atha | ind. (or Vedic or Veda /athā-) (probably fr. pronominal base a-) an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English), now  |
atha | ind. then  |
atha | ind. moreover  |
atha | ind. rather  |
atha | ind. certainly  |
atha | ind. but  |
atha | ind. else  |
atha | ind. what? how else? etc.  |
athaca | ind. moreover, and likewise.  |
athakim | ind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough.  |
athakimu | ind. how much more  |
athakimu | ind. so much the more.  |
athari | is-or athar/ī- f. (said to be fr. at-,to go, or fr. an obsolete ath-), flame ([ ;"the point of an arrow or of a lance" ;"finger" ])  |
atharī | (according to to some) an elephant, .  |
atharva | (in compound for atharvan-).  |
atharva | m. Name of brahmā-'s eldest son (to whom he revealed the brahma-vidyā-)  |
atharvabhūta | m. plural "who have become atharvan-s", Name of the twelve maharṣi-s.  |
atharvahṛdaya | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa-.  |
atharvan | m. (said to be fr. an obsolete word athar-,fire) , a priest who has to do with fire and soma-  |
atharvan | m. Name of the priest who is said to have been the first to institute the worship of fire and offer soma- and prayers (he is represented as a prajāpati-, as brahmā-'s eldest son, as the first learner and earliest teacher of the brahma-vidyā-, as the author of the atharva-veda-, as identical with aṅgiras-, as the father of agni-, etc.)  |
atharvan | m. Name of śiva-, vasiṣṭha- ([ ]) , soma-, prāṇa-  |
atharvan | mn. (ā-, a-) the fourth or atharva-- veda- (said to have been composed by atharvan-, and consisting chiefly of formulas and spells intended to counteract diseases and calamities)  |
atharvan | m. plural (/atharvāṇas-). descendants of atharvan-, often coupled with those of aṅgiras- and bhṛgu-  |
atharvan | m. plural the hymns of the atharva-- veda-.  |
atharvaṇa | m. Name of śiva-.  |
atharvāṇa | n. the atharva-- veda- or the ritual of it  |
atharvāṇavid | m. one versed in that ritual.  |
atharvāṅgiras | m. a member of the sacerdotal race or class called atharvāṅgirasas-, m. plural , id est the descendants of atharvan- and of aṅgiras-, the hymns of the atharva-veda-,  |
atharvāṅgirasa | mfn. connected with the sacerdotal class called atharvāṅgiras-  |
atharvāṅgirasa | am- n. the work or office of the atharvāṅgiras-  |
atharvāṅgirasa | āḥ- m. plural the hymns of the atharva-- veda-.  |
atharvaṇi | is-, better  |
atharvaśikhā | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
atharvaśiras | n. idem or 'f. Name of an upaniṣad-.'  |
atharvaśiras | n. Name of a kind of brick  |
atharvaśiras | m. Name of mahāpuruṣa-.  |
atharvavat | ind. like atharvan- or his descendants  |
atharvaveda | m. Name of the fourth veda- (See above) .  |
atharvavid | m. one versed in the atharva-- veda- (a qualification essential to the special class of priests called brahman-s).  |
atharvī | f. (["female priest" ]) pierced by the point (of an arrow or of a lance)  |
atharvī | f. see athari-.  |
atharvī | (according to to some) fiery (confer, compare viśpalā- below), .  |
atharya | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. flickering, lambent.  |
atharya | Nom. P. atharyati-, to move tremulously, flicker  |
atharyū | ([ ]) mfn. flickering, lambent.  |
athatu | ind. but, on the contrary.  |
athavā | ind. or, rather.  |
athavāpi | ind. or, rather.  |
abdhimathana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a work in Apabhran6s3a  |
abhiprathana | n. spreading over  |
abhrapatha | m. sky, atmosphere  |
adarśanapatha | n. a path beyond the reach of vision.  |
adarśanapatha | non-admission to (the king's) presence (?), disgrace,  |
adhipatham | ind. over or across a road  |
adhiratha | mfn. being upon or over a car  |
adhiratha | m. a charioteer  |
adhiratha | m. Name of a charioteer who was a prince of aṅga- and karṇa-'s foster-father  |
adhiratha | n. a cart-load  |
adhvaratha | m. a travelling car.  |
adhvaryupatha | m. the path on which the adhvaryu- priest walks up to the fire,  |
āgrathana | n. tying round, girding,  |
ahamprathamikā | f. idem or 'f. emulation, desire of being first '  |
ahorathantara | n. commentator or commentary  |
ajapatha | m. "goat's road", probably = aja-vīthī- q.v  |
ākāśapatha | m. a way or road through the atmosphere  |
akathaha | n. a kind of diagram.  |
ākhuratha | m. equals -ga- above  |
ālokapatha | m. line of sight, range of vision  |
anadhigatamanoratha | mfn. one who has not obtained his wish, disappointed.  |
ānākarathavartman | mfn. one the path of whose chariot, reaches to the sky  |
anavaratha | m. Name of a son of madhu- and father of kuruvatsa-  |
aniruddhapatha | n. "an unobstructed path", the atmosphere, ether  |
anoratha | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
anoratha | m. plural waggon (anas-) and chariot  |
anṛtakatha | mfn. telling untruths,  |
antaspatha | (/antas--) mfn. being on the way  |
anukathana | n. orderly narration, discourse conversation.  |
anupatha | mfn. following the road  |
anupatha | m. a road followed after another  |
anupatha | m. a servant  |
anupatham | ind. along the road.  |
anuratha | m. Name of a son of kuruvatsa- and father of puruhotra-  |
anuratham | ind. behind the carriage  |
anyathaya | P. anyathayati-, to alter  |
apariślatham | ind. not loosely, very firmly  |
apatha | n. not a way, absence of a road, pathless state etc., wrong way, deviation  |
apatha | n. heresy, heterodoxy  |
apatha | mf(ā-)n. , pathless, roadless  |
apathadāyin | mfn. not going out of a person's (genitive case) way (confer, compare a-- pantha-- d-),  |
apathagāmin | mfn. going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical.  |
apathahara | mfn. choosing the wrong road,  |
apathaprapanna | mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied.  |
apatyapatha | m. "path of offspring", the vulva  |
apratiratha | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)'  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (son of indra- and composer of the hymn )  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a son of rantināra-  |
apratiratha | n. Name of the above-named hymn (composed by apratiratha-)  |
aratha | mfn. having no car  |
ardhakathana | n. relating only half (not to the end of a story) (varia lectio -ka-thita-,"half-related") . |
ardhapatha | m. "half-way"  |
ardharatha | m. a warrior who fights on a car along with another  |
ariṣṭamathana | m. "killer of the asura- ariṣṭa-", Name of śiva- (id est viṣṇu-) .  |
ariṣṭaratha | (/ariṣṭa--) mfn. whose carriage is unhurt  |
āryapatha | m. the path of the honest ones  |
asamaratha | (/asama--) mfn. possessed of an unequalled chariot  |
aśamarathaṃbhāvuka | (/aśama--) mfn. being changed into a never-resting carriage  |
asatpatha | m. a bad road  |
asatpatha | mfn. not being on the right path  |
asidhārāpatha | m. equals asi-path/a- q.v ,  |
asipatha | m. the course of the sword or knife that kills  |
āśmaratha | mf(ī-) (a descendant of āśmarathya- )  |
aṣṭāratha | m. Name of a son of bhīmaratha-  |
āśuratha | mfn. possessing a fast chariot  |
aśvaratha | m. a carriage drawn by horses  |
aśvaratha | mfn. driving in such a carriage  |
āśvaratha | mfn. (fr. aśva-ratha-), belonging to a chariot drawn by horses commentator or commentary on  |
aśvarathadāna | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the 14th Paris3. of the  |
aśvatarīratha | m. a car drawn by a she-mule  |
aśvatha | m. Name of a man  |
atikatha | mfn. exaggerated  |
atikatha | f. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
atikatha | mfn. transgressing tradition or law deviating from the rules of caste (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.)  |
atimanorathakrama | m. excess of desire, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding v, 35.  |
atiratha | m. a great warrior (fighting from a car)  |
ativyathana | n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain  |
auṣṭraratha | mfn. (fr. uṣṭra-ratha-), belonging to a carriage drawn by camels (as a wheel) on  |
avagatha | See ava-- 1. gā-.  |
avagatha | mfn. bathed early in the morning  |
avasatha | m. (for ā-vasatha- q.v) habitation  |
avasatha | m. a village  |
avasatha | m. a college, school  |
avasatha | n. a house, dwelling  |
āvasatha | m. ( ) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging etc.  |
āvasatha | m. a dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
āvasatha | m. a village  |
āvasatha | m. a particular religious observance  |
āvasatha | m. a treatise on āryā- metres  |
avikathayat | mfn. not talking vainly or idly  |
avitatha | mfn. not untrue, true etc.  |
avitatha | mfn. not vain or futile See below  |
avitatha | n. a species of the atyaṣṭi- metre.  |
avitathakriya | mfn. whose work is not vain or ineffectual  |
avitatham | ind. not falsely, according to truth  |
avyatha | mfn. untroubled  |
avyatha | mfn. intrepid |
avyatha | mfn. painless  |
avyatha | m. a snake  |
avyatha | m. absence of tremor, firmness  |
avyatha | m. the plant Terminalia Citrina Roxb.  |
avyatha | m. the plant Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
avyathamāna | mfn. not trembling  |
avyathatva | n. painlessness  |
ayatha | n. a foot  |
ayatha | mfn. prosperous  |
ayatha | See column 2.  |
ayathātatham | ind. not so as it should be  |
ayathāyatham | ind. not as it ought to be, unsuitably  |
bahiṣpatham | ind. outside the road  |
bahuratha | m. Name of a king  |
balapramathanī | f. Name of a form of durgā-  |
bālapramathanī | f. a particular sakti-  |
bāṇapatha | m. arrow-path, a bow-shot  |
bāṇapathavartin | mfn. varia lectio for -pāta-v- below |
bārhadratha | mf(ī-)n. relating to bṛhad-ratha-  |
bārhadratha | m. patronymic of jarāsaṃdha-  |
bārhadratha | m. plural (With bhū-pālāḥ-)  |
bhadraratha | m. Name of 2 men  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprathamaślokatrayīṭīkā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhagīratha | m. (prob. fr. bhagin-+ ratha-,"having a glorious chariot"), Name of an ancient king (son of dilīpa- and great-grandfather of sagara-, king of ayodhyā-;he brought down the sacred gaṅgā- from heaven to earth and then conducted this river to the ocean in order to purify the ashes of his ancestors, the 60,000 sons of sagara-; see ) etc. |
bhagīratha | m. Name of several authors (also with ṭhakkura-and megha-; see bhagin-)  |
bhagīratha | m. of an architect of recent date  |
bhagīratha | m. of a mountain  |
bhāgīratha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhagīr-) relating to bhagīratha-  |
bhāgīratha | See .  |
bhagīrathadatta | m. Name of a poet  |
