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Grammar Search
"antaram" has 3 results
antaram: neuter nominative singular stem: antara
antaram: masculine accusative singular stem: antara
antaram: neuter accusative singular stem: antara
Amarakosha Search
5 results
bata3.3.252MasculineSingularārambhaḥ, praśnaḥ, kārtsnyam, maṅgalam, anantaram
abhyantaramNeuterSingularantarālamincluded space
nirantaram3.1.66MasculineSingularsāndram, ghanam
Monier-Williams Search
16 results for antaram
antaramind. in the interior, within ([ confer, compare Gothic anthar,Themeanthara; Lithuanian antra-s,"the second"; Latin alter]). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyantaramind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') into View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhyantaramind. inside. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantaramind. immediately after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
athānantaramind. now. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirantaramind. closely, tightly, firmly, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirantaramind. constantly, continually etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirantaramind. immediately, at once View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimanvantaramind. in each Manv-antara. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyanantaramind. immediately after (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyanantaramind. next in succession View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanantaramind. immediately behind or after (genitive case or ablative or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanantaramind. immediately upon that, thereupon, then (corresponding to prāk-,"before" ;to prathamam-,"first" ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatsamanantaramind. immediately upon that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatsamanantaramind. see tadanant-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyasanānantaramind. immediately after misfortune View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
4 results
tulyākṛti a. having a like ap pearance; -½antaram, ad. with equal intervals; -½artha, a. equally rich; -½avastha, a. placed in a like condition with (g.).
bhuja m. arm; trunk (of an elephant); branch; curve, coil (of a serpent): bhugayor antaram, n. space between the arms, chest.
yamaka a. double, twofold; n. double bandage; repetition of syllables iden tical in sound but different in meaning, paro nomasia; -kimkara, m. Yama's servant, messenger of death; -ketu, m. Yama's flag, sign of death; -kshaya, m. Yama's abode; -gâth&asharp;, f. verse treating of Yama; -griha, n. Yama's abode; -ghna, a. destroying death, ep. of Vishnu; -ga, a. twin-born; m. du. twins; -gâta, pp.: -ka, a., m. id.;-gihvâ, f. (Yama's tongue), N. of a procuress; -tâ, f. condition of Yama: -m yâ, become the god of death to, cause the death of (g.); -tvá, n. id.; -damshtra, m. N. of an Asura, of a Râkshasa, and of a warrior; -damshtrâ, f.Yama's tooth: -½antaram gata, having en tered the jaws of death; -danda, m. Yama's rod; -dis, f. Yama's quarter, south; -dûtá, m. Yama's messenger; (á)-devata, a. having Yama as a deity; -dhânî, f. Yama's abode.
śeṣa m. n. [√ sish] remainder, resi- due, rest of (g., lc., --°ree;); issue, result (rare); token of recognition (rare); secondary matter, accident; supplement; --°ree; a. of whom or which -only (-mâtra being sts. added) is left: lc. seshe, for the rest; in every other case; se she râtrau, during the remainder of the night; iti seshah (very common in commen tators), the words -must be supplied to com plete the sense; a. remaining (pl.the rest); w. a pp. in ab., but gnly. °ree;--, e. g. desântaram prâyâtebhyo ye seshâs te, the few (remain ing over from those who had gone =) who had not gone to another country, hata-seshâh, the few who had not been slain; last, last mentioned; m. N. of a serpent supporting the earth and forming the couch of Vishnu during his sleep.
Vedabase Search
82 results
antaram besides MeSB 6.4.47
antaram betweenBG 11.20
SB 10.70.3
SB 4.17.16
antaram differenceSB 11.26.21
SB 4.28.63
SB 7.14.9
antaram distinctionSB 3.15.33
antaram in betweenSB 2.2.21
SB 3.6.29
SB 5.20.43
antaram in this millenniumSB 8.5.1
antaram insideSB 10.82.45
SB 11.9.13
SB 8.1.12
antaram internalSB 3.26.34
antaram internallySB 10.30.4
antaram opportunitySB 10.57.3
antaram the differenceBG 13.35
antaram the manvantaraSB 8.13.29
antaram the right opportunitySB 10.86.8
antaram withinCC Madhya 25.130
SB 2.7.7
antaram within the roomSB 10.9.6
anantaram thereafterBG 12.12
tat-anantaram thereafterBG 18.55
anantaram constantlySB 4.12.7
anantaram without delaySB 4.19.28
anantaram after deathSB 4.28.28
anantaram without interior, unbrokenSB 5.12.11
anantaram after thatSB 7.2.4-5
anantaram as soon as possibleSB 7.3.12
anantaram immediately followingSB 10.51.33
anantaram immediately followingSB 10.52.44
anantaram after thatSB 11.17.37
svāyambhuva-antaram the change of the period of Svāyambhuva ManuSB 1.3.12
sva-antaram his own periodSB 3.22.36
tat-antaram in that Manu's periodSB 4.1.9
loka-antaram into a different lifeSB 4.28.18
manu-antaram up to the end of one ManuSB 4.28.31
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
tat-antaram after thatSB 6.18.61
pravara-antaram differences between one anotherSB 9.16.37
deha-antaram transferring bodiesSB 10.1.8
deha-antaram another body (made of material elements)SB 10.1.39
bahiḥ antaram within the external and internalSB 10.3.14
drumayoḥ antaram between the two treesSB 10.11.26
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
vivara-antaram withinSB 12.4.13
manu-antaram the reign of each ManuSB 12.7.15
daśā-antaram another lampCC Madhya 20.316
daśā-antaram another lampBs 5.46
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
bahiḥ antaram within the external and internalSB 10.3.14
daśā-antaram another lampCC Madhya 20.316
daśā-antaram another lampBs 5.46
deha-antaram transferring bodiesSB 10.1.8
deha-antaram another body (made of material elements)SB 10.1.39
dhānvantaram the incarnation of Godhead named DhanvantariSB 1.3.17
drumayoḥ antaram between the two treesSB 10.11.26
loka-antaram into a different lifeSB 4.28.18
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
manu-antaram up to the end of one ManuSB 4.28.31
manu-antaram the reign of each ManuSB 12.7.15
manvantaram the duration of time until the end of the life of one ManuSB 7.10.11
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
nirantaram nondifferentSB 3.25.17
nirantaram with no material qualitiesSB 4.6.42
nirantaram incessantlySB 4.21.36
nirantaram continuouslySB 6.9.39
nirantaram constantlySB 8.8.18
nirantaram relentlesslySB 10.50.23
nirantaram constantlyBs 5.59
nirantaram ceaselesslyBs 5.61
pravara-antaram differences between one anotherSB 9.16.37
sva-antaram his own periodSB 3.22.36
svāyambhuva-antaram the change of the period of Svāyambhuva ManuSB 1.3.12
tat-anantaram thereafterBG 18.55
tat-antaram in that Manu's periodSB 4.1.9
tat-antaram after thatSB 6.18.61
asura-udara-antaram within the belly of the great demonSB 10.12.26
vivara-antaram withinSB 12.4.13
Wordnet Search
"antaram" has 16 results.


