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Grammar Search
"anila" has 1 results
anila: masculine vocative singular stem: anila
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
43 results for anila
anilam. ( an- see Trish anal-), air or wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. the god of wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. one of the forty-nine anila-s or winds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. one of the eight demi-gods, called vasu-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. wind as one of the humors or rasas- of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection referred to disorder of the wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaa kind of sword, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. Name of a ṛṣi- and other persons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. the letter y- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilam. the number forty-nine. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaghnamfn. curing disorders arising from wind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaghnakam. the large tree Terminalia Belerica. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilahan mfn. equals -ghna-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilahṛtmfn. equals -ghna-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilakumāram. plural "wind-princes", a class of deities
anilambham. a kind of meditation, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilambhasamādhim. "unsupported meditation", Name of a peculiar kind of meditation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaparyaya m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaparyāyam. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilaprakṛtimfn. "having an airy or windy nature", Name of the planet Saturn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilasakha ([ ]) m. "the friend of wind"Name of fire. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilasārathi([ ]) m. "the friend of wind"Name of fire. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilavyādhim. derangement of the (internal) wind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilayamf(ā-)n. having no resting-place, restless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anilayanan. no home or refuge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyanilamfn. surpassing the wind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chāttranilayam. "pupils' abode", a college View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dūrejanāntanilayamfn. living far away from men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandhanilaf. a kind of jasmine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pātālanilayam. an inhabitant of pātāla-, an asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pātālanilayam. a serpent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyanilamind. against the wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvanilayamfn. having one's abode everywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaṭcakranilayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śmaśānanilayamfn. dwelling in burning-grounds (śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
spandanilayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrīkaṇṭhanilayam. the district of śrīkaṇṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suranilayam. "abode of the gods", Name of mount meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanilamfn. (fr. 1. vana-) gaRa kāśādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vindhyanilaf. a form of durgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣadharanilayam. abode of snakes, pātāla- or one of the lower regions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣadharanilayam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "containing water", a receptacle of water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yoganilayam. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
anila अनिलः [अनिति जीवति अनेन, अन् इलच् Uṇ.1.54] 1 Wind; वायुरनिलममृतमथेदम् Īśop.17. प्राणानामनिलेन वृत्तिरुचिता Ś.7.12; स सखा दीप इवानिलाहतः Ku.4.3. (The number of winds is 7:- आवहो निवहश्चैव उद्वहः संवहस्तथा । विवहः प्रवहश्चैव परिवाहस्तथैव च ॥ and these are again subdivided into 7 divisions, the total number being 49). -2 The god of wind. -3 One of the subordinate deities, 49 of whom form the class of winds. -4 N. of one of the 8 Vasus, i. e. the fifth. -5 The wind in the body, one of the humours; ˚हन्, ˚हृत्, ˚घ्न. -6 Rheumatism or any disease referred to disorder of the wind. -7 The letter य्. -8 Symbolical expression for the number 49. -9 N. of the lunar asterism स्वाति. -1 N. of Viṣṇu (तस्य प्राणात्मना सर्वदेहधारणात् तथात्वम्). -Comp. -अयनम् way or course of the wind. -अशन, -आशिन् a. [अनिलमश्नातीति] 1 feeding on the wind, fasting. -2 a serpent. आर्जवेन विजानामि नासौ देवो$निलाशन Mb.12.36.5. -अन्तकः (wind-destroying) N. of a plant (Iṅgudī) or अङ्गारपुष्प. -आत्मजः son of the wind, epithet of Bhīma and Hanūmat. -आमयः [अनिलकृतः आमयः शाक. त.] 1 flatulence. -2 rheumatism (वातरोग). -घ्न, -हन्, -हृत् a. curing disorders from wind. -घ्नकः a large tree (बिभीतक) Terminalia Belerica. (Mar. बेहडा). -पर्यायः pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. -प्रकृति a. of a windy nature. (-तिः) N. of the planet Saturn. -भद्रकः a. kind of chariot. With regard to shape the chariots are divided into seven classes - नभस्वद्भद्रक, प्रभञ्जनभद्रक, निवातभद्रक, पवनभद्रक, परिषद्भद्रक, इन्द्रकभद्रक, and अनिलभद्रक Māna.43.112-115. -व्याधिः derangement of the bodily (internal) wind. -सखः, -सारथिः fire (the friend of wind); जनमेजयस्य वो यज्ञे धक्ष्यत्यनिलसारथिः Mb.1.15.1. so ˚बन्धुः.
anilambhasamādhiḥ अनिलम्भसमाधिः 'unsupported meditation; Name of a peculiar kind of meditation (Buddh.).
Macdonell Search
2 results
anila m. wind; Vâyu; vital air (one of the 3 humours of the body); N. of a Râkshasa.
anilaya a. not resting, restless.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results3 results