bhagīrathakanyā | f. "daughter of bhagī-ratha-", Name of gaṅgā-  |
bhagīrathapatha | (A.) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagīrathaprayatna | ( ) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagīrathasutā | f. equals -kanyā-  |
bhāgīrathatīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
bhāgīrathatīrtha | mfn. coming from bhagīratha-tīrtha- (as water)  |
bhagīrathayaśas | f. Name of a daughter of prasena-jit-  |
bhagnamanoratha | mf(ā-)n. one whose wishes are disappointed  |
bhaimaratha | mf(ī-)n. relating to bhīma-ratha-  |
bhajeratha | ( bhaje-+ aratha-), prob. bhaj/e- (infinitive mood) or bh/aje- (1. sg. fr. bhaj-) + r/athasya-.  |
bhaṇḍīratha | m. Name of a man gaRa tika-kitavādi-.  |
bhānuratha | m. Name of a prince (son of candra-giri-) (see prec.)  |
bhānuratha | m. of a son of bṛhad-aśva- , (see -mat-).  |
bharatha | m. a world-protector (equals loka-pāla-)  |
bharatha | m. a king  |
bharatha | m. fire (see bharata-)  |
bhāvyaratha | m. Name of a king (see bhāvya-).  |
bhidatha | m. an arrow,  |
bhīmaratha | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
bhīmaratha | m. of several men  |
bhūtalonmathana | m. "earth-shaker", Name of a dānava-  |
bhūtārthakathana | n. ( ) statement of facts  |
brāhmaṇapatha | m. a brāhmaṇa- text, Scholiast or Commentator  |
brahmapatha | m. the way to brahma- or to brahmā-  |
brahmapathakovida | mfn. knowing the way to brahma-  |
brahmaratha | m. the chariot or carriage of a Brahman  |
bṛhadratha | m. a powerful hero  |
bṛhadratha | m. (bṛh/ad--) Name of several men etc.  |
bṛhadratha | m. of indra-  |
bṛhadratha | m. a sacrificial vessel  |
bṛhadratha | m. a particular mantra-  |
bṛhadratha | m. a part of the sāma-veda-  |
bṛhadrathaṃtara | n. dual number the sāman-s bṛhat- and rathaṃtara-  |
bṛhadrathaṃtarasāman | mfn. having the bṛhat- and rathaṃtara- sāman- for a sāman-  |
caitraratha | mfn. treating of the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
caitraratha | m. patronymic fr. citra-- ratha-,  |
caitraratha | m. (Name of śaśa-bindu-)  |
caitraratha | m. of a dvyaha- ceremony  |
caitraratha | n. (with or without vana-) the grove of kubera- cultivated by the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
cakrapatha | m. a road for wheels, carriage-road,  |
cakṣuḥpatha | See kṣuṣ-p-.  |
cakṣuṣpatha | m. the range of sight  |
candraratha | (dr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant carriage  |
cārapatha | m. a cross-way  |
caratha | mfn. moving, living (ca r/atha- manuscripts) ; 72, 6  |
caratha | n. going, wandering, course ( car/ātha-) ; iii, 31, 15; viii, 33, 8; x, 92, 13  |
caratha | n. (āya-) dative case infinitive mood equals carāyai-  |
cāratha | mfn. wandering  |
cāruratha | Name of a forest  |
caturmahāpatha | n. meeting of 4 great roads  |
catuṣpatha | mn. a place where 4 roads meet, cross-way etc.  |
catuṣpatha | m. "walking the 4 paths (id est āśrama-s see catur-āśramin-) ", a Brahman  |
catuṣpatha | n. one of the 18 ceremonies performed with kuṇḍa-s,  |
cātuṣpatha | mfn. being on a cross-way (cat-)  |
catuṣpathakṛtāśaya | m. "having made its abode on a cross-way", a kind of ghost  |
catuṣpathaniketā | f. "abiding on a cross-way", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
catuṣpatharatā | f. idem or 'f. "abiding on a cross-way", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- ' , 2645  |
catuṣpathasad | mfn. dwelling at cross-ways  |
chāgaratha | m. "whose vehicle is a goat", agni-  |
chāyāpatha | m. the milky way  |
cidratha | m. Name of a sāman-  |
citrakatha | mfn. full of varied converse,  |
citrapriyakatha | mfn. speaking various kind words  |
citraratha | mfn. (tr/a--) having a bright chariot (agni-)  |
citraratha | m. the sun  |
citraratha | m. the polar star (dhruva-).  |
citraratha | m. Name of a man  |
citraratha | m. the king of the gandharva-s  |
citraratha | m. Name of a king  |
citraratha | m. of a king of the aṅga-s  |
citraratha | m. of a descendant of aṅga- and son of dharma-- ratha-  |
citraratha | m. of a snake-demon  |
citraratha | m. of a son (of gada- or kṛṣṇa- ;of uṣadgu- or ruśeku- ;of vṛṣṇi-, ;of gaja-, ;of supārśvaka-, ;of ukta- or uṣṇa-, )  |
citraratha | m. of a prince of mṛttikāvatī- (see )  |
citraratha | m. of a sūta-  |
citraratha | m. of an officer  |
citraratha | m. of a vidyā-dhara-  |
citrarathabāhlika | n. sg. gaRa rājadantādi-.  |
cyutapathaka | m. "deviated from the path", Name of a pupil of śākyamuni-,  |
dagdharatha | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
daivaratha | m. divine chariot (wrong reading for deva--?)  |
dakṣamakhamathana | ri.,"destruction of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", Name of f.  |
dakṣamathana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-", śiva-  |
dakṣiṇāpatha | m. path of the dakṣiṇā- cow, (between the śālā- and the sadas-)  |
dākṣiṇāpathaka | mf(ī-)n. relating to dakṣiṇā-patha- (gaRa dhūmādi-).  |
damatha | m. ( ) "self-control" See tri--  |
damatha | m. punishment  |
dānadharmakathana | n. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
daraślatha | mfn. a little loose  |
daratha | m. a cave  |
daratha | m. taking flight  |
darśanapatha | m. idem or 'm. the range of sight ' see a--.  |
daśapūrvaratha | See -ratha-  |
dāśaratha | mf(ī-)n. (a road) affording space for ten waggons  |
dāśaratha | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or coming from daśa-ratha-  |
dāśaratha | m. patronymic of rāma-  |
daśaratha | mfn. (d/aś-) having 10 chariots  |
daśaratha | m. Name of rāma-'s father (descendant of ikṣvāku-, sovereign of ayodhyā-) (death of durgā-) (-pūrva-ratha-)  |
daśaratha | m. Name of an ancestor of rāma-'s father  |
daśaratha | m. of a son of nava-ratha-  |
daśaratha | m. of roma-- or loma-pāda-  |
daśaratha | m. of a son of su-yaśas- (dāś- varia lectio) and (in Prakritdasalatha)  |
daśaratha | n. the body  |
daśarathalalitāvrata | n. Name of an observance  |
daśarathatattva | n. Name of work  |
daśarathavijaya | m. Name of  |
daśarathayajñāramha | m. Name of  |
devadatttaśatha | m. Name of a preceptor gaRa śaunakādi- in  |
devapatha | m. "god's path", heaven  |
devapatha | m. the Milky Way  |
devapatha | m. Name of place of pilgrimage (see ) (also devapathatīrtha -tīrtha- n. )  |
devapathatīrtha | n. devapatha |
devaratha | m. the car or vehicle of a god  |
devaratha | m. a car for carrying the images of the gods in a procession (see daiva--)  |
devaratha | m. Name of a man  |
devataratha | m. Name of teachers  |
devāvasatha | m. "habitation of the gods", temple  |
dhārāpatha | m. "rim-path" id est the rut (of a wheel)  |
dhārāpatha | m. the reach of a blade  |
dhārāpatha | m. tham prāpay-, to cause to perish by the blade of (genitive case)  |
dharmakathaka | m. propounder of the law (varia lectio thika-)  |
dharmapatha | m. equals next  |
dharmapatha | m. Name of a merchant  |
dharmaratha | m. "law-chariot", Name of a son of sagara-  |
dharmaratha | m. of divi-ratha-  |
dhṛṣṭaratha | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio dṛṣṭa-r-).  |
dhūmapatha | m. "way of smoke", sacrifice, seeking salvation by works (equals karmamārga- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
dikpatha | m. "the path of the horizon", the surrounding region or quarter  |
divaratha | wrong reading for divi-- (q.v)  |
diviratha | m. Name of several men (varia lectio diva--)  |
divyaratha | m. "divine car", vehicle of the gods  |
dṛḍharatha | m. "having a strong chariot", Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (thāśraya-, idem or 'f. "having a fast colour", alum ')  |
dṛḍharatha | m. of a son of jayad-ratha- and father of viśva-jit-  |
dṛḍharatha | m. of the father of the 10th arhat- of the 10th arhat- of the present ava-sarpiṇī-  |
dṛkpatha | m. range of sight  |
dṛkpathamgam | to appear, become visible  |
dṛkpathami | to appear, become visible  |
dṛṣṭaratha | m. Name of a king (varia lectio dṛḍha--and dhṛṣṭa--).  |
dṛṣṭipatha | m. the path or range of sight  |
dūrapatha | m. a long way  |
dūrapatha | m. thaṃ gata-, living far off  |
dussatha | m. (wrong reading or Prakrit for duḥsaktha-?) a cock or dog  |
dvairatha | n. (yuddha-) "chariot-duel", a single combat in chariots, any single combat  |
dvairatha | mf(ī-)n. relating to any single combat in chariots, chapter of  |
dvairatha | m. an adversary  |
dvipatha | m. a place where 2 roads meet, crossway  |
dvivarṇaratha | m. Name of an ancestor of śākya-muni-  |
dyotiṣpatha | m. "star-path", the upper part of the air (varia lectio jyotiṣ-.).  |
dyupatha | m. "sky-path", the upper part of the sky  |
ekaratha | m. an eminent warrior  |
etatprathama | mfn. doing this for the first time  |
gajarathapura | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
gamatha | m. a traveller  |
gamatha | m. a road  |
gantrīratha | m. equals gantrī- |
gardabharatha | m. a donkey-cart  |
gatavyatha | mfn. freed from pain, unanxious  |
gauratha | m. patronymic fr. go-r- (varia lectio gor-).  |
ghaṇṭāpatha | m. "bell-road", the chief road through a village highway |
ghaṇṭāpatha | m. Name of malli-nātha-'s commentator or commentary on  |
ghaṇṭāpathatva | n. the being known to all the world  |
gīratha | m. "the vehicle of speech" equals gir-īśa-  |
gīratha | See 1. g/ir-.  |
gomatha | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
goṇīpatha | Name of a man  |
gopatha | m. a way or ground for cows  |
gopatha | m. Name of a brāhmaṇa- of the  |
gopathabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'm. Name of a brāhmaṇa- of the '  |
goratha | m. "cow-cart", Name of a mountain  |
goratha | m. śiva-  |
gorathaka | m. a carriage drawn by cattle  |
grathana | n. tying, binding-stringing together  |
grathana | n. thickening, becoming obstructed or clogged with knotty lumps  |
grathana | n. (in dramatic language) intimation of the issue of a plot  |
grathanā | f. tying, binding, ensnaring  |
grathanīya | mfn. to be tied or strung or bound  |
gūḍhapatha | m. "having a hidden path", the mind, intellect  |
gūḍhapatha | m. equals -mārga-  |
guruvyatha | mfn. heavily distressed  |
haṃsapatha | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -pada-)  |
haṃsaratha | m. "whose vehicle is a haṃsa-", Name of brahmā-  |
haṃsaratha | m. of a man  |
hastiratha | n. sg. elephants and chariots  |
hastirathadāna | n. Name of the 13th pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
hastyaśvarathaghoṣa | m. the sound of chariots (and) horses (and) elephants  |
hastyaśvarathasambādha | mfn. crowded with carriages (and) horses (and) elephants  |
hataratha | m. a chariot whose horses and charioteer are slain  |
