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Results for bodhisattva
बोधिसत्त्वm. "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge (id est a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme buddha- and then nirvāṇa-) (the early doctrine had only one bodhi-sattva-, viz. maitreya-;the later reckoned many more ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वm. Name of the principal buddha- of the present era (before he became a buddha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वm. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वभूमिf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वबुद्धानुस्मृतिसमाधिm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वचर्याf. the actions or condition of a bodhisattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वचर्याल्वतारf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वपक्षनिर्देशm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वपिटकmn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बोधिसत्त्वताf. the state of a bodhisattva--state, bodhi-sattva--ship View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अतिबोधिसत्त्वmfn. exceeding a bodhi-sattva-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
देवबोधिसत्त्वm. Name of a Buddhist saint. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ध्यानिबोधिसत्त्वm. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शाक्यबोधिसत्त्वm. equals -muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
7 results
ananta अनन्त a. [नास्ति अन्तो यस्य] Endless, infinite, eternal, boundless, inexhaustible; ˚रत्नप्रभवस्य यस्य Ku.1.3. -न्तः 1 N. of Viṣṇu; गन्धर्वाप्सरसः सिद्धाः किन्नरोरगचारणाः । नान्तं गुणानां जानन्ति (नास्यान्तमधिगच्छन्ति) तेनानन्तो$यमुच्यते ॥; also of Viṣṇu's couch, the serpent _x001F_-Śeṣa; of Kṛiṣṇa and his brother; of Siva, the 14th Arhat; Vāsuki, the lord of serpents अनन्तश्चास्मि नागानाम् Bg.1.29. -2 A cloud. -3 Talc. -4 N. of a plant (सिन्दु- वार) Vitex Trifolia (Mar. निरगुडी). -5 The asterism श्रवण. -6 A silken cord with 14 knots tied round the right arm on the अनन्तचतुर्दशी day. -7 The letter आ. -न्ता 1 The earth (the endless). -2 The number one. -3 Names of various females; N. of Pārvatī. -4 Names of various plants; शारिवा, अनन्तमूल (a very medicinal plant) दूर्वा, आमलकी, गुडूची, अग्निमन्थ, कणा, लाङ्गली, दुरालाभा, हरीतकी, अग्निशिखा, श्यामलता, पिप्पली. -न्ती A small silken cord tied round the left arm of a woman. -न्तम् 1 The sky, atmosphere. -2 Infinity, eternity. -3 Absolution, final beatitude; तदनन्ताय कल्पते Pt.2.72. -4 The Supreme Spirit, Brahman (परब्रह्म,); सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्मेति श्रुतिः । न व्यापित्वाद्देशतो$न्तो नित्यत्वान्नापि कालतः । न वस्तुतो$पि सर्वात्म्यादानन्त्यं ब्रह्मणि त्रिधा ॥ -5 A sloping and a projecting member of the entablature representing a continued pent-roof; अनन्तं चान्तरिक्षं च प्रस्तरं चाष्टधा लुपाः । Māna.18.174-175. cf. अनन्तः शेषविष्ण्वोश्चानवधौ क्लीबमम्बरे । स्त्रियां स्याच्छारिपादूर्वाविशल्याला- ङ्गलीषु च । हैमवत्यां गळूच्यां च...। Nm. -Comp. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit; -कर a. magnifying to any extent; P.III.2.21. -ग a. moving forever. -गुण a. possessed of endless merits; of countless or infinite possessed of endless merits; of countless or infinite number; प्लवङ्गानामनन्तगुणतैधते Mv.6.55. -चतुर्दशी, -˚व्रतम् [अनन्तस्य आराधनं यस्यां सा चतुर्दशी] the 14th day of the bright half of Bhādrapada when Ananta is worshipped -चरित्रः N. of a Bodhisattva. -जित् (अनन्तानि भूतानि जितवान्) 1 N. of Vāsudeva, the conqueror of all. -2 N. of an Arhat deity. -तान a. of endless width, extensive. -तीर्थकृत् m. 1 one who visits many places of polgimage. -2 a Jaina