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Grammar Search
"atata" has 1 results
atata: second person plural present imperative class 1 parasmaipadaat
Monier-Williams Search
48 results for atata
ātatāyinmfn. "one whose bow is drawn to take another's life", endeavouring to kill some one, a murderer (in later texts also incendiaries, ravishers, thieves etc. are reckoned among ātatāyinas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avatatadhanvan(/avatata-) mfn. whose bow is unbent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatP. (2. dual number -yatathas-) A1. (3. plural ā-yatante-) to arrive, enter ; to adhere, abide ; to attain to ; to rest on, depend on ; to be at the disposition of etc. ; to make efforts : Causal -yātayati-, to cause to arrive at or reach View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayathātathāind. given by on as the base of āyathātathya- (whereas derives it from a-yathā-tatham- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayāthātathyan. (equals ā-yathātathya-), the state of being a-yathātatham- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyathātathyan. (equals a-yāthātathya- q.v ), the not being as it should be, wrong application, incorrectness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūkuṣmāṇḍīf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gajeṣṭāf. "dear to elephants", Batatas paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandhaphalāf. Batatas paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikṣugandhāf. Saccharum Spontaneum, Asteracantha Longifolia, Capparis Spinosa, Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikṣugandhikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikṣuvallarī f. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikṣuvallīf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmavipākam. "the ripening of actions" id est the good or evil consequences in this life of human acts performed in previous births (eighty-six consequences are spoken of in the śātātapa-smṛti-)
kirim. Batatas edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṭim. Batatas edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṭimūlābham. Batatas edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāśvetāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mamāthan. Name of a sāman- (varia lectio for māthāta-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mathātaSee māthāta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
payaḥkandāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
payasvinīf. Name of several plants (Asteracantha Longifolia, Batatas Paniculata, = kākolī-, kṣīra-kāk-, jīvantī-, dugdhaphenī-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
payolatāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
payovidārikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṇḍālūkam. or n. a batatas View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prath cl.1 A1. () pr/athate- (rarely P. ti- exempli gratia, 'for example' imperfect tense 2. dual number /aprathatam- ; imperative prathantu- ; perfect tense paprathatuḥ- ;mostly A1. perfect tense paprath/e-, parasmE-pada paprathān/a- ; Aorist prathiṣṭa-, parasmE-pada prathān/a- ; future prathiṣyate-, prathitā- grammar), to spread, extend (intrans.; P.trans. and intrans.), become larger or wider, increase etc. ; to spread abroad (as a name, rumour etc.), become known or celebrated etc. ; to come to light, appear, arise ; to occur (to the mind) : Causal prath/ayati- (rarely te-; Aorist apaprathat- ; subjunctive papr/athat- ; paprathanta- ; pr/athayi- ), to spread, extend, increase etc. (prathayati-tarām- ; A1.intr. ) ; to spread abroad, proclaim, celebrate ; to unfold, disclose, reveal, show ; to extend over id est shine upon, give light to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛkṣagandhāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛkṣagandhikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāstrinmfn. or m. versed in the śāstra-s, learned (see satata-ś-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauryamārutakamfn. (fr. sūrya-marut-or ta-) occurring in sunshine and wind (see vātātapika-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛgālīf. (prob.) Batatas Paniculata (see sṛgālikā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛgālikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūkarīf. Batatas Edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svādukandāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svādulatāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
