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"ambu" has 3 results
ambu: neuter nominative singular stem: ambu
ambu: neuter accusative singular stem: ambu
ambu: neuter vocative singular stem: ambu
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235 results for ambu
ambun. water etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambun. a kind of Andropogon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambun. Name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambun. the number,"four" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambubhakṣyamfn. subsisting on water, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambubhṛtm. a cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambubhṛtm. talc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambubhṛtm. the grass Cyperus Pertenuis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambucāmaran. "water-chowri", the aquatic plant Valisneria. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambucaramfn. moving in the water, aquatic. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambucārinmfn. moving in water (as a fish, etc.) (see ap-cara- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /ap-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudam. "giving water", a cloud, the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudaivan. "having the waters as deity", Name of the astrological mansion pūrvāṣāḍhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudāraṇyan. Name of a forest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudeva n. "having the waters as deity", Name of the astrological mansion pūrvāṣāḍhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhakāminīf. "ocean-lover", a river, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudharam. "water-holder", a cloud. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhāram. a cloud, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhim. receptacle of waters, the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhim. the number,"four" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhikāminīf. a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambudhisravāf. the plant Aloes Perfoliata. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambugamfn. "water-goer", living in water. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambughanam. hail, frozen rain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuhastam. a water-elephant (confer, compare jala-- dvīpa-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujamfn. produced in water, water born, aquatic, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujam. the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujam. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujam. a muscle-shell , the thunderbolt of indra- ("cloud-born") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujabāndhavam. "lotus-friend", the sun, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujabhūm. "being in a lotus", the god brahmā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujākṣamf(ī-)n. lotus-eyed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujanmann. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujāsanāf. "lotus-seated", lakṣmī-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujasthamfn. sitting on a lotus. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujinīf. a lotus plant, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambujīvinmfn. living by water (as a fisherman etc.), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukaṇam. "a drop of water", a shower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukaṇṭaka m. the short-nosed alligator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukāntāram. Name (also title or epithet) of varuṇa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukapham. cuttlefish-bone, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukapim. Delphinus Gangeticus, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukeśaram. lemon tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukirātam. the short-nosed alligator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukīśa m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukriyāf. a funeral rite (equals jala-kriyā-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukukkuṭam. a water-fowl, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambukūrmam. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambulīlāgehan. a pleasure-house standing in water, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambumatmfn. watery, having or containing water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambumatīf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambumātrajamfn. produced only in water. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambumayamf(ī-)n. consisting of water, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambumucm. a cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuñananāf. "having a lotus face", Name of the tutelary deity of the ojiṣṭha- family View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambunātham. "lord of the waters", the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambunidhim. "treasury of waters", the ocean. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambunivaham. "water-bearer", a cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupam. "drinking water", the plant Cassia Tora or Alata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupam. "lord of the waters", varuṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupaddhatif. current, stream, flow of water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupakṣinm. aquatic bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupātam. current, stream, flow of water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupatim. equals 2 -pa- , the ocean. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupattrāf. (equals -da-), the plant Cyperus Hex. Calcutta edition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuprasādam. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuprasādanan. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambupriyam. a kind of ratan (also called vidula-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburājam. equals nātha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburājam. equals -pa- 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburāśim. "heap of waters", the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburayam. a current View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburohiṇīf. idem or 'f. the lotus ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburuhan. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "water-growing", the day-lotus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburuhāf. Hibiscus Mutabilis. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amburuhiṇīf. the lotus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambusamplavam. a flow of water, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambusarpiṇīf. "water-glider"a leech View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambusecanīf. (-vāhinī-) a wooden baling vessel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuśirīṣikāf. Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuśītāf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambusūkaram. a kind of porcine crocodile, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambutālam. (equals -cāmara-) the plant Valisneria. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambutaskaram. "water thief", the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvācīf. four days in āṣāḍha- (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvācīpradan. the tenth in the second half of the month āṣāḍha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvācītyagam. the thirteenth of the same View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāham. a cloud etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāham. the grass Cyperus Pertenuis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāham. a water-carrier View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāham. talc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāham. the number,"seventeen" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāhinmfn. carrying or conveying water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāhinīf. a wooden baling vessel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāhinīf. Name of a river (varia lectio madhu-vāhinī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvallīf. Momordica Charantia, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvardhanan. high sea-tide, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāsam. Name (also title or epithet) of varuṇa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāsīf. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvāsinī f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvegam. a current of water, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambuvetasam. a kind of cane or reed growing in water.
ambuyantran. clepsydra View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisambuddhamfn. deeply versed in View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisambuddhamfn. having attained the bodhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisambudh(with samyak-- sambodhin-), to obtain the highest perfect knowledge, Sukh, i. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āḍhakajambukamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahambuddhif. equals ahaṃ-karaṇa- below View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahambuddhif. pride, haughtiness, ( anahambuddhi an-ah/am--buddhi- negative mfn."free from pride") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣam. the palm of the hand with the fingers extended View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣam. Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣam. of a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣāf. a barrier, a line or anything not to be crossed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣāf. a sort of sensitive plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alambuṣāf. Name of an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anahambuddhimfn. ahambuddhi
