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Grammar Search
"asura" has 2 results
asura: masculine vocative singular stem: asura
asura: neuter vocative singular stem: asura
Amarakosha Search
4 results
asura1.1.12MasculineSingularditisutaḥ, indrāriḥ, daityaḥ, suradviṣ, śukraśiṣyaḥ, danujaḥ, pūrvadevaḥ, dānavaḥ, daiteyaḥgiant
sindukaḥ2.2.68MasculineSingularindrāṇikā, sinduvāraḥ, indrasurasaḥ, nirguṇḍī
Monier-Williams Search
67 results for asura
असुरmfn. (2. as- ), spiritual, incorporeal, divine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of varuṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. the chief of the evil spirits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. etc. [these asura-s are often regarded as the children of diti- by kaśyapa-See daitya-;as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the rākṣasa-s or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. a Name of rāhu- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. a cloud (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. plural Name of a warrior-tribe, (gaRa parśv-ādi-, q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. of a Vedic school View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. a zodiacal sign View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरm. the plant Sinapis Ramosa Roxb. ([In later Sanskrit sura-has been formed from asura-,as sita-from asita- q.v ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरSee /asu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरब्रह्मm. a priest of the asura-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरद्रुह्m. "enemy of the asura-s", a god View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरद्विष्m. "enemy of the asura-s", a Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरद्विष् q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरगुरुm. "teacher of the asura-s", the planet Venus (or śukra-) (see amarāri-pūjya-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरहन्mf(-ghn/ī-)n. destroying the asura-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरक्षmf(ā-)n. difficult to guard or preserve, perishable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरक्षयणmfn. destroying the asura-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरक्षिति(/asura--.) mfn. idem or 'mfn. destroying the asura-s ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरकुमारm. plural the first of the ten classes of bhavanavāsin- deities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरलोकm. the world of the demons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरमायाf. demoniacal magic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरराज्m. king of the asura-s (Name of the asura- baka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुररक्षसn. a demoniacal being having the qualities of an asura- as well as of a rakṣas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुररक्षसn. plural (/āni-) asura-s and rākṣasa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुररिपुm. equals -dviṣ- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरसाf. the plant Basilicum Pilosum Benth. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरसूदनm. = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरतमसn. the darkness of the (world of the) demons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरत्वn. spirituality, divine dignity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरत्वn. the being an asura- or opponent of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरविशn. the race of asura-s, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
असुरयोनिm. or f. the womb of asura-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आजन्मसुरभिपत्त्रm. Name of a plant (the leaves of which are fragrant from their first appearance) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भ्रातृश्वसुरm. a husband's eldest brother View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भूलोकसुरनायकm. an indra- of the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चन्द्रसुरसm. Vitex Negundo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चौर्यसुरतn. equals -rata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दीर्घसुरतm. equals -rata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
इन्द्रसुरसm. a shrub (the leaves of which are used in discutient applications), Vitex Negundo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मसुरm. a sort of lentil or pulse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मसुरकर्णm. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मसुरक्षित(?) m. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मुखसुरn. lip-nectar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सहसुरललनाललामयूथपतिmfn. with the leaders of the troops who form the ornament of the gods' wives View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सामसुरसn. dual number varia lectio for -saras-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वसुरभिn. everything fragrant, all perfumes