hatha | m. a blow, stroke  |
hatha | m. killing, slaughter  |
hatha | m. a man stricken with despair  |
hemahastiratha | m. "golden-elephant-chariot", Name of one of the 16 mahādāna-s (q.v) |
himaśratha | m. the loosening or melting of snow  |
himaśratha | m. "shedding cold", the moon  |
himaśrathana | n. melting of snow  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. a chariot full of golden  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. a chariot made of go  |
hiraṇyaratha | mfn. riding in a golden chariot  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. Name of a king  |
hiraṇyāśvaratha | m. a horse and chariot made of gold (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s q.v)  |
idamprathama | mfn. doing this for the first time  |
idamprathama | mfn. having this as the first or best  |
idamprathama | mfn. being by this the first commentator or commentary on  |
īryāpatha | m. the observances of a religious mendicant  |
īryāpatha | m. the four positions of the body (viz. going, standing upright, sitting and lying down) and (see airyāpathikī-.)  |
iṣṭakāpatha | n. the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus  |
iṣṭakāpathaka | n. idem or 'n. the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus '  |
iṣupatha | m. the range of an arrow  |
itikatha | mfn. unworthy of trust, not fit to be credited  |
itikatha | mfn. wicked, lost  |
itikatha | f. (for atikatha- q.v)  |
jaitraratha | m. a triumphant car  |
jalapatha | m. (gaRa devapathādi- ) equals -yātrā-  |
jalapatha | m. Name of a himālaya- mountain  |
jalavyatha | m. the fish Esox Kankila  |
jaṅgalapatha | m. "any arid or sterile region, desert" See jāṅgalapathika-.  |
jaṅghāratha | m. Name of a man plural his descendants, gaRa yaskādi- (varia lectio ghe-r- )  |
jaṅgheratha | See gha-r-  |
janmapatha | m. "birth-path", the vulva  |
jātamanmatha | mfn. equals -kāma-  |
jayadratha | m. "having victorious chariots", Name of a sindhu-- sauvīra- king fighting on the kaurava-'s side  |
jayadratha | m. of a son (of bṛhan-manas- ;of bṛhat-kāya-, ;of bṛhat-karman- ;of the 10th manu- ).  |
jāyadratha | mfn. belonging to jayad-ratha-  |
jayaratha | m. Name of a commentator (author of alaṃkāra-vimarśinī-).  |
jihvāprathana | n. expansion or too great flattening of the tongue (defect in pronunciation) ,  |
jīvatha | mfn. long-lived  |
jīvatha | mfn. virtuous  |
jīvatha | m. life, breath  |
jīvatha | m. a tortoise  |
jīvatha | m. a peacock  |
jīvatha | m. a cloud  |
jīvatha | m. virtue  |
jyeṣṭhaprathama | mfn. plural the elders first  |
jyotīratha | mfn. (t/ī--) one whose chariot is light  |
jyotīratha | mfn. the polestar  |
jyotīratha | mfn. a kind of serpent  |
kadratha | m. a bad carriage  |
kālapatha | m. Name of a son of viśvā-mitra-  |
kandarpamathana | m. Name of śiva-  |
kaniṣṭhaprathama | mfn. having the youngest as the first.  |
kāntārapatha | m. a path through a forest  |
kaṇvarathaṃtara | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
kāpatha | m. (fr. 2. kā-+ patha-), a bad road, bad ways, erring or evil course  |
kāpatha | m. Name of a dānava-  |
kāpatha | n. the fragrant root of Andropogon muricatus |
kapiratha | m. Name of rāma- (see -prabhu-above)  |
kapiratha | m. of arjuna-  |
kārapatha | See kārāp-.  |
kārāpatha | m. Name of a country  |
kārāpatha | m. (varia lectio kārup- ; kārap- )  |
karatha | m. Name of a physician  |
karipatha | m. the way of an elephant gaRa devapathādi-  |
karmagranthiprathamavicāra | m. idem or 'm. Name of a jaina- work.'  |
karmapatha | m. the way or direction or character of an action  |
karṇapatha | m. the compass or range of hearing, (m ā-yā-,to come within the range of or reach the ear, be heard ; m upa-i- idem or 'm. ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 kalā-s) ' )  |
karṇīratha | (for karṇi-ratha-) m. a kind of litter |
karṇīratha | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order karṇ/in-.  |
kārupatha | See kārāp-.  |
kathaka | mfn. relating, reciting,  |
kathaka | m. a narrator, relater, one who recites a story (or who publicly reads and expounds the purāṇa-s etc.), one who speaks or tells, a professional story-teller etc.  |
kathaka | m. the speaker of a prologue or monologue, chief actor  |
kathaka | m. Name of a man  |
kathaka | m. of a being in the retinue of skanda-.  |
katham | ind. (fr. 2. ka-), how? in what manner? whence? (exempli gratia, 'for example' katham etat-,how is that? katham idānīm-,how now? what is now to be done? katham mārātmake tvayi viśvāsaḥ-,how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? katham utsṛjya tvāṃ gaccheyam-,how can I go away deserting you? katham buddhvā bhaviṣyati sā-,how will she be when she awakes? katham mṛtyuḥ-, prabhavati vedavidām-,whence is it that death has power over those that know the veda-? katham avagamyate-,whence is it inferred?)  |
katham | ind. sometimes katham- merely introduces an interrogation (exempli gratia, 'for example' katham ātmānaṃ nivedayāmi kathaṃ vātmāpahāraṃ karomi-,shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) katham- is often found in connection with the particles iva-, nāma-, nu-, svid-, which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? etc.)  |
katham | ind. with nu- it is sometimes equals kimu-, or kutas- (exempli gratia, 'for example' katkaṃ nu-,how much more! na kathaṃ nu-,how much less!) katham- is often connected, like kim-, with the particles cana-, cid-, and api-, which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (exempli gratia, 'for example' kathaṃ cana-,in any way, some how;scarcely, with difficulty; na kathaṃ cana-,in no way at all; kathaṃcit-,some how or other, by some means or other, in any way, with some difficulty, scarcely, in a moderate degree, a little; na kathaṃcit-,not at all, in no way whatever; na kathaṃcid na-,in no way not id est most decidedly; yathā kathaṃcit-,in any way whatsoever; kathaṃcid yadi jīvati-,it is with difficulty that he lives; katham api-,some how or other, with some difficulty, scarcely a little; katham api na-,by no means, not at all)  |
katham | ind. according to lexicographers katham- is a particle implying amazement  |
katham | ind. surprise  |
katham | ind. pleasure  |
katham | ind. abuse.  |
kathaṃ | (in compound for katham-;at the beginning of an adjective compound it may also have the sense of kim-).  |
kathaṃbhāva | m. equals -tā- above commentator or commentary on  |
kathaṃbhūta | mfn. how being, of what kind?  |
kathaṃjātīyaka | mfn. of what kind?  |
kathaṃkāram | ind. in what manner? how?  |
kathaṃkarman | mfn. how acting?  |
kathaṃkathā | f. doubt and questioning, .  |
kathaṃkathika | mfn. one who is always asking questions, an inquisitive person  |
kathaṃkathikatā | f. questioning, inquiring, inquisitiveness  |
kathaṃpramāṇa | mfn. of what measure?  |
kathaṃrūpa | mfn. of what shape?  |
kathaṃruru | m. Name of a rājarṣi- on  |
kathaṃtā | f. "the how", the what state?  |
kathaṃtarām | ind. still more how or why? (used in emphatic questions) |
kathaṃvīrya | mfn. of what power?  |
kathana | mfn. telling, talkative  |
kathana | n. the act of telling, narration, relating, informing  |
kathanika | m. a narrator, story-teller  |
kathanīya | mfn. to be said or told or declared, worthy of relation or mentioning etc.  |
kathanīya | mfn. to be called or named  |
kathayāna | mfn. (Epic present tense parasmE-pada) relating, telling  |
kathayitavya | mfn. to be told or mentioned  |
kathayitavya | mfn. to be communicated  |
kathopakathana | n. conversation, talking together, conference, narration.  |
katipayatha | mfn. somewhat advanced, somaniest  |
kauṇḍoparatha | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe  |
kavapatha | m. a bad way  |
kavapatha | See 1. kava-.  |
kaviratha | m. Name of a prince (son of citraratha-).  |
keśamathanī | f. equals -damanī-  |
keśimathana | m. idem or 'm. "slayer of the asura- keśin-", kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio -nisūdana-).'  |
kīrtiratha | m. Name of a prince of the videha-s (son of pratīndhaka-;also called kṛtti-ratha-, son of prasiddhaka-)  |
klamatha | m. fatigue, exhaustion  |
klathana | n. forming into clots or lumps on  |
kramaratha | m. a kind of krama-pāṭa-  |
kratha | m. plural Name of a race (always named together with the kaiśika-s and belonging to the yādava- people)  |
kratha | m. Name of a son of vidarbha- and brother of kaiśika- (ancestor of the kratha-s)  |
kratha | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
kratha | m. (equals krathana-) Name of an asura-  |
krathana | mfn. one who is in danger of suffocation  |
krathana | m. Name of an asura-  |
krathana | m. of a nāga- (son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-)  |
krathana | m. of a monkey  |
krathana | n. cutting through (as with an ax)  |
krathana | n. slaughter, killing  |
krathana | n. sudden interruption of breath  |
krathanaka | m. Name of a camel  |
krathanaka | n. a black sort of Agallochum  |
krīḍāratha | m. a pleasure-chariot, carriage used for amusement (opposed to a war-chariot)  |
kriyāpatha | m. manner of medical treatment or application of remedies  |
kriyāpathamatikrānta | mfn. "beyond medical treatment", incurable  |
kṛtamanoratha | mfn. one whose wishes are fulfilled  |
kṛtaratha | m. Name of a grandson of maru-  |
kṛtiratha | m. Name of a prince  |
kṛttiratha | m. Name of a prince  |
krūradṛkpatha | m. "one whose path gives an inauspicious aspect" the planet Saturn  |
kṣīrodamathana | n. the churning of the ocean of milk (undertaken by the deva-s and asura-s to obtain the amṛta- etc.)  |
kuṇḍoparatha | m. "Name of a man" See kauṇḍoparatha-.  |
kupatha | m. a bad road, evil way  |
kupatha | m. bad conduct  |
kupatha | m. heterodox doctrine  |
kupatha | mfn. walking in a wrong road  |
kupatha | m. Name of an asura- or dānava-  |
kupatha | m. plural Name of a people  |
kupatha | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kupathacara | mfn. going in a wrong road, wicked.  |
kupathaga | mfn. going in a wrong road, wicked.  |
kupathagāmin | mfn. going in a wrong road, wicked.  |
kurupatha | m. "Name of a man" See kaurupathi-.  |
kusīdapatha | m. usury, usurious interest  |
kutarkapatha | m. "the way of sophists", a sophistical method of arguing  |
kvatha | m. (gaRa jvalādi-) a decoction, extract.  |
kvathana | n. boiling by (in compound, agni--)  |
lauṭharatha | m. Name of a man  |
locanapatha | m. equals -gocara-  |
locanatrayapatha | m. the range of the three eyes (of śiva-)  |
lokapatha | m. way of the world, general or usual way or manner  |
madhumathana | m. equals prec.  |
