अप | ind. (as a prefix to nouns and verbs, expresses) away, off, back (opposed to /upa-, /anu-, sam-, pra-)  |
अप | ind. down (opposed to ud-).  |
अप | ind. When prefixed to nouns, it may sometimes = the negative particle a- exempli gratia, 'for example' apa-bhī-, fearless ; or may express deterioration, inferiority, etc. (confer, compare apa-pāṭha-).  |
अप | ind. (As a separable particle or adverb in Vedic or Veda , with ablative) away from, on the outside of, without, with the exception of ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin ab; Gothic af; English of]).  |
अपबाध् | A1. to drive away, repel, remove etc.: Causal P. idem or 'mfn. not having the portion constituting the barhis- ' : Desiderative A1. -bībhatsate-, to abhor from (ablative)  |
अपबाहुक | m. a bad arm, stiffness in the arm  |
अपबर्हिस् | mfn. not having the portion constituting the barhis-  |
अपभज् | P. (subjunctive 1. plural -bhajāma-) to cede or transfer a share to ; to satisfy the claim of (accusative) ; to divide into parts  |
अपभरणी | f. plural ( bhṛ-), the last lunar mansion  |
अपभर्तवै | Inf. to take away  |
अपभर्तृ | mfn. taking away , destroying.  |
अपभाष् | to revile  |
अपभाषण | n. abuse, bad words  |
अपभाषण | false expression or diction,  |
अपभाषितवै | infinitive mood (with na-,"it should not be spoken ungrammatically"),  |
अपभय | mf(ā-)n. fearless, undaunted.  |
अपभी | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. fearless, undaunted.'  |
अपभिद् | (Imper. 2. sg. -bhindh/i-for -bhinddhi-) to drive away  |
अपभ्रंश | m. (or apa-bhraṃsa-) falling down, a fall |
अपभ्रंश | m. a corrupted form of a word, corruption  |
अपभ्रंश | m. ungrammatical language  |
अपभ्रंश | m. the most corrupt of the Prakrit dialects.  |
अपभ्रष्ट | mfn. corrupted (as a Prakrit dialect)  |
अपभू | (Imper. -bhavatu-and -bhutu-[ ]; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -bhūs-,2. plural -bhūtana-) to be absent, be deficient  |
अपभूति | f. defect, damage  |
अपब्रू | (imperfect tense -br/avat-) to speak some mysterious or evil words upon  |
अपच | mfn. not able to cook, a bad cook  |
अपचमान | ( ), mfn. one who does not cook for himself.  |
अपचमानक | ( ), mfn. one who does not cook for himself.  |
अपचन | n. the not being cooked,  |
अपचर् | to depart ; to act wrongly.  |
अपचार | m. want, absence  |
अपचार | m. defect  |
अपचार | m. fault, improper conduct, offence  |
अपचार | m. unwholesome or improper regimen.  |
अपचारिन् | mfn. departing from, disbelieving in, infidel  |
अपचारिन् | mfn. doing wrong, wicked. |
अपचरित | mfn. gone away, departed, dead  |
अपचरित | n. fault, offence  |
अपचाय् | to fear ; to respect, honour  |
अपचय | m. diminution, decay, decrease, decline  |
अपचय | m. Name of several planetary mansions.  |
अपचायक | mfn. honouring,  |
अपचायिन् | mfn. not rendering due respect, showing want of respect  |
अपचायित | mfn. honoured, respected  |
अपच्छद् | ( chad-), Causal -cchādayati- to take off a cover  |
अपच्छत्त्र | mfn. not having a parasol  |
अपच्छाय | mfn. shadowless, having no shadow (as a deity or celestial being)  |
अपच्छाय | mfn. having a bad or unlucky shadow  |
अपच्छाया | f. an unlucky shadow, a phantom, apparition.  |
अपच्छेद | mn. cutting off or away  |
अपच्छेद | mn. separation.  |
अपच्छेदन | n. idem or 'mn. separation.'  |
अपच्छिद् | ( chid-) to cut off or away  |
अपच्छिद् | f. a cutting, shred, chip  |
अपचेतस् | mfn. not favourable to (with ablative)  |
अपचेतस् | mfn. averse from (ablative),  |
अपचेतृ | m. a spendthrift  |
अपचि | (Imper. 2. sg. -cikīhi-) to pay attention to, to respect  |
अपचि | -cinoti-, to gather, collect: Passive voice -cīyate-, to be injured in health or prosperity ; to grow less ; to wane ; (with ablative) to lose anything  |
अपची | f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck  |
अपचिकीर्षा | f. (1. kṛ- Desiderative), desire of hurting any one.  |
अपचिकीर्षु | mfn. wishing to do harm or injury, .  |
अपचित् | Causal A1. (subjunctive -cet/ayātai-) to abandon, turn off from (ablative) : Desiderative -cikitsati-, to wish to leave or to abandon any one (ablative)  |
अपचित् | f. a sore, boil, = apacī-, from 2. apa-- ci-,  |
अपचित | mfn. ( ) honoured, respected etc.  |
अपचित | mfn. respectfully invited  |
अपचित | n. honouring, esteeming.  |
अपचित | mfn. diminished, expended, wasted  |
अपचित | mfn. emaciated, thin  |
अपचिति | f. honouring, reverence  |
अपचिति | f. loss  |
अपचिति | f. expense  |
अपचिति | f. Name of a daughter of marīci-  |
अपचिति | f. (for 3. /apa-citi-See below.)  |
अपचिति | f. (=,3. ci-), compensation, either recompense ([ etc.]) or retaliation, revenge, punishing  |
अपचितिमत् | (/apaciti--) mfn. honoured  |
अपच्यव | m. pushing away  |
अपच्यु | (Aorist A1.2. sg. -cyoṣṭhaḥ-) to fall off, go off, desert : Causal (Aorist -cucyavat-) to expel  |
अपद् | or /a-pad- ([only ]) mfn. Nominal verb (m.) a-p/ād- (f.) a-p/ād- ([ ]) or a-p/adī- ([ ]), footless  |
अपद | n. no place, no abode  |
अपद | n. the wrong place or time etc.  |
अपद | mfn. footless  |
अपदादि | m. not the beginning of a pāda-  |
अपदह् | to burn up, to burn out so as to drive out  |
अपदक्षिणम् | ind. away from the right, to the left side  |
अपदालक | m. the sheat fish,  |
अपदम | mfn. without self-restraint  |
अपदम | mfn. of wavering fortune.  |
अपदान | n. ( dai-?), a great or noble work (varia lectio)  |
अपदान | n. (in pāli- for ava-dāna- q.v) a legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions.  |
अपदान्त | m. not the end of a word,  |
अपदान्तर | mfn. "not separated by a foot", adjoining, contiguous (varia lectio a-paṭāntara- q.v)  |
अपदान्तरम् | ind. without delay, immediately  |
अपदान्तस्थ | mfn. not standing at the end of a word, not final, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपदरोहिणि | f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides.  |
अपदर्प | mf(ā-)n. free from pride or self-conceit,  |
अपदार्थ | m. nonentity.  |
अपदरुहा | f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides.  |
अपदस् | (3. plural -dasyanti-) to fail id est become dry  |
अपदश | mfn. (fr. daśan-), (any number) off or beyond ten  |
अपदश | mfn. (fr. daśā-), without a fringe (as a garment)  |
अपदस्थ | mfn. not being in its place  |
अपदस्थ | mfn. out of office.  |
अपदव | mfn. free from forest-fire.  |
अपदवापद् | mfn. free from the calamity of fire.  |
अपदेश | m. assigning, pointing out  |
अपदेश | m. pretence, feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance  |
अपदेश | m. the second step in a syllogism (id est statement of the reason)  |
अपदेश | m. a butt or mark  |
अपदेश | m. place, quarter  |
अपदेशिन् | mfn. assuming the appearance or semblance of  |
अपदेशिन् | mfn. pretending, feigning  |
अपदेश्य | mfn. to be indicated, to be stated  |
अपदेवता | f. an evil demon.  |
अपधा | (Imper. -dadhātu-; Aorist Passive voice -dhāyi-) to take off, place aside  |
अपधा | f. hiding, shutting up  |
अपधम् | (3. pl. -dhamanti- imperfect tense /apādhamat-2. sg. -adhamas-) to blow away or off  |
अपधाव् | to run away , to depart (from a previous statement), prevaricate  |
अपधृष् | -dhṛṣ ṇoti-, to overcome, subdue, (see an-apadhṛṣya-.)  |
अपधू | (1. sg. -dhūnomi-) to shake off  |
अपधूम | mfn. free from smoke  |
अपधुरम् | away from the yoke  |
अपध्वंस् | -dhvaṃsati-, to scold, revile, [Comm. on] ("to drive or turn away" ) ; to fall away, be degraded ( )  |
अपध्वंस | m. concealment  |
अपध्वंस | m. "falling away, degradation", in compound with  |
अपध्वंसज | mfn. "born from it", a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower[ ] or higher[ ] caste than its mother's).  |
अपध्वंसिन् | mfn. causing to fall, destroying, abolishing.  |
अपध्वान्त | mfn. ( dhvan-), sounding wrong  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. degraded  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. reviled  |
अपध्वस्त | mfn. abandoned, destroyed  |
अपध्वस्त | m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right  |
अपध्यै | to have a bad opinion of, curse mentally |
अपध्यान | n. envy, jealousy etc.  |
अपध्यान | n. meditation upon things which are not to be thought of.  |
अपदिबद्ध | mfn. not bound on the foot,  |
अपदिश् | (ind.p. -diśya-) to assign ; to point out, indicate, to betray, pretend, hold out as a pretext or disguise  |
अपदिशम् | ind. in an intermediate region (of the compass), half a point  |
अपदिष्ट | mfn. assigned as a reason or pretext.  |
अपद्म | mf(ā-)n. having no lotus-flower,  |
अपदोष | mfn. faultless.  |
अपदॄ | Intens.p. apa-d/ardrat- mfn. tearing open  |
अपद्रा | (Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away  |
अपद्रव्य | n. a bad thing.  |
अपदृष्टि | f. a look of displeasure,  |
अपद्रु | idem or '(Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away '  |
अपदूषण | mfn. faultless, blameless,  |
अपदुष्पद् | "not a failing step", a firm or safe step  |
अपद्वार | n. a side-entrance (not the regular door)  |
अपग | mf(ā-)n. going away, turning away from (ablative) (see /an-apaga-)  |
अपगा | f. equals āpa-gā-  |
अपगा | to go away, vanish, retire (with ablative)  |
अपगै | to break off singing, cease to sing  |
अपगल्भ | mfn. wanting in boldness, embarrassed, perplexed  |
अपगम् | to go away, depart ; to give way, vanish.  |
अपगम | m. going away  |
अपगम | m. giving way  |
अपगम | m. departure, death.  |
अपगमन | n. idem or 'm. departure, death.'  |
अपगर | m. (1. gṝ-), reviler (special function of a priest at a sacrifice) (see abhigar/a-.)  |
अपगारम् | ind. disapproving, threatening (?)  |
अपगर्जित | mfn. thunderless (as a cloud)  |
अपगत | mfn. gone, departed, remote, gone off  |
अपगत | mfn. dead, diseased.  |
अपगतकालक | mfn. (a robe) free from black spots,  |
अपगतव्याधि | mfn. one who has recovered from a disease.  |
अपघन | m. ( han-), ( ) a limb or member (as a hand or foot)  |
अपघन | mfn. cloudless.  |
अपघट् | Caus. -ghāṭayati-, to shut up.  |
अपघात | m. striking off  |
अपघात | m. warding off. (see )  |
