aprabala | mfn. inefficacious, weak.  |
aprabha | mfn. obscure  |
aprabha | mfn. dull  |
aprabhraṃśa | m. not getting deprived of, not losing (with ablative)  |
aprabhu | mfn. wanting power, unable, incompetent (with locative case)  |
aprabhūta | mfn. insufficient, inadequate.  |
aprabhūti | f. (Ved. instrumental case tī-), little effort  |
aprabhutva | n. want of power, insufficiency  |
apracaṅkaśa | mf(ā-)n. without power of seeing  |
apracchanna | n. courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest,  |
apracchāya | mfn. shadeless,  |
apracchedya | mfn. inscrutable  |
apracchinna | mfn. not split  |
apracetas | mfn. deficient in understanding, foolish  |
apracetita | mfn. not having been perceived  |
aprācīna | mfn. not eastern, western  |
aprācīna | mfn. not old, modern, recent. |
apracodita | mfn. undesired, not bidden or commanded, unasked  |
apracura | mfn. little, few.  |
apracyāva | m. not falling in  |
apracyāvuka | mf(ā-)n. not decaying,  |
apracyuta | mfn. unmoved  |
apracyuta | mfn. (with ablative) not fallen or deviating from, observing, following  |
apracyuti | f. not decaying  |
apradadi | mfn. not, liberal  |
apradagdha | mfn. not burnt  |
apradāha | m. not consuming by fire  |
apradānavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not, liberal '  |
aprādeśika | mfn. not pointing to or suggestive of (the etymol. of a word)  |
apradhāna | mfn. not principal, subordinate, secondary  |
apradhānatā | f. inferiority.  |
apradhānatva | n. inferiority.  |
aprādhānya | n. non-superiority, inferiority, subordination.  |
apradhṛṣya | mfn. not to be vanquished, invincible  |
apradīptāgni | mfn. dyspeptic.  |
apradṛpita | mfn. not thoughtless, not careless  |
apradugdha | mfn. not milked to the end  |
apragādha | mfn. not shallow, deep,  |
apragalbha | mf(ā-)n. not arrogant, modest  |
apragalbha | mf(ā-)n. timid.  |
apragama | mfn. (in speech or discussion) going too fast for others to follow, not to be surpassed.  |
apraghnatī | f. (probably) not driving onward,  |
apragraha | ([ ]) or a-pragṛhya- ([ ]) m. not a vowel called pragṛhya- (q.v)  |
apragrāha | mfn. unrestrained  |
aprāgrya | mfn. secondary  |
apraguṇa | mfn. perplexed  |
apraguṇa | obstinate, refractory, .  |
aprahan | m(accusative haṇam-)fn. not hurting  |
aprahata | mfn. unhurt, intact  |
aprahata | mfn. untilled, waste  |
aprahāvan | mf(varī-)n. not diminishing, not vanishing  |
aprahita | mfn. not stirred up  |
aprahita | mfn. not sent out  |
aprahṛṣṭaka | m. a crow,  |
aprahṛta | mfn. (a stick) not advanced for striking  |
apraiṣa | mfn. not invoked with a praiṣa- (q.v) mantra commentator or commentary on  |
apraja | mf(ā-)n. ( jan-), without progeny, childless etc.  |
aprajā | f. not bearing, unprolific  |
aprajajñi | mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting  |
aprajajñi | mfn. ( jñā-), inexperienced, inexpert  |
aprajana | mfn. not begetting,  |
aprajanatva | (n.)  |
aprajaniṣṇu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting '  |
aprajas | ([ ]) ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless.  |
aprajas | ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless.  |
aprajastā | (apraj/as--) f. childlessness  |
aprajāstva | n. childlessness  |
aprajasya | n. childlessness  |
aprajātā | f. not having brought forth (see a-prajā-above)  |
aprajña | mfn. not knowing  |
aprājña | mfn. unlearned, ignorant.  |
aprajñāta | mfn. not known  |
aprājñatā | f. ignorance  |
aprajñātra | mfn. (fr. pra-jñātṛ-), not knowing, erring, being wrong  |
aprakalpaka | mf(ikā-)n. not prescribing as obligatory.  |
aprakampa | mfn. unshaken  |
aprakampa | mfn. firm, steady  |
aprakampa | mfn. unanswered, unrefuted.  |
aprakampatā | f. firmness, stability, unanswerableness.  |
aprakampin | mfn. not shaking, steady  |
aprakāṇḍa | mfn. stemless  |
aprakāṇḍa | m. a bush, a shrub  |
aprakara | mfn. not acting excellently  |
aprakaraṇa | n. not the principal topic, not relevant to the main subject.  |
aprākaraṇika | mfn. not connected with the subject-matter commentator or commentary on  |
aprakarṣita | mfn. not exceeded  |
aprakarṣita | mfn. unsurpassed.  |
aprakāśa | mf(ā-)n. not shining, dark  |
aprakāśa | mf(ā-)n. not visible, hidden, secret  |
aprakāśa | mf(ā-)n. not manifest or evident  |
aprakāśa | m. indistinctness, darkness  |
aprakāśaka | mf(ikā-)n. not rendering bright, making dark.  |
aprakāśam | ind. in secret  |
aprakāśamāna | mfn. not manifested, unrevealed.  |
aprakāśat | mfn. invisible,  |
aprakāśin | mfn. invisible,  |
aprakāśita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not manifested, unrevealed.'  |
aprakāśya | mfn. not to be manifested.  |
aprakaṭa | mf(ā-)n. unmanifested, unapparent  |
aprakaṭam | ind. without having been perceived  |
apraketa | mfn. indiscriminate, unrecognizable  |
aprakhara | mfn. dull, obtuse  |
aprakhara | mfn. bland, mild  |
aprakhyatā | f. want of a striking or dignified appearance  |
aprakḷpta | mfn. not explicitly enjoined.  |
aprakḷptatā | f. the state of not being explicitly enjoined |
aprakṛṣṭa | m. a crow (see apa-kṛṣṭa-.)  |
aprakṛta | mfn. not principal, not relevant to the main topic under discussion, not chief  |
aprakṛta | mfn. occasional or incidental  |
aprakṛta | mfn. not natural.  |
aprakṛta | mfn. not being in question, not belonging to the matter,  |
aprākṛta | mfn. not principal  |
aprākṛta | mfn. not original  |
aprākṛta | mfn. special, particular  |
aprākṛta | mfn. not vulgar, extraordinary  |
aprakṛti | f. not an inherent or inseparable property, accidental property or nature.  |
aprakṣita | mfn. undiminished, inexhaustible  |
apralambam | ind. without delay  |
apramā | f. a rule which is no authority (See a-pramāṇa-)  |
apramā | f. incorrect knowledge.  |
apramāda | m. care, vigilance  |
apramāda | mfn. "careful, cautious" See -tā- below  |
apramada | m. not pleasure, joylessness |
apramādam | ind. attentively, carefully  |
apramādam | ind. without interruption  |
apramādatā | f. the being cautious  |
apramādin | mfn. careful  |
apramāṇa | n. a rule which is no standard of action  |
apramāṇa | n. (in discussion) a statement of no importance or authority.  |
apramāṇābha | m. plural "of unlimited splendour", Name of a class of divinities  |
apramāṇaśubha | m. plural "of immeasurable virtue", Name of a class of divinities  |
apramāṇavid | mfn. incapable of weighing evidence  |
aprāmāṇika | mfn. unauthentic  |
aprāmāṇika | mfn. unauthoritative.  |
aprāmāṇya | n. absence or insufficiency of proof or authority.  |
apramatta | mfn. not careless, careful, attentive, vigilant  |
apramattavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not careless, careful, attentive, vigilant '  |
apramaya | mfn. imperishable (see a-prāmi-satya-.)  |
apramāyuka | mfn. not dying suddenly  |
apramāyuka | See a-pr/amaya-.  |
aprameya | mfn. immeasurable, unlimited, unfathomable  |
aprameya | mfn. not to be proved.  |
aprameyānubhāva | mfn. of unlimited might.  |
aprameyātman | m. "of inscrutable spirit", Name of śiva-.  |
aprāmisatya | ( mī-with prā- equals pra- see a-pr/amaya-),"of imperishable truthfulness", unalterably true  |
apramita | mfn. unbounded, unmeasured  |
apramita | mfn. not proved, not established by authority.  |
apramīya | mfn. (that) which ought not to perish  |
apramīya | See  |
apramoda | m. joylessness ,=  |
apramodamānā | f. Name of another of the above asiddhi-s.  |
apramṛṣya | mfn. not to he destroyed, indestructible  |
apramuditā | f. "joylessness", (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) Name of one of the eight asiddhi-s.  |
apramūra | mfn. not foolish, prudent  |
aprāṇa | m. no breath  |
aprāṇa | mfn. inanimate, lifeless  |
apraṇāśa | m. not perishing  |
aprāṇat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inanimate, lifeless '  |
apraṇihita | mfn. free from desire,  |
apraṇihita | (probably) n. purposelessness, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
apraṇīta | mfn. ( nī-), unconsecrated, profane  |
apraṇīta | n. the act of frying clarified butter without consecrated water  |
apraṇodya | mfn. ( nud-), not to be turned away (as a guest)  |
aprapāda | m. non-abortiveness  |
aprapadana | n. a bad place of refuge  |
aprapāduka | mfn. not abortive  |
aprapāṇa | mfn. not containing drinkable water  |
aprapaśya | mfn. not looking,  |
aprāpta | mfn. unobtained  |
aprāpta | mfn. unarrived  |
aprāpta | mfn. not accomplished  |
aprāpta | mfn. not yet full-grown  |
aprāpta | mfn. not resulting (from any rule)  |
aprāptakāla | mfn. out of season, inopportune, ill-timed  |
aprāptakāla | mfn. under age  |
aprāptakāla | n. an irregular debate  |
aprāptāvasara | mfn. unseasonable, inopportune  |
aprāptavibhāṣā | ([ ]) f. the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all.  |
aprāptavikalpa | ([ commentator or commentary ]) m. the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all.  |
aprāptavyavahāra | mfn. a minor in law  |
aprāptavyavahāra | mfn. under age, not of years to engage in law or public business.  |
aprāptayauvana | mfn. not arrived at puberty.  |
aprāpti | f. non-attainment, non-acquisition.  |
aprāpya | mfn. unobtainable  |
aprāpya | mfn. superl.  |
aprāpya | ind.p. not having obtained  |
aprāpya | not reaching.  |
aprāpyagrahaṇa | n. perception of an object though the senses are not in any direct connection with it  |
aprāpyakārin | mfn. acting on any object without direct contact with it, commentator or commentary on  |
aprāpyatama |  |
aprārthaka | mfn. not demanding in marriage commentator or commentary on  |
aprasāda | m. disfavour, disapprobation.  |
aprasādya | mfn. not to be propitiated  |
aprasādya | mfn. unappeasable, implacable.  |
aprasāha | mfn. not subjected to any force  |
aprasahiṣṇu | mfn. quite unable (to)  |
aprasahya | mfn. intolerable  |
aprasahya | mfn. irresistible  |
aprasakta | mfn. not addicted, not attached to.  |
aprasakti | f. non-addiction, non-attachment to (locative case)  |
apraśama | m. tumult, uproar,  |
aprāśana | n. not eating.  |
aprasaṅga | m. (in nyāya- philosophy) want of connection with  |
aprasaṅga | m. non-applicability  |
aprasanna | mfn. not quiet, not clear  |
aprasanna | mfn. turbid, muddy  |
aprasanna | mfn. displeased, unfavourable.  |
aprasanna | mfn. not reconciled, angry with (locative case),  |
apraśasta | mfn. not praised, fameless  |
apraśasta | mfn. not good, inferior, worthless  |
apraśasta | n. dirt, natural excretion  |
apraśasta | mfn. not praised, blamable  |
apraśasya | mfn. not praiseworthy.  |
aprasava | m. (3. su-), not preparing the soma- juice  |
aprasava | mfn. (4. su-), not being prolific  |
aprasava | m. non-propagation.  |
aprasavadharmin | mfn. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) not having the property of producing (one of the characteristics of puruṣa-) .  |
aprasiddha | mfn. not settled, unestablished  |
aprasiddha | mfn. unknown, uncelebrated  |
aprasiddha | mfn. unusual, uncommon, of no real existence, not current, not generally known.  |
aprasiddhapada | n. an obsolete word.  |
aprāśitṛ | mfn. not eating  |
aprāśitriya | mfn. not fit for food called prāśitr/a- (q.v)  |
aprasraṃsa | m. not falling down  |
aprastāvika | mf(ī-)n. irrelevant to the subject-matter  |
aprāstāvika | varia lectio for a-- prast-.  |
aprastuta | mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject  |
aprastuta | mfn. not principal, not being the chief subject-matter  |
aprastuta | mfn. indirect, accidental or extraneous  |
aprastuta | mfn. not laudable  |
aprastutapraśaṃsā | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
aprastutastuti | f. "conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter", (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.  |