सार्वसुरभिmfn. (or fr. sarva-s-) fragrant with all odours View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वतथागतसुरतसुखाf. Name of tantra- deity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ससुरmfn. along with the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ससुरmfn. with liquor, having liquor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ससुरmfn. intoxicated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ससुरचापम्ind. with indra-'s bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्रुत्यन्तसुरद्रुमm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुभाषितसुरद्रुमm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वेतसुरसाf. a white -flowering variety of the Vitex Negundo or Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रसुरmfn. timid, fearful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वैष्णवधर्मसुरद्रुममञ्जरिf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वरसुरतmf(ā-)n. well acquainted with the secrets of sexual enjoyment, Hit, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुरmfn. (fr. 1. vasu-) valuable, rich View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुर vasula-, vasūya- etc. See p.931. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुरक्षितm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुरण्वmfn. delighted with wealth, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुरथm. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
trasura त्रसुर त्रस्नु a. [त्रस्-उरच्] Fearful, trembling, timid; अत्रस्नुभिर्युक्तधुरं तुरङ्गैः R.14.47; सीतां सौमित्रिणा त्यक्तां सध्रीचीं त्रस्नुमेकिकाम् Bk.6.7; तदनु मुनिवरेण त्रस्नुना तत्र रामे Rām. Ch.2.91.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
asura ásu-ra, m. divine spirit, i. 35, 7. 10; v. 83, 6 [Av. ahura].
Macdonell Search
5 results
asura a. living, spiritual, divine; m. spirit, Lord God; evil spirit, demon, Asura: -tvá, n. spirituality, divinity; state of an Asura.
asurabhi a. ill-smelling.
asuradruh m. foe of Asuras, god; -brahmá, m. priest of the Asuras.
asurakṣa a. difficult to guard.
asurarakṣasa n. pl. Asuras & Râkshasas; -hán, a. (-ghn&isharp;) Asura-killing; -½adhipa, m. king of the Asuras; -½ari, m. foe of the Asuras (Vishnu).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
5 results2 results
asuravidyā the science of the Asuras,’ the term used in the śānkhāyana and Aávalāyana śrauta Sūtras as the equiva­lent of the term māyā employed in the śatapatha Brāhmana, clearly means ‘ magic,’ as it is rendered by Professor Eggeling.
svarbhānu asura Is the name, in the Rigveda and later, of a demon supposed to have eclipsed the sun. See Sūrya.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results2 results9 results
asura āptaḥ svadhayā samadguḥ AVP.6.2.6d. Cf. asur ātmā.
asura iva nirṇijam RV.8.19.23c.
asuraghnam indrasakhaṃ samatsu RVKh.5.51.1c; Suparṇ.19.5c.
asuraghne manma dhītiṃ bharadhvam RV.7.13.1b.
asura krīyamāṇaḥ (KS. krītaḥ) TS.; KS.34.14. See next.
asura paṇyamānaḥ VS.8.55. See prec.
asurakṣayaṇaṃ vadham AVś.11.10.10c,12e,13c.
asuras tv aurdhvanabhasaḥ AVP.8.12.6a.
jasuraye staryaṃ pipyathur gām # RV.1.116.22d.
Vedabase Search
290 results
asura and by demonsCC Madhya 20.270
asura and demonsSB 10.50.22
asura and of the demonsSB 9.14.7
asura and the demonsSB 2.9.10
SB 8.7.16
asura demonSB 4.18.16
SB 8.3.22-24
asura demonsSB 10.76.6
SB 10.88.1
SB 11.29.10
SB 11.5.50
SB 12.6.14
SB 5.25.7
SB 7.15.80
asura for the demonsSB 9.5.6
asura O King of the demonsSB 8.21.29
asura of demonsSB 4.16.27
asura of demons, or godless personsSB 5.24.9
asura of the demonsCC Adi 4.14
SB 6.7.40
SB 8.10.55
asura the atheistsSB 2.10.37-40
asura the demonsBG 11.22
SB 10.24.16
SB 2.6.13-16
SB 4.24.12
SB 6.4.19
SB 7.3.37-38
SB 7.4.5-7
SB 8.8.19
asura to the demonsSB 11.22.52
asura-ādayaḥ as well as the demonsSB 5.18.22
asura-ādayaḥ as well as the demonsSB 5.18.22
asura-ādayaḥ demons and othersSB 8.5.21
asura-ādayaḥ demons and othersSB 8.5.21
asura-adhipāḥ the chiefs of the asurasSB 8.6.31
asura-adhipāḥ the chiefs of the asurasSB 8.6.31
asura-ādiṣu beginning with the asurasSB 8.16.14
asura-ādiṣu beginning with the asurasSB 8.16.14
asura-ādyāḥ atheists, the enemies of the devoteesSB 2.7.39
asura-ādyāḥ atheists, the enemies of the devoteesSB 2.7.39
asura-ādyāḥ the demons and atheistsSB 8.5.31
asura-ādyāḥ the demons and atheistsSB 8.5.31
asura-anīka the demoniac soldiersSB 2.1.36
asura-anīka the demoniac soldiersSB 2.1.36
asura-anīka-yūthapaiḥ by the commanders or captains of the soldiers of the asurasSB 6.10.15
asura-anīka-yūthapaiḥ by the commanders or captains of the soldiers of the asurasSB 6.10.15
asura-anīka-yūthapaiḥ by the commanders or captains of the soldiers of the asurasSB 6.10.15
