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Grammar Search
"bhavas" has 3 results
bhavas: masculine nominative plural stem: bhu
bhavas: feminine nominative plural stem: bhu
bhavas: masculine nominative singular stem: bhava
Amarakosha Search
1 result
viṭapaḥ3.3.138MasculineSingulardivyagāyanaḥ, antarābhavasattvaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
23 results for bhavas
bhavasāgara() m. the ocean of worldly existence. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasaṃkrāntif. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasaṃśodhanam. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasaṃtatif. an uninterrupted series of births and transmigrations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasamudra(A.) m. the ocean of worldly existence. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasaṅginmfn. attached to worldly existence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasāra() m. equals -jala-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasāyujyan. union with śiva- (after death) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasindhu() m. equals -jala-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasvāminm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavasvāminm. of various authors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarābhavasattvan. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anubhavasiddhamfn. established by experience or perception. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmasambhavasmṛtif. Name of his work
garbhavasatif. "embryo-abode", the womb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhavasvāminm. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rādhodbhavasaṃvādam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudraḍamarūdbhavasūtravivaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivānubhavasūtran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
subhavas varia lectio for prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śubhavastu(?) , Name of a river (equals su-vāstu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svabhavas(sv/a--) mfn. (prob.) being in the Self (said of the breath) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvibhavasambhavātind. idem or 'ind. idem or 'ind. idem or 'ind. idem or 'ind. idem or 'ind. idem or ' in the beginning of a compound () ( ) according to property or resources' ' ' ' ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
bhāvaḥ भावः [भू-भावे घञ्] 1 Being, existing, existence; नासतो विद्यते भावः Bg.2.16. -2 Becoming, occurring, taking place. -3 State, condition, state of being; लताभावेन परिणतमस्या रूपम् V.4; U.6.23; so कातरभावः, विवर्णभावः &c. -4 Manner, mode. -6 Rank, station, position, capacity; देवीभावं गमिता K. P.1; so प्रेष्यभावम्, किंकरभावम् &c. -6 (a) True condition or state, truth, reality; परं भावमजानन्तः Bg.7.24; इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसम- न्विताः 1.8. (b) Sincerity, devotion; त्वयि मे भावनिबन्धना रतिः R.8.52;2.26. -7 Innate property, disposition, nature, temperament; स तस्य स्वो भावः प्रकृतिनियतत्वादकृतकः U.6.14. -8 Inclination or disposition of mind, idea, thought, opinion, supposition; हृदयनिहितभावा गूढमन्त्रप्रचाराः किमपि विगणयन्तो बुद्धिमन्तः सहन्ते Pt.3.43; Ms.8.25;4.65; निकृष्टोत्कृष्टयोर्भावं यास्तु गृह्णन्ति ताः स्त्रियः Bu. Ch.4.23. -9 Feeling, emotion, sentiment; एको भावः Pt.3.66; Ku.6. 