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Grammar Search
"andhaka" has 2 results
andhaka: masculine vocative singular stem: andhaka
andhaka: neuter vocative singular stem: andhaka
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
96 results for andhaka
अन्धकmfn. blind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकm. Name of an asura- (son of kaśyapa- and diti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकm. of a descendant of yadu- and ancestor of kṛṣṇa- and his descendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकm. Name of a muni-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकघातिन् m. "the slayer or enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकरिपुm. "the slayer or enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकवर्तm. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्धकवृष्णिm. plural descendants of andhaka- and vṛṣṇi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अबन्धकmfn. not binding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अबन्धकm. Name of a man, and (m. plural ) his descendants, (gaRa upakādi-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभिसन्धकmfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' deceiving ["calumniating"commentator or commentary ] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आम्रगन्धकm. Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुबन्धकmf(ikā-)n. connected, allied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुबन्धकmf(ikā-)n. related. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अश्वबन्धकm. idem or 'm. equals -nibandhika- q.v ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बाधबुद्धिप्रतिबध्यप्रतिहन्धकताविचारm. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a binder, one who is employed in binding (especially animals) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a catcher (See naga--and pāśa-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a violator, ravisher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a band, tie (See pāśu-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a dam, dike (See jala-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a promise, vow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. exchanging, barter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. a city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with numerals) a part (See sa-daśa-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकm. or n. (?) pledging or a pledge (See sa-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकn. binding, confinement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकम्पm. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकरणn. binding, fettering, holding back (also by magic) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकर्तृm. a binder, fetterer, restrainer (said of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकत्वn. the being a fetter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बन्धकौमुदीf. Name of a poem and a work on metrics. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चरित्रबन्धकm. n. a friendly pledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दशबन्धक in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals dha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुग्धबन्धकm. the pledging of milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकmf(ikā-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "having the smell of, scenting" See aja--, avi-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकm. (gaRa sthūlādi- )"perfumes" See -peṣikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकm. sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकm. Hyperanthera Moringa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकन्दकm. the root of Scirpus Kysoor. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धकपेषिकाf. a female servant who grinds or prepares perfumes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हस्त्यश्वारोहबन्धकm. plural elephants-riders (and) horsemen (and) their servants , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हृद्यगन्धकn. a kind of salt (equals sauvarcala-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जलबन्धकm. "water barrier", a dike View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रूरगन्धकm. sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मुखगन्धकm. "mouth-scenting", an onion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नागबन्धकm. elephant-catcher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निबन्धकmfn. gaRa ṛśyādi- (varia lectio dhanaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निरनुबन्धकmfn. having no indicatory letter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पञ्चस्कन्धकn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पञ्चसुगन्धकn. a collection of 5 kinds of aromatic vegetable substances (viz. cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood, and kakkola- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पाशबन्धकm. a bird-catcher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पशुबन्धकm. a rope for tethering cattle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पाशुबन्धकmf(ikā-)n. (fr. paśu-bandha-) relating to the slaughter of a sacrificial animal. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रबन्धकल्पनाf. a feigned story, a work of fiction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिबन्धक(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bandha-, impediment, obstacle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिबन्धकmf(ikā-)n. obstructing, preventing, resisting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिबन्धकm. a branch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिबन्धकm. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रक्तगन्धकn. myrrh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रन्धकmfn. subduing, destroying idem or 'm. (prob.) subjection, destruction on ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रन्धकmf(ikā-)n. the sheath of a knife View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रसगन्धकm. myrrh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रसगन्धकm. brimstone, sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रत्नबन्धकm. a jeweller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रूक्षगन्धकm. bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सबन्धकmfn. equals sa-bandha- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सदशबन्धकmfn. that to which a tenth part is added View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समगन्धकm. a perfume compounded of similar ingredients View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सामग्रीप्रतिबन्धकतावादm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्बन्धकn. connection by birth or marriage, relation, friendship, intimacy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्बन्धकn. a relation, friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्बन्धकn. (scilicet saṃdhī-) a kind of alliance proceeding from relationship View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्बन्धकmfn. relating to, concerning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्बन्धकmfn. fit, suitable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सानुबन्धकmfn. having an indicatory letter or syllable (See anubandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शरीरबन्धकm. "personal pledge", a hostage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सौगन्धकn. a blue water-lily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्कन्धकn. a kind of āryā- metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शुभगन्धकn. "agreeably-scented", gum-myrrh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. "having fragrance", a kind of grain (perhaps of rice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. a kind of culinary herb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. the orange View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. Momordica Mixta View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. red-blossomed basil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. a kind of bulbous plant (equals dharaṇī-kanda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकm. sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुगन्धकn. a kind of medicinal herb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुरन्धक Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वर्णबन्धकm. a deposit of gold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तीक्ष्णगन्धकm. Moringa pterygosperma View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिगन्धकn. equals -jāta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिस्कन्धकName of a sūtra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वर्त्मावबन्धक m. equals vartma-bandha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वर्त्मविबन्धकm. = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विगन्धकm. Terminalia Catappa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
10 results
andhaka अन्धक a. [अन्ध्-कन्] Blind; अन्धकः कुब्जकश्चैव Pt. 5.91. -कः 1 N. of an Asura, son of Kasyapa and Diti and killed by Śiva. [He is represented as a demon with 1 arms and heads, 2 eyes and feet, and called Andhaka, because he walked like a blind man, though he could see very well; स व्रजत्यन्धवद्यस्मा- दनन्धो$पि हि भारत । तमन्धको$यं नाम्नेति प्रोचुस्तत्र निवासिनः ॥ He was slain by Śiva when he attempted to carry off the Pārijāta tree from heaven; whence Śiva is called Andhakaripu, -ari, -dviṣ &c. According to the Matsya Purāṇa Andhaka was admitted to the class of Gaṇas by Śiva, at his importunities and humble supplication, when he was about to be killed by the god for having attempted to carry off his wife Pārvatī]. -2 N. of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Krisna and his descendants, a grandson of Krostu, son of Yudhājit who, together with his brother Vrisni is the ancestor of the celebrated family of Andhakavrisnis; P.IV. 1.114, VI.2.34. -3 N. of a sage, son of Mamatā and of Utathya, elder brother of Bṛihaspati. -Comp. -अरिः -रिपुः, -शत्रुः, -घाति, -असुहृढ् &c. slayer of Andhaka, epithets of Śiva. -वर्तः N. of a mountain. -वृष्णि m. pl. descendants of अन्धक and वृष्णि.
anubandhaka अनुबन्धक a. Connected, related.
abandhaka अबन्धक a. 1 Not binding. -2 Without any pledge.
udbandhaka उद्बन्धकः N. of a mixed tribe (doing the duty of washermen); cf. Uśanas :--अयोगवेन विप्रायां जातास्ताम्रोप- जीविनः । तस्यैव नृपकन्यायां जातः सूनिक उच्यते ॥ सूनिकस्य नृपायां तु जाता उद्बन्धकाः स्मृताः । निर्णेजयेयुर्वस्त्राणि अस्पृशाश्च भवन्त्यतः ॥
gandhaka गन्धकः Sulphur. -Comp. -पेषिका a. female servant who grinds or prepares perfumes.
pāśubandhaka पाशुबन्धकः A sacrifice. -का The sacrificial altar.
pratibandhaka प्रतिबन्धक a. (-न्धिका f.) 1 Binding, fastening. -2 Impeding, obstructing, hindering. -3 Resisting, opposing. -कः A branch, shoot.
bandhaka बन्धकः 1 One who binds or catches, a binder. -2 A catcher. -3 A band, tie, rope, tether. -4 A dike, bank, dam. -5 A pledge, deposit. -6 A posture of the body. -7 Barter, exchange. -8 A violator, ravisher. -9 A promise. -1 A city. -11 A part or portion (at the end of num. compounds); ऋणं सदश- बन्धकम् Y.2.76. -कम् 1 Binding, confinement. -2 Pawn, mortgage; L. D. B. -की 1 An unchaste woman; न मे त्वया कौमारबन्धक्या प्रयोजनम् Māl.7; Ve.2. -2 A harlot, courtezan; अतः परं स्वैरिणी स्याद्बन्धकी पञ्चमे भवेत् Mb.1.123. 77; बलात् धृतो$सि मयेति बन्धकीधार्ष्ट्यम् K.237; वैयात्यं प्रथयति बन्धकीव योषा Rām. Ch.7.58. -3 A female elephant. -4 A barren woman;
vigandhaka विगन्धकः The three called इङ्गुदी.
