tathā | ad. so, thus (corr. to yathâ, as, that; iva, as; yena, that); that is so; so be it, well, yes; so truly (in oaths); in like manner, also, likewise; tathâ ka, similarly, so also; tathâ½api, id.; nevertheless, yet (gnly. with corr. yadi½api, api yadi, kâmam, varam); tathâ hi, for so (it is), so for instance, that is to say, namely; tathâ½eva, just so, like wise, similarly (ka and api sometimes added); tathâ--yathâ, so-that; (so long) -till; yathâ tathâ, in whatever way, in this way or that, by all means; by commentators used to indicate that a word is used adverbially (in such a manner that it is --): with na, by no means, practically not; yathâ yathâ-tathâ tathâ, in whatever way--so, the more --the more; na tathâ, not so, untrue. |