Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
bāndhakineyaḥ | 2.6.26 | Masculine | Singular | bandhulaḥ, asatīsutaḥ, kaulaṭeraḥ, kaulaṭeyaḥ | |
iṅgudī | 2.2.46 | Ubhaya-linga | Singular | tāpasataruḥ | |
svairiṇī | 2.6.11 | Feminine | Singular | pāṃśulā, carṣaṇī, bandhakī, asatī, kulaṭā, itvarī, puṃścalī | |
viṭapaḥ | 3.3.138 | Masculine | Singular | divyagāyanaḥ, antarābhavasattvaḥ | |
saṃvasathaḥ | Masculine | Singular | grāmaḥ | ||
āpannasattvā | 2.6.22 | Feminine | Singular | garbhiṇī, gurviṇī, antarvatnī | |
vasatiḥ | 3.3.73 | Feminine | Singular | pracāraḥ, syandaḥ |
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. ([in seven times /asat-and five times /āsat-with lengthening of the accentuated vowel]) not being, not existing, unreal | ||||||
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. untrue, wrong | ||||||
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. bad etc. | ||||||
asat | m. (n-) indra- | ||||||
asat | n. (t-) non-existence, nonentity etc. | ||||||
asat | n. untruth, falsehood | ||||||
asat | n. evil | ||||||
asat | m. plural (ntas-) bad or contemptible men | ||||||
asatī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order below | ||||||
asatī | f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife | ||||||
asatīsuta | m. the son of an unchaste wife | ||||||
asatkalpanā | f. a wrong supposition | ||||||
asatkāra | m. doing injury, offence | ||||||
asatkaratva | n. incapability of effecting anything | ||||||
asatkārya | n. bad or illicit occupation | ||||||
asatkāryavādin | m. one who (like a naiyāyika-) holds that an effect is nonexistent in its cause before production. | ||||||
asatkriyā | f. bad conduct, | ||||||
asatkṛta | mfn. badly treated | ||||||
asatkṛta | n. offence | ||||||
asatkṛtya | ind.p. not taking notice of (accusative) | ||||||
asatkṛtya | mfn. one who does evil actions | ||||||
asatparigraha | mfn. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons | ||||||
asatpatha | m. a bad road | ||||||
asatpatha | mfn. not being on the right path | ||||||
asatpramudita | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) one of the eight asiddhi-s. | ||||||
asatpratigraha | m. (= - parigraha-), | ||||||
asatputra | mfn. having no son | ||||||
asatsaṃsarga | m. evil company. | ||||||
asatsaṅga | m. "attached to evil", Name of a doorkeeper (in the prabodhacandrodaya-). | ||||||
asattā | f. non-existence | ||||||
asattva | n. idem or 'f. non-existence ' | ||||||
asattva | n. non-presence, absence | ||||||
asattva | mfn. strengthless, without energy | ||||||
asatya | mfn. untrue, false, lying. etc. | ||||||
asatya | n. untruth, falsehood | ||||||
asatyasandha | mfn. treacherous, base | ||||||
asatyasannibha | mfn. improbable, unlikely | ||||||
asatyaśīla | mf(ā-)n. having an inclination to falsehood | ||||||
asatyatā | f. untruth | ||||||
asatyavāda | m. a lie | ||||||
asatyavādin | mfn. speaking falsely, a liar. | ||||||
abhrakasattva | n. steel | ||||||
abhyullasat | mfn. ( | ||||||
adhivasati | f. a dwelling, habitation, | ||||||
adīnasattva | mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness. | ||||||
ahiśuṣmasatvan | m. one whose attendants (the marut-s) hiss like serpents (Name of indra-) ([the pada- as well as the saṃhitā- Text takes ahiśuṣma-as a vocative case by itself, and translates accordingly]) . | ||||||
alasatā | f. idleness. | ||||||
alasatva | n. idleness. | ||||||
alpasattva | mfn. having little strength or courage | ||||||
antarābhavasattva | n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration. | ||||||
antarvasat | mfn. internal, included, dwelling in. | ||||||
antasatkriyā | f. the funeral ceremonies | ||||||
āpannasattvā | f. a pregnant woman | ||||||
āryasatya | n. (pāli- ariyasaccam-) sublime truth | ||||||
āryasatya | n. (with Buddhists the cattari ariyasaccāni-or"four great truths"are, 1. life is suffering, 2. desire of life is the cause of suffering, 3. extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, 4. the eightfold path(See below) leads to that extinction.) | ||||||
asaṃjñikasattva | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of certain ecstatic beings, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding | ||||||
asasat | mfn. not sleeping | ||||||
ātithyasatkāra | m. ([ ]) ([ ]) the rites of hospitality. | ||||||
ātithyasatkriyā | f. ([ ]) the rites of hospitality. | ||||||
aupavasathika | mfn. designed for or belonging to the upa-vasatha- (q.v) ceremony | ||||||
aupavasathika | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-. | ||||||
aupavasathya | mfn. equals aupavasathika- above | ||||||
avasatha | m. (for ā-vasatha- q.v) habitation | ||||||
avasatha | m. a village | ||||||
avasatha | m. a college, school | ||||||
avasatha | n. a house, dwelling | ||||||
āvasatha | m. () dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging etc. | ||||||
āvasatha | m. a dwelling for pupils and ascetics | ||||||
āvasatha | m. a village | ||||||
āvasatha | m. a particular religious observance | ||||||
āvasatha | m. a treatise on āryā- metres | ||||||
āvasathika | mf(ī-)n. dwelling in a house | ||||||
āvasathika | mf(ī-)n. household, domestic | ||||||
āvasathika | m. a householder (who keeps a domestic fire) | ||||||
avasathin | mfn. having a habitation | ||||||
āvasathīya | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house | ||||||
āvasathīya | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire | ||||||
āvasathīya | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics | ||||||
āvasathīya | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire | ||||||
avasathya | mfn. (for āvas- q.v) belonging to a house, domestic | ||||||
avasathya | m. a college, school | ||||||
āvasathya | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house | ||||||
āvasathya | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire | ||||||
āvasathya | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics | ||||||
āvasathya | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire | ||||||
āvasathyādhāna | n. establishing a domestic fire | ||||||
āvasati | f. shelter, night's lodging | ||||||
āvasati | f. night (id est the time during which one rests) . | ||||||
aviśvasat | mfn. not confiding | ||||||
baddhavasati | mfn. having one's abode fixed, dwelling in (locative case) | ||||||
bharatasattama | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa- | ||||||
bhāratasattama | m. the best of the descendants of bharata- | ||||||
bhasat | m. a bird | ||||||
bhasattas | ind. bhasad | ||||||
bhavalābhalobhasatkāraparāṅmukha | mfn. averse to the benefit (and) to the longing for attainment of worldly existence (said of a Buddhist convert) | ||||||
bhedadhikkārasatkriyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
bhikṣukasatī | f. a virtuous female mendicant | ||||||
brāhmaṇasattama | m. the best of brāhmaṇa- | ||||||
brahmasatī | f. Name of. the river sarasvatī- | ||||||
brahmasattra | n. sacrifice of devotion or meditation, constant repetition of Vedic texts | ||||||
brahmasattrin | mfn. offering the sacrifice of devotion | ||||||
brahmasattrin | mfn. absorbed in the self-existent One | ||||||
chāndasatā | f. the being Vedic | ||||||
chāndasatva | n. idem or 'f. the being Vedic ' etc. | ||||||
chāndasatva | n. the being archaistic | ||||||
chāndasatva | n. the being metrical | ||||||
dārghasattra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dīrgha-.) connected with a long sacrifice | ||||||
devasattra | n. a long festival in honour of the gods | ||||||
devasattva | mfn. having the nature of a god | ||||||
devasatya | n. divine truth, established order of the gods | ||||||
devāvasatha | m. "habitation of the gods", temple | ||||||
dhanvantariguṇāguṇayogasata | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasatyavrata | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue | ||||||
dharmasatyavrateyu | m. plural dharmeyu-, satyeyu- and vrateyu- | ||||||
dhīrasattva | mfn. steadfast, resolute | ||||||
dīnasattva | mfn. equals -citta- | ||||||
dīptarasatva | n. the predominance of fiery passions | ||||||
dīrghasattra | n. a long-continued soma- sacrifice etc. | ||||||
dīrghasattra | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
dīrghasattra | mfn. equals tr/in- mfn. occupied with a prolonged soma- rite | ||||||
divasatithi | the day-part of a lunar day | ||||||
duḥkhavasati | f. a difficult abode | ||||||
durvasati | f. bad dwelling | ||||||
dvayasata | See dve-s-. | ||||||
dvijasattama | m. equals -mukhya- | ||||||
ekasatī | f. the only satī- or faithful wife | ||||||