anālambu([ ]) or better View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anambum. "waterless", the bird cātaka-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bamburevaṇam. or n. (?) Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūjambu f. wheat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūjambuf. Flacourtia Sapida or its fruit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmijambu f. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmijambuf. Premna Herbacea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmijambu f. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmijambuf. Premna Herbacea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambura? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalagambum. Name of a son of sūrya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalajambuf. a kind of jambu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalajambukālatāf. Name of an aquatic plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambuf. the rose apple tree (Eugenia Jambolana or another species) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambuf. the shrub nāga-damanī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambun. the rose apple fruit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumf. (?; gaRa varaṇādi-) equals -dvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumf. Name of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain meru-;formed by the juice of the fruits of the immense jambu- tree on that mountain see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumf. see āḍhaka--, kāka--, go-rakṣa--, mahā--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudhvajam. "having the jambu- tree as its standard" equals -dvīpa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudhvajam. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudvīpam. the central one of the 7 continents surrounding the mountain meru- (= India ;named so either from the jambu- trees abounding in it, or from an enormous jambu- tree on Mount meru- visible like a standard to the whole continent) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudvīpaprajñaptif. "(mythical) geography of jambudvīpa-", Name of upāṅga- vi of the jaina- canon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudvīpavaralocanam. Name of a samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambudvīpeśvaram. a sovereign of India, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. a jackal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. a low man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. Eugenia Jambos View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. a kind of Bignonia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. Name of varuṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukam. of a śūdra-, (śamb-,C) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambuf. a female jackal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukeśan. Name of liṅga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambukeśvaratīrthan. Name of a tīrtha-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambulam. a kind of disease of the outer ear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambulam. equals bu-, Eugenia Jambolana View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambulam. Pandanus odoratissimus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumālinm. Name of a rakṣas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumatm. "rich in jambu- trees", a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumatm. a monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambumatīf. an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambuparvatam. equals dvīpa-
jambuprastham. Name of a village (mbū-p-,B) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jamburudram. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambusarathe town Jumbooseer (in gurjara-, between Cambay and Baroch). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jambuvanajan. "growing in jambu- forests", the white flower of the China rose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jantukambun. a shell inhabited by an animal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalambuf. Convolvulus repens View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalambuṭan. fresh butter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. (u- n. ) a conch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a shell etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a bracelet or ring made of shells View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a bracelet in general View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. three lines or marks in the neck (indicative of good fortune) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. the neck View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. an elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a tube-shaped bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a vein or tubular vessel of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambum. a sort of Curcuma View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambugrīvamf(ā-)n. equals -kaṇṭha- above etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambugrīvam. "shell-neck", Name of a tortoise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambugrīvāf. a shell-like neck (id est one marked with three lines, see above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambujam. a kind of drum. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukam. a conch, shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukam. a mean person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambuf. Physalis Flexuosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukan. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukaṃdharamfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. "shell-neck", having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (see above) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukaṇṭhamf(ī-)n. "shell-neck", having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (see above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambukāṣṭhāf. Physalis Flexuosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambumālinīf. idem or 'f. Andropogon Aciculatus ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambupuṣpīf. Andropogon Aciculatus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣudrakambum. a small shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laladambum. (fr. pr. p. lalat-+ a-) the citron tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambukam. Name of the 15th astrological yoga- (see lambaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambukam. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambuṣāf. a necklace of seven strings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahājambu f. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahākambumfn. stark naked (said of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛgajambukam. dual number a deer and a jackal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nadyambujīvanamfn. (country) thriving by river-water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirambumfn. abstaining from water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirambumfn. destitute of water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratisambuddhamfn. ( budh-) restored to consciousness. recovered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raṇajambukam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabarajambuName of a place (See śābarajambuka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śābarajambukamfn. (fr. śabara-jambu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākajambum. Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākajambukamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samarajambukam. "battle-jackal", Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambum. a bivalve shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambum. Name of a man, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambubodhayiṣumfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to arouse or make attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambubodhayiṣumfn. wishing to convert View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhamfn. wide awake, clever, wise, prudent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhamfn. well perceived, perfectly known or understood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddham. a buddha- or a jaina- deified sage (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhif. perfect knowledge or perception View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhif. calling out to (a person in the distance), making one's self heard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhif. the vocative case or its termination View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambuddhif. an epithet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambudhA1. -budhyate- (pr. p. -budhyamāna- q.v), to wake up ; to perceive or understand thoroughly, notice, observe, know etc.: Causal -bodhayati-, to cause to wake up, rouse ; to cause to know, inform, advise, instruct ; teach (two accusative) etc. ; to call to on ; to cause to agree : Desiderative of Causal See sam-bubodhayiṣu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambudhyamānamfn. being quite aware View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambukam. (see below and śāmbuka-) a bivalve shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambukam. a particular noxious insect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambukam. Name of a śūdra- (Bombay edition jambuka-) (varia lectio kañcuka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambukam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambukkam. a bivalve shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śambuvardhanam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samyaksambuddhamfn. one who has attained to complete enlightenment (said of the buddha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samyaksambuddhif. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaradambudharam. an autumnal cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛgālajambu f. a water-melon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛgālajambuf. the fruit of the jujube View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tarambujan. (borrowed fr. $) a water-melon (see kharbūja-), Tantr. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tryambukaa kind of fly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varaṇḍalambukam. the string of a fish-hook (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛṣṭyambun. rain-water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
10 results
