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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
ऋभुm. an artist, one who works in iron, a smith, builder (of carriages etc.), Name of three semi-divine beings (ṛbhu-, vāja-, and vibhvan-, the name of the first being applied to all of them;thought by some to represent the three seasons of the year[ ],and celebrated for their skill as artists;they are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere, and are the artists who formed the horses of indra-, the carriage of the aśvin-s, and the miraculous cow of bṛhaspati-;they made their parents young, and performed other wonderful works [Sv-apas];they are supposed to take their ease and remain idle for twelve days [the twelve intercalary days of the winter solstice] every year in the house of the Sun [Agohya];after which they recommence working;when the gods heard of their skill, they sent agni- to them with the one cup of their rival tvaṣṭṛ-, the artificer of the gods, bidding the ṛbhu-s construct four cups from it;when they had successfully executed this task, the gods received the ṛbhu-s amongst themselves and allowed them to partake of their sacrifices etc.; see Kaegi ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
ṛbhu ऋभु a. Ved. 1 Skilful, clever, prudent (as an epithet of Indra, Agni, Ādityas, property and wealth) ऋभुमृभुक्षणो रयिम् Rv.4.37.5. -2 Handly (as a weapon). -3 Shining far. -भुः 1 A deity, divinity; a god (dwelling in heaven). -2 The god who is worshipped by the gods; ऋभवो नाम तत्रान्ये देवानामपि देवताः Mb.3.261.19. -3 A class of the attendants of gods. -4 An artist, smith, especially a coach-builder (रथकार). -5 N. of three semi-divine beings called Ṛibhu, Vibhvan and Vāja, sons of Sudhanvan, a descendant of Aṅgiras, who were so called from the name of the eldest son. [Through their performance of good works they obtained divinity, exercised superhuman powers, and became entitled to worship. They are supposed to dwell in the Solar sphere, and are the artists who formed the horses of Indra, the carriage of the Aśvins, and the miraculous cow of Bṛihaspati. They made their aged parents young, and constructed four cups at a sacrifice from the one cup of Tvaṣṭṛi, who as the proper artificer of the gods, was in this respect their rival. They appear generally as accompanying Indra at the evening sacrifices. M. W.].
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results3 results
apāṃ napād āśuheman ya ūrmiḥ kakudmān pratūrtir vājasātamas (MS. ūrmiḥ pratūrtiḥ kakubhvān vājasās; KS. ūrmiḥ pratūrtiḥ kakudmān vājasās) tenāyaṃ vājaṃ set (MS.KS. tena vājaṃ seṣam) # TS.; MS.1.11.1: 162.3; KS.13.14. P: apāṃ napād āśuheman MS.1.11.6: 168.5; KS.14.6; TB.; Mś.
uta tvaṣṭota vibhvānu maṃsate # RV.5.46.4d.
puruhūto yaḥ purugūrta ṛbhvān # RV.6.34.2a.
Wordnet Search
"bhvan" has 1 results.


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yaḥ cāturyeṇa kāryaṃ karoti।

catureṇa ārakṣakeṇa aparāddhānāṃ ekaḥ saṅghaḥ gṛhītaḥ।

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