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Monier-Williams Search
3 results for anapasphur
anapasphur ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anapasphura ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anapasphurat([ ]) mfn. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
anapasphur अनपस्फुर् र रत् a. (of a cow) Not refusing to be milked. सृजध्वमनपस्फुराम् Rv.6.48.11; तां धेनुम्...अनप- स्फुरन्तीम् Rv.4.42.1.
Macdonell Search
1 result
anapasphurat pr. pt. not struggling.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results7 results
imaṃ saṃ duhrām anapasphurantaḥ # AVP.5.16.1d.
ūrjaṃ duhāte anapasphurantau # AVś.9.1.7c.
ūrjaṃ duhānam anapasphurantam # AVś.18.4.36c; AVP.5.40.8c.
ūrjaṃ duhānā anapasphurantaḥ (AVP.14.5.1c, -rantī) # AVP.5.6.1d,10d; 14.5.1c; TA.1.7.1d,4d.
duhāṃ vāṃ dhenur anapasphurantī # AVP.2.73.2b.
dhenuṃ sudughām anapasphurantīm # TB.; Apś.11.4.14b.
dhruveva dhenur anapasphurantī # AVś.12.1.45d.
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