ambu अम्बु n. [अम्ब्-शब्दे उण्] 1 Water; गाङ्गमम्बु सितमम्बु यामुनम् K. P.1. -2 The watery element of the blood (cf. imber). -3 N. of a metre. -4 A term in astrology (लग्नावधिकं चतुर्थस्थानम्). -Comp. -कणः a drop of water. -कण्टकः (short-nosed), alligator. -कन्दः An acquatic plant Trapa bispinosa (Mar. शिंगाडा). -किरातः alligator. -कीशः, कूर्मः a tortoise (शिशुमार); particularly Gangetic. -केशरः lemon-tree (छालङ्गवृक्ष). -क्रिया libation of water; Bk.; presentation of water to the Manes of the deceased. -कुक्कुटी An acquatic hen. -ग, -चर, -चारिन् a. moving or living in water, aquatic (as fish &c.); अद्रिं दधाराम्बुचरात्मना Bhāg.8.5. 11; Ms.12.57. -घनः hail. -चत्वरम् a lake. -चामरम् an aquatic plant (शैवाल). -ज a. produced in water, aquatic (opp. स्थलज); सुगन्धीनि च माल्यानि स्थलजान्यम्बु- जानि च Rām. (-जः) 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -3 the Sārasa bird. -4 the conch; दध्मौ तारेण चाम्बुजम् Mb.7.173.9. -5 N. of a tree (हिज्जल). (-जम्) 1 a lotus; इन्दीवरेण नयनं मुखमम्बुजेन Ś. Til.3; A. Rām. 4.1.2. -2 the thunderbolt of Indra. ˚भूः, ˚आसनः 'the lotus-born god' Brahmā; A. Rām. ˚आसना the goddess Lakṣmī. -जन्मन् n. a lotus; -m. 1 the moon. -2 the conch. -3 Sārasa. -तस्करः 'waterthief', the sun (whose heat drinks up water). -तालः = ˚चामर. -द a. giving or yielding water. (-दः) 1 a cloud; नवाम्बुदानीकमुहूर्तलाञ्छने R.3.53; -देवम्, -दैवम् The astronomical mansion पूर्वाषाढा. -धर [धरतीति धरः, अम्बूनां धरः; धृ-अच्] 1 a cloud; वशिनश्चाम्बुधराश्च योनयः Ku.4.43; शरत्प्रमृष्टाम्बुधरोपरोधः R.6.44. -2 the plant मुस्तक. -3 talc. -धिः [अम्बूनि धीयन्ते अत्र; धा-कि] 1 any receptacle of waters; such as a jar; अम्बुधिर्घटः Sk. ˚-स्रवा Aloe perfoliata (Mar. कोरफड). -2 the ocean; क्षार˚ Bh.2.6. -3 the number four (in Math.). ˚प्रसवा N. of a plant (घृतकुमारी). -नाथः The ocean. -नामन् Andropogon muricatum (Mar. वाळा). -निधिः 'treasure of waters', the ocean; देवासुरैरमृतम्बुनिधिर्ममन्थे Ki.5.3. -प a. drinking water. (-पः) 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa, the regent of waters; रक्षो$म्बुपानिलशशीशपुराणि चाष्टौ Śid. Śir; शक्राम्बुपयमानां च चतुर्थस्त्वं भविष्यसि Rām.7.4.17. -3 N. of a plant (चक्रमर्दक; Mar.टाकळा). -पतिः Varuṇa; यथाम्बुपतिमित्रौ हि तारकं दैत्यसत्तमम् (अधावताम्) Mb.7.155.36. -पत्रा N. of a plant (उच्चटावृक्ष; Mar. फुरडी). -पद्धतिः f. -पातः current, flow or stream of water, cascade; गङ्गाम्बुपातप्रतिमा गृहेभ्यः Bk.1.8. -प्रसादः -प्रसादनम् [अम्बूनि प्रसादयति] the clearing nut tree (कतक Mar. निवळी). Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this tree are used for purifying water; when rubbed on the inner surface of the vessel, they precipitate the impurities which the water contains; (फलं कतकवृक्षस्य यद्यप्यम्बुप्रसादकम् । न नामग्रहणादेव तस्य वारि प्रसीदति) Ms.6.67. -भवम् a lotus. -भृत् m. 1 water-bearer, a cloud. -2 the ocean. -3 = ˚पत्रा q. v. -4 N. of a plant मुस्तक. -5 talc. -मात्रज a. produced only in water. (-जः) a conchshell. -मुच् m. a cloud; ध्वनितसूचितमम्बुमुचां चयम् Ki.5.12. -राजः 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa. -राशिः receptacle or store of water, the ocean; त्वयि ज्वलत्यौर्वं इवाम्बुराशौ Ś.3.3; चन्द्रोदयारम्भ इवाम्बुराशिः Ku.3.67, R.6.57;9.82. -रुह् n. 1 a lotus. -2 Sārasa. -रुहः, हम्, a lotus; विपुलिनाम्बुरुहा न सरिद्वधूः Ki.5.1. (-हा) N. of the land-lotus plant (स्थलपद्मिनी). -रोहिणी a lotus. -वाची [अम्बु तद्वर्षणं वाचयति सूचयति] an epithet applied to the earth during four days from the 1th to the 13th in the dark half of the month of Āṣāḍha when it is supposed to be unclean (रजस्वला इव) and agriculture is prohibited; Brav. P.2.77. ˚प्रदः the 1th day; ˚त्यागः 13th day. -वासिनी, -वासी N. of a plant (पाटला), the trumpet flower. -वाहः [अम्बु वहतीति] 1 a cloud; तडित्वन्त- मिवाम्बुवाहम् Ki.3.1; भर्तुर्मित्रं प्रियमविधवे विद्धि मामम्बुवाहम् Me. 11. -2 a lake. -3 water-bearer. -4 the number 17. -5 a sort of grass. -वाहिन् a. carrying or conveying water. -m. 1 a cloud. -2 = मुस्तक. (-नी) 1 a wooden vessel, a sort of bucket. -2 a woman fetching water. -3 N. of a stream. -विहारः sporting in water. -विस्रवा = घृतकुमारी. -वेग a. flowing quickly; यथानदीनां बहवो$म्बुवेगाः Bg.11.28. -वेतसः a kind of cane or reed growing in water. (Mar. लव्हाळा). -शिरीषिका N. of plant. -सरणम् flow or current of water. -सर्पिणी a leech (अम्बुनि सर्पति). -सेचनी a wooden baling vessel.
ambujinī अम्बुजिनी The lotus-creeper. -कुटुम्बिन् m. The sun, Śāhendra.1.4.
ambumat अम्बुमत् a. Watery, containing water. -ती N. of a river. अम्बुरः, (-म्बरः) A threshold of a door.
kambu कम्बु a. (-म्बु or -म्बू f.) Spotted, variegated. -म्बुः -म्बु (m., n.) A conch-shell; स्मरस्य कम्बुः किमयं चकास्ति दिवि त्रिलोकीजयवादनीयः N.22.22; Śi.18.54. -म्बुः 1 An elephant. -2 The neck. -3 The variegated colour. -4 A vein of the body. -5 A bracelet; कम्बुकेयूरधारिण्यः Mb.3.233.46. -6 A tube-shaped bone. -Comp. -आतायिन् m. a kind of kite. -कण्ठी a lady having the neck like a conch-shell. -ग्रीवा 1 a conch-shaped neck, (i. e. a neck marked with three lines like a shell and considered as a sign of great fortune). -2 a lady having the neck like the conch-shell.
kambukaḥ कम्बुकः 1 A conch-shell. -2 A mean or contemptible person.
kalambuṭa कलम्बुट (Fresh) Butter.
jambu जम्बु म्बू f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; द्राक्षेक्षुरम्भाजम्बूभिः Bhāg.8.2.13. -Comp. -खण्डः, -द्वीपः, -पर्वतः N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. -नदी one of the seven heavenly rivers. -प्रस्थः N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धेन जम्बूप्रस्थं समागमत् Rām.2.71.11. -मालिन् N. of a Rākśasa killed by हनुमत्.
jambu जम्बु (म्बू) कः (-की f.) 1 A jackal. -2 A low man. -3 The rose apple tree. -4 An epithet of Varuṇa.
jambulaḥ जम्बुलः [जम्बुं तन्नामफलं लाति ला-क] 1 A kind of tree (= जम्ब q. v.). -2 The Ketaka plant. -लम् Jest or jesting compliments addressed to the bride and the bridegroom by the friends and female relatives of the bridegroom (or of the bride). -Comp. -मालिका the same as above.
lambuṣā लम्बुषा A necklace of seven strings.
Macdonell Search
9 results
ambu n. water; -kârin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal.
ambuda m. cloud: -nâsa, m. dis persion of clouds; -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, m. sea; -nidhi, m. id.; -pakshin, m. water-bird; -pati, m. Varuna; sea; -paddhati, f. current; -muk, m. cloud; -raya, m.current; -râsi, m. sea; -ruha, n. day-flowering lotus; -ruhinî, f. lotus; -lîlâ-geha, n. pleasure-house in the water; -vâha, m. cloud; -vega, m. current.
ambuja a. aquatic; m. n. (day) lotus: -bândhava, m. sun; -½aksha, a. (î) lotus eyed; -½âsanâ, f. Lakshmî (lotus-seated).
atyambupāna n. drinking too much water.
kambu m. shell; bracelet of shells; -ka, n. N. of a town; -kantha, a. (î) having a shell-like neck, i. e. with three folds; -grî va, m. N. of a tortoise.
jambudvīpa m. Isle of the Jambu-tree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. dvîpa) comprising India, so called because overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing on the summit of mount Meru.
jambuka m. jackal; vile person.
jambu n. rose-apple; f. (also û) rose apple-tree.
śaradambudhara m. autumnal cloud.
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results5 results
idaṃ kasāmbu cayanena citam # AVś.18.4.37a. P: idaṃ kasāmbu Kauś.86.1.
kiyāmbv atra rohatu # RV.10.16.13c. See kyāmbūr.
trir bhṛgubhyo aṅgirobhyaḥ # AVś.19.39.5a. See triḥ śāmbubhyo.
triḥ śāmbubhyo girayebhyaḥ # AVP.7.10.5a. See trir bhṛgubhyo.
paraḥ kambūkāṃ apa mṛḍḍhi dūram # AVś.11.1.29b. P: paraḥ kambūkān Kauś.63.7.
Vedabase Search
365 results
ambu like drops of waterSB 1.11.32
ambu the waterSB 10.70.44
SB 12.9.8-9
ambu waterBs 5.51
CC Adi 16.82
SB 1.19.6
SB 10.5.26
SB 10.63.35-36
SB 10.85.36
SB 11.15.8-9
SB 11.16.23
SB 11.21.5
SB 11.28.26
SB 2.10.31
SB 3.13.44
SB 4.22.10
SB 4.8.56
SB 4.9.58-59
SB 6.9.6
SB 7.9.48
SB 8.6.12
ambu with the waterSB 8.2.8
ambu-bhṛtaḥ the clouds bearing rainCC Antya 1.164
ambu-bhṛtaḥ the clouds bearing rainCC Antya 1.164
ambu-daḥ a cloudSB 10.18.26
ambu-daḥ a cloudSB 10.18.26
ambu-dāḥ cloudsSB 8.11.24
ambu-dāḥ cloudsSB 8.11.24
ambu-daiḥ by the cloudsSB 12.9.14
ambu-daiḥ by the cloudsSB 12.9.14
ambu-gartayoḥ in water or in a caveSB 3.30.27
ambu-gartayoḥ in water or in a caveSB 3.30.27
ambu-madhyāt from the midst of the waterSB 3.18.6
ambu-madhyāt from the midst of the waterSB 3.18.6
ambu-rāśiḥ all of whose waterSB 10.16.7
ambu-rāśiḥ all of whose waterSB 10.16.7
ambu-ruhaḥ lotuslikeSB 10.43.15
ambu-ruhaḥ lotuslikeSB 10.43.15
ambu-ruhāt from the lotus ofSB 3.9.5
ambu-ruhāt from the lotus ofSB 3.9.5
ambu-samplave in the floodingSB 10.80.38
ambu-samplave in the floodingSB 10.80.38
ambu-vāhāḥ water-bearing cloudsSB 10.63.35-36
ambu-vāhāḥ water-bearing cloudsSB 10.63.35-36
ambu-vāhān the clouds which carry waterSB 2.1.34
ambu-vāhān the clouds which carry waterSB 2.1.34
ambu-vat like waterSB 11.16.43
ambu-vat like waterSB 11.16.43
ambu-vegāḥ waves of the watersBG 11.28
ambu-vegāḥ waves of the watersBG 11.28
ambubhiḥ and waterSB 10.80.38
ambubhiḥ and with waterSB 10.86.41
ambubhiḥ with droplets of waterSB 10.44.11
ambubhiḥ with waterSB 10.7.12
ambucara-ātmanā in the form of a tortoiseSB 8.5.11-12
ambucara-ātmanā in the form of a tortoiseSB 8.5.11-12
ambuda a cloudSB 10.89.54-56
ambuda of cloudsMM 30
ambudaḥ a cloudSB 4.30.5
ambudaḥ the cloudSB 10.21.16
ambudaiḥ by the cloudsSB 10.20.4
ambudaiḥ with cloudsSB 10.47.44
ambudam the cloudsSB 10.37.1-2
ambudhārāyām in the womb of the mother, AmbudhārāSB 8.13.20
ambudhau to the oceanCC Adi 4.205
CC Madhya 19.171
ambudhau towards the oceanSB 3.29.11-12
ambudhi the oceanCC Antya 20.12
ambudhiḥ the oceanSB 10.14.58
ambudhim the oceanSB 10.14.24
ambudhīn the seasSB 10.7.35-36
ambu its waterSB 10.20.40
ambuja like lotusesSB 10.29.36
SB 10.62.29-30
ambuja lilySB 3.15.19
ambuja lotusSB 10.87.35
ambuja lotus flowerSB 4.12.20
SB 4.12.7
SB 4.4.5
SB 6.1.34-36
ambu lotuslikeSB 10.53.44
ambuja lotuslikeSB 10.56.9
SB 10.83.3
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed LordSB 10.2.30
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed LordSB 10.2.30
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneCC Antya 4.63
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneCC Antya 4.63
SB 1.11.9
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneSB 1.11.9
SB 10.52.39
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.52.39
SB 10.52.43
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.52.43
SB 10.60.41
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.60.41
SB 10.60.46
ambuja-akṣa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.60.46
ambuja-akṣa of the lotus-eyed LordMM 52
ambuja-akṣa of the lotus-eyed LordMM 52
ambuja-dṛśām lotus-eyedCC Adi 4.51
ambuja-dṛśām lotus-eyedCC Adi 4.51
ambuja-hastaḥ with a lotus flower in the handSB 2.7.15
ambuja-hastaḥ with a lotus flower in the handSB 2.7.15
ambuja-īkṣaṇaḥ who looks with His lotus eyesSB 1.7.34
ambuja-īkṣaṇaḥ who looks with His lotus eyesSB 1.7.34
ambuja-īkṣaṇam with eyes resembling lotusesSB 10.3.6
ambuja-īkṣaṇam with eyes resembling lotusesSB 10.3.6
ambuja-īkṣaṇe the lotus-eyed LordSB 10.38.2
ambuja-īkṣaṇe the lotus-eyed LordSB 10.38.2
ambuja-kośam lotuslike eyeSB 3.8.4
ambuja-kośam lotuslike eyeSB 3.8.4
ambuja-patra like the petals of a lotusSB 12.9.6
ambuja-patra like the petals of a lotusSB 12.9.6
ambujaḥ lotuslikeSB 10.32.2
SB 10.72.12
ambujāḥ which were like lotusesSB 10.41.29
ambujaiḥ and lotus flowerSB 11.11.46
SB 11.27.38-41
ambujaiḥ and lotus flowersSB 10.86.41
ambujam lotusSB 3.19.35
ambujam lotus flowerCC Adi 16.82
ambujam lotuslikeSB 10.44.11
SB 10.45.17-18
ambujāt from a lotus flowerCC Adi 16.82
ambujāt from the lotusSB 1.3.2
ambum waterSB 3.15.38
ambu with the waterMM 18
ambuni in the waterCC Adi 16.82
amburuha like lotus flowersSB 6.9.29-30
amburuha like lotus petalsSB 10.49.9
amburuha like lotusesSB 10.38.28-33
amburuha-īkṣaṇa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.48.9
amburuha-īkṣaṇa O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.48.9
alambuṣā the girl AlambuṣāSB 9.2.31
tila-ambu offerings of water with sesame seedsSB 7.8.44
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
amṛta-ambu water as pure as nectarSB 8.2.25
svaccha-ambu in which the water was clearSB 10.20.32
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetSB 10.31.19
pāda-ambu-ruha upon the lotus feetSB 12.6.35
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Adi 4.173
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 8.219
vastra-ambu-bhājana the cloth and waterpotCC Madhya 17.19
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 18.65
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Antya 7.40
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
kalā-ambubhiḥ with water from dropsSB 7.5.21
śīkara-ambubhiḥ and sprinkling the waterSB 8.2.26
ghṛta-ambubhiḥ with water mixed with butterSB 10.5.14
nava-ambuda a newly formed cloudCC Antya 15.63
nava-ambuda a new rain cloudCC Antya 19.39
asita-ambuda (tinged with the hue of) blue cloudsBs 5.30