95; निर्विकारात्मके चित्ते भावः प्रथमविक्रिया S. D. (In the dramatic science or in poetic compositions generally, Bhāvas are either स्थायिन् primary, or व्यभिचारिन् subordinate. The former are eight or nine, according as the Rasas are taken to be 8 or 9, each rasa having its own स्थायिभाव. The latter are thirty-three of thirty four in number, and serve to develop and strengthen the prevailing sentiment; for definition and enumeration of the several kinds, see R. G. first ānana, or K. P.4). -1 Love, affection; attachment; द्वन्द्वानि भावं क्रियया विवव्रुः Ku.3.35; कुमुद्वती भानुमतीव भावं (बबन्ध) R.6.36. -11 Purport, drift, gist, substance; इति भावः (often used by commentators); जनको$प्युत्स्मयन् राजा भावमस्या विशेषयन् । प्रतिजग्राह भावेन भावमस्या नृपोत्तम Mb.12,32.18. -12 Meaning, intention, sense, import; अन्योन्यभावचतुरेण सखीजनेन मुक्तास्तदा स्मितसुधामधुराः कटाक्षाः Māl.1.25. -13 Resolution, determination. -14 The heart, soul, mind; तयोर्विवृतभावत्वात् Māl.1.12; भावसंशुद्धिरित्येतत् तपो मानसमुच्यते Bg.17.16; स्व एव भावे विनिगृह्य मन्मथम् Bu. Ch.4.11. -15 Any existing thing, an object, a thing, substance; पश्यन्ती विविधान् भावान् Rām.2.94.18; जगति जयिनस्ते ते भावा नवेन्दुकलादयः Māl.1.17,36; R.3.41; U.3.32. -16 A being, living creature. -17 Abstract meditation, contemplation (= भावना q. v.). -18 Conduct, movement. -19 (a) Gesture, behaviour; अहिंसा समता... भवन्ति भावा भूतानाम् Bg.1.5. (b) Amorous gesture or expression of sentiment; gesture of love; कामं प्रिया न सुलभा मनस्तु तद्भावदर्शनाश्वासि Ś.2.1. -2 Birth; तवाहं पूर्वके भावे पुत्रः परपुरंजय Rām.7.14.2. -21 The world, universe. -22 The womb. -23 Will; घोरैर्विव्यधतुर्बाणैः कृतभावावुभौ जये Rām.6.9.38. -24 Superhuman power; मिथो घ्नतं न पश्यन्ति भावैर्भावं पृथग्दृशः Bhāg.1.4.27. -25 Advice, instruction. -26 (In dramas) A learned or venerable man, worthy man, (a term of address); भाव अयमस्मि V.1; तां खलु भावेन तथैव सर्वे वर्ग्याः पाठिताः) Māl.1. -27 (In gram.) The sense of an abstract noun, abstract idea conveyed by a word; भावे क्तः. -28 A term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb. -29 (In astr.) An astronomical house. -3 A lunar mansion. -31 An organ of sense. -32 Welfare (कल्याण); भावमिच्छति सर्वस्य नाभावे कुरुते मनः Mb.5.36.16. -33 Protection; द्रोणस्याभावभावे तु प्रसक्तानां यथा$भवत् Mb.7.25.64. -34 Fate, destiny (प्रारब्ध); नातिप्रहीणरश्मिः स्यात्तथा भावविपर्यये Mb.5.77.14. -35 Consciousness of past perceptions (वासना); येभ्यः सृजति भूतानि काले भावप्रचोदितः । महाभूतानि पञ्चेति तान्याहुर्भूतचिन्तिकाः ॥ Mb.12.275.4. -36 Lordship (प्रभुत्व); ते$पि भावाय कल्पन्ते राजदण्डनिपीडिताः Rām.2.67. 32. -37 The six states (अवस्थाषट्क); A, Rām.1.7.31. -Comp. -अनुग a. not forced, natural. (-गा) a shadow. -अन्तरम् a different state. -अद्वैतम् 1 a natural cause. -2 material cause (as thread of a cloth). -3 identity of conception, oneness of view. -अर्थः 1 the obvious meaning or import (of a word, phrase &c.). -2 the subject matter; सर्वेषामपि वस्तूनां भावार्थो भवति स्थितः Bhāg.1.14.57. -आकूतम् (secret) thoughts of the mind; हृदयनिहितं भावाकूतं वमद्भिरिवेक्षणैः Amaru.4. -आख्यः One of the two types of creation according to the Sāṅkhya philosophy; लिङ्गाख्यो भावाख्यस्तस्माद् द्विविधः प्रवर्तते सर्गः Sāṅ. K.52. -आत्मक a. real, actual. -आभासः simulation of a feeling, a feigned or false emotion. -आलीना a shadow. -एकरस a. influenced solely by the sentiment of (sincere) love; ममात्र भावैकरसं मनः स्थितम् Ku.5.82. -कर्तृकः an impersonal verb; Kāśi. on P. II.3.54. -गतिः f. power to convey human feelings; भावगतिराकृतीनाम् Pratimā 3. -गम्भीरम् ind. 1 heartily, from the bottom of the heart. -2 deeply, gravely. -गम्य a. conceived by the mind; ममत्सादृश्यं विरहतनु वा भावगम्यं लिखन्ती Me.87. -ग्राहिन् a. 1 understanding the sense. -2 appreciating the sentiment. -ग्राह्य a. to be conceived with the heart; भावग्राह्यमनीडाख्यं भावाभावकरं शिवम् Śvet. Up.5.14. -चेष्टितम् amorous gesture. -जः 1 love. -2 the god of love. -ज्ञ, -विद् a. knowing the heart. -दर्शिन् a. see भालदर्शिन्. -निर्वृत्तिः the material creation (Sāṅ. phil.); न विना लिङ्गेन