punarapagama | m. going away again; -abhidhâna, n. repeated mention; -abhyâkâram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; -âgata, pp. returned; -âgama, m. return: -âgamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -âdâyam, abs. repeatedly; -âdhâna, n. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; -âdhéya, fp. to be kindled again (sacred fire); -âvartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; -â vritta, pp. repeated; -âvritti, f. return, re appearance; renewed birth. |
yathākaniṣṭham | ad. according to age from the youngest upwards; -kartavya, fp. to be done according to the circumstances; n. proper course of action; -karmá, ad. according to the respective action or actions; -karma-gunam, ad. according to the actions and (three) qualities; -kalpam, ad. according to the ritual; -kândam, ad. according to the sections; -kâma-kâra, m. action according to one'sdesire; -k&asharp;mam (SB. ám), ad. according to wish, at will or pleasure, agreeably; leisurely; -kâma- gyeya, fp. to be oppressed at pleasure; -kâma-prayâpya, fp. to be sent away at pleasure; -kâma-vadhya, fp. to be chastised at pleasure; -kâma-vikârin, a. wandering about at will; -kâma½arkita½arthin, a. satis fying supplicants according to their desire; -kâmin, a. acting according to one's will, unrestrained; -kârya, fp. to be done according to circumstances; -kâla, m. proper time: -m, ad. at the right or usual time, seasonably; -kula-dharmam, ad. according to the family usage; -krita, pp. properly done (--°ree;); agreed upon: (á)-m, ad. as usual (RV.); as it hap pened; as agreed upon; -krama, °ree;--, -m, ena, in due order, successively; -kriyamâna, pr. pt. as being done, usual, customary; -ksham am, ad. according to one's power, as much as possible; -kshipram,ad. as possible; -½âkhyânam, ad. according to the statement, as before stated; -½âgata, pp. by which one came (way): -m, e-na, ad. by the way one came; -½âgama, a. orthodox: -m, ad. in accordance with tradition; -gunam, ad. according to the qualities or virtues; -griham, ad. into one's respective house; -gotra-kula-kalpam, ad. according to the usage of the family or the tribe; -½a&ndot;gám, ad. member by member; -½âkâram,ad. according to usage; -kintita, pp. previously intended; -kkhandas, ad. metre by metre; -gâta, pp. as if born into the world; stupid, foolish; -gosham, ad. to one's heart's content; -gñapta, pp. previously directed orordered; -gñapti, ad. according to command; -gñânam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -gñeyam, ad. id.; -gyeshtham, ad. according to age from the eldest downwards, by seniority. |
svatantra | n. (self-authority), inde pendence, freedom; a. free, independent, un controlled: w. pada, n. independent word: -tâ, f. independence, freedom; originality; -tantraya, den. subject to one'swill; (á) tavas, a. V.: self-strong, inherently powerful; valiant; -tas, ad. of oneself, of one's own ac cord; by nature; out of one's own estate: svato &zip; msât, from one's own share, raksher apakâram svatah parato vâ,guard your self and others against transgression; -tâ, f. ownership: -m pasyati, believes that every thing belongs to or is meant for him, râga svatam upapadyate, accrues to the king; -tvá, n. proprietary right to (lc.; C.); inde pendence (V.). |