aprasūtā | f. "not giving birth to", a barren woman.  |
aprasūta | mfn. (1. sū-), not allowed (of persons) (of things) .  |
apratā | (Ved. locative case fr. prat/i-) ind. without recompense, for nothing  |
apratā | ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order above. -1.  |
apratāpa | m. want of brilliancy, dullness  |
apratāpa | m. meanness, want of dignity.  |
apratarkya | mfn. not to be discussed  |
apratarkya | mfn. incomprehensible by reason, undefinable |
aprathita | mfn. not spread  |
aprati | mfn. without opponents, irresistible  |
aprati | n. irresistibly  |
apratibala | mfn. of unequalled power  |
apratibandha | m. absence of obstruction  |
apratibandha | mfn. unimpeded, undisputed, direct (inheritance), not collateral or presumptive.  |
apratibha | mfn. modest, bashful  |
apratibhā | f. shyness, timidity  |
apratībhā | f. not thinking of anything,  |
apratibhaṭa | mfn. irresistible,  |
apratibodha | mfn. without consciousness  |
apratibodhavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. without consciousness '  |
apratibruvat | mfn. not contradicting  |
apratidhṛṣṭa | mfn. "irresistible", in compound with  |
apratidhṛṣṭaśavas | mfn. of irresistible power  |
apratidhṛṣya | mfn. irresistible  |
apratidhura | mfn. without a match in going at the pole of a carriage (as a horse)  |
apratidvandva | mfn. "not having an adversary in battle", not to be vanquished, irresistible  |
apratidvandvatā | f. unrivalledness.  |
apratigha | mfn. ( han-), not to be kept off, not to be vanquished  |
apratīghātitā | f. the state of not having (or meeting with) obstacles, of not being restrainable  |
apratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. not accepting  |
apratigrahaṇa | n. not accepting (a girl into marriage), not marrying  |
apratigrāhya | mfn. unacceptable.  |
apratigṛhya | mfn. one from whom one must not accept anything  |
apratihāra | m. not stopping  |
apratihāra | mfn. without the syllables contained in the pratihāra- (q.v)  |
apratihārya | mfn. not to be repelled, irresistible  |
apratihata | mfn. uninterrupted, unobstructed, irresistible  |
apratihata | mfn. unaffected, unimpaired, indestructible, uninjured, not passed away  |
apratihatanetra | m. "whose eyes are unimpeded", Name of a deity  |
apratihataraśmirāgaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
apratikara | mfn. trusted, confidential  |
apratikāra | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. not admitting of any relief or remedy.  |
apratīkāra | ([ ]) mfn. not admitting of any relief or remedy.  |
apratīkāra | See a-pratikāra-.  |
apratikareṇa | ind. without recompense (see a-prat/ā-.)  |
apratikārin | mfn. (said of patients) not using a remedy, not permitting the employment of a remedy  |
apratikarman | mfn. of unparalleled deeds  |
apratikhyāta | mfn. not seen  |
apratikṛṣṭa | mfn. unruffled (as a garment),  |
apratīkṣa | mfn. not looking backward  |
apratīkṣam | ind. without looking backward  |
apratikūla | mf(ā-)n. not resisting, not obstinate.  |
apratilabdhakāma | mfn. never satiated in one's desires.  |
apratilomayat | mfn. not adverse or contrary,  |
aprātilomya | n. the not being hostile to  |
apratima | mf(ā-)n. unequalled, incomparable, without a match.  |
apratimalla | mfn. unrivalled,  |
apratimāna | mfn. incomparable  |
apratimanyūyamāna | mfn. being unable to show resentment or to retaliate anger for anger |
apratimeya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. incomparable '  |
apratinoda | m. not repelling  |
apratīpa | mfn. not contradictory, not obstinate  |
apratīpa | m. Name of a king of magadha-  |
apratipad | mfn. confused (vikala-)  |
apratipadyamāna | mfn. not consenting to (accusative)  |
apratipakṣa | mfn. without a rival or opponent.  |
apratipanna | mfn. unascertained  |
apratipanna | mfn. unaccomplished.  |
apratipaṇya | mfn. not to be bartered or exchanged.  |
apratipatti | f. non-ascertainment  |
apratipatti | f. not understanding  |
apratipatti | f. the state of being undecided or confused  |
apratipatti | f. non-performance, failure.  |
apratiratha | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)'  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (son of indra- and composer of the hymn )  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a son of rantināra-  |
apratiratha | n. Name of the above-named hymn (composed by apratiratha-)  |
apratirava | mfn. uncontested, undisputed.  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. of unequalled form, incomparable ([ see 2. a-pratirūpa-,p. 58]) .  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. not corresponding with, unfit  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. odious, disagreeable (For 1.See a-prat/i-.)  |
apratirūpakathā | f. incomparable or unanswerable discourse  |
aprātirūpya | n. incomparableness, (a-- prat-, Calcutta edition).  |
apratisādhya | mfn. incurable, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apratisaṃkhyā | f. "not observing", in compound with  |
apratisaṃkhyā | inconsiderateness,  |
apratisaṃkhyānirodha | m. the unobserved annihilation of an object  |
apratisaṃkrama | mfn. having no intermixture.  |
apratiśaṃsat | mfn. not reciting or shouting towards  |
apratiśāsana | mfn. not subject to the orders of another, not giving a counter or rival order, completely under subjection.  |
apratiśasta | mfn. not shouted towards idem or 'mfn. not reciting or shouting towards '  |
apratiṣedha | m. "non-prohibition", non-negation, an invalid objection  |
apratiṣekya | mfn. (a ceremony) at which there is no pouring upon  |
apratiṣiddha | mfn. (2. sidh-), unprohibited, unforbidden  |
apratiṣikta | mfn. not poured upon, not moistened  |
apratiṣkṛta | mfn. to whom nothing has been opposed  |
apratiṣkuta | mfn. not to be kept off, unrestrainable  |
apratiṣṭabdha | mfn. not supported by(instrumental case) (see a-pratistabdha-below.)  |
apratistabdha | mfn. unrestrained (see a-pratiṣṭabdha-above.)  |
apratiṣṭha | mfn. having no solid ground, no value, fluctuating, unsafe  |
apratiṣṭha | m. Name of a hell  |
apratiṣṭhā | f. instability  |
apratiṣṭhāna | mfn. having no solid ground  |
apratiṣṭhāyuka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no solid ground '  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no solid ground ' '  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. unlimited  |
apratīta | mfn. unapproached, unattackable  |
apratīta | mfn. not understood, uncommon (as an expression) etc. |
apratīta | mfn. not merry, sad  |
apratīti | f. the state of not being understood  |
apratīti | f. mistrust, want of confidence.  |
apratītta | mfn. not given back  |
aprativādin | mfn. not contradicting  |
aprativāṇi | mfn. unhindered,  |
aprativīrya | mfn. of irresistible power  |
aprativīrya | mfn. prativīrya |
aprativīryārambha | mfn. not having sufficient strength to undertake anything  |
apratiyatnapūrva | mf(ā-)n. not produced ("by force"=) artificially, natural  |
apratiyodhin | mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)  |
apratiyogin | mfn. not opposed to, not incompatible with  |
apratiyogin | mfn. not correlative to.  |
apratta | mfn. (for a-pradatta-), not given back  |
aprattā | f. "not given away (in marriage)", a girl  |
aprattadaivata | mfn. not yet offered to a deity,  |
aprattadevata | mfn. not yet offered to a deity,  |
apratula | m. want of weight, want  |
apratyākhyāna | n. non-refutation.  |
apratyākhyāta | mfn. uncontradicted, unrefuted, assented to.  |
apratyākhyeya | mfn. not to be contradicted, undeniable.  |
apratyakṣa | mfn. not present to the sight, invisible, imperceptible.  |
apratyakṣaśiṣṭa | mfn. not distinctly taught.  |
apratyakṣatā | f. imperceptibility.  |
apratyālabhamāna | mfn. not offering resistance  |
apratyāmnāya | m. not a contradictory statement  |
apratyaya | m. distrust, disbelief, doubt  |
apratyaya | m. not an affix  |
apratyaya | mfn. distrustful (with locative case)  |
apratyaya | mfn. causing distrust  |
apratyaya | mfn. having no affix.  |
apratyayastha | mfn. (in grammar) not pertaining to an affix.  |
apratyṛta | mfn. (equals an-arv/a-), not encountering any resistance in (locative case)  |
apratyutthāyuka | mfn. not rising before (wrong reading yika-),  |
aprauḍha | mf(ā-)n. not arrogant, timid, gentle  |
aprauḍha | mf(ā-)n. not capable of (Inf.)  |
aprauḍhā | f. an unmarried girl  |
aprauḍhā | f. one very recently married and not come to womanhood.  |
apravadat | mf(atī-)n. not roaring  |
apravargya | mfn. without the pravargya- ceremony  |
apravartaka | mf(ikā-)n. abstaining from action, inert  |
apravartaka | mf(ikā-)n. not exciting to action.  |
apravartana | n. the act of refraining from, not engaging in  |
apravartana | n. not exciting to any action.  |
apravartin | mfn. immovable,  |
apraveda | mf(ā-)n. (said of heaven and earth, together with /a-trasnu-), not insidious  |
apravīṇa | mfn. unskilful.  |
apravītā | f. (See pra-vī-), not impregnated  |
apravlaya | m. not sinking down  |
apravṛddha | mfn. not excessively grown, (gaRa pravṛddhādi- q.v)  |
aprāvṛta | mfn. not covered  |
apravṛtta | mfn. not acting, not engaged in  |
apravṛtta | mfn. not commenced, not instigated.  |
apravṛtta | mfn. not due, unjust (as taxes), .  |
apravṛtti | f. not proceeding  |
apravṛtti | f. no further effect or applicability of a precept  |
apravṛtti | f. abstaining from action, inertion, non-excitement  |
apravṛtti | want of news about (genitive case),  |
apravṛtti | f. (in med.) suppression of the natural evacuations, constipation, ischury, etc. |
apravṛtti | mfn. inactive,  |
aprayāja | mfn. without a prayāja-  |
aprayāṇaka | n. halt (on a journey)  |
aprayāṇi | f. not going, not moving (used in execrations)  |
aprayāpaṇi | f. not allowing to go (used in execrations)  |
aprayāsa | m. absence of toil  |
aprayāsena | ind. easily  |
aprayata | mfn. not intent (on devotion), not prepared (in mind) for any important action or performance  |
aprayata | mfn. (once said of food)  |
aprayatna | m. absence of effort, indifference  |
aprayatna | mfn. indifferent, apathetic in (locative case)  |
aprāyatya | n. the state of being a-prayata-  |
aprāyatya | See a-prayata-.  |
aprayāvam | ([ ]) or /a-prayāvan- [ ] ind. (1. yu-), not carelessly, attentively, (see /a-prāyu-.)  |
aprayoga | m. non-application  |
aprayoga | m. the not being in use (of words)  |
aprayojaka | mf(ikā-)n. not causing or effecting, aimless.  |
aprāyu | mfn. (1. yu-with prā- equals pra-[ see /a-prayāvam-] /a-prāyu-fr. āy/u-,or /āyus-), not careless, assiduous  |
aprāyu | ind. assiduously  |
aprayucchat | mfn. attentive  |
aprayujyamāna | mfn. not being added,  |
aprayujyamāna | not being borrowed (on interest),  |
aprayukta | mfn. not used or applied  |
aprayukta | mfn. (of words) not in use  |
aprayukta | mfn. unsuitable  |
aprayuktatā | f. unusualness (of expressions)  |
aprayuktatva | n. unusualness (of expressions)  |
aprāyus | mfn. ( /a-prāyus-fr. /āyus-) idem or 'ind. assiduously '  |
aprayuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. attentive '  |
aprayutvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. attentive ' '  |
apreman | n. dislike, aversion  |
apreman | mfn. unfriendly  |
apreta | mfn. not gone away  |
apretarākṣasī | f. a plant (also called preta-rākṣasī-,or apeta-rākṣasī- q.v)  |
aprīti | f. dislike, aversion, enmity  |
aprīti | f. pain.  |
aprītikara | mfn. unkind, adverse  |
aprītikara | mfn. disagreeable  |
aprītyātmaka | mf(ikā-)n. consisting of pain.  |
apriya | mfn. disagreeable, disliked  |
apriya | mfn. unkind, unfriendly  |
apriya | m. a foe, an enemy  |
apriya | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