deity. -तृतीया the third day of the bright half of भाद्रपद, मार्गशीर्ष or वैशाख; नभस्ये वाथ वैशाखे मार्गशीर्षे$थवा पुनः । शुक्ल- पक्षतृतीयायां... उक्तानन्ततृतीयैषा सुतानन्दफलप्रदा. -दृष्टिः [अनन्ता दृष्टयो नेत्राणि यस्य] N. of Śiva, or of Indra. -देवः [अनन्तो देव इव] 1 the serpent Seṣa. -2 [अनन्ते दीव्यति; दिव्-अच्] N. of Nārayaṇa who sleeps on Seṣa. -3 N. of the king of Kashmir. -नेमिः N. of the king of Mālava, a contemporary of शाक्यमुनि -पार a. of endless width, boundless; ˚रं किल शब्दशास्त्रम् Pt.1. -पालः N. of a warriorchief in Kashmir. -मतिः N. of a Bodhisattva. -मायिन् a. of endless tricks, endlessly deceitful. -मूलः a medicinal plant (शारिवा). -राशिः an infinite quantity. -रूप a. of innumerable forms or shapes; epithet of Visnu. -वातः a disease of the head, resembling tetanus. -विक्रमिन् N. of a Bodhisattva. -विजयः [अनन्तान् विजयते ध्वनिद्वारा अनेन] N. of Yudhiṣṭhira's conchshell. अनन्तविजयं राजा कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः Bg.1.16. -वीर्यः N. of the 23rd Jaina Arhat of a future age. -व्रतम् 1 See अनन्तचतुर्दशी above. -2 N. of the 12nd Adhyaya of the Bhaviṣyottara-Purāṇa. -शक्ति a. of boundless power, omnipotent, epithet of the Supreme Being. -शयनम् Travancore; Sriraṅgapaṭṭaṇa (because there are temples of Viṣṇu reclining on अनन्त Serpent). -शीर्ष N. of Visnu or the Supreme Being. (-र्षा) N. of the wife of Vāsuki. -शुष्म a. Ved. possessing endless strength; endlessly blowing. -श्री a. of boundless magnificence, an epithet of the Supreme Being.
anikṣiptadhūraḥ अनिक्षिप्तधूरः N. of a Bodhisattva or deified Buddhist saint.
amala अमल a. [न. ब.] 1 Free from dirt or impurities, pure, undefiled, stainless, spotless; कपालमेवामलशेखरश्रीः । (बभूव) Ku.7.32,33; लोकानमलान् प्रतिपद्यते Bg.14.14. अमलाः सुहृदः Pt.2.171 pure, sincere. -2 White, bright, shining; कर्णावसक्तामलदन्तपत्रम् Ku.7.23; R.6.8. -ला 1 N. of the goddess Lakṣmī. -2 The navel cord. -3 N. of a tree (Mar. आंवळा) Emblica Officinalis Gaertn; also of a plant (सातलावृक्ष) also n. in this sense. यथा वै द्वे वामलके Ch. Up.7.3.1. -लम् 1 Purity. -2 Talc. -3 The Supreme Spirit. -Comp. -आत्मन् a. Of pure or undefiled mind. -गर्भः N. of a Bodhisattva. -पतत्रिन् m. (त्री) the wild goose; माधुर्यादमलपतत्रिणां कुलानि Śi.8. 12. -रत्नम्, -मणिः a crystal.
amogha अमोघ a. 1 Unfailing, reaching the mark; धनुष्यमोघं समधत्त बाणम् Ku.3.66; R.3.53;12.97; कामिलभ्येष्वमोघैः Me.75. -2 Unerring, infallible (words, boon &c.); अमोघाः प्रतिगृह्णन्तावर्ध्यानुपदमाशिषः R.1.44; युतममोघतया Ki. 6.4. -3 Not vain or useless, efficacious, fruitful, productive; यदमोघमपामन्तरुप्तं बीजमज त्वया Ku.2.5; so ˚बलम्, ˚शक्ति, ˚वीर्य, ˚क्रोध &c. -घः 1 Not failing or erring, unerringness. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (or of Śiva according to some). -3 N. of a river. -घा 1 N. of the plant पाटली (Mar. पाडळी) (the trumpet flower). 2 N. of another plant विडङ्ग (Mar. वावडिंग) the seed of which is used as a vermifuge, and hence also called कृमिघ्न. -3 = पथ्या. -4 N. of a spear or शक्ति. -5 N. of Śiva's wife. -6 Mystical name of the conjunct consonant क्ष. -Comp. -अक्षी f. N. of Dākṣāyaṇī, Matsya P. -दण्डः urerring in punishment, N. of Śiva. -दर्शिन्, -दृष्टि a. of unerring mind or view, N. of a Bodhisattva. -नन्दिनी N. of a Śikṣā-text. -पाशः N. of a Loke-Śvara (Buddhistic). -बल a. of never-failing strength of vigour. (उच्चैःश्रवस्). -भूतिः N. of a king of the Punjab. -राजः N. of a Bhikṣu; L. V. -वर्षः N. of a Chālukya prince. -वाच् f. words not vain or idle, that are sure to be fulfilled or realized. a. one whose words are not vain. -वाञ्छित a. never disappointed. -विक्रमः of neverfailing valour; N. of Siva. -सिद्धिः N. of the fifth Dhyānibuddha.
