvarkavat | mfn. accompanied by brahmā- and viṣṇu- and the Sun  |
brahmavittva | n. (fr. next) knowledge of brahma- (the one self-existent Spirit of the Universe)  |
brāhmavivāha | m. equals mo viv- above.  |
brahmavivardhana | mfn. "increasing sacred knowledge", Name of viṣṇu-  |
brahmavrata | n. Name of a religious observance  |
brahmavrata | n. a vow of chastity ( brahmavratadhara -dhara- mfn.practising the vow of chastity)  |
brahmavratadhara | mfn. brahmavrata |
brahmavṛddha | (br/ahma--) mfn. grown or increased by prayer  |
brahmavṛddhi | f. increase of Brahmanical power  |
brahmavṛddhi | m. Name of a man  |
brahmavṛkṣa | m. the divine tree, brahma- regarded as a tree  |
brahmavṛkṣa | m. Butea Frondosa or Ficus Glomerasa  |
brahmavṛnda | n. a company or assemblage of Brahmans  |
brahmavṛndā | f. Name of the city of brahmā-  |
brahmavṛtti | f. the livelihood or subsistence of a Brahman  |
brahmavyavahāra | m. Name of work  |
brahmāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become brahmā-  |
brahmayāga | m. equals -yajña-  |
brahmayajña | m. "Vedic offering", recitation of portions of the veda- and sacred books at the saṃdhyā- etc. (one of the 5 mahā-yajña-s or great devotional acts ; see )  |
brahmayajña | m. Name of the sacred texts for daily recitation  |
brahmayajñadevarṣipitṛtarpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmayajñādividhi | m. Name of work  |
brahmayajñaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmayajñasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
brahmayajñatarpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmayajñopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
brahmayāmala | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
brahmayāmila | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
brahmāyaṇa | m. Name of nārāyaṇa-  |
brahmāyana | m. Name of nārāyaṇa-  |
brahmayaśaḥsvāmin | m. Name of a poet  |
brahmayaśas | n. brahma-'s glory  |
brahmayaśasa | n. equals yaśas-  |
brahmayaśasin | mfn. renowned for sanctity  |
brahmayaṣṭi | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus or Ligusticum Ajowan |
brahmāyatana | n. a temple of brahmā-  |
brahmāyatanīya | mf(ā-)n. leaning on or supported by Brahmans  |
brahmayātu | m. Name of a particular class of demons  |
brahmayoga | m. employment of devotion, binding power of devotion  |
brahmayoga | m. cultivation of spiritual knowledge  |
brahmayogin | m. Name of an author  |
brahmayoni | f. original source or home in brahma- ( brahmayonistha -stha- mfn."abiding in brahma-"or"intent on the means of union with brahma-" )  |
brahmayoni | f. Name of a place of pilgrimage (also nī-)  |
brahmayoni | f. of a mountain (equals -giri-)  |
brahmayoni | mfn. having one's source or home in brahma-  |
brahmayoni | mfn. descended or sprung from brahmā-  |
brahmayonistha | mfn. brahmayoni |
brahmayuga | n. the age of the Brahmans (opp. to kṣatrasya yugam-)  |
brahmayuj | mfn. harnessed by prayer (id est bringing indra- in answer to prayer, said of his horses)  |
brahmayūpa | m. " brahmā-'s sacrificial post", Name of a place  |
brahmāyus | n. brahmā-'s life-time  |
brahmāyus | mfn. living as long as brahmā-  |
brahmāyus | m. Name of a Brahman  |
brahmeddha | mfn. lighted or kindled with prayers  |
brahmendra | m. (with sarasvatī-or dra-svāmin-) Name of authors  |
brahmeśavaiṣṇava | mfn. descended from brahmā- and śiva- and viṣṇu-  |
brahmeśaya | m. (for maṇi-ś-) "resting in brahma-", Name of kārttikeya-  |
brahmeśaya | m. of viṣṇu-  |
brāhmeṣṭi | f. a particular iṣṭi-  |
brahmeśvira | m. Name of an author  |
brahmeśviratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- on the revā- or narmadā- river  |