madhumathanavijaya | m. Name of work  |
mahākathahacakra | (hāk-) n. a particular magical diagram  |
mahāpatha | m. a principal road, high street (in a city), high road, highway (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
mahāpatha | m. Name of śiva-  |
mahāpatha | m. the long journey, the passage into the next world (thaṃyā-,to die)  |
mahāpatha | m. the great pilgrimage (to the shrine of śiva- on mount kedāra-, or the same pilgrimage performed in spirit id est by deep absorption into śiva-) |
mahāpatha | m. the knowledge of the essence of śiva- acquired in this pilgrimage  |
mahāpatha | m. the mountain-precipices from which devotees throw themselves to obtain a speedier entrance into śiva-'s heaven  |
mahāpatha | m. Name of the book which treats of the above subjects  |
mahāpatha | m. of a hell  |
mahāpatha | n. equals brahma-randhra- (q.v)  |
mahāpatha | mf(ā-)n. having a great path or way  |
mahāpathagama | m. ( ) "the act of going the great journey", dying  |
mahāpathagamana | n. ( ) "the act of going the great journey", dying  |
mahāpathagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
mahāratha | m. a great chariot  |
mahāratha | m. a great warrior (not a bahu-vrīhi- compound,as shown by the accent; see ratha-,"a warrior") etc.  |
mahāratha | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
mahāratha | m. of a son of viśvā-mitra-  |
mahāratha | m. of a king  |
mahāratha | m. of a minister  |
mahāratha | m. desire, longing (see mano-ratha-)  |
mahāratha | mfn. possessing great chariots  |
mahārathamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
mahārathatva | n. the being a great warrior  |
mahatkatha | mfn. talked about by the great, mentioned by them  |
makhamathana | n. the disturbance of (dakṣa-'s) sacrifice  |
mālyagrathana | n. the stringing together or winding of garland  |
mānakathana | n. Name of work  |
mānaratha | m. Name of a king  |
manmatha | m. (either an Intensive form fr. math-,or fr. man- equals manas-+ matha-,"agitating"; see mandeha-and mandhātṛ-) love or the god of love, amorous passion or desire (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
manmatha | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
manmatha | m. the 29th (3rd) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter  |
manmatha | m. Name of a physician and various other men  |
mānmatha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. manmatha-) relating to or concerning love, produced by love, filled with love etc.  |
mānmatha | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the god of love  |
manmathabandhu | m. "friend of love", the moon  |
manmathakara | m. "causing love", Name of a being attending on skanda-  |
manmathalekha | m. a love-letter  |
manmathamanmatha | m. a god of love agitating the god of love  |
manmathamath | mfn. destroying the god of love  |
manmathasakha | m. friend of love, the spring  |
manmathasamāna | mfn. feeling similar love  |
manmathasaṃjīvanī | f. "exciting love", Name of a surāṅganā-  |
manmathasuhṛd | m. equals -sakha-  |
manmathavat | mfn. being in love, enamoured  |
manmathayuddha | n. strife of love, amorous strife or contest  |
manomathana | m. "heart-agitator", the god of love  |
manoratha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "heart's joy" (See 2. ratha-), a wish, desire (also = desired object) etc.  |
manoratha | m. fancy, illusion  |
manoratha | m. (in dramatic language) a wish expressed in an indirect manner, hint  |
manoratha | m. the heart compared to a car (See 1. ratha-)  |
manoratha | m. Name of a teacher  |
manoratha | m. of a poet  |
manoratha | m. of various men  |
manoratha | according to to some originally Prakrit for mano'rtha-,"heart-matter"  |
manorathabandha | m. the cherishing or entertaining of desires ( manorathabandhabandhu dha-bandhu- m.the friend of [i.e. one who satisfies] wishes, )  |
manorathabandhabandhu | m. manorathabandha |
manorathadāyaka | m. "fulfilling wishes", Name of a kalpa-vṛkṣa-  |
manorathadruma | m. wrong reading for mano-bhava-dr-  |
manorathadvādaśī | f. the 12th day in a particular half month  |
manorathakṛśa | mfn. chosen or taken at will (as a husband)  |
manorathakusuma | n. wish or desire compared to a flower  |
manorathamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of wishes, having many wishes  |
manorathamaya | mf(ī-)n. being the object of a wish  |
manorathaprabhā | f. Name of a woman  |
manorathasiddha | m. wrong reading for -siddhi-  |
manorathasiddhi | f. the fulfilment of a wishes  |
manorathasiddhi | m. (also dhika-) Name of a man  |
manorathasṛṣṭi | f. creation of the fancy, phantasm of the imagination  |
manorathatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
manorathatṛtīyā | f. the 3rd day in the light half of the month caitra- ( manorathatṛtīyāvrata -vrata- n.Name of work)  |
manorathatṛtīyāvrata | n. manorathatṛtīyā |
manuṣyaratha | m. chariot of men  |
mārgapatha | m. a course, road, path  |
mārgayatha | m. plural patronymic ,  |
marudratha | m. a horse  |
marudratha | m. a car in which idols are dragged about  |
marupatha | m. a desert, wilderness  |
marutpatha | m. the path or region of the air  |
maṣipatha | m. "ink-path", a pen  |
matha | m. equals mātha- gaRa jvalādi-.  |
mathaka | m. Name of a man  |
mathaka | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- (varia lectio for, manthaka-).  |
mathan | (only instrumental case mathnā-), a piece of wood for producing fire by attrition  |
mathana | mf(ī-,once ā-)n. rubbing, stirring, shaking, harassing, destroying (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
mathana | m. Premna Spinosa (the wood of which is used to produce fire by attrition)  |
mathana | n. the act of rubbing, friction  |
mathana | n. stirring or whirling round, churning or producing by churning  |
mathana | n. hurting, annoying, injury, destruction  |
mathanācala | m. the mountain (mandara- q.v) used as a churning-stick (by the gods and dānava-s in churning the ocean of milk) (see mantha-śaita-).  |
mathara | mfn. (see gaRa kaḍārādī-) insisting on (locative case)  |
mathara | mfn. hard, harsh (of sound)  |
mathara | mfn. intoxicated  |
mathara | m. Name of a man (prob. of a saint) (see gaRa bidādi-and gargādi-)  |
mathara | m. hardness, harshness  |
mathavya | prob. wrong reading for madh-  |
matipatha | m. the path of reflection  |
matipathaṃnī | to think over  |
mātṛcakrapramathana | m. "afflicter of the circle of divine mother"Name of viṣṇu-  |
matsyāvatārakathana | n. Name of work  |
mayūraratha | m. "having a peacock for a vehicle", Name of skanda-  |
meghabhagīrathaṭhakkura | m. Name of authors  |
meghapatha | m. "path of cloud", atmosphere,  |
megharatha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
mīnaratha | m. Name of a king  |
mṛtyupatha | m. a way leading to disease  |
mūḍharatha | m. Name of a man, plural , his descendants  |
muṇḍamathanā | f. Name of durgā-  |
mūṣikaratha | m. "rat-vehicled", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
muṣṭikākathana | n. talking with the fingers  |
mūtrapatha | m. equals -mārga-  |
nāḍīparīkṣādicikitsākathana | n. Name of work  |
nagaracatuṣpatha | m. or n. meeting of 4 ways in a town  |
nakṣatradevatākathana | n. Name of work  |
nakṣatrapatha | m. "star-path", the starry sky  |
nakṣatrapathavarcas | n. its splendour  |
nānāratham | ind. in various or separate chariots  |
narapatipatha | m. equals -nātha-mārga-  |
nararatha | wrong reading for nava-r-.  |
nasaratha | m. Nasrat Shah (Sultan),  |
naṣṭāśvadagdharathavat | ind. like one whose horse was lost and one whose waggon was burnt (who therefore helped each other) on Va1rtt. 16.  |
navaratha | m. Name of a son of bhīma-ratha- and father of daśa-ratha-  |
navatiratha | m. Name of an ancestor of gautama- buddha-  |
nayanapatha | m. ( ) range or field of sight.  |
nīcapatha | m. a descending path  |
nirmatha | m. rubbing  |
nirmathadāru | mfn. equals nirmantha-d-  |
nirmathana | n. rubbing, churning, making butter, lighting a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together or by churning  |
nirvyatha | mfn. free from pain, quiet, calm  |
nirvyathana | mfn. id.  |
nirvyathana | n. a hole, cavern (as undisturbed)  |
niśumbhamathanī | m. "destroyer of ni-śumbha-", Name of durgā-  |
nivasatha | m. a village  |
niyudratha | mfn. one whose car is drawn by a team of horses  |
nonaratha | m. Name of a man  |
nṛpatipatha | m. "king's road", chief street  |
nyāyapatha | m. plural the different philosophical systems  |
ogharatha | m. Name of a son of oghavat-  |
padmaratha | m. Name of several princes  |
padratha | m. a footman, foot-soldier  |
pakatha | wrong reading for paktha-.  |
pāñcālīvivāhakathana | n. Name of work  |
pañcatha | mfn. (confer, compare ) the fifth [ confer, compare Zend pukhdha; Greek ; Latin quinctus,quintusforpinctus; Lithuanian pe4nktas; Gothic fimfta; German fünfte; Anglo-Saxon fifta; English fifth.]  |
paṅktiratha | m. "having 10 chariots", Name of daśaratha- (rāma-'s father)  |
paraśurāmāvatārakathana | n. Name of work  |
parāvasathaśāyin | mfn. sleeping in another's house  |
parimitakatha | mf(ā-)n. of measured discourse, speaking little  |
pariślatha | mfn. quite loose or relaxed  |
parivasatha | m. a village  |
parokṣamanmatha | mfn. inexperienced in love  |
paryāvasatha | m. equals maṭha-,  |
patha | m. a way, path, road, course, reach etc. (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for pathin-; see ).  |
pathadarśaka | m. "way-shower", a guide, conductor  |
pathaka | mfn. knowing the way, a guide  |
pathaka | m. or n. a district, canton  |
pathakalpanā | f. juggling tricks, conjuring  |
pathanvat | mfn. containing the word pathin- (see pathi-mat-below) .  |
pathasundara | m. or n. Name of a plant (varia lectio pattra-s-).  |
pathat | mf(ntī-)n. going, travelling  |
pathat | m. a road |
pattraratha | m. "using wings as a vehicle", a bird etc.  |
pattrarathaśreṣṭha | m. "chief of birds", Name of garuḍa-  |
pavitraratha | (v/itra--) mfn. having the strainer as a chariot (soma-)  |
piśācamocanakathana | n. Name of chapter of  |
pitṛgītākathana | n. Name of work  |
prabhūtanāgāśvaratha | mfn. having many elephants and horses and chariots  |
prācyaratha | m. a car used in the eastern country  |
pragrathana | n. connecting or stringing together, intertwining  |
prakathana | n. announcing, proclaiming ( prakathanam am- ind.enclit. after a finite word gaRa gotrādi-).  |
prakathanam | ind. prakathana |
pralambamathana | m. ( )"slayer of pralamba-", Name of bala-rāma- and of kṛṣṇa-  |
pramāṇapatha | m. the way of proof (accusative with na-and ava-tṝ-,"not to admit of proof")  |