takṣ cl.1 P. kṣati- (Epic also A1. imperfect tense t/akṣat-, /atakṣat- ;rarelycl.2 3. plural t/akṣati-[ ] ; imperfect tense [ Aorist ?] atakṣma-,2. plural ataṣṭa- ;once cl.5. [ takṣṇoti- ] Potential kṣṇuyur- ;See also apa--; Aorist, atakṣīt- ;3. plural kṣiṣur- ; subjunctive takṣiṣat-[ ], ; perfect tense tat/akṣa-,once A1. kṣ/e- plural ksk/ur- ,once takṣur-, ;2. dual number takṣathur-, ; pr. p. f. t/akṣatī-, ; pf.Pass.p. taṣṭ/a-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) to form by cutting, plane, chisel, chop etc. ; to cut, split ; to fashion, form (out of wood etc.), make, create ; to form in the mind, invent ; to make (any one young;double accusative), make able or prepare for (dative case) ; (in mathematics) to reduce by dividing ; ; = tvac- ; to, skin : Causal takṣayati- (Aorist atatakṣat-) ; see tvakṣ-. 2. takṣ-,"paring" ; See kāṣṭha--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tan cl.8 P. A1. n/oti-, nut/e- (3. plural nv/ate-[ --and vi-tanvat/e- ] ; imperative nu-[ /ava-and v/i-tanuhi- ; see Va1rtt. 1 ] ; nuṣva- ; subjunctive 2. sg. nuthās-, ;1. dual number navāvahai-, ; imperfect tense 3. plural /atanvata-, ; perfect tense P. tat/āna-,once tāt- ;2. sg. tat/antha-[ ],class. tenitha-[ ]; A1.1. 2. 3. sg. [ --] tatane-, [abh/i-]tatniṣe-, [v/i-]tatne- ;3. sg. irregular tate-, ;3. plural tatnir/e-[ v/i-- ] or ten-[ (vi--)etc.; see ]; Aorist P. /atan- ; [/ā-]atān-, ; ;[ p/ari--, v/i--] atanat- ; [anv-/ā]atāṃsīt- ; atānīt- ; tat/anat-, [abh/i-]t/anāma-, t/anan- ;2. plural ataniṣṭa- ;3. dual number atāniṣṭām- ; A1. atata-or ataniṣṭa-, atathās-or ataniṣṭhās- ;3. plural /atnata- ; tat/ananta-, ;1. sg. atasi- plural ataṃsmahi- ; future 2nd taṃsy/ate- ; future 1st [vi-]tāyitā- ; parasmE-pada proper tanv/at-, vān/a-; perfect tense tatanv/as-; ind.p. tatvā-, tv/āya-, -t/atya- ;[ vi--] tāya- ; infinitive mood tantum- ; Passive voice tāy/ate- [ parasmE-pada y/amāna-] etc.; tanyate- ; Aorist atāyi- ) to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to etc. ; to be protracted, continue, endure ; to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave etc. ; to emboss ; to prepare (a way for) ; to direct (one's way, gatim-) towards ; to propagate (one's self or one's family, tanūs-, tantum-) ; to (spread id est to) speak (words) ; to protract ; to put forth, show, manifest, display, augment etc. (Passive voice to be put forth or extended, increase ) ; to accomplish, perform (a ceremony) etc. ; to sacrifice ; to compose (a literary work) ; to render (any one thirsty, double accusative) : Desiderative titaniṣati-, taṃsati-, tāṃs- : Intensive tantanyate-, tantanīti-, ; ([ see , etc.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāind. (t/a-thā-,correlative of y/a-thā- ; gaRa di- and ) in that manner, so, thus (the correlative standing in the preceding or in the subsequent clause, exempli gratia, 'for example' yathā priyaṃ-, tathāstu-,"as is agreeable, so let it be"; tathā prayatnam ātiṣṭhed yathātmānaṃ na pīḍayet-,"he should so make effort as that he may not injure himself." ; tathā tathā-yathā-,so much that ;also correlative of iva- ;of yena- ;of yādṛśa- ;used in forms of adjuration exempli gratia, 'for example' yathāham anyaṃ na cintaye tathāyam patatāṃ kṣudraḥ parāsuḥ-,"as surely as I do not think on any other man, so surely let this wretch fall dead" ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛṇagandhāf. Batatas paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāpatP. (imperative 2. dual number -patatam /ā-.. /upa- ) to fly near to or upon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varāhīf. Batatas Edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārivallabhāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidārīf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidārikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛddhidam. Batatas Edulis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛkṣakandam. the bulb of Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛṣyakandāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛṣyavallikāf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