अपघात | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अपघातक | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') warding off.  |
अपघाटिला | f. a kind of musical instrument (confer, compare ava-- ghaṭarikā-),  |
अपघातिन् | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') warding off.' See apa-han-.  |
अपघृण | mfn. pitiless, cruel,  |
अपगोह | m. hiding-place, secret  |
अपगोरम् | ind. disapproving, threatening (?)  |
अपगोरण | n. threatening commentator or commentary on  |
अपगॄ | Intens.part. -j/argurāṇa- (mfn.) ( and ) devouring  |
अपग्रह् | to take away, disjoin, tear off.  |
अपग्राम | mfn. ejected from a village or community,  |
अपगृह्य | mfn. being outside a house,  |
अपगूढ | mfn. hidden, concealed  |
अपगुह् | (subjunctive 2. sg. P. -gūhas- A1. -gūhathāś-; imperfect tense 3. plural /apāgūhan-; Aorist -aghu-kṣat-) to conceal, hide  |
अपगूहमान | mfn. hiding  |
अपगूहमान | mfn. (/apa g/ūh-)  |
अपगुर् | to reject, disapprove, threaten ; to inveigh against any one: Intensive participle apa-j/argurāṇa- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order apa--2. gṝ-).  |
अपह | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' keeping back, repelling, removing, destroying (exempli gratia, 'for example' śokāpaha- q.v)  |
अपहा | A1. -jihīte- (Aorist 3. pl. -ahāsata- subjunctive 1. plural -hāsmahi-), to run away from (ablative) or off  |
अपहा | A1. (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -hāsthāḥ-) to remain behind, fall short, not reach the desired end : Passive voice -hīyate-, to grow less, decrease (in strength, balam-)  |
अपहल | mfn. having a bad plough  |
अपहन् | (subjunctive 3. sg. -han-;Imper. 2. sg. -jah/i-,2. dual number -hatam-;2. plural -hat/ā-,or -hata-; perf. -jagh/āna-; pr. p. -ghn/at-; Intensive p. Nominal verb m. -j/aṅghanat-) to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy  |
अपहनन | n. warding off (see apa-gh/āta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
अपहानि | f. diminishing, vanishing  |
अपहन्तृ | mf(trī- )n. beating off, destroying  |
अपहर | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') carrying off  |
अपहार | m. taking away, stealing  |
अपहार | m. spending another person's property  |
अपहार | m. secreting, concealment exempli gratia, 'for example' ātmāpahāraṃ- 1. kṛ-, to conceal one's real character,  |
अपहार | a thief,  |
अपहार | a shark or a crocodile,  |
अपहारक | mfn. one who takes away, seizes, steals, etc.  |
अपहारक | mfn. a plunderer, a thief (see ātmāpahāraka-, vāg apahāraka-.)  |
अपहरण | n. taking away, carrying off  |
अपहरण | n. stealing  |
अपहरण | keeping off all contrarieties,  |
अपहारण | n. causing to take away.  |
अपहरणीय | mfn. to be taken away, carried off, stolen, etc.  |
अपहरस् | mfn. not pernicious  |
अपहारवर्मन् | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man,  |
अपहारिन् | mfn. equals apa-hāraka-.  |
अपहारित | mfn. carried off  |
अपहर्ष | mfn. showing or feeling no joy,  |
अपहर्तृ | m. (with genitive case [ ] or accusative [ ]or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') taking away, carrying off, stealing etc.  |
अपहर्तृ | m. removing (faults), expiating  |
अपहार्य | mfn. one from whom anything (accusative) is to be taken,  |
अपहस् | to deride: Caus. -hāsayati-, to deride, ridicule.  |
अपहास | m. idem or 'n. (also) smiling in tears, '  |
अपहास | m. a mocking laugh  |
अपहसित | n. silly or causeless laughter  |
अपहसित | n. (also) smiling in tears,  |
अपहस्त | n. striking or throwing away or off (["the back of the hand"commentator or commentary ])  |
अपहस्तक | mfn. handless,  |
अपहस्तय | Nom. P. yati-, to throw away, push aside, repel, (generally used in the perf. Pass. p. )  |
अपहस्तित | mfn. thrown away, repelled, etc.  |
अपहास्य | mfn. to be laughed at |
अपहत | mfn. destroyed, warded off, killed.  |
अपहतपाप्मन् | (/apahata--) mfn. having the evil warded off, free from evil  |
अपहति | f. removing, destroying  |
अपहाय | ind. ind.p. quitting etc.  |
अपहाय | ind. leaving, avoiding,  |
अपहाय | ind. leaving out of view, etc.  |
अपहाय | ind. excepting, except  |
अपहेला | f. contempt  |
अपहेलन | n. = ava-- h-,  |
अपहि | to throw off, disengage or deliver one's self from (accusative)  |
अपहिंकार | mfn. without the syllable him- (which is pronounced in singing the sāma- verses)  |
अपहित | mfn. entrusted,  |
अपहित | charged (with a crime),  |
अपह्नव | m. concealment, denial of or turning off of the truth  |
अपह्नव | m. dissimulation, appeasing, satisfying  |
अपह्नव | m. affection, love  |
अपह्नव | m. equals apa-hnuti-  |
अपह्नवन | n. denial,  |
अपह्नोतृ | mfn. one who conceals or denies or disowns commentator or commentary on  |
अपह्नु | A1. (1. sg. -hnuv/e-) to refuse ; to conceal, disguise, deny etc. ; to excuse one's self, give satisfaction to  |
अपह्नुत | mfn. concealed, denied.  |
अपह्नुति | f. "denial, concealment of truth", using a simile in other than its true or obvious application  |
अपह्नुवान | mfn. pr. p. A1. concealing, denying (any one dative case)  |
अपहृ | to snatch away, carry off, plunder ; to remove, throw away: Caus. -hārayati- See apa-hārita- below.  |
अपहृ | to captivate,  |
अपह्रास | m. diminishing, reducing  |
अपह्रेपण | n. putting to shame,  |
अपह्रित् | mfn. taking away (compound),  |
अपहृत | mfn. taken away, carried off, stolen, etc.  |
अपहृतविज्ञान | mfn. bereft of sense.  |
अपहृति | f. carrying off.  |
अपःसंवर्त | m. destruction (of the world) by water  |
अपह्वर | m. a particular demon causing illness,  |
अपैशुन | n. non-calumny  |
अपजात | m. a bad son who has turned out ill  |
अपजय | m. defeat, discomfiture  |
अपजय्य | mfn. See an-apajayy/am-.  |
अपजि | to ward off, keep off or out  |
अपजि | to win from (with punaḥ-,"to reconquer"),  |
अपजिघांसु | mfn. ( han- Desiderative), desirous of keeping off. wishing to avert  |
अपजिघांसु | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अपजिहीर्षा | f. the wish to take away,  |
अपजिहीर्षु | mfn. ( hṛ- Desiderative), wishing to carry off or take away  |
अपज्ञा | -jānīte-, to dissemble, conceal  |
अपज्ञान | n. denying, concealing  |
अपज्वर | mfn. free from fever,  |
अपज्य | mfn. without a bowstring  |
अपकलङ्क | m. a deep stain or mark of disgrace  |
अपकल्मष | mf(ā-)n. stainless, sinless.  |
अपकाम | m. aversion, abhorrence  |
अपकाम | m. abominableness  |
अपकामम् | ind. against one's liking, unwillingly |
अपकण्टक | mf(ā-)n. free from thorns or dangers,  |
अपकार | m. wrong, offence, injury, hurt  |
अपकार | m. despise, disdain.  |
अपकारगिर् | ([ ]) f. an offending or menacing speech.  |
अपकारक | mfn. acting wrong, doing ill to (with genitive case)  |
अपकारक | mfn. offending, injuring.  |
अपकरण | n. acting improperly  |
अपकरण | n. doing wrong  |
अपकरण | n. ill-treating, offending, injuring  |
अपकारार्थिन् | mfn. malicious, malevolent.  |
अपकारशब्द | ([ ]) m. an offending or menacing speech.  |
अपकारता | f. wrong, offence.  |
अपकारिन् | mfn. acting wrong, doing ill to (with genitive case)  |
अपकारिन् | mfn. offending, injuring.  |
अपकर्मन् | n. discharge (of a debt)  |
अपकर्मन् | n. evil doing  |
अपकर्मन् | n. violence  |
अपकर्मन् | n. any impure or degrading act  |
अपकर्ष | m. drawing or dragging off or down, detraction, diminution, decay  |
अपकर्ष | m. lowering, depression  |
अपकर्ष | m. decline, inferiority, infamy  |
अपकर्ष | m. anticipation  |
अपकर्ष | m. (in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later.  |
अपकर्षक | mf(ikā-)n. drawing down, detracting (with genitive case)  |
अपकर्षण | mfn. taking away, forcing away, removing, diminishing  |
अपकर्षण | n. taking away, depriving of  |
अपकर्षण | n. drawing down  |
अपकर्षण | n. abolishing, denying  |
अपकर्षण | n. anticipation  |
अपकर्षसम | mf(ā-) a sophism in the nyāya- (exempli gratia, 'for example'"sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common") .  |
अपकर्षिन् | mfn. drawing along (as a plough),  |
अपकर्तन | n. cutting in pieces, dismembering,  |
अपकर्तृ | mfn. injurious, offensive.  |
अपकरुण | mfn. cruel.  |
अपकष् | to scrape off  |
अपकषाय | mfn. sinless  |
अपकषाय | mfn. sinless,  |
अपकषायत्व | (n.)  |
अपख्याति | f. disgrace,  |
अपकीर्ति | f. infamy, disgrace.  |
अपकोश | mfn. unsheathed,  |
अपकृ | to carry away, remove, drag away ; (with genitive case or accusative) to hurt, wrong, injure: Caus. -kārayati-, to hurt, wrong, injure: Caus. -kārayati-, to hurt wrong.  |
अपकॄ | A1. apa-s-kirate- ( ) to scrape with the feet ; (see ava-s-kṝ-): P. apa-kirati-, to spout out, spurt, scatter commentator or commentary ; to throw down  |
अपक्रम् | to go away, retreat, retire from ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps : Causal -kramayati-, to cause to run away : Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, to intend to run away or escape (with ablative)  |
अपक्रम | m. going away etc.  |
अपक्रम | m. flight, retreat  |
अपक्रम | mfn. not being in the regular order (a fault in poetry).  |
अपक्राम | m. passing off or away, retiring.  |
अपक्रामम् | ind. going away,  |
अपक्रममण्डल | n. ecliptic, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपक्रमण | n. passing off or away, retiring.  |
अपक्रमिन् | mfn. going away, retiring.  |
अपक्रामुक | mfn. equals apa-kramin-  |
अपक्रान्त | mfn. gone away  |
अपक्रान्त | abused (?),  |
अपक्रान्त | n. (equals atītam-) that which is past  |
अपक्रान्तमेध | (/ap--), mfn. sapless, pithless,  |
अपक्रान्ति | f. equals apa-kr/amaṇa-  |
अपक्री | to buy (See ava-krī-). |
अपक्रिया | f. a wrong or improper act  |
अपक्रिया | f. delivery, clearing off (debts)  |
अपक्रिया | f. offence.  |
अपक्रोश | m. reviling, abusing  |
अपकृष् | cl.1 P. -karṣati-, to draw off or aside, drag down, carry away, take away, remove ; to omit, diminish ; to put away ; to anticipate a word etc. which occurs later (in a sentence) ; to bend (a bow) ; to detract, debase, dishonour: Causal -karṣayati-, to remove, diminish, detract.  |
अपकृष्ट | mfn. drawn away, taken away, removed lost  |
अपकृष्ट | mfn. dragged down, brought down, depressed  |