apriyā | f. a sort of skeat fish, Silurus Pungentissimus.  |
apriyabhāgin | mfn. unfortunate.  |
apriyakara | mfn. "not giving pleasure", disagreeable  |
apriyākhyāyin | m. teller of bad news (a post at court),  |
apriyamvada | See apriya-vādin-.  |
apriyaṃvada | ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. speaking unkindly or harshly.  |
apriyavādin | ([ ]) . mfn. speaking unkindly or harshly.  |
aprodita | mfn. not uttered  |
aprokṣita | mfn. not sprinkled, not consecrated  |
aproṣita | mfn. not departed, not absent. |
aproṣivas | m(Nominal verb vān-)fn. not gone away, staying  |
abhayaprada | mfn. giving safety  |
abhayapradāna | n. equals -dāna-  |
abhirūpaprajāyinī | f. the mother of beautiful children,  |
abhrapruṣ | f. the sprinkling of the clouds, rain  |
abhūtaprādurbhāva | m. the becoming manifest of what has not been before.  |
ābhyantaraprayatna | m. internal effort (of the mouth in producing articulate utterance) commentator or commentary on  |
aciraprabhā | f. lightning.  |
aciraprasūtā | f. "having recently brought forth", a cow that has recently calved.  |
adabdhavratapramati | (/adabdha--) mfn. of unbroken observances and superior mind (or"of superior mind from having unbroken observances")  |
adhapriya | mfn. (you who are) now pleased (vocative case dual number yā-)  |
adhvaraprāyaścittī | f. expiation connected with the adhvara-.  |
adhyardhapratika | mfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-.  |
ādibharataprastāra | m. Name of work  |
ādityaprabha | m. "having the splendour of the sun", Name of a king  |
adyaprabhṛti | ind. from and after to-day.  |
āgamaprakāśa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
agaṇitapratiyāta | mfn. returned without (or because of not) having been noticed  |
āgataprahārin | mfn.  |
aghorapramāṇa | n. a terrific oath  |
agnihotraprāyaṇa | mfn. beginning with the agni-hotra-,  |
agnīṣomapraṇayana | n. bringing out the fire and the soma-, a ceremony in the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice.  |
agrapradāyin | mfn. offering first  |
agrapraśirṇa | mfn. broken at the top  |
āhananaprakāra | mfn. fit for beating  |
āhnikapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
āhnikaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
āhūtaprapalāyin | m. a defendant or witness absconding or not appearing when summoned  |
aitaśapralāpa | m. Name of a section of the atharva-- veda- by the above muni- (coming after the kuntāpa- hymns )  |
ākāśapradīpa | m. equals -dīpa- q.v  |
ākāśapratiṣṭhita | m. Name of a buddha-.  |
akṣaprapātana | n. casting glances,  |
akṣapriya | mfn. fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by dice.  |
alakaprabhā | f. the capital of kubera-  |
alakapriya | m. the plant Terminalia Tomentosa  |
alikulapriyā | f. "fond of or full of swarms of bees", the plant Rosa Glandulifera  |
alpabalaprāṇa | mfn. of little strength and little breath id est weak and without any power of endurance  |
alpaprabhāva | mfn. of little weight or consequence, insignificant  |
alpaprabhāvatā | f. insignificance.  |
alpaprabhāvatva | n. insignificance.  |
alpaprajas | mfn. having few descendants or few subjects.  |
alpapramāṇa | mfn. of little weight or measure  |
alpapramāṇa | mfn. of little authority, resting on little evidence.  |
alpapramāṇaka | m. common cucumber (Cucumis Sativus)  |
alpaprāṇa | m. (in grammar) slight breathing or weak aspiration (the effort in uttering the vowels, the semivowels y-, r-, l-, v-,the consonants k-, c-, ṭ-, t-, p-, g-, j-, ḍ-, i-, b-,and the nasals, is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but practically alpaprāṇa-is here equivalent to unaspirated, as opposed to mahā-prāṇa- q.v)  |
alpaprāṇa | mfn. having short breath, not persevering, soon tired pronounced with slight breathing  |
alpaprayoga | mfn. of rare application or use  |
amaraprabha | mfn. like an immortal.  |
amaraprabhu | m. "lord of the immortals", one of the thousand names of viṣṇu-  |
amaraprakhya | mfn. like an immortal.  |
amārgaprasṛt | mfn. ( sṛ-), one who is out of the right way  |
ambaraprabhā | f. Name of a princess  |
amedhyapratimantraṇa | n. conjuring of unlucky omens,  |
āmiṣapriya | mfn. fond of flesh-meat, carnivorous  |
āmiṣapriya | m. a heron  |
amitaprabha | m. (= amitā- bha-),  |
amitaprabhāsa | m. (= amitā- bha-),  |
āmraphalaprapānaka | n. a cooling drink made of mangoes,  |
āmraprasāda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a guhila- king, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
amṛtaprabha | m. Name of a vidyādhara-  |
amṛtaprabhā | f. Name of several women  |
amṛtaprāśana | m. "living on amṛta-", a god  |
amṛtaprāsin | m. "living on amṛta-", a god  |
aṃśapradāna | n. allotment of a portion.  |
aṃśaprakalpanā | f. allotment of a portion.  |
analaprabhā | f. the plant Halicacabum Cardiospermum.  |
analapriyā | f. agni-'s wife.  |
ānandaprabhā | f. Name of a celestial woman.  |
ānandaprabhava | m. the seminal fluid  |
ānandaprabhava | m. the universe (as proceeding from ānanda- = brahman- )  |
ananyapratikriya | mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress.  |
anāsravaprakāra | mfn. free from the various kinds of mundane inclinations, .  |
anātmapratyavekṣā | f. reflection that there is no spirit or self  |
aṅgamarṣapraśamana | n. alleviation of rheumatism.  |
aṅgaprāyaścitta | n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family.  |
aṅgulapramāṇa | n. the measure or length of an aṅgula-  |
aṅgulapramāṇa | mfn. having the length of an aṅgula-.  |
anibaddhapralāpin | mfn. chattering incoherently, talking at random  |
anilaprakṛti | mfn. "having an airy or windy nature", Name of the planet Saturn.  |
aniṣṭaprasaṅga | m. connection with a wrong object or a wrong argument or a wrong rule.  |
anityapratyavekṣā | f. consciousness that all is passing away  |
anityasamaprakaraṇa | n. a section in the nyāya- discussing that sophism.  |
annaprada | mfn. equals -da- above  |
annapralaya | mfn. being resolved into food or the primitive substance after death  |
annaprāśa | m. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time (one of the saṃskāra-s;See saṃskāra-)  |
annaprāśana | n. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time (one of the saṃskāra-s;See saṃskāra-)  |
antaḥpurapracāra | m. the gossip of the women's apartments.  |
antaraprabhava | mfn. of mixed origin or caste  |
āntaraprapañca | m. (in philosophy)"the inward expansion"  |
āntaraprapañca | m. the fantasies of the soul produced by ignorance.  |
antarapraśna | m. an inner question  |
antarapraśna | m. a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.  |
antaraprekṣin | mfn. perceiving a weak point,  |
antarikṣaprā | mfn. (1. pṛ-), travelling through the atmosphere  |
antarikṣaprut | mfn. ( pru-), floating over the atmosphere  |
anulomapratiloma | (said of a mythical sea and mountain),  |
anumānaprakāśa | m. works on anumāna-.  |
anunayapratighaprahāṇa | n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour  |
anūpaprāya | mfn. marshy.  |
anuraktapraja | mfn. beloved by his subjects.  |
anuvācanapraiṣa | m. an injunction to recite as above |
anuvapram | ind. along the shore, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anuyājapraiṣa | m. plural the formulas belonging to the anuyāja-  |
anuyājaprasava | m. permission to perform an anuyāja-  |
anyapadārthapradhāna | mfn. having as chief sense that of another word (as a Bahu-vri1hi), Sch.  |
apapradāna | n. a bribe.  |
apapragā | (Aorist -pr/āgat-) to go away from, yield to  |
apaprajātā | f. a female that has had a miscarriage  |
apaprasara | mfn. checked, restrained,  |
apapre | ( i-), (3. pl. -pra-y/anti-,or -pr/a-yanti-;Opt. -pr/eyāt-) to go away, withdraw  |
apaproṣita | n. (5. vas-), the having departed, a wrong departure or evil caused thereby, (negative /an--)  |
apapru | /apa-pravate-, Ved. to leap or jump down  |
apapruth | (Imper. 2. sg. -protha-; P. -pr/othat-) to blow off  |
aparapraṇeya | mfn. easily led by others, tractable.  |
apathaprapanna | mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied.  |
apatyapratyaya | m. a patronymical affix  |
apavādapratyaya | m. an exceptional affix  |
apetaprajanana | mfn. one who has lost his generative energy,  |
apetaprāṇa | mfn. lifeless,  |
aphalaprepsu | mfn. one who desires no recompense  |
ārādhanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
aravindadalaprabha | n. copper  |
ardhaprahara | m. half a watch (one hour and a half).  |
ardhapraharikā | f. idem or 'm. half a watch (one hour and a half).' (?)  |
ardhaprasthika | mfn. equals ārdhapr- q.v , measuring half a prastha-  |
ārdhaprasthika | mfn. weighing half a prastha |
arkaprabhājāla | n. (a multitude of) sun-beams  |
arkaprakāśa | mf(ā-)n. bright like the sun  |
arkaprakāśa | m. Name of a medical work (see -cikitā-above) , of a work on jurisprudence.  |
arkapriyā | f. the plant Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis  |
ārogyapratipadvrata | n. a ceremony for gaining health.  |
arthaprakṛti | f. "the principal thing required for a special aim", Name of the five constituent elements of a drama  |
arthaprāpti | f. acquisition of wealth  |
arthaprāpti | f. "attainment of meaning" id est the state of being clear by itself.  |
arthaprasaṃkhyā | f. considering the aim  |
arthaprayoga | m. application of wealth to usury  |
aruṇapriyā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
āryapravṛtta | mfn. proceeding in an honest mode or manner  |
āryaprāya | mfn. inhabited for the most part by Aryan people  |
asamāptaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
asaṃgataprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
āsannaprasavā | f. a female (of an animal) whose (time of) parturition is near or who is about to bring forth (young ones)  |
āsīnapracalāyita | n. nodding when seated, falling asleep on a seat  |
askhalitaprayāṇa | mfn. not stumbling in progress, with unfaltering step  |
āśrāvitapratyāśrāvita | n. dual number address and response, Jaim  |
aṣṭādaśaprakṛti | 18 officials,  |
aṣṭāṅgapraṇāma | m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance;the eight parts are the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat, and middle of the back;or the first four, with the knees and feet;or these six, with the speech and mind)  |
aṣṭāṅgapraṇipāta | m. prostration of the 8 parts of the body (= - praṇāma-),  |
aśuddhaprakṛti | mfn. having dishonest ministers,  |
aśvaprakāṇḍa | n. (= kuñjara-),  |
aśvapraṇīta | (/āśva--) mfn. carried near by a horse  |
aśvaprapatana | n. commentator or commentary  |
aśvaprapatana | nīya- (read prapad-)  |
aśvaprapatanīya | mfn. referring to it  |
aśvapriya | m. "dear to horses", barley,  |
āsyaprayatna | see pra-- yatna-, parasmE-pada 687  |
atiprāṇapriya | mfn. dearer than life.  |
ativīryaprabha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Tatha1-gata, .  |
ātmaprabha | mfn. shining by one's own light, self-illuminated  |
ātmaprabodha | m. "cognition of soul or supreme spirit", Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
ātmaprakāśa | mfn. self-shining, self-luminous  |
ātmaprakāśa | m. Name of a commentary on  |
ātmapraśaṃsā | f. self-applause  |
ātmapraśaṃsaka | mfn. self-praising, boasting  |
ātmapraśaṃsin | mfn. equals -praśaṃsaka- q.v  |
ātmapratikṛti | f. one's own reflection or image  |
ātmapravāda | m. "dogmas about the soul or supreme spirit", Name of the seventh of the fourteen pūrva-s or most ancient sacred writings of the jaina-s  |
ātmapravāda | m. plural "those who assert the dogmas about the supreme spirit", Name of a philosophical school  |
ātmaprayojana | mfn. selfish  |
ātmaprīti | f. strong desire to enjoy anything  |
