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Grammar Search
"arhat" has 2 results
arhat: neuter nominative singular stem: arhat.
arhat: neuter accusative singular stem: arhat.
Monier-Williams Search
Results for arhat
arhatmfn. deserving, entitled to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatmfn. used in a respectful address for arhasi- , able, allowed to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatmfn. worthy, venerable, respectable etc. (See arhat-tama-below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatmfn. praised, celebrated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatm. (an-) a buddha- who is still a candidate for nirvāṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatm. (equals kṣapaṇaka-) a jaina- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatm. an arhat- or superior divinity with the jaina-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhatm. the highest rank in the Buddhist hierarchy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhattamamfn. (superl.) most worthy, most venerable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhattvan. the dignity of an arhat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anarhatmfn. undeserving of punishment or of reward View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svarhatmfn. very honourable (-tama-,superl.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for arhat2 results
arhat अर्हत् a. [अर्ह-शतृ] 1 Worthy, deserving, deserving respect, respectable, adorable; त्वमर्हतां प्राग्रसरः स्मृतो$सि नः Ś.5.15; R.5.25;1.55; Ku.6.56; Ms.3.128. -2 Praised, celebrated (स्तुत, ख्यात). -3 Worthy of, deserving, entitled to (mostly Ved.). m. 1 A Buddha; the highest rank in Buddhist hierarchy. -2 A superior divinity with the Jainas; सर्वज्ञो जितरागादिदोषस्त्रैलोक्यपूजितः । यथास्थितार्थवादी च देवो$र्हन् परमेश्वरः ॥; see the word जैन also. -त्तम a. most worthy or venerable; अर्हत्तमाय विप्राय तस्मै दत्तं महाफलम् Ms.3.128.
marhatī मर्हती 1 A kind of lute. -2 N. of the lute of Nārada; अवेक्षमाणं महतीं मुहुर्मुहुः Śi.1.1. -3 The eggplant. -4 Greatness, importance.
Macdonell Search
Results for arhat1 result
arhat pr. pt. deserving; m. worthy person, Arhat (with Buddhists and Jains); -tva, n. dignity of an Arhat.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for arhat1 result0 results16 results
ārabhantām arhatām arhaṇāya VārG.11.21d.
indraṃ bārhataṃ yaja # Mś. Cf. indrāya bārhatāyā-.
indraṃ bārhatam (sc. yajāmahe) # Mś.
indrāya traiṣṭubhāya pañcadaśāya bārhatāyaikādaśakapālaḥ (TS.KSA. bārhatāya graiṣmāyaikādaśakapālaḥ; MS. bārhatāya graiṣmāya puroḍāśam ekādaśakapālam) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.8; KSA.5.10.
indrāya bārhatāyānu brūhi # MS.2.3.7: 35.1; KS.12.5; Mś. Cf. indraṃ bārhataṃ.
imaṃ stomam arhate jātavedase # RV.1.94.1a; AVś.20.13.3a; AVP.13.5.1a; SV.1.66a; 2.414a; MS.2.7.3a: 78.1; AB.6.12.12; JB.3.140; KB.23.8; GB.2.2.22; PB.13.8.1; ā.; Aś.5.5.19; SMB.2.4.2a; HG.1.9.4a; ApMB.2.7.1a. Ps: imaṃ stomam arhate Aś.4.13.7; MG.1.1.16; 10.2; 2.2.5; VārG.5.31; imaṃ stomam Aś.7.7.8; śś.4.2.10; 8.2.11; 10.8.15; GG.4.4.5; KhG.1.2.6; imam Rvidh.1.22.1. Cf. BṛhD.3.126.
eṣa indro arhati pītim asya # RV.2.14.2d.
gāyatreṇa tvā chandasodūhāmy auṣṇihena tvānuṣṭubhena tvā vārhatena tvā pāṅktena tvā traiṣṭubhena tvā jāgatena tvā vairājena tvā dvaipadena tvātichandasā tvā # ā.
na tvā nikartum arhati # AVś.10.1.26d.
na mā martyaḥ kaś cana dātum arhati # AB.8.21.10a; śB.; śś.16.16.3a.
naināv iṣṇātum arhati # JB.3.367b.
bṛhaspate ati yad aryo arhāt # RV.2.23.15a; VS.26.3a; TS.; MS.4.14.4a: 220.3; KS.4.16a; 40.11a; AB.4.11.6; Aś.3.7.9; 6.5.19; śś.9.20.27; Kś.22.5.13; Apś.17.21.7. Ps: bṛhaspate ati yad aryaḥ JG.2.9; YDh.1.300; bṛhaspate BṛhPDh.9.64.
bhūya evātaḥ somo rājārhati mahāṃs tv eva gor mahimā # śB.,3; Kś.7.8.8.
bhūyo vā ataḥ somo rājārhati # śB.,3; Kś.7.8.7; Apś.10.25.5; Mś.
mitrāvaruṇed asya hotram arhataḥ # VS.28.19f; MS.4.13.8d: 210.14; KS.19.3d; TB.;
ya enad veda sa id enad (AVś. enam) arhati # RVKh.10.128.6c; AVś.19.26.1c; AVP.1.82.1c.
Vedabase Search
Results for arhat146 results
arhat-nāma whose name was Arhat (now known as the Jain)SB 5.6.9
arhat-nāma whose name was Arhat (now known as the Jain)SB 5.6.9
arhat-tama O best of those who are worshipableSB 8.18.32
arhat-tama O best of those who are worshipableSB 8.18.32
arhat-tama O most exalted, worshipable personSB 5.3.4-5
arhat-tama O most exalted, worshipable personSB 5.3.4-5
arhat-tama O most worshipable of the worshipableSB 5.3.10
arhat-tama O most worshipable of the worshipableSB 5.3.10
arhat-tama O supreme of all worshipable personsSB 7.9.50