ārya आर्य a. [ऋ-ण्यत्] 1 Āryan, an inhabitant of आर्यावर्त, N. of the race migrated into India in Vedic times. -2 Worthy of an Ārya. -3 Worthy, venerable, respectable, honourable, noble, high; यदार्यमस्यामभिलाषि मे मनः Ś.1.22; R.2.33; so आर्यवेषः respectable dress; oft. used in theatrical language as an honorific adjective and a respectful mode of address; आर्यचाणक्यः, आर्या अरुन्धती &c.; आर्य revered or honoured Sir; आर्ये revered or honoured lady. The following rules are laid down for the use of आर्य in addressing persons:-(1) वाच्यौ नटीसूत्रधारावार्यनाम्ना परस्परम् । (2) वयस्येत्युत्तमैर्वाच्यो मध्यैरार्येति चाग्रजः । (3) (वक्तव्यो) अमात्य आर्येति चेतरैः । (4) स्वेच्छया नामभिर्विप्रैर्विप्र आर्येति चेतरैः । S. D.431. -4 Noble, fine, excellent. -र्यः 1 N. of the Hindu and Iranian people, as distinguished from अनार्य, दस्यु and दास; विजानीह्यार्यान्ये च दस्यवः Rv.1.51.8. -2 A man who is faithful to the religion and laws of his country; कर्तव्यमाचरन् कार्यमकर्तव्यमनाचरन् । तिष्ठति प्रकृताचारे स वा आर्य इति स्मृतः ॥ -3 N. of the first three castes (as opp. to शूद्र). -4 respectable or honourable man, esteemed person; वृत्तेन हि भवत्यार्यो न धनेन न विद्यया Mb.; परमार्यः परमां कृपां बभार Bu. Ch.5.6. -5 A man of noble birth. -6 A man of noble character. -7 A master, owner. -8 A preceptor; वैमानि- कार्यसमभूमा Viś. Guṇā.124; Mu.3.33. -9 A friend. -1 A Vaiśya. -11 A father-in-law (as in आर्यपुत्र). -12 A Buddha. -13 (With the Buddhists) A man who has thought on the four chief principles of Buddhism and lives according to them. -14 A son of Manu Sāvarṇa. -र्या 1 N. of Pārvatī. -2 A mother-in-law. -3 A respectable woman; यत्रार्या रुदती भीता पाण़्डवानिदमब्रवीत् Mb.3.12.87. -4 N. of a metre; राजानमुद्दिश्य आर्यामिमां पपाठ K. ˚गीतिः f. A variety of the Āry&amacr metre, see Appendix. -5That which comes from truth; आराद् याता तत्त्वेभ्य इति आर्या. -र्यम् 1 Virtue, sacredness; नहि दुष्टा- त्मनामार्यमावसत्यालये चिरम् Rām.3.5.12. -2 Discrimination (विवेक); कोपमार्येण यो हन्ति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः Rām.4.31.6. -Comp. -अष्टशतम् title of a work of Ārya Bhaṭṭa consisting of eight hundred verses. -आगमः The approaching an Ārya woman sexually; अन्त्यस्यार्यागमे वधः Y.2.294. -आवर्तः [आर्यां आवर्तन्ते अत्र] 'abode of the noble or excellent (Āryas)'; particularly N. of the tract extending from the eastern to the western ocean, and bounded on the north and south by the Himālaya and Vindhya respectively; cf. Ms..2.22; आ समुद्रात्तु वै पूर्वादा समुद्राच्च पश्चिमात् । तयोरेवान्तरं गिर्योः (हिमवद्विन्ध्ययोः) आर्यावर्तं विदुर्बुधाः ॥; also 1.34. -गृह्य a. [आर्यस्य गृह्यः पक्षः] 1 to be respected by the noble. -2 a friend of the noble, readily accessible to honourable men; तमार्यगृह्यं निगृहीतधेनुः R.2.33. -3 respectable, right, decorous. -जुष्ट a. liked by or agreeable to noble ones. -देशः a country inhabited by the Āryas. -पुत्रः 1 son of an honourable man. -2 the son of a spiritual preceptor. -3 honorific designation of the son of the elder brother; of a husband by his wife; or of a prince by his general &c. -4 the son of the father-in-law, i. e. a