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Grammar Search
"arhati" has 3 results
arhati: neuter locative singular stem: arhat.
arhati: masculine locative singular stem: arhat.
arhati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadaarh
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for arhati
arghyamfn. "valuable" See an-arghya-, (gaRa daṇḍādi- q.v,"argham-arhati-") deserving a respectful reception (as a guest) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaidikamfn. equals bhedaṃ nityam arhati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛh or bṛṃh- (also written vṛh-or vṛṃh-). cl.1 P. () bṛnhati- (or barhati-;3. plural perfect tense A1. babṛiṃhire- ), to roar, bellow, trumpet (said of an elephant) etc. ; also cl.10 P. () to speak ; to shine. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛṃh or dṛh- cl.1 P. d/ṛṃhati-, to make firm, fix, strengthen etc. (parasmE-pada dṛṃh/antam- ) ; A1. te-, to be firm or strong etc. (trans. = P.only in dṛṃh/ethe- dṛṃhāmahai- ) ; cl.4 P. A1. only imperfect tense dṛhya- and hyasva-, be strong ; cl.1. darhati-, to grow ; perfect tense dadarha- or dadṛṃha- ; parasmE-pada A1. dādṛhāṇ/a-, fixing, holding ; fixed, firm ; Aorist /adadṛhanta-, they were fixed or firm : Causal P. A1. dṛṃhayati-, te-, to make firm, fix, establish
medhyamf(ā-)n. equals medhām arhati- gaRa daṇḍādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghyamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals megham arhati- gaRa daṇḍādi-
suvarṇyamfn. equals suvarṇam arhati- gaRa daṇḍādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results7 results
eṣa indro arhati pītim asya # RV.2.14.2d.
na tvā nikartum arhati # AVś.10.1.26d.
na mā martyaḥ kaś cana dātum arhati # AB.8.21.10a; śB.; śś.16.16.3a.
naināv iṣṇātum arhati # JB.3.367b.
bhūya evātaḥ somo rājārhati mahāṃs tv eva gor mahimā # śB.,3; Kś.7.8.8.
bhūyo vā ataḥ somo rājārhati # śB.,3; Kś.7.8.7; Apś.10.25.5; Mś.
ya enad veda sa id enad (AVś. enam) arhati # RVKh.10.128.6c; AVś.19.26.1c; AVP.1.82.1c.
Vedabase Search
81 results
arhati be ableSB 5.19.6
arhati deserveSB 1.10.23
SB 1.18.47
SB 1.6.21
SB 10.11.16
SB 3.4.25
SB 4.8.11
arhati deserve to possessSB 9.11.3
arhati deservedSB 4.4.29
arhati deservesCC Adi 14.69
CC Antya 1.170
SB 1.18.34
SB 1.18.46
SB 1.5.16
SB 1.8.26
SB 10.42.3
SB 10.53.37
SB 10.54.39
SB 10.74.19
SB 10.74.33-34
SB 10.74.35
SB 12.6.24
SB 3.4.30
SB 4.14.32
SB 4.22.45
SB 6.17.14
SB 6.2.15
SB 7.14.8
SB 7.9.53
SB 8.17.17
SB 8.19.20
SB 8.22.21
SB 9.4.8
arhati does deserveSB 1.7.46
arhati does He deserveSB 10.74.36
arhati he deservesSB 10.78.24
SB 9.9.30
arhati is ableBG 2.17
SB 10.70.38
SB 4.29.65
SB 4.3.14
SB 5.10.5
SB 6.2.33
SB 6.2.5-6
SB 6.9.32
SB 7.9.8
SB 8.3.6
arhati is able (to make)SB 5.3.4-5
arhati is able to doCC Madhya 24.21
arhati is able to do itSB 2.7.40
arhati is befittingSB 8.11.37
arhati is possibleSB 5.1.2
arhati is suitableSB 6.18.43
arhati is worthwhileSB 1.8.52
arhati may deserveSB 3.1.44
arhati may kindly do soSB 3.12.32
arhati mustSB 10.22.25
arhati needsSB 10.51.43
arhati one is ableSB 10.14.6
arhati oughtSB 10.23.29
SB 4.14.42
SB 4.18.8
SB 5.3.17
arhati shouldSB 10.23.51
SB 10.29.31
arhati should deserveSB 10.26.2
arhati who deservesSB 10.10.32
anuvartma arhati able to follow the pathSB 5.14.42
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
anuvartma arhati able to follow the pathSB 5.14.42
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
na arhati does not deserveSB 10.68.36
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
na arhati does not deserveSB 10.68.36
Parse Time: 1.761s Search Word: arhati Input Encoding: IAST: arhati