brahmī | f. holy, devout (?) ( equals brāhmaṇa-prerita-)  |
brahmī | f. a kind of fish, Macrognathus Pancalus (commonly called Pancal)  |
brahmī | f. a kind of vegetable  |
brahmī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmī | in compound for ma- or man-.  |
brāhmī | f. See brāhmī-  |
brāhmi | mfn. (fr. br/ahman-) holy, divine  |
brāhmī | f. (of brāhm/a- q.v) the śakti- or personified energy of brahmā- (regarded as one of the 8 mātṛ-s or divine mothers of created beings;in they are said to attend skanda-)  |
brāhmī | f. speech or the goddess of speech (= sarasvatī-)  |
brāhmī | f. Name of durgā-  |
brāhmī | f. the wife of a Brahman  |
brāhmī | f. (in music) Name of a mūrchanā-  |
brāhmī | f. a religious practice, pious usage ( brāhmyā myā- ind.according to pious usage)  |
brāhmī | f. a woman married according to the brāhma- rite (see -putra-), the constellation rohiṇi-  |
brāhmī | f. a female fish or frog  |
brāhmī | f. a species of ant  |
brāhmī | f. Name of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus, Ruta Graveolens, Enhydra Hingcha etc.)  |
brāhmī | f. a kind of brass  |
brāhmī | f. Name of a river  |
brāhmī | f. (with saṃhitā-) Name of work  |
brahmībhūta | m. Name of śaṃkarācārya-  |
brāhmikā | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brāhmīkanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
brāhmīkunda | n. Name of a sacred cavity in the ground  |
brahmin | mfn. belonging or relating to brahma- or brahmā-  |
brahmin | mfn. "possessing sacred knowledge"Name of viṣṇu-  |
brāhmīputra | m. the son of a woman married according to the brāhma- rite  |
brāhmīśāntisaṃkalpa | m. Name of work  |
brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
brahmiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. fr. brahm/an-) a Brahman in the highest degree (as a Name of bṛhaspati- or prajā-pati- and of very learned and pious Brahmans or princes) etc.  |
brahmiṣṭha | m. Name of a prince  |
brahmiṣṭhā | f. Name of durgā-  |
brāhmītantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
brahmīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree fr. brahm/an-) more or most devout or skilled in sacred knowledge  |
brahmīyas | m. a pious or learned Brahman  |
brahmodatīrtha | n. ( ) and |
brāhmoḍhā | f. a woman married according to the brāhma- rite  |
brahmoḍumbara | wrong reading for modumbara-.  |
brahmodumbara | m. or n. ( ; Calcutta edition moḍ-) Name of tīrtha-s.  |
brahmodya | n. rivalry in sacred knowledge, playful discussion of theological questions or problems  |
brahmodya | mf(ā-)n. relating to sacred questions or problems  |
brahmodyā | f. (with kathā-) a story or riddle from the veda- (see brahmavadya-).  |
brahmojjha | mfn. one who has neglected or forgotten the veda-  |
brahmojjha | n. ( ) equals brahmojjhatā -tā- f. ( ), brahmojjhatva -tva- n. ( ) neglecting or forgetting the veda-, (see ) .  |
brahmojjhatā | f. brahmojjha |
brahmojjhatva | n. brahmojjha |
brahmopadeśa | m. instruction in sacred knowledge,  |
brahmopadeśanetṛ | m. Butea Frondosa (see -mopanetṛ-).  |
brahmopanetṛ | m. Butea Frondosa (see padeśa-netṛ-).  |
brahmopaniṣad | f. mystical teaching concerning brahma- ( ) or the Brahmans ( )  |
brahmopaniṣad | f. Name of 2 upaniṣad-s.  |
brahmopāsanā | f. worship of brahmā-  |
brahmopeta | m. Name of a rakṣas- (see brahmāpeta-).  |
brāhmotsava | m. a class of periodical religious festivals  |
brahmottara | mfn. treating principally of brahmā- or consisting chiefly of Brahmans  |
brahmottara | m. Name of a superhuman being  |
brahmottara | m. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa-  |
brahmottara | m. plural Name of a people  |
brahmottara | n. Name of a town  |
