अकर | mfn. handless, maimed  |
अकर | mfn. exempt from tax or duty, privileged  |
अकर | mfn. not acting  |
अकरा | f. Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica.  |
अकरण | n. absence of action.  |
अकरणि | f. non-accomplishment, failure, disappointment (used in imprecations e.g. tasyākaraṇir evāstu-bad luck to him!)  |
अकरणीय | mfn. not to be done.  |
अकरिष्यत् | mfn. not intending to do,  |
अकर्कश | mfn. not hard, tender.  |
अकर्मभोग | m. enjoyment of freedom from action.  |
अकर्मक | mfn. (in grammar) intransitive.  |
अकर्मन् | mfn. not working  |
अकर्मन् | mfn. not performing good works, wicked  |
अकर्मन् | mfn. inefficient  |
अकर्मन् | mfn. (in grammar) intransitive  |
अकर्मन् | n. absence of work  |
अकर्मन् | n. observances  |
अकर्मन् | n. improper work, crime.  |
अकर्मान्वित | mfn. unoccupied  |
अकर्मान्वित | mfn. disqualified.  |
अकर्मण्य | mfn. improper to be done  |
अकर्मण्य | mfn. unfit for work  |
अकर्मण्य | mfn. inefficient.  |
अकर्मिका | f. idle,  |
अकर्ण | mf(ā-)n. having diminutive ears  |
अकर्ण | mf(ā-)n. without ears, deaf  |
अकर्ण | mf(ā-)n. without helm or rudder  |
अकर्ण | mf(ā-)n. without karṇa-.  |
अकर्णधार | mfn. without a helmsman, destitute of a pilot.  |
अकर्णक | mfn. without ears  |
अकर्णीय | mfn. not to be heard,  |
अकर्ण्य | mfn. not fit for the ears  |
अकर्तन | m. a dwarf  |
अकर्तृ | m. not an agent, N. applied to the puruṣa- (in sāṃkhya- philosophy)  |
अकर्तृ | m. not active (in grammar)  |
अकर्तृत्व | n. state of non-agency. |
अकरुण | mfn. merciless, relentless.  |
अकरुणत्व | n. harshness, cruelty.  |
आभिमुख्यकरण | n. addressing a person, on .  |
अभ्यवकर्षण | n. ( kṛṣ-), extraction, drawing out  |
अभ्युच्छ्रितकर | mfn. with uplifted proboscis  |
आचार्यकरण | n. acting as teacher  |
अचिन्त्यकर्मन् | mfn. performing inconceivable actions.  |
अद्भुतभीमकर्मन् | mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works.  |
अद्भुतकर्मन् | mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship.  |
अद्ध्यालोहकर्ण | mfn. having ears quite red see adhirūḍha-k/arna-.  |
अधिकर्मकर | m. See adhi-- 1 kṛ- below.  |
अधिकर्मकर | m. an overseer, superintendent.  |
अधीलोहकर्ण | mfn. equals addhyāloha-k/arna- q.v  |
अध्वरकर्मन् | n. performance of the adhvara- or any act connected with it  |
अदृष्टकर्मन् | mfn. one who has not seen practice.  |
अदृश्यकरण | n. act of rendering invisible  |
अदृश्यकरण | n. Name of a part of a treatise on magic.  |
अद्वैतमकरन्द | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
अग्रकर | m. the fore part of the hand, finger  |
अग्रकर | m. first ray  |
आहरकरटा | (id est ā-hara karaṭa! ity-ucyate yasyāṃ kriyāyāṃ sā-),  |
अहिमकर | m. "having hot rays", the sun |
अहीनकर्मन् | mfn. "not devoted to inferior or vile work"(or"not neglecting one's regular actions")  |
आह्लादकर | mfn. causing or conferring delight  |
अइककर्म्य | n. (fr. eka-karman-), unity of action  |
अजकर्ण | m. a goat's ear  |
अजकर्ण | m. the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa.  |
अजकर्णक | m. the Sal-tree, Shorea Robusta.  |
आजकरोण | m.  |
आज्ञाभङ्गकर | mfn. not executing an order. ([ ])  |
अकामकर्शन | (/a-kāma--) mfn. not disappointing desires  |
अक्लिष्टकर्मन् | mfn. unwearied in action.  |
अकृष्णकर्मन् | mfn. free from black deeds, guiltless  |
अक्षकर्ण | m. the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow  |
अक्षकर्ण | m. (in astronomy) argument of the latitude.  |
अक्षरकर | m. a kind of religious meditation  |
आलोककर | mfn. spreading or causing light  |
आलोककर | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
अमित्रकर्मन् | n. an unfriendly act,  |
अमित्रकर्षण | ( ), mfn. harassing enemies.  |
अमित्रकर्षिन् | ( ), mfn. harassing enemies.  |
अमृतकर | m. "nectar-rayed", the moon  |
अंशकरण | n. act of dividing.  |
अनादेशकर | mfn. doing what is not commanded or not allowed  |
आनन्दकर | mfn. exhilarating, delighting. |
अनन्तकर | mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely  |
अनपकरण | n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.  |
अनपकर्मन् | n. idem or 'n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.'  |
अनपकर्ष | m. ( kṛṣ-) non-degradation, superiority.  |
अनारोग्यकर | mfn. unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickness.  |
अनर्थकर | mfn. doing what is useless or worthless  |
अनर्थकर | mfn. unprofitable  |
अनर्थकर | mfn. producing evil or misfortune.  |
अनार्यकर्मिन् | m. doing work unbecoming an ārya- or becoming only a non- ārya-.  |
अन्धकरिपु | m. "the slayer or enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-.  |
अङ्गकर्मन् | n. a supplementary sacrificial act.  |
अङ्गकर्तन | n. cutting off a limb.  |
अङ्गारकर्मान्त | m. charcoal-burning,  |
अनित्यकर्मन् | n. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose.  |
अनित्यसमप्रकरण | n. a section in the nyāya- discussing that sophism.  |
अङ्ककरण | n. the act of marking or stamping.  |
अन्नकरण | mfn. preparing food,  |
अन्तकर | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
अन्तकरण | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
अन्तकरण | n. causing an end of, abolishing (compound),  |
अन्तकर्मन् | mfn. (= anta-- kara-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding iii, 59  |
अन्त्यकर्मन् | n. funeral rites.  |
अनुद्वेगकर | mfn. not causing apprehension, not overawing.  |
अनुमतकर्मकारिन् | mfn. doing what is allowed. acting according to an agreement.  |
अनुपहतकर्णेन्द्रियता | f. having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a buddha-), .  |
अन्यत्रकरण | m. the son of a paramour,  |
आपकर | mf(ī-)n. coming from or native of the (country ?) āpakara-  |
अपकरण | n. acting improperly  |
अपकरण | n. doing wrong  |
अपकरण | n. ill-treating, offending, injuring  |
अपकर्मन् | n. discharge (of a debt)  |
अपकर्मन् | n. evil doing  |
अपकर्मन् | n. violence  |
अपकर्मन् | n. any impure or degrading act  |
अपकर्ष | m. drawing or dragging off or down, detraction, diminution, decay  |
अपकर्ष | m. lowering, depression  |
अपकर्ष | m. decline, inferiority, infamy  |
अपकर्ष | m. anticipation  |
अपकर्ष | m. (in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later.  |
अपकर्षक | mf(ikā-)n. drawing down, detracting (with genitive case)  |
अपकर्षण | mfn. taking away, forcing away, removing, diminishing  |
अपकर्षण | n. taking away, depriving of  |
अपकर्षण | n. drawing down  |
अपकर्षण | n. abolishing, denying  |
अपकर्षण | n. anticipation  |
अपकर्षसम | mf(ā-) a sophism in the nyāya- (exempli gratia, 'for example'"sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common") .  |
अपकर्षिन् | mfn. drawing along (as a plough),  |
अपकर्तन | n. cutting in pieces, dismembering,  |
अपकर्तृ | mfn. injurious, offensive.  |
अपकरुण | mfn. cruel.  |
अपार्थकरण | n. a false plea in a lawsuit.  |
आफलोदयकर्मन् | mfn. persevering in a work until it bears fruit  |
अप्रकर | mfn. not acting excellently  |
अप्रकरण | n. not the principal topic, not relevant to the main subject.  |
अप्रकर्षित | mfn. not exceeded  |
अप्रकर्षित | mfn. unsurpassed.  |
अप्रियकर | mfn. "not giving pleasure", disagreeable  |
अपूर्वकरण | n. (with jaina-s) Name (also title or epithet) of the 8th stage leading to perfection  |
अपूर्वकर्मन् | n. a religious rite or sacrifice (the power of which on the future is not before seen).  |
आराध्यकर्पूर | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a poet,  |
अरण्यकर्पासी | f. equals -kāpāsī- below.  |
अर्धकर्ण | m. "half the diameter", radius.  |
अरिष्टकर्मन् | m. Name of a prince  |
अर्ककर | m. sunbeam  |
अर्पितकर | mfn. "having given one's hand", married |
अर्थकर | mf(ī-)n. ( ) producing advantage, useful  |
अर्थकर्मन् | n. an action on purpose (opposed to guṇa-karman- q.v)  |
अर्थकर्श्य | n. poverty  |
अर्थकर्तृ | ( ) mfn. useful, profitable  |
अरुणकर | m. "having red rays", the sun  |
आर्यकर्मन् | mfn. doing noble actions, acting like an Aryan,  |
अशिशिरकर | m. "having hot rays", the sun  |
अशीतकर | m. equals aśiśira-kara- q.v  |
अशीतकर |  |
अशोककर | m. "rendering sorrowless", Name of a vidyādhara- |
अशोककरी | f. a female name  |
अष्टकर्मपरिभ्रष्ट | m. a jaina-,  |
अष्टकर्ण | mfn. branded on the ear  |
अष्टकर्ण | m. "eight-eared", Name of brahman- (who is supposed to have four heads)  |
अष्टकर्णी | f. a cow branded on the ear  |
अस्तकरुण | mfn. pitiless, cruel,  |
अश्वकर्ण | m. the ear of a horse  |
अश्वकर्ण | mfn. "resembling the ear of a horse", said of a particular fracture of the bones  |
अश्वकर्ण | m. the tree Vatica Robusta (so called from the shape of its leaves)  |
अश्वकर्ण | m. Name of a mountain  |
अश्वकर्णक | mfn. (equals -karṇa- mfn.) said of a particular fracture of the bones  |
अश्वकर्णक | m. the tree Vatica Robusta,  |
आत्मकर्मन् | n. one's own act.  |
अतुषारकर | m. "having not cold rays", the sun.  |
अउपकर्णिक | mfn. (fr. upakarṇa-), being on or near the ears  |
अवभासकर | m. Name of a devaputra-  |
अवचनकर | mfn. not doing what one is bid or advised.  |
अवकर | See ava-kṝ-.  |
अवकर | a kind of plant (growing on garbage heaps),  |
अवकर | m. dust or sweepings  |
अवकरकुट | m. heap of sweepings  |
अवकर्णय | Nom. P. yati-, not to listen or attend to  |
अवकर्षण | n. taking off, etc.  |
अवकर्त | etc. See ava-kṛt-.  |
अवकर्त | m. a part cut off, strip, N.  |
अवकर्तन | n. cutting off, N.  |
अवकर्तिन् | See carmāvak- |
अवकर्त्तृ | See carmāvak-.  |
अवश्यकर्मन् | n. any necessary action or performance,  |
अविद्धकर्णा | f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (see viddha-karṇā-.)  |
आविद्धकर्ण | mfn. having the ears pierced  |
अविद्धकर्णी | f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (see viddha-karṇā-.)  |
आविद्धकर्णी | f. Name of a plant  |
अविघ्नकरणव्रत | n. Name of a particular rite on the fourth day of phālguna-,  |
अविपक्वकरण | mfn. having immature or insufficiently developed organs (of mind)  |
बह्वृचषोडशकर्ममन्त्रविवरण | n. Name of work  |
बाह्यकरण | n. an external organ of sense  |
बाह्यकर्ण | m. Name of two nāga-s  |
बैडालिकर्णककन्थकर्णिकन्थ | n. (prob.) Name of a city gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
बकराज | m. the king of the cranes (called rāja-dharman-, son of kaśyapa-;See ).  |
बकरिपु | m. "enemy of baka-", Name of bhīma-sena-  |
बलकर | mfn. inspiring strength, strengthening  |
बलापकर्षम् | ind. by force  |
बलासक्षयकर | mfn. destroying the phlegmatic humour  |
बन्धकरण | n. binding, fettering, holding back (also by magic)  |
बन्धकर्तृ | m. a binder, fetterer, restrainer (said of śiva-)  |
बर्करकर्कर | mfn. (?) of all kinds  |
बाष्पप्रकर | m. a flow or gush of tears  |
बस्तकर्ण | m. Shorea Robusta  |
बेदरकर | m. (prob.) an inhabitant of the city Bedar or Bidar (also proper N.)  |
भद्रकर्णेश्वर | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
भद्रकर्णिका | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in go-karṇa-  |
भागवतपुराणभावार्थदीपिकाप्रकरनक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भक्तकर | m. equals -kāra-  |
भक्तकर | m. artificially prepared incense  |
भक्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
भङ्गकर | m. Name of two men (sons of avikṣit- and sattrājit-)  |
भारतकर्ण | m. Name of an author  |
भासकर्ण | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
भस्मसूतकरण | n. the calcining of quicksilver  |
भाट्टदिनकर | m. Name of work (and bhāṭṭadinakarīya rīya- n.),  |
भाट्टदिनकरीय | n.  |
भाट्टदिनकरीय | n. bhāṭṭadinakara |
भावकर्मन् | n. dual number the neuter and passive state (exempli gratia, 'for example' aśāyi-,it was slept, fr.2. śī-)  |