gambhīrasattvasvaranābhi | mfn. equals tri-g- (See above) | ||||||
garbhavasati | f. "embryo-abode", the womb | ||||||
gatasattva | mfn. annihilated, lifeless, dead | ||||||
gatasattva | mfn. "without good qualities", base | ||||||
ghṛtaprasatta | (t/a--) mfn. propitiated with ghee (agni-), | ||||||
grasatī | f. (irreg. pr. p. f.), Name of a nāga- virgin | ||||||
gṛhītavasatīvarīka | mfn. one who has taken up the waters called vasatī-v/arī- | ||||||
gūḍhavasati | f. abode in a secret place | ||||||
hālasaptasataka | n. Name of an anthology (containing 700 Prakrit stanzas). | ||||||
harṣavivṛddhasattva | mfn. one whose vigour is increased by happiness | ||||||
hasat | mfn. (pr. p. of | ||||||
hasat | mfn. mocking, scorning, excelling | ||||||
kalyāṇasattva | mfn. of noble character. | ||||||
kāmavasati | f. an erotic term. | ||||||
khākhasatila | m. idem or 'm. poppy ' | ||||||
khasatila | m. poppy (khaskhasa-) | ||||||
kṛtavasati | mfn. one who has taken up his abode, dwelling | ||||||
kulasattra | n. a family sacrifice | ||||||
lakṣmīvasati | f. "abode of lakṣmī-", Name of the lotus-flower (Nelumbium Speciosum) | ||||||
lālasatā | f. lālasa | ||||||
mamasatya | n. "the being mine", contest for ownership | ||||||
mānasatva | n. the state of spirit, spirituality, fulfilment of anything in mere thought, | ||||||
mṛgasattama | m. the best of antelopes | ||||||
mṛgasattra | n. Name of a festival lasting 19 days | ||||||
mūḍhasattva | mfn. foolish or silly by nature | ||||||
nākasattva | n. nākasad | ||||||
nakṣatrasattra | n. equals nakṣatre | ||||||
nakṣatrasattra | n. Name of work | ||||||
nakṣatrasattrahautra | n. Name of work | ||||||
nakṣatrasattraprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
nakṣatrasattreṣṭihautraprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
nakṣatrasattreṣṭiprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
niḥsādhvasatā | f. () fearlessness, boldness. | ||||||
niḥsādhvasatva | n. () fearlessness, boldness. | ||||||
nīrasatā | f. nīrasa | ||||||
nīrasatva | n. nīrasa | ||||||
nivasatha | m. a village | ||||||
nivasati | f. habitation, abode | ||||||
panasatālikā | f. the bread-fruit tree | ||||||
pañcasattra | n. Name of a place | ||||||
paṅkeruhavasati | m. lotus-dweller, Name of brahmā- | ||||||
paramārthasatya | n. the real or entire truth | ||||||
parāvasathaśāyin | mfn. sleeping in another's house | ||||||
paribhraṣṭasatkarman | mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain | ||||||
paridīnasattva | mfn. distressed in mind. () | ||||||
paripūrṇasattva | mfn. having absolute perfection, | ||||||
parivasatha | m. a village | ||||||
paryāvasatha | m. equals maṭha-, | ||||||
phalasatīṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of country (Palestine?) | ||||||
pitṛvasati | f. "abode of pitṛ-s", place of the dead | ||||||
prahasat | mf(antī-)n. laughing, smiling | ||||||
prakāmavikasat | mfn. expanding or blooming abundantly | ||||||
prasatta | mfn. satisfied, pleased | ||||||
prasatti | f. clearness, brightness, purity | ||||||
prasatti | f. graciousness, favour | ||||||
prathamavasati | f. the original home | ||||||
prativasatha | m. a settlement, village | ||||||
prativasati | ind. in every habitation or house | ||||||
pravasatha | n. departure, separation from (ablative) | ||||||
priyasāhasatva | n. | ||||||
priyasatya | mfn. pleasant and true (as speech) | ||||||
priyasatya | mfn. a lover of truth | ||||||
priyasatya | n. speech at once pleasing and true | ||||||
rabhasat | ind. rabhasa | ||||||
rājasattra | n. a kind's sacrifice | ||||||
rājasatva | n. rājasa | ||||||
rājavasati | f. dwelling in a kind's court | ||||||
rājavasati | f. a royal residence, palace | ||||||
rākṣasatā | f. | ||||||
rākṣasatva | n. the state or condition of a rākṣasa-, fiendishness | ||||||
ramaṇavasati | f. the dwelling-place of a lover | ||||||
raṇasattra | n. war or battle regarded as a sacrifice | ||||||
rasatā | f. juiciness, fluidity (-tām upe | ||||||
rasatama | (r/asa--) m. the juice of all juices, essence of essences | ||||||
rasatanmātra | n. the subtle element or rudiment of taste | ||||||
rasataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of various works. | ||||||
rasatas | ind. according to taste or flavour | ||||||
rasatattvasāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
rasatejas | n. "strength of the chyle", blood | ||||||
rasatva | n. the being chyle, state of chyle | ||||||
rasatvajātipramāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rathasattama | m. a most excellent chariots | ||||||
rathasattama | m. the best of warriors | ||||||
ṛtajātasatya | mfn. (ṛt/a-jāta-satya-) appearing at the proper time and true or constant (said of the Ushases) | ||||||
ṛtasatya | n. dual number right and truth | ||||||
sadasat | mfn. being and not being, real and unreal | ||||||
sadasat | mfn. true and false (See n.) | ||||||
sadasat | mfn. good and bad | ||||||
sadasat | m. plural the good and the bad | ||||||
sadasat | n. what is existent and non-existence (also dual number) | ||||||
sadasat | n. the true and the false | ||||||
sadasat | n. good and evil | ||||||
sadasat | n. dual number existence and existence, truth and falsehood | ||||||
sādasata | mfn. containing the words sat- and as/a- gaRa vimuktā | ||||||
sadasatkhyātivicāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
sadasatpati | m. a lord of what is existent and non-existence | ||||||
sadasatphala | (in the beginning of a compound) good and evil consequences | ||||||
sadasatphalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of good and evil consequences | ||||||
sadasattva | n. existence and non-existence | ||||||
sadīkṣopasatka | mfn. with dīkṣā- and upasad- | ||||||
ṣaḍupasatka | mfn. connected with six festivals called upasad- | ||||||
sadvasatha | m. a village (wrong reading for saṃv-). | ||||||
sahautranakṣatrasattvaprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
sahavasati | f. dwelling together | ||||||
sajjanaikavasati | mfn. residing only in the good | ||||||
śālivāhanasataka | n. Name of work | ||||||
samarasatva | n. samarasa | ||||||
samprasatti | f. equals sam-prasāda- (in vedā | ||||||
saṃvasatha | m. an inhabited place, settlement, village, dwelling, house | ||||||
saṃvasati | f. dwelling together | ||||||
saṃvatsarasattra | n. a soma- sacrifice whose sutya- days last a year | ||||||
saṃvatsarasattrabhāṣya | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃvatsarasattrasad | mfn. one who performs the above soma- sacrifice, | ||||||
saṃvatsaropasatka | mfn. whose upasad- (q.v) lasts a year | ||||||
sarajasatā | f. sarajasa | ||||||
sarasatā | f. juiciness | ||||||
sarasatva | n. idem or 'f. juiciness ' | ||||||
sarasatva | n. freshness | ||||||
sarasatva | n. idem or 'n. freshness ' | ||||||
sarasatva | n. freshness, novelty | ||||||
sarpasattra | n. a snake -sacrifice (performed by janamejaya-) | ||||||
sarpasattra | n. (prob.) equals sarpāṇām-, ayanam- (See sarp/a-) | ||||||
sarpasattrin | m. "performer of a snake-sacrifice", Name of king janam-ejaya- (a legend relates that to revenge the death of his father, who was killed by a snake-bite, he employed mantra-s to compel the whole serpent-race to be present at a sacrifice, where all except a few chief snakes were destroyed) | ||||||
sarvadaivasattva | n. being at all times | ||||||
sarvasattvapāpajahana | m. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. of a bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. of another person | ||||||
sarvasattvatrātṛ | m. Name of a mythical being | ||||||
sarvasattvaujohārī | f. Name of a rākṣasī- (varia lectio sattvo | ||||||
sarvasatya | mfn. truest of all | ||||||
sarvatrasattva | n. omnipresence | ||||||
sasattrin | (or s/a-s-) m. a companion at a sacrifice or festival | ||||||
sasattva | mf(ā-)n. possessing energy or vigour | ||||||
sasattva | mf(ā-)n. containing living creatures or animals | ||||||
sasattvā | f. "containing an embryo", a pregnant woman | ||||||
sasatya | (s/a--) mfn. accompanied with truth | ||||||
satīnasatvan | (n/a--) mfn. leading real warriors (applied to indra-) ("a sender of water") | ||||||
sattravasati | f. | ||||||
satyasatī | f. a truly faithful wife | ||||||
satyasatvan | m. a true warrior (or mfn."having true warriors") | ||||||
śivapurāṇatāmasatvakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work (see ) . | ||||||
śivasamarasatā | f. śivasamarasa | ||||||
somasatsaru | mfn. (said of a plough) (varia lectio p/itsaru-, sumat/itsaru-). | ||||||
śritasattva | mfn. one who has taken courage or resolution | ||||||