brahmottara | n. of chapter of (also called brahmottarakhaṇḍa -khaṇḍa- n.or laghuśivapurāṇa laghu-śiva-purāṇa- n.)  |
brahmottara | n. (also, probably) the sanctuary of a temple,  |
brahmottarakhaṇḍa | n. brahmottara |
brāhmya | mfn. relating to brahma- or brahmā- or to the Brahmans etc. (often varia lectio brāhma-)  |
brāhmya | m. (with muhūrta-or taka-) dawn, the hour preceding sunrise  |
brāhmya | n. (with or scilicet huta-) worship or veneration paid to Brahmans (considered as one of the 5 great sacraments equals dvijāgryārcā-or manuṣya-yajña-)  |
brāhmya | n. equals dṛśya- or vismaya-  |
brāhmyā | ind. brāhmī |
brāhmyahuta | n. equals myaṃ hutam-,  |
brāhmyamuhūrta | m. equals myo muhūrtaḥ-  |
brāhmyatīrtha | n. a particular part of the hand (see under brāhma-)  |
braṇ | See 1. vraṇ-.  |
brū | cl.2 P. A1. ( ) br/avīti-, brūt/e- (only proper stem;the other forms are supplied by vac- confer, compare ; brūmi-for bravīmi- ; subjunctive br/avas-, vat- ; imperative brūhi-, Epic also bravīhi-, bruvadhvam-; brūtāt- ; imperfect tense abruvam-for abravam- ; pr.p. A1. Epic bruvamāṇa-for bruvāṇa-; preceding 2. plural brūyāsta- wrong reading for brūyās tat-), to speak, say, tell (either intrans.;or with accusative of Persian or thing;or with accusative of thing and accusative dative case genitive case or locative case of person = to tell or relate anything to;with two accusative also = declare or pronounce to be, call) etc. ; to speak about any person or thing (accusative with or without prati-,or adhikṛtya-) etc. ; to proclaim, predict ; to answer (either intrans. with punar-or trans. with praśnam-,"a question") ; (with anyathā-) to speak or decide or judge wrongly ; (A1.,rarely P.) to call or profess one's self to be (Nominal verb,rarely with iti-) ; (A1.) to designate for one's self, choose ; (A1.) to be told by itself, tell itself (tell its tale) Va1rtt. 1 [ confer, compare Zend mru1.] |
bruḍ | (see vruḍ- vrūs-)  |
brūs | (see vruḍ- vrūs-).  |
bruva | See column 2.  |
bruva | mf(ā-)n. calling one's self by a name without any real title to it  |
bruva | mf(ā-)n. being merely nominally (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see kṣatriya--, dvija--, brāhmaṇa-bruva-).  |
bruvāṇa | mfn. speaking, telling, saying  |
bruvāṇa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals prec. (see brahma-br-).  |
ābrahma | ind. up to or including brahman-  |
abrahmabandhūka | mfn. without brahmabandhū- (q.v)  |
abrahmacarya | mfn. not keeping a vow of continence, unchaste  |
abrahmacaryaka | n. incontinence  |
abrahman | mfn. not a brahm/an-  |
abrahman | mfn. without devotion (br/ahman-)  |
abrahman | mfn. without Brahmans  |
abrahman | n. not the br/ahman-  |
abrāhmaṇa | m. not a Brahman etc.  |
abrāhmaṇa | mfn. without Brahmans  |
abrāhmaṇī | f. not a brāhmaṇī-  |
abrahmaṇya | mfn. not favourable to Brahmans  |
abrahmaṇya | n. an unbrahmanical or sacrilegious act, used as an exclamation, meaning"help!""a disgraceful deed is perpetrated!"  |
abrahmaṇya | n. (PrakritabbamhaNNaM)  |
abrāhmaṇya | n. violation of the duty of a Brahman  |
ābrahmasabham | ind. to brahman-'s court  |
abrahmatā | f. want of devotion |
abrahmavarcasin | m. not an excellent theologian,  |
abrahmavid | mfn. not knowing brahma- or the Supreme Spirit.  |
ābravantī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a town, (Bombay edition).  |
ābrū | A1. -bruvate-, to converse with  |
abruvat | mfn. (pr.p.) , not speaking, silent  |
acchābrū | to invite to come near  |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-.  |
adhibrū | Ved. to speak in favour of (dative case) or favourably to (dative case), intercede for.  |
