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Grammar Search
"artham" has 3 results
artham: neuter nominative singular stem: artha
artham: neuter accusative singular stem: artha
artham: masculine accusative singular stem: artha
Amarakosha Search
1 result
atiśayaḥ1.1.67MasculineSingularbhṛśam, gāḍham, tīvram, atimātram, ativelam, dṛḍham, nitāntam, nirbharam, atyartham, bharaḥ, bāḍham, ekāntam, udgāḍhammuch or excessive
Monier-Williams Search
33 results for artham
अर्थम् accusative ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /artha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थमनस्mfn. having an aim in view View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थमात्रfn. property, money View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थमात्रmfn. being only the matter itself. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थमत्तmfn. proud of money View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थमयmfn. useful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अत्यर्थम्ind. excessively, exceedingly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भृत्यर्थम्(genitive case) (varia lectio for bhūty-artham-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भूत्यर्थम्ind. for the sake of prosperity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एतदर्थम्ind. on this account, for this end, therefore etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एतदर्थम्ind. (etad-- arthaṃ yad-,to this end - that ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गुर्वर्थम्ind. for one's parents View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गुर्वर्थम्ind. for or on account of one's Guru Va1rtt. 5 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
इत्यर्थम्ind. for this purpose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
किमर्थम्ind. from what motive? what for? wherefore? why? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मदर्थम्ind. for the sake of me View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मन्वर्थमुक्तावलीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पित्रर्थम्ind. for a father's sake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रत्यर्थम्ind. in relation to anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रत्यर्थम्ind. at every object, in every case View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रत्यर्थम्ind. wrong reading for aty-a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुमर्थम्ind. for the sake of the soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सिद्ध्यर्थम्ind. for the sake of accomplishing or obtaining View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वाम्यर्थम्ind. for a master's sake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तदर्थम्ind. on that account, with that object, for that end, therefore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्वदर्थम्ind. on thy account, about thee. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वस्त्यर्थम्ind. for an enema View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वृत्त्यर्थम्ind. for the sake of subsistence, in order to sustain life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यर्थम्ind. uselessly, in vain, without having effected one's object etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यदर्थम्ind. on which account, for which purpose, wherefore, why etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यदर्थम्ind. as, since, because, whereas View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यावदर्थम्ind. () as much as may be useful, according to need. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
युष्मदर्थम्ind. for you, on your account View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
21 results
anugraha m. favour: -krit, a. giving satisfaction; -na, n. showing favour; -½artham, ad. in favour of; î-kri, make a token of favour; -grâhaka, a. favouring, furthering; m. sup porter; -grâhya, fp.deserving favour; fa voured by (g.); -ghatana, n. continuation.
amutra ad. in that (=lc.); here; there, thither; in the other world; -½artham, ad. for the next world.
arthaya den. Â. (P.), (arthate, E.), endeavour, strive for; ask one (ac., ab.) for (ac.); explain. abhi, ask one (ac.) for (ac., d., lc., or -artham). pra, desire; ask one (ac.) for (ac., lc.); request something (ac.) from (ab.); wish to, ask one to (inf.); woo; have recourse to; Â. oppose oneself to (ac.). sam, prepare; conclude; judge, think, consider; connect with (in. or prati w. ac.); perceive; contemplate; resolve; cheer up, encourage.
artha n. (V.), m. business, work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning; advantage, profit, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth, money; thing, object; matter, affair; case, suit; a. --°ree;, hvg. in view, serviceable for: -m, in., d., lc. on account of, for the sake of, for (--°ree;); ab.=that is to say. ayam arthah, this thing; kam artham, what thing? ko &zip; ar thah, what is the use of (in.)? what does (g.) care for (in.)?
ādara m. regard, respect; consideration, care, attention (lc., --°ree;, or -½artham): -m kri, endeavour; in., ab. considerately, carefully, seriously; -nîya, fp. to be regarded: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vat, a.attentive to (lc.).
etadanta a. ending with this or these; -artham, ad. for this purpose, there fore; -avastha, a. being in this condition; being of such a kind; referring thereto; -îya, pos. prn. his, her, their; -yoni, a.having this origin; -vasa, a. dependent on him.
cāṭu m. n. coaxing, blandishment; courteous act; pretty speech; a. agreeable (?): -ka, m. id.; -kâra, m. flatterer; u½artham, for the sake of doing a kindness.
trāsa m. fright, terror; frightening: -dînam, ad. pitifully for fear; -½artham, n. in order to frighten.
niyukta pp. √ yug; m. public functionary, official; -yukti, f. appointment, employment (for, -artham); -yú-t, f. be stowal; series; team, steed, esp. of Vâyu: pl. verses, poem; -yuta, pp. √ yu;n. a certain large number, gnly. million; -yuddha, n. fight, esp. with fists.
pānīya fp. drinkable; n. drink; water: -varsha, m. or n. (?) downpour of water, rain; -½artham, ad. for the sake of water.
pārāvāra n. (?) further and nearer bank; m. sea (having a further and a nearer shore): -tarana½artham, ad. in order to cross from one bank to the other.
pratyari m. well-matched foe, adver sary equal to (g.); -½arka, m. mock sun; -½ark ana, n. return of a salutation; -½artham, ad. with regard to anything; -½arthin, a. hostile; rivalling, vying with (--°ree;); m. opponent, ad versary, rival; defendant; (práti)-½ardhi, a. standing at the side of, equal to (g.); -½arp ana, n. re-delivery, restoration; -½arpanîya, fp. to be given back or restored; -½arshá, m. side, slope (of a hill).
prayāga m. Place of sacrifice: cele brated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Yamunâ and the Ganges; also known as a kingdom: pl. inhabitants of Prayâga; N.; -yâkaka, a. entreating (-artham); -yâkana, n. imploration; -yâgá, m. preliminary offer ing (gnly., five, sts. nine or eleven); -y&asharp;na, n. setting out, going forth, departure; march, journey; day's journey; gait; attack (--°ree;); riding on (in.); expiration of life, decease; beginning; back of a horse (where the rider sits): -ka, n. march, journey, day's march, -kâla, m. time of death, -pataha, m. march ing drum, -bha&ndot;ga, m. interruption of a journey.
