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Grammar Search
"antare" has 7 results
antare: masculine nominative plural stem: antara
antare: neuter nominative dual stem: antara
antare: feminine nominative dual stem: antara
antare: neuter accusative dual stem: antara
antare: feminine accusative dual stem: antara
antare: masculine locative singular stem: antara
antare: neuter locative singular stem: antara
Amarakosha Search
2 results
antarā2.4.10MasculineSingularantareṇa, antare
pṛthag2.4.2MasculineSingularhiruk, nānā, vinā, antareṇa, ṛte
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for antare
antareind. amidst, among, between View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antareind. with regard to, for the sake of, on account of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antareṇaind. amidst, between View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antareṇaind. (with accusative) within, between, amidst, during View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antareṇaind. except, without, with regard to, with reference to, on account of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antareṣam. the space between the two shafts of a carriage, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaṅgyantareṇaind. in an indirect manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaṅgyantareṇaind. in another manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimanvantareind. in each Manv-antara. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaṇmāsābhyantareind. with in the space of six months View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
antare अन्तरे Between, amidst, amongst &c.; see अन्तर (1).
antare अन्तरे रेण See under अन्तर
antareṇa अन्तरेण ind. 1 (Used as a preposition with acc. P. II.3.4 अन्तरान्तरेण युक्ते) (a) Except, without, leaving; हरिमन्तरेण न सुखम् Sk.; क इदानीं सहकारमन्तरेण पल्लवितामतिमुक्त- लतां सहते Ś.3; क्रियान्तरान्तरायमन्तरेण आर्यं द्रष्टुमिच्छमि Mu.3 without interfering with any other duty; न राजापराधम- न्तरेण प्रजास्वकालमृत्युश्चरति U.2; मार्मिकः को मरन्दानामन्तरेण मधुव्रतम् Bv.1.117. (b) With regard or reference to, with respect to, about, towards, on account of; अथ भवन्तमन्तरेण कीदृशो$स्या दृष्टिरागः Ś.2; तदस्या देवीं वसुमतीमन्तरेण महदुपालम्भनं गतो$स्मि Ś.5; किं नु खलु मामन्तरेण चिन्तयति वैशंपायनः K.178; छलितं नाम नाट्यमन्तरेण कीदृशी मालविका M.2 how M. is faring or progressing in the dance &c.; ततस्तया भवतो$विनयमन्तरेण परिगृहीतार्था कृता देवी M.4. (c) Within, inside, into (मध्ये). (d) Between, (उभयोर्मध्ये); त्वां मां चान्तरेणकमण्डलुः Mbh.; अन्तरेण हवनीयं गार्हपत्यं च Śat. Br.; अन्तरेण स्तनौ वा भ्रुवौ वा विमृज्यात् ibid.; Śi.3.3. (e) During, amidst. -2 (Used as an adverb) (a) between, amidst; यावद्वा मक्षिकायाः पत्त्रं तावानन्तरेणावकाशः Śat. Br. (b) At heart, अन्तरेण सुस्निग्धा एषा Mk.1. अन्तरालम् antarālam अन्तरालकम् antarālakam अन्तरालम् अन्तरालकम् [अन्तरं व्यवधानसीमां आराति गृह्णाति, आरा-क, रस्य लत्वम्] 1 Intermediate space or region or time, interval; दंष्ट्रान्तराललग्न K.3; आस्यान्तरालनिःसृतेन Dk.143; दिड्नामान्यन्तराले P.II.2.26; दक्षिणस्याः पूर्वस्याश्च दिशोरन्तरालं दक्षिणपूर्वा Sk.; Śi.9.2; पयोधरान्तरालम् K.83; रागलज्जान्तरालवर्तिभिरीक्षणविशेषैः Dk.17,143 half way betwixt love and bashfulness; प्रतिमानं प्रतिच्छाया गजदन्तान्तरालयोः Trik.; oft. used for 'room' or 'space' in general; त्रस्तजनदत्तान्तरालया राजवीथ्या Dk.15; भुवनान्तरालविप्रकीर्णेन शाखासञ्चयेन K.2,162; अन्तराले in midway; in the midle; or middst; in the interval; बाष्पाम्भः- परिपतनोद्गमान्तराले in the interval between the dropping down and starting up of tears; U.1.31; Māl.9.14; अहमागच्छन्नन्तराले महता सिंहेन अभिहितः Pt.1; कंचित्पुरुषमन्तराल एवावलम्ब्य Dk.15; न मयान्येन वान्तराले दृष्टा Dk.123. -2 Interior, inside, inner or middle part; छिद्रीकृतान्तरालम् Dk.148; विषमीकृतान्तरालया K.223. -3 Mixed tribe or caste (संकीर्णवर्ण); वर्णानां सान्तरालानां स सदाचार इष्यते. -Comp. -दिश् f. the intermediate point of the compass, such as, north-east &c.