भावनिर्वृत्तिः Sāṅ. K.52. -नेरिः a kind of dance. -बन्धन a. enchanting or fettering the heart, linking together the hearts; रथाङ्गनाम्नोरिव भावबन्धनं बभूव यत्प्रेम परस्पराश्रयम् R.3.24. -बोधक a. indicating or revealing any feeling. -मिश्रः a worthy person, a gentleman (used in dramas); प्रसीदन्तु भावमिश्राः Ś.6. -रूप a. real, actual. -वचनम् denoting an abstract idea, conveying the abstract notion of a verb. -वाचकम् an abstract noun. -विकारः a property of a being; षड् भावविकारा भवन्तीति वार्ष्यायणिः । जायते$स्ति विपरिणमते वर्धते$पक्षीयते नश्यति । -वृत्तः an epithet of Brahman. -शबलत्वम् a mixture of various emotions (भावानां बाध्यबाधकभावमापन्नानामुदासीनानां वा व्यामिश्रणम् R. G., vide examples given ad loc.). -शुद्धिः f. purity of mind, honesty, sincerity. -शून्य a. devoid of real love; उपचारविधिर्मनस्विनीनां न तु पूर्वाभ्यधिको$पि भावशून्यः M.3.3. -संधिः the union or co-existence of two emotions (भावसंधिरन्योन्यानभिभूतयोरन्योन्याभिभावनयोग्ययोः सामानाधिकरण्यम् R. G., see the examples there given). -समाहित a. abstracted in mind, devout. -सर्गः the mental or intellectual creation; i. e. the creation of the faculties of the human mind and their affections (opp. भौतिकसर्ग or material creation). -स्थ a. attached; devoted (to one); न वेत्सि भावस्थमिमं कथं जनम् Ku.5.58. -स्थिर a. firmly rooted in the heart; Ś.5.2. -स्निग्ध a. affectionately disposed, sincerely attached; भावस्निग्धैरुपकृतमपि द्वेष्यतां याति किंचित् Pt.1.285. -भावंगम a. charming, lovely.
vibhāvaḥ विभावः 1 (In Rhet.) Any condition which produces or develops a particular state of body or mind; (one of the three main divisions of Bhāvas, the other two being अनुभाव and व्यभिचारिभाव q. q. v. v.); रत्याद्युद्बोधका लोके विभावाः काव्यनाट्ययोः S. D.62; its chief subdivisions are आलम्बन and उद्दीपक; see आलम्बन. -2 A friend, an acquaintance. -3 Any exciting circumstance (as dress &c.).
vyabhicārin व्यभिचारिन् a. Straying or deviating from, going astray, erring, trespassing; निगृह्य दापयेच्चैनं समयव्यभिचारिणम् Ms.8.22. -2 Irregular, anomalous. -3 Untrue, false; see अव्यभिचारिन्. -4 Faithless, unchaste, adulterous. -5 Profligate, wanton. -6 Departing from its usual meaning, having several secondary meanings (as a word). -7 Changeable, inconstant; नात्मा जजान न मरिष्यति नैधते$सौ न क्षीयते सवनविद्व्यभिचारिणां हि Bhāg.11.3.38. -m., -व्यभिचारिभावः A transitory feeling, an accessory (opp. स्थायिन् or स्थायिभाव q. v.). (Though like the Sthāyibhāvas these accessories do not form a necessary substratum of any rasa, still they act as feeders to the prevailing sentiment, and strengthen it in various ways, whether openly or covertly. They are said to be 33 or 34 in number; for an enumeration of these, see K. P. Kārikās 31-34, S. D.169 or R. G. first Ānana; cf. विभाव and स्थायिभाव also).
sāttvika सात्त्विक a. (-की f.) [सत्वगुणेन तत्कार्येण मनसा वा निर्वृत्तः ठञ्] 1 Real, essential. -2 True, genuine, natural. -3 Honest, sincere, good. -4 Virtuous, amiable. -5 Vigorous. -6 Endowed with the quality Sattva (goodness). -7 Belonging to or derived from the Sattva quality; ये चैव सात्त्विका भावाः Bg.7.12;14.16. -8 Caused by internal feeling or sentiment (as of love), internal; तद्भूरिसात्त्विकविकारमपास्तधैर्यमाचार्यकं विजयि मान्मथमाविरासीत् Māl.1.26. -कः 1 An external indication of (internal) feeling or emotion, one of the kinds of Bhāvas in poetry; (these are eight: स्तम्भः स्वेदो$थ रोमाञ्चः स्वरभङ्गो$थ वेपथुः । वैवर्ण्यमश्रुप्रलय इत्यष्टौ सात्त्विकाः स्मृताः ॥ see S. D.164 also. -2 A Brāhmaṇa. -3 N. of Brahman. -4 An autumn night. -कम् An oblation (without pouring water). -की N. of Durgā.
Macdonell Search
3 results