sthirasattva | mfn. having a steadfast character | ||||||
śuddhasattva | mf(ā-)n. equals -śīla- | ||||||
sudhārasatva | n. sudhārasa | ||||||
surasattama | m. the best of the gods | ||||||
svargasattraprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
śvasatha | m. the act of blowing, hissing, snorting, panting, breathing, breath | ||||||
svasattā | f. the being in one's own possession or at one's own disposition | ||||||
tadvasati | mfn. dwelling there. | ||||||
tāmasatapaḥśīla | m. Name of a daitya- | ||||||
tāpasataru | m. "tree of ascetics", Terminalia Catappa or putraṃjīva- Roxburghii | ||||||
tarasat | for tr/as-, | ||||||
ṭasat | ind. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) an interjection imitating the sound of bursting | ||||||
ṭasat | ind. (sad-iti-) | ||||||
tattvasatyaśāstra | n. Name of a work by guṇaprabha- | ||||||
tryupasatka | mfn. containing 3 upas/ad- ceremonies | ||||||
ucchvasat | mfn. breathing etc. (See above) | ||||||
ucchvasat | m. (an-) a breathing being | ||||||
udārasattva | mfn. of noble character, generous-minded | ||||||
udārasattvābhijana | mfn. of noble character and descent | ||||||
ullasat | mfn. (pres.p.) shining forth, beaming | ||||||
ullasat | mfn. coming forth etc. (See above) . | ||||||
ullasatā | f. splendour, brilliancy | ||||||
ullasatā | f. mirth, happiness | ||||||
ullasatā | f. going out, issuing | ||||||
ullasatphala | m. poppy | ||||||
upasat | (in compound for 2. upa-s/ad-below) . | ||||||
upasatpatha | m. the path or way of the upasad- ceremony (See below) | ||||||
upasatti | f. connection with, union | ||||||
upasatti | f. service, worship | ||||||
upasatti | f. gift, donation | ||||||
upasattṛ | m. one who has seated himself near or at (especially at the domestic fire), any person who is domiciled, the inhabitant of a house (with and without gṛha-) | ||||||
upasattva | n. the being an upasad- ceremony (See below) | ||||||
upavasatha | m. a fast-day (especially the day preceding a soma- sacrifice), the period of preparation for the soma- sacrifice | ||||||
upavasatha | m. a place of abiding, village | ||||||
upavasathīya | mfn. belonging to the upavasatha- day or to the preparation for a soma- sacrifice | ||||||
upavasathya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to the upavasatha- day or to the preparation for a soma- sacrifice ' | ||||||
vacanasata | n. a hundred speeches, repeated speech or declaration | ||||||
vaikhānasatantra | n. Name of work (see above) | ||||||
vajrasatttvātmikā | f. Name of vajra-sattva-'s wife | ||||||
vajrasattva | m. "having a soul or heart of adamant", Name of a dhyānibuddha- | ||||||
vakmarājasatya | mfn. faithful to those who are the rulers or ordainers of hymns (of praise) | ||||||
vasatha | m. a house | ||||||
vasati | f. staying (especially "overnight"), dwelling, abiding, sojourn etc. (tisro vasatīr uṣitvā-,"having passed three nights"; vasatiṃ- | ||||||
vasati | f. a nest | ||||||
vasati | f. a dwelling-place, house, residence, abode or seat of (genitive case or compound) etc. | ||||||
vasati | f. a jaina- monastery | ||||||
vasati | f. night | ||||||
vasati | mfn. (according to to some) dwelling, abiding (with vasām-), fixing one's residence (?) | ||||||
vasatī | f. equals vasati-, staying, dwelling, a dwelling-place, etc. | ||||||
vasati | etc. See . | ||||||
vasatidruma | m. a tree under which a night is passed | ||||||
vasatīvarī | f. plural (scilicet āpas-) water left standing overnight (drawn from a stream on the eve of the soma- sacrifice) (in the beginning of a compound ri- ) | ||||||
vāyasatīra | n. (prob.) Name of a place ( vāyasatīrīya rīya- mfn.) Va1rtt. 2 | ||||||
vāyasatīrīya | mfn. vāyasatīra | ||||||
vāyasatuṇḍa | mfn. resembling the beak of a crow | ||||||
vāyasatuṇḍa | m. (with saṃdhi-) the joint of the jaw, Processus Coronoideus | ||||||
vihārāvasatha | m. (equals ra-gṛha-) | ||||||
vihasatikā | f. gentle laughter, smiling (varia lectio sitikā-). | ||||||
vikasat | mfn. opening, blown, expanding, shining, bright | ||||||
vilasat | mf(antī-)n. flashing, shining, glittering etc. | ||||||
vilasatmarīci | mfn. having rays of light gleaming or playing | ||||||
vilasatmeghaśabda | m. the echoing sound of clouds (id est thunder) | ||||||
vilasatpatāka | mfn. having a gleaming or waving flag | ||||||
vilasatsaudāminī | f. a flash of lightning | ||||||
vilāsavasati | f. a pleasure resort (varia lectio) | ||||||
vinītasattva | mfn. (a grove) containing tame animals | ||||||
viniyogasatkriyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
virasatva | n. bad taste, nauseousness | ||||||
vīryasattvavat | mfn. possessed of valour and courage | ||||||
viśuddhasattva | mfn. of a pure character | ||||||
viśuddhasattvapradhāna | mfn. chiefly characterized by pure goodness | ||||||
viśuddhasattvavijñāna | mfn. of pure character and understanding | ||||||
viśvasattama | mfn. the best of all (said of kṛṣṇa-) | ||||||
vyaktarasatā | f. vyaktarasa | ||||||
yamasattvavat | mfn. having yama-'s nature | ||||||
yāmyasattvavat | mfn. having the nature or character of yama- (varia lectio yama-s-). |
āvasatiḥ | आवसतिः f. Night (the time during which one rests); mid-night; माद्रीसुताभ्यां सहितः किरीटी सुष्बाप तामावसतिं प्रतीतः Mb.3.165.14. |
āvasathaḥ | आवसथः [आवस्-अथच् Uṇ.3.116. 1 A dwelling, dwelling-place, residence, house, habitation; निवसन्नावसथे पुराद्बहिः R.8.14; रोगी चिरप्रवासी परान्नभोजी परावसथशायी । यज्जीवति तन्मरणं यन्मरणं सो$स्य विश्रामः ॥ Subh. Ratn. -2 A resting place, asylum; Ms.3.17; Mb.12.14-41; स ह सर्वत आवसथान् मापयाञ्चक्रे । Ch. Up.4.1.1. -स...... ग्रासाच्छादनावसथान् प्रतिविदध्यात् Kau. A.1.11. -3 A dwelling for pupils and ascetics. -4 A village. -5 A particular religious observance. -6 A fire-sanctuary, a place where sacrificial fire is preserved. |
āvasathika | आवसथिक a. (-की f.) [आवसथे गृहे वसति ठक् Tv.] 1 Inhabiting a house. -2 Household, domestic. -3 Keeping a sacred fire in a house. -कः Prob. a supervisor of royal palace and other government buildings, including temples, rest-houses &c. EI.XXIII, pp.155 ff. |
āvasathya | आवसथ्य a. [आवसथ-त्र्य] Being in a house. -थ्यः The sacred fire kept in the house, one of the five fires used in sacrifices; see पञ्चाग्नि; Bhāg.3.13.37. -थ्यः, -थ्यम् A dwelling for pupils and ascetics. -थ्यम् 1 Placing a sacred fire within a house. -2 A house. |
upasattiḥ | उपसत्तिः f. 1 Connection, union. -2 Service, worship, attendance upon. -3 Gift, donation. -4 Informing. |
upavasathaḥ | उपवसथः [उप-वस्-आधारे अथ] 1 A village. -2 The day preceding a Soma sacrifice; or a day of preparation for this sacrifice; a fast-day. उपवसथीय upavasathīya उपवसथ्य upavasathya उपवसथीय उपवसथ्य a. Selected for an उपवसथ (as a day). |
ullasat | उल्लसत् a. Shining forth. -Comp. -फलः poppy. |
khasatilaḥ | खसतिलः Poppy. |
nivasatiḥ | निवसतिः f. A house, habitation, abode, residence, dwelling. |
nivasathaḥ | निवसथः A village. |
parivasathaḥ | परिवसथः A village. |
prativasathaḥ | प्रतिवसथः A village, settlement. |
prasattiḥ | प्रसत्तिः f. 1 Favour, graciousness, complacency; करिष्यसे यत्र सुदुश्चराणि प्रसत्तये गोत्रभिदस्तपांसि Ki.3.29. -2 Clearness, purity, transparency. |
vasatiḥ | वसतिः ती f. [वस्-अति वा ङीप् Uṇ.4.62] 1 Dwelling, residing, abiding; आश्रमेषु वसतिं चक्रे Me.1 'fixed his residence in'; कमलवसतिमात्रनिर्वृतः Ś.5.1. -2 A house, dwelling, residence, habitation; हर्षो हर्षो हृदयवसतिः पञ्चबाणस्तु बाणः P. R.1.22; Ś.2.15. -3 A receptacle, reservoir, an abode (fig.); अलकामतिवाह्यैव वसतिं वसुसंपदाम् Ku.6.37; so विनयवसतिः, धर्मैकवसतिः. -4 A camp, halting place (शिबिर). -5 The time when one halts or stays to rest, i. e. night; तस्य मार्गवशादेका बभूव वसतिर्यतः R.15.11 (वसतिः = रात्रिः Malli.) 'he halted at night' &c.; तिस्नो वसतीरुषित्वा 7.33;11.3. -6 A Jaina monastery. |
vasatham | वसथम् An abode, dwelling, nest (of birds). |
vilasat | विलसत् pres. p. (-न्ती f.) 1 Glittering, shining, bright. -2 Flashing, darting. -3 Waving. -4 Sportive, playful; see विलस् above. |
saṃvasathaḥ | संवसथः A place where people live together, a village, an inhabited place. |
sadvasathaḥ | सद्वसथः A village. |
sasattva | ससत्त्व a. 1 Possessed of vitality, energy, vigour, courage &c. -2 Pregnant, big with child; नृपः ससत्त्वां महिषीममन्यत R.3.9. -2 Full of animals or creatures. त्त्वा A pregnant woman. |
hasat | हसत् pres. p. Mocking, excelling; मृत्पिण़्डशेखरितकोटिभि- रर्धचन्द्रं शृङ्गैः शिखाग्रगतलक्ष्ममलं हसद्भिः Śi.5.63. ल-f. A portable fire-vessel (Mar. शेगडी). |
asat | ás-at, pr. pt. n. the non-existent, x. 129, 1. 4. |
ṛtajātasatya | ṛtá-jāta-satya, a. punctually true, iv. 51, 7 [true as produced by established order]. |