prāptavya fp. to be met with or found; -obtained or acquired: -m-artha, m. nickname of a man who always answered inquiries as to his name with the words &open;prâptavyam artham labhate manushyah:&close; n. when used with nâman, n. name.
bhavadanya a. other than you; -antya, a. having &open;bhavat&close; at the end; -âhâra½artham, ad. for your food.
yātrā f. going, to (--°ree;); departure, journey; march, military expedition; festive train, procession; (annual, biennial, etc.) pilgrimage (to the shrine of a deity); fes tivity, festival; livelihood; maintenance; intercourse; kind of dramatic entertain ment: -mdâ, undertake an expedition; -kara, a. affording maintenance; -karana, n. set ting forth on a journey or march; -gam ana, n. military expedition; -mahotsava, m. great festive procession; -½artham, ad. for marching.
yuṣmat ab. pl. of prs. prn. of 2nd prs. (V.); °ree;-- in some cpds.; -tas, ad.=ab. from or of you; d-artham, ad. on your account; d-âyatta, pp. dependent on you.
viśvāsana n. inspiring of confidence: -½artham, ad. for the sake of inspiring confidence.
vihiṃsaka a. injuring or harm ing (g., --°ree;); -himsa-tâ, f. injury to (lc.); -himsana, n., -himsâ, f. id. (g., --°ree;); -hita, pp. √ dhâ: -kshana, a. intent on (-artham), -tva, n. direction, prescription (vbl. n.), -ni yama, a. having taken a vow, -pratishid dha, pp. enjoined and prohibited, -sena, m. N. of a king; -hiti, f. procedure; accom plishment of (--°ree;).
vṛttyanuprāsa m. alliteration; -½artham, ad. for the sake of a subsistence; -½uparodha, m. prejudice to maintenance; -½upâya, m. means of subsistence.
sajjaya den. P. string (a bow; rare); equip, prepare, make ready; Â. metr. id.; prepare oneself; ps. saggyate: pp. saggita, strung (bow); prepared, equipped, ready, for (-artham or --°ree;).
Bloomfield Vedic
21 results0 results3 results
artham aśvaṃ na yātave RV.10.143.1b.
artham id vā u arthinaḥ RV.1.105.2a.
asmadartham apatyam # GDh.28.18.
Vedabase Search
286 results
artham about a matterSB 10.90.22
artham ArthaSB 4.1.49-52
artham benedictionSB 8.3.20-21
artham benefitSB 5.5.15
SB 7.15.29
artham desire to be fulfilledMM 3
artham economic developmentSB 3.32.1
SB 7.5.52
SB 8.20.2
artham for his goalSB 11.23.38-39
artham for the matter ofSB 4.7.27
artham for the purposeSB 10.58.42
SB 10.65.24-25
SB 10.66.38
SB 10.66.5
SB 11.17.31
SB 7.7.43
artham for the purpose ofBG 16.11-12
SB 11.21.3
SB 7.1.23
artham for the sakeBG 3.9
SB 10.32.17
SB 10.37.23
SB 10.40.16
SB 10.46.39
SB 10.47.34
SB 10.48.32
SB 10.51.42
SB 10.63.42
SB 10.87.2
artham for the sakeSB 10.87.2
artham for the sake ofBG 17.12
BG 17.18
SB 11.7.62
SB 3.16.22
SB 8.5.22
artham for the ultimate goal of lifeSB 8.6.13
artham goalSB 2.9.4
artham in orderSB 11.18.34
artham in order thatSB 3.21.21
artham in the matter ofSB 1.19.35
artham interestSB 4.9.36
artham matterSB 12.11.1
artham meantSB 10.68.47
artham objectSB 3.30.2
SB 6.19.25
artham objectsSB 12.8.44
artham placed there for the purposeSB 11.27.22
artham purposeSB 10.39.9
SB 10.49.31
SB 11.10.7
SB 2.10.2
SB 2.4.3-4
SB 3.1.33
SB 3.25.31
artham purposesSB 10.37.22
artham reasonSB 1.16.8
artham requiredSB 4.26.6
artham sakeSB 11.7.2
artham the aim of lifeSB 8.5.30
artham the goalSB 12.9.8-9
artham the human bodySB 4.7.44
artham the interest or purpose of lifeSB 7.6.14
artham the meaning (namely, 'opulence')SB 12.11.18
artham to get nectarSB 8.8.37
artham to keepSB 7.12.20