bhava-ambudhau in the ocean of nescienceCC Antya 20.32
sapta-dvīpa-ambudhi the oceans of the islandsCC Madhya 20.387
kṛpā-ambudhiḥ the ocean of transcendental mercyCC Madhya 6.254
caraṇa-ambuja lotus feetSB 3.9.5
pāda-ambuja the lotus feetSB 3.20.5
caraṇa-ambuja-āsavam on the nectar of the lotus feetSB 4.4.27
caraṇa-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 4.20.24
tvat-caraṇa-ambuja-anusevām service to the lotus feet of Your LordshipSB 6.9.39
sa-ambuja-karam his trunk, along with a lotus flowerSB 8.3.32
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetSB 10.14.29
pada-ambuja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.10
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.29.37
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.35.6-7
mukha-ambuja of the lotus faceSB 10.45.19
pada-ambuja by the lotus feetSB 10.47.1-2
pāda-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.47.66
pāda-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 11.2.33
pāda-ambuja the lotus feetCC Adi 6.60
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 6.84
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
mukha-ambuja the lotuslike faceCC Madhya 12.215
pāda-ambuja-sarva-svaiḥ whose all in all is the lotus feetCC Madhya 23.100
caraṇa-ambuja at the lotus feetMM 52
mukha-ambujaḥ the lotus flower of His faceSB 1.9.24
pada-ambujaḥ having lotus feetSB 3.24.17
caraṇa-ambujaḥ His lotus feetSB 4.20.19
śrī-vadana-ambujaḥ having a beautiful lotus faceSB 8.18.2
pāda-ambujaḥ whose lotus feetSB 10.16.26
vilocana-ambujaḥ and his lotus eyesSB 12.9.26
mukha-ambujaḥ lotus faceCC Adi 5.214
mukha-ambujaḥ with a face like a lotus flowerCC Madhya 8.81
mukha-ambujaḥ lotus faceCC Madhya 8.140
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.5.17
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.8.36
pada-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.11.26
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.15.46
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.18.4
pāda-ambujam under the lotus feetSB 2.9.18
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 3.5.43
pada-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 3.32.22
mukha-ambujam his face, which is just like a lotus flowerSB 4.8.66
caraṇa-ambujam unto the lotus feetSB 4.29.82
kara-ambujam Your lotus handSB 5.18.23
pāda-ambujam the lotus feetSB 6.3.11
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 7.6.4
kara-ambujam His lotus handSB 7.9.5
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceSB 8.5.45
śrī-mukha-ambujām whose beautiful lotuslike faceSB 8.6.3-7
pāda-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 9.11.21
pāda-ambujam to the lotus feetSB 10.15.5
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.31.7
kara-ambujam the lotus handSB 10.32.4
mukha-ambujam lotus faceSB 10.32.7
caraṇa-ambujam on the lotus feetSB 10.53.40-41
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.62.4
pāda-ambujam His lotus feetSB 10.83.40
pāda-ambujam the lotus feetSB 10.85.38
mukunda-caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feet of Lord MukundaSB 11.2.2
pada-ambujam Your lotus feetSB 11.29.3
caraṇa-ambujam lotus feetSB 11.30.43
caraṇa-ambujam His lotus footSB 12.9.22-25
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceCC Madhya 2.61
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceCC Madhya 23.31
ānana-ambujam whose lotus faceMM 7
pada-ambujāt from the lotus feetSB 1.8.37
śrī-kṛṣṇa-pāda-ambujāt from the lotus feet of Śrī KṛṣṇaMM 42
caraṇa-ambuje at the lotus feetSB 10.84.69
mukha-ambuje at His lotus mouthBs 5.26
līlā-ambujena playing with a lotus flowerSB 3.15.21
mukha-amburuha the lotuslike mouthSB 2.4.24
pāda-amburuha on the lotus feetSB 7.7.30-31
nayana-amburuham the lotus eyesSB 3.9.25
amṛta-ambu water as pure as nectarSB 8.2.25
ānana-ambujam whose lotus faceMM 7
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
tvat-caraṇa-ambuja-anusevām service to the lotus feet of Your LordshipSB 6.9.39
caraṇa-ambuja-āsavam on the nectar of the lotus feetSB 4.4.27
asita-ambuda (tinged with the hue of) blue cloudsBs 5.30
vastra-ambu-bhājana the cloth and waterpotCC Madhya 17.19
bhava-ambudhau in the ocean of nescienceCC Antya 20.32
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.5.17
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.15.46
caraṇa-ambuja lotus feetSB 3.9.5
caraṇa-ambuja-āsavam on the nectar of the lotus feetSB 4.4.27
caraṇa-ambujaḥ His lotus feetSB 4.20.19
caraṇa-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 4.20.24
caraṇa-ambujam unto the lotus feetSB 4.29.82
tvat-caraṇa-ambuja-anusevām service to the lotus feet of Your LordshipSB 6.9.39
caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feetSB 7.6.4
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetSB 10.31.19
caraṇa-ambujam on the lotus feetSB 10.53.40-41
caraṇa-ambuje at the lotus feetSB 10.84.69
mukunda-caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feet of Lord MukundaSB 11.2.2
caraṇa-ambujam lotus feetSB 11.30.43
caraṇa-ambujam His lotus footSB 12.9.22-25
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Adi 4.173
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 8.219
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 18.65
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Antya 7.40
caraṇa-ambuja at the lotus feetMM 52
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetSB 10.14.29
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 6.84
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
sapta-dvīpa-ambudhi the oceans of the islandsCC Madhya 20.387
ghṛta-ambubhiḥ with water mixed with butterSB 10.5.14
jambu and jambu fruitsSB 10.20.25
jambu O rose-apple treeSB 10.30.9
jambu O jambu treeCC Antya 15.32
jambu O jambu treeCC Antya 15.35
jambubhiḥ with jambusSB 4.6.17
jambubhiḥ jambu fruitsSB 8.2.9-13
kalā-ambubhiḥ with water from dropsSB 7.5.21
kambu conchshellSB 1.19.26
kambu like a conchSB 4.21.17
kambu like a conchshellSB 8.8.32
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
kambu like a conchshellSB 10.39.46-48
kambu like a conchshellSB 12.9.22-25
kambu like a conchshellSB 12.9.22-25
kambu with His conchshellSB 4.9.4
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
kara-ambujam Your lotus handSB 5.18.23
kara-ambujam His lotus handSB 7.9.5
kara-ambujam the lotus handSB 10.32.4
sa-ambuja-karam his trunk, along with a lotus flowerSB 8.3.32
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
kṛpā-ambudhiḥ the ocean of transcendental mercyCC Madhya 6.254
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
śrī-kṛṣṇa-pāda-ambujāt from the lotus feet of Śrī KṛṣṇaMM 42
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
līlā-ambujena playing with a lotus flowerSB 3.15.21
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
mukha-ambujaḥ the lotus flower of His faceSB 1.9.24
mukha-amburuha the lotuslike mouthSB 2.4.24
mukha-ambujam his face, which is just like a lotus flowerSB 4.8.66
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceSB 8.5.45
śrī-mukha-ambujām whose beautiful lotuslike faceSB 8.6.3-7
mukha-ambujam lotus faceSB 10.32.7
mukha-ambuja of the lotus faceSB 10.45.19
mukha-ambujaḥ lotus faceCC Adi 5.214
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceCC Madhya 2.61
mukha-ambujaḥ with a face like a lotus flowerCC Madhya 8.81
mukha-ambujaḥ lotus faceCC Madhya 8.140
mukha-ambuja the lotuslike faceCC Madhya 12.215
mukha-ambujam lotuslike faceCC Madhya 23.31
mukha-ambuje at His lotus mouthBs 5.26
mukunda-caraṇa-ambujam the lotus feet of Lord MukundaSB 11.2.2
nava-ambuda a newly formed cloudCC Antya 15.63
nava-ambuda a new rain cloudCC Antya 19.39
nayana-amburuham the lotus eyesSB 3.9.25
nirambu without drinking waterSB 7.3.19
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.8.36
pada-ambujāt from the lotus feetSB 1.8.37
pada-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.11.26
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.18.4
pāda-ambujam under the lotus feetSB 2.9.18
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 3.5.43
pāda-ambuja the lotus feetSB 3.20.5
pada-ambujaḥ having lotus feetSB 3.24.17
pada-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 3.32.22
pāda-ambujam the lotus feetSB 6.3.11
pāda-amburuha on the lotus feetSB 7.7.30-31
pāda-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 9.11.21
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetSB 10.14.29
pāda-ambujam to the lotus feetSB 10.15.5
pāda-ambujaḥ whose lotus feetSB 10.16.26
pada-ambuja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.10
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.29.37
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.31.7
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.35.6-7
pada-ambuja by the lotus feetSB 10.47.1-2
pāda-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.47.66
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.62.4
pāda-ambujam His lotus feetSB 10.83.40
pāda-ambujam the lotus feetSB 10.85.38
pāda-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 11.2.33
pada-ambujam Your lotus feetSB 11.29.3
pāda-ambu-ruha upon the lotus feetSB 12.6.35
pāda-ambuja the lotus feetCC Adi 6.60
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 6.84
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
pāda-ambuja-sarva-svaiḥ whose all in all is the lotus feetCC Madhya 23.100
śrī-kṛṣṇa-pāda-ambujāt from the lotus feet of Śrī KṛṣṇaMM 42
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
pāda-ambu-ruha upon the lotus feetSB 12.6.35
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetSB 10.31.19
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Adi 4.173
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 8.219
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Madhya 18.65
caraṇa-ambu-ruham lotus feetCC Antya 7.40
sa-ambuja-karam his trunk, along with a lotus flowerSB 8.3.32
sapta-dvīpa-ambudhi the oceans of the islandsCC Madhya 20.387
pāda-ambuja-sarva-svaiḥ whose all in all is the lotus feetCC Madhya 23.100
śīkara-ambubhiḥ and sprinkling the waterSB 8.2.26
śrī-mukha-ambujām whose beautiful lotuslike faceSB 8.6.3-7
śrī-vadana-ambujaḥ having a beautiful lotus faceSB 8.18.2
śrī-kṛṣṇa-pāda-ambujāt from the lotus feet of Śrī KṛṣṇaMM 42
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
svaccha-ambu in which the water was clearSB 10.20.32
pāda-ambuja-sarva-svaiḥ whose all in all is the lotus feetCC Madhya 23.100
tila-ambu offerings of water with sesame seedsSB 7.8.44
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
tvat-caraṇa-ambuja-anusevām service to the lotus feet of Your LordshipSB 6.9.39
śrī-vadana-ambujaḥ having a beautiful lotus faceSB 8.18.2
vastra-ambu-bhājana the cloth and waterpotCC Madhya 17.19
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
vilocana-ambujaḥ and his lotus eyesSB 12.9.26
vividha-kusuma-kisalaya-tulasikā-ambubhiḥ with varieties of flowers, twigs and tulasī leaves, as well as with waterSB 5.7.11
88 results
ambu noun (neuter) a kind of Andropogon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number four (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the kañcuka called jala
Frequency rank 661/72933
ambubhṛt noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
talc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the grass Cyperus Pertenuis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26608/72933