अपकृष्ट | mfn. low, vile, inferior  |
अपकृष्ट | m. a crow  |
अपकृष्टचेतन | mfn. mentally debased.  |
अपकृष्टजाति | mfn. of a low tribe.  |
अपकृष्टता | f. inferiority, vileness.  |
अपकृष्टत्व | n. inferiority, vileness.  |
अपकृत् | mfn. doing harm or injury,  |
अपकृत् | cl.6 P. -kṛntati-, to cut off  |
अपकृत | mfn. done wrongly or maliciously, offensively or wickedly committed  |
अपकृत | mfn. practised as a degrading or impure act (exempli gratia, 'for example' menial work, funeral rites, etc.)  |
अपकृत | n. injury, offence.  |
अपकृति | f. oppression, wrong, injury.  |
अपकृत्य | n. damage, hurt  |
अपकृत्य | mfn. deserving to be harmed or injured, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अपक्रुश् | to revile.  |
अपक्ष | mfn. without wings etc.  |
अपक्ष | mfn. without followers or partisans  |
अपक्ष | mfn. not on the same side or party  |
अपक्ष | mfn. adverse, opposed to.  |
अपक्षपात | m. impartiality.  |
अपक्षपातिन् | mfn. not flying with wings (and"a partisan of A id est viṣṇu-"),  |
अपक्षपुच्छ | mfn. without wings and tail  |
अपक्षता | f. opposition, hostility.  |
अपक्षय | m. decline, decay, wane  |
अपक्षेपण | n. throwing down, etc.  |
अपक्षि | Passive voice -kṣ/īyate-, to decline, wane (as the moon)  |
अपक्षीण | mfn. declined, decayed  |
अपक्षिप् | to throw away or down, take away, remove.  |
अपक्षिप्त | mfn. thrown down or away.  |
अपक्षित | mfn. waned  |
अपक्ति | f. ( pac-), immaturity  |
अपक्ति | f. indigestion.  |
अपकुक्षि | m. a bad or ill-shaped belly (?)  |
अपकुक्षि | m. (also used as a bahu-vrīhi-and avyayī-bhāva-.)  |
अपकुञ्ज | m. Name of a younger brother of the serpent-king śeṣa-  |
अपक्व | mf(ā-)n. unripe, immature  |
अपक्व | mf(ā-)n. undigested.  |
अपक्वबुद्धि | mfn. of immature understanding.  |
अपक्वाशिन् | mfn. eating raw, uncooked food.  |
अपक्वता | f. immaturity  |
अपक्वता | f. incompleteness.  |
अपल | n. a pin or bolt  |
अपल | mfn. fleshless.  |
अपलक्ष्मण | mfn. without lakṣmaṇa- (rāma-'s brother),  |
अपलाल | m. Name of a rakṣas-.  |
अपलप् | to explain away, to deny, conceal: Causal A1. -lapayate-, to outwit  |
अपलाप | m. equals apa-lapana-.  |
अपलापदण्ड | m. a fine imposed on one who denies or evades (in law).  |
अपलपन | n. denial or concealment of knowledge, evasion, turning off the truth, detraction  |
अपलपन | n. concealing, hiding  |
अपलपन | n. affection, regard  |
अपलपन | n. the part between the shoulder and the ribs  |
अपलापिन् | mfn. one who denies, evades or conceals (with genitive case)  |
अपलपित | mfn. denied, concealed  |
अपलपित | mfn. suppressed, embezzled commentator or commentary on  |
अपलाश | mfn. leafless  |
अपलाषिका | (or apa-lāsikā-) f. thirst  |
अपलाषिन् | mfn. free from desire |
अपलाषुक | mfn. free from desire  |
अपलिख् | (subjunctive -likhāt-) to scrape off  |
अपलित | mfn. not grey  |
अपल्पूलनकृत | mfn. not soaked or macerated  |
अपलुपम् | ind. (according to ) Ved. infinitive mood of apa-lup-, to cut off.  |
अपम | mfn. (fr. /apa-), the most distant, the last  |
अपम | m. (in astronomy) the declination of a planet.  |
अपमा | (ind.p. -m/āya-; see ) to measure off, measure  |
अपमद | mfn. free from pride or arrogance,  |
अपमज्या | f. the sine of the declination.  |
अपमक्षेत्र | See krānti-kṣetra-.  |
अपमल | mfn. spotless, clean, (varia lectio).  |
अपममण्डल | (or apa-maṇḍala-) n. the ecliptic.  |
अपमान | m. (or n.), ( man-), disrespect, contempt, disgrace.  |
अपमङ्गल | mfn. inauspicious, (conjectural).  |
अपमानिन् | mfn. dishonouring, despising.  |
अपमानित | mfn. dishonoured, disgraced  |
अपमान्य | mfn. disreputable, dishonourable.  |
अपमन्यु | mfn. free from grief.  |
अपमर्द | m. ( mṛd-), what is swept away, dirt.  |
अपमार्ग | m. a by-way  |
अपमार्ग | m. wiping off, cleaning  |
अपमारिन् | mfn. dying or pining away,  |
अपमार्जन | n. cleansing  |
अपमार्जन | n. a cleansing remedy, detergent  |
अपमार्जन | mfn. wiping off, moving away, destroying  |
अपमर्श | m. ( mṛś-), touching, grazing (varia lectio for abhi-marśa-).  |
अपमशिञ्जिनी | f. = apama-- jyā-,  |
अपमवृत्त | n. the ecliptic.  |
अपमे | cl.1 A1. -mayate- (ind.p. -mitya-,or -māya-) to be in debt to, owe  |
अपमित्य | See apa-me-.  |
अपमित्य | n. debt  |
अपम्लुक्त | mfn. ( mluc-), retired, hidden  |
अपमृग | mfn. deerless (as a wood),  |
अपमृज् | cl.2 P. A1. -mārṣṭi- (I. plural -mṛjmahe-;Imper. 2. dual number -mṛjethām-) to wipe off, remove  |
अपमृषित | unintelligible (as a speech)  |
अपमृष्ट | mfn. wiped off, cleansed  |
अपमृष्टि | f. wiping off,  |
अपमृत्यु | m. sudden or accidental death  |
अपमृत्यु | m. a great danger or illness (from which a person recovers).  |
अपमृत्युकारणपरीक्षा | f. post-mortem examination  |
अपमुद् | mfn. joyless, pitiable,  |
अपमुख | mfn. having the face averted  |
अपमुख | mfn. having an ill-formed face or mouth  |
अपमुखम् | ind. except the face, etc.  |
अपमूर्धन् | mfn. headless.  |
अपम्यक्ष् | (Imper. 2. sg. -myakṣa-) to keep off from (ablative)  |
अपनाभि | mfn. "without a navel", without a focal centre (as the vedi-)  |
अपनह् | to bind back ; (ind.p. -nahya-) to loosen  |
अपनम् | (with ablative) bend away from, give way to ([ ]), to bow down before ([ ])  |
अपनाम | m. curve, flexion,  |
अपनाम | m. a curve, .  |
अपनामन् | n. a bad name  |
अपनामन् | mfn. having a bad name  |
अपनश् | "to disappear", Imper. -naśya-, be off  |
अपनस | mfn. without a nose  |
अपनत | mfn. bent outwards, bulging out  |
अपनय | m. leading away, taking away  |
अपनय | m. bad policy, bad or wicked conduct.  |
अपनयन | n. taking away, withdrawing  |
अपनयन | n. destroying, healing  |
अपनयन | n. acquittance of a debt.  |
अपनयिन् | mfn. behaving improperly or indiscreetly,  |
अपञ्चम | m. not a nasal,  |
अपञ्चयज्ञ | mfn. one who does not perform the 5 mahā-yajña-s (quod vide),  |
अपञ्चीकृत | n. (in vedānta- philosophy)"not compounded of the five gross elements" , the five subtle elements. |
अपण्डित | mfn. unlearned, illiterate.  |
अपनेतृ | m. a remover, taking away.  |
अपनेय | mfn. to be taken back,  |
अपनी | to lead away or off ; to rob, steal, take or drag away ; to remove, frighten away ; to put off or away (as garments, ornaments, or fetters) ; to extract, take from ; to deny commentator or commentary on ; to except, exclude from a rule commentator or commentary on : Desiderative -ninīṣati-, to wish to remove commentator or commentary on  |
अपनिधा | to place aside, hide, conceal etc. ; to take off  |
अपनिधि | mfn. treasureless, poor,  |
अपनिद्र | mfn. sleepless.  |
अपनिद्र | mfn. ( drā-), opening (as a flower)  |
अपनिद्र | bristling, erect (as the hair on the body),  |
अपनिद्रत् | mfn. idem or 'bristling, erect (as the hair on the body), '  |
अपनिह्नु | to deny, conceal  |
अपनिली | A1. (Imper. 3. plural -layantām-) to hide one's self, disappear  |
अपनिनीषा | f. the wish to expel,  |
अपनिनीषु | mfn. wishing to expel (accusative),  |
अपनिर्वाण | mfn. not yet extinct  |
अपनिषादुक | mfn. lying down apart,  |
अपनीत | mfn. led away from  |
अपनीत | mfn. taken away, removed  |
अपनीत | mfn. paid, discharged  |
अपनीत | mfn. contradictory, badly executed, spoiled  |
अपनीत | n. imprudent or bad behaviour.  |
अपनीति | f. taking away from (ablative)  |
अपङ्क | mfn. mudless, dry,  |
अपङ्क | (f.)  |
अपन्नद | mfn. equals /a-panna-dat- q.v  |
अपन्नदत् | mf(atī-)n. whose teeth have not fallen out |
अपन्नगृह | mfn. whose house has not fallen in  |
अपनोद | m. equals apa-nutti-.  |
अपनोदक | mfn. removing, dispelling,  |
अपनोदन | mfn. removing, driving away  |
अपनोदन | n. removing, driving away  |
अपनोद्य | mfn. to be removed.  |
अपन्थदायिन् | mfn. = a-- pathad-,  |
अपनु | to put aside  |
अपनुद् | to remove  |
अपनुद | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' śokāpanuda- q.v) removing driving away.  |
अपनुनुत्सु | mfn. desirous of removing, expiating (with accusative)  |
अपनुत्ति | f. removing, taking or sending away  |
अपनुत्ति | f. expiation and  |
अपण्य | mfn. unfit for sale  |
अपण्य | n. an unsaleable article  |
अपन्याय्य | mfn. improper, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपन्याय्यत्व | (n.)  |
अपप | m. (with Buddhists) a particular cold hell, .  |
अपपद् | to escape, run away.  |
अपपादत्र | mfn. having no protection for the feet, shoeless  |
अपपान | n. a bad or improper drink.  |
अपपरे | ( i-), (perf. 1. sg. /apa p/areto asmi-; /apa asmi-may also be taken by itself as fr. 1. apās-) to go off  |
अपपर्यावृत् | to turn (the face) away from  |
अपपाठ | m. a mistake in reading  |
अपपाठ | m. a wrong reading (in a text)  |
अपपात्र | mfn. "not allowed to use vessels (for food)", people of low caste  |
अपपात्रित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not allowed to use vessels (for food)", people of low caste '  |
अपपयस् | mfn. waterless,  |
अपपीडा | f. a sudden and dangerous attack of illness,  |
अपपित्व | n. (probably for -pittv/a-fr.2. pat-; see abhi-pitv/a-, ā-pitv/a-, pra-pitv/a-;but see also api-tv/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /api-), turning away, separation  |
अपपिवस् | m(genitive case /a-pupuṣas-)fn. (perf. p.) , who has not drunk  |
अपप्लु | to spring down : Causal -plavayati-, to wash off  |
अपपृ | (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. parṣi-) to drive or scare away from (ablative)  |
अपप्रदान | n. a bribe.  |
अपप्रगा | (Aorist -pr/āgat-) to go away from, yield to  |
अपप्रजाता | f. a female that has had a miscarriage  |
अपप्रसर | mfn. checked, restrained,  |
अपप्रे | ( i-), (3. pl. -pra-y/anti-,or -pr/a-yanti-;Opt. -pr/eyāt-) to go away, withdraw  |
अपप्रोषित | n. (5. vas-), the having departed, a wrong departure or evil caused thereby, (negative /an--)  |
अपप्रु | /apa-pravate-, Ved. to leap or jump down  |
अपप्रुथ् | (Imper. 2. sg. -protha-; P. -pr/othat-) to blow off  |
अपपूत | m. dual number badly formed buttocks  |
अपपूत | mfn. having badly formed buttocks  |