Macdonell Search
1 result
bhaṅgi f. breaking; bend, curve; crooked path, circuitous way; circumlocution, roundabout way of speaking or acting; manner, method; way of dressing, fashion, costume; disguise, semblance, of (--°ree;); figure; step; wave: -bhûta, pp. resembling (--°ree;), -½antarena, in. in another way; in an indirect manner.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results3 results
antareme nabhasī ghoṣo astu AVś.5.20.7a; AVP.9.27.8a.
antareṇa mā saṃcāriṣṭa Apś.1.12.12.
antareṇānūkāśam TS.; KSA.13.2. See under anukāśena.
Vedabase Search
201 results
antare at that periodSB 4.1.8
antare betweenBG 5.27-28
antare by an intervalSB 5.24.6
antare duringMM 5
SB 10.47.42
antare in the heartCC Antya 1.148
CC Madhya 2.52
antare in the manvantara, the time of one ManuSB 9.16.25
antare in the mindCC Adi 17.132
antare insideCC Madhya 19.64
antare Manu's periodSB 8.13.11
antare manvantaraSB 8.1.3
antare of the ManuSB 4.1.35
antare opportunitySB 10.64.22
antare reign of ManuSB 12.8.15
antare rule of ManuSB 10.85.47
SB 12.6.48-49
antare the manvantaraSB 4.30.49
antare to the distanceSB 10.37.4
antare withinCC Adi 14.56
CC Adi 5.69
CC Antya 1.178
CC Antya 15.58
CC Antya 17.17
CC Madhya 14.195
CC Madhya 3.126
CC Madhya 5.35
SB 8.1.28
antare within herselfCC Adi 14.30
CC Madhya 15.65
antare within HimselfCC Adi 11.10
CC Adi 16.22
CC Antya 16.102
CC Antya 3.18
CC Madhya 4.110
antare within himselfCC Madhya 7.24
antare within his heartCC Antya 13.110
CC Antya 6.23
antare within His heartCC Madhya 16.138
antare within My heartCC Antya 17.57
antare within the heartCC Adi 4.238
CC Antya 12.60
CC Antya 19.104
CC Antya 3.66
CC Antya 6.4
CC Antya 7.168
CC Madhya 14.198
CC Madhya 14.20
CC Madhya 15.120
CC Madhya 16.239
CC Madhya 16.37
CC Madhya 16.81
antare within the mindCC Madhya 1.205
CC Madhya 9.252
CC Madhya 9.253
CC Madhya 9.273
antare within the periodSB 6.4.1-2
antare within their mindsCC Antya 15.42
antare-bāhire internally and externallyCC Antya 9.5
antare-bāhire internally and externallyCC Antya 9.5
antareṇa apart fromSB 12.4.40
antareṇa betweenSB 10.10.26
antareṇa by the region betweenCC Madhya 24.206
antareṇa from betweenSB 5.25.3
antareṇa in betweenSB 10.15.8
antareṇa in the intervening spaceSB 5.21.2
antareṇa which is controlled and withdrawnSB 10.14.2
antareṇa withinSB 5.17.6
antareṇa within one's selfSB 5.4.18
antareṇa withoutCC Madhya 2.58
SB 11.20.3
SB 3.31.15
antareṇa without (negating)SB 10.14.28
antarera abhimāna internal prideCC Antya 7.117
antarera abhimāna internal prideCC Antya 7.117
antareṣu during the reign of each ManuSB 11.4.20
dyāv-ā-pṛthivyoḥ antareṇa between the upper and lower portions of the universeSB 5.22.5
abhyantare to the private houseCC Madhya 1.181
abhyantare within the roomCC Madhya 1.282
abhyantare within the houseCC Madhya 6.31
abhyantare insideCC Madhya 11.130
abhyantare gelā entered His roomCC Antya 2.121
abhyantare in the interior roomsCC Antya 6.155
ānanda antare was very pleased within HimselfCC Madhya 3.64
anantare immediately followingSB 10.51.63
anantare immediately afterCC Adi 17.9
dola anantare after the Dola-yātrāCC Antya 1.216
yātrā-anantare after the Ratha-yātrāCC Antya 7.80
antara-antare dispersed amongSB 10.16.18