vyavakalanam, vyavakalitam, antaram, varjanam   

kasyāḥ api saṅkhyāyāḥ anyasyāḥ saṅkhyāyāḥ nyūnīkaraṇam।

vyavakalanād anantaraṃ catvāraḥ iti uttaraṃ prāptam।


kendra binduḥ, kendram, madhya-binduḥ, nābhiḥ, madhyam, madhyaḥ, madhyasthānam, madhyasthalam, garbhaḥ, udaram, abhyantaram, hṛdayam   

kasyāpi vṛttasya paridheḥ paṅkteḥ vā yāthārthena madhye vartamāno binduḥ।

asya vṛttasya kendrabinduṃ chindantīṃ rekhāṃ likhatu।


avadhiḥ, kālāntaram, kālāvadhiḥ, antaram   

kārya samāpanārtham samprāptaḥ kālaḥ।

ṛṇapratyarpaṇāya bhavate caturṇāṃ dinānām avadhiḥ dīyate।


paścāt, tatpaścāt, tadanantaram, anantaram, tataḥ param, param, aparam, parastāt, uttarataḥ, tataḥ   


asya kāryasya siddheḥ paścāt ahaṃ gṛhaṃ gacchāmi।


aviratam, nirantaram, anavaratam, avicchinnam, prabandhena   

virāmeṇa vinā।

dvau horāṃ yāvat avirataṃ varṣā bhavati।


śeṣaphalam, śeṣaḥ, antaram, avaśiṣṭakam, avasāyaḥ, khilam, parīśeṣaḥ   

kāpi saṅkhyā kayāpi saṅakhyayā nyūnīkṛtya prāptā saṅkhyā।

asya praśnasya śeṣaphalaṃ pañca iti।


anantaram, paścāt   

tataḥ param।

tena aham adhikṣiptaḥ anantaraṃ mayā taṃ tāḍitam।


avadhiḥ, antaram   

niyataḥ kālaḥ।

ghaṭikācatuṣṭayātmake avadhau kāryasya samāpanaṃ kartavyam।


dūratā, antaram, dūratvam, aparatā, apasaraḥ, dūrabhāvaḥ, velā, viprakarṣaḥ, vikarṣaḥ, dūram   

dvayoḥ bindvoḥ vastunaḥ vā madhye vartamānaṃ sthānam।

gṛhāt kāryālayaparyantasya dūratā prāyaḥ ekakilomīṭaraṃ yāvat asti।


antardhā, vyavadhā, antardhiḥ, apavāraṇam, apidhānam, tirodhānam, pidhānam, ācchādanam, antaram   

antardhānakriyā yat viśeṣataḥ devatādīnām bhavati।

bhagavān bhaktāya varaṃ datvā tirodhānaṃ kṛtavān।


antaram, bhedaḥ   

saṅkhādvayayoḥ viśiṣṭaṃ bhinnatvam।

āyavyayayoḥ bhūri antaraṃ vartate ataḥ kāṭhinyaṃ vartate।


antaḥ, abhyantaram   

kasyām api sīmāyām athavā kasmin api sthāne।

kṛpayā antaḥ praviśatu।



nyāyasiddhante nigrahasthānaviśeṣaḥ।

kṛpayā hetvantarasya paribhāṣāṃ kathayatu।



ekasaptatikānāṃ caturyugānāṃ kālaḥ।

ekaṃ manvantaraṃ brahmaṇaḥ ekasya dinasya caturdaśamaḥ aṃśaḥ iti kathyate।



य़ātrākāle niścitarūpeṇa krāntaḥ adhvā।

pañcāśatamailaparimāṇaṃ yāvat antaraṃ taiḥ ākrāntam।



ekaṃ sthānam ।

siddhimanvantarasya ullekhaḥ praśastyām asti

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