vasati | vas-atí, f. abode, nest, x. 127, 4 [vas dwell]. |
asat | pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad; -î, f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil; -kalpanâ, f. false supposition; lie; -krita, pp. badly treated; offered ungraciously; n. injury; -tva, n. non-existence:-vakana, a. expressing no entity: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -putra, a. sonless; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift from an unworthy person; -pralâpa, m. empty talk; -pravritti, f. evil course of action. |
asatsaṃparka | m. contact with the bad. |
asatya | a. untrue; n. falsehood, lie: -vâda, m. lie; -sîla, a. addicted to lies; -sam dha, a. whose engagements are untrustwor thy, treacherous. |
adhivasati | f. dwelling. |
antasatkriyā | f. last honour (to the dead). |
abālasattva | a. not having the nature of a boy. |
aluptasattvakośa | a. hav ing a full treasure of courage. |
aviśvasat | pr. pt. distrustful; -anîya, fp. not to be trusted: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -ta, pp. distrustful. |
asasat | pr. pt. not slumbering. |
āvasati | f. night's lodging; quar ters; -athá, m. id.; abode; -ath-ya, m. sacred domestic fire. |
upavasatha | m. fast on the eve of the Soma sacrifice. |
ṭasat tasat, ṭasiti | ij. bang! |
dhīrasattva | a. resolute. |
parāvasathaśāyin | a. sleeping in another's house. |
vasatīvarī | f. pl. water left stand ing overnight (drawn from a stream on the eve of the Soma sacrifice). |
vasati | f. staying overnight; dwell ing, abiding, sojourn; nest (V.); residence, abode, house; seat (fig.) of (g., --°ree;); night (rare); -m kri, grah, or bandh, pass the night; take up one's abode, in (lc.);tisro vasatîr ushitvâ, having halted at three stages, having passed three nights: -druma, m. tree under which the night is passed. |
śvasatha | m. panting (V.). |
sadasat | pr. pt. being and not being; true and false; good and bad; n. what is existent and non-existent; the true and the false; good and evil; m. du. the good and the bad: d-âtmaka, a. (ikâ) having the nature both of the existent and the non-existent; d-bhâva, m. reality and unreality; truth and falsehood. |
saṃprasatti | f. soul during deep sleep; -sava, m. admission (=prati-sava); -sâda, m. mental repose (during deep sleep; Br., rare); grace, favour (C.); soul during deep sleep (V., C.); -sâdhya, fp. to be man aged or regulated; -sârana, n. drawing asun der (rare); change of semi-vowel (followed by a) to the corresponding vowel (the a being dropped, gr.: as in vad to ud); -harsha, m. joy; -hâra, m. conflict, fight, with (in. ± saha, --°ree;); blow, thrust (rare); gait (rare); -hrishta-tanûruha, a. having the hair brist ling, thrilled with joy. |
asat | ta utso gṛṇate niyutvān RV.9.89.6c. |
asat | su me jaritaḥ sābhivegaḥ RV.10.27.1a; ā.;; śś.17.9.5. Cf. BṛhD.7.23. |
asataḥ | sad ajāyata RV.10.72.2d,3b. |
asataḥ | sad ye tatakṣuḥ TA.1.11.1a. |
asatāṃ | ca pratigrahaṃ svāhā TA.10.23.1d; MahānU.14.2d; PrāṇāgU.1d; BDh. |
asate | tvā TS.;; MS.1.3.35: 42.3; KS.29.5; KSA.1.2; TB. |
asate | namaḥ KS.26.12; Apś.20.1.17. |
asati | sat pratiṣṭhitam AVś.17.1.19a. |
asatībhyo | asattarāḥ AVś.7.76.1b; AVP.1.21.1b. |
asato | mā sad gamaya śB.,31; BṛhU.1.3.30,31; śś.6.8.9. |
aghasat | # śś.6.1.5. Cf. aghat. |
adyopavasathaḥ | # Kauś.1.31. |
āvasathe | śriyaṃ mantram # TB.; Apś.4.2.1c. |
upasattā | vardhatāṃ te aniṣṭṛtaḥ # AVś.7.82.3d; AVP.3.33.4d; VS.27.4d; TS.; MS.2.12.5d: 149.1; 18.16d. |
ṛtasatyābhyāṃ | tvā paryukṣāmi # Aś.2.2.11; Mś. P: ṛtasatyābhyām VHDh.5.253. See ṛtaṃ tvā. |
ghasat | # Aś.3.4.15; 8.8. Cf. under akṣan. |
ghasat | ta indra ukṣaṇaḥ # RV.10.86.13c; AVś.20.126.13c; N.12.9c. |
ghṛtaprasatto | asuraḥ suśevaḥ # RV.5.15.1c. |
dīrghasatreṇa | (for -sattreṇa) saṃmitaḥ # AVP.8.19.8c. |
nibhasat | sūkarīva # AVP.10.1.8b. |
asat | all temporary and bad | SB 9.19.20 |
asat | although long dead (and although no one knows that the soul has gone) | SB 5.14.17 |
asat | bad | SB 3.27.3 |
asat | by ignorant people | SB 11.22.61 |
asat | cause | SB 2.6.42 |
SB 3.15.6 | ||
asat | effect | BG 13.13 |
SB 2.6.33 | ||
asat | false | BG 17.28 |
SB 10.40.23 | ||
asat | illusory | SB 1.16.6 |
SB 3.2.10 | ||
asat | impermanent | SB 3.25.7 |
SB 5.12.10 | ||
asat | impermanent, transient | SB 8.9.29 |
asat | impudence | SB 6.3.30 |
asat | impure | SB 10.46.39 |
SB 10.51.46 | ||
SB 11.22.57 | ||
SB 11.28.32 | ||
SB 11.30.38 | ||
asat | insubstantial | SB 12.8.44 |
asat | low-class | SB 11.23.33 |
asat | material | SB 11.14.28 |
asat | material happiness | SB 5.18.3 |
asat | materialistic | SB 3.5.45 |
asat | matter | BG 9.19 |
asat | mischievous | SB 1.14.28-29 |
asat | nondevotee | SB 3.9.12 |
asat | nonmanifestation | SB 8.3.22-24 |
asat | nonpermanent | BG 16.10 |
asat | nonpermanent things | SB 3.31.30 |
asat | not real | SB 5.12.9 |
asat | noumenal | SB 2.7.50 |
asat | of the unreal | SB 10.87.22 |
asat | of the unreal and impure | SB 10.16.56 |
asat | perishable | SB 3.9.6 |
asat | subtle matter | SB 10.87.24 |
asat | temporary | SB 2.5.6 |
SB 4.7.44 | ||
asat | that which is only temporary | SB 11.2.33 |
asat | the cause | CC Adi 1.53 |
CC Madhya 24.76 | ||
CC Madhya 25.113 | ||
SB 2.9.33 | ||
asat | the effect | SB 1.2.30 |
asat | the foolish | SB 4.27.25 |
asat | the impious | SB 10.78.28 |
asat | to that which has no permanent reality | SB 11.19.26 |
asat | unmanifested | SB 6.8.31 |
asat | unpalatable | SB 4.8.26 |
asat | unreal | SB 10.87.26 |
SB 11.28.9 | ||
SB 4.11.29 | ||
asat | untenable | SB 2.6.40-41 |
asat | untrue | SB 10.88.34 |
asat | useless | SB 1.15.21 |
SB 11.11.19 | ||
SB 11.23.48 | ||
SB 11.8.19 | ||
asat | vicious | SB 1.8.24 |
asat | which are always prone to material consciousness | SB 7.15.46 |
asat | which is nonexistent, as the cause | SB 8.12.8 |
asat-āgrahaḥ | having unsuitable obstinacy | SB 5.9.6 |
asat-āgrahaḥ | having unsuitable obstinacy | SB 5.9.6 |
asat-āgraham | bodily concept of life | SB 3.27.9 |
asat-āgraham | bodily concept of life | SB 3.27.9 |
asat-ālāpam | unnecessary talk on material subject matters | SB 8.16.49 |
asat-ālāpam | unnecessary talk on material subject matters | SB 8.16.49 |
asat-antakam | who could kill all demons | SB 10.6.7 |
asat-antakam | who could kill all demons | SB 10.6.7 |
asat-āśrayaiḥ | taking shelter of those who are asat, or nondevotees | SB 10.10.18 |
asat-āśrayaiḥ | taking shelter of those who are asat, or nondevotees | SB 10.10.18 |
asat-aviṣayam | not understood by the atheists | SB 8.12.47 |
asat-aviṣayam | not understood by the atheists | SB 8.12.47 |
asat-bhāvam | a false conception of life | SB 7.7.19-20 |
asat-bhāvam | a false conception of life | SB 7.7.19-20 |
asat-cakṣuḥ | the eye (revealer) of the illusory energy | SB 3.27.11 |
asat-cakṣuḥ | the eye (revealer) of the illusory energy | SB 3.27.11 |
asat-dharmaiḥ | abominable actions | SB 7.5.45 |
asat-dharmaiḥ | abominable actions | SB 7.5.45 |
asat-dṛśaḥ | for a person with polluted vision | SB 5.17.20 |
asat-dṛśaḥ | for a person with polluted vision | SB 5.17.20 |
asat-gāthāḥ | stories about materialistic persons | SB 3.32.19 |
asat-gāthāḥ | stories about materialistic persons | SB 3.32.19 |
asat-gatim | to take birth in a demoniac family | SB 3.19.29 |
asat-gatim | to take birth in a demoniac family | SB 3.19.29 |
asat-graha | by the bad philosophy | SB 7.5.3 |
asat-graha | by the bad philosophy | SB 7.5.3 |
asat-grāhaḥ | material conception of life | SB 7.5.11 |
asat-grāhaḥ | material conception of life | SB 7.5.11 |
asat-grahaiḥ | revealing the cosmic manifestation | SB 4.7.37 |
asat-grahaiḥ | revealing the cosmic manifestation | SB 4.7.37 |
asat-graham | an incorrect conception of life | SB 4.29.1a-2a |
asat-graham | an incorrect conception of life | SB 4.29.1a-2a |
asat-grahāt | because of accepting the temporary body or bodily relations as real (thinking 'I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine') | SB 7.5.5 |
asat-grahāt | because of accepting the temporary body or bodily relations as real (thinking 'I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine') | SB 7.5.5 |
asat-guṇeṣu | into the temporarily manifested qualities | SB 4.9.7 |
asat-guṇeṣu | into the temporarily manifested qualities | SB 4.9.7 |
asat-jana | of a bad person | SB 11.22.42 |
asat-jana | of a bad person | SB 11.22.42 |
asat-jita-ātmā | whose mind is not attracted to the material pleasure of life | SB 5.13.20 |
asat-jita-ātmā | whose mind is not attracted to the material pleasure of life | SB 5.13.20 |
asat-jita-ātmā | whose mind is not attracted to the material pleasure of life | SB 5.13.20 |
