ajanman | mfn. not subject to birth, | ||||||
agrajanman | m. the first-born, an elder brother, a brahman- etc. | ||||||
agrajanman | m. a member of one of the three highest castes | ||||||
agrajanman | m. brahmā- | ||||||
ambhojajanman | m. Name of brahma- (born in a lotus). | ||||||
antyajanman | mfn. of the lowest caste. | ||||||
anyajanman | n. another birth, being born again. | ||||||
asrajanman | n. "formed by blood", flesh | ||||||
ātmajanman | n. the birth (or re-birth) of one's self, id est the birth of a son | ||||||
ātmajanman | m. (equals -ja-,m.) a son | ||||||
bhrātṛvyajanman | (bhr/ā-) mfn. having the nature or character of a rivals | ||||||
brahmajanman | n. "spiritual birth", investiture with the sacred thread | ||||||
brahmajanman | mfn. " brahmā- -born"(said of prajāpati-) | ||||||
cittajanman | m. idem or 'm. "heart-born", love, god of love ' , | ||||||
dantajanman | n. growth of the teeth | ||||||
dharmajanman | m. "son of dharma- id est yama- ", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- | ||||||
ekajanman | m. "once-born", a śūdra- | ||||||
ekajanman | m. "having pre-eminent birth", a king | ||||||
ghaṭajanman | m. "jar-born", droṇa- | ||||||
jalajanman | n. "water-born", a lotus | ||||||
janmajanman | n. | ||||||
janmajanmani | ind. locative case in every (birth or) life | ||||||
jārajanman | m. idem or 'm. equals -garbha- ' | ||||||
kalaśajanman | m. Name of agastya- | ||||||
kaśmīrajanman | n. "produced in Kashmir", saffron | ||||||
kāśmīrajanman | n. saffron | ||||||
kopajanman | mfn. produced by wrath or anger | ||||||
kṛtajanman | mfn. janman | ||||||
kṛtajanman | mfn. born, produced, generated. | ||||||
kṣatajanman | n. "produced by a wound", blood | ||||||
kumbhajanman | m. "born in a pitcher", Name of agastya- | ||||||
kvajanman | mfn. where born? | ||||||
labdhajanman | mfn. one who has obtained birth, born | ||||||
mānasajanman | m. "mind-born", the god of love | ||||||
manuṣyajanman | mfn. begotten by a man | ||||||
mukhajanman | m. a Brahman (see prec.) | ||||||
naṣṭajanman | n. "a lost nativity", subsequent calculation of a lost nativity | ||||||
naṣṭajanman | n. Name of work (also -vidhāna-, ) | ||||||
paṅkajajanman | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- | ||||||
paṅkajanman | n. equals -ja- n. | ||||||
parajanman | n. a future birth | ||||||
prāktanajanman | n. a former birth | ||||||
pratipakṣajanman | mfn. caused by the enemy. | ||||||
punaruktajanman | m. "whose birth is repeated", a Brahman | ||||||
puṇyajanman | (p/u-) mfn. of pure or holy origin | ||||||
pūrvajanman | n. a former birth, formerly state of existence or life | ||||||
pūrvajanman | m. an elder brother | ||||||
rāmajanman | n. the birth or birthday of rāma-s | ||||||
ramaṇīyajanman | mfn. of auspicious birth, born under an auspicious star, | ||||||
sahajanman | mfn. inherited from birth (as a servant) | ||||||
salilajanman | n. "water-born", a lotus | ||||||
samānajanman | mfn. (n/a--) having the same origin | ||||||
samānajanman | mfn. of equal age | ||||||
saṃkalpajanman | mfn. born from desire | ||||||
saṃkalpajanman | mfn. love or the god of love | ||||||
śarajanman | m. "reed-born", Name of kārttikeya- | ||||||
saralaskandhasaṃghaṭṭajanman | mfn. arising from the friction of pine-branches | ||||||
sarasiruhajanman | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- | ||||||
śarīrajanman | mfn. equals -ja- | ||||||
sarvajanman | (sarv/a--) mfn. of all kinds | ||||||
śīghrajanman | m. Guilandina Bonduc | ||||||
śīghrajanman | m. another plant (equals karañja-) | ||||||
śṛṅgārajanman | m. "born from desire", Name of kāma- (god of love). | ||||||
śūdrajanman | mfn. śūdra--born, descended from a śūdra- | ||||||
śūdrajanman | m. a śūdra- | ||||||
sukulajanman | n. noble birth | ||||||
svajanman | (sv/a--) mfn. self-begotten, own | ||||||
valmīkajanman | m. patronymic of vālmīki- | ||||||
vartajanman | m. a cloud | ||||||
vartitajanman | mfn. one in whom existence has been brought about, begotten, procreated | ||||||
vasudevajanman | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
viśvajanman | (viśv/a-) mfn. of all or various kinds | ||||||
viśvāsajanman | mfn. produced from confidence | ||||||
yugmajanman | m. dual number twins |
ajanman | अजन्मन् a. Unborn, epithet of the Unborn Being, the Eternal being; पुरुषस्य पदेष्वजन्मनः R.8.78. -m. [नास्ति जन्म यत्र] Final beatitude, absolution; तस्मात्स योगादधिगम्य योगमजन्मने$कल्पत जन्मभीरुः R.18.33. |
ajanman | n. cessation of re-birth. |
śarajanman | m. (born among reeds), ep. of Kârttikeya; -gâla, n. multi tude of arrows: -maya, a. consisting of a cloud of arrows. |
ajanman | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 20449/72933 | |
agrajanman | noun (masculine) a Brahman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a member of one of the three highest castes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) an elder brother (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the first-born (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11879/72933 | |
antyajanman | adjective of the lowest caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 43474/72933 | |
apaścimajanman | adjective of extraordinary birth Frequency rank 26448/72933 | |
ātmajanman | noun (masculine) a son Frequency rank 26917/72933 | |
upajanman | noun (neuter) additional occurrence Frequency rank 47490/72933 | |
ubhayajanman | adjective produced from two ... Frequency rank 47769/72933 | |
kvajanman | adjective where born? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 34388/72933 | |
gudajanman | noun (neuter) piles Frequency rank 51396/72933 | |
cittajanman | noun (masculine) Kāma, the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27999/72933 | |
jalajanman | noun (neuter) jalaukas leech
a lotus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52762/72933 | |
padmajanman | noun (masculine) name of Brahman Frequency rank 28840/72933 | |
brahmajanman | noun (neuter) investiture with the sacred thread (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29421/72933 | |
śarajanman | noun (masculine) name of Kārttikeya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67257/72933 | |
śīghrajanman | noun (neuter) a kind of plant Frequency rank 67739/72933 | |
śūdrajanman | noun (masculine) a Śudra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30588/72933 | |
salilajanman | noun (neuter) a lotus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69535/72933 | |
saṃkalpajanman | noun (masculine) love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the god of love Frequency rank 25767/72933 | |
skandhajanman | noun (masculine) the Banyan Frequency rank 71608/72933 |