asura-apasadaḥ the lowest of the asurasSB 5.24.1
asura-apasadaḥ the lowest of the asurasSB 5.24.1
asura-ātma-jāḥ O descendants of asurasSB 7.7.51-52
asura-ātma-jāḥ O descendants of asurasSB 7.7.51-52
asura-ātma-jāḥ O descendants of asurasSB 7.7.51-52
asura-ātma-jāḥ O sons of demonsSB 7.6.19
asura-ātma-jāḥ O sons of demonsSB 7.6.19
asura-ātma-jāḥ O sons of demonsSB 7.6.19
asura-bālakāḥ O sons of demonsSB 7.7.38
asura-bālakāḥ O sons of demonsSB 7.7.38
asura-bālakān sons of the asurasSB 7.5.2
asura-bālakān sons of the asurasSB 7.5.2
asura-bhūpālaiḥ by demoniac kings on the surface of the globeSB 10.2.1-2
asura-bhūpālaiḥ by demoniac kings on the surface of the globeSB 10.2.1-2
asura-deva of the demons and the demigodsSB 11.6.13
asura-deva of the demons and the demigodsSB 11.6.13
asura-druhām who had been oppressed by Kaṃsa and other demons disturbing the discharge of religious ritualsSB summary
asura-druhām who had been oppressed by Kaṃsa and other demons disturbing the discharge of religious ritualsSB summary
asura-dviṣaḥ of the enemy of the demonsSB 12.12.28-29
asura-dviṣaḥ of the enemy of the demonsSB 12.12.28-29
asura-dviṣaḥ of the Supreme Lord, the enemy of the demonsSB 11.30.34
asura-dviṣaḥ of the Supreme Lord, the enemy of the demonsSB 11.30.34
asura-dviṭ the enemy of the asurasSB 10.4.42
asura-dviṭ the enemy of the asurasSB 10.4.42
asura-gaṇāḥ and the demonsSB 8.9.28
asura-gaṇāḥ and the demonsSB 8.9.28
asura-gṛhe in the palace of the demonsSB 11.4.19
asura-gṛhe in the palace of the demonsSB 11.4.19
asura-indra O King of the demons (Mahārāja Bali)SB 8.19.10
asura-indra O King of the demons (Mahārāja Bali)SB 8.19.10
asura-indra of the great asurasSB 5.24.17
asura-indra of the great asurasSB 5.24.17
asura-indraḥ the great hero of the demons, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.12.2
asura-indraḥ the great hero of the demons, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.12.2
asura-indram the king of the demons, HiraṇyakaśipuSB 11.4.19
asura-indram the king of the demons, HiraṇyakaśipuSB 11.4.19
asura-indram unto the King of the demons, Bali MahārājaSB 8.20.19
asura-indram unto the King of the demons, Bali MahārājaSB 8.20.19
asura-indrāṇām all the demons, with their chiefsSB 8.9.27
asura-indrāṇām all the demons, with their chiefsSB 8.9.27
asura-indreṇa by the best of the demons, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.12.31
asura-indreṇa by the best of the demons, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.12.31
asura-īśvaraḥ the King of the asuras, Prahlāda MahārājaSB 7.13.46
asura-īśvaraḥ the King of the asuras, Prahlāda MahārājaSB 7.13.46
asura-īśvaram the lord of the asurasSB 11.16.16
asura-īśvaram the lord of the asurasSB 11.16.16
asura-īśvaram unto the King of the demons (Bali Mahārāja)SB 8.19.29
asura-īśvaram unto the King of the demons (Bali Mahārāja)SB 8.19.29
asura-jāteḥ whose birth was in a species of asurasSB 6.17.39
asura-jāteḥ whose birth was in a species of asurasSB 6.17.39
asura-loka of the regions where the demons resideSB 3.17.27
asura-loka of the regions where the demons resideSB 3.17.27
asura-patau when Bali Mahārāja, the King of the demonsSB 8.21.27
asura-patau when Bali Mahārāja, the King of the demonsSB 8.21.27
asura-puńgava O best of the asurasSB 7.3.21
asura-puńgava O best of the asurasSB 7.3.21
asura-puńgavāḥ the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.9.13
asura-puńgavāḥ the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.9.13
asura-rāsabhaḥ the demon in the form of a jackassSB 10.15.29
asura-rāsabhaḥ the demon in the form of a jackassSB 10.15.29
asura-rāṭ the Emperor of the asurasSB 7.5.4
asura-rāṭ the Emperor of the asurasSB 7.5.4
asura-ṛṣabha O chief of the asurasSB 3.17.30
asura-ṛṣabha O chief of the asurasSB 3.17.30
asura-ṛṣabhaḥ the best of the asuras, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.11.2-3
asura-ṛṣabhaḥ the best of the asuras, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.11.2-3
asura-ṛṣabhān the leaders of the demonsSB 8.17.13
asura-ṛṣabhān the leaders of the demonsSB 8.17.13
asura-samāna exactly like a demonCC Antya 3.146
asura-samāna exactly like a demonCC Antya 3.146
asura-saṃhāra the killing of demonsCC Adi 4.36-37
asura-saṃhāra the killing of demonsCC Adi 4.36-37
asura-saṃhāre killing the demonsCC Adi 4.13
asura-saṃhāre killing the demonsCC Adi 4.13
asura-sattama O best of the asurasSB 8.19.38
asura-sattama O best of the asurasSB 8.19.38
asura-senā-anyaḥ the commanders of the asurasSB 7.10.54-55
asura-senā-anyaḥ the commanders of the asurasSB 7.10.54-55
asura-senā-anyaḥ the commanders of the asurasSB 7.10.54-55
asura-śreṣṭha O best of the asurasSB 7.13.21
asura-śreṣṭha O best of the asurasSB 7.13.21
asura-svabhāve those whose nature is demoniacCC Adi 3.90
asura-svabhāve those whose nature is demoniacCC Adi 3.90