pramatha | m. "Tormentor", Name of a class of demons attending on śiva- etc. (see )  |
pramatha | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
pramatha | m. a horse  |
pramathana | mf(ī-)n. harassing, tormenting, hurting, injuring  |
pramathana | mf(ī-)n. destroying  |
pramathana | m. Name of a magical formula pronounced over weapons  |
pramathana | m. Name of a dānava-  |
pramathana | m. hurting, destroying, killing  |
pramathana | m. agitating, churning  |
pramathanātha | m. "lord of the pramatha-s"Name of śiva- ( ) |
pramathapati | m. "lord of the pramatha-s"Name of śiva- ( ) |
pramathaprathama | m. "first of the Pramathas", Name of bhṛṅgiriṭi-  |
prāṇatha | m. breathing, respiration  |
prāṇatha | m. air, wind  |
prāṇatha | m. the lord of all living beings (equals prajāpati-)  |
prāṇatha | m. a sacred bathing-place  |
prāṇatha | mfn. strong  |
prapatha | m. a way, journey (especially to a distant place)  |
prapatha | mfn. "about to go off"(?), loose, relaxed  |
prāptamanoratha | mfn. one who has obtained his wish  |
praratham | ind. gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi-.  |
praślatha | mfn. very loose, greatly relaxed, languid, flaccid (see pra-śratha-).  |
praśratha | m. laxity, relaxation, flaccidity  |
pratha | m. Name of a vāsiṣṭha- (supposed author of ), Auukr.  |
pratha | m. fame, celebrity (thāṃ-gam-or gā-,to become famous or celebrated ; prathāpaha thāpaha- mfn.destroying fame )  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. (for pra-tama-,superl. of 1. pra-;rarely declined as a pronoun exempli gratia, 'for example' m/asyāḥ- ; me- ; see ) foremost, first (in time or in a series or in rank)  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. earliest, primary, original, prior, former  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent etc.  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. often translatable adverbially = in the beginning of a compound (see below) and ( prathamam am- ind.) firstly, at first, for the first time  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. just, newly, at once, forthwith (also āt- )  |
prathama | mf(/ā-)n. formerly, previously (am-also as preposition with genitive case = before, exempli gratia, 'for example' ; prathamam-anantaram-or paścāt-,first--afterwards; prathamam-tatas-,first--next)  |
prathama | m. (in gram., scilicet varṇa-), the first consonant of a varga-, a surd unaspirate letter  |
prathama | m. (scilicet puruṣa-), the first (= our 3rd) person or its terminations  |
prathama | m. (scilicet svara-), the first tone  |
prathama | m. in mathematics the sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the azimuth and the sine of the amplitude  |
prathamā | f. (in gram.) the first or nominative case and its terminations |
prathamā | f. dual number the first two cases and their terminations.  |
prathamabhāj | mfn. one to whom the first share is due  |
prathamabhakṣa | m. ( ) the first enjoyment of (genitive case)  |
prathamabhakṣaṇa | n. ( commentator or commentary) the first enjoyment of (genitive case)  |
prathamabhāvin | mfn. becoming or being like the first  |
prathamābhidheya | n. original meaning  |
prathamābhidheyatā | f.  |
prathamābhitapta | mfn. first scorched or scalded (with tears)  |
prathamacchad | mfn. typical, figurative (according to to equals prathamam ācchādayitṛ-,covering first) .  |
prathamacittotpādika | mfn. one who first thinks (of doing anything)  |
prathamadarśana | n. first sight  |
prathamadarśanadina | n. the first day of seeing any one (genitive case)  |
prathamadarśane | ind. at first sight  |
prathamādeśa | m. placing (a word) at the beginning of a sentence  |
prathamadhāra | m. a first drop  |
prathamadivasa | m. a first day, principal day  |
prathamadugdha | mfn. just milked  |
prathamāgāmin | mfn. occurring first, first mentioned  |
prathamagarbha | m. first pregnancy, first litter  |
prathamagarbhā | f. pregnant for the first time  |
prathamagrantha | m. Name of a poem by jagaj-jīvana-dāsa-.  |
prathamāham | ind. on the first day  |
prathamāhāra | m. the first application  |
prathamaikarekhā | f. the first and best of its kind,  |
prathamaja | mfn. firstborn, a firstling  |
prathamaja | mfn. original, primary etc.  |
prathamaja | mfn. (-ja-), being the issue of the first (id est first-mentioned) marriage  |
prathamajā | mfn. firstborn, a firstling  |
prathamajā | mfn. original, primary etc.  |
prathamajā | mfn. (-ja-), being the issue of the first (id est first-mentioned) marriage  |
prathamajāta | mfn. firstborn  |
prathamaka | mfn. first, foremost  |
prathamakalpa | m. a primary or principal rule  |
prathamakalpika | m. a term applied to a yogī- just commencing his course (see prāthama-k-) commentator or commentary  |
prathamakalpita | mfn. placed first, first in rank or importance  |
prathamakathita | mfn. aforesaid, before-mentioned  |
prathamakusuma | m. or n. (?) white marjoram  |
prathamam | ind. prathama |
prathamamaṅgala | mfn. highly auspicious  |
prathamamañjarī | f. a particular rāga- (see paṭha-m-).  |
prathamanirdiṣṭa | mfn. first mentioned, first named  |
prathamanirdiṣṭatā | f.  |
prathamaparāpātin | mfn. flying off first  |
prathamaparigṛhīta | mfn. formerly married  |
prathamapluta | mfn. leapt off first  |
prathamaprasūtā | f. (a cow) that has calved for the first time  |
prathamapravada | mfn. uttering the first sound (as a child)  |
prathamapuruṣa | m. the first (= our 3rd) person in the verb or its terminations (See above)  |
prathamapuruṣa | m. Name of an author  |
prathamarātra | m. the beginning of night  |
prathamārdha | m. n. the first half  |
prathamasāhasa | m. the first or lowest degree of punishment or fine  |
prathamasamāvṛtta | mfn. just turned towards (locative case)  |
prathamasaṃgama | m. Name of a man  |
prathamasoma | m. the first oblation of soma-  |
prathamasomatā | f. commentator or commentary  |
prathamaśravas | mfn. (m/a-śr-;superl. -śravastama-) having a distinguished reputation  |
prathamaśrī | mfn. one who has just become rich or fortunate  |
prathamāstamita | n. the having just set (said of the sun)  |
prathamasthāna | n. the first or lowest scale (in pronunciation, low but audible)  |
prathamasukṛta | n. a former service or kindness  |
prathamasvara | m. the first sound  |
prathamasvara | mfn. supplied with the first sound  |
prathamasvara | n. Name of a sāman-  |
prathamataram | ind. first of all  |
prathamatas | ind. first, at first, firstly etc.  |
prathamatas | ind. forthwith, immediately  |
prathamatas | ind. before, in preference to (with genitive case)  |
prathamatas | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') before, sooner than  |
prathamatrisauparṇa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
prathamavaiyākaraṇa | m. a beginner in grammar  |
prathamavaiyākaraṇa | m. a distinguished or first-rate grammarian  |
prathamāvaratva | n. the being the first and the last  |
prathamavasati | f. the original home  |
prathamavaṣaṭkāra | m. making the first exclamation vaṣaṭ- over (genitive case)  |
prathamavāsya | mfn. worn formerly (as a garment)  |
prathamavayas | n. earliest age, youth  |
prathamavayasin | mfn. young  |
prathamaviraha | m. first separation  |
prathamavirahe | ind. immediately after separation  |
prathamavittā | f. a first wife  |
prathamavṛttānta | m. former circumstances, earlier history  |
prathamayajña | m. the first sacrifice  |
prathamayauvana | n. early youth  |
prathametara | mfn. "other than first", the second  |
prathamodbhava | mfn. first produced,  |
prathamodita | mfn. first uttered, uttered previously  |
prathamotpanna | mfn. produced first, firstborn  |
prathamotpatita | mfn. leapt off first  |
prathamottama | mfn. (dual number) the first and last,  |
prathana | n. spreading out, extending, flattening  |
prathana | n. the place for spreading etc.  |
prathana | n. unfolding, displaying, showing  |
prathana | n. throwing, projecting  |
prathana | n. celebrating  |
prathana | m. Phaseolus Mungo (see pra-ghana-).  |
prathas | n. width, extension  |
prathasvat | (pr/athas--) mfn. wide, spacious  |
prathaya | Nom. P. yati- equals pṛthum ācaṣṭe- (see Causal of prath-).  |
prathayat | mfn. spreading out, extending etc. etc.  |
prathayat | mfn. seeing, beholding  |
prathayitṛ | mfn. one who spreads or expands or divulges or proclaims  |
pratipatha | m. way back  |
pratipathagati | mfn. going along the road  |
pratipatham | ind. along the road (see )  |
pratipatham | ind. backwards  |
pratiratha | m. an opposite fighter in a war-chariot, an adversary in war, equal adversary (see a-p-)  |
pratiratha | m. Name of a descendant of atri- (author of the hymn )  |
pratiratha | m. of a son of mati-nāra- and father of kaṇva-  |
pratiratha | m. of a son of vajra- and father of sucāru-  |
prativasatha | m. a settlement, village  |
pratyagratha | m. Name of a prince  |
pratyagratha | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe (also called ahi-cchattra-; see prātyagrathi-)  |
pravasatha | n. departure, separation from (ablative)  |
priyaratha | m. (probably) (priy/a--), Name of a man (according to to mfn. equals prīyamāṇa-ratha-yukta-).  |
prothatha | m. panting, snorting  |
pṛthupratha | mfn. far-famed, having a wide reputation  |
puramathana | ( ) m. "destroyer of fortresses or of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
purāmathanavallabha | n. a kind of Agallochum used as a perfume  |
purāvṛtttākhyānakathana | n. purāvṛttakathā |
pūrṇaratha | m. a complete warrior  |
pūrṇimāmanorathavrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
puroratha | mfn. "one whose chariot is foremost", leaving all behind, pre-eminent, superior  |
pururatha | mfn. having many chariots  |
pūrvapatha | m. a former way, way gone before  |
puṣpapatha | m. ( ) "course of the menses", the vulva.  |
puṣparatha | m. "flower-chariot", a car for travelling or for pleasure |
puṣyaratha | m. the asterism puṣya- as a car  |
puṣyaratha | m. a carriage for pleasure (see puṣpa-r-).  |
rāgadhyānādikathanādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
rājapatha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the king's highway, a main road, public road or street  |
rājaprathamābhiṣeka | m. Name of the 2nd pariśiṣṭa- of  |
rājaratha | m. a royal carriage  |
ramatha | m. joy, delight,  |
ramyapatha | mfn. furnished with pleasant roads  |
ratha | m. (4. ṛ-) "goer", a chariot, car, especially a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the anas- q.v), any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods), waggon, cart etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