avidyāyām antare in ignoranceSB 5.5.17
jāti-antare belonging to a different species of lifeSB 5.8.26
nakṣatra-antare in different starsSB 5.22.2
rāśi-antare in different signsSB 5.22.2
ekādaśa-lakṣa-yojana-antare at a distance of 1,100,000 yojanasSB 5.22.17
sahasra-antare at an interval of one thousandSB 5.25.1
etasmin antare after this incidentSB 8.8.41-46
antara-antare dispersed amongSB 10.16.18
stana-antare in the middle of his chestSB 10.78.8
yuga-manu-antare in the ages and millenniums of ManuCC Adi 5.113
cintita-antare anxiety within myselfCC Adi 8.73
varṣa-antare at the end of the yearCC Madhya 1.138
ānanda antare was very pleased within HimselfCC Madhya 3.64
bāhya-antare externally and internallyCC Madhya 9.134
varṣa-antare after one yearCC Madhya 16.73
grāma-antare in a different villageCC Madhya 18.31
grāma-antare in a different villageCC Madhya 18.44
sphuraye antare manifests withinCC Madhya 19.236
gokula-antare in the domain of Gokula VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 20.401
pradhāna-parama-vyomnoḥ antare between the material world and the spiritual worldCC Madhya 21.50
vāñchā-antare because of a different ambitionCC Madhya 24.27
yatna-antare in another effortCC Madhya 24.67
vyākula-antare very much pained within himselfCC Madhya 24.233
bāḍaye antare increases withinCC Madhya 24.243
janma-janma-antare life after lifeCC Madhya 24.251
bāhire-antare externally and internallyCC Madhya 25.125
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 2.75
varṣa-antare at the end of the yearCC Antya 2.162
sa-roṣa-antare in an angry moodCC Antya 4.157
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 6.266
santoṣa antare satisfied withinCC Antya 6.325
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 7.3
deśa-antare in other statesCC Antya 7.58
dina-antare another dayCC Antya 7.170
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 10.3
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 16.4
janma-antare in his past lifeCC Antya 16.143
vṛndāvana-antare in the forest of VṛndāvanaCC Antya 20.157
janma-janma-antare in repeated rebirthsMM 24
dyāv-ā-pṛthivyoḥ antareṇa between the upper and lower portions of the universeSB 5.22.5
yojana-ayuta-antareṇa with an interval of ten thousand yojanas (eighty thousand miles)SB 5.24.7
daśana-antareṣu between the teethBG 11.26-27
manu-antareṣu after the dissolution of each and every ManuSB 3.11.25
manu-antareṣu in each change of ManuSB 3.11.27
pradeśa-antareṣu in different locationsSB 5.22.2
avidyāyām antare in ignoranceSB 5.5.17
yojana-ayuta-antareṇa with an interval of ten thousand yojanas (eighty thousand miles)SB 5.24.7
bāḍaye antare increases withinCC Madhya 24.243
bāhire-antare externally and internallyCC Madhya 25.125
bāhya-antare externally and internallyCC Madhya 9.134
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
caudda-manvantare in the duration of fourteen ManusCC Madhya 20.391
cintita-antare anxiety within myselfCC Adi 8.73
daśana-antareṣu between the teethBG 11.26-27
deśa-antare in other statesCC Antya 7.58
dina-antare another dayCC Antya 7.170
dola anantare after the Dola-yātrāCC Antya 1.216
dyāv-ā-pṛthivyoḥ antareṇa between the upper and lower portions of the universeSB 5.22.5
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
ekādaśa-lakṣa-yojana-antare at a distance of 1,100,000 yojanasSB 5.22.17
etasmin antare after this incidentSB 8.8.41-46
abhyantare gelā entered His roomCC Antya 2.121
gokula-antare in the domain of Gokula VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 20.401
grāma-antare in a different villageCC Madhya 18.31