asat-karmabhiḥ | with temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.11 |
asat-karmabhiḥ | with temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.11 |
SB 6.5.12 | ||
asat-karmabhiḥ | with temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.12 |
SB 6.5.13 | ||
asat-karmabhiḥ | with temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.13 |
asat-kathāḥ | useless discussions of that which is not eternal | SB 12.12.49 |
asat-kathāḥ | useless discussions of that which is not eternal | SB 12.12.49 |
asat-kṛtāḥ | being insulted | SB 4.14.30 |
asat-kṛtāḥ | being insulted | SB 4.14.30 |
asat-kṛtaḥ | dishonored | BG 11.41-42 |
asat-kṛtaḥ | dishonored | BG 11.41-42 |
asat-kṛtāḥ | having been disrespected | SB 3.16.4 |
asat-kṛtāḥ | having been disrespected | SB 3.16.4 |
asat-kṛtaḥ | insulted | CC Madhya 19.199-200 |
asat-kṛtaḥ | insulted | CC Madhya 19.199-200 |
SB 3.1.14 | ||
asat-kṛtaḥ | insulted | SB 3.1.14 |
asat-kṛtām | improperly treated | SB 1.14.42 |
asat-kṛtām | improperly treated | SB 1.14.42 |
asat-kṛtam | without respect | BG 17.22 |
asat-kṛtam | without respect | BG 17.22 |
asat-kṛtāyāḥ | having been insulted | SB 4.5.1 |
asat-kṛtāyāḥ | having been insulted | SB 4.5.1 |
asat-mataḥ | not desired by them | SB 9.6.41-42 |
asat-mataḥ | not desired by them | SB 9.6.41-42 |
asat-matim | no attachment | SB 9.4.27 |
asat-matim | no attachment | SB 9.4.27 |
asat-matim | the unclean mentality (accepting the body as the self) | SB 8.24.47 |
asat-matim | the unclean mentality (accepting the body as the self) | SB 8.24.47 |
asat-patham | on the path of material enjoyment | SB 3.28.7 |
asat-patham | on the path of material enjoyment | SB 3.28.7 |
asat-pathe | in temporary matter | SB 2.6.34 |
asat-pathe | in temporary matter | SB 2.6.34 |
asat-pathe | on the path of material activities | SB 6.2.12 |
asat-pathe | on the path of material activities | SB 6.2.12 |
asat-prasańgaiḥ | by material topics | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
asat-prasańgaiḥ | by material topics | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
SB 3.9.4 | ||
asat-prasańgaiḥ | by material topics | SB 3.9.4 |
asat-prasańgaiḥ | who discuss the Supreme Personality of Godhead illogically | CC Madhya 25.38 |
asat-prasańgaiḥ | who discuss the Supreme Personality of Godhead illogically | CC Madhya 25.38 |
asat-prasańgāt | by association of nondevotees who are against the Vedic principles and who manufacture different paths of religion | SB 5.14.13 |
asat-prasańgāt | by association of nondevotees who are against the Vedic principles and who manufacture different paths of religion | SB 5.14.13 |
asat-saṃsthāne | habitat not fit for a gentleman | SB 5.5.30 |
asat-saṃsthāne | habitat not fit for a gentleman | SB 5.5.30 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | giving up the company of nondevotees | CC Madhya 24.339 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | giving up the company of nondevotees | CC Madhya 24.339 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | giving up the company of nondevotees | CC Madhya 24.339 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | rejection of the association of nondevotees | CC Madhya 22.87 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | rejection of the association of nondevotees | CC Madhya 22.87 |
asat-sańga-tyāga | rejection of the association of nondevotees | CC Madhya 22.87 |
asat-śāstram | false scriptures | CC Madhya 6.182 |
asat-śāstram | false scriptures | CC Madhya 6.182 |
asat-śāstreṣu | literature like newspapers, novels, dramas and fiction | SB 7.13.7 |
asat-śāstreṣu | literature like newspapers, novels, dramas and fiction | SB 7.13.7 |
asat-satoḥ | of material products and causes | SB 10.38.11 |
asat-satoḥ | of material products and causes | SB 10.38.11 |
asat-svarūpam | whose existence is unreal in the sense of temporary | SB 10.14.22 |
asat-svarūpam | whose existence is unreal in the sense of temporary | SB 10.14.22 |
asat-tama | most abominable | SB 4.29.55 |
asat-tama | most abominable | SB 4.29.55 |
asat-tama | O most abominable one | SB 6.11.14 |
asat-tama | O most abominable one | SB 6.11.14 |
asat-tamāḥ | the greatest rascals | SB 7.15.37 |
asat-tamāḥ | the greatest rascals | SB 7.15.37 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most cruel | SB 4.8.67 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most cruel | SB 4.8.67 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most wicked | SB 10.57.5 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most wicked | SB 10.57.5 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most wretched | SB 4.9.32 |
asat-tamaḥ | the most wretched | SB 4.9.32 |
asat-tamaḥ | the worst of the impure | SB 10.44.33 |
asat-tamaḥ | the worst of the impure | SB 10.44.33 |
asat-tamam | most wicked | SB 3.18.24 |
asat-tamam | most wicked | SB 3.18.24 |
asat-tamam | the most wretched | SB 1.17.10-11 |
asat-tamam | the most wretched | SB 1.17.10-11 |
asat-vādaiḥ | by the false theories | SB 10.20.23 |
asat-vādaiḥ | by the false theories | SB 10.20.23 |
asat-varaiḥ | very sober | SB 7.7.24 |
asat-varaiḥ | very sober | SB 7.7.24 |
asat-vidhitsuḥ | desiring to act very impiously | SB 7.9.29 |
asat-vidhitsuḥ | desiring to act very impiously | SB 7.9.29 |
asat-vṛttaḥ | full of impious activities | SB 4.14.32 |
asat-vṛttaḥ | full of impious activities | SB 4.14.32 |
asat-vṛttaḥ | impious | SB 4.14.12 |
asat-vṛttaḥ | impious | SB 4.14.12 |
asat-vṛtte | O unchaste woman | SB 9.14.12 |
asat-vṛtte | O unchaste woman | SB 9.14.12 |
asat-vyaya nā kariha | do not spend for sinful activities | CC Antya 9.144 |
asat-vyaya nā kariha | do not spend for sinful activities | CC Antya 9.144 |
asat-vyaya nā kariha | do not spend for sinful activities | CC Antya 9.144 |
asat-vyaya nā kariha | do not spend for sinful activities | CC Antya 9.144 |
asat-vyayaḥ | unnecessary waste of life | SB 1.16.6 |
asat-vyayaḥ | unnecessary waste of life | SB 1.16.6 |
asatā | by you, the most sinful | SB 9.10.22 |
asatā | most mischievous | SB 7.5.26 |
asatā | with something that is not an actual fact | SB 5.10.21 |
asatā | with the manifestation of unreality or illusion | SB 8.3.14 |
asataḥ | and its subtle causes | SB 10.87.1 |
asataḥ | impious | SB 3.31.12 |
asataḥ | material | SB 5.1.6 |
asataḥ | miscreant | SB 8.1.26 |
asataḥ | nondevotees (those who have not taken to Kṛṣṇa consciousness) | SB 6.3.28 |
asataḥ | not existing | SB 4.15.24 |
asataḥ | of a materialistic nondevotee | SB 7.15.29 |
asataḥ | of such a foolish rascal | SB 10.10.13 |
asataḥ | of that which does not exist | SB 11.19.7 |
asataḥ | of the manifest world (from atoms) | SB 10.87.25 |
asataḥ | of the nonexistent | BG 2.16 |
asataḥ | rascals who have no knowledge, no clear understanding | SB 10.10.12 |
asataḥ | the nondevotees | SB 6.3.29 |
asataḥ | the unscrupulous | SB 1.8.5 |
asataḥ | unreal | SB 3.19.28 |
asataḥ | useless, insignificant | SB 11.8.30 |
asataḥ | who was without character | SB 10.1.61 |
asataḥ | with that which is insubstantial | SB 10.54.46 |
asatām | among the materialistic | SB 12.3.7 |
asatām | for the impure | SB 10.87.39 |
asatām | for the wretches | SB 3.18.7 |
asatām | for those who are impure | SB 10.40.28 |
asatām | impious | SB 10.43.17 |
asatām | of evil persons | SB 11.23.3 |
asatām | of material enjoyments | SB 3.27.5 |
asatām | of materialistic people | SB 11.10.27-29 |
asatām | of the atheists, the nondevotee-demons | SB 2.4.13 |
asatām | of the demons | SB 3.21.50 |
asatām | of the evil | SB 10.16.34 |
asatām | of the impure | SB 10.25.17 |
asatām | of the nondevotees | SB 10.14.20 |
asatām | of the wicked | SB 10.60.19 |
asatām | of those who are materialistic | SB 11.26.3 |
asatām | of wicked persons | SB 3.17.31 |
asatām sudurlabham | which is not at all possible to be obtained by contaminated souls (but everything can be possible by the mercy of the Supreme Lord) | SB 10.12.38 |
asatām sudurlabham | which is not at all possible to be obtained by contaminated souls (but everything can be possible by the mercy of the Supreme Lord) | SB 10.12.38 |
asati | a product of ignorance | SB 3.28.36 |
asati | although you are unchaste | SB 9.14.9 |
asati | being absent | SB 4.14.1 |
asatī | being most unchaste | SB 11.8.34 |
asatī | impure | SB 10.27.8 |
asati | in the false ego | SB 3.27.11 |
asati | in the material world | SB 7.13.28 |
asati | in the temporary material world | SB 5.18.12 |
asati | in the unmanifest | SB 3.27.14 |
asati | in unreality | SB 11.28.2 |