अपर | mfn. having nothing beyond or after, having no rival or superior.  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. (fr. /apa-), posterior, later, latter (opposed to p/ūrva-;often in compound)  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. following  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. western  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. inferior, lower (opposed to p/ara-)  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. other, another (opposed to sv/a-)  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. different (with ablative)  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. being in the west of  |
अपर | mf(ā-)n. distant, opposite. Sometimes apara- is used as a conjunction to connect words or sentences exempli gratia, 'for example' aparaṃ-ca-, moreover  |
अपर | m. the hind foot of an elephant  |
अपरा | f. the west  |
अपरा | f. the hind quarter of an elephant  |
अपरा | f. the womb  |
अपर | (/am-) ([ ]) n. the future  |
अपर | also (e-), m. plural others (= anye-, used to indicate a various reading), hāla-, Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपरा | f. (with vidyā-) the exoteric vedānta- doctrine (as opp. to parā- v-, `the esoteric`),  |
अपरभाव | m. after-existence, succession, continuation  |
अपराभाव | m. the state of not succumbing or not breaking down  |
अपराभव | m. not succumbing, victory,  |
अपराभूत | mfn. not succumbing, not breaking down  |
अपरदक्षिणम् | ind. south-west, (gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi- q.v)  |
अपराद्ध | mfn. having missed  |
अपराद्ध | mfn. having offended, sinned  |
अपराद्ध | mfn. criminal, guilty  |
अपराद्ध | mfn. erring.  |
अपराद्धपृषत्क | m. an archer whose arrows miss the mark  |
अपराद्धेषु | m. an archer whose arrows miss the mark  |
अपराद्धि | f. wrong, mistake  |
अपराद्धृ | mfn. offending, an offender.  |
अपराध् | -rādhyati-or -rādhnoti-, to miss (one's aim, etc.) ; to wrong, offend against (genitive case or locative case) ; to offend, sin.  |
अपराध | m. offence, transgression, fault  |
अपराध | m. mistake  |
अपराध | m. aparādhaṃ- 1: kṛ-, to offend any one (genitive case)  |
अपराधभञ्जन | m. "sin-destroyer", Name of śiva-.  |
अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्र | n. a poem of śaṃkarācārya- (in praise of śiva-).  |
अपराधवत् | mfn. missing an aim,  |
अपराधिन् | mfn. offending  |
अपराधिन् | mfn. criminal  |
अपराधिन् | mfn. guilty.  |
अपराधिन | mfn. not dependent on another  |
अपराधिता | f. criminality, guilt.  |
अपराधित्व | n. criminality, guilt.  |
अपरदीक्षिन् | mfn. undergoing the later consecration,  |
अपराग | m. aversion, antipathy  |
अपरगन्धिका | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a country (= ketumāla-),  |
अपराग्नि | m. dual number the southern and the western fire (of a sacrifice)  |
अपरगोदान | n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the mahā-meru-.  |
अपरगोदानि | (?), m. Name (also title or epithet) of one of the four dvīpa-s,  |
अपरहैमन | mfn. belonging to the latter half of the winter season  |
अपराहत | mfn. not driven off  |
अपरहेमन्त | m. n. the latter part of winter.  |
अपराह्ण | m. afternoon, the last watch of the day.  |
अपराह्णक | mfn. "born in the afternoon", a proper name  |
अपराह्णतन | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.  |
अपराह्णेतन | ([ ]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.  |
अपरज | mfn. born later  |
अपरजन | sg. or plural m. inhabitants of the west  |
अपराजयिन् | mfn. never losing (at play)  |
अपराजयिन् | mfn. never losing (at play),  |
अपराजिष्णु | mfn. unconquerable, invincible  |
अपराजित | mf(ā-)n. unconquered, unsurpassed etc.  |
अपराजित | m. a poisonous insect  |
अपराजित | m. viṣṇu-  |
अपराजित | m. śiva-  |
अपराजित | m. one of the eleven rudra-s  |
अपराजित | m. a class of divinities (constituting one portion of the so-called anuttara- divinities of the jaina-s)  |
अपराजित | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
अपराजित | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
अपराजित | m. of a mythical sword  |
अपराजिता | f. (with diś-) the northeast quarter  |
अपराजित | m. durgā-  |
अपराजित | m. several plants, Clitoria Ternatea, Marsilea Quadrifolia, Sesbania Aegyptiaca  |
अपराजित | m. a species of the śarkarī- metre (of four lines, each containing fourteen syllables).  |
अपराजितगण | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a gaṇa- of martial hymns,  |
अपरकाल | m. a later period  |
अपरकान्यकुब्ज | m. Name of a village in the western part of kānyakubja-  |
अपरकाय | m. the hind part of the body.  |
अपरक्त | mfn. having a changed colour, grown pale  |
अपरक्त | mfn. unfavourable  |
अपराक्त्व | n. the not being averted,  |
अपरलोक | m. another world, paradise.  |
अपरम् | ind. (/aparam-[ ]or apar/am-[ ]) in future, for the future  |
अपरम् | ind. again, moreover  |
अपरम् | ind. in the west of (ablative)  |
अपरामृष्ट | mfn. untouched.  |
अपरामृष्ट | mfn. not touched by or come into contact with (instrumental case),  |
अपरनिदाघ | m. the latter part of the summer.  |
अपरञ्ज् | -rajyate-, to become unfavourable to  |
अपराङ्मुख | mfn. with unaverted face, not turned away from (genitive case)  |
अपराङ्मुखम् | ind. unreservedly, freely,  |
अपरान्त | mfn. living at the western border  |
अपरान्त | m. the western extremity, the country or the inhabitants of the western border  |
अपरान्त | m. the extreme end or term  |
अपरान्त | m. "the latter end", death.  |
अपरान्तज्ञान | n. prescience of one's latter end.  |
अपरान्तक | mf(ikā-)n. living at the western border etc.  |
अपरान्तक | n. Name of a song  |
अपरान्तिका | f. a metre consisting of four time sixteen mātrā-s  |
अपरपक्ष | m. the latter half of the month  |
अपरपक्ष | m. the other or opposing side, the defendant.  |
अपरपक्षीय | mfn. belonging to the latter half of the month, (gaRa gahādi- q.v)  |
अपरपञ्चाल | m. plural the western pañcāla-s  |
अपरपर | m.(ās-or e-)fn. plural one and the other, various  |
अपरापर | m(ās-or e-)fn. plural another and another, various  |
अपरापरण | m. not having descendants or offspring  |
अपरापात | m. not passing away,  |
अपरप्रणेय | mfn. easily led by others, tractable.  |
अपरपुरुष | m. a descendant  |
अपररात्र | m. the latter half of the night, the end of the night, the last watch.  |
अपररात्रि | f. the second half of the night, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपरार्ध | m. the latter the second half.  |
अपरार्ध्य | mfn. without a maximum, unlimited in number |
अपरार्ध्य | mfn. having no highest possible number, unlimited,  |
अपरार्क | m. the oldest known commentator of yājñavalkya-'s law-book.  |
अपरार्कचन्द्रिका | f. the name of his comment.  |
अपराशा | f. the western quarter,  |
अपरसद् | mfn. being seated behind  |
अपरसक्थ | n. the hind thigh  |
अपरशरद् | f. the latter part of the autumn.  |
अपरासिक्त | mfn. not poured on one's side, not spilled (as the semen virile)  |
अपरस्पर | mfn. "not reciprocal, not one (by) the other", only in compound with -sambhūta- mfn. not produced one by the other  |
अपरस्पर | mfn. plural one after the other  |
अपरस्पर | See 1. a-para-.  |
अपरस्पर | See 2. /apara-. |
अपरस्परसम्भूत | mfn. not produced one from another or in regular order,  |
अपरशुवृक्ण | mfn. not hewn off with an axe,  |
अपरश्वस् | ind. the day after to-morrow  |
अपरश्वस् | ind. the day after to-morrow,  |
अपरस्वस्तिक | n. the western point in the horizon.  |
अपरता | f. distance  |
अपरता | f. posteriority (in place or time)  |
अपरता | f. opposition, contrariety, relativeness  |
अपरता | f. nearness.  |
अपरत | mfn. ( ram-), turned off from, unfavourable to (ablative)  |
अपरत | mfn. resting  |
अपरतस् | ind. elsewhere,  |
अपरतस् | on the west side,  |
अपरत्र | ind. in another place  |
अपरत्र | ind. (eka-tra-, aparatra-,in one place, in the other place )  |
अपरत्व | n. equals -tā- q.v  |
अपरव | m. contest, dispute  |
अपरव | m. discord.  |
अपरवक्त्रा | f. a kind of metre of four lines (having every two lines the same).  |
अपरवल्लभ | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a people,  |
अपरावाप | m. not scattering,  |
अपरावपिष्ठ | mfn. not to be removed at all,  |
अपरवर्षा | f. plural the latter part of the rains.  |
अपरवत् | mfn. having nothing following  |
अपरवत् | See 1. a-para-.  |
अपरवेदनीय | n. (Karman) manifesting itself at a subsequent period,  |
अपरवोज्झित | mfn. free from dispute, undisturbed, undisputed.  |
अपरावृत्तभागधेय | mfn. one to whom fortune does not return, miserable,  |
अपरावृत्तिवर्तिन् | mfn. turned away not to return, dcceased,  |
अपरायण | mf(ā-)n. having no refuge  |
अपरयोग | mfn. without another addition, unmixed,  |
अपरेद्युस् | ind. on the following day  |
अपरेद्युस् | See 2. /apara-.  |
अपरेण | ind. (with accusative) behind, west, to the west of ([ confer, compare Gothic and Old German afar,and the modern German aber,in such words asAber-mal,Aber-witz]).  |
अपरेतरा | f. opposite to or other than the west, the east  |
अपर्हाण | equals a-parihāṇa- q.v  |
अपरी | f. (used in the plural) the future  |
अपरिबाध | mfn. varia lectio for a-- parivāha-.  |
अपरिभक्ष | m. not passing over another at a meal,  |
अपरिभाषित | mfn. not explicitly mentioned,  |
अपरिभिन्न | mfn. not broken into small pieces, not crumbled  |
अपरिभोगम् | ind. without being eaten,  |
अपरिभ्रश्यमान | mfn. paribhraṃś |
अपरिचलित | mfn. unmoved, immovable,  |
अपरिचयिन् | mfn. (2. ci-), having no acquaintances, misanthropic.  |
अपरिच्छद | mfn. ( chad-), without retinue, unprovided with necessaries  |
अपरिच्छादित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. uncovered, unclothed.'  |
अपरिच्छन्न | mfn. uncovered, unclothed.  |
अपरिच्छेद | m. want of distinction or division  |
अपरिच्छेद | m. want of discrimination , want of judgement, continuance. |
अपरिच्छिन्न | mfn. without interval or division, uninterrupted, continuous  |
अपरिच्छिन्न | mfn. connected  |
अपरिच्छिन्न | mfn. unlimited  |
अपरिच्छिन्न | mfn. undistinguished.  |
अपरिचेय | mfn. unsociable.  |
अपरिचित | mfn. unacquainted with, unknown to.  |
अपरिगण्य | mfn. incalculable.  |
अपरिगत | mfn. unobtained, unknown  |