atrinetraprabhava | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atrinetraprasūta | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
atulyaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
audīcyaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
aupāsanaprayoga | m. the manner of performing the rites at the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on  |
aurdhvadehikaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
aurvaprakāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
aurvaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
auṣadhaprakāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
auṣadhaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
avabhāsaprabha | m. plural Name of a class of deities  |
avabhāsaprāpta | m. Name of a world  |
avadhūtapraṇipāta | mf(ā-)n. rejecting an act of homage  |
avaprajjana | n. ( pṛj-), the end of the warp of a web (opposed to 2. pra-vayaṇa- q.v)  |
avaprasnuta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avaprasruta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avatāraprekṣin | mfn. watching opportunities, espying faults, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
bādarāyaṇapraśna | m. Name of an astrology work  |
baddhapratijña | mf(ā-)n. one who has made a promise or vow  |
baddhapratiśrut | mfn. echoing, resonant with echoes  |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratihandhakatāvicāra | m.  |
bādhapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa | m.  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bahirdvāraprakaṣṭhaka | n. a portico, a covered terrace in front of the door of a house  |
bahirgrāmamapratiśraya | mfn. living outside the village  |
bahupuṣpaprabālavat | mfn. having many flowers and young shoots  |
bahvabaddhapralāpin | mfn. talking much that is unmeaning  |
bahvṛcaśrāddhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bāhyaprakṛti | f. plural the constituents of a foreign state exclusive of the king (see prakṛti-)  |
bāhyaprayatna | m. (in gram.) the external effort in the production of articulate sounds  |
bālabodhanībhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bālagrahapratiṣedha | m. Name of work  |
bālakapralapita | n. childish talk, foolish prattle  |
bālakapriya | mfn. fond of children  |
bālakapriyā | f. colocynth  |
bālakapriyā | f. Musa Sapientum  |
bālāmayapratithedha | m. Name of work  |
bālaprabodhikā | f. Name of work  |
bālaprabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
balaprada | mfn. giving strength  |
bālaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
balapramathanī | f. Name of a form of durgā-  |
bālapramathanī | f. a particular sakti-  |
balaprāṇa | n. strength and spirit.  |
balaprasū | f. bala-'s (id est baladeva-'s) mother, rohiṇī-  |
bālārkapratimā | f. the image or reflection of the orient sun  |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
baliṃdamaprakhya | mfn. equal to viṣṇu-  |
bāṣpaprakara | m. a flow or gush of tears  |
bāṣpapramocana | n. the shedding of tears  |
baṭukapañcāṅgaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
baudhāyanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanaśrautaprayogasāra | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanīyaprayogasāra | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadarcanaprastāva | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhagavadgītābhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavallāñchanadhāraṇapramāṇaśatapradarśana | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprāmāṇya | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprasaṅgadṛṣṭāntāvalī | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprathamaślokatrayīṭīkā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇārkaprabhā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatatattvadipaprakāśāvaraṇabhaṅga | m. Name of work  |
bhagīrathaprayatna | ( ) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagnaprakrama | n. "broken arrangement", (in rhetoric) the use of a word which does not correspond to one used before (also bhagnaprakramatā -tā- f. )  |
bhagnaprakramatā | f. bhagnaprakrama |
bhagnapratijña | mfn. one who has broken a promise, faithless  |
bhaimapravīṇa | m. the bravest or chief of the bhīma-s  |
bhairavaprādurbhāvanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
bhairavaprasāda | m. Name of work  |
bhairavaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhā | f. Name of a Buddhist work  |
bhaktapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktibhāvapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
bhāṇḍapratibhāṇḍaka | n. "commodity for commodity", computation of the exchange of goods, barter  |
bhapraśasta | mfn. favourable in regard to the asterism  |
bharadvājagārgapariṇayapratiṣedhavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
bhāradvājagārgyapariṇayapratiṣedhavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
bhāradvājāgnisaṃdhānādismārtaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bharadvājaprādurbhāva | m. Name of chapter of  |
bharadvājapravraska | n. Name of  |
bhāradvājaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhārapratyavara | mfn. (actions) lowest by reason of the bearing of loads  |
bhāratapadaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bharataprasū | f. "mother of bharata-varṣa-"Name of kaikeyī- (wife of daśaratha-)  |
bhāratārthaprakāśa | m. Name of two Commentaries on  |
bhārgavapriya | n. "dear to śukra- or the planet Venus", a diamond  |
bhāskarapriya | m. "fond of the sun", a ruby  |
bhasmapraharaṇa | mfn. having ashes for a weapon (said of a fever) (see -bāṇa-).  |
bhasmapriya | m. "friend of ashes", Name of śiva-  |
bhāṣyakāraprapatti | f. Name of work  |
bhāṣyapradīpa | m. Name of work ( bhāṣyapradīpavivaraṇa pa-vivaraṇa- n.and bhāṣyapradīpoddyotana poddyotana- n. )  |
bhāṣyapradīpavivaraṇa | n. bhāṣyapradīpa |
bhāṣyapradīpoddyotana | n. bhāṣyapradīpa |
bhāṣyapratyaya | m. Name of work  |
bhāṣyapratyayodbodha | m. Name of work  |
bhāṣyaratnaprabhā | f. Name of work  |
bhāṣyaratnaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaṭaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bhaṭaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaṭṭaprakāśa | m. Name of work (see bhaṭa-pr-).  |
bhaṭṭaprayāga | m. "the chief place of sacrifice", the spot where the yamunā- falls into the gaṅgā-  |
bhautaprāya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhāvaleśaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
bhavānandapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on it  |
bhavāntaraprāptimat | mfn. one who has obtained another existence  |
bhāvaprabodhinī | f.  |
bhāvapradīpa | m. (and bhāvapradīpoddyota poddyota-,m.)  |
bhāvapradīpikā | f.  |
bhāvapradīpoddyota | m. bhāvapradīpa |
bhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of various works. (especially of a medical work by bhāva-miśra-) |
bhāvaprakāśaka | m.  |
bhāvaprakāśakośa | m. Name of work  |
bhāvaprakāśanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
bhāvaprakāśikā | f.  |
bhavapratisaṃdhi | m. entering into existence  |
bhāvapratyayaśaktivicāra | m.  |
bhāvapratyayavādārtha | m.  |
bhāvārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
bhāvasiṃhaprakriyā | f. Name of an elementary grammar.  |
bhayaikapravaṇa | mfn. wholly inclined to fear, engrossed by fear  |
bhayaprada | ( ) equals -da- mfn.  |
bhayapradāyin | ( ) mfn. equals -da- mfn.  |
bhayaprastāva | m. season of fear or alarm  |
bhayapratīkāra | m. removal of fear  |
bhedaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
bhedaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bhedapratyaya | m. belief in dualism (see -dṛṣṭi-)  |
bhogaprastha | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhojakulapradīpa | m. "lamp of the race of Bhojpur", Name of a king of vidarbha-  |
bhojaprabandha | m. Name of work (celebrating the deeds of king bhoja- )  |
bhojaprabandhasāra | m. Name of work (celebrating the deeds of king bhoja- )  |
bhojarājaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
bhramarapriya | m. Nauclea Cordifolia  |
bhṛṅgapriyā | f. "liked by bees", Gaertnera Racemosa  |
bhujaṃgaprayāta | n. "species like course", Name of a metre  |
bhujaṃgaprayātāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
bhujaṃgaprayātastotra | n. Name of a hymn addressed to śiva-  |
bhujapratibhuja | n. opposite sides in a plane figure  |
bhūṣaṇendraprabha | m. Name of a king of the kiṃ-nara-s  |
bhūtaprakṛti | f. the origin of all beings  |
bhūtapratiṣedha | m. the warding off evil spirits or demons  |
bhūtaprāya | wrong reading for bhauta-p-.  |
bhūtapretapiśācādya | m. plural the bhūta-s, preta-s, piśāca-s etc. (see ) .  |
bhuvanapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhuvanapraṇetṛ | m. "leader of being", Time (personified as the Creator)  |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of  |
bhūvārāhaprayogavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bījagaṇitaprabodha | m. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bījakāṇḍaprarohin | ( ) (i, 48) mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,  |
bījaprabhava | m. the power of the seed  |
bījaprada | m. "yielding or sowing seed", a generator  |
bījapraroha | ( )  |
bījaprarohin | ( ) mfn. growing from seed.  |
bimbapratibimba | (in the beginning of a compound) original and counterfeit, object of comparison and that with which it is compared  |
bimbapratibimbabhāva | m. ( ) condition of original and counterfeit etc.  |
bimbapratibimbatā | f. ( )  |
bimbapratibimbatva | n. ( )  |
bimbapratibimbavāda | m. Name of work  |
bimbapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
bimbapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bimbatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
bisaprasūna | ( ) n. a lotus-flower.  |
bodhaprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
bodhāyanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmaikyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmakarmapradāyaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
brahmakarmaprakāśaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
brāhmaṇaprasaṅga | m. the applicability of the term brāhmaṇa-, the idea of Brahman  |
brāhmaṇaprātiveśya | m. a neighbouring Brahman  |
brāhmaṇapriya | m. a friend of brāhmaṇa- (said of viṣṇu-)  |
brahmaprabha | m. Name of a man  |
brahmaprajāpati | m. dual number brahmā- and prajāpati-  |
brāhmaprajāpatya | mfn. (fr. brahma-prajāpati-)  |
brahmaprakṛtika | mfn. emanating from or originating in brahma- ( brahmaprakṛtikatva -tva- n.)  |
brahmaprakṛtikatva | n. brahmaprakṛtika |
brahmapralaya | m. " brahmā-'s destruction", the universal destruction that takes place at the end of every 100 years of brahmā-'s (and in which even brahmā- himself is swallowed up)  |
brahmaprāpta | mfn. one who has obtained brahma-  |
brahmaprāpti | f. obtainment of or absorption into brahma-  |
brahmaprasūta | (br/ahma--) mfn. impelled by brahma-  |
brahmapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmaprāyaścitta | n. plural Name of work  |
brahmaprī | mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion  |
brahmapriya | mfn. fond of devotion or of sacred knowledge  |
brahmasūtrānubhāṣyapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtrārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
brahmatvaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmayajñaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaddharmaprakāśa | m. "the large dharma-prakāśa-", Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
budhaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
calaprakṛti | mfn. of unsteady or wanton nature  |