ambucara adjective aquatic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
moving in the water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44696/72933
ambuda noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3084/72933
ambudhara noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9764/72933
ambudhi noun (masculine) receptacle of waters (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number four (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7646/72933
ambudhisravā noun (feminine) Aloe perfoliata
Frequency rank 44700/72933
ambuja noun (masculine neuter) a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a muscle-shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
salt the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2684/72933
ambujaka noun (neuter) a lotus
Frequency rank 44697/72933
ambujanman noun (neuter) a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32471/72933
ambujasaṃbhava noun (masculine) name of Brahmā
Frequency rank 32472/72933
ambujābhākṣa noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu
Frequency rank 26606/72933
ambujāla noun (masculine) name of Śiva
Frequency rank 44698/72933
ambuka noun (neuter) water
Frequency rank 44693/72933
ambukaṇa noun (masculine) a shower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44694/72933
ambukukkuṭikā noun (feminine) a kind of bird
Frequency rank 44695/72933
ambukukkuṭī noun (feminine) a kind of bird
Frequency rank 32470/72933
ambumant adjective having or containing water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
watery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26609/72933
ambumuc noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44704/72933
ambumūlikā noun (feminine) a kind of siddhauṣadhī
Frequency rank 44705/72933
ambumṛd noun (feminine) jalamṛd
Frequency rank 32475/72933
ambunidhi noun (masculine) the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18886/72933
ambupa noun (masculine) name of Sūrya Varuṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26607/72933
ambupa adjective Wasser trinkend
Frequency rank 32473/72933
ambupippalī noun (feminine) a kind of plant (cmp. jalapippalī)
Frequency rank 44701/72933
ambuprasāda noun (masculine) Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the clearing nut tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44702/72933
ambuprasādana noun (masculine neuter) Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the clearing nut tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32474/72933
ambuprasādanaphala noun (masculine) Strychnos potatorum
Frequency rank 44703/72933
amburaya noun (masculine) a current (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44706/72933
amburuha noun (neuter) the day-lotus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12357/72933
amburuhā noun (feminine) Hibiscus Mutabilis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44707/72933
amburāśi noun (masculine) the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20738/72933
ambutara noun (neuter) vāritara
Frequency rank 44699/72933
ambuvallikā noun (feminine) Momordica Charantia
Frequency rank 44708/72933
ambuvallī noun (feminine) a kind of divyauṣadhī
Frequency rank 32476/72933
ambuvaśya noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 44709/72933
ambuvetasa noun (masculine) a kind of cane or reed growing in water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26612/72933
ambuvācī noun (feminine) four days in Āshāḍha (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44710/72933
ambuvāha noun (masculine) a water-carrier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
talc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the grass Cyperus Pertenuis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number 17 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26611/72933
ambuvāsinī noun (feminine) Bignonia Suaveolens (trumpet flower) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26610/72933
ambuvāsī noun (feminine) the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44711/72933
anambupāna noun (neuter) not drinking water
Frequency rank 42735/72933
alambuṣa noun (masculine) name of a plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Rākṣasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the palm of the hand with the fingers extended (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7270/72933
alambuṣā noun (feminine) a barrier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a line or anything not to be crossed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a sort of sensitive plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an Apsaras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an artery
Frequency rank 10565/72933
alambu noun (feminine) a sort of lajjālukā, a sensitive plant Name einer Vene name of an Apsaras
Frequency rank 15463/72933
ahambuddhi noun (feminine) haughtiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pride (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46082/72933
kambu noun (masculine feminine neuter) conch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7397/72933
kambu noun (masculine) an elephant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bracelet in general (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bracelet or ring made of shells (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Daitya neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sort of Curcuma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
three lines or marks in the neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tube-shaped bone (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vein or tubular vessel of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14800/72933
kambuka noun (masculine) conch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 48612/72933
kambu noun (feminine) Physalis Flexuosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33828/72933
kambukaṇṭha adjective "shell-neck" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 48613/72933
kambukaṃdhara adjective
Frequency rank 48614/72933
kambukāṣṭhā noun (feminine) Physalis Flexuosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 48615/72933
kambukeśvara noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā
Frequency rank 48616/72933
kambukeśvaratīrthamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 120
Frequency rank 48617/72933
kambugrīva noun (neuter) a shell (śaṅkha)
Frequency rank 48618/72933
kambugrīva noun (masculine) name of a tortoise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27395/72933
kambugrīvā noun (feminine) Andropogon Aciculatus [rel.] name of Devī
Frequency rank 27396/72933
kambutīrtha noun (neuter) the Tīrtha called Kambukeśvara
Frequency rank 33829/72933
kambu noun (feminine) name of a river
Frequency rank 48619/72933
kambupuṣpī noun (feminine) Andropogon Aciculatus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33830/72933
kambumālinī noun (feminine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33831/72933
kujambu noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 49562/72933
jantukambu noun (masculine neuter) a shell inhabited by an animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52669/72933
jambu noun (masculine feminine) -dvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain Meru) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35111/72933
jambu noun (neuter) the rose apple fruit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28067/72933
jambu noun (feminine) Jambudvīpa Ardisia humilis Vahl (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Eugenia Jambolana Lam. (the rose apple tree) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Jambosa jambos Millisp. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 555) Premna herbacea Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium caryophyllaeum Gaertn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium fruticosum DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 555) Syzygium operculatum Gamble (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium rubicundum Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) the rose apple tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the shrub nāga-damanī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3250/72933
jambu noun (feminine) a female jackal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52698/72933
jambuka noun (masculine) a jackal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of Bignonia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a low man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Eugenia Jambos (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Śūdra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an attendant in Skanda's retinue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Varuṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5496/72933
jambukeśvara noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 28069/72933
jambukeśvaratīrtha noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52699/72933
jambudvīpa noun (masculine) the central one of the 7 continents surrounding the mountain Meru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14901/72933
jambudhvaja noun (masculine) name of a teacher
Frequency rank 52700/72933
jambunāyikā noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva
Frequency rank 52701/72933
jambumālin noun (masculine) name of a Rakṣas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14902/72933
jalajambu noun (masculine feminine) a kind of Jambu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35132/72933
tuṣambu noun (feminine) a kind of rasaudhī
Frequency rank 53722/72933
nirambuda adjective cloudless
Frequency rank 56093/72933
nṛpajambu noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 56705/72933
bhūmijambu noun (feminine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37904/72933
mahājambu noun (feminine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61697/72933
vṛṣṭyambu noun (neuter) rain-water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66518/72933
śambuka noun (masculine) a bivalve shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular noxious insect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Śūdra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22375/72933
sambuddha noun (masculine) a Buddha or a Jaina deified sage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69311/72933
sambuddhi noun (feminine) an epithet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
calling out to (a person in the distance) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
making one's self heard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perfect knowledge or perception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the vocative case or its termination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12261/72933
sambudh verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to know to notice to observe to perceive or understand thoroughly to wake up
Frequency rank 7757/72933
sambubodhayiṣu adjective wishing to arouse or make attentive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69312/72933
sṛṣṭyambuja noun (neuter) the menorrhea of a sixteen year old girl (Ḍhuṇḍhukanātha (2000), 22)
Frequency rank 18647/72933