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
asura-uttama O best devotee in the family of asuras (atheists)SB 7.9.52
asura-uttama O best devotee in the family of asuras (atheists)SB 7.9.52
asura-uttamaḥ Prahlāda Mahārāja, the best of the family of asurasSB 7.9.55
asura-uttamaḥ Prahlāda Mahārāja, the best of the family of asurasSB 7.9.55
asura-vadhūnām of the wives of those demonsSB 5.24.15
asura-vadhūnām of the wives of those demonsSB 5.24.15
asura-varya O King of the asurasSB 7.5.5
asura-varya O King of the asurasSB 7.5.5
asura-varyeṇa by the most exalted demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.4.3
asura-varyeṇa by the most exalted demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.4.3
asura-yūtha-nāthāḥ the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.17.16
asura-yūtha-nāthāḥ the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.17.16
asura-yūtha-nāthāḥ the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.17.16
asura-yūtha-paiḥ by the commanders of the asurasSB 8.6.29
asura-yūtha-paiḥ by the commanders of the asurasSB 8.6.29
asura-yūtha-paiḥ by the commanders of the asurasSB 8.6.29
asura-yūthapa of Hiraṇyakaśipu, the leader of the demonsSB 6.8.14
asura-yūthapa of Hiraṇyakaśipu, the leader of the demonsSB 6.8.14
asura-yūthapāḥ the great leaders of the demonsSB 7.7.4-5
asura-yūthapāḥ the great leaders of the demonsSB 7.7.4-5
asura-yūthapān the chief leaders of the demonsSB 6.8.35
asura-yūthapān the chief leaders of the demonsSB 6.8.35
asura a demonSB 10.15.23
SB 10.88.14
SB 3.18.22-23
SB 7.7.50
asura although born in a demoniac familySB 7.4.33
asura although born in an asura familySB 7.13.15
asura AsuraSB 6.10.19-22
asura Bali MahārājaSB 8.10.45
asura because he was a demonSB 10.4.43
asura belong to the demoniac groupSB 9.18.5
asura born in a family of demonsSB 7.7.1
asura demonSB 10.28.2
SB 10.63.47
SB 5.19.8
asura demoniac natureSB 7.4.33
asura great demonSB 7.8.41
asura HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.8.24
asura my father, Hiraṇyakaśipu, the great demonSB 7.9.14
asura Prahlāda Mahārāja, although born of an asura fatherSB 7.5.56-57
asura the demonSB 10.18.17
SB 10.18.29
SB 10.45.40
SB 10.55.13
SB 10.55.21
SB 10.63.31
SB 10.63.49
SB 10.63.50
SB 10.88.17
SB 10.88.23
SB 3.19.15
asura the demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.5.43-44
SB 7.8.51
asura the demon HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.10.26
SB 7.5.20
asura the demonsSB 7.10.64
SB 8.10.5
asura the great demon, HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.5.29
asura the King of the asurasSB 8.22.1
asura the King of the demons, HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.8.26
asura VṛtrāsuraSB 6.12.26
asuraiḥ actually demons (because they do not need such military power but create it unnecessarily)SB 9.24.59
asuraiḥ and by demonsSB 10.39.44-45
asuraiḥ and demonsSB 10.77.24
asuraiḥ by the demonsSB 3.20.24
SB 4.10.29
SB 7.5.1
SB 8.5.15-16
SB 8.8.36
asuraiḥ with the demonsSB 6.10.16
asuram a demonSB 9.6.22
asuram the demonSB 3.19.2
SB 8.24.57
asuram the demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.4.29
asurayoḥ of the two asurasSB 3.16.36
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
agha-asura of the demon AghaSB 12.12.28-29
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
sura-asura-īśaiḥ by the best of the demigods and demonsSB 4.6.40
sura-asura-īḍyaḥ worshiped by the demons and by the demigodsSB 4.31.3
deva-asura-nṛṇām of the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 6.4.1-2
sura-asura-namaskṛtam who is respected by both the demigods and the asurasSB 6.7.2-8
sura-asura-gaṇaiḥ by the demigods and asurasSB 8.6.38
sura-asura-indraiḥ by the leaders of the demons and the demigodsSB 8.7.10
sa-sura-asura-mānavāḥ the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 8.8.9
sarva-asura-camūpatiḥ the master of all the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.23.11-12
sa-asura with the demonsSB 9.14.6
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
sura-asura both the demigods and the demonsSB 10.46.26
deva-asura among the demigods and demonsSB 10.90.43
deva-asura-narāḥ the demigods, demons and human beingsSB 12.12.17
deva-asura of the demigods and demonsSB 12.12.21
agha-asura of the demon AghaSB 12.12.28-29
sura-asura-gaṇāḥ all the demigods and demonsSB 12.13.1
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
mahā-asura the great demonSB 3.19.12
maya-putraḥ asura the demon son of MayaSB 5.24.16
mahā-asura the great demonSB 7.4.5-7
mahā-asura Hiraṇyakaśipu, the great demonSB 7.8.14
mahā-asura the great demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.8.25
mahā-asura the great demonSB 7.8.27
mahān asura a great, gigantic demonSB 10.11.48
mahā-asura a great, extremely powerful demonSB 10.12.13
mahā-asura the great demonSB 10.18.26