ratha | m. a warrior, hero, champion  |
ratha | m. the body  |
ratha | m. a limb, member, part  |
ratha | m. Calamus Rotang  |
ratha | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
ratha | m. equals pauruṣa-  |
ratha | m. ( ram-) pleasure, joy, delight (see mano-ratha-)  |
ratha | m. affection, love (see next).  |
rathabandha | m. "chariots-fastening", anything that holds a chariots together  |
rathabandha | m. a league of warriors  |
rathabhaṅga | m. the breaking or fracture of a chariot  |
rathabhṛt | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathacakra | n. (m. wrong reading ) a chariots-wheel etc.  |
rathacakra | n. Name of work  |
rathacakracit | mfn. arranged in the form of a chariots-wheel etc.  |
rathacakrākṛti | mfn. having the form of a chariots-wheel  |
rathacaraṇa | m. a chariots-wheel  |
rathacaraṇa | m. Anas Casarca  |
rathacarṣaṇa | m. or n. a particular part of a chariots  |
rathacarṣaṇi | mfn. equals -gamana-  |
rathacaryā | f. "chariots-course", travelling or going by carriage (frequently in plural) etc. (-carya- wrong reading for -varya- )  |
rathacitra | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathacitrā | f. of a river  |
rathadānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rathadāru | n. wood suitable for carriage-building  |
rathadhur | f. the pole of a chariots  |
rathadhurdhūrgata | mfn. standing upon the fore-part of a chariots  |
rathadhurya | m. an excellent fighter  |
rathadhuryatā | f. the state of an excellent fighter  |
rathadru | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
rathadruma | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
rathadurga | n. throng or crowd of chariots  |
rathagaṇaka | m. "chariots-numberer", (prob.) an officer who numbers or counts a great man's chariots gaRa udgātr-ādi-.  |
rathagarbhaka | m. "embryo-carriage", a litter, sedan-chair  |
rathagaruta | (?) m. (prob. wrong reading for ratni-g-) the ninth cubit (aratni-) from the bottom or the eleventh from the top of a sacrificial post  |
rathaghoṣa | m. the rattling or rumbling of a chariots  |
rathagopana | n. equals -gupti- above  |
rathagranthi | m. the knot of a chariots  |
rathagṛtsa | m. a skilful charioteer, royal coachman (as a particular character) (-kṛtsn/a- )  |
rathagupti | f. "car-preservative", a fence of wood or iron protecting a war-chariots from collisions etc.  |
rathajaṅghā | f. a particular part of a chariot, the hinder part  |
rathajit | mfn. (for 2.See under 2. ratha-) conquering chariots, obtaining chariots by conquest  |
rathajit | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathajit | mfn. (for 1.See under 1. ratha-) winning affection, charming, lovely  |
rathajñāna | n. knowledge of carriages and carriages-driving  |
rathajñānin | mfn. skilled in it  |
rathajūti | mfn. (r/atha--) rushing along in a chariot  |
rathajūti | m. (or) a proper N.  |
rathajvara | m. a crow  |
rathaka | m. a small chariot or cart  |
rathaka | m. plural particular parts of a house  |
rathakaḍyā | ( ) f. a quantity of chariots.  |
rathakalpaka | m. the arranger or superintendent of a king's or a great man's equipages  |
rathakāmya | Nom. P. yati-, to long for a chariots, wish to be yoked (said of a horse)  |
rathakara | m. equals -kār/a- below  |
rathakāra | m. a chariots-maker, carriage-builder, wheelwright, carpenter (regarded as the son of a māhiṣya- by a karaṇī-) etc. (see )  |
rathakāraka | m. equals -kār/a- above (according to to some, "the son of a vaidehaka- by a kṣatriyā-") .  |
rathakārakula | n. the caste of carriage-builders  |
rathakāratva | n. the trade or business of a carriage-business  |
rathakaṭyā | ( ) ( ) f. a quantity of chariots.  |
rathakāya | m. the whole body or collection of chariots (constituting one division of an army)  |
rathaketu | m. the flag or banner of a chariots  |
rathakrānta | mf(ā-)n. travelled over by chariots  |
rathakrānta | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rathakṛcchra | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathakrīta | mfn. purchased for the price of a chariots  |
rathakṛt | m. equals -kār/a- above  |
rathakṛt | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathakṛtsna | m. a particular character or personification (-gṛts/a- )  |
rathakṣaya | (r/atha--) mfn. sitting in a chariots  |
rathakṣobha | m. the shaking about of a chariots  |
rathakūbara | m. n. a chariots-shaft, pole of a carriage  |
rathakuṭumba | ( ) m. a carriage-driver, charioteer, coachman.  |
rathakuṭumbika | ( ) m. a carriage-driver, charioteer, coachman.  |
rathakuṭumbin | ( ) m. a carriage-driver, charioteer, coachman.  |
rathalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
rathamadhya | mf(ā-)n. occupying the centre of a car =  |
rathamadhyastha | mfn. standing in the centre of a car  |
rathamahotsava | m. a great car-festival, the solemn procession of an idol on a car  |
rathamaṇḍala | m. n. a number of chariots  |
rathamārga | m. a carriage-road  |
rathamitra | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathaṃtara | n. (ratham- accusative) Name of various sāman-s etc.  |
rathaṃtara | m. a form of agni- (regarded as a son of tapas-)  |
rathaṃtara | m. a particular cosmic period  |
rathaṃtara | m. Name of a sādhya-  |
rathaṃtaracaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
rathaṃtarapāda | m. Name of work  |
rathaṃtarapṛṣṭha | mfn. having the sāman- rathaṃtara- for a stotra- called pṛṣṭha-  |
rathaṃtarasāman | mfn. having a rathaṃtara- for a sāman-  |
rathaṃtaravarṇa | mf(ā-)n. being of the kind of the sāman- rathaṃtara-  |
rathaṃtarī | f. Name of a daughter of taṃsu-  |
rathamukha | n. the front or fore-part of a carriage  |
rathanābhi | f. the nave of a chariots-wheel |
rathanemi | f. the rim or circumference of a chariots-wheel  |
rathanīḍa | m. n. the seat or the inner part of a chariots  |
rathanirghoṣa | ( ) m. the sound or rattling of a chariot.  |
rathanirhrāda | ( ) ( ) m. the sound or rattling of a chariots.  |
rathanisvana | ( ) m. the sound or rattling of a chariot.  |
rathapada | n. "carriage-foot", a wheel  |
rathapāda | m. equals -pada-  |
rathapāda | m. a discus  |
rathapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
rathaparyāya | m. Calamus Rotang  |
rathapatha | m. a carriage road  |
rathaprā | mfn. (according to to ) filling a chariot (with riches;said of vāyu-)  |
rathaprā | f. Name of a river  |
rathapraṇetṛ | m. a charioteer,  |
rathapraṣṭha | m. any one who goes before or leads a chariots  |
rathapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of chapter of the pañca-rātra-.  |
rathaproṣṭha | m. (r/atha--) Name of a man  |
rathaproṣṭha | m. plural of his family  |
rathaprota | (r/atha--) m. "fixed in a car", a particular personification  |
rathapsā | f. Name of a river  |
rathapuṃgava | m. chief of warriors  |
ratharāja | m. Name of an ancestor of gautama- buddha-  |
ratharaśmi | m. the trace or traces of a carriage or chariots, chariots-rein  |
rathareṇu | m. the dust whirled up by a chariots (as a particular cubic measure = 8 trasa-reṇu-s),  |
rathareṣa | m. injury done to a chariot  |
ratharvī | mfn. (probably) taking the form of a wheel (said of a serpent), .  |
ratharya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to go or travel by carriage or chariot  |
rathasāhvayā | f. a (female) ruddy goose, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
rathaśakti | f. (prob.) the staff which supports the banner of a chariots  |
rathaśālā | f. a coach-house, carriage-shed  |
rathasaṅga | m. the meeting or encounter of war-chariots  |
rathasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month āśvina- (so called as the beginning of a manv-antara- when a new Sun ascended his car) |
rathasaptamīkālanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
rathasaptamīpūjā | f. Name of work  |
rathasaptamīsnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rathasaptamīvrata | n. Name of work  |
rathasārathi | m. a charioteer  |
rathasattama | m. a most excellent chariots  |
rathasattama | m. the best of warriors  |
rathaśikṣā | f. the art of driving a chariots  |
rathaśiras | ( ) n. equals -mukha- q.v  |
rathaśīrṣa | ( ) n. equals -mukha- q.v  |
rathaspaṣṭa | (r/atha--) mfn. knowable or conspicuous by cartways  |
rathaspati | (r/athas--) m. (r/athas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see v/anas-p/ati-) the"lord of chariots", a deity presiding over chariots or over pleasure and enjoyment  |
rathaspati | See column 1.  |
rathaspṛś | mfn. touching the chariots  |
rathaśreṇi | f. a row of chariots  |
rathastha | mfn. being on a chariots, mounted on a car  |
rathasthā | f. Name of a river  |
rathasūtra | n. rules or directions about carriage-building  |
rathasvana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the sound or rattling of chariots  |
rathasvana | m. (n/a-) "having the sound of a chariots (?), having a sounding chariots", a particular personification  |
rathasvana | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathatur | mfn. urging or drawing (others,"overtaking") a chariots  |
rathaugha | m. a number of carriages  |
rathaujas | m. "having the strength of a chariots", a particular personification  |
rathaujas | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
rathavāha | mf(/ī-)n. drawing a chariots  |
rathavāha | m. a chariots-horse, a highway yoked in a chariots  |
rathavāha | m. equals next  |
rathavāhaka | m. a coachman, charioteer  |
rathavāhaṇa | See next.  |
rathavāhana | m. Name of a man  |
rathavāhana | n. a movable platform on which chariots may be placed (also -vāhaṇa-; see ) etc.  |
rathavāhanavāha | m. an ox for drawing such a platform  |
rathavaṃśa | m. a number of chariots  |
rathavara | m. the best warrior  |
rathavara | m. an excellent chariot  |
rathavara | m. Name of a king  |
rathavāraka | m. the son of a śūdra- and a sairandhrī- (varia lectio -kāraka- q.v)  |
rathavartman | n. a chariots-road, highway  |
rathavat | mfn. (r/atha--) having chariots, accompanied with chariots  |
rathavat | mfn. containing the word ratha-  |
rathavat | n. abundance of chariots  |
rathavat | ind. like a chariots-wheel (wrong reading -vṛt-).  |
rathavega | m. the speed of a chariots  |
rathavidyā | f. ( commentator or commentary) the art of driving chariots.  |
rathavijñāna | n. ( ) ( commentator or commentary) the art of driving chariots.  |
rathavimocana | n. the unyoking of a chariots  |
rathavimocanīya | mfn. relating to the unyoking of a chariots  |
rathavīthī | f. a carriage way, high road  |
rathavīti | (r/atha--) m. Name of a man  |
rathavraja | m. equals -vaṃśa- q.v  |