saṃbandhaka संबन्धक a. 1 Relating, concerning. -2 Fit, suitable. -कः 1 A friend. -2 A relation by birth or marriage; संबन्धकेन राजेन्द्र तौ तु वीर्यबलान्वयात् Mb.5.17.1. -कम् 1 Relation, connection; सख्यं संबन्धकं चैव तदा तं प्रत्यपूजयत् Rām.1.11.18. -2 A kind of peace.
Macdonell Search
3 results
andhaka a. blind; m. N. of an Asura: -ghâtin, m. N. of Siva; -ripu, m. id.
gandhaka a. (ikâ) smelling or smack ing of (--°ree;); -gaga, m.=gandha-dvipa; -grâhin, a. perfumed; -dvipa, -dvirada, m. elephant in rut; -pâshâna-vat, a. sulphurous; -mâdana, m. N. of a mountain-range with fragrant forests; -mâlin, m. N. of a Nâga; -mâlya, n. du. and pl. perfumes and garlands; -rasa, m. perfumes and spices.
sabandhaka a. accompanied with a pledge; (sá)-bandhu, a. akin (V.); pos sessing a kinsman or friend (C.).
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"andhaka" has 3 results
atadanubandhakanot having the same mute significatory letter, but having one or two additional ones, confer, compare तदनुबन्धकग्रहणे नातदनुबन्धकस्य ग्रहणम् (Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 84.)
niranubandhakapossessed of no mute indicatory letter; not possessed of any mute indicatory letter; confer, compare क्वपुनरयं (आकारः) सानुबन्धकः क्व निरनुबन्धकः । M.Bh. on I. 1.14.
niranubandhakaparibhāṣāa short term used for the maxim निरनुबन्धकग्रहणे न सानुबन्धकस्य ग्रहणम् Par. Sek. Pari. 81.
Vedabase Search
39 results
andhaka and by the AndhakasSB 9.24.62
andhaka AndhakaSB 1.11.11
SB 1.14.25
andhaka of the Andhaka dynastySB 10.1.69
andhaka one of the kings of the Yadu dynastySB 2.4.20
andhaka-ādayaḥ and others, like the sons of AndhakaSB 3.3.25
andhaka-ādayaḥ and others, like the sons of AndhakaSB 3.3.25
andhaka-kaurava of the Andhaka and Kaurava clansSB 10.83.5
andhaka-kaurava of the Andhaka and Kaurava clansSB 10.83.5
andhaka-vṛṣṇīnām of the Andhakas and VṛṣṇisSB 10.80.16-17
andhaka-vṛṣṇīnām of the Andhakas and VṛṣṇisSB 10.80.16-17
andhaka AndhakaSB 9.24.5
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
dāśārha-bhoja-andhaka-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām of the members of the Dāśārha, Bhoja, Andhaka, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata clansSB 10.39.25
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.68.34
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.80.11
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-sātvateṣu for the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas and SātvatasSB 11.29.39
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-bhoja-sātvatāḥ the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Bhojas and SātvatasSB 11.30.18
dāśārha-bhoja-andhaka-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām of the members of the Dāśārha, Bhoja, Andhaka, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata clansSB 10.39.25
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.68.34
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.80.11
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-bhoja-sātvatāḥ the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Bhojas and SātvatasSB 11.30.18
dāśārha-bhoja-andhaka-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām of the members of the Dāśārha, Bhoja, Andhaka, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata clansSB 10.39.25
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-sātvateṣu for the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas and SātvatasSB 11.29.39
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-bhoja-sātvatāḥ the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Bhojas and SātvatasSB 11.30.18
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-bhoja-sātvatāḥ the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Bhojas and SātvatasSB 11.30.18
dāśārha-bhoja-andhaka-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām of the members of the Dāśārha, Bhoja, Andhaka, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata clansSB 10.39.25
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-sātvateṣu for the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas and SātvatasSB 11.29.39
dāśārha-bhoja-andhaka-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām of the members of the Dāśārha, Bhoja, Andhaka, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata clansSB 10.39.25
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.68.34
bhoja-vṛṣṇi-andhaka of the Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and AndhakasSB 10.80.11
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-sātvateṣu for the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas and SātvatasSB 11.29.39
dāśārha-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-bhoja-sātvatāḥ the Dāśārhas, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Bhojas and SātvatasSB 11.30.18
yadu-vṛṣṇi-andhaka-madhu-dāśārha kukura-ādikān the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis, Andhakas, Madhus, Dāśārhas, Kukuras and so onSB 10.45.15-16
50 results
andhaka adjective blind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32057/72933
andhaka noun (masculine) coriander name of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Kṛṣṇa and his descendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people name of an Asura (son of Kaśyapa and Diti) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2166/72933
andhakaghātin noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32058/72933
andhakagāṇapatyātmaka noun (masculine) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.93
Frequency rank 43483/72933
andhakaripu noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32059/72933
andhakavadhatadvarapradānavarṇana noun (neuter) name of SkPur, Revākhaṇḍa, 48
Frequency rank 43484/72933
andhakavarapradānavarṇana noun (neuter) name of SkPur, Revākhaṇḍa, 45
Frequency rank 43485/72933