vṛṣabha-asura the bull demonSB 10.36.1
mahā-asura the great demonSB 10.37.29
saha asuraiḥ with his asura associatesSB 8.23.3
mahā-asuram a great demonSB 10.1.68
vṛṣa-asuram to the bull demonSB 10.36.6
sarva-asura-camūpatiḥ the master of all the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.23.11-12
deva-asura-nṛṇām of the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 6.4.1-2
deva-asura among the demigods and demonsSB 10.90.43
deva-asura-narāḥ the demigods, demons and human beingsSB 12.12.17
deva-asura of the demigods and demonsSB 12.12.21
sura-asura-gaṇāḥ all the demigods and demonsSB 12.13.1
sura-asura-gaṇaiḥ by the demigods and asurasSB 8.6.38
sura-asura-īḍyaḥ worshiped by the demons and by the demigodsSB 4.31.3
sura-asura-indraiḥ by the leaders of the demons and the demigodsSB 8.7.10
sura-asura-īśaiḥ by the best of the demigods and demonsSB 4.6.40
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
mahā-asura the great demonSB 3.19.12
mahā-asura the great demonSB 7.4.5-7
mahā-asura Hiraṇyakaśipu, the great demonSB 7.8.14
mahā-asura the great demon (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.8.25
mahā-asura the great demonSB 7.8.27
mahā-asuram a great demonSB 10.1.68
mahā-asura a great, extremely powerful demonSB 10.12.13
mahā-asura the great demonSB 10.18.26
mahā-asura the great demonSB 10.37.29
mahān asura a great, gigantic demonSB 10.11.48
sa-sura-asura-mānavāḥ the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 8.8.9
maya-putraḥ asura the demon son of MayaSB 5.24.16
sura-asura-namaskṛtam who is respected by both the demigods and the asurasSB 6.7.2-8
deva-asura-narāḥ the demigods, demons and human beingsSB 12.12.17
deva-asura-nṛṇām of the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 6.4.1-2
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
maya-putraḥ asura the demon son of MayaSB 5.24.16
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
sa-sura-asura-mānavāḥ the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 8.8.9
sa-asura with the demonsSB 9.14.6
saha asuraiḥ with his asura associatesSB 8.23.3
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
sarva-asura-camūpatiḥ the master of all the chiefs of the demonsSB 8.23.11-12
sura-asura-īśaiḥ by the best of the demigods and demonsSB 4.6.40
sura-asura-īḍyaḥ worshiped by the demons and by the demigodsSB 4.31.3
sura-asura-namaskṛtam who is respected by both the demigods and the asurasSB 6.7.2-8
sura-asura-gaṇaiḥ by the demigods and asurasSB 8.6.38
sura-asura-indraiḥ by the leaders of the demons and the demigodsSB 8.7.10
sa-sura-asura-mānavāḥ the demigods, the demons and the human beingsSB 8.8.9
sura-asura both the demigods and the demonsSB 10.46.26
sura-asura-gaṇāḥ all the demigods and demonsSB 12.13.1
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
vṛṣa-asuram to the bull demonSB 10.36.6
vṛṣabha-asura the bull demonSB 10.36.1
rājanya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
10 results
asura noun (masculine) a name of Rāhu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an evil spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
demon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ghost (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
good spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Vedic school (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a warrior-tribe (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
opponent of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
supreme spirit (said of Varuṇa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the chief of the evil spirits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 376/72933
asurabhi adjective not fragrant
Frequency rank 26855/72933
asuradviṣ noun (masculine) a name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45966/72933
asurarakṣasa noun (neuter) a demoniacal being having the qualities of an Asura as well as of a Rakṣas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32892/72933
asurasūdana noun (masculine) name of Indra name of Viṣṇu
Frequency rank 26857/72933
asuraveda noun (masculine) the Veda of the Asuras
Frequency rank 26856/72933
ājanmasurabhipattra noun (masculine) marjoram name of a plant (the leaves of which are fragrant from their first appearance) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46281/72933
indrasurasa noun (masculine) a shrub (the leaves of which are used in discutient applications) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Vitex Negundo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46943/72933
masura noun (masculine) a sort of lentil or pulse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61620/72933
śvetasura noun (feminine) a white -flowering variety of the Vitex Negundo or Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30641/72933