rathavrāta | m. equals -vaṃśa- q.v  |
rathavṛt | ind. See -vat- ind.  |
rathayā | f. desire for carriages or chariots  |
rathayāna | n. the going by carriage  |
rathayātaka | n. (ena- instrumental case) by carriage, in a carriage  |
rathayātrā | f. "car-procession", the festive procession of an idol on a car (especially the procession of the carriage of jagan-nātha-;also rathayātrāmahotsava trāmahotsava-,m.)  |
rathayātrāmahotsava | m. rathayātrā |
rathayātrāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
rathayāvan | mfn. going by carriage  |
rathayodha | m. one who fights from a chariots  |
rathayoga | m. (r/atha--) a team (of horses etc.) on a chariots  |
rathayoga | m. use of a chariots, art of driving it  |
rathayojaka | m. the yoker or harnesser of a chariots  |
rathayu | mfn. desiring or wishing for carriages  |
rathayuddha | n. a fight (between combatants mounted) on chariots  |
rathayuga | m. (!) a chariots yoke  |
rathayuj | mfn. yoking or yoked to a chariots  |
rathayuj | m. a charioteer  |
rathayūtha | m. n. a quantity or number of chariots  |
rathayūthapa | m. a chief warrior  |
ratimanmatha | n. (prob.) Name of a nāṭaka-  |
ratimanmathapūjā | f. Name of work  |
ravatha | m. idem or 'm. equals rava-, roaring, yelling etc. '  |
ravatha | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
raviratha | m. the Sun's chariot  |
romarājipatha | m. the waist  |
romarājipatha | m. the waist  |
ṛtvikpatha | m. the path of the priest on the sacrificial ground  |
rudatha | m. (only ) a child, pupil, scholar  |
rudatha | m. a dog  |
rudatha | m. a cock.  |
rukmaratha | m. a golden chariot  |
rukmaratha | m. the chariot of rukma-ratha- id est of droṇa-  |
rukmaratha | mfn. having a gold chariot  |
rukmaratha | m. Name of droṇa-  |
rukmaratha | m. of various men (also plural)  |
ruśadratha | m. "having a white chariot", Name of a prince  |
ruṣadratha | m. Name of a king (varia lectio uṣad-ratha-; see ruśad-r-).  |
ruvatha | m. the bellowing of a bull  |
ruvatha | m. a dog  |
sacatha | m. companionship, assistance  |
sadaśaratha | mfn. See below. -2.  |
sadaśaratha | mf(ā-)n. having daśa-ratha- (q.v)  |
ṣaḍratha | m. Name of a king  |
sadvasatha | m. a village (wrong reading for saṃv-).  |
śailapatha | m. a mountain path  |
śailapatha | m. Name of a man (wrong reading -yatha-).  |
śailayatha | wrong reading for -patha-.  |
śaipatha | m. a patronymic  |
sajjanamanoratha | m. Name of work  |
samāgamamanoratha | m. the desire of union  |
samanmatha | mfn. filled with love, enamoured  |
sāmānyaniruktiprathamalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
sāmapatha | m. the path of the sāmapatha-.  |
samaratha | m. Name of a king  |
sāmarathaṃtara | n. Name of a sāman- (said to have been created from brahmā-'s mouth)  |
śamatha | m. quiet, tranquillity, absence of passion  |
śamatha | m. a counsellor, minister  |
samatha | wrong reading for śamatha-  |
śamathasambhāra | m. (with Buddhists) quietude as one of the equipments (one of the 4 sambhāra-s q.v)  |
śamathavipaśyanāvihārin | m. "enjoying quietude and right knowledge", Name of buddha-  |
samavyatha | mfn. suffering equal pain  |
saṃcārapatha | m. a walk, walking-place  |
saṃcārapatha | m. (in dramatic language) a female attendant on a king (equals yavanī-)  |
saṃdarśanapatha | m. the range of sight  |
saṃgatha | m. meeting-place, centre  |
saṃgatha | m. conflict, war  |
saṃgrathana | n. tying together, repairing or restoring by tying together  |
saṃkathana | n. the act of narrating fully, narration, conversation with (instrumental case with and without saha-)  |
saṃsārapatha | m. "the world's passage", the female organ  |
śaṃsatha | m. conversation  |
samudramathana | m. Name of a daitya-  |
samudramathana | n. the churning of the ocean,  |
samudramathana | n. Name of a drama.  |
saṃvasatha | m. an inhabited place, settlement, village, dwelling, house  |
sāṃvatsararatha | m. the sun  |
śaṅkupatha | m. Va1rtt. 2.  |
śapatha | m. (and n. gaRa ardharcādi- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a curse, imprecation, anathema etc.  |
śapatha | m. an oath, vow etc.  |
śapatha | m. an ordeal  |
śapatha | m. scolding, reviling  |
śapathajambhana | mf(ī-)n. nullifying a curse  |
śapathakaraṇa | n. swearing or taking an oath  |
śapathapattra | n. written testimony on oath or affidavit  |
śapathapūrvakam | ind. with oaths  |
śapathayāvana | mf(ī-)n. averting a curse  |
śapathayopana | mf(ī-)n. warding off or nullifying a curse  |
sapratha | mfn. (prob. for next) equals sabhya- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
sapratha | m. Name of the author of (having the patronymic bhāradvāja-).  |
saprathas | mfn. (s/a--,or sa-pr/athas-) extensive, wide  |
saprathas | mfn. effective or sounding or shining far and wide  |
saprathas | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
saprathastama | mfn. (superl.) very extensive or large  |
sāptarathavāhani | m. a patronymic  |
saptatha | mf(ī-)n. the 7th  |
saratha | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) together with the chariot  |
saratha | m. a warrior or kṣatriya- (as riding in a chariot)  |
saratha | thin- See column 1.  |
saratham | ind. on the same chariot with, (or simply) together with, accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
sarathapādāta | mfn. accompanied by or along with chariots and infantry  |
sarvapatha | m. every road or way, every direction  |
sarvaprathamam | ind. before all, first of all  |
sarvāvatham | ind. "in all positions", from all sides  |
saśapatham | ind. with an oath  |
ṣaṣṭipatha | m. "60 paths", Name of the first 60 adhyāya-s of the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-.  |
ṣāṣṭipatha | mfn. equals ṣaṣṭi-pathika- on  |
śatapatha | mfn. having a hundred (id est numerous) paths, very many-sided  |
śatapatha | mfn. proceeding in a hundred ways  |
śatapatha | m. equals next  |
śātapatha | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to or based upon the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-  |
śātapatha | mf(ī-)n. equals śatapatha-br-  |
śatapathabrāhmaṇa | n. "the brāhmaṇa- with a hundred paths or sections"Name of a well-known brāhmaṇa- attached to the vājasaneyi-saṃhitā- or White yajur-veda-, (like the saṃhitā-, this brāhmaṇa- is ascribed to the ṛṣi- yājñavalkya-;it is perhaps the most modern of the brāhmaṇa-s, and is preserved in two śākhā-s or schools, mādhyaṃdina- and kāṇva-;the version belonging to the former is best known, and is divided into fourteen kāṇḍa-s or books which contain one hundred adhyāya-s or lectures [or according to another arrangement into sixty-eight prapāṭhaka-s];the whole work is regarded as the most systematic and interesting of all the brāhmaṇa-s, and though intended mainly for ritual and sacrificial purposes, is full of curious mythological details and legends; see yajur-veda-, vijasaneyisaṃhitā-, brāhmaṇa-)  |
śatapathaśruti | f. Name of work  |
śataratha | m. Name of a king  |
śatāśvaratha | n. sg. a hundred cattle and a car with horses  |
satpatha | m. a good or right way, correct or virtuous conduct, orthodox doctrine  |
satyadharmapatha | m. the path of eternal truth  |
satyaratha | m. Name of a king of vidarbha-  |
satyaratha | m. of a son of mīna-ratha-  |
satyaratha | m. of a son of sama-ratha-  |
satyaśapatha | mfn. one whose oaths are true or whose curses are fulfilled  |
śaucadratha | m. (fr. śucad-ratha-) patronymic of su-nītha-  |
sauratha | m. (said to be metron. fr. su-rathā-,but prob. wrong reading for saurabha-)  |
śavaratha | m. "corpses-vehicle", a bier, litter  |
savatha | m. (fr. su-,or sū-) Name of a man  |
savyatha | mf(ā-)n. feeling pain, afflicted, grieved, sorrowful  |
śayatha | m. a lair, abode  |
śayatha | m. one who sleeps much  |
śayatha | m. the boa constrictor  |
śayatha | m. a fish  |
śayatha | m. a boar  |
śayatha | m. death  |
sevitamanmatha | mfn. addicted to love or amorous enjoyments  |
śibīratha | m. a palanquin, litter  |
siddhapatha | m. "path of the Blest", the atmosphere  |
siṃharatha | mf(ā-)n. having a car drawn by lion  |
siṃharatha | m. Name of a man  |
sindhupatha | m. gaRa deva-pathādi-.  |
śiśnatha | m. piercing, perforation  |
śivaratha | m. Name of a man  |
śivavarmakathana | n. Name of a chapter of the  |
śivīratha | See śibī-ratha-, p.1072.  |
ślatha | mfn. loose, relaxed, flaccid, weak, feeble, languid etc.  |
ślatha | mfn. untied, unfastened  |
ślatha | mfn. dishevelled (as hair)  |
ślathabandhana | mfn. having the muscles relaxed  |
ślathalambin | mfn. hanging loosely  |
ślathasaṃdhi | mfn. having weak joints ( ślathasaṃdhitā -tā- f.)  |
ślathasaṃdhitā | f. ślathasaṃdhi |
ślathaśila | mfn. covered with a loose stone (as a well)  |
ślathatva | n. looseness, laxity  |
smṛtipatha | m. the road to (mere) memory (thaṃ-gā-,"to go to the road of memory","live only in the memory of men")  |
śnathana | mfn. piercing, transfixing  |
śobhatha | m. splendour  |
somapadārthakathana | n. Name of work  |
somaprathama | mfn. having soma- as the first  |
sopānapatha | m. a way of steps, staircase  |
śratha | See hima-śratha-.  |
śrathana | n. (only ) the act of untying, loosening  |
śrathana | n. destroying, killing  |
śrathana | n. tying, binding, connecting  |
śrathana | n. making effort, exertion  |
śrathana | n. delighting.  |
śratharya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to become loose or relaxed  |
śravaṇapatha | m. the region of the ears (See compound)  |
śravaṇapatha | m. the ear-passage, auditory passage, ear  |
śravaṇapatha | m. range of hearing (See compound)  |
śravaṇapathagata | mfn. reaching to the ear-passage or ears  |
śravaṇapathaparyantagamana | n. reaching to the limit of hearing  |
sravatha | m. or n. flowing, streaming, running  |
śrīpatha | m. a royal road, highway  |
śrutaratha | (śrut/a--) mfn. possessing a renowned chariot (others"Name of a man")  |
śrutipatha | m. the range of hearing (-pathaṃ-gam-with genitive case,"to come to any one's ears","be heard by") etc.  |
śrutipatha | m. the auditory passage, hearing (See compound)  |
śrutipatha | m. plural tradition  |
śrutipathagata | mfn. ( )  |
śrutipathamadhura | mfn. pleasant to the ear  |
śrutipathaprāpta | mfn. ( ) come to the ears of, heard by (genitive case)  |
stanatha | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatha | m. thunder  |
stavatha | m. praise  |
sthalapatha | m. a road by land (ena-,"by land") etc.  |
sthalapatha | m. commerce by land  |
sthālapatha | mfn. (fr. sthala-p-) imported by land Va1rtt. 3  |
śubhakatha | mfn. talking well or agreeably  |
śucadratha | mfn. (pr. p. of1. śuc-+ r-) having a shining car  |