asati | O unchaste daughter | SB 9.3.20 |
asati | temporary | SB 4.9.33 |
asati | the material existence | CC Adi 8.58 |
asati | there not being | SB 10.42.28-31 |
asati | thus being | SB 3.5.44 |
asati | to temporary material happiness | CC Madhya 22.76 |
asatī | unchaste | SB 9.18.5 |
asati | unreal | SB 7.15.60 |
asatī | useless | SB 2.3.20 |
asatī | very bad | SB 7.5.29 |
asatī | which is disastrous | SB 7.5.12 |
asatī | who is unchaste | SB 10.24.19 |
asati arthe | in that which is not real | SB 10.54.48 |
asati arthe | in that which is not real | SB 10.54.48 |
asatīḥ | unchaste | SB 12.3.31 |
asatīḥ | untrue | SB 12.12.49 |
asatīm | an unchaste woman | SB 10.60.48 |
asatīm | impermanent, material | SB 8.24.51 |
asatīm | in the nonpermanent | SB 2.2.7 |
asatīm | of the blasphemer | SB 4.4.17 |
asatīm | unchaste | SB 11.11.19 |
SB 3.6.36 | ||
SB 6.2.27 | ||
SB 9.11.9 | ||
asatīnām | false | SB 3.30.8 |
asatīnām | for unchaste women | SB 6.18.36 |
asatsu | evil | SB 4.4.13 |
asatsu | fallible | SB 2.1.4 |
asatsu | with those engaged in sense gratification | SB 3.23.55 |
asattama | O most wicked one | SB 10.36.7 |
asattama-itaraiḥ | having the opposite result to those who are not great souls | SB 4.3.17 |
asattama-itaraiḥ | having the opposite result to those who are not great souls | SB 4.3.17 |
asattamaḥ | most degraded | SB 12.1.20 |
asattayā | by the quality of being insubstantial | SB 5.6.15 |
asattvāt | because of its insignificance | SB 10.48.11 |
asattvāt | because of lacking factual existence | SB 11.13.31 |
asatuḥ | existed | SB 9.24.13 |
asatvaraḥ | without becoming bewildered due to material passion | SB 11.10.6 |
asatvaram | being fixed | SB 4.24.77 |
asatvaram | without any hasty conclusion | SB 4.9.5 |
asatya-vacana | a false statement | CC Madhya 5.70 |
asatya-vacana | a false statement | CC Madhya 5.70 |
asatya-vacana | untruthful statements | CC Madhya 5.64 |
asatya-vacana | untruthful statements | CC Madhya 5.64 |
asatya-vacana | untruthful words | CC Madhya 5.84 |
asatya-vacana | untruthful words | CC Madhya 5.84 |
asatyāḥ | untruth | SB 10.11.57 |
asatyam | unreal | BG 16.8 |
asatyam | untrue | SB 10.88.34 |
asatyāt | than compulsion to untruthfulness | SB 8.20.4 |
asatye | untruth | CC Madhya 18.98 |
abhyasata | practice | SB 4.24.71 |
agrasat | swallowed | SB 6.9.19 |
agrasat | swallowed | SB 10.11.48 |
ahasat | had smiled | SB 4.5.19 |
ahasat | smiled | SB 4.5.21 |
ahasat | laughed | SB 10.61.37 |
hema-ańgada-lasat-bāhuḥ | decorated with golden bangles on his arms | SB 8.15.8-9 |
anuvikasat | blossoming | SB 3.15.17 |
anvasata | they sat down beside | SB 10.35.18-19 |
sat-asat | to cause and effect | BG 11.37 |
sat-asat | in good and bad | BG 13.22 |
sat-asat | gross and subtle | SB 1.3.33 |
sat-asat | gross and subtle | SB 1.5.27 |
sat-asat-ātmikā | as both the cause and the effect | SB 3.5.25 |
sat-asat-ātmakaḥ | the form of the cause and effect | SB 3.22.4 |
sat-asat | manifest and unmanifest | SB 3.26.9 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.26.10 |
sat-asat-ātmikām | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.28.44 |
sat-asat-viśeṣam | with varieties manifest and unmanifest | SB 4.9.13 |
sat-asat | the Supreme Lord and His different energies | SB 4.22.38 |
sat-asat idam | this material manifestation of cause and effect | SB 5.25.10 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.14 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.15 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.16 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.17 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the use of temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.18 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.19 |
sat-asat-paraḥ | who is the cause of all causes (the supreme cause) | SB 6.16.21 |
sat-asat | consisting of cause and effect (You are the cause, and Your energy is the effect) | SB 7.9.31 |
sat-asat | in the cause and in the effect | SB 7.13.4 |
martya-asat-dhīḥ | considers the spiritual master to be like an ordinary human being and maintains such an unfavorable attitude | SB 7.15.26 |
sat-asat-bhāva-bhāvanam | the cause of varieties of creation, its cause and effect | SB 8.7.24 |
sat-asat | manifested and unmanifested | SB 9.5.7 |
sat-asat-vimuktam | transcendental to the manifested and nonmanifested modes of material nature | SB 9.8.24 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of both gross and subtle objects | SB 11.2.22 |
sat asat ca | as both gross objects and their subtle causes | SB 11.3.37 |
sat-asat | as demigod, animal, and so on | SB 11.7.47 |
sat-asat | cause and effect | CC Adi 5.83 |
sat-asat | cause and effect | CC Madhya 20.267 |
mora habe asat-gati | I shall not get my destination | CC Antya 8.24 |
nānā asat-pathe | in various sinful activities | CC Antya 9.88 |
sat-asataḥ | of the cause and effect | SB 2.7.47 |
sat-asataḥ | cause and effect | SB 3.24.43 |
sat-asataḥ | the creation or cause of creation | SB 7.13.4 |
sat-asataḥ | from gross and subtle matter | SB 10.87.17 |
sat-asati | the material world | SB 4.22.25 |
sat-asatī | the cause and the effect | SB 7.9.47 |
sat-asatoḥ | of the living entities, moving and not moving | SB 8.7.34 |
sat-asatoḥ | to both cause and effect | SB 8.12.9 |
sat-asattvam | primarily and secondarily | SB 2.5.33 |
ati-rabhasatara | more fiercely | SB 5.17.9 |
sat-asat-ātmakaḥ | the form of the cause and effect | SB 3.22.4 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.26.10 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of both gross and subtle objects | SB 11.2.22 |
sat-asat-ātmikā | as both the cause and the effect | SB 3.5.25 |
sat-asat-ātmikām | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.28.44 |
atrasat | became frightened | SB 10.18.27 |
avasat | was residing | SB 1.16.10 |
avasat | resided | SB 3.2.26 |
avasat | associated | SB 4.4.16 |
āvasat | lived | SB 6.13.15 |
avasat | lived | SB 9.7.18 |
avasat | he took up residence | SB 10.54.52 |
avasat | he remained | SB 10.84.66 |
āvasathaḥ | abode | SB 5.14.4 |
āvasathān | their mundane homes | SB 10.87.35 |
śūnya-avasathe | in his home deprived of religiosity and sense gratification | SB 11.23.7 |
āvasathyam | fire of worship | SB 3.13.37 |
āvasati | resides in | SB 7.10.48 |
āvasati | resides | SB 7.15.75 |
hema-ańgada-lasat-bāhuḥ | decorated with golden bangles on his arms | SB 8.15.8-9 |
sat-asat-bhāva-bhāvanam | the cause of varieties of creation, its cause and effect | SB 8.7.24 |
sat-asat-bhāva-bhāvanam | the cause of varieties of creation, its cause and effect | SB 8.7.24 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.14 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.15 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.16 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.17 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the use of temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.18 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.19 |
sat asat ca | as both gross objects and their subtle causes | SB 11.3.37 |
trasat-dasyuḥ | of the name Trasaddasyu ('one who threatens thieves and rogues') | SB 9.6.33-34 |
martya-asat-dhīḥ | considers the spiritual master to be like an ordinary human being and maintains such an unfavorable attitude | SB 7.15.26 |
mora habe asat-gati | I shall not get my destination | CC Antya 8.24 |
grasatā | swallowing | SB 6.9.13-17 |
grasatām | while devouring | SB 3.12.16 |
grasatām | among other conditioned souls, who devour one another | SB 7.9.16 |
grasate | He devours | SB 6.12.12 |
grasate | is devouring | SB 10.17.23 |
grasate | is swallowing | SB 10.34.6 |
grasate | takes away | SB 12.4.15-19 |
grasate | takes away | SB 12.4.15-19 |
grasate | seizes | SB 12.4.15-19 |
grasati | he swallows | SB 11.9.21 |
grasati | takes away | SB 12.4.15-19 |
grasati | seizes | SB 12.4.15-19 |
mora habe asat-gati | I shall not get my destination | CC Antya 8.24 |
hasat | smiling | SB 4.1.25 |
hasati | he also laughed | SB 4.25.57-61 |
hasati | laughs | SB 7.4.39 |
hasati | laughs | SB 7.7.35 |
hasati | laughs | SB 11.2.40 |
hasati | laughs | SB 11.14.24 |
hasati | she laughs | SB 12.3.1 |
hasati | laughs | CC Adi 7.94 |
hasati | laughs | CC Madhya 9.262 |
hasati | laughs | CC Madhya 23.41 |
hasati | laughs | CC Madhya 25.141 |
hasati | laughs | CC Antya 3.179 |
hema-ańgada-lasat-bāhuḥ | decorated with golden bangles on his arms | SB 8.15.8-9 |
hrasate | diminishes | SB 10.74.4 |
hrasati | is diminished | SB 5.21.4 |
sat-asat idam | this material manifestation of cause and effect | SB 5.25.10 |