bhāva m. becoming, arising, occur ring; turning into (--°ree;), transformation into (lc.); being, existence; endurance, continu ance; state of being (--°ree;, forming abst. nouns like -tâ and -tva); being orbecoming (as the fundamental notion of the verb, sp. of the int. or imps. vb.); behaviour, conduct; condition, state; rank, position; aspect of a planet (in astrology); true state, reality (°ree;--, in reality); manner of being, nature; mental state, dis position, temperament; way of thinking, thought, opinion, sentiment, feeling; emotion (in rhetoric there are eight or nine primary Bhâvas corresponding to that number of Rasas or sentiments); supposition; meaning, import (iti bhâvah is continually used by commen tators like iti½arthah or iti½abhiprâyah, at the end of an explanation); affection, love; seat of the emotions, heart, soul; substance, thing; being, creature; discreet man (dr.: vc.=re spected sir); astrological house: bhâvo bhâ vam nigakkhati, birds of a feather flock to gether; bhâvam dridham kri, make a firm resolution; bhâvam kri or bandh, conceive affection for (lc.): -ka, a. causing to be, pro ducing (--°ree;); promoting the welfare of (g.); imagining, fancying (g. or --°ree;); having a sense of the beautiful, having a poetic taste; -kar tri-ka, a. having as its agent an abstract noun; -gamya, fp. to be recognised by the imagination.
bhos ij. [contraction of bhavas, V. vc. of bhavat] used in addressing persons male and female (often several), Sir! oh! ho there! hark! often repeated bho bhoh: in soliloquies= alas! (the final visarga is retained before hard letters only, being dropped before vowels and soft consonants.)
viparyaya a. (rare, P.) inverted; opposed to (g.); perverse; m. transposition, exchange; change, alteration; inversion, opposite (e. g. samdhi-viparyayau, peace and its opposite=war; prabhâvasya --, opposite of strength=faint; buddhi-, opposite opinion); change for the worse, disfigurement; reverse, mishap, overthrow, calamity, misfortune (rare); perverseness; change of opinion (rare); wrong opinion or notion, error: lc. in the opposite case, otherwise.
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results5 results
bhavas tvā abhy arukṣat AVP.9.11.2a.
bhavasya kaṇṭhyam VS.39.9.
bhavasya devasya patnīṃ tarpayāmi BDh. Cf. next.
bhavasya devasya patnyai svāhā ApMB.2.18.22 (ApG.7.20.4); HG.2.8.7. Cf. prec.
bhavasya devasya sutaṃ tarpayāmi BDh.
Vedabase Search
16 results
bhavasya Lord ŚivaSB 2.6.12
bhavasya of Bhava (Lord Śiva)SB 4.1.65
bhavasya of Lord ŚivaSB 3.15.42
SB 4.30.38
SB 7.9.26
bhavasya of material existenceSB 4.30.38
bhavasya of the living entitiesSB 4.21.28-29
bhavasya of Your appearance, Your birthSB 10.2.39
bhavasya while Lord ŚivaSB 8.12.23
abhavasya of one who is never bornSB 3.4.16
abhavasya transcendental to material existenceSB 3.28.23
abhavasya of the unbornSB 5.6.15
abhavasya of whom there is no birth, death or maintenance as for an ordinary beingSB 10.2.39
anādi-saṃsāra-anubhavasya of the perception of the beginningless process of transmigrationSB 5.14.1
anādi-saṃsāra-anubhavasya of the perception of the beginningless process of transmigrationSB 5.14.1
anādi-saṃsāra-anubhavasya of the perception of the beginningless process of transmigrationSB 5.14.1
Wordnet Search
"bhavas" has 5 results.


bhavasāgaraḥ, saṃsārasāgaraḥ   

saṃsārarūpaḥ sāgaraḥ।

guruḥ eva bhavasāgarāt tārayituṃ śaknoti।



prayogeṇa parīkṣaṇena pratyakṣeṇa vā jñātaḥ।

dhyānam anubhavasiddham asti।



anubhavena yad prāpyate।

anubhavasiddhena jñānena asmābhiḥ asya parīkṣaṇaṃ kartavyam।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

vaṃśa-brāhmaṇe bhavasvāmī samullikhitaḥ



vividhānāṃ lekhakānām ekaḥ nāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

kośeṣu bhavasvāmī samullikhitaḥ

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