अपरिग्रह | m. not including commentator or commentary on  |
अपरिग्रह | m. non-acceptance, renouncing (of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics)  |
अपरिग्रह | m. deprivation, destitution, poverty  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of possession  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of attendants or of a wife  |
अपरिग्राह्य | mfn. unfit or improper to be accepted, not to be taken.  |
अपरिहाण | or a-parhāṇa- n. the state of not being deprived of anything,  |
अपरिहरणीय | mfn. not to be avoided, inevitable  |
अपरिहरणीय | mfn. not to be abandoned or lost  |
अपरिहरणीय | mfn. not to be degraded.  |
अपरिहार्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not to be degraded.'  |
अपरिहीणकालम् | ind. without loss of time, at once,  |
अपरिहित | n. an unworn or clean garment,  |
अपरिहीयमाण | mfn. not being omitted (ṇaṃ- kṛ-,"to supply deficiencies"),  |
अपरिह्वृत | mfn. unafflicted, not endangered (see ) |
अपरिजात | mfn. not fully born, born prematurely,  |
अपरिजीर्ण | mfn. undigested,  |
अपरिज्यानि | f. "not falling into decay"  |
अपरिकलित | mfn. unknown, unseen.  |
अपरिक्लिन्न | mfn. not moist, not liquid, dry.  |
अपरिक्रम | mfn. not walking about, unable to walk round  |
अपरिक्रामम् | ind. without going about, standing still  |
अपरीक्षित | mfn. untried, unproved  |
अपरीक्षित | mfn. not considered, inconsiderate.  |
अपरीक्ष्यकारिन् | mfn. acting inconsiderately,  |
अपरिलोप | m. non-loss  |
अपरिलोप | m. non-damage  |
अपरिलुप्त | mfn. not invalidated, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपरिमाण | mfn. without measure, immeasurable, immense  |
अपरिमाण | n. immeasurableness.  |
अपरिमेय | mfn. immeasurable, illimitable.  |
अपरिमित | mfn. unmeasured, either indefinite or unlimited  |
अपरिमितधा | ind. into an unlimited number of pieces or parts  |
अपरिमितगुणगण | mfn. of unbounded excellences.  |
अपरिमितकृत्वस् | ind. innumerable times,  |
अपरिमितालिखित | mfn. having an indefinite number of lines  |
अपरिमितविध | (/aparimita--) mfn. indefinitely multiplied  |
अपरिम्लान | m. "not withering, not decaying", the plant Gomphrenea Globosa.  |
अपरिम्लानललाटता | f. the having an unwrinkled forehead (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) .  |
अपरिमोष | m. not stealing  |
अपरिणाम | m. ( nam-), unchangeableness.  |
अपरिणामदर्शिन् | mfn. not providing for a change, improvident.  |
अपरिणामिन् | mfn. unchanging.  |
अपरिणयन | n. ( nī-), non-marriage, celibacy.  |
अपरिणीता | f. an unmarried woman.  |
अपरिपक्व | mfn. not quite ripe (as fruits, or a tumour[ ])  |
अपरिपक्व | mfn. not quite mature.  |
अपरिपर | mfn. not going by a tortuous course  |
अपरिसमाप्तिक | mfn. not ending, endless commentator or commentary on  |
अपरिसंख्यान | n. innumerableness, infinite diffcrence,  |
अपरिसंख्येय | mfn. innumerable, infinitely different, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपरिसर | mfn. non-contiguous, distant.  |
अपरिशेष | mfn. not leaving a remainder, all-surrounding, all-enclosing,  |
अपरिस्कन्दम् | ind. so as not to jump or leap about  |
अपरिष्कार | m. want of polish or finish  |
अपरिष्कार | m. coarseness, rudeness.  |
अपरिष्कृत | mfn. unpolished, unadorned, coarse.  |
अपरिश्लथम् | ind. not loosely, very firmly  |
अपरिश्रित | n. not an enclosure  |
अपरिस्थान | mfn. improper  |
अपरिस्थान | n. impropriety,  |
अपरीत | mfn. unobstructed, irresistible  |
अपरीत | m. Name of a people (varia lectio)  |
अपरितोष | mfn. unsatisfied, discontented  |
अपरित्त | (?), for /a-- parītta- (below),  |
अपरीत्त | mfn. not delivered,  |
अपरीत्य | mfn. not to be walked round,  |
अपरित्यज्य | mfn. = (or varia lectio for) a-- parityājya-.  |
अपरिवाद्य | mfn. ( vad-), not to be reprimanded  |
अपरिवर्गम् | ind. without leaving out, uninterruptedly, completely  |
अपरिवर्तनीय | mfn. not to be exchanged.  |
अपरिविष्ट | mfn. not enclosed, unbounded  |
अपरिवीत | mfn. ( vye-), not covered  |
अपरिवृत | mfn. not hedged in or fenced and (see /a-parīvṛta-.)  |
अपरीवृत | mfn. (1. vṛ-), unsurrounded (see a-parivṛta-.)  |
अपरियाणि | f. inability to walk about (used in execrations)  |
अपर्क्यपृष्ठ | m. a particular ekāha-,  |
अपर्ण | mfn. leafless  |
अपर्णा | f. "not having even leaves (for food during her religious austerities)", Name of durgā- or pārvatī-  |
अपरोद्धृ | m. one who keeps another off, a repeller  |
अपरोध | m. exclusion, prohibition (an-- negative)  |
अपरोधुक | mfn. detaining, hindering  |
अपरोध्य | mfn. to be expelled or excluded from,  |
अपरोक्ष | mfn. not invisible  |
अपरोक्ष | mfn. perceptible  |
अपरोक्षम् | ind. (with genitive case) in the sight of  |
अपरोक्षात् | ind. perceptibly, manifestly  |
अपरोक्षय | Nom. P. yati-, to make perceptible ; to take a view of (accusative)  |
अपर्तु | mfn. (ṝtu-) untimely, unseasonable  |
अपर्तु | mfn. not corresponding to the season (as rain)  |
अपर्तु | m. not the right time, not the season  |
अपर्तु | ind. not in correspondence with the season  |
अपरुध् | to expel, drive out (from possession or dominion) etc.: Desiderative Passive voice p. apa-rurutsyamāna-, wished or intended to be expelled  |
अपरुजा | f. "free from sickness or harm", Name (also title or epithet) of pārvatī-,  |
अपरूप | n. monstrosity, deformity  |
अपरूप | mfn. deformed, ill-looking, odd-shaped  |
अपरुष् | mfn. free from anger,  |
अपरुष | mf(ā-)n. not harsh.  |
अपरुषकेशता | f. having soft hair (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
अपर्वभङ्गनिपुण | mfn. skilled in breaking a passage where there is no joint (id est where there is no possibility of bending)  |
अपर्वदण्ड | m. a kind of sugar-cane.  |
अपर्वक | mfn. jointless  |
अपर्वन् | n. not a point of junction  |
अपर्वन् | n. a day which is not a parvan- (a day in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the eighth and fourteenth of each half month)  |
अपर्वन् | mfn. without a joint.  |
अपर्वणि | ind. (locative case of a-- parvan-) at the wrong time, out of season,  |
अपर्वत | mfn. without hills, level,  |
अपर्वतीय | mfn. without hills, level,  |
अपर्यागत | mfn. not a year old (grain),  |
अपर्याण | mfn. unsaddled,  |
अपर्यन्त | mfn. unbounded, unlimited  |
अपर्याप्त | mfn. ( āp-), incomplete  |
अपर्याप्त | mfn. unable, incompetent, insufficient  |
अपर्याप्त | mfn. not enough  |
अपर्याप्त | mfn. unlimited, unbounded  |
अपर्याप्तवत् | mfn. not competent to (Inf.)  |
अपर्यासित | mfn. (Causal perf. Pass. p. 2. as-), not thrown down or annihilated  |
अपर्याय | m. want of order or method.  |
अपर्येषित | mfn. unsought,  |
अपर्येष्ट | mfn. unsought,  |
अपर्युप्य | ind. without clipping or shaving round,  |
अपर्युषित | mfn. quite fresh or new,  |
अपर्युषित | not inveterate, expiated at once (as sin),  |
अपस् | n. (fr. 1. /ap-), work, action, especially sacred act, sacrificial act [ Latin opus-.]  |
अपस् | mfn. active, skilful in any art  |
अपस् | f. plural (/asas-) Name of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices)  |
अपस् | f. of the three goddesses of sacred speech  |
अपस् | f. of the active or running waters  |
अपस् | mfn. (fr. 2. /ap-), watery. (So some passages of the ṛg-veda- [ ] may (according to and others) be translated where the word is applied to the running watersSee 2. ap/as-at end and ap/as-tama-.)  |
अपशब्द | m. bad or vulgar speech  |
अपशब्द | m. any form of language not Sanskrit  |
अपशब्द | m. ungrammatical language  |
अपशब्द | m. (apa-bhraṃśa-.)  |
अपशब्द | m. ungrammatical language (compared to a deer as grammar to a lion),  |
अपशब्दित | mfn. spoken ungrammatically,  |
अपसच् | (perf. A1.3. plural -saścire-,1. pl.P. -saścima-) to escape, evade (with accusative)  |
अपसद | m. the children of six degrading marriages (of a Brahman with the women of the three lower classes, of a kṣatriya- with women of the two lower, and of a vaiśya- with one of the śūdra- ,but see and apadhvaṃsa-ja-), an outcast (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See brāhmaṇāpasada-).  |
अपशकुन | n. a bad omen.  |
अपसलैः | ind. to the left  |
अपसलवि | ind. to the left (opposed to pra-salav/i- see ava-salavi-)  |
अपसलवि | ind. the space between the thumb and the forefinger (sacred to the Manes).  |
अपशालीन | mfn. unembarrassed,  |
अपशालीनता | (f.)  |
अपशम | m. cessation  |
अपसमम् | ind. last year (? gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi- q.v)  |
अपशङ्क | mfn. fearless, having no fear or hesitation  |
अपशङ्कम् | ind. fearlessly  |
अपसर | m. (in geometry) distance  |
अपसर | m. See anapasara-.  |
अपसार | m. a way for going out, escape  |
अपसरण | n. going away retreating.  |
अपसारण | n. removing to a distance  |
अपसारण | n. dismissing  |
अपसारण | n. banishment |
अपसारित | mfn. removed, put away.  |
अपसारिता | f. (from rin-) issue, end,  |
अपसर्जन | n. ( sṛj-), abandonment  |
अपसर्जन | n. gift or donation  |
अपसर्जन | n. final emancipation of the soul (see apa-vṛj-.)  |
अपसर्प | m. a secret emissary or agent, spy  |
अपसर्पण | n. going back, retreating.  |
अपसर्प्य | mfn. (probably) to be driven away, .  |
अपशस्त्र | mfn. weaponless,  |
अपशातय | (see śad-) Nom. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -śātaya-) to throw or shoot off (an arrow)  |
अपशव्य | See a-paśu-.  |
अपशव्य | mfn. not fit or useful for cattle  |
अपसव्य | mfn. not on the left side, right  |
अपसव्य | mfn. (with auguries) from the right to the left, moving to the left etc.  |
अपसव्य | m. (scilicet agni) the sacrificial fire at the birth of a son,  |
अपसव्यम् | ind. to the left, from the right to the left  |
अपसव्यंकृ | equals pradakṣiṇaṃ kṛ-, to circumambulate a person keeping the right side towards him, etc. ; to put the sacred thread over the right shoulder  |
अपसव्यवत् | mfn. having the sacred thread over the right shoulder  |
अपसव्येन | ind. to the left, from the right to the left  |
अपश्चादघ्वन् | ([ ]) or better /a-paścād-daghvan- ([ ]) mfn. not staying behind, not coming short of, not being a loser.  |
अपश्चिम | mfn. not having another in the rear, last, not the last.  |
