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Amarakosha Search
3 results
avadhi3.3.106MasculineSingularnadaviśeṣaḥ, abdhiḥ, sarit
daraḥ3.3.192MasculineSingularvinā, tādarthyam, paridhānam, avasaraḥ, ātmīyaḥ, bhedaḥ, avadhi, antarātmā, bahiḥ, chidram, antardhiḥ, avakāśaḥ, madhyaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
19 results for avadhi
avadhim. attention View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhim. a term, limit etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhim. conclusion, termination etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhim. surrounding district, environs, neighbourhood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhim. a hole, pit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhim. period, time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhiind. until, up to (in compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhijñānan. "perception extending as far as the furthest limits of the world" id est the faculty of perceiving even what is not within the reach of the senses, Name of the third degree of knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhijñāninmfn. having the above knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhika(?), mfn. occurring after (compound), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhimatmfn. limited, bounded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anavadhimfn. unlimited. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadavadhiind. to this limit, so far. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niravadhimfn. unlimited, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niravadhimfn. endless, infinite (also dhika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavadhiind. from that time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavadhiind. up to that period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavadhim. covering, concealing, intervention View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadavadhiind. since which time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
niravadhi a. boundless, unlimit ed; perpetual, endless: -ka, a. unlimited; -avayava, a. indivisible: -tva, n. -ness; -ava lamba, a. affording no support; unsupported, destitute of support; -avalambana,n. owner less (wealth); not to be met with in any one; -avasesha, a. leaving no remnant; complete, whole: in., -tas, altogether, wholly; -ava sâda, a. cheerful.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results3 results
avadhiṣam asṛgādām AVP.9.6.6a.
avadhiṣma rakṣaḥ TS.; MS.2.6.3: 65.3; KS.15.2; TB.; Apś.18.9.18; Mś. See abadhiṣma.
avadhiṣmāmum TB.; Apś.3.14.2. See abadhiṣma.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"avadhi" has 2 results
avadhilimit,which is either exclusive or inclusive of the particular rule or word which characterizes it: confer, compare सर्वश्च हल् तं तमवधिं प्रति अन्त्यो भवति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.3.3.
avadhimatobject of limit; confer, compare दूरे चेदवधिमान् अवधेर्भवति Kāś. on P.V.3.37.
Vedabase Search
35 results
avadhi limitCC Madhya 8.194
CC Madhya 9.308
avadhi limitationCC Adi 11.60
CC Adi 5.52
avadhi the highest limitCC Adi 4.48
avadhi' the limitCC Madhya 8.196
avadhi culminating inSB 12.4.1
avadhi destinationSB 4.31.13
avadhi the end of lifeSB 5.13.17
avadhi up to the limit ofSB 2.1.14
SB 2.9.21
avadhiṣṭām the two of Them killedSB 10.46.24
ā-śarīra-dhāraṇā-avadhi for as long as one still has this bodyNBS 14
adya-avadhi to dateCC Madhya 9.248
sādhya-avadhi the highest limit of perfectionCC Madhya 8.96
bālya-avadhi since the days of my childhoodCC Madhya 9.26
adya-avadhi to dateCC Madhya 9.248
pāṇḍityera avadhi the limit of learned scholarshipCC Madhya 10.110
kalpa-avadhi until the end of the millenniumCC Madhya 20.145
ā-śarīra-dhāraṇā-avadhi for as long as one still has this bodyNBS 14
kāla-avadhi the limited span of life (after which one's evolution may be degrading or elevating)SB 5.14.31
bālya-avadhi since the days of my childhoodCC Madhya 9.26
ā-śarīra-dhāraṇā-avadhi for as long as one still has this bodyNBS 14
kāla-avadhi the limited span of life (after which one's evolution may be degrading or elevating)SB 5.14.31
kalpa-avadhi until the end of the millenniumCC Madhya 20.145
niravadhi unboundedCC Adi 4.48
niravadhi continuouslyCC Adi 5.121
niravadhi alwaysCC Adi 8.70
niravadhi alwaysCC Adi 9.51
niravadhi constantlyCC Madhya 9.308
niravadhi without stoppingCC Madhya 17.129
niravadhi continuouslyCC Antya 4.31
pāṇḍityera avadhi the limit of learned scholarshipCC Madhya 10.110
sādhya-avadhi the highest limit of perfectionCC Madhya 8.96
ā-śarīra-dhāraṇā-avadhi for as long as one still has this bodyNBS 14
5 results
avadhi noun (masculine) a hole (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a term (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
attention (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
conclusion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
environs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
limit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
neighbourhood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
period (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
surrounding district (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
termination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5597/72933
avadhi indeclinable bis hin zu ...
Frequency rank 2577/72933
avadhimant adjective bounded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
limited (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45147/72933
anavadhi adjective unlimited (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42772/72933
niravadhi adjective endless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
infinite (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unlimited (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21581/72933
Wordnet Search
"avadhi" has 9 results.


madhyakālaḥ, kālāntaram, abhyantarakālaḥ, avakāśaḥ, avadhi   

krīḍādiṣu bhāgadvayāntargataḥ virāmakālaḥ।

krīḍāyāḥ madhyakāle ahaṃ kaṣāyapānārtham agaccham।


avadhiḥ, kālāntaram, kālāvadhiḥ, antaram   

kārya samāpanārtham samprāptaḥ kālaḥ।

ṛṇapratyarpaṇāya bhavate caturṇāṃ dinānām avadhiḥ dīyate।



aniścitaḥ avadhiḥ।

saḥ avadhihīnāyāḥ yātrāyāḥ agacchat daśame dine āgacchati śatadinān anantaraṃ vā।


maryādā, sīmā, avadhi   

kasyāpi kāryasya padārthasya vā iyattā yām anu tat kāryaṃ sambhavati।

kimapi kāryaṃ maryādām anatikrāntvā karaṇīyam।/ atikrāntaśca maryādāṃ kāvyaitatkathayāmi te।


avadhiḥ, antaram   

niyataḥ kālaḥ।

ghaṭikācatuṣṭayātmake avadhau kāryasya samāpanaṃ kartavyam।


vyavadhānam, antarddhā, antarddhiḥ, vyavadhiḥ, apavāraṇam, tirodhānam   

sā bādhā yayā purataḥ vastu draṣṭuṃ na śakyate।

rāmaḥ vālinaṃ vṛkṣasya vyavadhānaṃ kṛtvā jaghāna।


sīmā, maryādā, āghāṭaḥ, avadhiḥ, maryā, aṇī, āṇiḥ, aṇiḥ, āyattiḥ, antaḥ, antakaḥ, parisīmā, sīmantaḥ, pāliḥ, velā, avacchedaḥ, paricchedaḥ   

kasyāpi pradeśasya vastunaḥ vā vistārasya antimā rekhā।

bhāratadeśasya sīmni sainikāḥ santi।



jainadharmānusāreṇa dṛṣṭipathāt api uttaratra vartamānānāṃ vastūnāṃ pratyakṣajñānam।

avadhijñānāt pūrvaṃ sāmānyāyāḥ sattāyāḥ bhramaḥ jāyate।


kāryakālaḥ, avadhi   

kasyacit adhikāriṇaḥ pratinidheḥ kṛte vā tasmin pade kāryaṃ kartuṃ niyojitaḥ niścitaḥ kālaḥ।

mukhyamantriṇaḥ kāryakālaḥ pañca varṣāṇi yāvat bhavati।

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