1. a barrier not to be crossed; 2. palm of the hand with fingers extended; 3. Plant life plant, Biophytum sensitivum; water mimosa, Neptunea oleracea.


1. water; 2. kind of grass; ambuprasāda Plant kataka tree, Strychnos potatorum, useful in cleaning the water.


Go to musta.


Go to pāṭala.


Plant black plum, Indian blackberry, Java plum or jambul; Syzygium cumini; Eugenia jambolana.


isle of jambul or the Indian subcontinent.


Plant Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambu Century


Plant green gram, Vogel-tephrosis, Terambus labialus. syn. Glycine labialis.


Plant 1. east Indian arrow root, a kind of turmeric, Curcuma angustifolia; 2. bamboo manna, Bambusa arundinacea.


Plant bamboo, Bambusa arundinacea.


earthy concretion of a milk-white colour formed in the hallow of a bamboo; bamboo rice. Bambusa arundinacea.

Wordnet Search
"ambu" has 51 results.


ambukaṇaḥ, udabinduḥ, udastokaḥ, udakabinduḥ, jalabinduḥ, pṛṣantiḥ, pṛṣataḥ, vāribinduḥ, vārileśaḥ, śīkarakaṇaḥ, śīkaraḥ, abbinduḥ   

jalasya binduḥ।

padmapatrasthaḥ ambukaṇaḥ sūryaprakāśe mauktikasadṛśaḥ dṛśyate।


śaṅkhaḥ, kambuḥ, kambojaḥ, abjaḥ, arṇobhavaḥ, pāvanadhvanāḥ, antakuṭilaḥ, mahānādaḥ, śvetaḥ, pūtaḥ, mukharaḥ, dīrghanādaḥ, bahunādaḥ, haripriyaḥ, kasruḥ, daram, jalajaḥ, revaṭaḥ   

jantuviśeṣaḥ, samudrodbhavajantuḥ।

śaṅkhaḥ jalajantuḥ asti। / bhaktatūryaṃ gandhatūryaṃ raṇatūryaṃ mahāsvanaḥ saṃgrāmapaṭahaḥ śaṅkhastathā cābhayaḍiṇḍima।


kamalam, padmaḥ, utpalam, kumudam, kumud, nalinam, kuvalayam, aravindam, mahotpalam, paṅkajam, paṅkeruham, sarasijam, sarasīruham, sarojam, saroruham, jalejātam, ambhojam, vāryudbhavam, ambujam, ambhāruham, puṇḍarīkam, mṛṇālī, śatapatram, sahasrapatram, kuśeśayam, indirālayam, tāmarasam, puṣkaram, sārasam, ramāpriyam, visaprasūnam, kuvalam, kuvam, kuṭapam, puṭakam, śrīparṇaḥ, śrīkaram   

jalapuṣpaviśeṣaḥ yasya guṇāḥ śītalatva-svādutva-raktapittabhramārtināśitvādayaḥ।

asmin sarasi nānāvarṇīyāni kamalāni dṛśyante। / kamalaiḥ taḍāgasya śobhā vardhate।


jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam   

sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।

jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।


meghaḥ, abhramam, vārivāhaḥ, stanayitnuḥ, balābakaḥ, dhārādharaḥ, jaladharaḥ, taḍitvān, vāridaḥ, ambubhṛt, ghanaḥ, jīmūtaḥ, mudiraḥ, jalamuk, dhūmayoniḥ, abhram, payodharaḥ, ambhodharaḥ, vyomadhūmaḥ, ghanāghanaḥ, vāyudāruḥ, nabhaścaraḥ, kandharaḥ, kandhaḥ, nīradaḥ, gaganadhvajaḥ, vārisuk, vārmuk, vanasuk, abdaḥ, parjanyaḥ, nabhogajaḥ, madayitnuḥ, kadaḥ, kandaḥ, gaveḍuḥ, gadāmaraḥ, khatamālaḥ, vātarathaḥ, śnetanīlaḥ, nāgaḥ, jalakaraṅkaḥ, pecakaḥ, bhekaḥ, darduraḥ, ambudaḥ, toyadaḥ, ambuvābaḥ, pāthodaḥ, gadāmbaraḥ, gāḍavaḥ, vārimasiḥ, adriḥ, grāvā, gotraḥ, balaḥ, aśnaḥ, purubhojāḥ, valiśānaḥ, aśmā, parvataḥ, giriḥ, vrajaḥ, caruḥ, varāhaḥ, śambaraḥ, rauhiṇaḥ, raivataḥ, phaligaḥ, uparaḥ, upalaḥ, camasaḥ, arhiḥ, dṛtiḥ, odanaḥ, vṛṣandhiḥ, vṛtraḥ, asuraḥ, kośaḥ   