lasat-kāñcana-nūpuram | His legs are decorated with golden ankle bells | SB 4.8.49 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.14 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.15 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.16 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.17 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the use of temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.18 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.19 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.14 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.15 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.16 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.17 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what can be the use of temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.18 |
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet | what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activities | SB 6.5.19 |
kṛṣṇa-sārasatī | the black doe | SB 5.8.6 |
lasat-pīta-paṭe | decorated with yellow garments | SB 1.9.30 |
lasat | hanging | SB 1.11.19 |
lasat | floating with | SB 1.19.6 |
lasat | hanging | SB 2.2.9 |
lasat | glittering | SB 2.3.21 |
lasat | brilliant | SB 2.9.13 |
lasat | splendid | SB 3.21.20 |
lasat | shining | SB 3.23.33 |
lasat | shining | SB 3.28.14 |
lasat-kāñcana-nūpuram | His legs are decorated with golden ankle bells | SB 4.8.49 |
lasat | brilliant | SB 4.9.54 |
lasat | glittering | SB 4.24.47-48 |
lasat | glittering | SB 6.1.34-36 |
lasat | shining | SB 6.4.35-39 |
lasat | shining | SB 8.2.14-19 |
lasat | shining | SB 8.6.3-7 |
lasat | shining | SB 8.12.18 |
hema-ańgada-lasat-bāhuḥ | decorated with golden bangles on his arms | SB 8.15.8-9 |
lasat | moving all over | SB 10.13.5 |
lasat | resplendent | SB 10.14.1 |
lasat | effulgently glowing | SB 10.47.1-2 |
lasat | brilliant | SB 11.27.38-41 |
lasat | shining | CC Adi 2.2 |
lasat | shining | CC Madhya 23.87-91 |
lasat | brilliant | CC Antya 15.63 |
lasat | beautified | Bs 5.31 |
martya-asat-dhīḥ | considers the spiritual master to be like an ordinary human being and maintains such an unfavorable attitude | SB 7.15.26 |
mora habe asat-gati | I shall not get my destination | CC Antya 8.24 |
nānā asat-pathe | in various sinful activities | CC Antya 9.88 |
niḥśvasataḥ | who was breathing | SB 10.16.29 |
nivasatā | residing | SB 11.1.11-12 |
nivasatā | by Him who was residing | SB 12.12.36 |
nivasataḥ | living | SB 6.1.23 |
nivasatām | dwelling in Vaikuṇṭha | SB 3.15.32 |
nivasatām | of those who live there | SB 8.22.32 |
nivasatām | who were living | SB 10.80.35-36 |
nivasati | resides | SB 5.18.29 |
nivasati | resides | SB 5.24.16 |
nivasati | resides | CC Adi 4.72 |
nivasati | resides | CC Madhya 8.163 |
nivasati | resides | Bs 5.37 |
nivasatoḥ | while the two of Them were dwelling | SB 10.20.32 |
lasat-kāñcana-nūpuram | His legs are decorated with golden ankle bells | SB 4.8.49 |
nyavasat | dwelt | SB 1.17.40 |
nyavasat | lived there | SB 4.9.60 |
sat-asat-paraḥ | who is the cause of all causes (the supreme cause) | SB 6.16.21 |
lasat-pīta-paṭe | decorated with yellow garments | SB 1.9.30 |
nānā asat-pathe | in various sinful activities | CC Antya 9.88 |
lasat-pīta-paṭe | decorated with yellow garments | SB 1.9.30 |
prahasat-vadanaḥ | whose face began to smile when he saw the wonderful child | SB 10.11.6 |
prāhasat | laughed loudly | SB 10.61.29 |
prahasatībhiḥ | by them, who were laughing | SB 10.33.23 |
praṇaya-vasatiḥ | object of love | NoI 11 |
pravilasat | spreading over | SB 8.8.41-46 |
ati-rabhasatara | more fiercely | SB 5.17.9 |
samabhyasat | undergo the studies | SB 1.7.9 |
samatrasat | he became fearful | SB 12.9.13 |
samāvasat | he lived in previously | SB 3.22.32 |
saṃvasataḥ | of the one living with | SB 6.4.24 |
sannyasataḥ | taking sannyāsa | SB 11.18.14 |
sanyasati | resigns | NBS 48 |
kṛṣṇa-sārasatī | the black doe | SB 5.8.6 |
sat-asat | to cause and effect | BG 11.37 |
sat-asat | in good and bad | BG 13.22 |
sat-asat | gross and subtle | SB 1.3.33 |
sat-asat | gross and subtle | SB 1.5.27 |
sat-asattvam | primarily and secondarily | SB 2.5.33 |
sat-asataḥ | of the cause and effect | SB 2.7.47 |
sat-asat-ātmikā | as both the cause and the effect | SB 3.5.25 |
sat-asat-ātmakaḥ | the form of the cause and effect | SB 3.22.4 |
sat-asataḥ | cause and effect | SB 3.24.43 |
sat-asat | manifest and unmanifest | SB 3.26.9 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.26.10 |
sat-asat-ātmikām | consisting of cause and effect | SB 3.28.44 |
sat-asat-viśeṣam | with varieties manifest and unmanifest | SB 4.9.13 |
sat-asati | the material world | SB 4.22.25 |
sat-asat | the Supreme Lord and His different energies | SB 4.22.38 |
sat-asat idam | this material manifestation of cause and effect | SB 5.25.10 |
sat-asat-paraḥ | who is the cause of all causes (the supreme cause) | SB 6.16.21 |
sat-asat | consisting of cause and effect (You are the cause, and Your energy is the effect) | SB 7.9.31 |
sat-asatī | the cause and the effect | SB 7.9.47 |
sat-asataḥ | the creation or cause of creation | SB 7.13.4 |
sat-asat | in the cause and in the effect | SB 7.13.4 |
sat-asat-bhāva-bhāvanam | the cause of varieties of creation, its cause and effect | SB 8.7.24 |
sat-asatoḥ | of the living entities, moving and not moving | SB 8.7.34 |
sat-asatoḥ | to both cause and effect | SB 8.12.9 |
sat-asat | manifested and unmanifested | SB 9.5.7 |
sat-asat-vimuktam | transcendental to the manifested and nonmanifested modes of material nature | SB 9.8.24 |
sat-asataḥ | from gross and subtle matter | SB 10.87.17 |
sat-asat-ātmakam | consisting of both gross and subtle objects | SB 11.2.22 |
sat asat ca | as both gross objects and their subtle causes | SB 11.3.37 |
sat-asat | as demigod, animal, and so on | SB 11.7.47 |
sat-asat | cause and effect | CC Adi 5.83 |
sat-asat | cause and effect | CC Madhya 20.267 |
vasati-sthale | for places of residence (the temple or holy places) | CC Madhya 23.18-19 |
śūnya-avasathe | in his home deprived of religiosity and sense gratification | SB 11.23.7 |
śvasataḥ | while breathing | SB 2.7.11 |
śvasatām | to the living entities | SB 3.29.43 |
trasat-dasyuḥ | of the name Trasaddasyu ('one who threatens thieves and rogues') | SB 9.6.33-34 |
uddhasat | laughing loudly | SB 3.17.6 |
ullasat | all glowing | SB 1.3.4 |
ullasat | beautifully decorated | SB 1.9.24 |
ullasat | glowing | SB 2.2.12 |
ullasat | brilliant | SB 3.28.16 |
ullasat | dancing | SB 3.28.30 |
ullasat | glittering | SB 4.24.49 |
ullasat | brilliantly exhibiting | SB 8.10.54 |
ullasat | shining | SB 8.12.20 |
ullasat | dazzling | SB 8.18.2 |
ullasat | dazzling | SB 8.18.2 |
ullasat | very attractive | SB 10.6.4 |
ullasat | beautified | SB 10.50.50-53 |
ullasat | bright and happy | SB 10.60.9 |
prahasat-vadanaḥ | whose face began to smile when he saw the wonderful child | SB 10.11.6 |
vikasat-vaktram | his smiling face | SB 7.5.21 |
vasatā | sitting | CC Adi 17.293 |
vasataḥ | dwelling | SB 3.5.44 |
vasatām | of those residing | SB 5.24.13 |
vasatām | by us who were living | SB 10.80.43 |
vasatayaḥ | residence | SB 10.48.25 |
vasati | resides | SB 10.58.41 |
vasati | who reside | SB 12.11.27-28 |
vasati | the abode | CC Adi 4.84 |
vasati | residence | CC Adi 6.46 |
vasati | residence | CC Adi 11.45 |
vasati | residence | CC Madhya 9.182 |
vasati | habitation | CC Madhya 17.62-63 |
vasati | habitation | CC Madhya 18.26 |
vasati-sthale | for places of residence (the temple or holy places) | CC Madhya 23.18-19 |
vasati | abode | CC Madhya 23.36 |
vasatīḥ | our homes | SB 10.29.38 |
vasatiḥ | the abode | CC Madhya 23.87-91 |
praṇaya-vasatiḥ | object of love | NoI 11 |
vasatoḥ | while They were living | SB 10.82.1 |
vikasat | blossoming | SB 3.9.21 |
vikasat-vaktram | his smiling face | SB 7.5.21 |
vikasat | glittering | SB 8.8.24 |
vikasat | manifesting | SB 9.10.31 |
vikasat | blooming | SB 10.32.11-12 |
vikasat | blossoming | SB 10.75.16 |
vilasat | enjoying pleasure | SB 1.9.34 |
vilasat | shining | SB 3.20.29 |
vilasat | shining | SB 3.23.9 |
vilasat | brilliant | SB 3.28.21 |
vilasat | shining | SB 4.26.23 |
vilasat | dazzling | SB 4.30.6 |
vilasat | appearing | SB 4.30.23 |
vilasat | beautiful | SB 5.3.3 |
vilasat | glowing | SB 10.39.49-50 |
vilasat | waving | SB 10.71.31-32 |
vilasat | shining | SB 11.14.36-42 |
vilasati | enjoys | CC Madhya 1.84 |
vilasati | manifests | CC Antya 1.169 |
sat-asat-vimuktam | transcendental to the manifested and nonmanifested modes of material nature | SB 9.8.24 |