artham useSB 5.3.7
artham valueCC Adi 1.54
CC Madhya 25.119
SB 2.9.34
artham wealthSB 5.26.36
artham whose meaningSB 10.85.22
abhyavahāra-artham so that they could eatSB 11.9.6
adhibhūṣaṇa-artham which enhances the beautySB 3.28.26
akṛta-artham whose desire has not been fulfilledSB 9.9.26-27
akṛta-artham his purposes frustratedSB 10.49.23
amṛta-artham for getting nectarSB 8.7.5
anartham things not wantedSB 1.7.5
yat anartham which is repugnantSB 8.19.31
anartham that which is undesirableSB 11.23.18-19
anugraha-artham to show His causeless mercySB 6.4.33
anugraha-artham to show favorSB 8.24.15
anukampā-artham to show special mercyBG 10.11
anupapanna-artham in which the desired results are never obtainedSB 5.14.5
loka-anuśāsana-artham just to instruct the peopleSB 5.5.28
apatya-artham with a desire to get sonsSB 9.2.2
apavāda-artham to counteractSB 4.29.79
arhaṇa-artham as a respectful offeringSB 10.56.32
saṃjñā-artham for informationBG 1.7
anukampā-artham to show special mercyBG 10.11
avahāsa-artham for jokingBG 11.41-42
mat-artham for My sakeBG 12.10
utsādana-artham for the sake of causing annihilationBG 17.19
prati-upakāra-artham for the sake of getting some returnBG 17.21
ātma-artham selfish interestSB 1.4.12
vidhāna-artham for executingSB 1.8.20
mat-vadha-artham for the purpose of killing meSB 1.9.38
gata-sva-artham without being properly utilizedSB 1.13.26
makha-artham for the sacrificeSB 1.15.9
asaṃvṛta-artham as it isSB 1.18.17
pratiṣedha-artham counteractSB 2.10.45
viśuddhi-artham for purifyingSB 3.6.34
yat-artham for the sake of whichSB 3.21.23
yat-artham the purposeSB 3.21.56
vivāha-artham for the sake of marriageSB 3.22.14
adhibhūṣaṇa-artham which enhances the beautySB 3.28.26
tat-artham for the sake of the bodySB 3.31.31
asiddha-artham not fulfilledSB 4.9.28
upakāra-artham just to benefit themSB 4.21.20
piṇḍa-artham welfare after deathSB 4.21.25
sva-artham own interestSB 4.21.25
indriya-artham for sense gratificationSB 4.22.28
yat-artham in coordination with HimSB 4.23.1-3
gati-artham for goingSB 4.25.45
apavāda-artham to counteractSB 4.29.79
loka-anuśāsana-artham just to instruct the peopleSB 5.5.28
parama-puruṣa-artham the best of all human achievementsSB 5.6.17
loka-nirīkṣaṇa-artham just to study the characteristics of the people of this worldSB 5.10.20
saṃśaya-artham the subject matter that is not clear to meSB 5.12.3
parama-artham giving the ultimate goal of lifeSB 5.12.11
sa-artham the conditioned souls, who are interested in false ideasSB 5.13.2
sa-artham taking interest in that lifeSB 5.13.19
anupapanna-artham in which the desired results are never obtainedSB 5.14.5
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
snāna-artham for bathingSB 5.17.9
siddha-artham a mustard seedSB 5.17.21
kim artham what is the purposeSB 6.1.34-36
anugraha-artham to show His causeless mercySB 6.4.33
sva-artham his self-interestSB 6.18.25
ātma-viśuddhi-artham for self-purificationSB 6.19.19-20
śikṣa-artham to teach them lessonsSB 7.4.45
yāvat-artham as much as necessarySB 7.12.6
yāvat-artham as far as possibleSB 7.12.13-14
sva-artham own interestSB 7.13.28
yāvat-artham as much endeavor for one's livelihood as necessarySB 7.14.5
dharma-artham in religion or economic developmentSB 7.15.15
yātrā-artham just to maintain the body and soul togetherSB 7.15.15
upadeśa-artham for instructingSB 8.1.5
yat-artham what was the purposeSB 8.5.11-12
amṛta-artham for getting nectarSB 8.7.5
sva-artham self-interestSB 8.19.18
krīḍā-artham for the sake of pastimesSB 8.22.20
yat-artham for what purposeSB 8.24.2-3
anugraha-artham to show favorSB 8.24.15