husband (occurring in every drama; mostly in the vocative case in the last two senses). -प्राय a. 1 inhabited by the Āryas. -2 a bounding with respectable people; Ms.7.69. -बलः N. of a Bodhisattva. -भट्टः N. of a renowned astronomer, the inventor of Algebra among the Hindus; he flourished before the 5th century of the Christian era. Hence his work is called आर्यभटीय. -भावः honourable character or behaviour. -मतिः One having a noble intellect; संक्षिप्तमार्यमतिना Sāṅ. K.71. -मार्गः the path or course of the respectable, a respectable way. -मिश्र a. respectable, worthy, distinguished. (-श्रः) a gentleman, a man of consequence; (pl.) 1 worthy or respectable men, an assembly of honourable men; आर्य- मिश्रान् विज्ञापयामि V.1. -2 your reverence or honour (a respectful address); नन्वार्यमिश्रैः प्रथममेव आज्ञप्तम् Ś.1; आर्य- मिश्राः प्रमाणम् M.1. -युवन् m. an Āryan youth. -रूप a. having only the form of an Āryan, a hypocrite, impostor; आर्यरूपमिवानार्यं कर्मभिः स्वैर्विभावयेत् Ms.1.57. -लिङ्गिन् m. an impostor; Ms.9.26. -वाक् a. speaking the Aryan language; म्लेच्छवाचश्चार्यवाचः सर्वे ते दस्यवः स्मृताः Ms.1.45. -वृत्त a. virtuous, good, pious; Ms.9. 253; R.14.55. (-त्तम्) the conduct of an Āryan or nobleman; Ms.4.175. -वेश a. well-clothed, having a respectable dress, fine. -व्रत a. observing the laws and ordinances of the Āryans or noblemen. (-तम्) the duty of an Aryan. -शील a. Having an honest character. -श्वेतः a noble or honourable man. -संघः the whole body of the Āryans, especially Buddhists; it is also the name of a renowned philosopher (founder of the school of Yogāchāras). -सत्यम् a noble or sublime truth; (there are four such truths forming the chief principles of Buddhism. In Pāli they are called चत्तारि अरियसच्चानि. They are, (1) life is suffering, (2) Desire of life is the cause of suffering, (3) Extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, (4) The eightfold path leads to that extinction). -सिद्धान्तः N. of a work of आर्यभट्ट. -स्त्री An Āryan woman, or a woman of the first three castes. -हलम् ind. forcibly. -हृद्य a. liked by the noble.
utpala उत्पल a. [उत्क्रान्तः पलं मांसम्] Fleshless, emaciated, lean. -ली A kind of cake made with unwinnowed corn. -लम् 1 A blue lotus, any lotus or water lily; नवावतारं कमलादिवोत्पलम् R.3.36,12.86; Me.26; नीलो- त्पलपत्रधारया Ś.1.18; so रक्त˚. -2 The plant Costus Speciosus (कोष्ठ). -3 A plant in general. -Comp. -अक्ष, -चक्षुस् a. lotus-eyed. -आभ a. lotus-like. -कोष्ठम् N. of a plant (Mar. कोष्ठकोळिंजन). -गोपा N. of a plant (Mar. श्वेत उपळसरी), the प्रियंगु creeper. -गन्धिकम् a variety of sandal of the colour of brass (which is very fragrant). -पत्रम् 1 a lotus-leaf. -2 a wound on the breast caused by a female's finger-nail, (generally made by lover's finger-nail); nail-print. -3 a Tilaka or mark on the forehead made with sandal. -4 a broad-bladed knife or lancet. -पत्रकम् a broad-bladed knife or lancet. -भेद्यकः a kind of bandage. -माला N. of a lexicon compiled by Utpala -राजः N. of a poet. -शारिवा see उत्पलगोपा (= श्यामा Ichno Carpus Frutescens (Mar. काळी उपळसरी). -श्रीगर्भः N. of a Bodhisattva.