cāmīkaraprakhya | mfn. gold-like  |
campakaprabhu | m. Name of kalhaṇa-'s father.  |
caṇḍaprabha | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍapradyota | m. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍaprayāta | n. caṇḍavṛṣṭiprapāta |
caṇḍeśvarapraśnavidyā | f. "knowledge of caṇḍeśvara-'s questions", Name of work  |
candrabimbaprabhā | f. Name of a gandharva- virgin  |
candraprabha | m. Name of an arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
candraprabha | m. of a yakṣa-  |
candraprabha | m. of a king  |
candraprabha | m. of several other persons, etc.  |
candraprabhā | f. moonlight  |
candraprabhā | f. Serratula anthelminthica  |
candraprabhā | f. a compound of various drugs (used in jaundice, piles, etc.)  |
candraprabhā | f. Name of several women  |
candraprabhāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
candraprabhasvāmicaritra | n. " candra-prabha-'s life", Name of a Jain work.  |
candraprabhāsvararāja | m. Name of several buddha-s.  |
candraprabhāva | mfn. splendid as the moon  |
candraprajñapti | f. Name of the 6th upāṅga- of the jaina-s.  |
candraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
candrapramāṇa | mfn. "moon-measured", lunar  |
candrapramardana | n. "moon-enemy", Name of a brother of rāhu-  |
candraprāsāda | m. an apartment on the housetop  |
candrapriya | m. Name of a prince.  |
candrasūryajihmīkaraṇaprabha | m. "whose splendour obscures moon and sun", Name of a buddha-  |
candrasūryapradīpa | m. "illuminating moon and sun", Name of a buddha-  |
candravimalasūryaprabhāsaśrī | m. "whose beauty is spotless like the moon and brilliant as the sun", Name of a buddha-.  |
caraṇaprasāra | m. stretching the legs  |
carmaprabhedikā | f. a shoemaker's awl  |
carmaprasevaka | m. equals -puṭa-  |
carmaprasevikā | f. idem or 'm. equals -puṭa- '  |
cayanaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
celaprakṣālaka | m. idem or 'm. a washerman '  |
chandapraśasti | f. Name of work by harṣa-.  |
chandogaśrāddhatattvapramāṇa | n. Name of work by raghu-nandana-  |
chāttrapriya | mfn. dear to pupils  |
churikābandhaprayoga | m. the ceremony of providing a śūdra- with a billhook,  |
cīnācāraprayogavidhi | m. Name of work  |
cirapraṇaṣṭa | mfn. long disappeared  |
ciraprasūtā | f. (a cow) which has calved a long time ago  |
cīraprāvaraṇa | m. plural " equals -bhṛt- ", Name of a people  |
cirapravāsin | mfn. long absent  |
cirapravṛtta | mfn. long or ever existent  |
citrapratikṛti | f. "representation in colours", a painting  |
citrapriyakatha | mfn. speaking various kind words  |
cittapramāthin | mfn. confusing the mind, exciting any one's (genitive case or in compound) passion or love  |
cittaprasāda | m. idem or 'f. happiness of mind, gaiety '  |
cittaprasādana | n. gladdening of mind  |
cittapraśama | mfn. satisfied in mind, composed  |
cittaprasannatā | f. happiness of mind, gaiety  |
codapravṛddha | (d/a--) mfn. exalted by the inspiring (draught of soma-),  |
cyavanaprāśa | m. Name of an electuary (see cyāvana-)  |
dāḍimapriya | m. "liking and eating pomegranates", parrot  |
dahanapriyā | f. the wife of agni-  |
dainapralaya | m. destruction of the world after the lapse of 15 years of brahmā-'s age  |
daivapraśna | m. inquiring of fate, astrology (see deva--)  |
daivapraśna | m. a supernatural voice heard at night (see upa-śruti-)  |
daivatapratimā | f. the image of a deity  |
dakṣayajñaprabhañjana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", śiva-  |
dakṣiṇaprācī | f. equals -pūrvā-  |
dakṣiṇaprākpravaṇa | mfn. sloping south-eastwards  |
dānapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
dānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dānaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dānaprātibhāvya | n. security for payment  |
dānapratibhū | a surety for payment,  |
dānavapriyā | f. the betel plant  |
daṇḍakāraṇyaprasthāna | n. Name of  |
daṇḍapradāna | n. donation of a staff (at investiture with the thread)  |
daṇḍaprajita | (ḍ/a--) mfn. driven with a stick  |
daṇḍapraṇāma | m. a prostration of the body at full length (like a stick)  |
daṇḍapraṇayana | n. "infliction of punishment"Name of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of  |
dantaprakṣālana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaprakṣālanapavana | m.  |
dantapraveṣṭa | a case round an elephant's tusk  |
darśanaprātibhāvya | n. surety for appearance  |
darśanapratibhū | m. bail for appearance  |
darśapaurṇamāsaprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work  |
darśapūrṇamāsaprāyaścitti | f. Name of work  |
darśapūrṇamāsaprayoga | f. Name of work  |
daśapramati | (d/as-) mfn. (agni-) taken care of by the 10 (fingers)  |
dāsapravarga | (s/a--) mfn. (wealth) connected with a multitude of servants  |
dattaprāṇa | mfn. sacrificing life.,  |
dehāntaraprāpti | f. obtaining another body, transmigration idem or 'n. another body '  |
devacchandaprāsāda | m. a temple consecrated to a god  |
devālayapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
devālayapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devaprabha | m. "having divine splendour", Name of a gandharva-  |
devaprabhā | f. of the daughter of a siddha-  |
devaprakāśinī | f. Name of work  |
devaprasāda | m. "having the divine favour", Name of a man  |
devapraśna | m. "consulting the gods", fortune-telling (see daiva--).  |
devaprastha | m. Name of the city of senā-bindu-  |
devaprasūta | (v/a--) mfn. god-produced (water)  |
devapratikṛti | f. ( , where wrongly prakṛ-) ( ) image of a deity, idol.  |
devapratimā | f. ( ) image of a deity, idol.  |
devapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
devapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
devapratiṣṭhātattva | n. Name of work  |
devaprayāga | m. "divine place of sacrifice", Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
devapriya | mfn. "dear to the gods"  |
devapriya | mfn. stupid, silly (see devānām--)  |
devapriya | m. Name of śiva-  |
devapriya | m. of two plants (equals pīta-bhṛṅgarāja-and bakapuṣpa-)  |
devarājaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
devāsuravaraprada | m. Name of śiva-  |
dhanapriya | mfn. fond of wealth  |
dhanapriyā | f. Name of a plant (prob. wrong reading for ghana--).  |
dhanurvedaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dhanurvidyārambhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dharaṇapriyā | f. Name of the goddess executing the commands of the 19th arhat-  |
dharmacakrapravartana | n. setting in motion the wheel of the law, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ;  |
dharmādharmaprabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
dharmakañcukapraveśin | mfn. putting it on ,  |
dharmaprabhāsa | m. "illuminator of the law", Name of a buddha-.  |
dharmapracāra | m. "the course of law or right" figuratively = sword  |
dharmapradhāna | mfn. eminent in piety  |
dharmapradīpa | m. "light of the law", Name of several works.  |
dharmapradīpavyākhyāna | n. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
dharmaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dharmapramāṇapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
dharmapraśna | m. "inquiry into the law", Name of work  |
dharmapraśnavyakhyā | f. Name of a Comm. on it.  |
dharmaprastha | m. "habitation of the god dharma-", Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
dharmapratirūpaka | m. counterfeit of virtue  |
dharmapravacana | n. promulgation of the law  |
dharmapravaktri | m. teacher of law  |
dharmapravṛtti | f. practice of virtue, pious act  |
dharmapravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
dharmaprekṣa | mfn. having an eye for what is right |
dharmapriya | m. "law-friend", Name of a gandharva- prince  |
dharmapriya | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar.  |
dharmārthapratibaddhatā | f. attachment to duty and interest or to religion and wealth  |
dharmasāṭapraticchanna | mfn. clothed with the garb of righteousness, naked  |
dharmatattvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsatti | f. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsattinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
dhīrapraśānta | mfn. deep and calm ( dhīrapraśāntasvara -svara- mfn.having a deep and calm voice )  |
dhīrapraśānta | mfn. constant and calm (hero) (also taka-).  |
dhīrapraśāntasvara | mfn. dhīrapraśānta |
dhṛtapraja | mfn. having descendants  |
dhūmaprabhā | f. "having smoke as light", Name of a hell  |
dhūmaprāśa | mfn. feeding only on vapour (as an ascetic) (see -pa-).  |
dhūrtaprahasana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a comedy by jyotir-īśvara- .  |
dhūrtapralāpa | m. rogues' talk  |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. "banner-striking", air, wind  |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of vāyu-,  |
dhvastapreman | mfn. whose love has vanished  |
dinaprabhā | f. equals -jyotis-  |
dinapraṇī | m. "day-leader", the sun (see tithi--)  |
dīpaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dīrghaprajña | mfn. having a far-seeing mind  |
dīrghaprajña | m. Name of a king  |
dīrghaprāṇa | mfn. having long breath  |
dīrghaprasadman | (gh/a--) mfn. offering extensive seats (the earth)  |
dīrghaprayajyu | mfn. (gh/a--) persevering in offerings and sacrifices  |
dīrghaprayajyu | mfn. receiving constant offerings or worship (viṣṇu-varuṇa-)  |
dīrghaprayatna | m. persevering effort  |
dīrghaprekṣin | mfn. equals -darśana-  |
divyaprabhāva | mfn. having celestial power  |
divyaprajñāna | n. equals -jñāna- n.  |
divyaprajñānaṣālin | mfn. = idem or 'n. equals -jñāna- n.' mfn.  |
divyapraśna | m. inquiring into divine phenomena, augury  |
dohadaprakāra | m. Name of work on pregnancy.  |
doṣabalapravṛtta | mfn. proceeding from the influence of bad humours (a disease)  |
doṣaprasaṅga | m. attaching blame, condemnation  |
dravaprāya | mfn. chiefly fluid (food)  |
drāviḍavedapārāyaṇapramāṇa | n. Name of work.  |
dravyaprakalpana | n. procuring materials for a sacrifice  |
dravyaprakarṣa | m. the excellence of a matter ,  |
dravyaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
dravyaprakṛti | f. the nature of a matter  |
dravyaprakṛti | f. plural the constituent elements or necessary attributes (of a king)  |
dravyaprayojana | n. use or employment of any article  |
dṛḍhaprahāra | m. a hard or violent stroke  |
dṛḍhaprahārin | mfn. striking hard, shooting surely ( dṛḍhaprahāritā ritā- f. )  |
dṛḍhaprahārin | m. Name of a man  |
dṛḍhaprahāritā | f. dṛḍhaprahārin |
dṛḍhapraroha | m. "growing strongly", Ficus Infectoria  |
dṛḍhapratijña | mfn. firm in keeping a promise or agreement (varia lectio)  |
dṛḍhapratyaya | m. firm confidence  |
dṛgdṛśyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dṛṣṭapratyaya | mfn. having confidence manifested  |
drumacchedaprāyaścitta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
drumakiṃnaraprabha | m. Name of a prince of the gandharva-s.  |
duḥkhapratīkāra | m. a remedy for pain,  |
duḥkhaprāya | mfn. full of trouble and pain  |
duḥsvapnapratibodhana | mfn. difficult to be awakened from sleep  |
dūraprasārin | mfn. reaching far  |
durgapadaprabodha | m. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
durgavākyaprabodha | m. "knowledge of difficult words", Name of work  |
durghaṭārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of Comm.  |
dūtavākyaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhamahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhamaitrāvaruṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhapraśna | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
dvādaśāhaprayogavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
dvādaśāntaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvijaprapā | f. "watering-place for birds", a basin for water round the foot of a tree (-ālavāla-)  |
dvijapriya | mfn. dear to a Brahman (Aryan)  |
dvijapriya | m. a kind of khadira-  |
dvijapriya | m. (ā-), the soma-plant  |
dvirāgamanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dvitīyamiśralakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dvitīyapragalbhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvitīyapragalbhalakṣaṇaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
dyotitaprabha | mfn. resplendent  |
dyūtapratipad | f. the first day of the bright half of the month kārttika- (celebrated by gambling)  |
dyūtapriya | mfn. fond of gambling  |
dyūtasamāhvayaprakaraṇa | n. "a treatise on the law-suits arising from gambling", Name of chapter of viśveśvara-'s su-bodhinī-.  |
ekaprabhutva | n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy.  |
ekapradāna | mfn. receiving the offerings at the same time or sacrifice (as deities)  |
ekaprādeśa | mf(ā-)n. one span long  |
ekaprahārika | mfn. (killed) by one blow.  |
ekaprakāra | mfn. of the same kind or manner.  |
ekaprakhya | mfn. having the same appearance, similar.  |
ekaprāṇabhāva | m. the act of breathing once  |
ekaprāṇayoga | m. union (of sounds) in one breath  |
ekaprastha | m. "having one table-land", Name of a mountain ([ ]) gaRa mālādi-  |
ekapratihāra | mfn. having only one pratihāra- (q.v) syllable  |
ekaprayatna | m. one effort (of the voice).  |
ekasārthaprayāta | mfn. going after one and the same object, having the same aim  |
gādhapratiṣṭhā | f. "standing on a ford", Name of particular divisions of the ritual  |
gāḍhaśokaprahāra | mfn. inflicting the keenest anguish  |
gaganapriya | m. "fond of the sky", Name of a dānava-  |
gajaprayantṛ | m. an elephant-driver  |
gajapriyā | f. "dear to elephants", Boswellia serrata  |
galitapradīpa | m. "light of dropped verses", Name of a treatise giving in full the verses omitted in the pada-pāṭha- of the  |
galitapradīpikā | f. idem or 'm. "light of dropped verses", Name of a treatise giving in full the verses omitted in the pada-pāṭha- of the '  |
gaṇapramukha | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. forming a number or assembly, ', .' '  |
gaṇḍapradeśa | m. equals -deśa-  |
gandhaprabhāsa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, Sukh, ii  |
gandharvapratyupasthita | mfn. pregnant,  |
gaṇeśabhujaṃgaprayātastotra | n. Name of a hymn in praise of gaṇeśa- (attributed to śaṃkarācārya-)  |
garbhaprāvaraṇa | n. the membrane encircling the fetus, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
garbhavadhaprāyaścitta | n. penance for killing an embryo.  |
gatapraja | mfn. one whose children are dead,  |
gataprāṇa | mfn. equals -jīva-  |
gatapratyāgata | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 5) gone away and returned, come back again after having gone away  |
gataprāya | mfn. almost gone or vanished  |
gauḍorvīkulapraśasti | f. Name of work  |
ghanapriyā | f. "fond of clouds or rain", Name of a plant  |
ghaṭaprakṣayaṇa | m. "jar-destroyer", Name of a man  |
ghṛtaprāśa | m. swallowing ghee  |
ghṛtaprāśana | n. idem or 'm. swallowing ghee '  |
ghṛtaprasatta | (t/a--) mfn. propitiated with ghee (agni-),  |
ghṛtapratīka | (t/a--) mf(ā-)n. one whose face is brilliant with ghee (agni-, uṣas-)  |
ghṛtaprayas | (t/a--) mfn. relishing ghee  |
ghṛtaprī | mfn. enjoying ghee (as agni-)  |
ghṛtaprikta | mfn. full of ghee,  |
ghṛtapruṣ | mfn. "sprinkling ghee or fat", bedewing with welfare and gifts  |
ghuṇapriyā | f. "dear to the ghuṇa- insect", a kind of Ipomoea  |
gītapriyā | f. "fond of songs", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
glānapratyaya | m. a requisite for sick persons  |
gocaraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
gomayapriya | m. "fond of cow-dung", Andropogon Schoenanthus  |
gopālaprasāda | m. Name of a teacher of rāma-candra-  |
goṣpadapram | ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof on  |
gotrapravaradīpa | m. Name of work  |
govindaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
grāmapreṣya | m. the messenger or servant of a village or community  |
grāmapreṣya | m. (preṣya grāmasya- )  |
grāsapramāṇa | n. the size of a morsel  |
grāsapramāṇa | n. a kind of process applied to mercury  |
gṛhaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
gṛhaprapadana | n. (solemn) entrance into a house,  |
gṛhapraveśa | m. solemn entrance into a house.  |
gūḍhacaturthapādaprahelikā | f. a riddle in which the fourth pāda- (of a stanza) is hidden  |
guhapriyā | f. Name of indra-'s daughter  |
guṇaprabha | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
guṇaprakarṣa | m. idem or 'n. great merit, excellence '  |
guṇaprakāśadīdhitimāthurī | f. Name of a Comm. on śa-vivṛti-.  |
guṇaprakāśavivṛti | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
guṇapriya | mfn. fond of merit or excellence  |
guṇarājaprabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha-  |
guṇasthānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
guptaprayāga | m. Name of a locality  |
haimaprākṛtadhuṇḍikā | f. Name of work  |
haṃsacakrapraśna | m. Name of work  |
haṃsaprabodhā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
haṃsaprapatana | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
haṃsarāmapraśna | m. Name of a treatise on augury (see cakra-pr-).  |
harapradīpikā | f. Name of a medicine work  |
harapriya | m. Nerium Odorum  |
hariharaprasāda | m. Name of author  |
hariharapraśaṃsā | f. Name of work  |
haritaprabha | mfn. appearing yellowish or pale  |
haryaśvaprasūta | mf(ā-)n. impelled or instigated by him who possesses bay horses  |
hastakavapra | Name of a place  |
hastāmalakavedāntaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
hastaprada | mfn. giving the hand, supporting, helping  |
hastaprāpta | mfn. equals -gata-  |
hastaprāpya | mfn. to be reached with the hand  |
hastijanaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
hataprabha | mfn. equals -cchāya- |
hataprabhāva | mfn. bereft of power  |
hatapramāda | mfn. freed from carelessness  |
hatapravīra | mfn. whose chief warriors are slain  |
hataprāya | mfn. almost killed  |
haṭhapradīpikā | f. (see -yoga-) Name of work  |
hautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hayagrīvaprokta | mfn. proclaimed or taught by haya-  |
hayapriya | m. "dear to horses", barley  |
hayapriyā | f. Physalis Flexuosa or Phoenix Sylvestris  |
hemantapratyavarohaṇa | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony)  |
hemaprabha | m. "having a golden lustre", Name of a vidyādhara- (f(ā-).)  |
hemaprabha | m. of a king of the parrots  |
hemapratimā | f. a golden statue or image  |
hetulakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
himaprastha | m. "having snowy table-land", the himālaya- mountain  |
hīnapratijña | mfn. faithless  |
hiraṇyagarbhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyaprākārā | f. having a golden rampart  |
hiraṇyapratipūrṇa | mfn. full of golden  |
hiraṇyaprauga | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden fore-part (said of a chariot-pole)  |
hiraṇyavṛṣabhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hitapraṇī | m. "executing what is advantageous", a spy  |
hitapravṛtta | mfn. intent on the welfare of (locative case)  |
hitaprayas | (hit/a--) mfn. one who has offered an oblation of food or for whom an oblation has been offered  |
hitaprepsu | mfn. equals -kāma-  |
homadvayaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homadvayasamāsaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homakālātikramaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homalopaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
hotraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hṛdayaprabodha | m. Name of work  |
hṛdayaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
hṛdayapramāthin | mfn. agitating or disturbing the heart  |
hṛdayaprastara | mfn. stone-hearted, cruel  |
hṛdayapriya | mf(ā-)n. dear to the heart, beloved  |
hṛdayapriya | mf(ā-)n. pleasant, dainty (as food)  |
hṛdrogapratikāra | m. Name of work  |
hṛtaprasāda | mfn. deprived of calmness  |
hūṃhūṃkārapriya | m. Name of śiva-  |
iḍaprajas | f. plural = iḍā-- pr-,  |
idhmapravraścana | m. "wood-cutter", an axe  |
idhmaprokṣaṇa | n. sprinkling the firewood,  |
indīvaraprabhā | f. Name of a daughter of kaṇva-  |
indrapraharaṇa | n. indra-'s weapon, the thunderbolt  |
indrapramada | m. Name of a man.  |
indrapramati | m. a pupil of paila- and author of some verses of the ṛg-- veda-  |
indraprastha | n. " indra-'s place", Name of a city (now called Delhi, the residence of the pāṇḍava-s)  |
indraprasūta | (/indra-) mfn. caused or impelled by indra-  |
indraprayāṇa | n. the sinking down of indra-'s banner,  |
indriyaprasaṅga | m. sensuality.  |
īśvarapraṇidhāna | n. devotion to God,  |
īśvaraprasāda | m. divine grace.  |
īśvarapratyabhijñāsūtra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a śaiva- work by utpala-  |
īśvarapriya | m. a partridge,  |
itaretarapratyaya | mfn. dependent on each other  |
itaretarapratyayatva | n. mutual dependance  |
jaḍaprakṛti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (a--. negative) '  |
jaghanyaprabhava | mfn. of lowest origin  |
jalapradāna | n. "water-offering"  |
jalapradānika | mfn. relating to a water-offering (a parvan-)  |
jalapralaya | m. destruction by water  |
jalaprānta | m. "water's edge", shore |
jalaprapāta | m. a water-fall  |
jalaprasaraṇa | "flowing off from water", oil  |
jalapravāha | m. a current of water  |
jalaprāya | mfn. abounding with water  |
jalaprāya | n. a country abounding with water  |
jālaprāyā | f. "chiefly wire-net", chain-armour  |
jalapriya | m. "fond of water", a fish  |
jalapriya | m. the cātaka- bird  |
jalapriya | m. a hog  |
jalapriyā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
jalāśayapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
jambudvīpaprajñapti | f. "(mythical) geography of jambudvīpa-", Name of upāṅga- vi of the jaina- canon  |
jambūdvīpaprajñapti | f. equals bu-d-  |
jāmbūnadaprabha | mfn. of golden splendour (in compound)  |
jāmbūnadaprabha | m. Name of a buddha-  |
janapravāda | m. "talk of men", rumour, report (plural)  |
janapriya | m. "dear to men", śiva-  |
janapriya | m. coriander-seed  |
janapriya | m. Moringa pterygosperma  |
janapriyaphalā | f. the egg-plant  |
janmaprabhṛti | ind. ever since birth  |
janmaprada | mfn. equals -kara-  |
janmapradīpa | m. Name of work on nativities (by vibudha-).  |
janmapratiṣṭhā | f. "birthplace", a mother  |
jātapratyaya | mfn. inspired with confidence  |
jātaprāya | mfn. almost happened  |
jātarūpaprabha | mfn. "shining like gold", orpiment  |
jayaprasthāna | n. march to victory  |
jayapriya | m. "fond of victory", Name of a pāṇḍava- hero  |
jayapriyā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-, ix, 2630.  |
jihmaprekṣin | mfn. squinting  |
jinabimbapratiṣṭhā | f. "erection of jina- figures", Name of work by pādalipta-sūri-.  |
jinaprabha | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (author of several works).  |
jinaprabodha | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 1229-85;author of pañjikā-durga-pada-prabodha-).  |
jīvapattrapracāyikā | f. for -putra-pr-  |
jīvapraja | mf(ā-)n. having living children  |
jīvapriṣṭā | f. Name of a plant  |
jīvapriyā | f. Terminalia Chebula  |
jīvaputrapracāyikā | f. "gathering of the jīva-putra- plant", a kind of game and  |
jīvavicāraprakaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. "disquisition on life", Name of a Jain work by śānti-sūri- (commented on by bhāva-sundara-, meghanandana-, and īśvarācārya-)'  |