grāma-antare in a different villageCC Madhya 18.44
janma-janma-antare life after lifeCC Madhya 24.251
janma-janma-antare life after lifeCC Madhya 24.251
janma-antare in his past lifeCC Antya 16.143
janma-janma-antare in repeated rebirthsMM 24
janma-janma-antare in repeated rebirthsMM 24
jāti-antare belonging to a different species of lifeSB 5.8.26
ekādaśa-lakṣa-yojana-antare at a distance of 1,100,000 yojanasSB 5.22.17
manu-antareṣu after the dissolution of each and every ManuSB 3.11.25
manu-antareṣu in each change of ManuSB 3.11.27
yuga-manu-antare in the ages and millenniums of ManuCC Adi 5.113
manvantare during the change of manvantaras (one Manu following another)SB 8.1.2
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
caudda-manvantare in the duration of fourteen ManusCC Madhya 20.391
manvantareṣu in different incarnations of ManuSB 2.7.20
manvantareṣu in the reign of each ManuSB 8.14.1
nakṣatra-antare in different starsSB 5.22.2
nirantare constantlyCC Adi 4.149
nirantare constantlyCC Madhya 9.22
pradhāna-parama-vyomnoḥ antare between the material world and the spiritual worldCC Madhya 21.50
pradeśa-antareṣu in different locationsSB 5.22.2
pradhāna-parama-vyomnoḥ antare between the material world and the spiritual worldCC Madhya 21.50
dyāv-ā-pṛthivyoḥ antareṇa between the upper and lower portions of the universeSB 5.22.5
rāśi-antare in different signsSB 5.22.2
sa-roṣa-antare in an angry moodCC Antya 4.157
sa-roṣa-antare in an angry moodCC Antya 4.157
sahasra-antare at an interval of one thousandSB 5.25.1
santaret can swimCC Adi 9.1
santoṣa antare satisfied withinCC Antya 6.325
sphuraye antare manifests withinCC Madhya 19.236
stana-antare in the middle of his chestSB 10.78.8
vāñchā-antare because of a different ambitionCC Madhya 24.27
varṣa-antare at the end of the yearCC Madhya 1.138
varṣa-antare after one yearCC Madhya 16.73
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 2.75
varṣa-antare at the end of the yearCC Antya 2.162
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 6.266
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 7.3
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 10.3
varṣa-antare the next yearCC Antya 16.4
vṛndāvana-antare in the forest of VṛndāvanaCC Antya 20.157
vyākula-antare very much pained within himselfCC Madhya 24.233
pradhāna-parama-vyomnoḥ antare between the material world and the spiritual worldCC Madhya 21.50
yatna-antare in another effortCC Madhya 24.67
yātrā-anantare after the Ratha-yātrāCC Antya 7.80
ekādaśa-lakṣa-yojana-antare at a distance of 1,100,000 yojanasSB 5.22.17
yojana-ayuta-antareṇa with an interval of ten thousand yojanas (eighty thousand miles)SB 5.24.7
yuga-manu-antare in the ages and millenniums of ManuCC Adi 5.113
2 results
antare indeclinable amidst (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
among (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
between (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
for the sake of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
on account of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
with regard to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8550/72933
antareṇa indeclinable with the exception of ... without
Frequency rank 6479/72933
Wordnet Search
"antare" has 2 results.


abhyantare, antaḥ, antarā, madhye   

kasya api nirdhāritasya samayasya athavā sthānasya sīmāyāḥ pūrvaṃ vā।

ahaṃ dvi-ghaṇṭāyāḥ abhyantare eva āgacchāmi।


vinā, ṛte, antareṇa, antarā, pari, parihāpya, apa   

ekaṃ varjayitvā।

bhagavatā vinā anyaḥ kaḥ api śaraṇyaḥ nāsti।

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