parama परम a. [परं परत्वं माति-क Tv.] 1 Most distant, last. -2 Highest, best, most excellent, greatest; प्राप्नोति परमां गतिम् Ms.4.14;7.1;2.13. -3 Chief, principal, primary, supreme; सर्वथा ब्राह्मणाः पूज्याः परमं दैवतं हि तत् Ms.9.319. -4 Exceeding, extreme. -5 Adequate, sufficient; परमं यत्नमातिष्ठेत् स्तेनानां निग्रहे नृपः Ms.8.32. -6 Worst. -7 Higher than, superior to; न मन्ये वाणि- ज्यात् किमपि परमं वर्तनमिह Pt.1.11. -मम् The utmost or highest; the chief or prominent part; (at the end of comp.) consisting principally of, solely occupied with; कामोपभोगपरमा एतावदिति निश्चिताः Bg.16.11; Ms.6.96. -मम् ind. 1 A particle of assent, acceptance or agreement (well, very well, yes, be it so); ततः परममित्युक्त्वा प्रतस्थे मुनिमण्डलम् Ku.6.35. -2 Exceedingly, very much; परमक्रुद्धः &c. -Comp. -अक्षरम् the sacred syllable 'om' or Brahmā. -अङ्गना an excellent woman. -अणुः an infinitesimal particle, an atom; सिकतात्वादपि परां प्रपेदे पर- माणुताम् R.15.22; परगुणपरमाणून् पर्वतीकृत्य नित्यम् Bh.2.78; पृथ्वी नित्या परमाणुरूपा T. S; (a परमाणु is thus defined:-- जालान्तरस्थसूर्यांशौ यत् सूक्ष्मं दृश्यते रजः । भागस्तस्य च षष्ठो यः परमाणुः स उच्यते ॥ Tarka K., or less accurately:-- जाला- न्तरगते रश्मौ यत् सूक्ष्मं दृश्यते रजः । तस्य त्रिंशत्तमो भागः परमाणुः स उच्यते ॥) ˚अङ्गकः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -अद्वैतम् 1 the Supreme Spirit. -2 pure unitarianism. -अन्नम् rice boiled in milk with sugar. -अपमः the inclination of a planet's orbit to the ecliptic. -अर्थः 1 the highest or most sublime truth, true spiritual knowledge, knowledge about Brahman or the Supreme Spirit; इदं हि तत्त्वं परमार्थभाजाम् Mv.7.2. -2 truth, reality, earnestness; परिहासविजल्पितं सखे परमार्थेन न गृह्यतां वचः Ś.2.19; oft in comp. in the sense of 'true' or 'real'. ˚मत्स्याः R.7.4. Mv.4.3. -3 any excellent or important object. -4 the best sense. -5 the best kind of wealth. ˚दरिद्र really poor; Mk. ˚भाज a. partaking of the highest truth; Mv. ˚विद् a philosopher. -अर्थतः ind. truly, really, exactly, accurately; विकारं खलु परमार्थतो$ज्ञात्वा$नारम्भः प्रतीकारस्य Ś.4; उवाच चैनं परमार्थतो हरं न वेत्सि नूनं यत एवमात्थ माम् Ku.5.75; Pt.1.136. -अहः an excellent day. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit or Brahman; न च योगविधेर्नवेतरः स्थिरधीरा परमात्मदर्शनात् R.8.22; स्वर्गापवर्गयो- र्मार्गमामनन्ति मनीषिणः । यदुपास्तिमसावत्र परमात्मा निरूप्यते ॥ Kusum. -आनन्दः 'supreme felicity', Supreme Spirit. -आपद् f. the greatest calamity or misfortune. -आयु- धम् the wheel (चक्र); शूलैः प्रमथिताः केचित् केचित्तु परमायुधैः Rām.6.58.12. -आर्यः a Bodhisattva (q. v.). -इष्वासः an excellent archer. -ईशः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 of Indra. -3 of Śiva. -4 the Almighty god, the Supreme Being. -5 N. of Brahman. -6 a universal monarch, sovereign of the world; see चक्रवर्तिन्. -ऋषिः a great sage. -ऐश्वर्यम् supremacy. -काण़्डः, -ण्डम् a very auspicious moment. -क्रान्तिः f. the sine of the greatest declination. -गतिः f. 1 any chief object or refuge (as a god). -2 final beatitude, emancipation. -गवः an excellent bull or cow. -गहन a. very myserious, profound. -तत्त्वम् the highest truth. -धर्मात्मन् a. very dutiful, virtuous. -पदम् 1 the best position, highest rank. -2 final beatitude; विष्णोः पदे परमे मध्व उत्सः Rv.1.154.5. -परम a. most excellent of all. -पुंस् the Supreme Spirit; N. of Viṣṇu. -पुरुषः, -पूरुषः the Supreme Spirit. -प्रख्य a. celebrated, renowned. -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit. -मुद्रा f. One of the poses of goddess त्रिपुरा. -रसः butter-milk mixed with water. -राजः a supreme monarch. -समुदय a. very auspicious or successful; परमसमुदयेनाश्वमेधेन चेष्ट्वा Mk.1.4. -सम्मत a. highly esteemed; much revered. -हंसः an ascetic of the highest order, one who has controlled and subdued all his senses by abstract meditation; cf. कुटीचक; कुटीचको बहूदकः हंसश्चैव तृतीयकः । चतुर्थः परमो हंसो यो यः पश्चात् स उत्तमः ॥ Hārītāsmṛiti. ˚परिव्राजकाचार्यः N. of Śaṅkarāchārya.
