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bhyas has 1 results
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bhyas has 1 results
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√भ्यस्bhyasfearing / bhaya747/1Cl.1
Monier-Williams Search
34 results for bhyas
भ्यस् cl.1 A1. () bhy/asate- (only imperfect tense /abhyasetām- ; subjunctive bhy/asāt- ; grammar also perfect tense babhyase- future bhyasiṣyati-etc.: Causal bhyāsayati-: Desiderative bibhyasiṣate-: Intensive bābhyasyate-, bābhyasti-), to fear, be afraid, tremble (see bhī-,of which this is a secondary form, prob. through bhiyas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भ्यसSee sva-bhyas/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस् -/asti- (1. plural abh/iṣmas-,but 3. plural abh/i s/anti-and pr. p. abh/i s/at-[according to abhismas-,but abhiṣanti-and abhiṣat-]; subjunctive -asat-,1. plural -/asāma-,3. plural -/asan-; Potential sg. -ṣyām-, -ṣyās-, -ṣyāt-,1. and 3. plural -ṣyāma-, -ṣyuḥ-or -ṣy/uḥ-; perf. 1. sg. -āsa-) to be over, reign over, excel, surpass, overpower ; to fall to one's share View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्(ind.p. -asya-) to throw towards or upon ; (parasmE-pada genitive case sg. -asyatas-) to throw (as arrows) ; to add, : P. (rarely A1.) -asyati- (but also Potential -aset- ; parasmE-pada -asat- : A1. -asate- ) to concentrate one's attention upon (accusative), practise, exercise, study etc. ; to repeat, double ; to multiply etc.: Causal to cause to practise or study, teach commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसनn. practice, exercise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसनीयmfn. to be practised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसनीयmfn. to be studied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसनीयmfn. to be repeated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसनीयmfn. (in grammar) to be reduplicated. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसितव्यmfn. to be practised commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तmfn. accumulated by repeated practice (as food) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तmfn. practised, exercised etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तmfn. learnt by heart, repeated, studied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तmfn. multiplied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तmfn. (in grammar) reduplicated (as roots) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तn. the reduplicated base of a root View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तम्with i- ([Pot. -iyāt- ]) or 1. - ([ Aorist -agāt- ]), (said of the sun) to set upon anybody (accusative) who is not working or while anything (accusative) is not done or performed (see abhi-ni-mruc-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तमयm. See anuddhṛtābh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यस्तमितmfn. one on whom while not (working or) being asleep the sun has set View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसूयNom. P. A1. -asūyati-, te-, to show indignation, be indignant at View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसूयाf. indignation, anger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसूयाf. envy, jealousy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभ्यसूयकmfn. indignant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुद्धृताभ्यस्तमयm. sunset (abhy-astamaya-) taking place whilst the āhavanīya- fire continues unremoved from the gārhapatya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विरभ्यस्तmfn. twice repeated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नभ्यस्थmfn. nabhya
नद्भ्यस्See 2. n/ah-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रभ्यस्() mfn. more violent, very strong. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