arhat-tama O supreme of all worshipable personsSB 7.9.50
arhat-tama of those (brāhmaṇas) who are most worshipableSB 10.86.52
arhat-tama of those (brāhmaṇas) who are most worshipableSB 10.86.52
arhat-tama the most respectableSB 4.7.15
arhat-tama the most respectableSB 4.7.15
arhat-tamam the most worshipable person, the kingSB 9.19.23
arhat-tamam the most worshipable person, the kingSB 9.19.23
arhataḥ desirable, suitableSB 4.18.30
arhataḥ is proper in each caseSB 10.24.28
arhataḥ they deserveSB 10.10.20-22
arhate deservesSB 5.5.1
arhate worship performedSB 10.38.3
arhatha are ableSB 6.4.10
arhatha deserveSB 1.9.12
arhatha you deserveSB 6.4.7
SB 7.2.20
arhatha you may kindlySB 11.3.34
arhatha you should pleaseSB 10.89.8-9
arhathaḥ deserveSB 7.1.38
arhathaḥ you may pleaseSB 10.45.9
arhati be ableSB 5.19.6
arhati deserveSB 1.10.23
SB 1.18.47
SB 1.6.21
SB 10.11.16
SB 3.4.25
SB 4.8.11
arhati deserve to possessSB 9.11.3
arhati deservedSB 4.4.29
arhati deservesCC Adi 14.69
CC Antya 1.170
SB 1.18.34
SB 1.18.46
SB 1.5.16
SB 1.8.26
SB 10.42.3
SB 10.53.37
SB 10.54.39
SB 10.74.19
SB 10.74.33-34
SB 10.74.35
SB 12.6.24
SB 3.4.30
SB 4.14.32
SB 4.22.45
SB 6.17.14
SB 6.2.15
SB 7.14.8
SB 7.9.53
SB 8.17.17
SB 8.19.20
SB 8.22.21
SB 9.4.8
arhati does deserveSB 1.7.46
arhati does He deserveSB 10.74.36
arhati he deservesSB 10.78.24
SB 9.9.30
arhati is ableBG 2.17
SB 10.70.38
SB 4.29.65
SB 4.3.14
SB 5.10.5
SB 6.2.33
SB 6.2.5-6
SB 6.9.32
SB 7.9.8
SB 8.3.6
arhati is able (to make)SB 5.3.4-5
arhati is able to doCC Madhya 24.21
arhati is able to do itSB 2.7.40
arhati is befittingSB 8.11.37
arhati is possibleSB 5.1.2
arhati is suitableSB 6.18.43
arhati is worthwhileSB 1.8.52
arhati may deserveSB 3.1.44
arhati may kindly do soSB 3.12.32
arhati mustSB 10.22.25
arhati needsSB 10.51.43
arhati one is ableSB 10.14.6
arhati oughtSB 10.23.29
SB 4.14.42
SB 4.18.8
SB 5.3.17
arhati shouldSB 10.23.51
SB 10.29.31
arhati should deserveSB 10.26.2
arhati who deservesSB 10.10.32
arhatoḥ to the two who are deservingSB 10.41.33
arhatsu of all those who are worshipableSB 4.21.14
arhatsu the most venerable and worshipable personalitiesSB 7.14.35
arhattama-arpitam given by You, the supreme worshipable LordSB 8.22.4
arhattama-arpitam given by You, the supreme worshipable LordSB 8.22.4
arhattamaḥ VāmanadevaSB 4.6.40
anuvartma arhati able to follow the pathSB 5.14.42
yathā-arhataḥ as they deservedSB 4.21.14
yathā-arhataḥ as befittingSB 7.11.8-12
yathā-arhataḥ as it befitsSB 7.12.24
yathā-arhataḥ according to your abilitySB 7.14.18
yathā-arhataḥ comparatively or with discriminationSB 7.15.2
yathā-arhataḥ as far as possibleSB 8.16.55
yathā-arhataḥ as far as possibleSB 9.14.24
yathā-arhataḥ according to etiquetteSB 10.71.28
yathā-arhataḥ as they deservedSB 11.2.26
ma arhatha you should notSB 10.32.21
śrotum arhatha please listenSB 10.84.29
arhatha you do not deserveCC Adi 4.176
trātum arhathaḥ please saveSB 10.19.9
kartum arhathaḥ You ought to doSB 10.23.1
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
anuvartma arhati able to follow the pathSB 5.14.42
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
na arhati does not deserveSB 10.68.36
su-arhattamāḥ by far the fittest personsSB 3.15.31
bhavitum arhati can beSB 5.3.8
bhavitum arhati is possible to beSB 10.8.8-9
bhavitum arhati can He beSB 10.51.1-6
chettum arhati please dispelSB 7.1.3
kartum arhathaḥ You ought to doSB 10.23.1
kṣantum arhati should please forgiveSB 10.28.7
ma arhatha you should notSB 10.32.21
arhatha you do not deserveCC Adi 4.176
na arhati does not deserveSB 10.68.36
śrotum arhatha please listenSB 10.84.29
su-arhattamāḥ by far the fittest personsSB 3.15.31
trātum arhathaḥ please saveSB 10.19.9
yathā-arhataḥ as they deservedSB 4.21.14
yathā-arhataḥ as befittingSB 7.11.8-12
yathā-arhataḥ as it befitsSB 7.12.24
yathā-arhataḥ according to your abilitySB 7.14.18
yathā-arhataḥ comparatively or with discriminationSB 7.15.2
yathā-arhataḥ as far as possibleSB 8.16.55
yathā-arhataḥ as far as possibleSB 9.14.24
yathā-arhataḥ according to etiquetteSB 10.71.28
yathā-arhataḥ as they deservedSB 11.2.26
Results for arhat5 results
arhatas indeclinable appropriately
Frequency rank 26658/72933
arhattama adjective (superl.) most worthy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
most venerable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32575/72933
arhattva noun (neuter) the dignity of an Arhat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44991/72933
arhatva noun (neuter) fitness
Frequency rank 44992/72933
svarhattama adjective extremely venerable
Frequency rank 72193/72933
Wordnet Search
"arhat" has 5 results.