advaitabrahmasiddhi | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
agnihotṛbrāhmaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Brahmans (who regard agni- as chief deity),  |
ahibradhna | m. (corrupted for ahirbudhnya-See below) Name of śiva-  |
ahibradhna | m. one of the rudra-s  |
aitareyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of the brāhmaṇa- composed by aitareya- (attached to the ṛg-- veda- and prescribing the duties of the hotṛ- priest;it is divided into forty adhyāya-s or eight pañcikā-s).  |
anavabrava | mfn. ( brū-), irreproachable  |
annabrahman | n. brahma- as represented by food.  |
anubrāhmaṇa | n. a work resembling a brāhmaṇa-  |
anubrāhmaṇam | ind. according to the brāhmaṇa-  |
anubrāhmaṇika | ([Comm. on ]) ([ ]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa-.  |
anubrāhmaṇin | ([ ]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa-.  |
anubrū | cl.2 P. -bravīti- to pronounce, recite ; to utter ; to address, invite (with dative case) etc. ; to repeat another's words, learn by heart (by repeating another's words)  |
apabrū | (imperfect tense -br/avat-) to speak some mysterious or evil words upon  |
apratibruvat | mfn. not contradicting  |
ārṣeyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a brāhmaṇa- (belouging to the sāmaveda- and originally a mere list of names of sāman-s)  |
aruṇaketubrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of the aruṇāḥ- ketavaḥ- (See aruṇās-above) ,  |
āryabrāhmaṇa | m. a noble Brahman  |
asurabrahma | m. a priest of the asura-s  |
āśvalāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
atibrahmacarya | n. excessive abstinence or continence.  |
atibrahman | m. Name of a king.  |
atibrū | or abhi-brū-, to insult, abuse  |
avabrava | See an-avabrav/a-.  |
avantibrahma | m. a Brahman living in the country of the avanti-s  |
avibruvat | mfn. not saying or addressing  |
avibruvat | mfn. not explaining (edition Bomb.? )  |
bahvṛcabrāhmaṇa | n. (= aitareya-br-) Name of work  |
bhāllavibrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhayabrāhmaṇa | m. a timid Brahman  |
bhūtabrahman | m. equals devalaka-  |
bindubrahmānandīya | n. Name of work  |
bṛhadbrahman | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā-  |
bṛhadbrahmasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bṛhadbrahmotarakhaṇḍa | m. Name of a part of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
cāturhotrīyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a particular chapter (called brāhmaṇa-)  |
chandogabrāhmaṇa | n. equals chāndogya-br-  |
chāndogabrāhmaṇa | n. equals gya-br- (varia lectio chand-).  |
chāndogyabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'n. "doctrine of the chando- -gas", a brāhmaṇa- of the (including the ) , '  |
chinnnābra | n. a cloud torn asunder,  |
cubra | n. (2. cumb-) the face  |
dārubrahmarasa | m. a particular medicine.  |
daśabrāhmaṇa | Name of  |
dāsībrāhmaṇa | m. a Brahman who goes after a female slave  |
daurbrāhmaṇya | n. the state of being a bad Brahman  |
devabrahman | m. "a Brahman among the gods", Name of nārada- Brahman esteemed by the gods  |
devabrahmaṇasātkṛ | to present to the gods and Brahmans (wrongly sata-kṛ-).  |
doṣatobrū | to accuse of a fault  |
durbrāhmaṇa | (d/ur--) m. a bad Brahman  |
dvijabruva | m. called or calling one's self (but not being) a Brahman  |
gārgībrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a section of the called after gārgī- (vācaknavī-).  |
gobrāhmaṇa | n. sg. a cow and (or) a Brahman  |
gobrāhmaṇamanuṣya | m. plural cows, Brahmans, and men  |
gopathabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'm. Name of a brāhmaṇa- of the '  |