atigandhaka noun (masculine) Michelia Champaka
Frequency rank 42027/72933
udbandhaka noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 47356/72933
gandhaka adjective having the smell of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34556/72933
gandhaka noun (masculine neuter) Hyperanthera Moringa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Moringa oleifera Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 550) smell sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 392/72933
gandhakaṭahikāyantra noun (neuter) a kind of alchemical apparatus
Frequency rank 51050/72933
gandhakataila noun (neuter) gandhataila
Frequency rank 14860/72933
gandhakandaka noun (masculine) the root of Scirpus Kysoor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 51051/72933
gandhakapiṣṭī noun (feminine) gandhapiṣṭī
Frequency rank 51052/72933
gandhakavāri noun (neuter) img/alchemy.bmp
Frequency rank 21192/72933
grāhyagandhaka noun (masculine) mustard
Frequency rank 72843/72933
caritrabandhaka noun (masculine neuter) a friendly pledge
Frequency rank 52127/72933
tvaksugandhaka noun (masculine) the orange tree
Frequency rank 54087/72933
durgandhaka adjective smelling bad
Frequency rank 54657/72933
devagandhaka noun (neuter) name of a plant
Frequency rank 54920/72933
nibandhaka adjective img/alchemy.bmp
Frequency rank 24369/72933
nīlagandhaka noun (neuter) nīlagandha
Frequency rank 56646/72933
pītagandhaka noun (masculine) sulfur
Frequency rank 36939/72933
pūtigandhaka noun (neuter) sauvarcala
Frequency rank 58528/72933
pratibandhaka adjective obstructing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
resisting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24699/72933
pratibandhaka noun (masculine) pratibandha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a branch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
obstacle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21808/72933
bandhaka noun (masculine) a band (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a binder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a catcher (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a city (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a dam (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a part (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a promise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a violator (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dike (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exchanging (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a physician one who is employed in binding (esp. animals) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ravisher (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tie (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8306/72933
bandhaka noun (masculine neuter) (?) pledging or a pledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59980/72933
bandhakartṛ noun (masculine) a binder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fetterer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva
Frequency rank 59982/72933
maṇibandhaka noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 37960/72933
mukhagandhaka noun (masculine) an onion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62283/72933
raktagandhaka noun (masculine neuter) myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 38589/72933
randhaka noun (masculine neuter) randhra a hole the sheath of a knife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63385/72933
rasagandhaka noun (masculine) brimstone (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63445/72933
rūkṣagandhaka noun (masculine) bdellium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63905/72933
vartmāvabandhaka noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 64765/72933
vāsagandhaka noun (neuter) myrrh
Frequency rank 65280/72933
vigandhaka noun (masculine) Terminalia Catappa
Frequency rank 65421/72933
vibandhaka adjective
Frequency rank 65878/72933
vibandhaka noun (masculine) [medic.] vibandha
Frequency rank 65879/72933
śubhagandhaka noun (neuter) gum-myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67889/72933
śreṣṭhagandhaka noun (neuter) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 72911/72933
samagandhaka noun (masculine) a perfume compounded of similar ingredients (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68879/72933
sambandhaka noun (neuter) a kind of alliance proceeding from relationship (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
connection by birth or marriage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
friend (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
friendship (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intimacy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25736/72933
sambandhaka adjective concerning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
relating to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
suitable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17350/72933
sugandhaka noun (masculine) a kind of bulbous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of culinary herb (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of grain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Momordica Mixta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
red-blossomed basil (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the orange (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17397/72933
saugandhaka noun (masculine) sulfur
Frequency rank 71545/72933
skandhaka noun (neuter) a kind of Āryā metre (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41155/72933
hṛdyagandhaka noun (neuter) a kind of salt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31300/72933