demon; asurakāya infernal body; a person with traits affluent in circumstances, dreadful, valorous, irascible, jealous of other men’s excellence, gluttonous and fond of eating alone.

Wordnet Search
"asura" has 19 results.


meghaḥ, abhramam, vārivāhaḥ, stanayitnuḥ, balābakaḥ, dhārādharaḥ, jaladharaḥ, taḍitvān, vāridaḥ, ambubhṛt, ghanaḥ, jīmūtaḥ, mudiraḥ, jalamuk, dhūmayoniḥ, abhram, payodharaḥ, ambhodharaḥ, vyomadhūmaḥ, ghanāghanaḥ, vāyudāruḥ, nabhaścaraḥ, kandharaḥ, kandhaḥ, nīradaḥ, gaganadhvajaḥ, vārisuk, vārmuk, vanasuk, abdaḥ, parjanyaḥ, nabhogajaḥ, madayitnuḥ, kadaḥ, kandaḥ, gaveḍuḥ, gadāmaraḥ, khatamālaḥ, vātarathaḥ, śnetanīlaḥ, nāgaḥ, jalakaraṅkaḥ, pecakaḥ, bhekaḥ, darduraḥ, ambudaḥ, toyadaḥ, ambuvābaḥ, pāthodaḥ, gadāmbaraḥ, gāḍavaḥ, vārimasiḥ, adriḥ, grāvā, gotraḥ, balaḥ, aśnaḥ, purubhojāḥ, valiśānaḥ, aśmā, parvataḥ, giriḥ, vrajaḥ, caruḥ, varāhaḥ, śambaraḥ, rauhiṇaḥ, raivataḥ, phaligaḥ, uparaḥ, upalaḥ, camasaḥ, arhiḥ, dṛtiḥ, odanaḥ, vṛṣandhiḥ, vṛtraḥ, asuraḥ, kośaḥ   