Macdonell Search
2 results
jyotiṣkaṇa m. spark; -prabha, m. N. of a Buddha, of a Bodhisattva, and of a prince; -praroha, m. (shoot of light): pl. rays; -mat, a. full of light, radiant, brilliant, heavenly; m. sun; N.: -î, f. a form of trishtubh metre.
mahācakra n. large wheel or discus; -kakravart-in, m. great emperor, universal monarch: (-i)-tâ, f. dignity of a great emperor; -katura-ka, m. (very crafty), N. of a jackal; -kamû, f. great army;-kar yâ, f. the great course of life (i.e. that of a Bodhisattva): -m grah, enter upon the life of a Bodhisattva; -½akala, m. great moun tain; -½âkârya, m. great teacher (Siva); -½agá, m. great he-goat; -gata, a. wearing large braids of hair (Siva); -gatru, a. having a large collar-bone (Siva); -gana, m. sg. (pl.) many people, multitude of men, crowd, popu lace, the people; great or distinguished man or men; a. occupied by many people (house): -virodha, m. hostility of many people or creatures; -gava, a. very swift (horse, arrow); -gihva, a. long-tongued (Siva); -gñânin, a. knowing much (Siva); m. great soothsayer; -gyotis, a. having great lustre (Siva); -gvara, m. great distress; -½atavî, f. great forest; -½âdhya, a. very rich.
Results for bodhisattva2 results
bodhisattva noun (masculine) name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the principal Buddha of the present era (before he became a Buddha) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3715/72933
bodhisattvatva noun (neuter) the state of a Bodhisattva
Frequency rank 60390/72933
Wordnet Search
"bodhisattva" has 1 results.


buddhaḥ, sarvajñaḥ, sugataḥ, dharmarājaḥ, tathāgataḥ, samantabhadraḥ, bhagavān, mārajit, lokajit, jinaḥ, ṣaḍabhijñaḥ, daśabalaḥ, advayavādī, vināyakaḥ, munīndraḥ, śrīghanaḥ, śāstā, muniḥ, dharmaḥ, trikālajñaḥ, dhātuḥ, bodhisattvaḥ, mahābodhiḥ, āryaḥ, pañcajñānaḥ, daśārhaḥ, daśabhūmigaḥ, catustriṃśatajātakajñaḥ, daśapāramitādharaḥ, dvādaśākṣaḥ, trikāyaḥ, saṃguptaḥ, dayakurcaḥ, khajit, vijñānamātṛkaḥ, mahāmaitraḥ, dharmacakraḥ, mahāmuniḥ, asamaḥ, khasamaḥ, maitrī, balaḥ, guṇākaraḥ, akaniṣṭhaḥ, triśaraṇaḥ, budhaḥ, vakrī, vāgāśaniḥ, jitāriḥ, arhaṇaḥ, arhan, mahāsukhaḥ, mahābalaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, lalitaḥ   

bauddhadharmasya pravartakaḥ yaṃ janāḥ īśvaraṃ manyante।

kuśīnagaram iti buddhasya parinirvāṇasthalaṃ iti khyātam।

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