भावकर्तृक | mfn. (a verb) having for its agent the state implied by it, an impersonal verb on  |
भयकर | mfn. causing fear, terrible, dangerous  |
भयकर्तृ | mfn. causing fear, terrible, dangerous  |
भयानकरसनिर्देश | m. Name of chapter of  |
भेदकर | mf(ī-)n. breaking through or down  |
भेदकर | mf(ī-)n. sowing dissension among or in (genitive case or compound)  |
भेषजकरण | n. preparation of drugs or medicine  |
भीमकर्मन् | mfn. terrible in act, dreadful  |
भिन्नगण्डकरट | mfn. equals -karaṭa-  |
भिन्नकरट | ( ) mfn. a rutting elephant having a fissure in the temples (from which fluid exudes).  |
भिन्नकरीन्द्रकुम्भमुक्तामय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of pearls fallen from the crack in the frontal protuberances of a chief elephant  |
भिन्नकर्ण | mfn. having divided ears (said of particular animals)  |
भोगकर | mf(ī-)n. producing or affording enjoyment  |
भोगकर्मन् | m. (with kāśmīra-), Name of a poet (equals bhogi-varman-).  |
भ्रमरकरण्डक | m. a small box containing bees (which are let out by thieves to extinguish lights in houses)  |
भृतिकर्मकर | m. a hired labourer or servant  |
भुक्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
भूर्भुवकर | m. a dog  |
भूतकरण | n. "causing a word to have a past meaning", Name of the augment  |
भूतकरणवती | f. (scilicet vibhakti-) the character and personal endings of the augmented verbal forms (id est of imperfect tense Aorist and Conditional)  |
भूतकर्मन् | m. Name of a man  |
भूतकर्तृ | m. "maker of beings", brahmā-, the creator  |
बीभत्सकर्मन् | mfn. doing loathsome or wicked things (as an abusive word)  |
बीजकर्तृ | m. "producer of seed", Name of śiva-  |
बोधकर | mf(ī-)n. one who wakens or rouses or teaches or informs  |
बोधकर | m. "awakener", a minstrel who wakes a prince in the morning with music  |
ब्रह्मैक्यप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मकर | m. an impost paid to the Brahmanical class  |
ब्रह्मकर्मन् | n. the office of the brahman- (id est presiding priest) or of the Brahmans  |
ब्रह्मकर्मप्रदायक | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
ब्रह्मकर्मप्रकाशक | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
ब्रह्मकर्मपुस्तक | n. Name of a manual on ceremonies  |
ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधि | mfn. occupied with or meditating upon the one self-existent Spirit  |
चलकर्ण | m. (in astronomy) the changeable hypothenuse ("the true distance of a planet from the earth" )  |
चम्पकरम्भा | f. a kind of plantain  |
चण्डकर | m. "hot-rayed", the sun  |
चण्डकराय | Nom. rāyate-, to resemble the sun  |
चण्डकर्मन् | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
चन्द्रोदयमकरध्वज | m. Name of a medicinal preparation  |
चर्मकरण | n. working in skins or leather  |
चर्मकर्त | m. a piece of skin or leather  |
चर्मावकर्तन | n. "act of cutting leather", equals ma-karaṇa-  |
चर्मावकर्तिन् | m. "leather-cutter", = ma-kṛt-  |
चर्मावकर्त्तृ | m. idem or 'm. "leather-cutter", = ma-kṛt- '  |
चौडकर्मन् | n. equals caula-k-  |
चौलकर्मन् | n. idem or 'mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (gaRa cūrṇādi-) See cūlā-.'  |
चौरकर्मन् | n. thievery, theft  |
छागकर्ण | m. "goat-ear", Tectona grandis  |
छन्दःप्रकरण | n. a chapter on metre  |
छेदकर | mfn. making incisions  |
छेदकर | m. a wood-cutter  |
छिद्रकर्ण | mfn. having the ears bored  |
छिन्नकर्ण | mfn. having the ears shortened (as animals)  |
छिन्नकर्ण | mf(ī-)n. ( )  |
चीनकर्कटिका | f. a kind of gourd (also cīṇa-- )  |
चीनकर्पूर | m. a kind of camphor  |
चीर्णकर्कटी | for cīna-k- equals ṭikā-  |
चित्रकर | m. ( ) a painter (son of an architect by a śūdra- woman ;or by a gāndhikī- Paddh.)  |
चित्रकर्मन् | n. any extraordinary act, wonderful deed  |
चित्रकर्मन् | n. magic  |
चित्रकर्मन् | n. painting (in Prakrit) (varia lectio)  |
चित्रकर्मन् | n. a painting, picture  |
चित्रकर्मन् | mfn. devoted to various occupations  |
चित्रकर्मन् | m. equals -kara-  |
चित्रकर्मन् | m. "working wonders", a magician  |
चित्रकर्मन् | m. Dalbergia oujeinensis  |
चित्रकर्मविद् | mfn. skilled in the art of painting  |
चित्रकर्मविद् | mfn. skilled in magic  |
चित्रकर्ण | m. "speckled-ear", Name of a camel  |
चीवरकर्मन् | n. arranging a monk's dress (before a journey), (see )  |
चीवरकर्णिक | m. n. lappet of a monk's robe  |
चोडकर्ण | m. "projecting-ear", Name of a man  |
चोरकरण | n. calling anyone a thief  |
दहनकर्मन् | n. the act of burning  |
दहनोपकरण | n. the means for cauterising  |
दैवकर्मन् | n. oblations to the gods, religious rite  |
दकराक्षस | m. a water- rākṣasa-  |
दमकर्तृ | m. a ruler  |
दानदिनकर | m. Name of work  |
दानप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
दण्डकर्मन् | n. punishment  |
दण्डकर्तृ | m. a punisher.  |
दन्तधावनप्रकरण | n. Name of  |
दन्तकर्षण | m. "teeth-injuring", the lime  |
दरकर | m. "hole-maker", a staff  |
दारकर्मन् | n. taking a wife, marrying |
दारुणकर्मन् | n. violent treatment (of diseases)  |
दासकर्मकर | m. a servant doing his work  |
दशकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work on the 10 ceremonies prescribed to the 3 twice-born classes.  |
दशशतकरधारिन् | mfn. thousand-rayed (the moon)  |
दत्तकर्ण | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' giving ear to, listening to  |
दत्तानपकर्मन् | n. non-delivery of gifts  |
दत्तानपकर्मन् | n. see  |
दयाशमकर | m. Name of a man.  |
देहकर | m. "body-former", a father  |
देहकर्तृ | m. idem or 'm. "body-former", a father '  |
देहकर्तृ | m. Name of the sun  |
देवकर्दम | m. "divine paste", a fragrant paste of sandal, agallochum, camphor, and safflower  |
देवकर्म | m. master of divine or sacred work  |
देवकर्मकृत् | mfn. performing it  |
देवकर्मन् | n. religious act or rite, worship of the gods  |
देवतामूर्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work on sculpture.  |
देवीपूजाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
धनुर्वेदप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
धान्यकर्तन | n. "corn-reaping", Name of chapter of  |
धर्मकर्मन् | n. work of duty, pious action  |
धर्मकरोपाध्याय | m. Name of an author  |
धर्मितावच्छेदकरहस्य | n. Name of work |
धातुप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
धूम्रकर्ण | m. a donkey,  |
दीक्षाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
दिनकर | mf(ī-)n. making day or light  |
दिनकर | m. the sun etc.  |
दिनकर | m. Name of an āditya-  |
दिनकर | m. of the author of the work candrārkī-  |
दिनकर | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on (miśra-d-)  |
दिनकर | m. of other men  |
दिनकरभट्ट | m. Name of an author  |
दिनकरभट्टीय | n. his work  |
दिनकरदेव | m. Name of a poet  |
दिनकरतनय | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
दिनकरटिप्पनी | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
दिनकरात्मज | m. "daughter of the sun" patronymic of the yamunā-  |
दिनकरी | f. (scilicet ṭīkā-) Name of commentator or commentary on the and siddhānta-muktāvalī-  |
दिनकरीय | n. Name of work  |
दिनकरोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
दिनकर्तव्य | n. "day-duty", ceremonies to be performed daily  |
दिनकर्तृ | m. "day-maker", the sun  |
दीपकर्पूरज | m. a kind of camphor  |
दीर्घकर्ण | m. "long-ear", Name of a cat  |
दीर्घकर्षण | n. a sort of svara-  |
दिवसकर | m. "day-maker", the sun  |
दोषकर | mf(ī-)n. causing evil or harm, pernicious  |
द्रावकर | m. a kind of borax  |
द्रावकर | m. a flux  |
द्रव्यप्रकर्ष | m. the excellence of a matter ,  |
दृग्दृश्यप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
दृष्टकर्मन् | mfn. whose actions are seen or proved, tried by practice  |
दृष्टकर्मन् | mfn. who has seen the practice of others  |
दुःखकर | mf(ī-)n. causing pain to (genitive case), afflicting  |
दुर्गकर्मन् | n. fortification  |
दुष्करकर्मन् | (varia lectio duṣkarma-kārin-) mfn. doing difficult things, clever  |
दुष्कृतकर्मन् | mfn. acting wickedly, criminal  |
दुष्कृतकर्मन् | n. wicked deed, wickedness  |
दूतकर्मन् | n. business or duty of a messenger  |
द्वादशकर | m. "12-handed or 12-rayed", Name of kārttikeya-  |
द्वादशकर | m. of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
द्वादशान्तप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
द्वीपकर्पूरज | m. camphor from China  |
द्वीपकर्पूरक | m. camphor from China  |
द्विरदकराग्र | n. the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
द्विरागमनप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
द्यूतकर | m. a gambler  |
द्यूतकरमण्डली | f. a gambler's circle (see dyūtamaṇḍala-)  |
द्यूतसमाह्वयप्रकरण | n. "a treatise on the law-suits arising from gambling", Name of chapter of viśveśvara-'s su-bodhinī-.  |
एककर | mf(ī-)n. doing or effecting one  |
एककर | mf(ā-)n. one-handed, one-rayed  |
एककर्मकारक | mfn. doing the same thing, having the same profession.  |
एककर्मन् | ( ) mfn. having one and the same business  |
एकान्तकरुण | mfn. wholly and solely compassionate, wholly charitable  |
गाढकर्ण | m. an ear penetrated by sound, an attentive ear  |
गजकर्ण | m. "elephant-ear", Name of a yakṣa-  |
गजकर्णी | f. a kind of bulbous plant  |
गजेन्द्रकर्ण | m. "having ears like the chief among elephants", Name of śiva-  |
गणकर्मन् | n. a rite common to a whole class or to all  |
गणकर्णिका | f. Cucumis coloquinthida  |
गण्डकरट | m. an elephant's temple  |
गन्धापकर्षण | n. removing smells  |
गर्भकर | m. "producing impregnation", Nageia putraṃjīva-  |
गर्भकरण | n. anything which causes impregnation  |
गर्भकर्तृ | m. "composer of the garbha--hymn", Name of tvaṣṭṛ- (author of )  |
गात्रकर्शन | mfn. emaciating the body  |
घातकर | mf(ī-)n. destructive  |
घाटकर्करी | f. equals ghāṭarī-  |
घटकर्कटताल | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
घटकर्पर | m. Name of the author of a highly artificial poem called after him (also author of the nītisāra- and mentioned as one of the 9 gems of king vikramāditya-'s court)  |
घटकर्पर | n. the fragments of a pot  |
घटकर्पर | n. Name of ghaṭa-karpara-'s poem  |
घटकर्परकुलकवृत्ति | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the preceding.  |
घृतकरञ्ज | m. a kind of karañja- tree  |
गोचरप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
गोपकर्कटिका | f. equals gopālakarkaṭī-  |
गोपालकर्कटी | f. a kind of cucumber (gopa-karkaṭikā-, gopālī-, kṣudra-cirbhiṭā-, kṣudra-phalā-, kṣudrervāru-)  |
गोरक्षकर्कटी | f. the cucumber cirbhiṭā-  |
गोष्ठकर्मन् | n. a rite relating to the cow-stable  |
गोत्रकर्तृ | m. the founder of a family  |
ग्राम्यकर्कटी | f. Benincasa cerifera  |
ग्राम्यकर्मन् | n. equals ma-caryā-  |
ग्रन्थकरण | n. composition of books or treatises  |
ग्रन्थकर्तृ | m. a book-maker, author  |
गृहकरण | n. house-building  |
गृहकरण | n. household affairs  |
गृहकर्मदास | m. idem or 'm. a domestic servant '  |
गृहकर्मकर | m. a domestic servant  |
गृहकर्मन् | n. equals -kārya-  |
गृहकर्मन् | n. a domestic rite (performed at the solemn entrance into a house)  |
गृहकर्तृ | m. a house-builder, carpenter  |
गृहकर्तृ | m. a kind of sparrow  |
गृहप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
गृहोपकरण | n. any domestic utens .  |
गृह्यकर्मन् | n. a domestic rite.  |
गुच्छकरञ्ज | m. a variety of karañja-  |
गुडकरी | for gurjarī-.  |
गुणकरण्डव्यूह | m. Name of a Buddhist work (see kar-.)  |
गुणकरी | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (see -kirī-and guḍa-karī-.)  |
गुणकर्मन् | n. an unessential secondary action (ma-tva-)  |