adhvaryo yeṣāṃ vā anādhṛṣṭāṃ (also anādhṛṣyāṃ, anāptāṃ, anāpyāṃ, anilayāṃ, annapatnīṃ, annādīṃ, apabhayāṃ, apūrvāṃ, abhrātṛvyāṃ, vai kalyāṇīṃ, vai bhadrāṃ) prajāpates tanvaṃ vidvān hotā bhavaty anādhṛṣṭo vai sa hotā bhavati (also anādhṛṣyo, anāpto, anāpyo, and further variations) anādhṛṣṭās te yajamānā bhavanti (also anādhṛṣyās, anāptās, anāpyās, and further variations) # śś.10.19.2. Cf. annādā cānnapatnī etc.
annādā (KB. -dī) cānnapatnī ca bhadrā ca kalyāṇī cānilayā cāpabhayā cānāptā cānāpyā cānādhṛṣyā (KB. -dhṛṣṭā) cāpratidhṛṣyā (KB. cānādhṛṣyā) cāpūrvā cābhrātṛvyā ca # AB.5.25.15--20; KB.27.5; Aś.8.13.13. Cf. adhvaryo yeṣāṃ etc.
kayā śubhā savayasaḥ sanīḍāḥ (śś. sanīlāḥ) # RV.1.165.1a; MS.4.11.3a: 168.6; KS.9.18a; AB.5.16.13; KB.19.9; 24.5; 25.3,11; 26.9; ā.;; śś.15.2.9. Ps: kayā śubhā savayasaḥ Mś.11.2.9; kayā śubhā Aś.6.6.14; 7.3.3; 7.5,6; 8.6.6; 9.8.9,22; 9.6; 10.3; 10.5.22; śś.10.9.12; 11.12; 11.2.4; 11.9; 13.20; 13.5.15; 14.39.9; 84.5; 15.2.9; 7.1; 16.21.31; 23.18; Rvidh.1.26.4. Designated as kayā-śubhīya (sc. sūkta) TS.; MS.2.1.8: 10.8; KS.10.11; 34.4; AB.5.16.14,16; PB.9.4.17; 21.14.5,6; TB.; Aś.7.7.6; 9.8.22; 10.5.22; śś.10.11.12, etc.; Lś.4.10.8; Kś.25.14.18; Apś.14.19.10 (bis). Cf. BṛhD.4.44.
Vedabase Search
78 results
anila airSB 11.12.18
SB 11.21.5
SB 3.32.9
SB 4.1.19
anila and airSB 10.3.33
anila and windSB 10.59.2-3
anila by the demigod controlling the windSB 9.22.26
anila by the windSB 10.29.21-22
SB 10.33.24
SB 10.35.6-7
SB 10.80.38
SB 12.2.21
anila lifeSB 2.9.8
SB 4.28.38
anila like the windSB 10.45.49
SB 9.15.31
anila O windSB 10.90.19
anila of the windSB 5.10.17
anila with the breezeSB 10.32.11-12
anila-agni-dhāraṇām meditation on the fire and airSB 4.4.26
anila-agni-dhāraṇām meditation on the fire and airSB 4.4.26
anila-agni-dhāraṇām meditation on the fire and airSB 4.4.26
anila-āyāmāḥ controlling the breathing processSB 11.18.17
anila-āyāmāḥ controlling the breathing processSB 11.18.17
anila-bhańgī-śiśiratā coolness from the waves of the mild breezesCC Antya 1.160
anila-bhańgī-śiśiratā coolness from the waves of the mild breezesCC Antya 1.160
anila-bhańgī-śiśiratā coolness from the waves of the mild breezesCC Antya 1.160
anila-vega by the force of the windSB 12.4.9
anila-vega by the force of the windSB 12.4.9
anila airSB 10.59.30
SB 11.22.14
SB 12.4.20-21
SB 2.10.43
SB 2.5.26-29
SB 3.5.34
SB 3.6.16
anila and the internal airsSB 6.2.35
anila and vital airSB 11.23.32
anila soothing breezeSB 4.20.25
anila the airSB 3.23.41
SB 5.11.13-14
SB 6.4.34
SB 7.2.43
anila the demigod Anila, who controls airSB 8.10.30-31
anila the life airSB 11.14.35
anila the windSB 10.66.22
SB 11.11.12-13
SB 4.10.16
anila windSB 5.2.14
SB 8.17.23
anilaiḥ and the airSB 8.2.8
anilaiḥ and windsSB 10.26.25
anilaiḥ by the breezesCC Antya 1.158
anilaiḥ by windsSB 3.30.22
anilam a blast of windSB 3.17.13
anilam breezeSB 3.15.17
anilam life airSB 2.2.19
anilam the airSB 3.5.33
anilam the breezeSB 8.2.23-24
anilam the windSB 4.11.20
anilam total reservoir of airIso 17
anilau the prāṇa and apāna airsSB 4.4.25
anilayane not dependent on anything elseSB 5.19.20
cakra-anila whirlwindSB 3.14.25
śvāsa-anila through the breathingSB 8.19.10
paruṣa-anila-śvāsa whose breath was like a warm windSB 10.12.17
jita-anila controlling the life airSB 4.23.7
vṛkaḥ harṣaḥ anilaḥ gṛdhraḥ Vṛka, Harṣa, Anila and GṛdhraSB 10.61.16
malaya-anilau and the refreshing breeze from the Malaya HillsSB 12.8.16
cakra-anila whirlwindSB 3.14.25
vṛkaḥ harṣaḥ anilaḥ gṛdhraḥ Vṛka, Harṣa, Anila and GṛdhraSB 10.61.16
vṛkaḥ harṣaḥ anilaḥ gṛdhraḥ Vṛka, Harṣa, Anila and GṛdhraSB 10.61.16
jita-anila controlling the life airSB 4.23.7
malaya-anilau and the refreshing breeze from the Malaya HillsSB 12.8.16
paruṣa-anila-śvāsa whose breath was like a warm windSB 10.12.17
śvāsa-anila through the breathingSB 8.19.10
paruṣa-anila-śvāsa whose breath was like a warm windSB 10.12.17
vṛkaḥ harṣaḥ anilaḥ gṛdhraḥ Vṛka, Harṣa, Anila and GṛdhraSB 10.61.16
17 results
anila noun (masculine) air or wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any affection referred to disorder of the wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Rṣi and other persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one of the eight demi-gods called Vasus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one of the fortynine Anilas or winds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
paralysis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
rheumatism (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the god of wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the letter y (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number 49 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wind as one of the humors or rasas of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 464/72933
anilaghnaka noun (masculine) the large tree Terminalia Belerica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42995/72933
anilaparyaya noun (masculine) pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42997/72933
anilaputra noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 42998/72933
anilasakha noun (masculine) name of fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31865/72933
anilasuta noun (masculine) name of Hanuman
Frequency rank 31866/72933
anilasāda noun (masculine) Trägheit des Windes
Frequency rank 42999/72933
anilasārathi noun (masculine) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Agni
Frequency rank 26323/72933
anilatāḍitakā noun (feminine) a kind of play
Frequency rank 42996/72933
anilaya adjective having no resting-place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31864/72933
atyanila adjective surpassing the wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42312/72933
ākāśanilaya noun (masculine) a kind of ascetic
Frequency rank 46170/72933
pātālanilaya noun (masculine) a serpent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an inhabitant of Pātāla (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 57712/72933
pratyanilam indeclinable against the wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59054/72933
vindhyanila noun (feminine) a form of Durgā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65773/72933
śmaśānanilaya noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 40165/72933
sarojanila noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Devī
Frequency rank 69379/72933