pṛthvīstha-jalam yad sūryasya ātapena bāṣparupaṃ bhūtvā ākāśe tiṣṭhati jalaṃ siñcati ca।

kālidāsena meghaḥ dūtaḥ asti iti kalpanā kṛtā


kamalam, aravindam, sarasijam, salilajam, rājīvam, paṅkajam, nīrajam, pāthojam, nalam, nalinam, ambhojam, ambujanma, ambujam, śrīḥ, amburuham, ambupadmam, sujalam, ambhoruham, puṣkaram, sārasam, paṅkajam, sarasīruham, kuṭapam, pāthoruham, vārjam, tāmarasam, kuśeśayam, kañjam, kajam, śatapatram, visakusumam, sahasrapatram, mahotpalam, vāriruham, paṅkeruham   

jalajakṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi atīva śobhanāni santi khyātaśca।

bālakaḥ krīḍāsamaye sarovarāt kamalāni lūnāti।


śaṅkhaḥ, ambhojaḥ, kambuḥ, kambojaḥ, ambujaḥ, abjaḥ jalajaḥ, arṇobhavaḥ, pāvanadhvaniḥ, antakuṭilaḥ, mahānādaḥ, śvetaḥ, pūtaḥ, mukharaḥ, dīrghanādaḥ, bahunādaḥ, haripriyaḥ   

samudrodbhavaḥ jalajantuḥ yaḥ pavitraḥ manyante tathā ca yasya dhārmikādiṣu anuṣṭhāneṣu nādaḥ kriyate।

paṇḍitaḥ satyanārāyaṇakathāyāṃ śaṅkhasya nādaḥ karoti।


sāgaraḥ, samudraḥ, abdhiḥ, akūpāraḥ, pārāvāraḥ, saritpatiḥ, udanvān, udadhiḥ, sindhuḥ, sarasvān, sāgaraḥ, arṇavaḥ, ratnākaraḥ, jalanidhiḥ, yādaḥpatiḥ, apāmpatiḥ, mahākacchaḥ, nadīkāntaḥ, tarīyaḥ, dvīpavān, jalendraḥ, manthiraḥ, kṣauṇīprācīram, makarālayaḥ, saritāmpatiḥ, jaladhiḥ, nīranijhiḥ, ambudhiḥ, pāthondhiḥ, pādhodhiḥ, yādasāmpatiḥ, nadīnaḥ, indrajanakaḥ, timikoṣaḥ, vārāṃnidhiḥ, vārinidhiḥ, vārdhiḥ, vāridhiḥ, toyanidhiḥ, kīlāladhiḥ, dharaṇīpūraḥ, kṣīrābdhiḥ, dharaṇiplavaḥ, vāṅkaḥ, kacaṅgalaḥ, peruḥ, mitadruḥ, vāhinīpatiḥ, gaṅagādharaḥ, dāradaḥ, timiḥ, prāṇabhāsvān, urmimālī, mahāśayaḥ, ambhonidhiḥ, ambhodhiḥ, tariṣaḥ, kūlaṅkaṣaḥ, tāriṣaḥ, vārirāśiḥ, śailaśiviram, parākuvaḥ, tarantaḥ, mahīprācīram, sarinnāthaḥ, ambhorāśiḥ, dhunīnāthaḥ, nityaḥ, kandhiḥ, apānnāthaḥ   

bhūmeḥ paritaḥ lavaṇayuktā jalarāśiḥ।

sāgare mauktikāni santi।


adhama, nīca, nīcaka, kṣuda, durvinīta, duṣprakṛti, avara, īṣatpuruṣa, avara, kambuka, durvṛtta, muṇḍa, apuṣkala   


saḥ nīcaḥ puruṣaḥ asti।


lakṣmīḥ, ramā, kamalā, nārāyaṇī, padmahastā, śrīḥ, viṣṇupriyā, mā, māyā, haripriyā, padmā, padmālayā, bhārgavī, cañcalā, indirā, abjavāhanā, abjā, abdhijā, ambujāsanā, amalā, īśvarī, devaśrī, padmamālinī, padmaguṇā, piṅgalā, maṅgalā, śriyā, śrīpradā, sindhujā, jaganmayī, amalā, varavarṇinī, vṛṣākapāyī, sindhukanyā, sindhusutā, jaladhijā, kṣīrasāgarasutā, dugdhābdhitanayā, kṣīrasāgarakanyakā, kṣīrodatanayā, lokajananī, lokamātā   

dhanasya adhiṣṭhātrī devatā yā viṣṇupatnī asti iti manyate।

dhanaprāptyarthe janāḥ lakṣmīṃ pūjayanti।



latāviśeṣaḥ sā latā yasyāḥ phalaṃ taralam ambuvat ca asti।

kṛṣakaḥ tarambujasya kṛṣiṃ karoti।



kṛṣīkṣetrādiṣu sīmnaḥ sūcakaḥ mṛdādīnāṃ cayaḥ।

kṛṣīkṣetrasya bhrātṛṣu jātena vibhājanena naikāḥ alambuṣāḥ baddhāḥ।



phalaviśeṣaḥ tat phalaṃ yad vartulākāraṃ taralam ambuvat ca asti।

grīṣme naikāni tarambujāni dṛśyante।


śṛgālaḥ, sṛgālaḥ, jambukaḥ, jambūkaḥ, vañcakaḥ, kroṣṭā, gomī, kraśvā, bhūrimāyaḥ, ghorarāsanaḥ, hūravaḥ, śvabhīruḥ, pheraḥ, pheraṇḍaḥ, pheravaḥ   

śvānasadṛśaḥ vanyapaśuḥ।

śṛgālaḥ māṃsāhārī asti।


śambūkaḥ, jalaśuktiḥ, śambukā, śambukaḥ, śāmbukaḥ, śambuḥ, vāriśuktiḥ, kṛmiśuktiḥ, puṣṭikā, jalaḍimbaḥ, duścaraḥ, paṅkamaṇaḍūkaḥ, mantharaḥ   

jalacarī śuktiḥ।

janaiḥ śambūkaḥ khādyarūpeṇa upayujyate।


varuṇaḥ, pracetāḥ, pāśī, yādasāṃpatiḥ, appatiḥ, yādaḥpatiḥ, apāṃpatiḥ, jambukaḥ, meghanādaḥ, jaleśvaraḥ, parañjayaḥ, daityadevaḥ, jīvanāvāsaḥ, nandapālaḥ, vārilomaḥ, kuṇḍalī, rāmaḥ, sukhāśaḥ, kaviḥ, keśaḥ   

ekā vaidikī devatā yā jalasya adhipatiḥ asti iti manyate।

vedeṣu varuṇasya pūjanasya vidhānam asti।


makaraḥ, śiśumāraḥ, ambukīśaḥ, ambukūrmaḥ, culukī   

bṛhad jalajantuḥ।

makaraḥ atīva bhayakaraḥ asti।


jalāḍhya, jalaprāya, anūpa, bahūdaka, udanya, apavat, apas, aptya, ambumat, ammaya, ānūpa, āpya, udakala, udaja, udanvat, audaka, kaja, jāla, nārika, bahvap, bahvapa, vārya, sajala, sāmbhas, ambumatī   

yasmin adhikaṃ jalaṃ vartate।

āpaṇikaḥ jalāḍhyaṃ dugdhaṃ vikrīṇāti।


kumbhīraḥ, nakraḥ, kumbhīlaḥ, gilagrāhaḥ, mahābalaḥ, vārbhaṭaḥ, ambakirātaḥ, ambukaṇṭakaḥ   


jale kumbhīrāt rakṣatu। /

gardabhatvantu saṃprāpyadaśavarṣāṇi jīvati। saṃvatsarantu kumbhīrastato jāyeta mānavaḥ।।