साभ्यसूयmfn. envious, malicious, jealous of (locative case; sābhyasūyam am- ind.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
साभ्यसूयम्ind. sābhyasūya
समभ्यस्P. -asyati-, to practise, exercise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वभ्यसmfn. spontaneously frightened View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वभ्यस्तmfn. much practised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उद्भ्यस( bhyas-connected with bhī-), trembling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
12 results
bhyas भ्यस् 1 Ā. (भ्यसते) To fear. -Caus. To frighten.
abhyas अभ्यस् 4 P. 1 To practise, exercise; धन्यो वन्यमतङ्गजः परिचयप्रागल्भ्यमभ्यस्यति Māl.9.32; अभ्यस्यतीव व्रतमासिधारम् R.13.67; Ms.11.16. -2 To repeat, perform repeatedly; मृगकुलं रोमन्थमभ्यस्यतु Ś.2.6; अभ्यस्यन्ति तटाघातम् Ku.2.5; K.183. -3 To learn, study, acquire or learn by practice, recite, read; वेदमेव सदाभ्यस्येत् Ms.2. 166; 4.147,149; Y.3.24; K.79. -4 To throw down upon, heap one upon another, accumulate, lay on (Ved.). -5 To throw or fling at, shoot or aim at (as arrows).
abhyasanam अभ्यसनम् 1 Repetition, repeated practice or exercise; ब्रह्मध्यानाभ्यसनविधिना Bh.3.41; स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनम् Bg. 17.15. -2 Constant study, close application (to anything); (तां) विद्यामभ्यसनेनेव प्रसादयितुमर्हसि R.1.88; अनभ्यसनशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता Rām. अभ्यसनीय abhyasanīya अभ्यस्य abhyasya अभ्यसनीय अभ्यस्य a. pot. p. To be repeated, studied; fit to be studied.
abhyasta अभ्यस्त p. p. 1 Repeated, frequently practised, exercised; नयनयोरभ्यस्तमामीलनम् Amaru.97; used or accustomed to; अनभ्यस्तरथचर्याः U.5; not accustomed to the use of the chariot; ˚गुणा च वाणी Māl.3.11. -2 Learnt, studied; शैशवे$भ्यस्तविद्यानाम् R.1.8; Bh.3. 89. -3 (In Math.) Multiplied; अयुतं दशकृत्वो$भ्यस्तं नियुतमुच्यते Nir. -4 (In gram.) Reduplicated. -स्तम् Reduplicated base of a root.
abhyasūyati अभ्यसूयति Den. P. 1 To be angry with, bear malice against, envy, be jealous of (with acc.); न च मां यो$भ्यसूयति Bg.18.67; प्रहसन्ति स्म तां केचिदभ्यसूयन्ति चापरे Mb. -2 Not to like, detract from, calumniate; ये त्वेतदभ्यसूयन्तो नानुतिष्ठन्ति मे मतम् Bg.3.32.
abhyasūya अभ्यसूय a. Angry, jealous.
abhyasūyaka अभ्यसूयक a. (-यिका) Jealous, envious; a detractor; calumniator; मामात्मपरदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तो$भ्यसूयकाः Bg.16.18.
abhyasūyā अभ्यसूया Envy, jealousy, disfavour, anger; शुक्रा- भ्यसूयाविनिवृत्तये यः R.6.74; रूपेषु वेशेषु च साभ्यसूयाः 7.2, 9.64; Me.41, Ku.3.4.
abhyastam अभ्यस्तम् ind. 1 [अस्तमभि] Towards sunset; ˚गम् -इ, -या to go down or set (as the sun) during or with reference to some act. -2 Repeated, again and again; अभ्यस्तं भौतिकं पश्यन् Mb.12.278.16.
abhyastamayaḥ अभ्यस्तमयः Setting of the sun during or with reference to some act.
abhyastamita अभ्यस्तमित a. One on whom the sun has set while asleep.
bhyasūya साभ्यसूय a. Envious, jealous.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
bhyas bhyas = bhī fear, I. Ā. bhyásate, ii. 12, 1.
ebhyas e-bhyas, D. pl. to them, x. 34, 8 [prn. root a].
Macdonell Search
9 results
analpa a. not a little, much; -tva, n. strength; -½abhyasûya, a. greatly incensed with (lc.).
karmātman a. whose nature is action; -½anta, m. completion of work; busi ness, public affairs, management; -½antika, m. labourer, artisan: -loka, m. labourers; -½abhyâsa, m. practice of a rite.
kṛtāṅka a. branded; -½añgala, a. having the palms joined in supplication to (d.); -½âtithya, a. having practised hospi tality; hospitably entertained; -½âtman, a. whose mind is cultivatedor purified; -½âdara, a. treated with due respect; -½anuvyâdha, a. filled with (in.); -½anta, a. making an end, decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death, Yama; system, doctrine: -nagarî, f. city of Yama, -samtrâsa,m. N. of a Râkshasa; -½antara, a. having made one's way to (g.); -½anná, n. cooked food; -½aparâdha, a. hav ing committed an offence against (g.); -½abhi sheka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated;-½abhyâsa, a. kept to one's studies (by, --°ree;); -½artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: -tâ, f., -tva, n. satisfaction.