गुणकर्मन् | n. (in grammar) the secondary or less immediate object of an action  |
गुणकर्मविभाग | mfn. distinguishing an action and an attribute  |
गुणकर्मविभाग | m. separation of an action and an attribute  |
गुणप्रकर्ष | m. idem or 'n. great merit, excellence '  |
गुणस्थानप्रकरण | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
हरिद्रागणपतिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
हर्षकर | mf(ī-)n. causing joy or happiness  |
हासकर | mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh |
हासकर | mfn. laughing, merry  |
हस्तामलकवेदान्तप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
हस्तिमकर | m. a sea-monster shaped like an elephants  |
हास्यकर | ( ) mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh.  |
हठकर्मन् | n. an act of violence  |
हयकर्मन् | n. practice or knowledge of horses  |
हेमकर | m. "golden-worker", Name of śiva-  |
हेमकर | m. (with maithila-) Name of an author  |
हेमकरक | m. a golden vase  |
हेमकर्तृ | m. a goldsmith  |
हेमकर्तृ | m. a kind of bird  |
हिमकर | mfn. causing or producing cold, cold |
हिमकर | m. the moon etc.  |
हिमकर | m. camphor  |
हिमकरतनय | m. "son of the Moon", Name of the planet Mercury  |
हीनकर्मन् | mfn. engaged in low Practices, neglecting or omitting customary rites or religious acts  |
हिरण्यकर्ण | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. wearing gold in the ear  |
हिरण्यकर्तृ | m. a goldsmith  |
हितकर | mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (genitive case), favourable, useful, a benefactor  |
होमकर्मन् | n. sacrificial act or rite  |
होरामकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
होरामकरन्दोहरण | n. Name of work  |
होराप्रकरण | (?) n.  |
ह्रस्वकर्ण | m. "short-eared", Name of a rākṣasa-  |
ह्रस्वकर्षण | n. a particular svara-  |
हृदयोन्मादकर | mfn. bewitching hearts  |
हृदयोपकर्तिन् | mfn. suffering from a particular heart-disease  |
इन्द्रकर्मन् | m. "performing indra-'s deeds"  |
इन्द्रकर्मन् | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
इन्द्रकर्मन् | n. a sacrifice to indra-,  |
इन्द्रमहकर्मन् | m. a dog  |
इष्टकर्मन् | n. (in arithmetic) rule of supposition, operation with an assumed number.  |
जलकर | mfn. making or pouring forth water  |
जलकर | m. tax derived from water (id est from fisheries etc.)  |
जलकरङ्क | m. a conch  |
जलकरङ्क | m. a cocoa-nut  |
जलकरङ्क | m. a lotus-flower  |
जलकरङ्क | m. a cloud  |
जलकरङ्क | m. a wave  |
जालकर्मन् | n. "net-occupation", fishing |
जनकराज | m. Name of a man (grammarian and vaidika-) .  |
जनकरी | f. (equals jananī-) red lac  |
जन्मकर | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' effecting the birth of  |
जन्मान्तकर | m. destroyer of birth  |
जप्यकर्मन् | n. equals pana-,  |
जातकरत्न | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
जातकर्मन् | n. a birth-ceremony (consisting in touching a newly-born child's tongue thrice with ghee after appropriate prayers) etc.  |
जातकर्मन् | n. (cf )  |
जातिभ्रंशकर | mfn. causing loss of caste  |
जयकर्ण | m. Name of a prince  |
जीवदयाप्रकरण | n. Name of a Jain treatise.  |
जीवविचारप्रकरण | n. idem or 'm. "disquisition on life", Name of a Jain work by śānti-sūri- (commented on by bhāva-sundara-, meghanandana-, and īśvarācārya-)'  |
जीवितान्तकर | mfn. menacing life  |
जीवोपलम्भप्रकरण | n. Name of a Jain treatise.  |
काककर्कटी | f. a kind of small date  |
ककर | m. a kind of bird  |
ककर्दु | m. destruction of enemies ([ ])  |
ककर्दु | according to to some kak/ardave- is wrong reading for kapardav/e- = kapardin/e-.  |
कालचोदितकर्मन् | mfn. acting under the influence of fate.  |
कालकरण | n. appointing or fixing a time.  |
कालकर्मन् | n. "Time's act", death  |
कालकर्णी | f. idem or 'f. misfortune (predicted as the consequence of having black ears) '  |
कालकर्णी | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
कालकर्णी | f. of a yoginī-  |
कालकर्णिका | f. misfortune (predicted as the consequence of having black ears)  |
कलङ्ककर | mfn. causing stains, soiling  |
कलङ्ककर | mfn. censorious, calumniating, defaming.  |
कालविप्रकर्ष | m. interval of time,  |
कालविप्रकर्ष | m. distance in time, interval,  |
कल्याणकर | mf(ī-)n. causing prosperity or profit or good fortune.  |
कामकर्शन | in /a-kāma-k- q.v  |
कामप्रियकरी | f. Physalis Flexuosa  |
कंसविद्रावणकरी | f. "driver away of kaṃsa-", Name of durgā-  |
काम्यकर्मन् | n. any act or ceremony done from interested or selfish motives.  |
कनकरम्भा | f. a species of Musa  |
कनकरस | m. fluid gold, a golden stream  |
कनकरस | m. yellow orpiment  |
कनकरेखा | f. Name of a woman  |
काण्डोपकरण | n. the beginning of (the study of) a kāṇḍa-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
कफकर | mfn. producing phlegm  |
कफकर | mfn. occasioning cold.  |
कफकरक्षय | m. pulmonary consumption.  |
कफकरकूर्चिका | f. saliva, spittle  |
कपोतकर्बुर | mfn. spotted like a dove,  |
काप्यकर | mfn. confessing sin  |
कारकर | mf(ī-)n. doing work, acting as agent (?)  |
करकर्ण | m. Name of a man  |
करालकर | mfn. having a powerful arm or hand  |
करालकर | mfn. having a large trunk (as an elephant).  |
कारणकरण | n. a primary cause, elementary cause, atom  |
करवीरकरम्भिन् | n. Name of a wood (varia lectio karavīrākara-)  |
करिमकर | m. a fabulous monster  |
कर्मकर | mf(ī-)n. doing work, a workman, a hired labourer, servant of any kind (who is not a slave ), mechanic, artisan etc.  |
कर्मकर | m. Name of yama-  |
कर्मकर | m. Momordica monadelpha  |
कर्मकरी | f. Sanseviera zeylanica  |
कर्मकरीभाव | m. the state of being a female servant  |
कर्मकर्तृ | m. (in grammar),"an object-agent"or"object-containing agent" id est an agent which is at the same time the object of an action (this is the idea expressed by the reflexive passive, as in odanaḥ pacyate-,"the mashed grain cooks of itself") (see grammar )  |
कर्मकर्तृ | m. dual number (ārau-) the work and the person accomplishing it.  |
कर्मोपकरण | mfn. one who gives aid by work.  |
कर्णकर्णिका | f. a kind of colocynth  |
कर्णोपकर्णिका | f. the going from one ear to the other  |
कर्पूरप्रकरण | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
कार्ष्णकर्ण | mfn. fr. kṛṣṇa-k- gaRa suvāstv-ādi-.  |
कार्यकर | mfn. efficacious  |
कार्यकरण | n. the doing one's duty,  |
कार्यकर्तृ | m. one who works in the interest of (genitive case)  |
कासकर | mfn. producing cough or catarrh.  |
कष्टकर | mf(ī-)n. causing pain or trouble  |
कटकर | - karman-, m. a straw-mat maker (the son of a vaiśya- and a śūdra-),  |
कौम्भकर्ण | mfn. belonging to kumbhakarṇa-  |
कौम्भकर्णि | m. patronymic fr. kumbhakarṇa-  |
कवीन्द्रकर्णाभरण | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
काव्यकर्तृ | m. a poet  |
कायकारणकर्तृत्व | n. activity in performing bodily acts.  |
केशकर्मन् | n. dressing or arranging the hair of the head  |
केशकर्षण | n. pulling or tearing by the hair  |
केशान्तकरण | n. idem or 'm. cutting off the hair finally (as a religious ceremony performed upon Brahmans at 16 years of age, kṣatriya-s at 22, and vaiśya-s at 24) '  |
केशशेषकरण | n. leaving a remnant of hair,  |
केवलकर्मिन् | mfn. performing mere works (without intelligence)  |
खण्डखाद्यकरण | n. idem or 'n. Name of an astronomical karaṇa- (vv.ll. -khāṭṭaka-, -khāḍaka-) '  |
खरकर्णी | f. "ass-eared", Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
खर्जुरकर्ण | varia lectio for rjūra-k- q.v  |
खर्जूरकर्ण | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi- ( ) .  |
खार्जुरकर्ण | for rjūr-.  |
खार्जूरकर्ण | m. patronymic fr. kharjūrak- gaRa śivādi-.  |
खेमकर्ण | m. (for kṣem-?), Name of an ancestor of bala-bhadra-  |
खेटकर्मन् | n. calculation of the motion etc. of planets  |
किसलयकरा | f. (a woman) having hands as tender as buds commentator or commentary  |
कोलकर्कटी | f. idem or 'f. a variety of date (= madhukharjūrikā-) '  |
कोलकर्कटिका | f. a variety of date (= madhukharjūrikā-)  |
क्रकर | m. idem or 'm. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a kind of partridge (commonly Kayar, Perdix sylvatica) (see kṛkaṇa-.)'  |
क्रकर | m. (See also -tva-)  |
क्रकर | m. (equals krakaca-) Ardea virgo  |
क्रकर | m. the plant Capparis aphylla  |
क्रकर | m. a saw  |
क्रकर | m. a poor man  |
क्रकर | m. disease  |
क्रकरट | m. a lark  |
क्रकराट | m. idem or 'm. a lark '  |
क्रकरत्व | n. the state of a partridge (= ) .  |
कृच्छ्रकर्मन् | n. a difficult act, difficulty, labour  |
कृष्णकरविर | m. a black variety of Oleander  |
कृष्णकर्बुरवर्ण | m. "of a variegated dark colour", a kind of bird  |
कृष्णकर्कटक | m. a kind of black crab  |
कृष्णकर्मन् | n. "making black", a peculiar manner of cauterising  |
कृष्णकर्मन् | mfn. doing wrong, criminal  |
कृष्णकर्ण | mf(ī-)n. (gaRa suvāstv-ādi-) black-eared  |
कृष्णकर्णामृत | n. "nectar for kṛṣṇa-'s ears", Name of a poem by bilvamaṅgala-.  |
कृतकर | m. Name of śiva-  |
कृतकर्मन् | n. an act that has been accomplished  |
कृतकर्मन् | mfn. one who has done his work or duty  |
कृतकर्मन् | mfn. clever, able  |
कृतकर्तव्य | mfn. one who has performed what was to be done, one who has done or discharged his duty  |
क्रूरकर्मकृत् | mfn. perpetrating cruel actions  |
क्रूरकर्मकृत् | m. a rapacious animal  |
क्रूरकर्मन् | n. a bloody or terrible deed  |
क्रूरकर्मन् | n. any hard or difficult labour (varia lectio)  |
क्रूरकर्मन् | mfn. performing bloody or terrible deeds, fierce, cruel, unrelenting  |
क्रूरकर्मन् | m. Name of a plant (equals kaṭu-tumbinī-)  |
क्षामकर्षमिश्र | mfn. (equals s/a-kṣāma-karṣa- ) mingled with scorched or singed particles that have been scratched off |
क्षारकर्दम | m. "a pool of saline or acrid mud"Name of a hell  |
क्षारकर्मन् | n. applying caustic alkali (Lapis infernalis) to proud flesh etc., applying acrid remedies in general.  |
क्षत्रियान्तकर | m. idem or 'mfn. one who destroys the military caste ' , Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
क्षौरकरण | n. shaving  |
क्षौरकर्मन् | n. idem or 'n. shaving '  |
क्षौरकर्मन् | n. (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order kṣaura-.)  |
क्षयकर | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' causing destruction or ruin, destructive, terminating  |
क्षयकर | mfn. liberating from existence  |
क्षयकर | mfn. perhaps for kṣayi-kala- (said of the moon"the portions of which are waning")  |
क्षयकर | m., Name of the 49th year of the sixty years' bṛhaspati- cycle  |
क्षयकर्तृ | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' causing destruction or ruin  |
क्षेमकर | mfn. conferring peace or security or happiness  |
क्षेमकरी | f. a form of durgā- (see kṣemaṃ-k-)  |
क्षेमकर्मन् | mfn. equals -kara-  |
क्षेमकर्मन् | mfn. Name of a prince (varia lectio -dharman- q.v)  |
क्षेमकर्ण | m. Name of a son of maheśa- (who composed, A.D. 1570, the work rāga-- mālā-).  |
क्षेत्रकर | mfn. cultivating a field  |
क्षेत्रकर | m. a husband-man.  |
क्षेत्रकर्कटी | f. a kind of gourd  |
क्षेत्रकर्मकृत् | m. a husbandman  |
क्षेत्रकर्मन् | n. "soil-cultivation"  |
क्षेत्रकर्षक | m. soil-plougher, husbandman |
क्षीणाज्यकर्मन् | mfn. "one who has done with sacrificial ceremonies", a Buddhist  |
क्षीणकर्मन् | m. "one whose desire of being active is completely annihilated", a jina-.  |
क्षीणाष्टकर्मन् | m. "one who has suppressed any of the eight groups of actions", an arhat-  |
क्षुद्रकर्मन् | mfn. acting in a low or vile manner  |
क्षुरकर्मन् | n. the operation of shaving  |
क्षुरकर्णी | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