sulphur (sulfur).


herbo-mineral preparation used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Wordnet Search
"andhaka" has 36 results.


virodhaḥ, pratirodhaḥ, pratikāraḥ, pratīkāraḥ, vipratikāraḥ, pratikriyā, pratikūlatā, prātikūlyam, pratiyogaḥ, pratiyogitā, paryavasthānam, paryavasthā, paryavasthitiḥ, pratyavasthatiḥ, praticchedaḥ, nikāraḥ, pratibandhaḥ, pratibandhakatā, pratiṣṭambhaḥ, nivāraṇam   


rāmasya virodhe satyapi mayā nirvācanārthaṃ yatitam।



yaḥ anubandhaṃ karoti।

anubandhakartā puruṣaḥ kutra gataḥ na jānāmi।


śivaḥ, śambhuḥ, īśaḥ, paśupatiḥ, pinākapāṇiḥ, śūlī, maheśvaraḥ, īśvaraḥ, sarvaḥ, īśānaḥ, śaṅkaraḥ, candraśekharaḥ, phaṇadharadharaḥ, kailāsaniketanaḥ, himādritanayāpatiḥ, bhūteśaḥ, khaṇḍaparaśuḥ, girīśaḥ, giriśaḥ, mṛḍaḥ, mṛtyañjayaḥ, kṛttivāsāḥ, pinākī, prathamādhipaḥ, ugraḥ, kapardī, śrīkaṇṭhaḥ, śitikaṇṭhaḥ, kapālabhṛt, vāmadevaḥ, mahādevaḥ, virūpākṣaḥ, trilocanaḥ, kṛśānuretāḥ, sarvajñaḥ, dhūrjaṭiḥ, nīlalohitaḥ, haraḥ, smaraharaḥ, bhargaḥ, tryambakaḥ, tripurāntakaḥ, gaṅgādharaḥ, andhakaripuḥ, kratudhvaṃsī, vṛṣadhvajaḥ, vyomakeśaḥ, bhavaḥ, bhaumaḥ, sthāṇuḥ, rudraḥ, umāpatiḥ, vṛṣaparvā, rerihāṇaḥ, bhagālī, pāśucandanaḥ, digambaraḥ, aṭṭahāsaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, purahiṭ, vṛṣākapiḥ, mahākālaḥ, varākaḥ, nandivardhanaḥ, hīraḥ, vīraḥ, kharuḥ, bhūriḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, bhairavaḥ, dhruvaḥ, śivipiṣṭaḥ, guḍākeśaḥ, devadevaḥ, mahānaṭaḥ, tīvraḥ, khaṇḍaparśuḥ, pañcānanaḥ, kaṇṭhekālaḥ, bharuḥ, bhīruḥ, bhīṣaṇaḥ, kaṅkālamālī, jaṭādharaḥ, vyomadevaḥ, siddhadevaḥ, dharaṇīśvaraḥ, viśveśaḥ, jayantaḥ, hararūpaḥ, sandhyānāṭī, suprasādaḥ, candrāpīḍaḥ, śūladharaḥ, vṛṣāṅgaḥ, vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ, bhūtanāthaḥ, śipiviṣṭaḥ, vareśvaraḥ, viśveśvaraḥ, viśvanāthaḥ, kāśīnāthaḥ, kuleśvaraḥ, asthimālī, viśālākṣaḥ, hiṇḍī, priyatamaḥ, viṣamākṣaḥ, bhadraḥ, ūrddharetā, yamāntakaḥ, nandīśvaraḥ, aṣṭamūrtiḥ, arghīśaḥ, khecaraḥ, bhṛṅgīśaḥ, ardhanārīśaḥ, rasanāyakaḥ, uḥ, hariḥ, abhīruḥ, amṛtaḥ, aśaniḥ, ānandabhairavaḥ, kaliḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, kālaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, kuśalaḥ, kolaḥ, kauśikaḥ, kṣāntaḥ, gaṇeśaḥ, gopālaḥ, ghoṣaḥ, caṇḍaḥ, jagadīśaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, jaṭilaḥ, jayantaḥ, raktaḥ, vāraḥ, vilohitaḥ, sudarśanaḥ, vṛṣāṇakaḥ, śarvaḥ, satīrthaḥ, subrahmaṇyaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ- hindūdharmānusāraṃ sṛṣṭeḥ vināśikā devatā।

śivasya arcanā liṅgarūpeṇa pracalitā asti।


andhaḥ, andhakaḥ, acakṣūḥ, vicakṣūḥ, gatākṣaḥ, anakṣaḥ, dṛṣṭihīnaḥ, netrahīnaḥ, cakṣuhīnaḥ   


śyāmaḥ andhaṃ janaṃ mārgapāraṃ nayati।


gaṇḍakaḥ, anubandhaḥ, pratibandhaḥ, pratibandhakaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, mantharaḥ, māraḥ, rodhanaḥ, vāgaraḥ, vighnam, sūtakam, vyavāyaḥ, stibhiḥ, nīvaraṇam   

rodhasya kriyā avasthā bhāvo vā।

jaladurdare āgatena gaṇḍakena jalaṃ alpaṃ prāpyate।


palāṇḍuḥ, sukandakaḥ, lohitakandaḥ, tīkṣṇakandaḥ, uṣṇaḥ, mukhadūṣaṇaḥ, śūdrapriyaḥ, kṛmighnaḥ, dīpanaḥ, mukhagandhakaḥ, bahupatraḥ, viśvagandhaḥ, rocanaḥ, palāṇaḍūḥ, sukandukaḥ   

mūlaviśeṣaḥ asya guṇāḥ kaṭutva-kaphapittavāntidoṣanāśitvādayaḥ।

palāṇḍuḥ śītalatvaguṇayuktaḥ।


campakaḥ, cāmpeyaḥ, hemapuṣpakaḥ, svarṇapuṣpaḥ, śītalachadaḥ, subhagaḥ, bhṛṅgamohī, śītalaḥ, bhramarātithiḥ, surabhiḥ, dīpapuṣpaḥ, sthiragandhaḥ, atigandhakaḥ, sthirapuṣpaḥ, hemapuṣpaḥ, pītapuṣpaḥ, hemāhvaḥ, sukumāraḥ, vanadīpaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ saḥ vṛkṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi pītavarṇīyāni sugandhitāni ca santi।