haribrahman | m. Name of an author  |
hariharabrahmamānasikasnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
hariharabrahman | m. Name of author  |
indrabrāhmaṇa | m. Name of a man.  |
indrābrahmaṇaspati | m. dual number indra- and brahmaṇaspati-  |
jalabrahmī | f. Hingcha repens  |
jātabrāhmaṇaśabda | mfn. "grown up with the word brahmaṇa- ", constantly devoted to the Brahmans ,  |
jātibrāhmaṇa | m. a Brahman by birth (not by knowledge)  |
jvarabrahmāstra | n. Name of a febrifuge.  |
jyeṣṭhabrāhmaṇa | mfn. having the oldest brāhmaṇa-  |
jyeṣṭhabrāhmaṇa | n. the chief brāhmaṇa-,  |
kabru | n. (perhaps erroneous for kambu-and equals kambūka- )  |
kaumārabrahmacārin | mfn. equals -cārin-  |
kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa- (= )  |
kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa | n. =  |
kauṣītakibrāhmaṇopaniṣad | f. idem or 'n. = ' ,  |
kauṣītakirahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. = ', ', ' commentator or commentary on  |
kevalabrahmopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
krauñcabradhna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (also plural)  |
kṛtabrahman | mfn. (kṛt/a--) one who has performed his devotions  |
kṛtabrahman | mfn. (a deity) towards whom devotion is performed  |
kṛtabrahman | mfn. (a sacrifice) in which prayers are duly offered  |
kṣatriyabruva | mfn. pretending to be a kṣatriya-  |
kubra | n. a forest  |
kubra | n. a hole for sacrificial fire  |
kubra | n. a ring, ear-ring  |
kubra | n. a thread  |
kubra | n. a cart  |
kubrahma | m. a degraded or contemptible Brahman  |
kubrahman | m. a degraded or contemptible Brahman  |
kubrāhmaṇa | m. idem or 'm. a degraded or contemptible Brahman '  |
kumārabrahmacārin | mfn. chaste from infancy,  |
laghubrahmavaivarta | n. Name of work  |
laghubrāhmī | f. a kind of Rue  |
madhubrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa-.  |
mahābrahma | m. the great brahman-, the Supreme Spirit  |
mahābrahma | m. plural (with Buddhists) one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form (see )  |
mahābrahman | m. the great brahman-, the Supreme Spirit  |
mahābrahman | m. plural (with Buddhists) one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form (see )  |
mahābrāhmaṇa | m. a great Brahman  |
mahābrāhmaṇa | m. a great Brahman (in ironical sense) (= ṇindita-brahman- )  |
mahābrāhmaṇa | m. a priest who officiates at a śrāddha- or solemn ceremony in honour of deceased ancestors  |
mahābrāhmaṇa | n. "great brāhmaṇa-", Name of the tāṇḍya- brāhmaṇa-  |
mahābrāhmaṇabhāgya | n. wrong reading for brāhmaṇamahā-bh-  |
mahākauṣītakibrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa-  |
maitrāyaṇībrāhmaṇabhāṣyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
maitrāyaṇībrāhmaṇopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
maitreyībrāhmaṇa | n. Name of  |
maṇḍalabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
maṇḍalabrāhmaṇopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
maṇḍūkabrahmīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
mantrabrāhmaṇa | n. the hymns and brāhmaṇa-s ( mantrabrāhmaṇavid -vid- mfn.knowing them )  |
mantrabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
mantrabrāhmaṇavid | mfn. mantrabrāhmaṇa |
nānābrahmasāmatva | n. manifoldness of the brahma-sāman-  |
narabrahmadeva | m. Name of a king  |
nāthamallabrahmacārin | m. Name of an author  |
netratribhāgabrahmayaśasvin | m. Name of an author  |
nirbrū | P. -bravīti-, to speak out, pronounce (loud or clearly) ; to interpret, explain  |
ohabrahman | m. (a priest) possessing or conveying brahman- or sacred knowledge (uhyamānam brahma-.. yeṣāṃ te- )  |
paiṅgāyanibrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
paiṅginpaiṅgirahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
paiṅgyāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work (see paiṅgāyani-br-).  |
pañcabrahmamantra | m. Name of work  |
pañcabrahmavidyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
pañcabrahmopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
pañcagauḍabrāhmaṇajāti | f. Name of work  |
pañcaviṃśabrāhmaṇa | n. a brāhmaṇa- consisting of 25 books, Name of the  |
parabrahman | n. the Supreme Spirit or brahman-  |
parabrahman | n. Name of anUp.  |
parabrahmānandabodha | m. Name of work  |
parabrahmaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
parabrahmastotra | n. Name of work  |
parabrahmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
parabrahmopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
paramabrahmacāriṇī | f. Name of durgā-  |
paramabrahman | n. the Supreme Spirit  |
paramabrahmaṇya | mfn. most kind to Brahmans,  |
paribrū | P. -bravīti- (Potential -brūyāt-), to utter a spell or charm, lay under a spell, enchant  |
pāśupatabrahmopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
prabrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūte-, to exclaim, proclaim, announce, declare, teach, indicate, betray ; to praise, celebrate ; to speak kindly to (dative case) ; to say, tell, relate etc. (with two accusative ;with satyam-,to speak the truth, speak sincerely ) ; to read before (genitive case or dative case) ; to call, name ; to describe as (two accusative) ; to announce id est recommend anything to (dative case), offer, present (see ni--1. vid-, Causal)  |
prakubratā | f. (of unknown etymology and meaning)  |
praśnabrahmārka | m. Name of work  |
pratibrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūve-, to speak in reply, answer etc. etc. (also with 2 accusative ) ; (A1.) to answer id est return (an attack etc.) ; to refuse, deny  |
pratiprabrū | P. -bravīti-, to speak in return, reply, answer  |
pratyābrū | P. -bravīti-, to reply to, answer (accusative)  |
pucchabrahmavāda | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
pucchabrahmavādakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
pucchabrahmavādanirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
pūrvabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work |
rahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
rājabrāhmaṇa | m.  |
rāmabrahmānandasvāmin | m. Name of an author  |
rāmasubrahmaṇya | m. (with śāstrin-) Name of an author  |
rāmatārakabrahmopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
ṛgbrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- which belongs to the ṛg-- veda-, the aitareya-- brāhmaṇa-.  |
ṛṣibrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
śabdabrahmamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in the veda- identified with brahman-  |
śabdabrahman | n. "word-brahman", the veda- considered as a revealed sound or word and identified with the Supreme  |
sābrahmacāra | n. (fr. sa-brahmacārin-). gaRa yuvādi-.  |
sabrahmacārika | m. (prob.) equals next  |
sabrahmacārin | m. a fellow-student, one who studies the same śākhā- of the veda- ( f(iṇī-).)  |
sabrahmacārin | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a fellow, companion (in duḥkha-s-)  |
sabrahmacārin | mfn. rivalling, vying with  |
sabrahmaka | mfn. together with (the priest called) brahman-  |
sabrahmaka | mfn. together with (the god) brahmā-  |
sabrahmaka | mfn. together with the world of brahmā-  |
sabrāhmaṇa | (s/a--) mfn. together with Brahmans  |
sabrāhmaṇaspatya | mfn. together with the pragātha-s addressed to brāhmaṇas-pati-  |
sadāśivabrahman | n. Name of work  |