atata अतत p. p. 1 Spread, extended. -2 Stretched (as a bow-string); मौर्वी धनुषि चातता R.1.19; ˚ज्य stretched out on the bow; आततज्यमकरोत् स संसदा 11.45,16.77.
pratata प्रतत p. p. 1 Spread over, covered. -2 Stretched out, diffused. -तम् ind. Continuously.
śatatama शततम a. (-मी f.) One-hundredth.
satata सतत a. Constant, eternal, everlasting, perpetual. -तम् ind. Constantly, continuously, eternally, always; सुलभाः पुरुषा राजन् सततं प्रियवादिनः Rām. -Comp. -गः, -गतिः wind; सलिलतले सततगतीनन्तःसंचारिणः संनिगृह्य शय्या कार्या Dk.; सततगा- स्ततगानगिरो$लिभिः Śi.6.5; नेत्रा नीताः सततगतिना यद्विमानाग्र- भूमिः Me.71; Mb.5.167.29. -Comp. -दुर्गत a. always miserable. -परिग्रहम् ind. continually. -यायिन् a. 1 always moving. -2 constantly tending to decay; घोरे- $स्मिन् भूतसंसारे नित्यं सततयायिनि Ms.1.5. -युक्त a. constantly devoted.
satataka सततक a. Recurring twice a day (as fever).
Macdonell Search
1 result
satata a. [con-tinued, pp. √ tan] con tinual (°ree;--); °ree;-or -m, ad. constantly, con tinually, always, for ever: with na, never: -ga, -gati, m. (always going), wind; -dhriti, a. ever resolute; -yâyin,a. always moving or changing.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results77 results
yad ātatam ava tat tanu AVś.7.90.3e.
agniḥ śucivratatamaḥ # RV.8.44.21a; TS.; 5.5.3a; MS.1.5.1a: 66.18; 4.10.1: 143.13; 4.10.2: 147.12; KS.19.14; 40.14a; AB.7.7.3; JB.2.137; śB.; Aś.2.1.25; śś.2.2.10.
agne tiṣṭha devatātā yajīyān # RV.4.6.1b.
agne mā no devatātā mṛdhas kaḥ # RV.7.43.3d.
achā sūrīn sarvatātā jigāta # RV.7.57.7b.
atyo na hrutaḥ patataḥ parihrut # RV.6.4.5d.
athāriṣṭābhir ā gahi # RV.6.54.7c. Cf. atho ariṣṭatātaye, and atho ariṣṭatātibhiḥ.
athāsmabhyaṃ savitaḥ sarvatātā (AVś.KS. savitar vāryāṇi) # AVś.7.14.3c; KS.37.9c; TB.; Aś.4.10.1c; śś.5.14.8c.
atho ariṣṭatātaye # RV.10.60.8e,9e,10d; AVś.6.19.2c; AVP.5.17.8f; 15.21.5g; PB.1.5.18e. Cf. next, athāriṣṭābhir ā gahi, and asmā ari-.
adyā ca sarvatātaye # RV.6.56.6c.
anāgān no vocatu sarvatātā # RV.3.54.19b. Cf. anāgāstvam adite.
anāgāstvam adite sarvatātā # RV.1.94.15b; N.11.24b. See so 'nāgāstvam, and cf. anāgān.
antarikṣeṇa patataḥ # RV.8.7.35b.
antarikṣeṇa patatām # RV.1.25.7b.
apacitaḥ pra patata # AVś.6.83.1a; AVP.1.21.2a. P: apacitaḥ Kauś.31.16. Cf. sākaṃ yakṣma, and sākaṃ viṣkandha.
apādyaud apātatanat # AVP.2.70.1a.
apeta vīta vi ca sarpatātaḥ # RV.10.14.9a; AVś.18.1.55a; VS.12.45a; TS.; MS.2.7.11a: 89.2; 3.2.3: 18.1; KS.16.11a; 20.1; śB.; TB.; TA.1.27.5a; 6.6.1a; AG.4.2.10. Ps: apeta vīta śś.4.14.7; Vait.28.24; Kś.17.1.3; Apś.5.9.1; 16.14.1; Mś.; apeta TS. (bis); Kauś.80.42.
abhayaṃ satataṃ paścāt # RVKh.2.43.4c. Cf. abhayaṃ paścād.
abhayaṃ paścād abhayaṃ purastāt # AVś.19.15.5c; AVP.3.35.5c. Cf. abhayaṃ satataṃ.
arkam addhi pra patātaḥ # AVP.5.34.5a.
aśiśrayū rathayur devatātā # RV.7.2.5b.
asmā ariṣṭatātaye # RV.10.97.7d; AVś.5.30.12e; 6.80.2d; 7.6e,27d; 19.38.2f; AVP.15.18.8d; VS.12.81d; TS.; MS.2.7.13d: 93.16; KS.16.13d. Cf. atho ari-.
asme ūtīr indravātatamāḥ # RV.10.6.6c.
ācāmata mama pratatāmahās tatāmahās tatāḥ sapatnīkās tṛpyantv ācāmantu # Kauś.88.24.
ā devatātā haviṣā vivāsati # RV.1.58.1d.
ā deveṣu yatata ā suvīrye # RV.3.16.4c.
āvareṣv adadhus tantum ātatam # RV.10.56.6d.
indram id devatātaye # RV.8.3.5a; AVś.20.118.3a; SV.1.249a; 2.937a; AB.5.12.17; KB.22.8; Aś.7.3.19; śś.10.5.18; Vait.41.3; Lś.4.6.23; Svidh.3.4.8.
indrāya brahmāṇi rātatamā # RV.1.61.1d; AVś.20.35.1d; AB.6.18.5.
indro bundaṃ svātatam # RV.8.77.6c; N.6.34c.
iha huve 'smā ariṣṭatātaye # AVś.8.2.6d.
ukthā śaṃsanto devavātatamāḥ # RV.6.29.4d.
ugraṃ vaniṣad ātatam # AVś.20.132.6; śś.12.18.14.
upamaṃ (SV. -māṃ) devatātaye # RV.8.62.8b; SV.1.391b.
etat te pratatāmaha svadhā ye ca tvām anu # AVś.18.4.75; Vait.22.22; Kauś.88.11. See etat te pitāmaha prapitāmaha.
kṛttivāsāḥ pinākahasto 'vatatadhanvom (KSṇ. -dhanvā) # KS.9.7; Lś.5.3.12; N.3.21. See under avatatadhanvā.
jahy eṣāṃ śatatarham agne # AVś.1.8.4d.
juṣṭo madāya devatāta indo # RV.9.97.19a.
ta ādityā ā gatā sarvatātaye # RV.1.106.2a; 10.35.11a; AVP.4.28.2a.
tata ehy ariṣṭatātaye # AVP.1.31.3d; 8.3.9d.
