anugraha | m. favour: -krit, a. giving satisfaction; -na, n. showing favour; -½artham, ad. in favour of; î-kri, make a token of favour; -grâhaka, a. favouring, furthering; m. sup porter; -grâhya, fp.deserving favour; fa voured by (g.); -ghatana, n. continuation. |
amutra | ad. in that (=lc.); here; there, thither; in the other world; -½artham, ad. for the next world. |
arthaya | den. Â. (P.), (arthate, E.), endeavour, strive for; ask one (ac., ab.) for (ac.); explain. abhi, ask one (ac.) for (ac., d., lc., or -artham). pra, desire; ask one (ac.) for (ac., lc.); request something (ac.) from (ab.); wish to, ask one to (inf.); woo; have recourse to; Â. oppose oneself to (ac.). sam, prepare; conclude; judge, think, consider; connect with (in. or prati w. ac.); perceive; contemplate; resolve; cheer up, encourage. |
artha | n. (V.), m. business, work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning; advantage, profit, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth, money; thing, object; matter, affair; case, suit; a. --°ree;, hvg. in view, serviceable for: -m, in., d., lc. on account of, for the sake of, for (--°ree;); ab.=that is to say. ayam arthah, this thing; kam artham, what thing? ko &zip; ar thah, what is the use of (in.)? what does (g.) care for (in.)? |
ādara | m. regard, respect; consideration, care, attention (lc., --°ree;, or -½artham): -m kri, endeavour; in., ab. considerately, carefully, seriously; -nîya, fp. to be regarded: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vat, a.attentive to (lc.). |
etadanta | a. ending with this or these; -artham, ad. for this purpose, there fore; -avastha, a. being in this condition; being of such a kind; referring thereto; -îya, pos. prn. his, her, their; -yoni, a.having this origin; -vasa, a. dependent on him. |
cāṭu | m. n. coaxing, blandishment; courteous act; pretty speech; a. agreeable (?): -ka, m. id.; -kâra, m. flatterer; u½artham, for the sake of doing a kindness. |
trāsa | m. fright, terror; frightening: -dînam, ad. pitifully for fear; -½artham, n. in order to frighten. |
niyukta | pp. √ yug; m. public functionary, official; -yukti, f. appointment, employment (for, -artham); -yú-t, f. be stowal; series; team, steed, esp. of Vâyu: pl. verses, poem; -yuta, pp. √ yu;n. a certain large number, gnly. million; -yuddha, n. fight, esp. with fists. |
pānīya | fp. drinkable; n. drink; water: -varsha, m. or n. (?) downpour of water, rain; -½artham, ad. for the sake of water. |
pārāvāra | n. (?) further and nearer bank; m. sea (having a further and a nearer shore): -tarana½artham, ad. in order to cross from one bank to the other. |
pratyari | m. well-matched foe, adver sary equal to (g.); -½arka, m. mock sun; -½ark ana, n. return of a salutation; -½artham, ad. with regard to anything; -½arthin, a. hostile; rivalling, vying with (--°ree;); m. opponent, ad versary, rival; defendant; (práti)-½ardhi, a. standing at the side of, equal to (g.); -½arp ana, n. re-delivery, restoration; -½arpanîya, fp. to be given back or restored; -½arshá, m. side, slope (of a hill). |
prayāga | m. Place of sacrifice: cele brated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Yamunâ and the Ganges; also known as a kingdom: pl. inhabitants of Prayâga; N.; -yâkaka, a. entreating (-artham); -yâkana, n. imploration; -yâgá, m. preliminary offer ing (gnly., five, sts. nine or eleven); -y&asharp;na, n. setting out, going forth, departure; march, journey; day's journey; gait; attack (--°ree;); riding on (in.); expiration of life, decease; beginning; back of a horse (where the rider sits): -ka, n. march, journey, day's march, -kâla, m. time of death, -pataha, m. march ing drum, -bha&ndot;ga, m. interruption of a journey. |
prāptavya | fp. to be met with or found; -obtained or acquired: -m-artha, m. nickname of a man who always answered inquiries as to his name with the words &open;prâptavyam artham labhate manushyah:&close; n. when used with nâman, n. name. |
bhavadanya | a. other than you; -antya, a. having &open;bhavat&close; at the end; -âhâra½artham, ad. for your food. |
yātrā | f. going, to (--°ree;); departure, journey; march, military expedition; festive train, procession; (annual, biennial, etc.) pilgrimage (to the shrine of a deity); fes tivity, festival; livelihood; maintenance; intercourse; kind of dramatic entertain ment: -mdâ, undertake an expedition; -kara, a. affording maintenance; -karana, n. set ting forth on a journey or march; -gam ana, n. military expedition; -mahotsava, m. great festive procession; -½artham, ad. for marching. |
yuṣmat | ab. pl. of prs. prn. of 2nd prs. (V.); °ree;-- in some cpds.; -tas, ad.=ab. from or of you; d-artham, ad. on your account; d-âyatta, pp. dependent on you. |
viśvāsana | n. inspiring of confidence: -½artham, ad. for the sake of inspiring confidence. |
vihiṃsaka | a. injuring or harm ing (g., --°ree;); -himsa-tâ, f. injury to (lc.); -himsana, n., -himsâ, f. id. (g., --°ree;); -hita, pp. √ dhâ: -kshana, a. intent on (-artham), -tva, n. direction, prescription (vbl. n.), -ni yama, a. having taken a vow, -pratishid dha, pp. enjoined and prohibited, -sena, m. N. of a king; -hiti, f. procedure; accom plishment of (--°ree;). |
vṛttyanuprāsa | m. alliteration; -½artham, ad. for the sake of a subsistence; -½uparodha, m. prejudice to maintenance; -½upâya, m. means of subsistence. |
sajjaya | den. P. string (a bow; rare); equip, prepare, make ready; Â. metr. id.; prepare oneself; ps. saggyate: pp. saggita, strung (bow); prepared, equipped, ready, for (-artham or --°ree;). |