sadāśivabrahmāryā | f. Name of work  |
sadāśivabrahmavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
sadbrahman | n. the true brahman-  |
ṣaḍviṃśabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a Brahman a belonging to the sāma-veda- (being a supplement to the pañca-viṃśa-brāhmaṇa- and regarded as the 26th section of it) |
sāhebrām | m. Name of the author of the kāśmīra-rāja-vaṃśa- (died before 1883)  |
śailālibrāhmana | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa-  |
sāmabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
samānabrahmacārin | equals sa-b-  |
samānabrāhmaṇa | mfn. having the same (directions given in the) brāhmaṇa- texts  |
samānabrāhmaṇīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the same (directions given in the) brāhmaṇa- texts ' ( samānabrāhmaṇīyatva -tva- n.)  |
samānabrāhmaṇīyatva | n. samānabrāhmaṇīya |
sāmavidhānabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa- of the sāma-veda- (and also called sāma-vidhi-).  |
sambrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūte-, to speak well, converse ; (A1.) to talk together, agree ; to say anything to (accusative)  |
saṃdhyādibrahmakarman | (dhyād-), n. Name of work  |
saṃhitopaniṣadbrāhmaṇa | n. of a brāhmaṇa-.  |
śāṃkarabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa-.  |
sāṃkhyāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
saṃvatsarabrāhmaṇa | n. the symbolical meaning of an annual sacrifice  |
śāṅkhāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of śāṅkhāyana- (also called kauṣītaki-brāhmaṇa-).  |
śārīrabrāhmaṇa | n. (equals bṛhad-āraṇyaka-),  |
sasubrahmaṇya | mfn. with the subrahmaṇya-  |
śatabradhna | (śat/a--) mfn. hundred-pointed  |
śatabrāhmaṇaghātaja | mfn. resulting from (id est equal to the guilt of) the murder of a hundred Brahmans  |
śatapathabrāhmaṇa | n. "the brāhmaṇa- with a hundred paths or sections"Name of a well-known brāhmaṇa- attached to the vājasaneyi-saṃhitā- or White yajur-veda-, (like the saṃhitā-, this brāhmaṇa- is ascribed to the ṛṣi- yājñavalkya-;it is perhaps the most modern of the brāhmaṇa-s, and is preserved in two śākhā-s or schools, mādhyaṃdina- and kāṇva-;the version belonging to the former is best known, and is divided into fourteen kāṇḍa-s or books which contain one hundred adhyāya-s or lectures [or according to another arrangement into sixty-eight prapāṭhaka-s];the whole work is regarded as the most systematic and interesting of all the brāhmaṇa-s, and though intended mainly for ritual and sacrificial purposes, is full of curious mythological details and legends; see yajur-veda-, vijasaneyisaṃhitā-, brāhmaṇa-)  |
sāttvikabrahmavidyāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
śāṭyāyanabrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of śāṭyāyana-  |
śrāddhabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
śrīnivāsabrahmatantraparakālasvāmyaṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
sthairabrahmaṇa | m. (prob.) Name of a man  |
stutibrāhmaṇa | Name of work (or of a man)  |
subrahmabandhūka | mfn. on  |
subrahman | m. a good Brahman  |
subrahman | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
subrahman | n. the good brahman-  |
subrahman | (-br/ahman-) mfn. attended with good prayers or having a good brahman- (priest)  |
subrāhmaṇa | (s/u--) m. a good Brahman  |
subrahmaṇīya | mfn. relating to the subrahmaṇya- (See next)  |
subrahmanvāsudeva | m. Name of the son of vasu-deva- in the form of brahmā- (id est of kṛṣṇa- identified with the Creator)  |
subrahmaṇya | mfn. very kind or dear to Brahmans (said of viṣṇu-)  |
subrahmaṇya | m. Name of one of the three assistants of the udgātṛ- priest  |
subrahmaṇ |