tatrā me nābhir ātatā # RV.1.105.9b.
tantur deveṣv ātataḥ # RV.10.57.2b; AVś.13.1.60b; AB.3.11.18b.
hi śreṣṭhā devatātā # RV.6.68.2a.
trir devatātā trir utāvataṃ dhiyaḥ # RV.1.34.5b.
try aryamā manuṣo devatātā # RV.5.29.1a; AB.5.1.17; KB.22.4; 26.16; Aś.9.5.16. P: try aryamā Aś.7.7.1; śś.10.4.8; 11.6; 14.27.12; 16.21.19. Cf. BṛhD.5.27.
tvaṃ no devatātaye (AVś.AVP. deva dātave) # RV.10.141.6c; AVś.3.20.5c; AVP.3.34.8c; SV.2.855c.
tvām id dhi nediṣṭhaṃ devatātaye # RV.8.60.10c; SV.2.895c.
dakṣiṇābhiḥ pratataṃ pārayiṣṇum # TA.4.4.1c; KA.2.52. See pratataṃ pāra-.
dādhāra yo dharuṇaṃ satyatātā # RV.10.111.4d.
divaḥ khīlo 'vatataḥ # TB.; Apś.4.12.8a.
divaḥ (Mś. divi) śilpam avatatam # TB.; Apś.2.5.1a; Mś.;
divi ṣañ (AVś. ṣaṃ; SV. saṃ) chukra ātataḥ # RV.6.2.6b; AVś.18.4.59b; SV.1.83b. Cf. divi śukro.
divīva cakṣur ātatam # RV.1.22.20c; AVś.7.26.7c; SV.2.1022c; VS.6.5c; TS.;; MS.1.2.14c: 24.4; KS.3.3c; śB.; NṛpU.5.10c; GopālU.1c; Vāsū.4.1c; SkandaU.15c; āruṇU.5c; MuktiU.2.77c.
divo mūlam avatatam # AVś.2.7.3a; AVP.7.7.7a.
divo ya skambho dharuṇaḥ svātataḥ # RV.9.74.2a.
deva tvaṣṭar vardhaya sarvatātaye # AVś.6.3.3d.
dyaur darvir akṣitāparimitānupadastā (ViDh. akṣatā) sā yathā dyaur darvir akṣitāparimitānupadastaivā pratatāmahasyeyaṃ darvir akṣitāparimitānupadastā # Kauś.88.8. P: dyaur darvir akṣatā ViDh.73.19. Cf. yathādityo 'kṣito.
namas ta (MSṃś. tā) āyudhāya # VS.16.14a; MS.2.9.2a: 121.16; BṛhPDh.9.115. P: namas tā āyudhāyānātatāya Mś. See namas te astv āyudhāya, and namāṃsi.
namo rudrāyātatāyine (TS. -vine) # VS.16.18; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.12; KS.17.12.
na vaniṣad anātatam # AVś.20.132.7; śś.12.18.15.
niveśane śatatamāviveṣīḥ # RV.7.19.5c; AVś.20.37.5c.
pinākahastaḥ kṛttivāsā avatatadhanvā # MS.1.10.4: 144.15; 1.10.20: 160.16. See under avatatadhanvā.
purastād budhna ātataḥ # RV.10.135.6c.
pra patātaḥ sukaṭanāli (in the text with vedic ḷ) # AVP.8.16.7a.
prātra bhedaṃ sarvatātā muṣāyat # RV.7.18.19b.
bṛhate devatātaye # RV.9.15.2b; SV.2.617b.
bṛhaspatiṃ manuṣo devatātaye # RV.3.26.2c.
bhuvo vivasvān anvātatāna # AVś.18.2.32d.
mahyā ariṣṭatātaye # AVś.3.5.5b; 8.5.20b; AVP.3.13.5b; 7.5.11d.
mihaḥ pāvakāḥ pratatā abhūvan # RV.3.31.20a.
mṛjanti devatātaye # RV.9.17.7c.
yathā hotar manuṣo devatātā # RV.6.4.1a; TS. P: yathā hotaḥ śś.14.54.4.
yathemām amūr vyupāpatati bhāsv iti , evaṃ kṣatrasya mānuṣād vyupāpatata śatravaḥ # JB.3.248.
yad īṃ gṛbhītatātaye # RV.5.74.4c.
yas te keśo 'vapadyate (AVP. 'vatataḥ) # AVś.6.136.3a; AVP.1.67.3a.
yāḥ sūryo raśmibhir ātatāna # RV.7.47.4a.
yuvaṃ vā yan niratataṃsatam # RV.1.120.7b.
Vedabase Search
47 results
āpatata falling upon himSB 4.10.8
āpatata while moving toward him and falling downSB 8.10.42
āpatata attackingSB 10.15.37
āpatata in pursuitSB 10.54.2
āpatata who was attackingSB 10.54.31
āpatata who was attackingSB 10.78.12
satata nācāya always causes to danceCC Madhya 21.129
patata attackingSB 10.74.43
pratata broadCC Antya 15.78
satata-yuktānām always engagedBG 10.10
satata alwaysBG 12.1
satata alwaysSB 11.9.25
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Adi 1.49
satata alwaysCC Adi 1.61
satata alwaysCC Madhya 2.76
satata nācāya always causes to danceCC Madhya 21.129
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Madhya 24.173
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Madhya 24.192
satata alwaysCC Antya 2.79
satata-snigdhaḥ always pleasingCC Antya 6.263
satata alwaysCC Antya 15.6
satata perpetualMM 48
satatam constantlyBG 3.19
satatam constantlyBG 6.10
satatam alwaysBG 8.14
satatam alwaysBG 9.14
satatam alwaysBG 12.13-14
satatam alwaysBG 17.24
satatam twenty-four hours a dayBG 18.57
satatam alwaysSB 4.29.1a-2a
satatam alwaysSB 8.21.12
satatam alwaysSB 10.47.20
satatam alwaysSB 11.4.5
satatam alwaysCC Adi 16.41
satatam alwaysCC Madhya 22.113
satatam continuouslyCC Madhya 23.107
satatam alwaysCC Antya 19.76
satatam alwaysMM 18
satatam alwaysMM 31
satatam alwaysMM 48
satata-snigdhaḥ always pleasingCC Antya 6.263
yatata while endeavoringBG 2.60
yatata endeavoringSB 4.23.10
satata-yuktānām always engagedBG 10.10
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Adi 1.49
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Madhya 24.173
satata-yuktānām always engagedCC Madhya 24.192