कुलभेदकर | m. one who causes discord in a family.  |
कुलककर्कटी | f. a species of gourd  |
कुलकर | m. the founder of a family, ancestor  |
कुलकर्कटी | for kulaka-kark- q.v  |
कुलकर्मन् | n. the peculiar or proper duty of a family, any observance peculiar to a family  |
कुलकर्तृ | m. the founder of a family or race, ancestor  |
कुलान्तकरण | mfn. one who ruins his family  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. "pot-eared", Name of a rākṣasa- (the brother of rāvaṇa-, described in as sleeping for six months at a time and then waking to gorge himself)  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. Name of a daitya-  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of a muni-  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of a locality  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of śiva-  |
कुम्भकर्णवध | m. "the slaughter of kumbhakarṇa-", Name of a section of the  |
कुन्दकर | m. a turner  |
कुण्डकर्ण | m. "pot-eared", Name of a mythical being  |
कुञ्जरकर | m. an elephant's trunk.  |
कुशेशयकर | m. "having rays like water-lilies", the sun  |
कुसुमाञ्जलिमकरण्ड | m. Name of commentary on the preceding work  |
कुसुमाञ्जलिप्रकाशमकरण्ड | m. Name of commentary on the preceding work  |
कूटकर्मन् | n. fraudulent act, trick  |
लाभकर | ( ) ( ) mfn. causing gain, making profit, gainful, profitable.  |
लक्षणकर्मन् | n. statement of marks or qualities accurate description, definition  |
लक्षणावृत्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
लक्तकर्मन् | m. a red variety of the Lodh tree (used in dyeing)  |
ललामकरूपक | n. (in rhetoric) a flowery metaphor.  |
लम्बकर्ण | mf(ā-or ī-)n. having pendulous ears, long-eared  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. a he-goat, goat  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. an elephant  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. a hawk, falcon  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. a rākṣasa-  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. Alangium Hexapetalum  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. of an ass  |
लम्बकर्ण | m. of a hare  |
लाङ्गलापकर्षिन् | mf(iṇī-)n. drawing the plough (said of an ox)  |
लवनकर्तृ | m. a mower, reaper on  |
लेपकर | m. a plaster-maker, bricklayer, whitewasher  |
लोककारणकरण | n. cause of the causes of the world (Name of śiva-)  |
लोककर्तृ | m. "world-creator"(N. applied to viṣṇu- and śiva- as well as to brahmā-)  |
लोकेशकर | m. Name of a commentator  |
लोलकर्ण | mf(ī-)n. listening to everybody  |
लोमकरणी | f. a species of plant  |
लोमकर्ण | m. "hair-eared", a hare  |
लोमशकर्ण | m. a species of animal living in holes  |
लुलितमकरन्द | mfn. (flowers) whose sap is disturbed (by bees)  |
मदकर | mf(ī-)n. causing intoxication, intoxicating  |
मदकरिन् | m. an elephant in rut  |
माधवचन्द्रकर | m. Name of a medical writer  |
माधवकर | m. equals -candra-kara-.  |
मध्वमतप्रकरण | n. Name of work |
मध्यकर्ण | m. a half diameter, radius  |
महाडकर | (?) m. Name of a commentator  |
महादेवभट्टदिनकर | m. Name of learned men  |
महादेवपुणतामकर | (?) m. Name of author.  |
महादेवपुण्यस्तम्भकर | m. Name of author.  |
महाकारणप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
महाप्रकरण | n. the principal treatment of a subject commentator or commentary  |
महार्णवकर्मविपाक | m. Name of work  |
महारुद्रकर्मकलापपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
महाविद्याप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
महायोगपञ्चरत्नेआश्वलायनोपयोग्याधानप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
महेश्वरकरच्युता | f. "dropped from the hand of śiva-", Name of the river kara-toyā-  |
मकर | m. a kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin etc.;regarded as the emblem of kāma-deva-[ see mokara-ketana-etc. below] or as a symbol of the 9th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-;represented as an ornament on gates or on head-dresses) etc.  |
मकर | m. a particular species of insect or other small animal  |
मकर | m. Name of the 10th sign of the zodiac (Capricornus) etc.  |
मकर | m. the 10th arc of 30 degrees in any circle  |
मकर | m. an army of troops in the form of a makara-  |
मकर | m. an ear-ring shaped like a makara- (see makara-kuṇḍala-)  |
मकर | m. the hands folded in the form of a makara-  |
मकर | m. one of the 9 treasures of kubera-  |
मकर | m. one of the 8 magical treasures called padminī-  |
मकर | m. a particular magical spell recited over weapons  |
मकर | m. Name of a mountain  |
मकरदंष्ट्रा | f. " makara--toothed", Name of a woman  |
मकरध्वज | m. equals -ketana-  |
मकरध्वज | m. the sea  |
मकरध्वज | m. a particular array of troops  |
मकरध्वज | m. a particular medical preparation  |
मकरध्वज | m. Name of a prince  |
मकराकर | m. "receptacle of makara-", the sea |
मकराकार | m. "formed like a makara-", a variety of Caesalpina Banducella  |
मकरकटी | f. "dolphin-hipped", Name of a woman  |
मकरकेतन | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
मकरकेतु | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
मकरकेतुमत् | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
मकराक्ष | m. " makara--eyed", Name of rākṣasa- (son of khara-)  |
मकरकुण्डल | n. an ear-ring shaped like a makara-  |
मकरलाञ्छन | m. equals -kelana-  |
मकरालय | m. " makara--abode", the sea  |
मकरालय | m. Name of the number,"four" (see under samudra-).  |
मकरमास | m. Name of a particular , month  |
मकरमुख | m. equals makarākāra-dhārin- jala-nirgamana-dvāra-, jānūr-dhvāvayava-  |
मकरानन | m.  |
मकरन्द | m. the juice of flowers, honey etc.  |
मकरन्द | m. a species of jasmine  |
मकरन्द | m. a fragrant species of mango  |
मकरन्द | m. a bee  |
मकरन्द | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
मकरन्द | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
मकरन्द | m. Name of a man  |
मकरन्द | m. of various authors and works.  |
मकरन्द | n. a filament (especially of the lotus-flower)  |
मकरन्द | n. Name of a pleasure-garden  |
मकरन्ददीपिका | f. Name of work  |
मकरन्दकणाय | Nom. A1. yate-, to be like drops or particles of flower-juice  |
मकरन्दकारिका | f. plural Name of work  |
मकरन्दपाल | m. Name of a man (father of tri-vikrama-)  |
मकरन्दपञ्चाङ्गविधि | m. Name of work  |
मकरन्दप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
मकरन्दशर्मन् | m. Name of a teacher  |
मकरन्दवास | m. a species of Kadamba  |
मकरन्दवत् | mfn. rich in flower-juice  |
मकरन्दवती | f. the flower of Bignonia Suaveolens  |
मकरन्दविवरण | n. Name of work  |
मकरन्दविवृति | f. Name of work  |
मकरन्दिका | f. a kind of metre  |
मकरन्दिका | f. Name of the daughter of a vidyā-dhara-  |
मकरन्दोद्यान | n. Name of a pleasure-garden near ujjayinī-  |
मकराङ्क | m. "having the makara- for a symbol or mark", Name of kāmadeva-  |
मकराङ्क | m. the sea  |
मकरपाटक | m. Name of a village  |
मकरराशि | m. the zodiacal sign Capricornus  |
मकरसंक्रमण | n. the passage of the sun from Sagittarius into Capricornus  |
मकरसंक्रान्ति | f. idem or 'n. the passage of the sun from Sagittarius into Capricornus '  |
मकरसंक्रान्ति | f. Name of a festival (which marks the beginning of the sun's northern course)  |
मकरसंक्रान्तिदानप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
मकरसंक्रान्तितिलदान | n. Name of work  |
मकरसप्तमी | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month māgha- (see under mākara-).  |
मकराश्व | m. "having the makara- for a horse", Name of varuṇa-  |
मकरवाहन | m. "having the makara- for his vehicle", Name of varuṇa-  |
मकरवाहिनी | f. Name of a river  |
मकरावास | m. " makara--abode", the sea  |
मकरविभूषणकेतन | m. "having the makara- for a characteristic ornament", Name of kāma-deva-  |
मकरायण | mfn. (fr. makara-) gaRa pakṣādi-.  |
मकरी | f. the female of the sea-monster makara-  |
मकरी | f. Name of a river  |
मकरी | f. of makara-, in compound  |
मकरिका | f. a particular head-dress  |
मकरिका | f. a figure resembling the makara-  |
मकरीलेखा | f. equals -pattra- (varia lectio)  |
मकरिन् | m. "full of makara-s", the sea  |
मकरीपत्त्र | n. the mark of a makarī- (on the face of lakṣmi-) (see pattra-bhaṅga-).  |
मकरीप्रस्थ | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi-.  |
मलकर्षण | mfn. removing dirt  |
मलापकर्षण | n. the act of removing dirt or impurity, removal of sin  |
मांसकर | n. flesh-making, blood  |
मनःक्षोभकर | mfn. mind-disturbing, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
मननप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मानसकरण | n. Name of work  |
मन्दकर्मन् | n. the process for determining the apsis of a planet's course  |
मन्दकर्मन् | mfn. having little to do, inactive  |
मण्डकर्ण | m. Name of a man (See māṇḍakarṇi-). |
मन्दकर्ण | mfn. "dull-eared", slightly deaf (proverb badhirān mandakarṇaḥ śreyān-,"something is better than nothing") |
मन्दकर्णि | m. Name of a muni- (varia lectio māndak-and śātak-).  |
माण्डकर्णि | m. (fr. maṇḍa-karṇa-) Name of a muni-  |
मण्डलकराजन् | m. the prince of a small district or province  |
मन्द्रकर्षण | n. a particular svara-  |
मङ्गलकरण | n. "luck-causing", the act of reciting a prayer for success before the beginning of any enterprise  |
मङ्गलकर्मन् | n. idem or 'n. "luck-causing", the act of reciting a prayer for success before the beginning of any enterprise '  |
मणिघण्टाकृतन्यायरत्नप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मन्मथकर | m. "causing love", Name of a being attending on skanda-  |
मन्त्रकरण | n. the recital of a sacred text  |
मन्त्रकरण | n. a Vedic text or verse  |
मन्त्रप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मन्त्रयोगप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मन्त्रोद्धारप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मारणकर्मन् | n. māraṇa |
मार्जारकरण | n. a particular posture in sexual intercourse (also rīśkramaṇa-)  |
मार्जारकर्णी | f. "cat-eared", Name of cāmuṇḍā-  |
मार्जारकर्णिका | f. "cat-eared", Name of cāmuṇḍā-  |
मर्कटकर्ण | mfn. monkey-eared  |
मसुरकर्ण | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
मसूरकर्ण | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants), gaRa upakādi-.  |
मासुरकर्ण | m. patronymic fr. masurakarṇa- gaRa sivā/ai-.  |
मातंगमकर | m. a kind of marine monster  |
मतिप्रकर्ष | m. superiority of mind, cleverness, talent  |
मत्स्यकरण्डिका | f. a fish-basket, any receptacle for fish  |
मयूरकर्ण | m. "peacock's ear", Name of a man, gaRa śivādi-  |
मयूरकर्ण | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-.  |
मायूरकर्ण | m. patronymic fr. mayūra-k- gaRa śivādi-.  |
मेघकर्णा | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
मीमांसामकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
मिश्रदिनकर | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on śiśupāla-vadha-.  |
मिश्रीभावकर्मन् | n. miśrībhāva |
मिष्टकर्तृ | m. "maker of dainties", a skilful cook  |
मिताङ्ककरण | n. Name of work  |
मित्रकरण | the making of friends, making one's self friends Va1rtt. 1  |
मित्रकर्मन् | n. a friendly office, friendship (ma-kṛ-,to join in friendship with [ instrumental case ])  |
मोदकर | m. Name of a muni-  |
मोघकर्मन् | mfn. one whose actions are fruitless, observing useless ceremonies  |
मोहकर | mfn. causing bewilderment, infatuating, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
मृत्युंजयत्वप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
मुदकर | (?) m. plural Name of a people.  |
मुक्तकर | mfn. open-handed, liberal |