nagarādhikṛta (pp.) m. chief of the city police; -½adhipa, -½adhipati, -½adhyaksha, m. id.; -½abhyâsa, m. neighbourhood of the or a city: lc. in the neighbourhood of the city.
pūrvābhimukha a. turned or flowing eastward; -½abhisheká, m. prelimin ary anointment; -½abhyâsa, m. repetition of something previous: in. anew; -½ambudhi, m. eastern ocean.
pratyabhyanujñā f. permission, consent; -½abhyâsam, ad. at every repetition; -½abhyutthâna, n. rising to receive (a guest).
brahmāṇḍa n. egg of Brahman, universe, world (sts. pl.): -kapâla, m. hemi sphere of the world=inhabited earth; -½âdya, 1. fp. eatable for Brâhmans; 2. a. beginning with Brahman; -½adhigamika, a. relating to Vedic study; -½ânanda, m. rapturous joy in Brahman; -½apeta, (pp.) m. N. of a Râk shasa; -½abhyâsa, m. Vedic study.
samabhidhā f. name, appellation (only --°ree; a.); -abhibhâshana, n. colloquy with (in., --°ree;); -abhivyâhâra, m. simultaneous mention; intercourse with (g.); -abhihâra, m. repetition; -abhyarthayitri, m. suppliant; -abhyâsa, m. vicinity, presence.
sābhyarthana a. attended with entreaties; -½abhyasûya, a. envious, jealous, of (lc.): -m, ad. -ly; -½abhyâsa, a. reduplicated; -½abhra, a. clouded, overcast.
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results92 results
bhyasāt te śuṣmāt pṛthivī cid adrivaḥ SV.1.371d. See rejate śuṣmāt.
agnijihvebhyas (MS. agnihvarebhyas) tvartāyubhya (MS. tvā ṛtāyubhyā) indrajyeṣṭhebhyo varuṇarājabhyo vātāpibhyaḥ parjanyātmabhyaḥ # TS.; MS.1.3.35: 41.16. P: agnijihvebhyas tvartāyubhyaḥ TS. See next.
agnijihvebhyas tvartāyubhyo vātāpibhyaḥ parjanyātmabhya indrajyeṣṭhebhyo varuṇarājabhyaḥ # KS.29.5. See prec.
agnihvarebhyas tvā # see agnijihvebhyas tvā.
aṅgebhyas ta udarāya # AVś.11.2.6a.
adābhyasya manmabhiḥ # RV.8.7.15c.
adṛṣṭebhyas taruṇebhyaḥ # AVP.9.6.11a.
adbhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.10.5.33.
adbhyas tirodhājāyata # TA.1.31.1a.
adbhyas te lohitaṃ spṛṇomi svāhā # śB.; Kś.25.6.11.
adbhyas tvā # TS.; MS.1.3.35: 42.2; KSA.1.2; TB.
adbhyas tvā pari dadāmi (ApMB. dadāmy asau) # ApMB.2.3.21 (ApG.4.11.3); HG.1.6.5. Cf. adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ pari.
adbhyas tvā rājā varuṇo hvayatu (AVP. juhāva) # AVś.3.3.3a; AVP.2.74.3a.
adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ (VSK. -bhyaḥ prokṣāmi) # VS.6.9; VSK.6.2.3; TS.;; KS.3.5; 26.8; 30.5 (bis); śB.; Apś.7.26.12; Mś. P: adbhyas tvā Kś.6.3.31; 20.6.7. See next but one.
adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ pari dadāmi # śB.; PG.2.2.21; JG.1.12. Cf. adbhyas (and oṣadhībhyas) tvā pari.
adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ prokṣāmi # VSK.6.2.3; TS.;; Apś.7.13.10. P: adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ Mś.; See prec. but one and next but one.
adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyo (Apś. -bhyo juṣṭaṃ) gṛhṇāmi # TS.; Apś.21.21.4.
adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyo juṣṭaṃ prokṣāmi # MS.1.2.15: 24.12; 3.9.6: 124.11. See prec. but one.
anaḍudbhyas tvaṃ prathamam # AVś.6.59.1a; Kauś.9.2; 41.14. P: anaḍudbhyaḥ Kauś.50.13.
anyebhyas tvā puruṣebhyaḥ # AVś.12.2.16a. P: anyebhyas tvā Kauś.71.8.
asthibhyas te majjabhyaḥ (AVP. māṃsebhyaḥ) # AVś.2.33.6a; AVP.4.7.5a.
ādityebhyas tvā # VS.2.16; 8.1--4; TS.; 4.22.1;; 6.2; MS.1.3.26 (bis): 39.3,6; 2.8.13: 117.6; KS.4.10 (ter); 17.7; 22.5; 37.17; PB.1.9.11; śB.;,10,12,15; TB.; Vait.22.17; Kś.9.9.20; Apś.3.5.7.
ādityebhyas tvā pravṛhāmi jāgatena chandasā # MS.1.3.36: 42.11. Cf. ādityās tvā pra-.
āntrebhyas te gudābhyaḥ # RV.10.163.3a; AVś.2.33.4a; 20.96.19a; AVP.4.7.4a; ApMB.1.17.3a (ApG.3.9.10).
āśābhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.10.5.29.
indrāmitrebhyas tvam # AVP.3.6.5b. Cf. AVś.3.1.5a.
iyadbhyas tvā # KS.21.9.
ukthebhyas tvā # VS.7.22; śB.
ukthebhyas tvokthāvyaṃ gṛhṇāmi # KS.4.6 (septies). Cf. ukthyebhya.
utkūlanikūlebhyas triṣṭhinam # VS.30.14; utkūlavikūlābhyāṃ tristhinam TB.
ṛgbhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.10.5.30.
ṛtubhyas tvārtavebhyaḥ # AVś.3.10.10a. P: ṛtubhyas tvā Kauś.138.6. Cf. under ṛtubhiṣ ṭvā-.
ṛtebhyas tvā # KS.39.6; Apś.16.31.1.
oṣadhībhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.10.5.32.
oṣadhībhyas tvā # TS.;;; MS.1.2.18: 28.3; 3.10.7: 139.5; KS.17.7; 37.17; KSA.1.2; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.10.2; TB.; Vait.25.1; Apś.6.10.11; Mś. Cf. oṣadhībhyo vanas-, and adbhyas tvauṣa-.
oṣadhībhyas tvādbhyaḥ # KS.30.5 (bis).
oṣadhībhyas tvā pari dadāmi (ApMB. dadāmy asau) # HG.1.6.5; ApMB.2.3.22 (ApG.4.11.4). Cf. adbhyas tvauṣadhībhyaḥ pari-.
oṣadhībhyas tvā prajābhyo gṛhṇāmi # TS. P: oṣadhībhyas tvā prajābhyaḥ Apś.21.21.4.
kṣatrebhyas tvā # KS.39.5; Apś.16.30.1.
garbhebhyas tvā # Apś.6.11.5.
giribhyas pary ābhṛtaḥ # AVP.8.12.12d.
gūrdebhyas tvā # KS.39.5; Apś.16.30.1.
gṛhebhyas tvā # Apś.6.12.4.
gṛhebhyas tvā varcase nir vapāmi # AVP.5.13.1d.
grīvābhyas ta uṣṇihābhyaḥ # RV.10.163.2a; AVś.2.33.2a; 20.96.18a; AVP.4.7.2a; 9.3.10a; ApMB.1.17.2a (ApG.3.9.10). Cf. anūkād.
jīvebhyas tvā samude (read saṃmude) vāyur indraḥ # AVś.8.1.15a.
bhyas tvā vartayāmasi # KS.13.9d. See under tābhir ā va-.
tebhyas tvaṃ dhukṣva sarvadā # AVś.10.9.12d.
tebhyas tvā deva vande # śś.4.18.5c.
digbhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.10.5.28.
digbhyas te śrotraṃ spṛṇomi svāhā # śB.; Kś.25.6.11.
devatābhyas tvā devatābhir (KS. devatābhis tvā devatābhyo) gṛhṇāmi # MS.1.4.4: 52.7; 1.4.9: 57.18; KS.5.6. See devānāṃ tvā de-.
devatābhyas tvā devavītaye gṛhṇāmi # KS.1.5. See devavītaye.
devatābhyas tvā yajñiyebhyo gṛhṇāmi # KS.1.10.
devasenābhyas pari # AVP.3.10.1d.
devebhyas tad uśadbhyo rātam astu # RV.1.162.11d; VS.25.34d; TS.; MS.3.16.1d: 183.1; KSA.6.5d.
devebhyas tanūbhyas svāhā # KS.5.4. See daivībhyas tanūbhyaḥ.
devebhyas triyugaṃ purā # RV.10.97.1b; AVP.11.6.1b; VS.12.75b; TS.; MS.2.7.13b: 93.1; KS.13.16b; 16.13b; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.5.5b; N.9.28b.
devebhyas tvā # TS.; MS.1.3.9: 33.5; Apś.12.21.4; 20.5.6; Mś.
devebhyas tvā gharmapebhyas svāhā # KA.2.133. Cf. pitṛbhyo gharmapebhyaḥ.
devebhyas tvā (sc. juṣṭaṃ prokṣāmi) # TB.
devebhyas tvā devāyuvaṃ (KS. yajñiyebhyo) gṛhṇāmi # MS.1.3.14: 35.15; KS.3.1; Mś. See next but one.
devebhyas tvā devāyuvaṃ (KS. devāvyaṃ) pṛṇacmi (Apś. pṛṇajmi) yajñasyāyuṣe # MS.1.3.14: 36.1; KS.4.6 (septies); Apś.12.28.16. P: devebhyas tvā devāyuvaṃ pṛṇacmi Mś.
devebhyas tvā devāvyaṃ (VSK. devāyuvaṃ) gṛhṇāmi (śB. omits gṛ-) yajñasyāyuṣe gṛhṇāmi (VSK. omits gṛ-) # VS.7.22; VSK.7.9.2; śB. P: devebhyas tvā Kś.9.14.8. See prec. but one.
devebhyas tvā devāvyam ukthebhya ukthāvyaṃ mitrāvaruṇābhyāṃ (16, -vyam indrāya; 17, -vyam indrāgnibhyāṃ) juṣṭaṃ gṛhṇāmi # śB.
devebhyas tvā madāya kam # RV.9.8.5a; SV.2.532a.
devebhyas tvā marīcipebhyaḥ # VS.7.3,6; TS.; 3.1;; MS.1.3.4: 31.10; 1.3.5: 32.7; 4.5.5: 71.2; KS.4.1 (bis),4; 27.1; śB.; 2.23; Apś.12.11.1; Mś. P: devebhyas tvā Kś.9.4.38.
devebhyas tvā yajñiyebhyo etc. # see devebhyas tvā devāyuvaṃ gṛhṇāmi.
devebhyas tvā vṛthā pājase 'paḥ # RV.9.109.21a.
devebhyas tvā sadhamādam # RV.1.187.11c; AVP.6.16.11d; KS.40.8c.
devebhyas tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām ādade # śB. Cf. devasya tvā etc.
devebhyas pary ābhṛtam # AVP.15.21.5d.
daivībhyas tanūbhyaḥ svāhā # TB.; Apś.3.11.2; Kauś.5.13. See devebhyas tanūbhyas.
dhāmabhyas tvā # KS.39.5; Apś.16.29.2.
dhenubhyas tvam arundhati # AVś.6.59.1b.
nakṣatrebhyas tvā # KA.2.145.
nṛbhyas tarāya sindhavaḥ supārāḥ # RV.8.96.1d.
patayadbhyas svāhā # KS.15.3.