pṛthvīstha-jalam yad sūryasya ātapena bāṣparupaṃ bhūtvā ākāśe tiṣṭhati jalaṃ siñcati ca।

kālidāsena meghaḥ dūtaḥ asti iti kalpanā kṛtā


asuravadhaḥ, asurasaṃhāraḥ   

kasyāpi asurasya vadhaḥ।

yadā pṛthivyām asurāṇām pīḍanaṃ vardhate tadā asuravadhaṃ kartum īśvaraḥ kenāpi rūpeṇa āgacchati।


asuraḥ, daityaḥ, daiteyaḥ, danujaḥ, indrāriḥ, dānavaḥ, śukraśiṣyaḥ, ditisutaḥ, pūrvadevaḥ, suradviṭ, devaripuḥ, devāriḥ, kauṇapaḥ, kravyāt, kravyādaḥ, asrapaḥ, āśaraḥ, rātriñcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, kavvūraḥ, nikaṣātmajaḥ, yātudhānaḥ, puṇyajanaḥ, nairṛtaḥ, yātuḥ, rakṣaḥ, sandhyābalaḥ, kṣapāṭaḥ, rajanīcaraḥ, kīlāpāḥ, nṛcakṣāḥ, naktañcaraḥ, palāśī, palāśaḥ, bhūtaḥ, nīlāmbaraḥ, kalmāṣaḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, agiraḥ, kīlālapaḥ, naradhiṣmaṇaḥ, khacaraḥ   

dharmagranthaiḥ varṇitāḥ te jīvāḥ ye dharmavirodhinaḥ kāryān akarot tathā ca devānāṃ ṛṣīṇāṃ ca śatravaḥ āsan।

purākāle asūrāṇāṃ bhayena dharmakārye kāṭhīnyam abhavat।


rāhuḥ, tamaḥ, svarbhānuḥ, saiṃhikeyaḥ, vidhuntudaḥ, asrapiśācaḥ, grahakallolaḥ, saiṃhikaḥ, upaplavaḥ, śīrṣakaḥ, uparāgaḥ, siṃhikāsūnuḥ, kṛṣṇavarṇaḥ, kabandhaḥ, aguḥ, asura   

śāstreṣu varṇitaḥ navagraheṣu ekaḥ grahaḥ।

bhavataḥ putrasya janmapatrikāyāṃ saptame sthāne rāhuḥ asti।


rākṣasaḥ, asuraḥ, dānavaḥ, daityaḥ   

krūraḥ atyācārī tathā ca pāpī puruṣaḥ।

rākṣasaiḥ grāmavāsinaḥ hatāḥ।


masūraḥ, masuraḥ, maṅgalyakaḥ, vrīhikāñcanaḥ, rāgadāliḥ, maṅgalyaḥ, pṛthubījakaḥ, śūraḥ, kalyāṇabījaḥ, guḍabījaḥ   

dhānya-viśeṣaḥ, dvidalayukta-raktavarṇīya-dhānyam (āyurvede asya kaphapittanāśitvam vātamayakaratvam mūtrakṛcchraharatvam guṇāḥ proktāḥ);