tasya prāṅgaṇe campakaḥ kundam ityādīni santi।



bandhanārthe upayuktaṃ vastu।

yaśodā kṛṣṇaṃ nibandhakena ulūkhalena abadhnāt।


gandhakaḥ, gandhikaḥ, gandhapāṣāṇaḥ, pāmāghnaḥ, gandhamodanaḥ, pūtigandhaḥ, atigandhaḥ, varaḥ, gandhamodanam, sugandhaḥ, divyagandhaḥ, rasagandhakaḥ, kuṣṭhāri, śulvāriḥ, pānāriḥ, svarṇariḥ, dhātuvairī, śukapucchaḥ, gandhapāṣāṇaḥ, krūragandhaḥ, kīṭaghnaḥ, śarabhūmijaḥ, gandhī   

rāsāyanikadhātuviśeṣaḥ, yasya gandhaḥ atīva ugraḥ asti tathā ca āyurvede asya ativahnikāritvaṃ viṣakuṣṭhakaṇḍūtisvajutvagadoṣanāśitvādayaḥ guṇāḥ proktāḥ।

prayogaśālāyāṃ vaijñānikāḥ gandhakasya sambandhitāḥ prayogāḥ kurvanti। / caturdhā gandhakaḥ prokto raktaḥ pītaḥ sitaḥ asitaḥ।


nyāsaḥ, ādhiḥ, bandhakaḥ, ādhānaḥ, ādhamanam, upanidhiḥ, nikṣepaḥ   

ṛṇādānasamaye kṣatipūrtyartham nyasitaḥ mūlyavān vastvādayaḥ;

suvarṇakāraḥ nyāsam gṛhītvā ṛṇam yacchati


prabandhaka, vyavasthāpaka   

yaḥ prabandhaṃ karoti।

asya utsavasya prabandhakaḥ ekaḥ sajjanapuruṣaḥ asti।



nibandhakasya kāryam।

nibandhakakāryeṇa saḥ bhūri dhanam arjayati।



śuddhasvarūpe vartamānaḥ gandhakaḥ।

śuddhagandhakaḥ raktavikāre carmaroge ca upayujyate।


tīkṣṇagandhakaḥ, śobhāñjanaḥ, śigruḥ, tīkṣṇagandhakaḥ, akṣīvaḥ, tīkṣṇagandhaḥ, sutīkṣṇaḥ, ghanapallavaḥ, śvetamaricaḥ, tīkṣṇaḥ, gandhaḥ, gandhakaḥ, kākṣīvakaḥ, strīcittahārī, draviṇanāśanaḥ, kṛṣṇagandhā, mūlakaparṇī, nīlaśigruḥ, janapriyaḥ, mukhamodaḥ, cakṣuṣyaḥ, rucirāñjanaḥ   