yat-artham for what purposeSB 8.24.29
prajā-artham for the sake of getting sonsSB 9.1.13
duhitṛ-artham for a daughterSB 9.1.14
apatya-artham with a desire to get sonsSB 9.2.2
priya-artham for the satisfactionSB 9.6.22
akṛta-artham whose desire has not been fulfilledSB 9.9.26-27
yajña-artham for performing sacrificesSB 9.13.18
udaka-artham for getting some waterSB 9.16.3
tat-artham to get sonsSB 9.20.35
parīkṣa-artham just to examineSB 9.24.32
pratyaya-artham just to see the potency of the mystic powerSB 9.24.33
tat-priya-artham and for His satisfactionSB 10.1.23
sva-artham self-interestSB 10.10.10
tat-artham for the sake of itSB 10.14.54
sva-artham his goalsSB 10.36.29
nirīkṣā-artham in order to witnessSB 10.36.37
akṛta-artham his purposes frustratedSB 10.49.23
etat-artham for this purposeSB 10.50.13-14
arhaṇa-artham as a respectful offeringSB 10.56.32
yat-artham for whose sakeSB 10.77.26
parīkṣā-artham in order to testSB 10.88.23
kim artham for what purposeSB 11.7.70
abhyavahāra-artham so that they could eatSB 11.9.6
sva-artham pursuing one's self-interestSB 11.14.10
bhikṣā-artham for begging almsSB 11.18.24
mat-artham for the sake of achieving MeSB 11.19.20-24
dharma-artham for the purpose of religious activitiesSB 11.21.3
vyavahāra-artham for the purpose of ordinary dealingsSB 11.21.3
yātrā-artham for one's physical survivalSB 11.21.3
niyama-artham for the restrictionSB 11.21.7
sva-artham of their own interestSB 11.21.25
sva-artham their own best interestSB 11.23.22
bhikṣā-artham for the purpose of taking charitySB 11.23.32
pravāha-artham in order to assure the continuanceSB 11.27.51
indriya-artham sense objectsSB 11.28.32
mat-artham for MeSB 11.29.9
sva-artham his own best interestSB 12.2.41
viśuddhi-artham for the purpose of perfect knowledgeCC Adi 2.91-92
parama-artham full of meaningCC Madhya 1.203
śikṣā-artham just to instructCC Madhya 6.254
avahāsa-artham for the matter of jokingCC Madhya 19.199-200
kim artham whyCC Antya 6.285
asaṃvṛta-artham as it isSB 1.18.17
asiddha-artham not fulfilledSB 4.9.28
ātma-artham selfish interestSB 1.4.12
ātma-viśuddhi-artham for self-purificationSB 6.19.19-20
atyartham highlyBG 7.17
avahāsa-artham for jokingBG 11.41-42
avahāsa-artham for the matter of jokingCC Madhya 19.199-200
bhikṣā-artham for begging almsSB 11.18.24
bhikṣā-artham for the purpose of taking charitySB 11.23.32
dharma-artham in religion or economic developmentSB 7.15.15
dharma-artham for the purpose of religious activitiesSB 11.21.3
duhitṛ-artham for a daughterSB 9.1.14
etat-artham for this purposeSB 10.50.13-14
gata-sva-artham without being properly utilizedSB 1.13.26
gati-artham for goingSB 4.25.45
indriya-artham for sense gratificationSB 4.22.28
indriya-artham sense objectsSB 11.28.32
kim artham what is the purposeSB 6.1.34-36
kim artham for what purposeSB 11.7.70
kim artham whyCC Antya 6.285
krīḍā-artham for the sake of pastimesSB 8.22.20
loka-anuśāsana-artham just to instruct the peopleSB 5.5.28
loka-nirīkṣaṇa-artham just to study the characteristics of the people of this worldSB 5.10.20
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
makha-artham for the sacrificeSB 1.15.9
mat-artham for My sakeBG 12.10
mat-vadha-artham for the purpose of killing meSB 1.9.38
mat-artham for the sake of achieving MeSB 11.19.20-24
mat-artham for MeSB 11.29.9
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
nirīkṣā-artham in order to witnessSB 10.36.37
loka-nirīkṣaṇa-artham just to study the characteristics of the people of this worldSB 5.10.20
niyama-artham for the restrictionSB 11.21.7
parama-puruṣa-artham the best of all human achievementsSB 5.6.17