masūraḥ jvaranāśārtham bhakṣayitavyaḥ


śītasahā, sindhuvārakaḥ, nirguṇḍī, kapikā, sthirasādhanakaḥ, sindhukaḥ, nīlasindhukaḥ, indrasurasaḥ, sindhuvārikā, śvetapuṣpaḥ, nirguṇṭī, candrasurasaḥ, surasaḥ, sindhurāvaḥ, nīlāśī, sindhuvāritaḥ, śvetarāvakaḥ, nisindhuḥ, sindhuvāraḥ, śepālaḥ, nirguṇḍiḥ, sinduvāraḥ, nisindhukaḥ, nīlakaḥ, arthasiddhakaḥ, indrāṇikā, indrāṇī, śvetasura   

kundajātīyā śvetapuṣpaviśiṣṭā latā।

śītasahā varṣākāle vikasati।


śītasaham, sindhuvārakam, nirguṇḍi, kapikam, sthirasādhanakam, sindhukam, nīlasindhukam, indrasurasam, sindhuvārikam, śvetapuṣpam, nirguṇṭi, candrasurasam, surasam, sindhurāvam, nīlāśi, sindhuvāritam, śvetarāvakam, nisindhum, sindhuvāram, śepālam, nirguṇḍim, sinduvāram, nisindhukam, nīlakam, arthasiddhakam, indrāṇikam, indrāṇi, śvetasurasam   


śītasahasya ārdragandhaḥ āgacchati।


nirguṇḍī, śephālikā, śephālī, nīlikā, malikā, suvahā, rajanīhāsā, niśipuṣpikā, sindhukaḥ, sindrakaḥ, sindrarāvaḥ, indrasuṣiraḥ, indrāṇikā, sindhuvāraḥ, indrasurasaḥ, nirguṇṭhī, indrāṇī, paulomī, śakrāṇī, kāsanāśinī, visundhakaḥ, sindhakam, surasaḥ, sindhuvāritaḥ, surasā, sindhuvārakaḥ   

ṣaḍ ārabhya dvāviṃśatiḥ pādonnataḥ nityaharitakṣupaḥ yasmin bhavati tuvaryāḥ iva pañcapatrāṇi evaṃ śākhāyāṃ laghūni romāṇi ca।

nirguṇḍyāḥ patramūlāni tu auṣadheṣu upayujyante।


sindhuvāraḥ, indrasurasaḥ, indrāṇī, indrāṇikā, candrasurasaḥ, nirguṇṭī, nirguṇḍī, nisindhuḥ, nanīlasindhukaḥ, śvetapuṣpaḥ, śvetarāvakaḥ, sindhurāvaḥ, sindhuvārakaḥ, sindhuvāritaḥ, sindhukaḥ, surasaḥ, sthirasādhanakaḥ, arthasiddhakaḥ   

ekaḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

sindhuvārasya patrāṇi bījāḥ ca auṣadhyāṃ prayujyante।



ekaḥ rākṣasaḥ।

purāṇesthakathānusāreṇa prayāganagaraṃ asurasenasya śarīrasya upari sthāpitaṃ vartate।



vaidyakaśāstrānusāreṇa rogaviśeṣaḥ।

asurasya rugṇaḥ gharmarahitaḥ bhavati jalpati ca।



jainaśāstrānusāreṇa tribhuvanapatiḥ।

asurakumārasya varṇanaṃ jainaśāstreṣu dṛśyate।



rākṣasāṇām indrajālam।

saḥ svapne asuramāyām apaśyat।


kalyāṇavījaḥ, kṛṣṇamasūraḥ, masūrikā, masarā, masura   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ- yasya bījaṃ dvidalayuktaṃ asti tathā ca yasya āḍhakīṃ śākarūpeṇa atti।

kṛṣakaḥ kalyāṇabījaṃ avalūnāti।



yat na rakṣitam।

asurakṣite vane andhaḥkāre na aṭanīyam।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

masurakarṇaḥ śivādi gaṇeṣu parigaṇitaḥ



ekaḥ rājā ।

prācīna-bhāratīya-bauddha-vāṅmaye masurakṣitaḥ samullikhitaḥ



devatānāṃ vargaḥ ।

ābhāsurasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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