constant, uninterrupted, satatajvara double quotidian fever; fever appearing twice a day.

Wordnet Search
"atata" has 5 results.


śatatamaḥ, śatatamī, śatatamam   

gaṇanāyāṃ śatamasthānīyaḥ।

kṛṣṇaḥ śiśupālasya śatatamam api aparādhaṃ kṣamitavān। / mahātmanaḥ darśanārthe āgataḥ bhavān śatatamaḥ vyaktiḥ।


channa, chādita, āchanna, ācchādita, pracchanna, pracchādita, paricchanna, samavachanna, samācchanna, āvṛta, prāvṛta, saṃvṛta, vṛta, pihita, avatata, ācita, nicita, āstīrṇa, āstṛta, guṇṭhita, ūrṇuta, saṃvīta, veṣṭita, pinaddha, rūṣita, apavārita   


bālakaḥ meghaiḥ ācchāditam ākāśaṃ paśyati।


nitya, niyata, sthira, nirantara, nidhruvi, satata   

sarvadā yaḥ kenāpi saha asti dīrghakālaṃ yāvat tiṣṭhati iti vā।

saṃsāre kimapi vastu nityam nāsti।



sarveṣu unnataḥ।

parvatārohī unnatatamaṃ śikharaṃ gantuṃ prayatate।



sarveṣu unnataḥ।

himālayasya unnatatamaṃ śikharaṃ nityaṃ himācchāditam asti।

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