saḥ vṛkṣaḥ yasya dīrghabījaguptiḥ śākārthe upayujyate।

śyāmaḥ tīkṣṇagandhakasya bījaguptim uñchati।


picchalaḥ, sugandhaka   

jambīrajātīyam ekaṃ phalaṃ yad madhuraṃ sugandhitaṃ rasayuktam asti।

saḥ pratidinaṃ picchalasya rasaṃ pibati।


setuḥ, setubandhaḥ, jalabandhakaḥ, dharaṇam, piṇḍanaḥ, āliḥ   

nadyādīṣu jalabandhanārthe vinirmitā bhittisadṛśī racanā।

nadyāṃ setoḥ bandhanaṃ kṛtvā vidyut nirmīyate।



yasya mārgadarśanena janāśrayasya sarvā vyavasthā pracalati।

asya janāśrayasya prabandhakaḥ sāttvikaḥ asti।



padamaryādādiṣu pramukhaḥ prabandhakaḥ।

śyāmasya pitā asmin samavāye mahāprabandhakaḥ asti।


nibandhakaḥ, gaṇanādhyakṣaḥ   

yaḥ āyavyayādīnāṃ gaṇanaṃ karoti।

lālādhanapatarāyasya nibandhakaḥ prāñjalaḥ asti।



yaḥ pratibandhaṃ karoti।

pratibandhakāt mama kāryaṃ sthagitam।


palāṇḍuḥ, sukandakaḥ, mukandakaḥ, dudrumaḥ, mukhakandakaḥ, latārkaḥ, gṛñjanaḥ, mukhagandhakaḥ, mukhadūṣaṇaḥ, tīkṣṇakandaḥ, mahākandaḥ, nīcabhojyaḥ   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya kandaḥ tathā ca parṇāni janāḥ adanti asya guṇāḥ kaphapittavāntidoṣanāśitvam।

tena kṛṣīkṣetrāt ekaḥ palāṇḍuḥ avachinnaḥ।




rameśaḥ dhandhakavādyaṃ vādayati।



ekaḥ daityaḥ।

śaḍa़karaḥ andhakaṃ jaghāna।



muniviśeṣaḥ yaḥ andhaḥ āsīt।

śravaṇakumāraḥ andhakamuneḥ putraḥ āsīt।



yasmin kimapi vastu nyāsarūpeṇa na dātavyam।

abandhake ṛṇe adhikaṃ vārdhuṣyaṃ dātavyam।



saḥ manuṣyaḥ yaḥ balāt gṛhītaḥ।

ārakṣakaiḥ ātatāyibhyaḥ bandhakayoḥ rakṣā kṛtā।



yaḥ aparādhī iti matvā ārakṣikaiḥ baddhaḥ।

saḥ cauraḥ prāhārikāṇāṃ cāturyāt bandhakaḥ abhavat।


rodhaka, pratibandhaka   

yaḥ pratibandhaṃ karoti।

mṛttikāyāḥ kaścit prakāraḥ vidyutaḥ rodhakaḥ asti।



yaḥ granthādīn badhnāti।

mohanaḥ granthabandhakāt grantham ānetuṃ gataḥ।


nirodhaka, nirodhin uparodhaka, uparodhin pratibandhaka   

yaḥ nirodhayati।

ātaṅkavādasya nirodhakaṃ dalaṃ nirmātuṃ sarvakāraḥ cintayati।



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

pratibandhakasya ullekhaḥ viṣṇupurāṇe vartate



ekaḥ kaviḥ ।

kośakāraḥ bandhakampasya ullekham akarot


kokāgraḥ, samaṣṭhilaḥ, bhaṇḍīraḥ, nadyābhraḥ, āmragandhakaḥ, kaṇṭakiphalaḥ, upadaṃśaḥ   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ,asya guṇāḥ,kaṭutvaṃ,uṣṇatvaṃ,rucatvaṃ,mukhaviśodhanatvaṃ,kapha़vātapraśamanatvaṃ,dāhakāritvaṃ,dīpanatvaṃ ca ।

kokāgrasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate


kokāgraḥ, samaṣṭhilaḥ, bhaṇḍīraḥ, nadyābhraḥ, āmragandhakaḥ, kaṇṭakiphalaḥ, upadaṃśaḥ   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ, asya guṇāḥ, kaṭutvaṃ, uṣṇatvaṃ, rucatvaṃ, mukhaviśodhanatvaṃ, kapha़vātapraśamanatvaṃ, dāhakāritvaṃ, dīpanatvaṃ ca ।

kokāgrasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate



ekaṃ sūtram ।

traskandhakaḥ bauddhasāhitye vartate



ekaṃ sūtram ।

traskandhakaḥ bauddhasāhitye vartate

Parse Time: 1.772s Search Word: andhaka Input Encoding: Devanagari IAST: andhaka