sat-asat-viśeṣam | with varieties manifest and unmanifest | SB 4.9.13 |
asatkāra | noun (masculine) doing injury (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) offence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17634/72933 | |
asatkārya | noun (neuter) bad or illicit occupation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45759/72933 | |
asatkṛ | verb (class 8 parasmaipada) to treat badly Frequency rank 11538/72933 | |
asattama | adjective very very bad Frequency rank 32826/72933 | |
asattva | noun (neuter) absence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) non-existence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) non-presence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9325/72933 | |
asattva | adjective strengthless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) without energy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18945/72933 | |
asattā | noun (feminine) non-existence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32825/72933 | |
asatya | adjective false (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) untrue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6759/72933 | |
asatya | noun (neuter) falsehood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) untruth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9550/72933 | |
asatyasandha | adjective base (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) treacherous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45760/72933 | |
asatī | noun (feminine) an unfaithful or unchaste wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16515/72933 | |
agnirasatīrthamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of SkPur, Revākhaṇḍa 112 Frequency rank 41695/72933 | |
apasatya | adjective false Frequency rank 43730/72933 | |
āpannasattvā | noun (feminine) a pregnant woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18981/72933 | |
āvasati | noun (feminine) night (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) night's lodging (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) shelter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33186/72933 | |
āvasatha | noun (masculine) a dwelling for pupils and ascetics (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a treatise on Āryā metres (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a village (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) abode (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dwelling-place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) habitation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) night's lodging (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5024/72933 | |
āvasathavant | adjective Frequency rank 46704/72933 | |
āvasathya | adjective being in a house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18998/72933 | |
upavasatha | noun (masculine) a fast-day (esp. the day preceding a Soma sacrifice) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a place of abiding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the period of preparation for the Soma sacrifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47631/72933 | |
upasattṛ | noun (masculine) any person who is domiciled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who has seated himself near or at (esp. at the domestic fire) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the inhabitant of a house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47663/72933 | |
kaṣāyarasatā | noun (feminine) (med.:) kaṣāya-Geschmack im Mund (??) Frequency rank 48933/72933 | |
kharasattva | noun (neuter) bhūnāgasattva Frequency rank 27750/72933 | |
khasatila | noun (masculine) poppy (khaskhasa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27762/72933 | |
khākhasatila | noun (masculine) poppy Frequency rank 50887/72933 | |
gatasattva | adjective annihilated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) base (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dead (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lifeless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16737/72933 | |
chāndasatva | noun (neuter) the being archaistic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the being metrical (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the being Vedic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52550/72933 | |
tāpasataru | noun (masculine) Putramjīva Roxburghii
Terminalia Catappa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35341/72933 | |
dīrghasattra | noun (neuter) a long-continued Soma sacrifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Tirtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16855/72933 | |
durvasati | noun (feminine) bad dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54740/72933 | |
devāvasatha | noun (masculine) temple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54975/72933 | |
dvijasattama | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 2103/72933 | |
dhautasattva | noun (neuter) a special kind of sattva extracted from mākṣika Frequency rank 21539/72933 | |
dhautasattvaka | noun (neuter) dhautasattva Frequency rank 36046/72933 | |
nivasati | noun (feminine) abode (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) habitation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 36375/72933 | |
nīrasatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 56623/72933 | |
brahmasatī | noun (feminine) name of. the river Sarasvatī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60449/72933 | |
brahmasattra | noun (neuter) constant repetition of Vedic texts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sacrifice of devotion or meditation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29425/72933 | |
rasatā | noun (feminine) fluidity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) juiciness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25184/72933 | |
rasatama | noun (masculine) essence of essences (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the juice of all juices (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63449/72933 | |
rasatas | indeclinable according to taste or flavour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22114/72933 | |
rākṣasatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 63524/72933 | |
lasatphala | noun (masculine) poppy Frequency rank 64125/72933 | |
vasatī | noun (feminine) vasati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a dwellingplace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) staying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64850/72933 | |
vasati | noun (feminine) a dwelling-place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a Jaina monastery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a nest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) abiding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) abode or seat of (gen. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) night (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) residence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sojourn (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) staying (esp. "overnight") (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4584/72933 | |
vākasatṛṇa | noun (masculine) mukunda Frequency rank 64996/72933 | |
vāyasatuṇḍī | noun (feminine) name of a plant Frequency rank 65155/72933 | |
vāyasatuṇḍa | noun (masculine) Processus Coronoideus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the joint of the jaw (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39209/72933 | |
vāyasatuṇḍikā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant; kākatuṇḍikā Frequency rank 65156/72933 | |
vyomasattva | noun (neuter) img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 20128/72933 | |
samarasatā | noun (feminine) assimilation
img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 25703/72933 | |
sarpasattra | noun (neuter) (prob.) sarpāṇām ayanam (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a snake-sacrifice (performed by Janamejaya) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30826/72933 | |
saṃvasatha | noun (masculine) an inhabited place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) settlement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) village (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70086/72933 | |
sāhasatama | adjective Frequency rank 70450/72933 | |
sīsasattva | noun (neuter) mṛddāraśṛṅga Frequency rank 31016/72933 |