मूलकर्मक्रिया | f. mūlakarman |
मूलकर्मन् | n. "root-machination", employment of roots for magical purposes (also mūlakarmakriyā ma-kriyā- f. )  |
मूलापकर्षपरिवास | m. the shortened period of the punishment called parivāsa- See mūla-p-.  |
मूल्यकरण | n. making the worth or value of anything, turning into money  |
मूर्धकर्णी | f.  |
मूर्धकर्परी | f.  |
मूषककर्णी | Salvinia Cucullata or Anthericum Tuberosum  |
मूषककर्णिका | Salvinia Cucullata or Anthericum Tuberosum  |
मूषीककर्णी | f. Salvinia Cucullata  |
मूत्रकर | mfn. producing urine  |
नाडीप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नागकर्ण | m. red Ricinus  |
नगकर्णी | f. Clitoria Ternatea  |
नगरन्ध्रकर | m. "mountain-splitter"Name of kārttikeya-  |
नैमित्तिककर्मन् | n.  |
नैमित्तिकप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नैषादकर्षुक | mfn.  |
नैवेद्यप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रशुद्धिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नामधेयकरण | n. nāmadheya |
नामकरण | m. a nominal suffix  |
नामकरण | n. the calling of a person (genitive case) by the name of (nāmnā-)  |
नामकरण | n. the ceremony of naming a child after birth etc.  |
नामकरण | n. (raṇaṃ- kṛ-,to perform this child)  |
नामकरणप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नामकर्मन् | n. name-giving (see prec.)  |
नापितकर्मन् | n. a barber's work,  |
नरकरिपु | m. "foe of naraka-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, veṇ-. (see -jit-).  |
नरकरूपिन् | mfn. "hell-formed", hellish  |
नाशनकर | mf(ī-)n. destroying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
नस्तकरण | n. instrument used by bhikṣu-s for injecting the nose (taḥ-k-? see above) .  |
नस्यकर्मन् | n. the application of a sternutatory  |
नाटकरत्नकोश | m. Name of work |
नवकर | m. "9handed (?)", Name of a poet (see -hasta-).  |
नवकर्मिक | mfn. superintendent of the construction of an edifice  |
नवार्णवप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नवतत्त्वप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नायकरत्न | n. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
निभृतोर्ध्वकर्ण | mfn. having the ears fixed and erect (said of horses)  |
नीचकर्मन् | mfn. having a low occupation (as a servant)  |
निदाघकर | m. "heat-causer"or"hot-rayed", the sun  |
निदानार्थकर | mfn. operating as a cause  |
नीहारकर | m. "dew-maker"or"cold-rayed", the moon  |
निःक्षत्रकरण | n. depriving of the military caste  |
निःश्रेयसकर | mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation  |
निजकर्मबन्धन | mfn. fettered by one's own works  |
निजकर्मन् | n. one's own work  |
निजानन्दानुभूतिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
निकुच्यकर्णि | ind. with the ears hanging down  |
निम्बकर | varia lectio for nimbaraka-.  |
निम्बार्ककरवीरार्चनव्रत | n. Name of a particular vow and of chapter of  |
निपानकर्तृ | m. one who makes a tank  |
निराबाधकर | mfn. not causing injury or pain  |
निरानन्दकर | mf(ī-)n. causing no pleasure, afflicting  |
निराशकर | mfn. taking away all hope, making impossible (in compound),  |
निर्घातकर | mfn. removing, destroying  |
निर्जरप्रकरणादि | m. Name of work  |
निर्जीवकरण | n. killing, striking dead (with genitive case) (wrong reading -kār-)  |
निर्वाणकर | m. "causing extinction of all sense of individuality", a particular samādhi-  |
निर्वाणप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
निषादकर्षु | f. (or ū-?) , Name of a region  |
निश्चलकर | m. Name of author  |
निस्त्रिंशकर्कश | mfn. cruel and hard  |
नित्यकर्मलता | f. Name of work  |
नित्यकर्मन् | n. a constant act or duty (as observance of the 5 great acts of worship), any daily and necessary rite  |
नित्यकर्मन् | n. Name of work  |
नित्यकर्मानुष्ठानक्रम | m. Name of work  |
नित्यकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
नित्यकर्मप्रकाशिका | f. Name of work  |
नित्यकर्मविधि | m. Name of work  |
नियोगकरण | n. making a command, commanding  |
नृगमोक्षप्रकरण | n. Name of work or chapter of work  |
नृसिंहकरण | n. Name of work  |
न्यासप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
न्यायकरण्ड | n. Name of work  |
न्यायमकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
न्यायमकरन्दविवर्धिनी | f. Name of work  |
न्यायमकरन्दविवेचिनी | f. Name of work  |
न्यायमकरन्दविवृति | f. Name of work  |
न्यायमीमांसाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
न्यायप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
न्यायरत्नप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
ओष्ठकर्णक | m. plural Name of a people  |
पादप्रकरणसंगति | f. Name of work  |
पद्मकर | m. a lotus-like hand  |
पद्मकर | mf(ā-)n. lotus in hand  |
पद्मकर | m. Name of the sun  |
पद्मकरा | f. Name of śrī-  |
पद्मकर्कटी | f. lotus-seed  |
पद्मकर्णिक | m. or n. (?) the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form  |
पद्मकर्णिका | f. the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form  |
पद्मकर्णिका | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
पाककर्मनिबन्ध | m. Name of work  |
पालनकर्मन् | n. pālana |
पालाशकर्मन् | n. Name of a particular ceremony  |
पल्वलकर्षक | mfn. ploughing a pool  |
पानकरसरागासवयोजन | n. sg. ( ), plural ( ) one of the 64 kalā-s or arts.  |
पानकरसासवरागयोजन | n. plural ( ) one of the 64 kalā-s or arts.  |
पञ्चदशकर्मन् | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चदशीप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चाग्निविद्याप्रकरण | n. pañcāgnividyā |
पञ्चकर्म | n. ( ) the 5 kinds of treatment (in medicine, viz. giving emetics, purgative medicines, sternutatories, and enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily)  |
पञ्चकर्माधिकार | m. Name of medicine work  |
पञ्चकर्मन् | n. ( ) the 5 kinds of treatment (in medicine, viz. giving emetics, purgative medicines, sternutatories, and enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily)  |
पञ्चकर्मविधि | m. Name of medicine work  |
पञ्चकर्मी | f. ( ) the 5 kinds of treatment (in medicine, viz. giving emetics, purgative medicines, sternutatories, and enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily)  |
पाञ्चकर्मिक | mfn. relating or applicable to the 5 kinds of treatment  |
पञ्चकर्ण | mfn. branded in the ear with the number 5 (as cattle)  |
पञ्चकर्ण | m. Name of a man  |
पञ्चकर्पट | m. plural Name of a people  |
पञ्चप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चप्रकरणी | f. Name of work  |
पञ्चरात्रकरक्षा | f. Name of work  |
पण्डितकरभिण्डिपाल | m. Name of work  |
पङ्गुवक्रकर्मप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
पङ्ककर्वट | m. mud on the banks of a river, soft mud  |
पाण्युपकर्षम् | ind. drawing near with the hand  |
पापकर | mfn. "wrong-doing", wicked, sinful  |
पापकर्मकृत् | mfn. wicked, an ill-doer  |
पापकर्मन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "wrong-doing", wicked, sinful '  |
पापकर्मन् | m. an ill-doer, criminal, sinner etc.  |
पापकर्मन् | n. a wicked deed  |
पापकर्मिन् | mfn. "wrong-doing", wicked, a villain or sinner  |
पापकर्तृ | mfn. "wrong-doing", wicked, sinful  |
परभूप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
परद्रोहकर्मधी | mfn. injuring another in deed or thought  |
परकरगत | mfn. being in another's hands  |
परकर्मन् | n. service for another  |
परकर्मनिरत | m. "engaged in service for another"a servant  |
परामर्शकर्यकारणभावविचार | m. Name of work |
पारम्पर्यप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
पारणकर्मन् | n. pāraṇa |
परिभाषाप्रकरण | n. Name of work |
परिच्छेदकर | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
परिदृष्टकर्मन् | mfn. having much practical experience ( paridṛṣṭakarmatā ma-tā- f.)  |
परिदृष्टकर्मता | f. paridṛṣṭakarman |
परिवादकर | m. a slanderer, calumniator  |
परोपकरण | n. equals -kāra-  |
परोपकरणीकृ | to make one's self an instrument of others  |
पाषाणवज्रकरस | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
पाशुपतयोगप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
पतत्प्रकर्ष | mfn. (in rhetoric) "where preference or superiority sinks or is not observed", either prosaical or illogical ( patatprakarṣatā -tā- f.)  |
पतत्प्रकर्षता | f. patatprakarṣa |
पात्रोपकरण | n. ornaments of a secondary kind (as bells, chowries etc.)  |
पट्टकर्मकर | m. a weaver  |
पट्टकर्मन् | n. making cloth, weaving  |
पत्त्रकर्तरी | f. shears for cutting off leaves  |
फलप्रकर्ष | mfn. prakarṣa |
फणकर | m. a serpent, snake (especially the Coluber nāga-)  |
पिण्डकरण | n. equals -nirvapaṇa-,  |
पीतकरवीरक | m. oleander with yellow flowers  |
पित्तान्तकरस | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
पोष्यपुत्रकरण | n. adoption  |
प्रभातकरणीय | n. a morning rite or ceremony  |
प्रभिन्नकरट | mfn. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) ( prabhinnakaraṭāmukha ṭā-mukha- mfn.having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice )  |
प्रभिन्नकरटामुख | mfn. prabhinnakaraṭa |
प्राचीनकर्ण | mf(ā-)n. having the wood-knots turned eastward (said of a branch of the udumbara- tree)  |
प्रधानकर्मन् | n. chief or principal action  |
प्रधानकर्मन् | n. principal mode of treatment (in med.),  |
प्रहारकरण | n. dealing blows, beating  |
प्रहर्षणकर | mf(ī-)n. causing great joy, enrapturing  |
प्रैषकर | mfn. executing orders, a servant  |
प्रकर | etc. See pra-kṛ-.  |
प्रकर | See pra-kṝ-, p.654.  |
प्रकर | mf(ī-)n. (for 2.See pra-kṝ-) doing much or well  |
प्रकर | m. aid, friendship  |
प्रकर | m. usage, custom  |
प्रकर | m. respect  |
प्रकर | m. seduction  |
प्रकर | m. an episodical interlude inserted in a drama to explain what follows (also rikā- )  |
प्रकर | m. theatrical dress or disguise  |
प्रकर | m. (for 1.See pra-kṛ-) a scattered heap, heap, multitude, quantity, plenty etc.  |
प्रकर | m. a nosegay  |
प्रकर | n. aloe wood, Agallochum  |
प्राकारकर्ण | m. "Wall-Ear", Name of a minister of the owl-king ari-mardana-  |
प्रकरण | n. production, creation  |
प्रकरण | n. treatment, discussion, explanation  |
प्रकरण | n. treatise, monograph, book, chapter (especially introduction or prologue)  |
प्रकरण | n. a subject, topic, question, matter, occasion, opportunity etc.  |
प्रकरण | n. (asminn eva prakaraṇe-,"on this occasion"or"in this connection" ; na ca prakaraṇaṃ vetsi-,"nor do you know what is the matter" )  |
प्रकरण | n. a kind of drama with a fictitious plot (such as etc.) ( )  |
प्रकरण | n. treating with respect  |
प्रकरण | n. doing much or well  |
प्रकरण | typical performance,  |
प्रकरण | n. Name of work (see nyāyapr-)  |
प्रकरणपाद | m. Name of work  |
प्रकरणपञ्चिका | f. Name of work  |
प्रकरणसम | m. a kind of sophism, an assertion by two opponents of some argument which has the same force of argument pro and con  |
प्रकरणशस् | ind. according to species or kind (opp. to pṛthak-tvena-)  |
प्रकरणतस् | ind. occasionally  |
प्रकरणत्व | n.  |
प्रकरणवादार्थ | m. Name of work  |
प्रकरणी | f. a drama of the same character as the prakaraṇa- but of less extent  |
प्रकरणिका | f. a drama of the same character as the prakaraṇa- but of less extent  |
प्रकरणिका | See above.  |
प्रकरी | f. a kind of song  |
प्रकरी | f. a place where four roads meet  |
प्रकरिका | See above.  |
प्रकरितृ | m. one who sprinkles (or seasons?)  |
प्रकर्ष | etc. See pra-kṛṣ-.  |
प्रकर्ष | m. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, excess, intensity, high degree etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' adhva-pr-,a great distance ; kāla-pr-,a long time ; guṇa-pr-,extraordinary qualities ; phalaprakarṣa phala--pra-karṣa- mfn.consisting chiefly in fruit ; śakti-pr-,possessing extraordinary power )  |