vajram, kuliśam, bhaduram, paviḥ, śatakoṭiḥ, svaruḥ, śambaḥ, dambholiḥ, aśaniḥ, kulīśam, bhidiram, bhiduḥ, svarus, sambaḥ, saṃvaḥ, aśanī, vajrāṃśaniḥ, jambhāriḥ, tridaśāyudham, śatadhāram, śatāram, āpotram, akṣajam, girikaṇṭakaḥ, gauḥ, abhrottham, meghabhūtiḥ, girijvaraḥ, jāmbaviḥ, dambhaḥ, bhidraḥ, ambujam, hlādinī, didyut, nemiḥ, hetiḥ, namaḥ. sṛkaḥ, vṛkaḥ, vadhaḥ, arkaḥ, kutasaḥ , kuliśaḥ, tujaḥ, tigmam, meniḥ, svadhitiḥ sāyakaḥ, paraśuḥ   

indrasya pradhānaṃ śastram।

ekadā indreṇa hanumān vajreṇa prahṛtaḥ।


nāraṅgaḥ, nāgaraṅgaḥ, nāryaṅgaḥ, suraṅgaḥ, tvaggandhaḥ, dantaśaṭhaḥ, airāvataḥ, kirmmīraḥ, colakī, latātaruḥ, nādeyaḥ, bhūmijambukaḥ, rājaphaṇijjhakaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ- jambīrajātīyaḥ madhyamākārakaḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

nāraṅgasya phalāni madhurāṇi sugandhitāni rasayuktāni ca santi।


bhāratavarṣam, bharatavarṣam, bhāratam, bhāratadeśaḥ, jambuḥ, jambu, jambudvipaḥ   

āśiyākhaṇḍe vartamānaḥ āsetuhimācalam tathā ca āsindhubrahmaputraṃ yāvat deśaḥ। bhāratavarṣe lokatantram asti।


laghukaṇṭakī, alambuṣā, lajjinī   

kaṇḍakayuktaḥ laghuḥ kṣupaḥ।

sparśāt laghukaṇṭakyāḥ parṇāḥ ākuñcanti।


dehalī, dvārapiṇḍī, amburaḥ   

dvārasya samīpe vartamānā bhūmiḥ।

sandhyākāle dehalyām āsanam aśubhaṃ manyate।


gambhīraḥ, ambukeśaraḥ, bījakaḥ   

vṛkṣaprakāraḥ yasya phalāni amlāni santi।

asmākaṃ prāṅgaṇe vartamānaḥ gambhīraḥ phalitaḥ।


kavacam, peśikā, kañcukaḥ, kambuḥ, kambukaḥ, kambojaḥ, kośaḥ   

tad uparitanaḥ staraḥ yasmin kaścana phalaṃ jīvaṃ vā vartate।

bādāmaphalasya upari kavacaṃ vartate।


ketakaḥ, ketakī, indukalikā, tīkṣṇapuṣpā, dīrghapatraḥ, pāṃsukā, amarapuṣpaḥ, amarapuṣpakaḥ, kaṇṭadalā, kanakaketakī, kanakapuṣpī, droṇīdalaḥ, karatṛṇam, krakacacchadaḥ, gandhapuṣpaḥ, dalapuṣpā, dalapuṣpī, cakṣuṣyaḥ, cāmarapuṣpaḥ, chinnaruhā, jambālaḥ, jambulaḥ, dhūlipuṣpikā, nṛpapriyā, pharendraḥ, valīnakaḥ, viphalaḥ, vyañjanaḥ, śivadviṣṭā, sugandhinī, sūcipuṣpaḥ, sūcikā, strībhūṣaṇam, sthiragandhaḥ, svarṇaketakī, hanīlaḥ, halīmaḥ, hemaketakī, haimaḥ   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ- yasya savāsikasya puṣpasya patrāṇi krakacasya iva tīkṣṇāni santi।

adhunā udyānasthasya ketakasya puṣpaṃ vikasati।


nirjala, anudaka, anudra, apapayas, apodaka, kājala, gatodaka, jalahīna, niḥsalila, nirapa, nirudaka, nistoya, nyarṇa, vijala, vipayas, vitoya, vīpa, vyarṇa, vyuda, anambu   

yasmin jalasya aṃśaḥ nāsti।

nirjalā bhūmiḥ sthāne sthāne bhagnā।



ekā apsarāḥ।

almabuṣāyāḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



ekā apsarāḥ।

jambumatyāḥ varṇanaṃ grantheṣu vartate।


ambupaḥ, uruṇākṣaḥ, uruṇākṣakaḥ, uruṇākhyam, uruṇākhyakam, eḍagajaḥ, kharjughnaḥ, kharjūghnaḥ, gajaskandhaḥ, cakragajaḥ, padmāṭaḥ, prapunāṭaḥ, prapunāḍaḥ, vimardakaḥ   

ekaṃ jhāṭam।

ambupam auṣadhyāṃ prayujyate।



saptasūtrakā mālā।

śīlā lambuṣāṃ dhārayati।


śaṅkhapuṣpī, śaṅkhāhvā, śaṅkhamālini, śaṅkhanāmnī, śaṅkhapuṣpikā, śaṅkhikā, supuṣpī, śatapuṣpaḥ, śaṅkhakusumam, kambupuṣpī, kirīṭī, kṣīrapuṣpī, jalajasumanā, bhūlagnā, maṅgalyakusumā, maṅgalyā, vanavilāsinī   

śaṅkhākārakaṃ puṣpaṃ yasyāḥ sā tathoktā latāviśeṣaḥ yā bhārate sarvatra dṛśyate oṣadhyāṃ ca prayujyate।

śaṅkhapuṣpī bhūmau prasarati laghu tṛṇam iva ca dṛśyate।


abja, jalaja, ambuja   

yat jalāt utpadyate।

śaṅkhaḥ kamalam ityete abjau staḥ।



ekā rāgiṇī।

saṅgītajñaḥ ambujāṃ gāyati।


varṣāsalilam, varṣāmbu, vṛṣṭyambu, khajalam, khavāri, ākāśasalilam, gaganāmbu, nabhombu, meghodakam, divyodakam, vyomodakam, śikarāmbu, abhrapruṭ   

meghebhyaḥ bindudhārārūpeṇa patitaṃ toyam।

varṣāsalilena saḥ ārdravāsaḥ abhavat।



anyasya praveśaṃ vārayituṃ nirmitā rekhā।

alambuṣāyāḥ laṅghanaṃ kṛtvā sītā bhikṣāṃ dātuṃ bahiḥ agacchat।



ekaḥ rākṣasaḥ।

jambumālinaḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।


jalīya, ambumat   

jalasya athavā jalena sambaddhaḥ।

pṛthivyāḥ prāyaḥ pratiśataṃ pañcasaptatiḥ bhāgaḥ jalīyaṃ kṣetram asti।


nadīkāntaḥ, hijjalavṛkṣaḥ, niculaḥ, ijjalaḥ, piculaḥ, ambujaḥ, ghanadaḥ, kāntaḥ, jalajaḥ, dīrghapatrakaḥ, nadīlaḥ, raktakaḥ, kārmukaḥ   

sāṃvatsaraḥ vṛkṣaḥ yaḥ nadītaṭe samudrataṭe vā prāpyate।

niyamakartā nadīkāntasya chedanaṃ kartuṃ sammataḥ nāsti।


ambukaṇṭakaḥ, ambukirātaḥ, makaraḥ, kumbhīraḥ, ghaṇṭikaḥ, śiśumāraḥ   

makaryāḥ iva jalajantuviśeṣaḥ yasya nāsā makaryāḥ apekṣayā laghuḥ bhavati।

ambukaṇṭakaḥ makaraśca samānameva iti janāḥ cintayanti।



ekaṃ sthānam ।

śabarajamboḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

śambuvardhanasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ sthānam ।

śākajamboḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti


kulāhalaḥ , alambuṣa: , gocchāla: , bhū-kadamba:   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ ।

kulāhalasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate


kulāhalaḥ , alambuṣa: , gocchāla: , bhū-kadamba:   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ ।

kulāhalasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate



ekaṃ chandaḥ ।

samboḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ nagaram ।

kambukasya ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare asti



ekā nadī ।

jamboḥ ullekhaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti



ekaḥ grāmaḥ ।

jambuprasthasya ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe asti



ekaḥ jalīyaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

jalajambukālatāyāḥ ullekhaḥ vāmanasya kāvyālaṅkāravṛttau asti

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