paśubhyas tvā # TS.;; KS.17.7; 37.17; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.10.3; Aś.2.3.20; Vait.25.1.
pitṛbhyas tvā # TS.;; KS.17.7; 37.17; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.9.12; Vait.23.6.
pitṛbhyas tvā juṣṭām upākaromi # HG.2.15.2; ApG.8.22.3.
pitṛbhyas tvā juṣṭāṃ prokṣāmi # HG.2.15.3.
pinvamānebhyas tvā # Apś.16.31.1; KS.39.6; Apś.16.31.1.
putrebhyas tvā # MG.1.8.7.
pṛṣṭibhyas te pārśvābhyām # AVP.9.3.12a.
prajābhyas tvā # VS.4.25; TS.;; 5.2.3;;; MS.1.2.5: 14.8; 1.3.11: 34.6; 3.7.4: 80.7; KS.2.6; 4.3; 17.7; 24.5; 37.17; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.10.1; śB.; 5.2.13; Vait.25.1; Kś.7.7.20; Apś.10.24.14; Mś.;
prajābhyas tvā prajāpataye gṛhṇāmi (KS. omits gṛhṇāmi) # TS.; KS.30.5 (bis). P: prajābhyas tvā prajāpataye Apś.21.21.4. Cf. prajāpataye tvā prajābhyaḥ.
bibhyasyanto 'vavāśire (read vavāśire) # N.1.10c.
bhūtebhyas tvā # VS.5.12; TS.;; MS.1.2.8: 18.7; 3.8.5: 101.2; KS.2.9; 25.6; śB.; ā.; Kś.5.4.15; Apś.7.5.6; Mś.; AG.1.24.19.
marudbhyas tvā # MS.1.2.3: 12.15; 3.6.10: 74.2; Apś.10.19.1.
mādbhyas tvā candro vṛtrahā # AVś.19.27.2c. See prec.
mānuṣībhyas tvam aṅgiraḥ # VS.11.45b; TS.;; MS.2.7.4b: 79.3; KS.16.4b; 19.5; śB.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"bhyas" has 2 results
bhyascase-affix of the dative and ablative plural: confer, compare स्वौजसमौट् P.IV. 1. 2.
abhyastarepeated, redoubled word or wording or part of a word. The term अभ्यस्त is applied to the whole doubled expression in Pāṇini's grammar, confer, compare उभे अभ्यस्तम् P. VI.1.6; (2) the six roots with जक्ष् placed at the head viz. जक्ष् , जागृ, दरिद्रा , चकास्, शास्, दीधी and वेवी which in fact are reduplicated forms of घस् , गृ, द्रा, कास् , शस् , धी and वी.
15 results
bhyas noun (masculine) [gramm.] ending bhyas
Frequency rank 61013/72933
anabhyasta adjective unpractised
Frequency rank 26278/72933
anabhyasya adjective
Frequency rank 42729/72933
anabhyasūyā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 42730/72933
anabhyasya indeclinable not having practised
Frequency rank 22929/72933
abhyas verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to be over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to excel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to fall to one's share (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to overpower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to reign over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to surpass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44479/72933
abhyas verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to concentrate one's attention to multiply to practice to reduplicate (a sound) to repeat to study to throw upon
Frequency rank 2290/72933
abhyasana noun (neuter) exercise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
practice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12351/72933
abhyastatara adjective
Frequency rank 44480/72933
abhyastamita adjective one on whom while not (working or) being asleep the sun has set (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44481/72933
abhyasūy verb (denominative ātmanepada) to be indignant at (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to show indignation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8924/72933
abhyasūyin adjective angry indignant
Frequency rank 44482/72933
abhyasūyā noun (feminine) anger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
envy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
indignation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
jealousy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14678/72933
abhyasūyaka adjective indignant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26568/72933
samabhyas verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to exercise to practise
Frequency rank 7355/72933
Wordnet Search
"bhyas" has 10 results.