śucidratha | m. Name of a king (prob. wrong reading for śucad--or śuci-ratha-).  |
śuciratha | m. "having a bright chariot", Name of a king  |
sudhādhārākvathastotra | n. Name of work  |
sukharatha | (sukh/a--) mfn. having an easily running chariot  |
sumahāratha | m. a very great or noble hero  |
śumbhamathanī | f. " śumbha--destroying", Name of a durgā-  |
sunirmatha | m. (instrumental case ā-) complete production (of fire) by rubbing  |
supatha | mn. a good road  |
supatha | mn. virtuous course, good conduct  |
supatha | mfn. having a good road, having beautiful paths  |
supatha | m. Name of a man  |
surapatha | m. "path of the gods", part of the atmosphere or sky  |
surapatha | m. the sky, heaven  |
surapatha | m. (prob.) the milky way  |
suratha | mfn. having a good chariot, a good charioteer  |
suratha | mfn. yoked to a good chariot (as horses)  |
suratha | mfn. consisting in good chariot (as wealth)  |
suratha | m. a good chariot  |
suratha | m. "having a good chariot", Name of various kings, (exempli gratia, 'for example') of the father of koṭikāsya-  |
suratha | m. of a son of dru-pada-  |
suratha | m. of a son of jayadratha-  |
suratha | m. of a son of su-deva-  |
suratha | m. of a son of janam-ejaya-  |
suratha | m. a son of adhiratha-  |
suratha | m. of a son of jahnu-  |
suratha | m. of a son of kuṇḍaka-  |
suratha | m. of a son of raṇaka-  |
suratha | m. of a son of caitra-  |
suratha | m. of a river  |
suratha | n. Name of a varṣa- in kuśa-dvīpa-  |
sūratha | m. (for su-r-) Name of an author  |
surathadeva | m. Name of a messenger  |
surathavijaya | m. Name of a chapter of the  |
sūryaratha | m. the chariot of the sun  |
suvīthīpatha | m. a particular entrance to a palace  |
svaḥpatha | m. "way to heaven", death  |
svairatha | m. (perhaps for svaira-ratha-,"whose chariot moves freely") Name of a son of jyotiṣmat-  |
svairatha | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by svairatha-  |
svanadratha | mfn. (pr. p. of svan-+ r-) having a rattling chariot  |
svargapatha | m. "road of heaven", (prob.) the Milky Way  |
śvasatha | m. the act of blowing, hissing, snorting, panting, breathing, breath  |
śvayatha | m. swelling  |
śvetapattraratha | m. "whose vehicle is a goose", Name of brahmā-  |
śvetaratha | m. a white chariot  |
śvetaratha | m. "having a white car", the planet Venus  |
śyāvaratha | m. Name of a man  |
takṣarathakāra | (tāk-) m. dual number a carpenter and a cartwright  |
tāmraratha | mfn. having a dark red carriage  |
tārāpatha | m. "star-path", the sky  |
taratha | See deva--.  |
tariratha | m. "boat-wheel", an oar  |
tatprathama | mfn. doing that for the first time  |
tatprathamam | ind. equals -pūrvam-  |
tatprathamataram | ind. that first of all, .  |
tatprathamatas | ind. idem or 'ind. equals -pūrvam- '  |
tharatharāya | Nom. A1. (parasmE-pada yamāna-) to grow giddy, tumble, .  |
traipatha | n. Name of a manner of sitting  |
tridamathavastukuśala | m. "skilled in the threefold self-control (see -daṇḍa-) ", buddha-  |
tripādvibhūtikathana | n. Name of  |
tripatha | in compound " equals -jagat- "  |
tripatha | n. a place where 3 roads meet  |
tripatha | mf(ā-)n. reached by 3 roads (mathurā-)  |
tripathagā | f. "flowing through heaven, earth, and the lower regions", the Ganges etc.  |
tripathagāminī | f. idem or 'f. "flowing through heaven, earth, and the lower regions", the Ganges etc.' ,  |
tripathaka | m. (in music) a kind of composition.  |
triskandhapathadaiśika | m. Buddha  |
trividhadamathavastukuśala | m. equals tri-dam-  |
turagaratha | m. a cart drawn by horses  |
turaṃgamaratha | m. equals raga-r-  |
tveṣaratha | mfn. having rushing or brilliant chariots, .  |
tveṣatha | m. fury, violence, .  |
ucatha | n. (fr. vac-), verse, praise  |
udakpatha | m. the northern country  |
udgrathana | n. (varia lectio for ā-grathana- ) the act of winding round.  |
ūḍharatha | mfn. drawing a carriage  |
ūḍharatha | mfn. drawing a chariot,  |
udīcīpatha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of Northern India,  |
udratha | m. the pin of the axle of a carriage  |
udratha | m. a cock  |
uḍupatha | m. "the path of the stars", the ether, firmament.  |
unmathana | n. the act of shaking off  |
unmathana | n. throwing off or down  |
unmathana | n. stirring up, churning  |
unmathana | n. rubbing open  |
unmathana | n. slaughter  |
unmathana | harassing, afflicting,  |
upapatha | m. appendix ([ ])  |
upapatham | ind. on the way or road  |
upasatpatha | m. the path or way of the upasad- ceremony (See below)  |
upavasatha | m. a fast-day (especially the day preceding a soma- sacrifice), the period of preparation for the soma- sacrifice  |
upavasatha | m. a place of abiding, village  |
ūrdhvapatha | m. "the upper path", the other  |
uruprathas | (and ur/uprathas-) mfn. wide-spreading, widely extended, far-spreading  |
uṣadratha | m. Name of a son of titikṣu-  |
utpatha | m. wrong road, bad way  |
utpatha | m. error, evil  |
utpatha | mfn. one who is come off from the right way, lost, stray  |
utpathavārika | mfn. keeping back or preserving from the bad way  |
utpathaya | Nom. P. yati-, to lead astray,  |
uttarapatha | m. the northern way, the way leading to the north  |
uttarapatha | m. the northern country  |
uttarāpatha | m. the northern road or direction, the northern country, north  |
vaḍabāratha | m. a chariot drawn by mares  |
vadhūpatha | m. the path or way of a bride  |
vaipathaka | mfn. (fr. vi-patha-) gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
vaipathaka | mfn. relating to a wrong path |
vairatha | m. (fr. vi-ratha-) Name of a son of jyotiṣmat-  |
vairatha | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by him  |
vaiśvānarapatha | m. Name of a particular division of the moon's path (see above)  |
vajraratha | mfn. one whose thunderbolt is a war-chariot (said of a kṣatriya-)  |
vākpatha | mfn. suitable or seasonable for discourse  |
vākpatha | m. an opportunity or moment fit for speech  |
vākpatha | m. the compass or range of speech (vāk-patha-pāram avāpita-,passed beyond the range of speech indescribable; atīta-v- idem or 'm. an opportunity or moment fit for speech ')  |
vakṣatha | m. invigoration, increase, growth  |
vālauyapathaka | m. or n. Name of a place  |
vāmadevaratha | m. vāma-deva-'s chariot  |
vāmanāvatārakathana | n. Name of a chapter of the  |
vāmaratha | m. Name of a man (plural his family) gaRa kurv-ādi-.  |
vāmīratha | mfn. vāmī |
vaṇathalagrāma | m. (prob. for vana-sthala-gr-) Name of a village |
vañcatha | m. (only ) deceit  |
vañcatha | m. a deceiver  |
vañcatha | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
vañcatha | m. time.  |
vandatha | m. "a praiser"or"one deserving praise"  |
vaṇikpatha | m. "merchant's path", trade, traffic etc.  |
vaṇikpatha | m. a merchant's shop  |
vaṇikpatha | m. a merchant  |
vaṇikpatha | m. the zodiacal sign Libra  |
vaṅkharabhaṇḍīratha | m. the descendants of vaṅkhara- and bhaṇḍīratha- gaRa tika-kitavādi-.  |
vāramatha | m. Name of a prince  |
vardhipathaka | m. or n. (?) Name of a district  |
vargaprathama | m. (in gram.) the first letter of a varga- (See above) .  |
vāripatha | m. a water-way, communication by water (See -pathika-)  |
vāripatha | m. a voyage  |
vāriratha | m. "water-carriage", a boat, ship  |
varṇagrathaṇā | f. a particular artificial method of writing verses  |
vasatha | m. a house  |
vastrāpathakṣetra | n. Name of a place  |
vasuratha | m. Name of a poet  |
vātaratha | mfn. wind-borne (as odour)  |
vātaratha | m. a cloud  |
vāyupatha | m. "wind-path", Name of a particular region in the atmosphere  |
vāyupatha | m. Name of a king  |
vedapatha | m. the path of the veda-  |
vicitrakatha | m. "one whose stories are amusing", Name of a man  |
vidatha | n. knowledge, wisdom  |
vidatha | n. (especially)"knowledge given to others" id est instruction, direction, order, arrangement, disposition, rule, command (also plural) (vidatham ā-vad-,to impart knowledge, give instruction, rule, govern)  |
vidatha | n. a meeting, assembly (either for deliberating or for the observance of festive or religious rites id est) council, community, association, congregation (also applied to particular associations or communities of gods, which in are opposed to those of men;in three associations of gods are mentioned)  |
vidatha | n. a host, army, body of warriors (especially applied to the marut-s)  |
vidatha | n. war, fight  |
vidatha | n. a sage, scholar  |
vidatha | n. a saint, devotee, ascetic (equals yogin-)  |
vidatha | n. equals kṛtin-  |
vidatha | n. Name of a man on  |
vidatha | according to to some for vidhā- tha- from vidh-, and originally ="homage, worship, sacrifice"; according to to others also ="house, household, etc.".  |
videhamuktikathana | n. videhamukti |
videhamuktyādikathana | n. videhamukti |
vidūratha | m. (perhaps for vidūra-ratha-) Name of a muni-  |
vidūratha | m. of a son of the 12th manu-  |
vidūratha | m. of a king  |
vidūratha | m. of a descendant of vṛṣṇi-  |
vidūratha | m. of a son of kuru-  |
vidūratha | m. of a son of bhajamāna- and father of śūra-  |
vidūratha | m. of a son of su-ratha- and father of ṛkṣa- (sārvabhauma-)  |
vidūratha | m. of a son of citra-- ratha-  |
vidūratha | m. of the father of su-nīti- and su-mati- etc.  |
vidūratha | m. of a man who was killed by his wife  |
vidūratha | m. see  |
vidyudratha | (vidyut--) mfn. "borne on a glittering car"or"having lightning for a vehicle"  |
vigāḍhamanmatha | mfn. one whose passion has become deep or ardent  |
vihārāvasatha | m. (equals ra-gṛha-)  |
vilocanapatha | m. the range of vision  |
vimuktipatha | m. the way of final emancipation  |
vipaṇipatha | m. a shop-street  |
vipatha | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vipatha | m. n. a different path, wrong road, evil course |
vipatha | m. a particular high number  |
vipatha | mn. a kind of chariot (fit for untrodden paths)  |
vipathagāmin | mfn. going in a wrong way or evil course  |
vipathagati | f. the going in a wrong way  |
vipathavāha | m. drawing a chariot called vipatha- (See above)  |
vipathaya | Nom. P. yati-, to lead upon the wrong way  |
vipathayamaka | n. a kind of yamaka- (q.v) in which the paronomasia is only at the beginning and end of the verse (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
vipathayuga | n. a yoke fit for bad roads  |
vīraratha | m. Name of a king  |
viratha | mfn. chariotless, deprived of a chariot  |
viratha | etc. See .  |
viṣayapathaka | m. or n. (?) Name of a district  |
viślatha | mfn. relaxed, loose  |
viślatha | etc. See .  |
viślatham | ind. with languid limbs  |