प्रकर्ष | m. length of time, duration  |
प्रकर्ष | m. absoluteness, definitiveness  |
प्रकर्ष | m. (in gram.) the effect of the prefix pra- upon roots  |
प्रकर्ष | in the beginning of a compound eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree etc.  |
प्रकर्षगमन | n. going absolutely or finally, departure  |
प्रकर्षक | m. "harasser, disquieter", Name of the god of love  |
प्रकर्षण | m. one who distracts or troubles  |
प्रकर्षण | n. drawing away  |
प्रकर्षण | n. pushing forth, advancing,  |
प्रकर्षण | n. drawing furrows, ploughing  |
प्रकर्षण | n. extension, length, duration (kāla--)  |
प्रकर्षण | n. a bridle or whip  |
प्रकर्षण | n. the act of harassing or disquieting  |
प्रकर्षण | n. excellence, superiority  |
प्रकर्षण | n. realizing by the use of a pledge more than the interest of the money lent upon it  |
प्रकर्षणीय | mfn. to be dragged away or moved along  |
प्रकर्षात् | ind. eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree etc.  |
प्रकर्षतन्त्र | mfn. dependent on excellence or superior strength  |
प्रकर्षवत् | mfn. pre-eminent, excelling by or in (compound)  |
प्रकर्षेण | ind. eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree etc.  |
प्रकर्षिन् | mfn. drawing forth, causing to move, leading (an army)  |
प्रकर्षिन् | mfn. excellent, pre-eminent, distinguished  |
प्रकर्षित | mfn. (fr. Causal) drawn forth or out etc.  |
प्रकर्षित | mfn. exceeded in profit (as the interest of a loan)  |
प्रकर्षित | n. profit on a pledge beyond the interest of the money lent upon it  |
प्रकर्तव्य | mfn. to be prepared  |
प्रकर्तव्य | mfn. to be disclosed or brought to light  |
प्रकर्तव्य | mfn. to be appointed to (locative case)  |
प्रकर्तृ | mfn. one who causes  |
प्रकाशकर्मन् | m. "whose work is to give light", Name of the sun  |
प्रकाशकर्तृ | m. "light-maker", Name of the sun  |
प्राक्तनकर्मन् | n. any act formerly done or done in a former state of existence  |
प्राक्तनकर्मन् | n. fate destiny  |
प्राणच्छेदकर | mfn. causing destruction of life, murderous  |
प्राणकर | mf(ī-)n. "life-causing", invigorating, refreshing  |
प्राणकर | m. Name of a man  |
प्राणकर्मन् | n. vital function  |
प्रणयप्रकर्ष | m. excess of affection, extraordinary attachment  |
प्राङ्मुखकरण | n. prāṅmukha |
प्राप्तकर्मन् | n. that which results or follows (as direct object of an action) from a preceding rule ( prāptakarmatva ma-tva- n.)  |
प्राप्तकर्मत्व | n. prāptakarman |
प्रारब्धकर्मन् | mfn. ( ) one who has commenced or undertaken a work.  |
प्रशस्तकर | m. Name of an author (perhaps the writer of a work entitled praśasta-)  |
प्रसवकर्मकृत् | m. one who performs the act of begetting, begetter  |
प्रश्नप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
प्रस्रावकरण | n. the urethra  |
प्रस्तरघतनापकरण | n. an instrument for breaking or splitting stones  |
प्रतिभयकर | mfn. causing fear  |
प्रतिकारकर्मन् | n. opposition, resistance  |
प्रतिरौद्रकर्मन् | mfn. acting cruelly against others  |
प्रतिरोधकर | mfn. pratirodha |
प्रत्यक्षकरण | n. one's own perception  |
प्रत्यवकर्शन | mfn. ( kṛś-) bringing down, baffling, annihilating  |
प्रत्ययकर | mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy ( )  |
प्रवचनकर्तृ | m. a proclaimer,  |
प्रावारकर्ण | m. "Cloak-Ear", Name of an owl  |
प्रवृत्तकर्मन् | n. any act leading to a future birth  |
प्रयागप्रकरण | n.  |
प्रायश्चित्तप्रकरण | n. Name of work |
प्रयोजककर्तृत्व | n. the acting as instigator or promoter  |
प्रेष्यकर | mfn. executing the orders of (genitive case)  |
प्रेतकर्मन् | n. an obsequial rite  |
प्रियधान्यकर | mfn. causing dearness of corn (opp. to su-bhikṣa-kārin-)  |
प्रियकर | mfn. causing or giving pleasure  |
प्रियकर्मन् | mfn. doing kind actions, kind  |
प्रियकर्मन् | n. the action of a lover  |
पृथग्योगकरण | n. the separation of a grammatical rule into two (see yoga-vibhāga-).  |
पूजोपकरण | n. ( ) the requisites for the worship or adoration of a god.  |
पुंजन्मकर | mfn. causing or granting it  |
पुणतामकर | m. Name of mahādeva- (the author of the ātmatva-jāti-vicāra- etc.)  |
पुण्यैककर्मन् | mfn. doing only virtuous actions  |
पुण्यकर्मन् | ( ) mfn. acting right, virtuous, pious.  |
पुण्यकर्तृ | ( ) mfn. acting right, virtuous, pious.  |
पुण्यश्लोकेयकर्मन् | mfn. puṇyaśloka |
पुण्यस्तम्भकर | (?) m. Name of a man  |
पूरककुम्भकरेचक | m. plural or n. plural (?) inhaling and then retaining and then exhaling air  |
पुरश्चरणकर्मन् | n. idem or 'n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation '  |
पुरस्तादपकर्ष | m. anticipation on  |
पूर्णचन्द्रप्रायश्चित्तप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
पुरोहितकर्मन् | n. Name of 3rd pariśiṣṭa- of  |
पूर्वघटकर्पर | m. or n. Name of work (prob. the first part of the poem ghaṭa-karpara-).  |
पूर्वकर्मकृतवादिन् | m. one who asserts that only preceding actions determine the following  |
पूर्वकर्मन् | n. a former work or action  |
पूर्वकर्मन् | n. preparation  |
पुष्करकर्णिका | f. the finger on the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
पुष्पकरण्ड | n. "flower-basket", Name of a grove near avanti- or Oujein  |
पुष्पकरण्डक | n. "flower-basket", Name of a grove near avanti- or Oujein  |
पुष्पकरण्डिनी | f. Name of Onjein (see prec.)  |
पुष्पकरण्डोद्यान | n. puṣpakaraṇḍa |
पुष्पकर्ण | mfn. having a flower(-shaped mole) in the ear  |
पुस्तककर | m. an embosser  |
पुस्तकर्मन् | n. plastering, painting  |
पुत्रकर्मन् | n. a ceremony relating to a son  |
रागद्वेषप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
राजधर्मप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
राजकर | m. king's tax, tribute paid to a king  |
राजकरण | n. a law-court  |
राजकर्कटी | f. a kind of cucumber  |
राजकर्मन् | n. the business or duty of a king  |
राजकर्मन् | n. royal service  |
राजकर्मन् | n. the soma- ceremony  |
राजकर्मन् | n. plural royal or state affairs  |
राजकर्मिन् | mfn. working for a prince Va1rtt. 2  |
राजकर्ण | m. an elephant's tusk  |
राजकर्तृ | m. "king-maker" plural those who place a king on the throne  |
राजान्तकरण | mfn. causing the destruction of kind (varia lectio)  |
राजेन्द्रकर्णपूर | m. or n. Name of a poem in praise of harṣa-deva- of kaśmīra-  |
राजोपकरण | n. plural the paraphernalia of a kind, ensigns of royalty  |
राज्याभिषेकप्रकरणटीका | f. Name of work  |
राज्यकर | mfn. exercising government, ruling  |
राज्यकर | m. the tribute paid by tributary princes  |
राज्यकर्तृ | wrong reading for rāja-k- q.v  |
राज्योपकरण | n. plural the instruments or paraphernalia of government, insignia of royalty (see rājop-).  |
रक्तकरवीर | m. Nericum Odorum Rubro-simplex  |
रक्तकरवीरक | m. Nericum Odorum Rubro-simplex  |
रक्तपित्तकर | mfn. causing the above disease  |
रामचन्द्रकरुणासागरचन्द्रिका | f. Name of work  |
रामकरी | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (prob. wrong reading for -kirī- q.v)  |
रामकर्णामृत | n. Name of a poem.  |
रामकर्पूर | m. a species of fragrant grass  |
रामकर्पूरक | m. a species of fragrant grass  |
रामविनोदकरण | n. (also called, pañcāṅga-sādhanodāharaṇa-), Name of a work composed by rāma-candra- in 1614.  |
रणकर्मन् | n. "war-business", battle, fighting  |
रसकर्मन् | n. a sacrificial rite connected with (the sipping of) liquids  |
रसकर्मन् | n. equals -kalpanā-  |
रसकर्पूर | n. sublimate of mercury  |
रसायनकर | mfn. forming an elixir  |
राष्ट्रकर्षण | n. distressing or oppressing a kingdom  |
रथकर | m. equals -kār/a- below  |
रत्नकर | m. Name of kubera-  |
रत्नकरण्डक | m. Name of work  |
रत्नकर्णिका | f. an ear-ring with jewels  |
रौद्रकर्मन् | n. a terrible magic rite or one performed for some dreadful purpose  |
रौद्रकर्मन् | mfn. doing terrible acts  |
रौद्रकर्मन् | m. (also min-) Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
ऋक्षकर्णी | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a yoginī-,  |
ऋणकर्तृ | mfn. one who contracts a debt, indebted  |
ऋणापकरण | n. discharge or payment of debt.  |
रोगमूर्तिदानप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
रोमकर्णक | m. "hair-eared", a hare  |
रूपकर्तृ | m. "maker of forms or figures", Name of viśva-kṛt-  |
रूपकरूपक | n. a particular kind of rūpaka- (metaphor)  |
शब्दकर्मक | mfn. (a root) meaning,"to sound" on  |
शब्दकर्मन् | n. "sound-making", a sound, noise  |
शब्दकर्मन् | mfn. equals -karmaka-  |
सभावशकर | mfn. controlling or influencing an assembly  |
सदाचारप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
षड्दर्शिनीप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
सद्यःप्राणकर | mfn. quickly causing vitality or inspiriting  |
सद्योबलकर | mfn. idem or 'mfn. quickly causing vigour '  |
सहकरण | n. acting together, common action or performance  |
सहकर्तृ | m. a co-worker, assistant ,  |
साहसकरण | n. violence, force  |
साहसकर्मता | f. rashness, temerity  |
सहस्रकर | m. "thousand-rayed", the sun  |
सहस्रकरपन्नेत्र | mfn. having a thousand hands and feet and eyes  |
सहत्वकर्मन् | n. an action to be performed together  |
सहायकरण | n. the act of rendering assistance, aiding  |
साहाय्यकर | mfn. giving assistance, helping  |
शाहिमकरन्द | m. Name of a king and author  |
साह्यकर | mfn. rendering assistance  |
सह्यकर्मन् | n. help, assistance  |
सैंहकर्ण | mfn. coming or derived from siṃha-karṇa- gaRa takṣaśilādi-.  |
सैंहकरोण | m. (see ājaka-r-) on Va1rtt. 14.  |
सैन्यघातकर | mfn. causing the destruction of an army  |
शैवनवदशप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
सज्जकर्मन् | n. the act of making ready or equipping, preparation etc.  |
सज्जकर्मन् | n. stringing a bow (see sajya-karman-).  |
सज्यकर्मन् | n. the act of stringing a bow (Bombay edition)  |
शककर्तृ | m. the founder of an era  |
सकलकर्मचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work  |
शकर | See next.  |
सकर | m. idem or '(in prosody) an anapest ($-) . -2.'  |
सकर | mfn. having hands  |
सकर | mfn. possessing a trunk (as an elephant)  |
सकर | mfn. having rays, full of rays  |
सकर | mfn. bearing tax, liable to pay taxes  |
सकरणक | mf(ikā-)n. transmitted by means of an organ (of the body),  |
सकरविपुला | f. a kind of metre  |
सकर्मक | mfn. effective, having consequences  |
सकर्मक | mfn. (in gram.)"having an object", transitive  |
सकर्मन् | mfn. (in gram.) equals prec. ( sakarmatā ma-tā- f.) on  |
सकर्मन् | mfn. performing any act or rite  |
सकर्मन् | mfn. following similar business  |
सकर्मता | f. sakarman |
सकर्ण | mfn. having ears, hearing  |
सकर्ण | mfn. accompanied by karṇa-  |
सकर्णक | mf(ā-)n. "having ears", and"having a pilot or guide"  |
सकर्णक | mf(ā-)n. having a peg etc.  |
सकर्णप्रावृत | mfn. wrapped or covered up to the ears  |
सकर्णपुच्छ | mfn. with or having ears and tail  |
सकर्तृक | mfn. having an agent ( sakartṛkatā -tā- f. sakartṛkatva -tva- n.)  |
सकर्तृकता | f. sakartṛka |
सकर्तृकत्व | n. sakartṛka |
सकरुण | mfn. lamentable, pitiable, piteous, full of pity ( sakaruṇam am- ind."piteously")  |
सकरुण | mfn. tender, compassionate ( sakaruṇam am- ind."compassionately")  |
सकरुणम् | ind. sakaruṇa |
सकरुणम् | ind. sakaruṇa |
शाखान्तरीयकर्मन् | n. the (rule of) action belonging to another Vedic school  |
शक्तिप्रकर्ष | mfn. possessing superior capacity or power  |
सलज्जितस्नेहकरुणम् | ind. with bashfulness and love and compassion  |
शलकर | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
सलिलकर्मन् | n. "water-rite", a libation of water offered to a deceased person  |