prayukta, prayojita, upayojita, vyavahṛta, vyavahārita, sevita, upasevita, bhukta, upabhukta, dhṛta, abhyasta   

yasya upayogaḥ kṛtaḥ।

miṣṭānnavikretā miṣṭānne prayuktānāṃ padārthānāṃ sūcim akarot।


samatsaram, mātsaryeṇa, serṣyam, alūyayā, sāsūyam, sābhyasūyam   


samatsaraṃ kimapi na kartavyam।



yad na abhyastam।

sohanaḥ krikeṭa iti krīḍāyām anabhyastaḥ asti।


abhyasta, okivas, cuñcu, dhṛtavrata   

yasya abhyāsaṃ kriyate।

śyāmaḥ bahukaṣṭasya abhyastaḥ asti।


saṃvij, bhī, klav, bheṣ, bhrī, bhyas, bhreṣ, śaṅk   

manasi udvegotpattyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bheṣajagrahaṇād anantaraṃ tasya prāṇāḥ saṃvijante।


āvartaya, anupaṭh, abhyasya, prativad, pratyādā, samprabhāṣ, samuccar, anuvac, abhyāvṛt, parihṛ, kīrtaya   

kaṇṭhasthīkaraṇāya punaḥ punaḥ uccāraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bālakāḥ guṇanakoṣṭakam āvartayanti।


abhyas, śīl, abhyasta kṛ, śikṣ   

kasyāpi kāryasya paunaḥpunyena anuṣṭhānānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

asmin kārye aham abhyasyāmi।


abhyas, samadhī, samāmnā, samāvṛt, abhyāvṛt   

kasyāpi kāryasya karmaṇaḥ vā punaḥ punaḥ āvṛtyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

asmākam ācāryāḥ kaṭhinaṃ prakaraṇaṃ nityam abhyasyanti।


aparicitaḥ, anabhyastaḥ, ajñātaḥ, parapuruṣaḥ, pārakyaḥ, anyajanaḥ   

yaḥ na paricitaḥ।

asmābhiḥ aparicitānāṃ saha sādhuḥ vyavahāraḥ kartavyaḥ।


guṇita, āhata, abhihata, vinighna, kṣuṇṇa, vyasta, saṃguṇīkṛta, pratyutpanna, pūrita, piṇḍita, abhyasta   

yat guṇyate।

guṇitāḥ aṅkāḥ sarvāṇi yojayatu।

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