windy; anilagraha one of the vāta diseases.


curing diseases that arise due to vāta.

Wordnet Search
"anila" has 5 results.


vātarogaḥ, vāyurogaḥ, vātāmayaḥ, vātavyādhiḥ, vātaḥ, vāyuḥ, rasavātaḥ, anilāmayaḥ, anilarogaḥ, anilaḥ, dhanurvātaḥ, paṭīraṃ, gṛdhrasī   

rogaviśeṣaḥ- yasmin sandhisthāne pīḍā tathā ca śothaḥ jāyate।

saḥ vātarogena pīḍitaḥ।


vāyuḥ, vātaḥ, anilaḥ, pavanaḥ, pavamānaḥ, prabhañjanaḥ, śvasanaḥ, sparśanaḥ, mātariśvā, sadāgatiḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, gandhavahaḥ, gandhavāhaḥ, āśugaḥ, samīraḥ, mārutaḥ, marut, jagatprāṇaḥ, samīraṇaḥ, nabhasvān, ajagatprāṇaḥ, khaśvāsaḥ, vābaḥ, dhūlidhvajaḥ, phaṇipriyaḥ, vātiḥ, nabhaḥprāṇaḥ, bhogikāntaḥ, svakampanaḥ, akṣatiḥ, kampalakṣmā, śasīniḥ, āvakaḥ, hariḥ, vāsaḥ, sukhāśaḥ, mṛgavābanaḥ, sāraḥ, cañcalaḥ, vihagaḥ, prakampanaḥ, nabhaḥ, svaraḥ, niśvāsakaḥ, stanūnaḥ, pṛṣatāmpatiḥ, śīghraḥ   

viśvagamanavān viśvavyāpī tathā ca yasmin jīvāḥ śvasanti।

vāyuṃ vinā jīvanasya kalpanāpi aśakyā।



vāyunā pūrṇaḥ daṇḍagolaḥ।

anilakoṣaḥ riktaḥ asti।



mālinaḥ rākṣasasya caturṣu putreṣu anyatamaḥ।

anilasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।


anilaculliḥ, analaculliḥ   

yā culliḥ anilasya sahāyyena prajvalati।

anilacullyāṃ sthāpitaṃ dugdham utkvathate।

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