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Monier-Williams Search
3 results for amitram
abhyamitrīṇa([ ]) mfn. ([apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram-(See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order),but probably originally derived from the root, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin-(See below)]) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyamitrīya ([ ]) mfn. ([apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram-(See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order),but probably originally derived from the root, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin-(See below)]) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyamitrya([ ]) mfn. ([apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram-(See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order),but probably originally derived from the root, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin-(See below)]) advancing against or attacking (the enemy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results12 results
amair amitram ardaya RV.8.75.10c; SV.1.11c; 2.998c; TS.; MS.4.11.6c: 175.13; KS.7.17c.
mitrair amitrāṃ (AVP. amitrān) ava jaṅghanīhi AVś.5.20.8d; AVP.9.27.7d.
ny amitrāṃ (MS. amitraṃ) oṣatāt tigmahete RV.4.4.4b; VS.13.12b; TS.; MS.2.7.15b: 97.13; KS.16.15b.
agneḥ śāmitram asi # Apś.3.3.8.
anamitraṃ na uttarāt # AVś.6.40.3b. See anamitram udak.
anamitram udak kṛdhi # VSK.3.2.6b; KS.37.10b. See anamitraṃ na uttarāt.
anamitraṃ me etc. # see anamitraṃ no etc.
antivāmā dūre amitram ucha # RV.7.77.4a.
andhenāmitrās tamasā sacantām # RV.10.89.15c; 103.12d; SV.2.1211d; VS.17.44d; N.9.33d. See grāhyāmitrāṃs.
indrāsapatnaṃ naḥ paścāt # AVś.8.5.17c. Cf. indrānamitraṃ.
taṃ panthānaṃ jayemānamitram ataskaram # AVś.12.1.47d.
bṛhaspatir hanty amitram arkaiḥ # RV.6.73.3d; AVś.20.90.3d; KS.4.16d; 40.11d; TB.; Apś.17.21.7d.
Wordnet Search
"amitram" has 2 results.



tat mitraṃ yena saha patradvārā mitratā sthāpitā।

mama patramitram amerikādeśe nivasati।



bālyāt prabhṛti mitram।

rajanīśaḥ mama bālamitram asti।

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