parama-artham giving the ultimate goal of lifeSB 5.12.11
parama-artham full of meaningCC Madhya 1.203
parīkṣa-artham just to examineSB 9.24.32
parīkṣā-artham in order to testSB 10.88.23
piṇḍa-artham welfare after deathSB 4.21.25
prajā-artham for the sake of getting sonsSB 9.1.13
prati-upakāra-artham for the sake of getting some returnBG 17.21
pratiṣedha-artham counteractSB 2.10.45
pratyaya-artham just to see the potency of the mystic powerSB 9.24.33
pravāha-artham in order to assure the continuanceSB 11.27.51
priya-artham for the satisfactionSB 9.6.22
tat-priya-artham and for His satisfactionSB 10.1.23
parama-puruṣa-artham the best of all human achievementsSB 5.6.17
sa-artham the conditioned souls, who are interested in false ideasSB 5.13.2
sa-artham taking interest in that lifeSB 5.13.19
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
saṃjñā-artham for informationBG 1.7
saṃśaya-artham the subject matter that is not clear to meSB 5.12.3
siddha-artham a mustard seedSB 5.17.21
śikṣa-artham to teach them lessonsSB 7.4.45
śikṣā-artham just to instructCC Madhya 6.254
snāna-artham for bathingSB 5.17.9
gata-sva-artham without being properly utilizedSB 1.13.26
sva-artham own interestSB 4.21.25
sva-artham his self-interestSB 6.18.25
sva-artham own interestSB 7.13.28
sva-artham self-interestSB 8.19.18
sva-artham self-interestSB 10.10.10
sva-artham his goalsSB 10.36.29
sva-artham pursuing one's self-interestSB 11.14.10
sva-artham of their own interestSB 11.21.25
sva-artham their own best interestSB 11.23.22
sva-artham his own best interestSB 12.2.41
tat-artham for the sake of the bodySB 3.31.31
tat-artham to get sonsSB 9.20.35
tat-priya-artham and for His satisfactionSB 10.1.23
tat-artham for the sake of itSB 10.14.54
udaka-artham for getting some waterSB 9.16.3
upadeśa-artham for instructingSB 8.1.5
prati-upakāra-artham for the sake of getting some returnBG 17.21
upakāra-artham just to benefit themSB 4.21.20
utsādana-artham for the sake of causing annihilationBG 17.19
mat-vadha-artham for the purpose of killing meSB 1.9.38
vidhāna-artham for executingSB 1.8.20
viśuddhi-artham for purifyingSB 3.6.34
ātma-viśuddhi-artham for self-purificationSB 6.19.19-20
viśuddhi-artham for the purpose of perfect knowledgeCC Adi 2.91-92
vivāha-artham for the sake of marriageSB 3.22.14
vyartham uselesslySB 4.9.34
vyartham in vainSB 11.21.22
vyartham vainlyNBS 77
vyavahāra-artham for the purpose of ordinary dealingsSB 11.21.3
yajña-artham for performing sacrificesSB 9.13.18
yat-artham for the sake of whichSB 3.21.23
yat-artham the purposeSB 3.21.56
yat-artham in coordination with HimSB 4.23.1-3
yat-artham what was the purposeSB 8.5.11-12
yat anartham which is repugnantSB 8.19.31
yat-artham for what purposeSB 8.24.2-3
yat-artham for what purposeSB 8.24.29
yat-artham for whose sakeSB 10.77.26
yātrā-artham just to maintain the body and soul togetherSB 7.15.15
yātrā-artham for one's physical survivalSB 11.21.3
yāvat-artham as much as necessarySB 7.12.6
yāvat-artham as far as possibleSB 7.12.13-14
yāvat-artham as much endeavor for one's livelihood as necessarySB 7.14.5


Plant safflower, Carthamus tinctorius.


Plant safflower; Carthamus tinctorius.

Wordnet Search
"artham" has 3 results.


vyartham, mṛṣā, vṛthā   

kāraṇāt vinā।

saḥ vyartham eva bhramati।


kimartham, kasmāt kāraṇāt, kena kāraṇena, kiṃ prayojanena   

kena hetunā।

kimarthaṃ mayā bhavadbhyaḥ kathanīyam kutra gacchāmi aham iti।


vyartham, nirarthakam, mogham, viphalam   

vinā phalam।

vyartham ūrjākṣayaḥ na kuryāt।

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