अपसिद्धान्त | m. an assertion or statement opposed to orthodox teaching or to settled dogma  |
अपसिध् | (Imper. 2. sg. -s/edha-,or -s/edha-,3. sg. -sedhatu-,3. plural -sedhantu-; pr. p. -s/edhat-) to ward off, remove, drive away  |
अपशील | mfn. ill-natured, mean, low,  |
अपशिरस् | ([ ]) or apa-śīrṣa-, or /apa-śīrṣan- ([ ]) mfn. headless.  |
अपशिष् | to leave out  |
अपस्कम्भ | m. fastening, making firm  |
अपस्कम्भ | according to to some,"the tearing [arrow]", .  |
अपस्कर | m. any part of a carriage, a wheel, etc.  |
अपस्कर | m. faeces (see avaskara-)  |
अपस्कर | m. anus  |
अपस्कर | m. vulva  |
अपस्कार | m. under part of the knee  |
अपस्खल | m. slipping ["outside of a threshing-floor" ]  |
अपस्कॄ | See apa-- 3. kṝ-.  |
अपस्मार | m. epilepsy, falling sickness  |
अपस्मार | want of memory, confusion of mind (in rhetoric one of the vyabhicāribhāva-s, quod vide),  |
अपस्मारिन् | mfn. epileptic, convulsed  |
अपस्मय | mfn. free from arrogance or pride,  |
अपस्मृति | mfn. forgetful  |
अपस्मृति | mfn. absent in mind, confused  |
अपस्नान | n. funeral bathing (upon the death of a relative, etc.)  |
अपस्नान | n. impure water in which a person has previously washed  |
अपस्नात | mfn. bathing during mourning or upon the death of a relation  |
अपश्नथ् | (Aorist Imper. 2. pl -śnathiṣṭana-) to push away, repel  |
अपशोक | mfn. sorrowless  |
अपशोक | m. the tree Jonesia Asoka.  |
अपस्पश | mf(ā-)n. without spies (and a-- paspaśa-,"without the introduction to the mahābhāṣya- "), .  |
अपस्पति | m. Name of a son of uttānapāda-  |
अपस्पति | See 2. ap/as-.  |
अपस्फिग | mfn. one who has badly formed buttocks  |
अपस्फिगम् | ind. except the buttocks  |
अपस्फुर् | (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -spharīs-) to move suddenly aside or to lash out (as a cow during milking)  |
अपस्फुर् | mfn. bounding or bursting forth, (or figuratively) splashing out (said of the soma-) (see /an-apasphur-,etc.)  |
अपस्पृ | A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -spṛṇvata-) to extricate from, deliver from, ; (3. plural -spṛṇvat/e-) to refresh ([ ;"to alienate" ])  |
अपस्पृश् | See /an-apaspṛś-.  |
अपसृ | (imperfect tense -sarat-) to slip off from (ablative) ; to go away, retreat: Caus. -sārayati-, to make or let go away, remove.  |
अपश्रम | mfn. indefatigable,  |
अपश्रय | m. a bolster  |
अपश्रि | to retire from  |
अपश्री | mfn. deprived of beauty  |
अपश्रित | mfn. retired from, retreated, absconded  |
अपसृप् | to glide or move off ; to retreat.  |
अपसृप्ति | f. going away from (ablative)  |
अपसृति | f. equals apa-sara-.  |
अपश्रुति | mfn. unpleasant to the ear,  |
अपस्तम | mfn. (ap/as--) (superl.) , most active  |
अपस्तम | mfn. most rapid  |
अपस्तम | See 2. ap/as-.  |
अपस्तम्ब | m. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air  |
अपस्तम्भ | m. idem or 'm. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air '  |
अपस्तम्भिनी | f. Name of a plant.  |
अपस्तन | mfn. far from the mother's breast,  |
अपष्ठ | mn. ( sthā-), the end or point of the hook for driving an elephant (see apāṣṭh/a-.)  |
अपष्ठु | mfn. contrary, opposite  |
अपष्ठु | mfn. perverse  |
अपष्ठु | mfn. left  |
अपष्ठु | ind. perversely, badly (varia lectio um-)  |
अपष्ठु | mfn. properly  |
अपष्ठु | mfn. handsomely  |
अपष्ठु | m. time  |
अपष्ठुर | mfn. opposite, contrary  |
अपष्ठुरष्ठुल | mfn. opposite, contrary  |
अपशु | m. not cattle id est cattle not fit to be sacrificed  |
अपशु | mfn. deprived of cattle, poor  |
अपशु | mfn. having no victim  |
अपसू | (1. sg. -suvāmi-;Imper. 2. sg. -suva-; Aorist subjunctive -sāviṣat-) to drive off  |
अपशुबन्धयाजिन् | mfn. one who does not perform the paśu-bandha- sacrifice,  |
अपशुच् | m. (1. śuc-),"without sorrow", the soul  |
अपशुच् | Intens.p. -ś/ośucat- (mfn.) driving off by flames  |
अपशुहन् | (/a-paśu--) mf(ghnī-)n. not killing cattle  |
अपशूल | mfn. having no spear,  |
अपशुष्क | mf(ā-)n. averse, unfavourable, (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
अपशुता | (apaś/u--) f. want of cattle  |
अपशुता | f. want of cattle,  |
अपस्वान | m. a hurricane  |
अपस्वर | m. an unmusical note or sound  |
अपस्वर | mfn. singing out of tune,  |
अपश्वस् | cl.2 P. -śvasiti-, used to explain apāniti- (see apān-) commentator or commentary on |
अपश्वास | m. one of the five vital airs (See apāna-)  |
अपश्य | mfn. not seeing  |
अपस्य | Nom. P. (subjunctive sy/āt-) to be active  |
अपस्या | f. activity (see sv-apasy/ā-,for 2. apasy/ā-See 2. apasy/a-below.)  |
अपस्य | mf(s/ī-)n. watery, melting, dispersing  |
अपस्या | f. a kind of brick (twenty are used in building the sacrificial altar)  |
अपस्य | apasy/u- See apas-  |
अपश्यना | f. not seeing  |
अपश्यत् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not seeing '  |
अपश्यत् | mfn. (in astronomy) not being in view of  |
अपश्यत् | mfn. not noticing  |
अपश्यत् | mfn. not considering, not caring for  |
अपस्यु | mfn. active  |
अपतक्ष् | (3. plural -takṣṇuvanti-and imperfect tense apātakṣan-) to chip off  |
अपतंसन | n. falling out,  |
अपतान | m. cramp.  |
अपतनधर्मिन् | mfn. not liable to fall out,  |
अपतनधर्मिन् | (n.)  |
अपतानक | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach), emprosthotonos ' '  |
अपतानकिन् | mfn. affected with spasmodic contraction  |
अपतनीय | mfn. not causing loss of caste,  |
अपतन्त | = āpatant/a- (parasmE-pada 1319),  |
अपटान्तर | mfn. "not separated by a curtain", adjoining (varia lectio a-padāntara- q.v)  |
अपतन्त्र | m. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach), emprosthotonos  |
अपतन्त्रक | m. idem or 'm. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach), emprosthotonos '  |
अपतरम् | ind. farther off  |
अपतरम् | ind. further away,  |
अपतर्पण | n. fasting (in sickness)  |
अपठ | m. unable to read  |
अपथ | n. not a way, absence of a road, pathless state etc., wrong way, deviation  |
अपथ | n. heresy, heterodoxy  |
अपथ | mf(ā-)n. , pathless, roadless  |
अपथा | f. Name of various plants.  |
अपथदायिन् | mfn. not going out of a person's (genitive case) way (confer, compare a-- pantha-- d-),  |
अपथगामिन् | mfn. going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical.  |
अपथहर | mfn. choosing the wrong road,  |
अपथप्रपन्न | mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied.  |
अपथिन् | nthās- m. absence of road  |
अपथ्य | mfn. unfit  |
अपथ्य | mfn. unsuitable  |
अपथ्य | mfn. inconsistent  |
अपथ्य | mfn. (in med.) unwholesome as food or drink in particular complaints.  |
अपथ्यभुज् | mfn. eating what is forbidden. |
अपथ्यनिमित्त | mfn. caused by unfit food or drink.  |
अपटी | f. a screen or wall of cloth (especially surrounding a tent)  |
अपति | m. not a husband or master  |
अपति | f. "without a husband or master", either an unmarried person or a widow.  |
अपतिघ्नी | (/a-pati--) f. not killing a husband  |
अपटीका | f. dissimulation,  |
अपतिका | equals a-pati- f.  |
अपटीक्षेप | m. "tossing aside the curtain"  |
अपटीक्षेपेण | ind. with a toss of the curtain, precipitate entrance on the stage (indicating hurry and agitation) (see paṭīkṣepa-.)  |
अपतिपुत्रा | f. without a husband and children.  |
अपतीर्थ | mn. a bad or improper tīrtha- q.v  |
अपतिता | f. state of being without a husband.  |
अपतित | (in compound)  |
अपतितान्योन्यत्यागिन् | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, .  |
अपतिव्रता | f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife.  |
अपत्नीक | mfn. not having a wife  |
अपत्नीक | mfn. where the wife is not present  |
अपत्रप् | to be ashamed or bashful, turn away the face.  |
अपत्रपा | f. bashfulness, embarrassment.  |
अपत्रपण | n. bashfulness, embarrassment.  |
अपत्रपिष्णु | mfn. bashful  |
अपत्रस् | (imperfect tense 3. plural -atrasan-) to flee from in terror  |
अपत्रस्त | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with ablative) afraid of, fleeing or retiring from in terror  |
अपतृप् | Caus. -tarpayati-, to starve, cause to fast  |
अपत्त्र | mfn. leafless  |
अपत्त्रा | f. Name of a plant.  |
अपटु | mfn. not clever, awkward, uncouth  |
अपटु | mfn. ineloquent  |
अपटु | mfn. sick, diseased  |
अपतूल | mf(ā-)n. without a tuft, without a panicle  |
अपतुरीय | mfn. not containing the last quarter,  |
अपतुषार | mfn. free from mist or fog,  |
अपतुषारता | (f.)  |
अपटुता | f. awkwardness.  |
अपटुत्व | n. awkwardness.  |
अपत्य | n. (fr. /apa-), offspring, child, descendant  |
अपत्य | n. a patronymical affix  |
अपत्यआपत्यार्थशब्द | m. a patronymic.  |
अपत्यद | mfn. giving offspring  |
अपत्यदा | f. Name of various plants.  |
अपत्यजीव | m. Name of a plant.  |
अपत्यकाम | mfn. desirous of offspring.  |
अपत्यनाथ | mfn. accompanied or protected by one's own child,  |
अपत्यपथ | m. "path of offspring", the vulva  |
अपत्यप्रत्यय | m. a patronymical affix  |
अपत्यसच् | m. (accusative sg. -s/ācam-) fn. accompanied with offspring  |
अपत्यशत्रु | m. "having his descendants for enemies", a crab (said to perish in producing young).  |
अपत्यस्नेह | m. love for one's own children,  |
अपत्यता | f. state of childhood  |
अपत्यवत् | (/apatya--) mfn. possessed of offspring  |
अपत्यविक्रयिन् | m. "seller of his offspring", a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.  |
अपौल्कस | m. not a paulkasa-  |
अपौरुष | n. unmanliness  |
अपौरुष | n. superhuman power  |
अपौरुष | mfn. unmanly  |
अपौरुष | mfn. superhuman. |
अपौरुषेय | mfn. not coming from men  |
अपौष्कल्य | n. immaturity.  |
अपवा | -v/āti-, to exhale, perspire (Imper. -vātu-) to blow off  |
अपवाचन | n. See an-apavācan/a-.  |
अपवद् | P. to revile, abuse etc. ; to distract, divert, console by tales ; (in grammar) to except ; (A1.only) to disown, deny, contradict : Causal -vādayati-, to oppose as unadvisable ; to revile ; (in grammar) to except  |
अपवाद | m. evil speaking, reviling, blaming, speaking ill of (genitive case)  |
अपवाद | m. denial, refutation, contradiction  |
अपवाद | m. a special rule setting aside a general one, exception (opposed to utsarga- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
अपवाद | m. order, command  |