śiṣṭa, bhadra, madra, ācāravat, vinīta, sabhya, śiṣṭācārasevin, agrāmya, āryavṛtta, suvṛtta, yaśasya, sabheya, anīca, arhat, ādṛtya, ārya, āryamiśra, āryaka, ārṣeya, uḍḍāmara, kulya, guru, mānya, sat, sajjana, sādhu, sujana, praśrayin, praśrita, sudakṣiṇa   

yaḥ sādhuvyavahāraṃ karoti।

rāmaḥ śiṣṭaḥ puruṣaḥ asti।


arhatā, yogyatā, kṣamatā   

padādīnām adhikāre ucitatāyāḥ bhāvaḥ।

arhatāyāḥ kāraṇāt saḥ adhyāpakaḥ abhavat।


yogyatā, upayuktatā, sāmarthya, kṣamatā, arhatā   

yaḥ jñānānubhavaśikṣādīnāṃ sā viśeṣatā guṇo vā yam āśritya kimapi kāryārthe padagrahaṇārthe vā upayuktaḥ iti manyante।

spardhāparīkṣayā vidyārthīnāṃ yogyatā parīkṣyate।


arhatā, viśiṣṭatā   

kāryārthe yogyatā।

atra kāryārtham kā arhatā āvaśyakī।


anarhatā, ayogyatā, anupayuktatā, apātratā   

ayogyasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

padasya aprāpteḥ tasya anarhatā eva kāraṇam।

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