jīvitapradāyin | mfn. life preserving, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
jīvitapriya | mfn. as dear as life  |
jīvopalambhaprakaraṇa | n. Name of a Jain treatise.  |
jñānaprabha | m. "brilliant with knowledge", Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
jñānaprabha | m. of a man  |
jñānapradīpa | m. Name of yoga-sāra-saṃgraha- ii.  |
jñānapradīpa | m. a lamp of knowledge,  |
jñānapradīpa | Name (also title or epithet) of a metrical dialogue on the vedānta- between hara- and hari-,  |
jñānaprakāśa | m. "knowledge-illumination", Name of a work by jagajjīvana-dāsa-.  |
jñānaprasthāna | n. "method of knowledge", Name of a Buddhist work  |
jñānapravāda | m. "lecture on knowledge", Name of one of the 14 pūrva-s (or lost jaina- canon).  |
jvarapralāpa | m. delirious words  |
jyeṣṭhaprathama | mfn. plural the elders first  |
kadanapriya | mfn. loving slaughter  |
kadhaprī | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (kadha- equals kadā-; confer, compare Zend kadha; confer, compare also adhapriya-.)'  |
kadhapriya | mfn. ever pleased or friendly ([ ])  |
kadhapriya | mfn. fond of praise ([ ])  |
kadhapriya | mfn. (kadha- equals kadā-; confer, compare Zend kadha; confer, compare also adhapriya-.)  |
kaitavaprayoga | m. a trick, device.  |
kakṣyaprā | mfn. filling out the girth, well fed  |
kālacakraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
kalahapriya | mf(ā-)n. fond of contention, quarrelsome, turbulent  |
kalahapriya | mf(ā-)n. Name of nārada-  |
kalahapriya | mf(ā-)n. of a king  |
kalahapriyā | f. Gracula religiosa  |
kālanirṇayaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
kālaprabhāta | n. "the dawning of the best season", the two months following the rainy season, autumn  |
kālaprabodhin | mfn. awakening in time (as a mantra-)  |
kālaprakāśikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kalapralāpa | mfn. speaking pleasantly,  |
kālapraṇālikā | f. a water-clock,  |
kālaprarūḍha | mfn. too long developed, overgrown, overripe.  |
kālapriya | m. Name of a place consecrated to the sun  |
kālapriyanātha | m. Name of a liṅga- in ujjayinī- (= mahākāla-)  |
kalpapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
kalpapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
kāmapra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fulfilling wishes, gratifying desires '  |
kāmapra | n. the fulfilment of desire  |
kāmaprada | mfn. granting desires  |
kāmaprada | m. a kind of coitus  |
kāmapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
kāmapraśna | m. questioning as one pleases, asking unrestrainedly  |
kāmaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa mālādi-.  |
kāmaprasthīya | mfn. relating to that town gaRa gahādi-  |
kāmapri | m. one whose wishes are fulfilled ([ ;"son of kāma-pra-", Name of marutta- ])  |
kāmapriyakarī | f. Physalis Flexuosa  |
kanakaprabha | mfn. bright as gold  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of 13 syllables each)  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Name of a princess  |
kanakaprasavā | f. equals -puṣpī- above.  |
kanakaprasūna | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
kaṇapriya | m. "fond of seeds", a sparrow  |
kāñcanaprabha | mfn. glittering with gold  |
kāñcanaprabha | m. Name of a prince (son of bhīma- and father of suhotra-)  |
kāñcanaprabhā | f. Name of a vidyā-dhara- princess  |
kāñcanavapra | m. a hill or mound of gold.  |
kandukaprastha | n. Name of a town gaRa karkyādi- (not in )  |
kaniṣṭhaprathama | mfn. having the youngest as the first.  |
kaṅkaṇapriya | m. Name of a demon causing fevers  |
kaṇṭakapraticchedana | m. a two-edged battle-axe,  |
kaṇṭakaprāvṛtā | f. Aloe Perfoliata  |
kaṇṭhakubjapratīkāra | m. the cure of the preceding disease.  |
kaṇṭhapraṇālikā | f. idem or 'f. sharp pains in the throat ',  |
kaṇṭhaprāvṛta | n. covering the throat  |
kapaṭaprabandha | m. continued series of frauds, machination, cunning contrivance, fraud, plot, trick  |
kaphaprāya | m. phlegmatic  |
kapilasāṃkhyapravacana | n. Name of work (equals sāṃkhya-pravacana-)  |
kapilasāṃkhyapravacanabhāṣya | n. Name of a commentary on the above.  |
karabhapriya | m. a sort of tree  |
karabhapriyā | f. a sort of Alhagi  |
karaṇaprabodha | m. Name of work  |
karaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
karaṇaprayoga | m. spell, charm  |
karaṇaprayoga | m. .  |
karapraceya | (1. kara-praceya-;for 2.See) mfn. to be held or taken hold of by the hand  |
karapraceya | mfn. to be collected by taxes.  |
karaprada | (1. kara-prada-;for 2.See) mfn. giving the hand etc.  |
karaprada | (2. kara-prada-) mfn. paying taxes, tributary  |
karaprāpta | mfn. held in the hand, obtained, possessed  |
karīraprastha | m. Name of a town  |
karīraprastha | m. (varia lectio karīriprastha-.)  |
karmapradīpa | m.  |
karmapradīpikā | f. Name of several works.  |
karmaprakāśa | m.  |
karmaprakāśikā | f.  |
karmaprakāśinī | f.  |
karmapravacanīya | mfn. "employed to denote an action"  |
karmapravacanīya | m. (scilicet śabda-;in grammar) a term for certain prepositions or particles not connected with a verb but generally governing a noun (either separated from it or forming a compound with it;a karma-pravacanīya- never loses its accent, and exercises no euphonic influence on the initial letter of a following verb;See also upa-sarga-, gati-,and nipāta-)  |
karmapravāda | m. Name of a jaina- work.  |
karmatattvapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
karṇaprādheya | m. plural Name of a people.  |
karṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
karṇaprānta | m. the lobe of the ear  |
karṇapratināha | m. a particular disease of the ear (suppression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and passed out by the nose and mouth)  |
karṇapratīnāha | m. idem or 'm. a particular disease of the ear (suppression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and passed out by the nose and mouth) '  |
karṇaprāvaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. using the ears for a covering  |
karṇaprāvaraṇa | m. plural Name of a fabulous people etc.  |
karṇaprāvaraṇā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
karṇaprāveya | m. plural Name of a people.  |
karṇaprayāga | m. Name of the confluence of the rivers gaṅgā- and Pindur.  |
karṇarogapratiṣedha | m. cure of a disease of the ear  |
karṇikārapriya | m. "fond of karṇikāra-", Name of śiva-.  |
karpūraprakaraṇa | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
kartapraskanda | m. idem or 'n. falling or tumbling into a hole '  |
kārttikeyaprasū | f. "mother of kārttikeya-", Name of pārvatī-.  |
kāryapradveṣa | m. "hatred of work", idleness  |
kāryapreṣya | m. a person sent on any business, messenger  |
kāṣṭhapradāna | n. piling up wood, forming a funeral pile  |
kaṭaprū | m. a worm  |
kaṭaprū | m. a player with dice, gambler  |
kaṭaprū | m. Name of śiva-  |
kaṭaprū | m. a rakṣas-  |
kaṭaprū | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
kaumāraprabhṛtyaka | n. (fr. kumāraprabhṛti-), the rearing and education of children (a department of medical science)  |
kauśikapriya | m. "dear to kauśika-", Name of rāma-  |
kauśikīvaraprasāda | m. the favour of a boon from kauśikī- id est durgā-,  |
kavalaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karkyādi-.  |
kāvyapradīpa | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on the kāvyaprakāśa-.  |
kāvyaprakāśa | m. "illustration of poetry", Name of a work on rhetoric or the composition of artificial poems by mammaṭa-  |
kāvyaprakāśadīpikā | f. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
kāvyaprakāśamañjarī | f. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
kāvyaprakāśanidarśana | n. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
kāvyaprakāśapradīpa | m. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
kāvyaprakāśasaṃketa | m. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
kāvyaprakāśaṭīkā | f. Name of commentary on mammaṭa-'s work.  |
keśapradharṣaṇa | n. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
keśaprasāra | m. cleaning the hair  |
keśapratigraha | m. a barber,  |
kesaraprābandhā | (k/es-) f. Name of a woman  |
keśavaprabhu | m. Name of a man.  |
khaḍgaprahāra | m. a sword-cut  |
khalaprīti | f. the friendship or favour of low or wicked persons  |
khaṇḍapralaya | m. partial destruction of the universe (all the spheres beneath svarga- or heaven being dissolved)  |
khaṇḍapralaya | m. the dissolution of the bonds of friendship, quarrel (for -praṇaya-?)  |
khaṇḍapraśasti | f. Name of a poem attributed to hanūmat- (an older N. for the play called after him).  |
khaṇḍaprastāra | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. repairing of dilapidations  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. (pāli- ṇḍa-phulla--.)  |
khāṇḍavaprastha | m. (equals indra-pr-) Name of a town situated in the khāṇḍava- forest (founded by the pāṇḍava-s)  |
kharaprāṇa | a particular vessel  |
kharapriya | m. "the donkey's friend", a pigeon  |
khurapra | m. (for kṣur-) a sharp-edged arrow  |
khurapra | m. a sickle  |
kleśaprahāṇa | n. termination of distress (especially of worldly cares and passions)  |
kokilapriya | m. "dear to the Kokila", (in music) a kind of measure.  |
kramaprāpta | mfn. obtained by hereditary descent  |
kramapravaktṛ | m. a teacher of the krama-(-pa1t2ha)  |
kramasaṃdarbhaprabhāsa | m. Name of a chapter (khaṇḍa-) in a particular work.  |
kṛcchraprāṇa | mfn. one whose life is in danger, hardly supporting life  |
kṛcchraprāṇa | mfn. breathing with difficulty  |
kṛṣṇakiṃkaraprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
kṛṣṇapremāmṛta | n. "nectar of kṛṣṇa-'s love", Name of a poem.  |
kṛṣṇaprut | mfn. moving in darkness ["taking or imparting a black colour" ]  |
kṛtākṛtaprasaṅgin | mfn. in grammar equals nitya-.  |
kṛtapraharaṇa | mfn. one who has practised the use of weapons  |
kṛtaprajña | mfn. wise, prudent  |
kṛtapraṇāma | mfn. making obeisance, saluting.  |
kṛtapratijña | mfn. one who fulfils a promise or agreement.  |
kṛtapratikṛta | n. assault and counter-assault, attack and resistance  |
kṛtapratikṛta | n. retaliation for an assault  |
kṛtaprayatna | mfn. one who makes effort, active, persevering (= )  |
kṛtaprayojana | mfn. one who has attained his object  |
kṛtapriya | mfn. one who has been favoured or pleased  |
kṛtyapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
krūraprakṛtika | mfn. of a cruel character  |
kṣaṇaprabha | mfn. gleaming or flashing for an instant  |
kṣaṇaprabhā | f. equals -dyuti-  |
kṣaṇaprakāśā | f. equals -dyuti-  |
kṣatriyaprāya | mfn. mostly consisting of the military tribe.  |
kṣaudrapriya | m. Name of a tree (species of Bassia)  |
kṣayapravṛtta | mfn. equals -ja-  |
kṣipraprasavana | n. idem or 'm. "ripening quickly", Hibiscus populneoides ',  |
kṣullakavātsapra | n. Name of a sāman-  |
kṣurapra | mfn. sharp-edged like a razor  |
kṣurapra | m. a sharp-edged arrow  |
kṣurapra | m.  |
kṣurapra | m. a sharp-edged knife (tīkṣṇa-śastra- edition Bomb.)  |
kṣurapra | m. a sharp-edged arrow-head  |
kṣurapra | m. a sort of hoe or weeding spade  |
kṣurapraga | n. a sharp-edged arrow  |
kulapradīpa | m. the lamp or light or glory of a family  |
kulaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
kulaprasūta | mfn. born in a noble family  |
kulapravāla | m. the scion or offspring of a family,  |
kumārapravrajitā | f. religious while still a girl gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
kuṇḍaprastha | m. Name of a town  |
kuntaprāvaraṇa | m. plural Name of a people  |
kuralaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karcyādi-  |