अपवाद | m. a peculiar noise made by hunters to entice deer  |
अपवाद | m. (also) the withdrawal of the adhyāropa- or superimposed attribute (in the vedānta-).  |
अपवादक | mfn. reviling, blaming, defaming  |
अपवादक | mfn. opposing, objecting to, excepting, excluding commentator or commentary on  |
अपवदमान | mfn. reviling, speaking ill of (dative case)  |
अपवादप्रत्यय | m. an exceptional affix  |
अपवादस्थल | n. case for a special rule or exception  |
अपवध् | (Aorist -avadhīt-) to cut off, split ; to repel, avert  |
अपवादिन् | mfn. blaming  |
अपवादित | mfn. blamed  |
अपवादित | mfn. opposed, objected to.  |
अपवाद्य | mfn. to be censured  |
अपवाद्य | mfn. to be excepted commentator or commentary on  |
अपवह् | to carry off ; to deduct ; to give up: Caus. -vāhayati-, to have (something) carried off or taken away ; to drive away  |
अपवाह | m. "carrying off (water)", a channel  |
अपवाह | m. "carrying off" See vasiṣṭhāpavāha-, deduction, subtraction  |
अपवाह | m. Name of a metre  |
अपवाह | m. of a people.  |
अपवाहक | m. deduction, subtraction.  |
अपवाहन | n. carrying off  |
अपवाहन | n. subtraction.  |
अपवक्तृ | m. "speaking away", warning off, averting  |
अपवक्त्र | n. a kind of metre (confer, compare apara-- v-),  |
अपवक्त्रक | n. a kind of metre (confer, compare apara-- v-),  |
अपवंश | m. the hairless upper part of an elephant's tail,  |
अपवन | mfn. without air, sheltered from wind.  |
अपवन | n. a grove  |
अपवप् | (subjunctive 2. sg. -vapas-[ -vapa-]; imperfect tense 2. sg. -/avapas-,3. sg. -/avapat-) to disperse, drive off, destroy  |
अपवरक | m. an inner apartment, lying in chamber  |
अपवरण | n. covering  |
अपवरण | n. garment  |
अपवारण | n. covering, concealment  |
अपवर्ग | m. completion, end (exempli gratia, 'for example' pañcāpavarga-,coming to an end in five days) etc.  |
अपवर्ग | m. the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration  |
अपवर्ग | m. opp. to svarga- (in philosophy)  |
अपवर्ग | m. final beatitude etc.  |
अपवर्ग | m. gift, donation  |
अपवर्ग | m. restriction (of a rule)  |
अपवर्ग | m. shooting off (an arrow),  |
अपवर्गद | mf(ā-)n. conferring final beatitude.  |
अपवर्गमार्ग | m. the path of emancipation,  |
अपवारित | mfn. covered, concealed etc.  |
अपवारितकेन | ind. equals apa-vāritam-.  |
अपवारितम् | ind. (in theatrical language) secretly, apart, aside (speaking so that only the addressed person may hear, opposed to prakāśam-)  |
अपवर्जन | n. completion, discharging a debt or obligation  |
अपवर्जन | n. transmitting, giving in marriage (a daughter)  |
अपवर्जन | n. final emancipation or beatitude  |
अपवर्जन | n. abandoning  |
अपवर्जन | gift, donation,  |
अपवर्जनवर्जिततैलपूर | see taila-- p- (parasmE-pada 455).  |
अपवर्जनीय | mfn. to be avoided.  |
अपवर्जित | mfn. abandoned, quitted, got rid of, given or cast away  |
अपवर्जित | mfn. made good (as a promise), discharged (as a debt).  |
अपवर्जिततैलपूर | mfn. tailapūra |
अपवर्ज्य | ind.p. excepting, except.  |
अपवर्ण | mfn. faulty or incorrect as to sound,  |
अपवर्त | m. (in arithmetic or algebra) reduction to a common measure  |
अपवर्त | m. the divisor (which is applied to both or either of the quantities of an equation).  |
अपवर्तक | m. a common measure  |
अपवर्तन | n. taking away, removal  |
अपवर्तन | n. ademption  |
अपवर्तन | n. reduction of a fraction to its lowest terms, division without remainder  |
अपवर्तन | n. divisor.  |
अपवर्तिका | f. = nīvi-, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपवर्तित | mfn. taken away  |
अपवर्तित | mfn. removed  |
अपवर्तित | mfn. divided by a common measure without remainder.  |
अपवर्तृ | m. one who opens  |
अपवर्त्य | mfn. to be reduced (by division) to the smallest quantity,  |
अपवार्य | ind. p. equals apa-vāritam-.  |
अपवस् | (subjunctive -ucchat-,Imper. -ucchatu-) to drive off by excessive brightness ; to become extinct  |
अपवास | m. extinction, disappearance , Name of a plant  |
अपवत् | mfn. watery  |
अपवत् | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /ap-.  |
अपवाता | f. a cow which has lost the love for its calf,  |
अपवत्स | mf(ā-)n. having no calf,  |
अपवे | (Imper. 2. sg. -vaya-) to unweave what has been woven  |
अपवेध | m. piercing anything in the wrong direction or manner (spoiling a jewel by so piercing it)  |
अपवेन् | (subjunctive 2 sg. -venas-) to turn away from, be unfavourable to  |
अपवेष्ट् | Caus. -veṣṭayati-, to strip off |
अपवी | -veti-, to turn away from, be unfavourable to  |
अपविच् | cl.7. -vinakti- (imperfect tense /apāvinak-) to single out from, select ; cl.3. -vevekti- idem or 'n. freedom from obstruction '  |
अपविद्ध | See apa-vyadh-. |
अपविद्ध | mfn. pierced  |
अपविद्ध | mfn. thrown away, rejected, dismissed, removed.  |
अपविद्धलोक | mfn. "who has given up the world", dead  |
अपविद्धपुत्र | m. a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted by a stranger  |
अपविद्धपुत्र | m. one of the twelve objects of filiation in law.  |
अपविद्या | f. bad knowledge, ignorance,  |
अपविघ्न | mfn. unobstructed, unimpeded  |
अपविघ्न | n. freedom from obstruction  |
अपविज् | to start away from (accusative), .  |
अपविक्षत | mfn. unwounded (varia lectio)  |
अपवीण | mfn. having a bad or no lute  |
अपवीणा | f. a bad lute  |
अपवीणम् | ind. without a lute  |
अपविपद् | mfn. free from misfortune or calamity, Nalac:  |
अपवीरवत् | mfn. not armed with a lance  |
अपविश् | Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -veśayā-) to send away  |
अपविषा | f. "free from poison", the grass Kyllingia Monocephala.  |
अपविष्णु | ind. except or without viṣṇu-.  |
अपवित्र | mf(ā-)n. impure.  |
अपवित्रडाकिनी | f. a disgusting female imp,  |
अपवृ | (imperfect tense 2. sg. /apāvṛṇos-,3. sg. /apāvṛṇot-; subjunctive -varat-; Aorist 2. and 3. sg. -āvar-[ -avar-],3. sg. A1. -avṛta-; Aorist subjunctive 1. sg. -vam-[for varm- ], 3. sg. -var-,3. plural -vran-,Imper. 2. sg. [in ]once /apa vṛdhi-and five times /apā vṛdhi-[ see apā--1. vṛ-and /apā-vṛta-]; perf. 2. sg. -vav/artha-,3. sg. -vavāra-) to open, uncover, exhibit ; (ind.p. -vṛtya-) ; (see apā--1 vṛ-): Causal -vārayati-,"to hide, conceal" See apa-vārita-.  |
अपव्रज् | to go away  |
अपव्रत | mfn. disobedient, unfaithful  |
अपव्रत | mfn. perverse  |
अपव्रत | mfn. ( additional verse,=) =  |
अपवृज् | A1. -vriṅkte- (Imper. 2 . sg. -vṛṅkṣva-; subjunctive 1. sg. -vṛṇ/ajai-; Aorist P. 3. sg. /apāvṛk-) to turn off, drive off ; to tear off ; (with /adhvānam-) carpere viam ([ ]) ; to leave off, determine, fulfil etc.: Causal -varjayati-, to quit, get rid of ; to sever, turn off from to transmit, bestow, grant  |
अपवृक्त | mfn. finished, completed.  |
अपवृक्तत्व | n. the having finished, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपवृक्ति | f. fulfilment, completion.  |
अपवृत् | to turn away, depart ; to move out from, get out of the way, slip off: Causal P. (Ved. Imper. 2. sg. -vartayā-) to turn or drive away from ; (in arithmetic) to divide ; to reduce to a common measure.  |
अपवृत्त | mfn. reversed, inverted, overturned, finished carried to the end (perhaps for apa-vṛkta-)  |
अपवृत्त | badly conducted, ill-behaved,  |
अपवृत्त | n. (in astronomy) ecliptic.  |
अपवृत्तभाव | m. aversion,  |
अपवृत्ति | f. slipping off, end  |
अपव्यादा | (See vy-ā--1. dā-), to open (the lips)  |
अपव्यध् | (subjunctive 3. dual number -vidhyatām-) to drive away, throw away ; to pierce (with arrows) ; to reject, neglect.  |
अपव्याहार | m. profane or bad language, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपव्याहृ | (Potential -haret-) to speak wrongly or unsuitably  |
अपव्याख्या | f. false explanation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अपव्यापार | mfn. having no occupation or business,  |
अपव्यवस्थ | mfn. unsettled, changing,  |
अपव्यय | m. ( i-), prodigality  |
अपव्ययमान | mfn. See apa-vye-.  |
अपव्ये | P. A1. -vyayati- (1. sg. -vyaye-) to uncover : A1. (pr. p. -vyayamāna-) to extricate one's self, deny  |
अपया | to go away, depart, retire from (ablative).; to fall off: Caus. -yāpayati-, to carry away by violence  |
अपयज् | (i. plural -yajāmasi-) to drive off by means of a sacrifice  |
अपयान | n. retreat, flight  |
अपयान | n. (in astronomy) declination.  |
अपयाण्य | n. (probably wrong reading for apa-- yāpya-),  |
अपयशस् | n. disgrace, infamy.  |
अपयशस्कर | mfn. occasioning infamy, disgraceful.  |
अपयस्य | mfn. without coagulated milk,  |
अपयात | mfn. gone away, having retired.  |
अपयातव्य | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be gone away  |
अपयातव्य | n. possibility of escaping  |
अपयातव्यनय | m. a device for escaping,  |
अपयु | -yuyoti- (Imper. 2. sg. -yuyodhi-,2. plural -yuyotana-) to repel, disjoin  |
अपयुज् | A1. -yuṅkte-, to loose one's self or be loosened from (ablative)  |
अब्दपर्यय | m. the change of the year, .  |
अभयपत्त्र | n. (a modern term) , a written document or paper granting assurance of safety, a safe conduct.  |
अभिज्ञानपत्त्र | n. certificate.  |
अभिन्नपरिकर्माष्टक | n. the eight processes in working whole numbers.  |
अभिप्रपच् | Passive voice -pacyate-,"to get ripe", develop itself  |
अभिप्रपद् | to come towards, reach at, enter into (accusative) etc. ; to resort to (accusative) etc. ; to undertake  |
अभिप्रपन्न | mfn. approached, attained.  |
अभिप्रपश् | (imperfect tense -pr/āpaśyat-) to look out after (accusative)  |
अभिरामपशुपति | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
आभीरपल्लि | f. a station of herdsmen, village inhabited by cowherds only, abode of cowherds etc.  |
आभीरपल्ली | f. a station of herdsmen, village inhabited by cowherds only, abode of cowherds etc.  |
अभिरूपपति | m. "having an agreeable master", (a rite) to secure such a master in the next world  |
अभिसम्प्रपद् | -padyate- (equals abhi-sam-pad-) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (accusative)  |
अभिशपन | n. false accusation, calumny  |
अभित्रिपिष्टप | mfn. being over the three worlds  |
अभियोगपत्त्र | n. a petition or writing of complaint.  |
अभ्रपथ | m. sky, atmosphere  |