शल्यकर्षण | Name of places  |
शल्यकर्तन | Name of a place  |
शल्यकर्तृ | m. an arrow-maker  |
शल्यकर्तृ | m. equals next (see kriyā-).  |
शल्यकर्त्तृ | m. "cutter or remover of splinters", a surgeon  |
समाधिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
समकर | mfn. (for sa-makara-See) levying regular or fair taxes  |
समकर | mfn. (for sama-kara-See) having marine monsters.  |
समकर्मन् | mfn. having equal occupation  |
समकर्ण | m. "having equal ears", Name of śiva-  |
समकर्ण | m. of buddha- ( samakarṇatā -tā- f.one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha)  |
समकर्ण | mn. "having two equal diagonals", an equi-diagonal tetragon  |
समकर्णता | f. samakarṇa |
समाक्षरावकर | m. a particular samādhi-  |
समानकरण | mfn. having the same organ of utterance (said of a sound)  |
समानकर्मक | mfn. (in gram.) having the same object (See -karman-).  |
समानकर्मन् | n. the same object, (in the beginning of a compound) the same action  |
समानकर्मन् | mfn. expressing the same action  |
समानकर्तृक | mfn. (in gram.) having the same subject (id est that which is spoken of) in a sentence ( samānakartṛkatā -tā-, f.; samānakartṛkatva -tva- n.) (See kartri-).  |
समानकर्तृकता | f. samānakartṛka |
समानकर्तृकत्व | n. samānakartṛka |
समानकर्तृत्व | n. identity of subject,  |
समरकर्मन् | n. the action of battle or war  |
समर्चकर्चा | f. idem or 'n. (orf(ā-).) the act of worshipping, adoration '  |
समर्चकर्चन | n. (orf(ā-).) the act of worshipping, adoration  |
समर्चकर्चित | mfn. worshipped, adored, honoured  |
समासप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
समावर्तनकर्मन् | n. Name of work  |
समवृत्तकर्ण | m. the hypotenuse of the shadow of the time when the sun reaches the prime vertical circle  |
शम्बरान्तकर | m. " śambara--destroyer", the god of love  |
संचितकर्मन् | n. the rites to be performed after arranging the sacrificial fire  |
संधानकरण | mf(ī-)n. causing union or combination, who or what re-unites or heals or reconciles  |
संधानकरण | n. the act of uniting or healing  |
संधानकरण | n. allying, making peace  |
संधानकर्तृ | mfn. uniting, connecting, healing  |
संध्यादिब्रह्मकर्मन् | (dhyād-), n. Name of work  |
संदूषणकर | mf(ī-)n. defiling, disgracing (genitive case)  |
संगीतमकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
संग्रामकर्मन् | n. the work or turmoil of battle  |
शामित्रकर्मन् | n. the office of the above official  |
संजीवकरण | mf(ī-)n. bringing to life, animating  |
संज्ञाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संज्वरकर | mfn. causing agitation  |
संक्लिष्टकर्मन् | mfn. one who does everything with trouble or difficulty  |
संक्रान्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संलीनकर्ण | mfn. one whose ears are depressed or hang down  |
सम्मानकर | mfn. doing honour, honouring  |
सांनिपातिककर्मन् | n. the treatment of the above illness  |
सांनिपातिककर्मन् | n. miscellaneous, promiscuous, collective  |
संन्यासकर्मकारिका | f. Name of work  |
संसर्गप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संशयकर | mf(ī-)n. causing doubt or risk, dangerous to (compound)  |
संशयसमप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संस्कारकर्तृ | m. (the Brahman) who is called in to perform a saṃskāra- ceremony  |
संस्कारप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संश्लिष्टकर्मन् | mfn. not distinguishing between good and evil actions (varia lectio saṃ-kliṣṭa-k-)  |
संसृष्टकर्मन् | mfn. denoting mixed or various actions  |
संतानकर्मन् | n. the act of producing offspring  |
संतानकर्तृ | m. a producer of offspring  |
संतापकर | mfn. causing pain or affliction ( )  |
समुदायप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
समुद्रकर | n. Name of work  |
समुद्रकरभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
संवत्सरकर | m. "year-causer", Name of śiva-  |
संवत्सरप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
संयोजितकरयुगल | mfn. one who has both his hands joined together  |
सङ्गकर | mfn. causing attachment or desire  |
शङ्खकर्ण | m. "shell-eared", Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
शङ्खकर्ण | m. of a dog =  |
शान्तकर्ण | m. (with prefixed śrī-) Name of a king  |
शान्तान्तकर | m. Name of a son of śambara-  |
शान्तिककर्मन् | n. a magical rite performed for removing obstacles  |
शान्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शपथकरण | n. swearing or taking an oath  |
सपत्नकर्शन | mfn. harassing rivals  |
सपिण्डीकरणान्तकर्मन् | n. sapiṇḍīkaraṇa |
सप्तकर्ण | m. Name of a man  |
शरभपक्षिराजप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शार्दूलकर्ण | m. Name of a son of tri-śaṅku-  |
सर्गकर्तृ | m. the creator ( sargakartṛtva -tva- n.)  |
सर्गकर्तृत्व | n. sargakartṛ |
शरीरकर्षण | n. emaciation of the body  |
शरीरकर्तृ | m. "body-maker", a father  |
शरीरन्तकर | mfn. making an end of or destroying the body  |
शर्करकर्षिन् | mfn. equals śarkarā-k-  |
सर्वभावकर | m. "causer of all being", Name of śiva-  |
सर्वहर्षकर | mfn. causing universal joy  |
सर्वकर | m. "maker of all", Name of śiva-  |
सर्वकर्मकारिन् | mfn. sarvakarman |
सर्वकर्मन् | n. plural all kinds of works or rites or occupations ( sarvakarmasaha ma-saha- mfn."equal to all kinds of works"; sarvakarmakārin ma-kārin- mfn."performing all kinds of works") etc.  |
सर्वकर्मन् | mfn. containing all works  |
सर्वकर्मन् | m. one who performs all acts  |
सर्वकर्मन् | m. Name of śiva-  |
सर्वकर्मन् | m. of a son of kalmāṣa-pāda-  |
सर्वकर्मसह | mfn. sarvakarman |
सार्वकर्मिक | mfn. (fr. sarva-karman-) fit for all actions (see -kārmika-below)  |
सर्वकर्मीण | mfn. doing every work, practising or understanding every occupation  |
सर्वकर्मीण | mfn. pervading every action etc.  |
सर्वकर्तृ | m. the maker or creator of all ( sarvakartṛtva -tva- n. )  |
सर्वकर्तृ | m. Name of brahmā-  |
सर्वकर्तृत्व | n. sarvakartṛ |
सर्वलोकभयास्तम्भितत्वविद्ध्वंसनकर | m. Name of a buddha-,  |
सर्वालोककर | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
सर्वमारमण्डलविध्वंसनकरी | f. "destroying the whole company of māra-s", Name of a particular ray  |
सर्वाङ्गवेदनासामन्यकर्मप्रकाश | m. Name of chapter of work  |
सर्वार्थकर्त्रि | m. the creator of all things  |
सर्वतथागतविश्वकर्मज्ञानमुद्रा | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers  |
सर्वतोमुखप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शशकर्ण | m. the ear of a hare  |
शशकर्ण | m. dual number Name of a sāman-  |
शशकर्ण | m. "hare-eared", Name of the author of (having the patronymic kāṇva-)  |
शाशकर्णि | m. (also written śāsak-) patronymic fr. śaśa-karṇa-  |
सासकर्णि | wrong reading for śāś-  |
शस्त्रघुष्टकर | mfn. making a noise or clanging with arms  |
शस्त्रकर्मकृत् | m. "performing a surgical operation", a surgeon  |
शस्त्रकर्मन् | n. "knife-operation", any surgical operation |
शस्त्रकर्मविधि | m. Name of work  |
शास्त्रपूजनप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शस्त्रोपकरण | n. arms and instruments of warfare, military apparatus |
शतकर्मन् | m. the planet Saturn  |
शतकर्णाचार्य | m. Name of an author (wrong reading -karaṇ-).  |
शातकर्णि | m. (fr. śatakarṇa-or śāta-k-) Name of various kings  |
शातकर्णिन् | m. (fr. śatakarṇa-or śāta-k-) Name of various kings  |
शतशकर | mfn. being able to give a hundred  |
सत्प्रतिपक्षदेशनाभासप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
षट्सहस्रकर | m. ṣaṭsahasrī |
सत्त्वकर्तृ | m. the creator of living beings  |
सत्यकर्मन् | n. sincerity in action, truthfulness  |
सत्यकर्मन् | mfn. one whose actions are true  |
सत्यकर्मन् | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
सत्यकर्मन् | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-vrata-  |
सत्यकर्ण | m. Name of a son (or grandson) of candrāpīḍa-  |
शौर्यकरण | n. prowess  |
शौर्यकर्मन् | n. an heroic deed  |
शवकर्मन् | n. the burning of a corpse, obsequies  |
सवनकर्मन् | n. the sacred rite of libation  |
शेषकरण | n. the leaving a remnant of (compound)  |
शेषकरण | n. the doing what remains to be done  |
सिद्धान्तलक्षणविवेकप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
सिद्धान्तमकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
शीघ्रकर्मन् | n. the calculation of the conjunction of a planet  |
शिल्पकर | m.  |
शिल्पकरि | f. equals -kāra-, rī-  |
शिल्पकर्मन् | n. manual labour, handicraft  |
सीमन्तकरण | n. the act or ceremony of parting the hair  |
सीमन्तकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सिंहकर्मन् | mfn. acting like a lion, achieving lion-like deeds  |
सिंहकर्ण | m. (prob.) Name of a place gaRa takṣaśilādi-  |
सिंहकर्णी | f. a particular position of the right hand in shooting an arrow  |
सिंहस्थमकरस्थगुरुनिर्णय | m. Name of work  |
शिशिरकर | m. "cool-rayed", the moon  |
शीतकर | mfn. causing coolness  |
शीतकर | m. "cool-rayed", the moon (ambhaḥ-śīta-k-,the moon reflected in water )  |
शीतकर | m. camphor  |
सितकर | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
सितकर | m. camphor  |
सितकरानन | mf(ā-)n. moon-faced  |
सितकर्मन् | mfn. pure in action  |
सितकर्णी | ( ) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.  |
सितकर्णिका | ( ) ( ) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.  |
शीतलाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शिवकर | mf(ī-)n. causing happiness or prosperity, auspicious, propitious  |
शिवकर | m. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 24 arhat-s of the past utsarpiṇī-  |
शिवकर्णामृत | n. Name of work  |
शिवकर्णी | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda-  |
शिवपत्त्रमुहूर्तप्रकरण | n. (?) Name of work  |
स्मरकर्मन् | n. any amorous act, wanton behaviour  |
स्मरोपकरण | n. implement of love (as perfumes etc.)  |
स्मार्तकर्मन् | n. equals smārtam- above  |
श्मशानकरण | n. the laying out of a burning-ground  |
स्नानोपकरण | n. any utensil used in bathing, any accessory of a bath  |
स्नेहकर्तृ | mf(trī-)n. showing affection or love  |
षोडशकर्मप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
षोडशकर्मविधि | m. Name of work  |
शोककर | m. Semecarpus Anacardium (wrong reading for śopha-k-).  |
शोककर्षित | mfn. harassed by sorrow, agonized with grief  |
सोमकरणी | f. a particular verse  |
सोमकर्मन् | n. the preparation of soma-  |
सोमकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सोमकर्मप्रदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
शोणकर्ण | mfn. having red ears  |
सोपकरण | mfn. together with the implements  |
सोपकरण | mfn. properly equipped  |
स्फोटकर | m. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
स्फुटकरण | n. Name of work  |
श्राद्धकर | m. one who performs a śrāddha- or offers an oblation to the pitṛ-s  |
श्राद्धकर्मन् | n. a śrāddha- rite  |
श्राद्धकर्मविधि | m. Name of work  |
श्राद्धकर्तृ | m. one who performs a śrāddha- or offers an oblation to the pitṛ-s  |
श्रद्धाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
श्राद्धवृत्तिप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
श्रमकर | mfn. causing fatigue or trouble  |
श्रमकर्शित | mfn. worn out with fatigue  |
श्रमकर्षित | mfn. worn out with fatigue  |
श्रमसंतापकर्षित | mfn. worn out by fatigue and pain  |
स्रस्तकर | mfn. having trunks hanging or dangling down  |
श्रौतकर्मन् | n. a Vedic rite  |
श्रौतकर्मण्याश्वलायनोपयोगिप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
श्रौतकर्मपदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रौतकर्मप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
श्रौतस्मार्तकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work (equals kātyāyana-sūtra-p-).  |