kuśalamataprasaṅga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of poem  |
kuśalapraśna | m. friendly enquiry after a person's health or welfare, salutation, saying"how do you do?"  |
kuśaprasū | f. flowering kuśa- grass, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kusumaprabha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
kuṭṭapracaraṇa | m. plural Name of a people  |
kuṭṭaprāvaraṇa | m. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a people '  |
kuvalaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi- (varia lectio for kurala-pr-).  |
labdhapraṇāśa | m. idem or 'mfn. one who has gained preeminence over (ablative) ' , Name of the 4th book of the pañca-tantra-.  |
labdhapraśamana | n. the securing of what has been acquired, keeping acquisitions in safety  |
labdhapraśamana | n. (according to to "bestowing acquisitions on a proper recipient")  |
labdhapraśamanasvastha | mfn. at ease by (reason of) the securing or secure possession of acquisitions  |
labdhaprasara | mf(ā-)n. that which has obtained free scope, moving at liberty, unimpeded (in Prakrit) .  |
labdhapratiṣṭha | mfn. one who has acquired fame or renown  |
labdhapratyaya | mfn. one who has won confidence, one who has firm belief in ( labdhapratyayatā -tā- f.) (in Prakrit) .  |
labdhapratyayatā | f. labdhapratyaya |
laghubhāvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
lakārārthaprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇapraśasta | mfn. celebrated on account of good or lucky marks  |
lakṣapradakṣiṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣapradakṣiṇavratavidhi | m. Name of work |
lakṣmaṇakhaṇḍapraśasti | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmaṇaprasū | f. "mother of lakṣmaṇa-", Name of sumitrā- (see above)  |
lalitaprahāra | m. a soft or gentle blow  |
lalitapriya | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
lambodaraprahasana | n. Name of work  |
laṭakamelanaprahasana | n. Name of a drama.  |
lauhapradīpa | m. Name of work on the application of metals or minerals (in medicine).  |
lavaṇapragāḍha | mfn. strongly impregnated with salt  |
lekhakapramāda | m. error in writing, mistake of a copyist  |
lekhapratilekhalipi | f. a particular kind of writing  |
lekhyaprasaṅga | m. a written contract record, document  |
līlāsvātmapriya | m. Name of an author held in esteem by the tāntrika-s  |
liṅgaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhā | f. the setting up or consecration of a Phallus of śiva- (See compound)  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of several works.  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhāpaddhahti | f. Name of work  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. rules for setting up a Phallus of śiva-  |
liṅgatobhadraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
lodhraprasavarajas | n. pollen of lodhra- blossoms  |
lohapratimā | f. an iron image  |
lohapratimā | f. an anvil  |
lohitapravāṇa | mfn. having a red border  |
lokāntaraprāpta | mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead. ( )  |
lokānugrahapravṛtta | m. Name of gautama- buddha-  |
lokapradīpa | m. "light of the world", Name of a buddha-  |
lokapradīpānvayacandrikānidāna | n. Name of work  |
lokaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
lokaprakāśaka | n. Name of work  |
lokaprakāśana | m. "world-illuminator", the sun  |
lokaprasiddha | mfn. celebrated in the world, generally established, universally known  |
lokaprasiddhi | f. universal establishment or reception (of any custom etc.), general prevalence ( lokaprasiddhyā dhyā- ind.according to prevalent usage)  |
lokaprasiddhyā | ind. lokaprasiddhi |
lokapratyaya | m. world-currency, universal prevalence (of a custom etc.),  |
lokapravāda | m. popular talk, common saying, commonly used expression  |
lokapravāhin | mfn. flowing through the world  |
lokeśaprabhavāpyaya | mfn. having both origin and end subject to the lords of the world  |
lomapravāhin | mfn. equals loma-vāhin-  |
luptapratibha | mfn. deprived of reason  |
madanagopālavādaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
madanaprabha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
madanaprabhā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
madanaratnapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
madaprada | mfn. "intoxicating"and"causing arrogance"  |
madapraseka | m. idem or 'm. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant) '  |
madapraseka | m. the aphrodisiacal fluid (of a woman) (perhaps"sprinkling with wine").  |
madaprasravaṇa | n. equals -prayoga-  |
madaprayoga | m. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant)  |
madgurapriyā | f. madgura |
mādhavabhaṭṭaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mādhavaprācī | f. Name of a locality  |
mādhavapriya | n. a species of sandal  |
mādhavīyavedārthaprakāśa | m. Name of sāyaṇa-'s or mādhava-'s Comms. on various veda-s.  |
madhūdakaprasravaṇa | mfn. flowing with honey and water  |
madhuparkaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
madhurapralāpin | mfn. singing sweetly  |
madhurapriyadarśana | m. "of sweet and friendly aspect", Name of śiva-  |
madhvamatapradarśana | n. Name of work |
madhvamataprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
madhyaprasūtā | f. (a cow) which has had a calf not very long ago  |
madhyapraviṣṭa | mfn. one who has stolen into another's confidence  |
magadhapratiṣṭha | mfn. dwelling in magadha-  |
mahābhāratatātparyanirṇayapramāṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
mahābhāratatātparyaprakāśasaṃketa | m. Name of work  |
mahābhāṣyapradīpa | m. Name of commentaries on the mahā-bhāṣya-.  |
mahābhāṣyaprakāśikā | f. Name of commentaries on the mahā-bhāṣya-.  |
mahābhiṣekaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahācakrapraveśajñānamudrā | f. Name of a mudrā- (q.v)  |
mahādānaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
mahāgnicayanaprayoga | m. mahāgnicayana |
mahākāraṇaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahālayaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahānayaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mahāpuraścaraṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahāratnapratimaṇḍita | m. Name of a kalpa- or cycle  |
mahārṇavaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mahārthaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mahārudraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahārudraprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
mahāsāgaraprabhāgambhīradhara | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s  |
mahāsahasrapramardana | n. Name of a sūtra-  |
mahāsahasrapramardanī | f. Name of one of the 5 great tutelary goddesses  |
mahāsahasrapramardinī | f. equals prec. f.  |
mahāsthāmaprāpta | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāsthāmaprāpta | m. of buddha-  |
mahāsthānaprāpta | m. (prob. wrong reading for next) Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāvākyārthaprabandha | m. mahāvākyārtha |
mahāvākyārthaprabodha | m. mahāvākyārtha |
mahāvātsapra | n. Name of a sāman-  |
mahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahāvrataprayogānukrama | m. Name of work  |
mahāyānaprabhāsa | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāyantrapravartana | n. the engaging in or erecting great mechanical works  |
mahāyogapañcaratneāśvalāyanopayogyādhānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahendrayāgaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahiṣīdānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahopasthānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahotpātaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
mahotpātaprāyaścitta | mfn. very portentous, having great prodigies  |
mainākaprabhava | m. Name of the river śoṇa-  |
maitrāvaruṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
maitrāvaruṇasomaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
makarandaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
makarasaṃkrāntidānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
malaprāladeśa | m. Name of a country ( malaprāladeśīya śīya- mfn.)  |
malaprāladeśīya | mfn. malaprāladeśa |
malayaprabha | m. Name of a king  |
malinaprabha | mfn. whose light is obscured or clouded  |
mallaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mallapriya | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
mallikākusumapriyā | f. a kind of citron  |
māṃsapraroha | m. a fleshy excrescence or protuberance  |
mananaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mānapraṇa | mfn. valuing honour like one's life  |
mānasanayanaprasādinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it.  |
mānasollāsaprabandha | m. Name of Comm.  |
maṇḍanapriya | mf(ā-)n. fond of ornaments, (see priya-m-).  |
maṇḍapapratiṣṭhā | f. the consecration of a temple  |
mandaprabodha | m. Name of work  |
mandaprajña | mfn. equals -dhī-  |
mandaprāṇa | mfn. having slow or weak breath  |
mandaprāṇaviceṣṭita | mfn. breathless and motionless  |
mandapreman | mfn. having little affection  |
maṅgalaprada | mfn. bestowing welfare, auspicious  |
maṅgalapradā | f. turmeric  |
maṅgalaprastha | m. "auspicious-peak", Name of a mountain  |
maṅgalapratisara | m. equals -sūtra-,  |
maṅgalapratisara | m. the cord of an amulet  |
maṇidīdhitigūḍhārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it,  |
maṇighaṇṭākṛtanyāyaratnaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
maṇikāñcanaprameyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
maṇisāraprāmāṇyavāda | m. Name of work  |
manorathaprabhā | f. Name of a woman  |
mantranirṇayaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
mantraprabhāva | m. the power of a spell,  |
mantrapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
mantraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mantraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mantrapraśna | m. Name of work  |
mantrapraśnabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
mantrapraśnakāṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
mantraprastāra | m. Name of work  |
mantraprayoga | m. "the employment of a sacred text or spell", Name of work (also mantraprayogatantra -tantra- n.)  |
mantraprayoga | m. magical means or agency  |
mantraprayogatantra | n. mantraprayoga |
mantrapuraścaraṇaprakāra | m. plural Name of work  |
mantrarahasyaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
mantraratnaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mantraśāstrapratyaṅgirā | f. Name of work  |
mantratattvaprakāśa | m. Name of works. (varia lectio -tantra-n-and -pr-)  |
mantrayantraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mantrayogaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mantroddhāraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mānuṣapradhana | (m/ān-) mfn. fighting for men  |
manuṣyaprakṛti | mfn. of human origin  |
mārgaṇapriyā | f. Name of a daughter of prādhā-  |
mārgapranaṣṭa | mfn. one who has lost his way,  |
markaṭapriya | m. Mimosa Kauki  |
mārtaṇḍapratimā | f. an image or statue of the sun-god  |
māsapramita | mfn. measured by months, occurring once in a month (as new moon) (see )  |
māṣaprati | ind. on  |
māsapraveśa | m. the beginning of a month  |
māsapraveśānayana | n. Name of work  |
māsapraveśasāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
māsikaśrāddhaprāyoga | m. Name of work  |
maṭhapratiṣṭhātattva | n. Name of work  |
mātṛcakrapramathana | m. "afflicter of the circle of divine mother"Name of viṣṇu-  |
matsyaprādurbhāva | m. "fish-basket-manifestation", viṣṇu-'s fish incarnation, Name of ch, of the (see matsyāvatāra-).  |
matsyāvatāraprabandha | m. Name of work  |