अभ्याहितपशु | m. a present or duty (usual in some districts of India)  |
अभ्याहितपशु | m. (varia lectio abhyarhitapaśu-.)  |
अभ्यपक्रम् | -kram-, -krāmati-, to go away towards (accusative) ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -/apakramīs-) to come up to |
अभ्यपश्रि | A1. to retire towards (accusative)  |
अभ्यासपरिवर्तिन् | (for abhyāśa--) mfn. wandering about or near  |
अभ्यवपत् | to fly near  |
अभ्युपपद् | A1. -padyate-, to approach in order to help etc. ; to ask for help ; to furnish with  |
अभ्युपपन्न | mfn. protected, rescued  |
अभ्युपपन्न | mfn. asking for protection or help  |
अभ्युपपन्न | mfn. agreed to, admitted  |
अभ्युपपन्न | mfn. agreeing to.  |
अभ्युपपत्ति | f. approaching in order to assist, protection, defence (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [ ]or with genitive case [ ])  |
अभ्युपपत्ति | f. favour, the conferring of a benefit or kindness  |
अभ्युपपत्ति | f. agreement, assent commentator or commentary on  |
अभ्युपपत्ति | f. impregnation of a woman (especially of a brother's widow, as an act of duty)  |
अभ्युपपत्ति | f. (also) confession of faith,  |
अभ्युपपत्तृ | m. one who approaches to help,  |
अचपल | mfn. not oscillating, not wavering, not fickle  |
अचपल | mfn. unmovable, steady.  |
आचपराच | mf(ā-)n. (fr. /ā cap/arā ca-[ see exempli gratia, 'for example' ]; gaRa mayūravyaṃsakādi- q.v) moving towards and away from (see ācopaca-.)  |
अच्छिन्नपर्ण | mfn. having uninjured leaves  |
अच्छिन्नपत्त्र | mf(ā-)n. (/acchinna--) (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird) , having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured  |
अच्छिन्नपत्त्र | mf(ā-)n. having uninjured leaves  |
अदर्शनपथ | n. a path beyond the reach of vision.  |
अदर्शनपथ | non-admission to (the king's) presence (?), disgrace,  |
आधानपद्धति | f. idem or 'f. Name of work '  |
अधरसपत्न | (/adhara--) mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced  |
अधिकरणमण्डप | m. n. the hall of justice.  |
अध्वपति | m. lord of the roads  |
आढ्यपदि | ind., (gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi- q.v)  |
अध्यपविच् | -vin/akti-, to put into by singling out from  |
अध्यर्धपण्य | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half paṇa-.  |
अध्ययनतपसी | n. dual number study and penance.  |
आदित्यपर्णिका | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपर्णिन् | m. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपर्णिनी | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra.  |
आदित्यपत्त्र | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
अदृष्टपरसामर्थ्य | m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy.  |
अघोरपथिन् | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
अग्नीषोमीयपशु | m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to agni- and soma-  |
अग्नीषोमीयपश्वनुष्ठान | n. the rite connected with that victim at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
अग्नितपस् | mfn. hot as fire, glowing  |
अग्रपर्णी | f. cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens.  |
अग्र्यतपस् | m. Name of a muni-  |
आहूतप्रपलायिन् | m. a defendant or witness absconding or not appearing when summoned  |
अइकपदिक | mfn. (fr. eka-pada-), belonging to a simple word  |
अइकपदिक | mfn. consisting of single words |
अइकपद्य | n. (See the last) unity of words, the state of being one word on  |
अइकपत्य | n. (fr. eka-pati-), sovereignty of one, absolute monarchy  |
अइष्टिकपौर्तिक | mfn. connected with sacrifices and with doing good works (not included under the head of sacrifices) , (antarvedikaṃ bahirveḍikaṃ ca- )  |
अजप | m. a goat-herd.  |
अजप | m. ( jap-), one who does not repeat prayers  |
अजप | m. a reciter of heterodox works  |
अजप | m. See 1. aj/a-.  |
अजपद | mfn. goat-footed.  |
अजपथ | m. "goat's road", probably = aja-vīthī- q.v  |
आजपथिक | mfn. fr. aja-patha- (q.v) commentator or commentary  |
आजपथिक | etc. See āja-.  |
अजातपक्ष | mfn. having undeveloped wings.  |
अजिनपत्त्रा | f. a bat.  |
अजिनपत्त्रि | f. a bat.  |
अजिनपत्त्रिका | f. a bat.  |
आज्यप | mfn. drinking the clarified butter  |
आज्यप | m. plural a class of Manes (who are the sons of pulastya-[ ] or of kardama-[ ]and the ancestors of the vaiśya- order).  |
अकामसंज्ञपन | n. unintentional killing of a victim before a sacrifice,  |
अकनिष्ठप | m. a Buddhist king  |
आकाशपथ | m. a way or road through the atmosphere  |
आकाशपथिक | m. "sky-traveller", the sun  |
आखुकर्णपर्णिका | f. "Myosotis", the plant Salvinia Cucullata  |
आकीटपतंगपिपीलकम् | ind. down to worms (and) flying insects (and) ants,  |
आक्रीडपर्वत | m. idem or 'm. a pleasure-hill '  |
अकृष्टपच्य | mfn. ripening in unploughed land, growing wild  |
अकृष्टपच्य | mfn. (said of the earth) giving fruits without having been ploughed  |
अक्षक्षपण | m. Name of a gambler  |
अक्षपद् | m. (probably)"having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet" , Name of the philosopher gautama-  |
अक्षपद् | m. see ākṣapāda-.  |
अक्षपराजय | m. defeat in gambling |
अक्षपरि | ind. with exception of a single die  |
अक्षपटल | n. court of law  |
अक्षपटल | n. depository of legal document  |
आक्षपटलिक | m. (fr. akṣa-paṭala- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 3. akṣa-) a keeper of archives or records.  |
अक्षरपङ्क्ति | mfn. containing five syllables  |
अक्षरपङ्क्ति | f. Name of a metre of four lines, each containing one dactyl and one spondee  |
अक्षरपङ्क्ति | f. also called paṅkti- or haṃsa-.  |
अक्षावपन | n. a dice-board  |
आक्षिकपण | m. a stake, bet  |
अलब्धपद | mfn. one who has found no place in or has made no impression upon (locative case),  |
आलम्बनपरीक्षा | mfn. Name of work  |
आलपन | n. speaking to, conversation  |
अलपत् | mfn. not chattering, not speaking nonsense  |
आलोकपथ | m. line of sight, range of vision  |
अल्पपद्म | n. the red lotus  |
अल्पपरिच्छद | mfn. possessing little property, poor, (conjectural)  |
अल्पपरीवार | mfn. having a small retinue.  |
अल्पपशु | (/alpa--) mfn. having a small number of cattle  |
अल्पपत्त्र | m. "having little leaves", Name of a plant (a species of the tulasi-)  |
अल्पपत्त्री | f. the plants Curculigo Orchioides and Anethum Sowa  |
अमद्यप | mfn. not drinking intoxicating liquors |
अमद्यपमद्यत् | mfn. being (inebriated or) joyful without (having drunk) any intoxicating liquor  |
अमलपक्षविहंगम | m. a swan,  |
अमलपतत्रिन् | m. the wild goose  |
अमरप | m. "lord of the gods", Name of indra-  |
अमरपर्वत | m. Name of a mountain  |
अमरपति | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the gods", Name of indra- '  |
अमतपदार्थ | mfn. having an unacceptable second sense  |
अम्लपनस | m. the tree Artocarpus Lacucha Roxb.  |
अम्लपञ्चक | n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.  |
अम्लपञ्चफल | n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.  |
अम्लपत्त्र | m. the plant Oxalis and other plants.  |
आम्नायपर | mfn. honouring sacred tradition,  |
अमोघपतन | mfn. "not falling in vain", reaching the aim  |
आम्रपञ्चम | m. a particular rāga- (in music).  |
अमृन्मयप | ([PBr.]) (/a-mṛn-maya--) ([ ]) mfn. equals /a mṛt-pātra-pa-.  |
अमृन्मयपयिन् | (/a-mṛn-maya--) ([ ]) mfn. equals /a mṛt-pātra-pa-.  |
अमृतप | mfn. drinking nectar  |
अमृतप | m. Name of a dānava- Name of viṣṇu-  |
अमृतपक्ष | m. the immortal wing (of sacrificial fire)  |
अमृतपक्ष | mfn. (equals h/iraṇya-pakṣa- q.v) having golden wings  |
अमृताष्टमीतपस् | n. Name of work  |
अमृत्पात्रप | mfn. not drinking from a clay vessel  |
आनन्दपट | m. a bridal garment  |
अनन्यपरायण | mfn. devoted to no other,  |
अनप | mfn. destitute of water  |
अनपचायितृ | mfn. not revering,  |
अनपचाय्यमान | mfn. not being revered,  |
अनपच्युत | mfn. not falling off, holding fast (a yoke)  |
अनपच्युत | mfn. never dropping off, keeping to or faithful for ever  |
अनपदेश | m. an invalid argument.  |
अनपधृष्य | ind.p. not having overpowered  |
अनपदोष्य | mfn. not to be wasted,  |
अनपग | ([ ]) or an-apag/a- ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. not departing from (ablative or in compound)  |
अनपहनन | n. not repelling from  |
अनपहतपाप्मन् | mfn. (said of the pitṛ-s to distinguish them from the deva-s) not freed from evil  |
अनपजय्यम् | ind. ( ji-), so that its victorious character cannot be reversed  |
अनपकार | m. harmlessness.  |
अनपकरण | n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.  |
अनपकारिन् | mfn. not harming, innocuous.  |
अनपकर्मन् | n. idem or 'n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.'  |
अनपकर्ष | m. ( kṛṣ-) non-degradation, superiority.  |
अनपक्रम | m. not going away.  |
अनपक्राम | m. not retreating or withdrawing from  |
अनपक्रमिन् | mfn. not departing from  |
अनपक्रमिन् | mfn. devoted, attached to.  |
अनपक्रामुक | mf(/ā-)n. not running away  |
अनपक्रिया | f. equals an-apakaraṇa-  |
अनपकृत | mfn. unharmed  |
अनपकृत | n. no offence  |
अनपक्षेप्य | mfn. not to be rejected,  |
अनपलाषुक | mfn. not thirsty  |
अनपनिहितम् | ind. without leaving out anything  |
अनपर | mfn. without another  |
अनपर | mfn. having no follower  |
अनपर | mfn. single, sole (as Name of brahma-)  |
अनपराद्ध | mfn. one who has not injured anybody  |
अनपराद्ध | mfn. faultless  |
अनपराद्धम् | ind. without injury  |
अनपराध | m. innocence, innocuousness  |
अनपराध | mfn. innocent, faultless  |
अनपराध | mfn. free from defects.  |
अनपराधत्व | n. freedom from fault.  |
अनपराधिन् | mfn. innocent.  |
अनपरुद्ध | mfn. unexcluded,  |
अनपसर | mfn. "having no hole to creep out of", inexcusable, unjustifiable  |
अनपसर | m. a usurper  |
अनपसरण | n. not leaving a place or withdrawing from it  |
अनपस्फुर् | ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
अनपस्फुर | ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
अनपस्फुरत् | ([ ]) mfn. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
अनपस्पृश् | mfn. not refusing, not obstinate  |
अनपत्रप | mfn. shameless. |
अनपत्रपा | f. shamelessness, .  |
आनपत्य | mfn. (fr. an-apatya-), proceeding from childlessness  |
अनपत्य | mf(ā-)n. childless  |