श्रावणकर्मन् | n. equals śravaṇā-k- above  |
श्रावणकर्मसर्पबलिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
श्रावणोत्सर्गकर्मन् | n. Name of work  |
श्रीमल्लकर्णि | m. Name of a king  |
सृजत्वकर्मन् | n. begetting children  |
सृप्रकरस्न | (pr/a--) mfn. having smooth or supple arms  |
श्रुतकर्मन् | m. Name of a son of saha-deva-  |
श्रुतकर्मन् | m. of a son of arjuna-  |
श्रुतकर्मन् | m. of a son of somāpi-  |
श्रुतकर्मन् | m. of śani-  |
श्रुतिसारसमुद्धरणप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्रुवकर्ण | mfn. having the mark of a ladle on the ear  |
स्तब्धकर्ण | m. "stiff-eared", Name of an antelope,  |
स्तब्धकर्ण | m. of a lion  |
स्तब्धकर्णशिरोधर | mfn. holding the ears and the neck stiff  |
स्तब्धोर्ध्वकर्ण | mfn. having the tips of the ears stiff or immovable  |
स्तम्बकरि | mfn. forming clumps or bunches  |
स्तम्बकरि | m. corn, rice  |
स्तम्बकरिता | f. formation of abundant sheaves or clusters of rice  |
स्तम्भकर | mfn. (prob.) causing obstruction, hindering, impeding (in puṇya-st- q.v), causing stiffness, paralyzing  |
स्तम्भकर | m. a fence, railing  |
स्तवकर्णिका | f. a lac-earring (?)  |
स्तवकर्णिन् | m. Name of deva-trāta-  |
स्थैर्यकर | mfn. causing firmness or hardness  |
स्थकर | equals sthagara- below  |
स्थिरकर्मन् | mfn. persevering in action  |
स्थितप्रकरण | wrong reading for sthiti-pr-.  |
स्थितिप्रकरण | n. Name of a chapter of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
स्थूलकर्ण | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (varia lectio sthūṇa-k-).  |
स्थूलप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्थूलसूक्ष्मप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्थूणकर्ण | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
स्तोत्रप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्त्रीधनप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्त्रीप्रत्ययप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
शुभकर | mfn. causing welfare, auspicious, fortunate  |
शुभकरी | f. Prosopis Spicigera  |
शुभकर्मन् | n. a good or virtuous act, auspicious action ( śubhakarmanirṇaya ma-nirṇaya- m.Name of work)  |
शुभकर्मन् | mfn. acting nobly  |
शुभकर्मन् | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
शुभकर्मनिर्णय | m. śubhakarman |
शुभाशुभप्रकरणटीका | f. Name of work  |
सुभिक्षकर | mfn. causing abundance of food or good times  |
सूचीवानकर्मन् | n. plural the arts of sewing and weaving  |
सूदकर्मन् | n. a cook's work, cooking  |
शुद्धाभिजनकर्मन् | mfn. pure in family and in conduct  |
शुद्धकर्मन् | mfn. pure in practice, honest  |
शुद्धकर्ण | m. "pure-eared", Name of a man (see śauddhakarṇi-).  |
शुद्धिमकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
शुककर्णी | f. (perhaps) a kind of plant  |
सुखकर | mf(ī-)n. causing pleasure or happiness  |
सुखकर | mf(ī-)n. easy to be done or performed by (genitive case)  |
सुखकर | m. Name of rāma-  |
सुखकरी | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
शुक्लकर्मन् | a water plant  |
शुक्लकर्ण | mfn. white-eared  |
शुक्रकर | mfn. producing semen  |
शुक्रकर | m. the marrow of the bones  |
सुकृतकर्मकारिन् | mfn. sukṛtakarman |
सुकृतकर्मन् | n. a good or meritorious act ( sukṛtakarmakārin ma-kārin- mfn."performing good acts") etc.  |
सुकृतकर्मन् | mfn. doing good deeds, virtuous  |
शूलोद्यतकर | mfn. with uplifted spear in hand  |
शून्यकर्ण | m. an ear adorned with an earring (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सुपद्ममकरन्द | m. Name of work  |
सूपकर्तृ | ( ) m. "sauce-maker", a cook.  |
सुरकरिन् | m. an elephant of the gods  |
सुरकरीन्द्रदर्पापहा | f. "taking away the pride of the chief elephant of the gods", Name of the Ganges  |
शूर्पकर्ण | mfn. having ears like winnowing fans (applied to gaṇeśa-) (wrong reading śūrya-k-)  |
शूर्पकर्ण | m. an elephant  |
शूर्पकर्ण | m. Name of a mountain (incorrectly sūrpa-k-)  |
शूर्पकर्ण | m. plural Name of a people  |
शूर्पकर्णपुट | mfn. having ear-orifices like winnowing fans  |
सूर्यकर | m. a sunbeam  |
सूर्यकरमिश्र | m. Name of an author  |
शूर्यकर्ण | wrong reading for śūrpa-karṇa- q.v  |
सूर्यपक्षकरण | n. Name of work  |
सूर्यार्णवकर्मविपाक | m. Name of work  |
सूर्यारुणकर्मविपाक | m. Name of work  |
सूतकर्मन् | n. the office or service of a charioteer  |
सूत्रकरण | n. the composition of a sūtra-  |
सूत्रकर्मकृत् | m. a carpenter, architect  |
सूत्रकर्मन् | n. "rule-work", carpentry |
सूत्रकर्मन्विशारद | mfn. skilled in carpentry  |
सूत्रकर्तृ | m. the author of a sūtra- manual  |
सूत्रपत्त्रकर | mfn. liable to be made into threads or thin leaves  |
सुवर्णकर्ष | m. a karṣa- weight of gold  |
सुवर्णकर्तृ | m. a gold-worker, goldsmith  |
स्वाकारकर | m. a particular samādhi-  |
स्वकरण | n. making (a woman) one's own, marrying  |
स्वकर्मज | mfn. arising from one's own act  |
स्वकर्मकृत् | m. doing one's own business, an independent workman  |
स्वकर्मन् | n. one's own deed  |
स्वकर्मन् | n. one's own business or occupation  |
स्वकर्मन् | n. one's own occupation or duty etc.  |
स्वकर्मस्थ | mfn. minding one's own business or duty  |
स्वकर्मवश | mfn. subject to (the consequences of) one's own acts  |
स्वकर्मिन् | mfn. selfish ,  |
श्वकर्ण | m. a dog's ear (see śvā-k-).  |
स्वप्नप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्वरकर | mfn. producing voice  |
स्वरप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
श्वासकर्मप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
स्वस्तिककर्ण | mfn. marked on the ear with the figure called svastika-  |
स्वात्मानन्दप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्वात्मनिरूपणप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
स्वयंहारकरी | f. "self-seizing", Name of a daughter of nirmārṣṭi- (and duḥsaha-;she is described as exercising an evil influence on certain substances exempli gratia, 'for example' by abstracting the colour from saffron and the thread from cotton)  |
श्वेतकर्ण | m. Name of a son of satya-karṇa-  |
स्वीकरणकर्मन् | mfn. whose function is to appropriate  |
श्यामकर्ण | mfn. black-cared  |
श्यामकर्ण | m. a horse suitable for a horse-sacrifice  |
श्यामाप्रकरण | n.  |
श्येनकरण | n. "acting like a hawk", acting with precipitation  |
श्येनकरण | n. burning on a separate funeral pile  |
तकरक | = sthakara- or sthagara-, a particular fragrant powder (Bloomfield's , parasmE-pada 311).  |
तकरि | f. equals rī-  |
तकरी | f. a particular part of a woman's pudenda  |
तकरी | f. (tagarī-) , |
तकरी | = sthakara- or sthagara-, a particular fragrant powder (Bloomfield's , parasmE-pada 311).  |
तक्षकर्मन् | n. carpenter's work  |
ताम्बूलकरङ्क | m. a betel-box (Pan-dan)  |
ताम्बूलकरङ्कवाह | m. a servant carrying his master's betel-box  |
ताम्बूलकरङ्कवाहिनी | f. a female servant carrying her master's betel-box  |
ताम्रकर्णी | f. "red-eared", Name of the female of the quarter-elephant añjana- or śeṣa-  |
तानकर्मन् | n. tuning the voice previously to singing  |
तानकर्मन् | n. running over the notes to catch the key  |
तपनकर | m. a sunbeam  |
तपरकरण | n. causing ṭ- to follow,  |
तारकरिपु | m. equals -jit-  |
तर्ककर्कश | m. Name of a family  |
तर्ककर्मन् | for rku-k- (see -sādhya-).  |
तार्णकर्ण | m. patronymic fr. tṛṇa-k- gaRa śivādi-.  |
तार्णकर्णीपुत्र | m. the son of a female descendant of tṛṇa-karṇa- Va1rtt. 3  |
तत्त्वप्रबोधप्रकरण | n. Name of work by haribhadra- II (A.D. 1200)  |
तिग्मकर | m. equals -dīdhiti-  |
तिग्मकर | m. the number"12"  |
तीक्ष्णकर | m. "hot-rayed", the sun  |
तीक्ष्णकर्मकृत् | mfn. acting in a clever manner  |
तीक्ष्णकर्मन् | n. a clever work  |
तीक्ष्णकर्मन् | m. "sharp in action", a sword  |
तिलकराज | n. Name of a man  |
तीर्थकर | mfn. creating a passage (through life) (viṣṇu-)  |
तीर्थकर | m. śiva-  |
तीर्थकर | m. a head of a sect  |
तीर्थकर | m. equals -kṛt-  |
तिथिद्वैधप्रकरण | n. Name of work by śūla-pāṇi-.  |
तिथिप्रकरण | n. Name of a chapter of -sāraṇikā-  |
तिथिप्रकरण | n. of śrī-pati-'s jyotiṣa-ratna-- mālā-.  |
तोयकर्मन् | n. "water-ceremony", ablution of the body, oblation of water to the dead  |
त्रैलोक्यकर्तृ | m. "Trailokya-creator", śiva-  |
त्राणकर्तृ | m. a protector, saviour  |
त्रासकर | mfn. causing fear, alarming.  |
त्रिपुरान्तकर | m. idem or 'm. equals ra-ghna- (interpolation) '  |
त्रिपुरीप्रकरण | n. Name of a Vedantic work (ascribed to śaṃkara-).  |
तृणकर्ण | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi- (varia lectio)  |
तृणकर्ण | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
तृतीयकरणी | f. the side of a square 3 times smaller than another, .  |
तुहिनकर | m. equals tuṣāra-k-  |
तुहिनकरसुता | f. "moon-daughter", the river narmadā-  |
तुल्यकर्मक | mfn. having the same object (in Gramm.)  |
तुरुष्ककर्पूर | mfn. consisting of olibanum and camphor |
तुषारकर | m. "cold-rayed", the moon  |
तुषारकर | m. a--,"the sun"  |
उच्चैःश्रव्यकर्णक | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a demon,  |
उदककर्मन् | n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree)  |
उदकरक्षिका | f. a leech,  |
उदयकर | m. Name of an author.  |
उद्भवकर | mfn. productive.  |
उद्द्योतकर | mfn. causing light, enlightening, illuminating,  |
उद्द्योतकराचार्य | m. Name of a teacher.  |
उद्वाहकर्मन् | n. the marriage ceremony  |
उद्वेगकर | mfn. causing anxiety or agitation or distress  |
उद्वेगकर्तरी | f. an Areca nutcracker,  |
उद्वेजनकर | mfn. causing to shake with horror, causing excitement or pain  |
उग्रकर्मन् | mfn. fierce in action, violent  |
उग्रकर्णिक | mfn. having an exceedingly big ornament for the ear (edition Gorr.) iv, 40, 29.  |
उज्झितकर्णक | mfn. destitute of ear-rings,  |
उन्दुरकर्णी | ( ) f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata.  |
उन्दुरकर्णिका | ( ) ( ) f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata.  |
उन्मकर | (ud-ma-) m. "a rising makara-", a kind of ornament for the ears (so shaped)  |
उपचारकरण | n. ( ) act of courteousness, politeness, civility.  |
उपचारकर्मन् | n. ( ) act of courteousness, politeness, civility.  |
उपदेशकर्णिका | f. Name of work  |
उपकरण | etc. See upa-- 1. kṛ-.  |
उपकरण | n. the act of doing anything for another, doing a service or favour, helping, assisting, benefiting etc.  |
उपकरण | n. instrument, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, paraphernalia (as the vessels at a sacrifice etc.) etc.  |
उपकरण | n. anything added over and above, contribution, expedient  |
उपकरण | n. means of subsistence, anything supporting life  |
उपकरण | n. any object of art or science  |
उपकरण | n. anything fabricated etc.  |
उपकरण | n. the insignia of royalty  |
उपकरण | n. the attendants of a king  |
उपकरण | (according to some also) heaping earth (from kṝ-), Vish2n  |
उपकरणार्थ | mfn. suitable (as a meaning), requisite  |
उपकरणवत् | (upakaraṇ/a-) mfn. furnished with means or instruments or implements, competent to do anything  |
उपकरणीभू | to become an instrument, become or be dependent  |
उपकरणीकृ | to cause to be instrument, make dependent  |
उपकरणीय | mfn. to be helped or assisted etc.  |
उपकर्णम् | ind. near the ear, close to the ear  |
उपकर्णिका | f. that which goes from ear to ear, rumour, report  |
उपकर्षम् | ind. drawing near or towards one's self, seizing  |
उपकर्षण | See column 3.  |
उपकर्षण | n. the act of drawing or dragging near  |
उपकर्तव्य | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) a service is to be rendered to (genitive case), (Bombay edition).  |
उपकर्तृ | mf(tr |