aj | cl.1 P. (defective,supplemented fr. vi-), /ajati-, ājīt-, ajitum-, to drive, propel, throw, cast: Desiderative ajijiṣati-, to be desirous of driving ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin ago]). |
aja | m. a drove, troop (of marut-s) |
aja | m. a driver, mover, instigator, leader |
aja | m. Name of indra-, of rudra-, of one of the marut-s ([ aj/a /eka-p/ā- aj/a /eka-pāda- ]), of agni-, of the sun, of brahmā-, of viṣṇu-, of śiva-, of kāma- (see 2. a-ja-) |
aja | m. the leader of a flock |
aja | m. a he-goat, ram ([ confer, compare Greek ,; Lithuanian $ ]) |
aja | m. the sign Aries |
aja | m. the vehicle of agni- |
aja | m. beam of the sun (pūṣan-) |
aja | m. Name of a descendant of viśvāmitra-, and of daśaratha-'s or dīrghabāhu-'s father |
aja | m. Name of a mineral substance |
aja | m. of a kind of rice |
aja | m. of the moon |
aja | m. plural Name of a people |
aja | m. of a class of ṛṣi-s |
ajā | f. Name of prakṛti-, of māyā- or Illusion See a-jā- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. a-jā-) |
ajā | f. a she-goat |
ajā | f. Name of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat |
aja | mfn. not born, existing from all eternity |
aja | m. Name of the first uncreated being |
aja | m. brahmā-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, kāma- |
ajā | f. Name of prakṛti-, māyā- or Illusion (See also 1. aj/a-and 1. ajana-). |
ajā | f. a she-goat. See 1. aj/a-. |
ajababhru | (/aja--) n. said to be the father or origin of a medical plant |
ajabhakṣa | m. "goat's food", the plant varvūra-. |
ajāda | m. "goat-eater", the ancestor of a warrior tribe |
ajaḍa | mfn. not inanimate, not torpid, not stupid |
ajaḍā | f. the plants ajaṭā- and kapikacchu- (Carpopogon Pruriens). |
ajaḍadhī | mfn. of a vigorous mind, energetic. |
ajadaṇḍī | f. a plant equals brahmadaṇḍi-. |
ajādanī | f. a species of prickly night-shade. |
ajadevatā | f. plural the 25th lunar mansion. |
ajādi | a gaRa of |
ajāgala | m. goat's neck. |
ajāgalastana | m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats, an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person. |
ajagallikā | f. "goat's cheek", an infantile disease. |
ajagandhā | f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. |
ajagandhikā | f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. |
ajagandhinī | f. a plant equals aja-śṛng/ī- q.v |
ajagara | m. ("goat-swallower") , a huge serpent, boa constrictor |
ajagara | m. Name of an asura- |
ajāgara | mfn. not awake, not wakeful |
ajāgara | m. the plant Eclipta or Verbesina Prostrata. |
ajagarī | f. Name of a plant. |
ajagati | mfn. "accessible (only) to goats", steep (as a road), |
ajagava | m. śiva-'s bow |
ajagava | m. the southern portion of the path of the sun, moon, and planets |
ajagava | m. Name of a snake priest |
ajagāva | m. Name of a snake demon |
ajagāva | m. see ājagāva- |
ajagāva | n. śiva-'s bow |
ajagāva | n. Name of the sacrificial vessel also called ajakāv/a- (q.v) |
ajaghanya | mfn. not last |
ajaghanya | mfn. not least. |
ajaghnivas | mf(/a-jaghnuṣī-)n. ( han-), not having killed |
ajahā | f. equals a-jaḍā- q.v |
ajahā | f. the Plant ālkuśī- |
ajahalliṅga | m. (in grammar) a noun which does not drop its original gender, when used as an adjective. |
ajahat | mfn. (pr. p. 3 -hā-), not dropping or losing (in compound) |
ajahatsvārthā | f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used, as"white ones"for"white horses","lances"for"men with lances"). |
ajaiḍaka | n. goats and rams, (gaRa gavāśvādi-, q.v) |
ajaikapād | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
ajaikapād | m. of one of the eleven rudra-s |
ajaikapād | m. see 1. aj/a-. |
ajāji | f. or ajājī- Cuminum Cyminum |
ajāji | f. Ficus Oppositifolia |
ajāji | f. Nigella Indica. |
ajājīva | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd. |
ajajīvana | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd. |
ajajīvika | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd. |
ajaka | m. Name of a descendant of purūravas- |
ajaka | m. of a king of magadha- |
ajakā | f. a young she-goat |
ajakājāta | n. the above disease. |
ajakarṇa | m. a goat's ear |
ajakarṇa | m. the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa. |
ajakarṇaka | m. the Sal-tree, Shorea Robusta. |
ajakava | m. śiva-'s bow |
ajakāva | mfn. Name of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to mitra- and varuṇa- and (according to the commentator or commentary) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called ajā-gala-stana- q.v |
ajakāva | mn. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion |
ajakāva | mn. śiva-'s bow |
ajākṛpāṇīya | mfn. like the goat and shears in the fable |
ajakṣīra | n. goat's milk |
ajakṣīra | n. see |
ajākṣīra | n. goat's milk |
ajākṣīra | n. see aja-kṣir/a-. |
ajakūlā | f. Name of a town of the bodhi-s. |
ajalambana | n. antimony. |
ajaloma | n. goat's hair |
ajaloman | m. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens |
ajaloman | mf(mnī-)n. hairy as a goat, |
ajaloman | n. goat's hair |
ajalomī | f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens |
ajamāra | m. Name of a tribe or prince, (gaRa kurv-ādi-, q.v) |
ajamāyu | (aj/a--) m. bleating like a goat (a frog) |
ajambha | m. "toothless", a frog. |
ajameru | Name of a place, Ajmir (?). |
ajāmi | mfn. not of kin, not related |
ajāmi | mfn. (in grammar) not corresponding |
ajāmi | n. "(co-habitation) not allowed between relations", incest |
ajamīḍha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḍha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḍha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ajamīḷha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḷha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḷha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ajāmitā | ([ ]) f. not uniformity, variation, |
ajāmitva | ([ ]) n. not uniformity, variation, |
ajamoda | m. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamodā | f. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamodikā | f. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamukha | mfn. goat faced |
ajamukhī | f. Name of a rākṣasī-. |
ajana | m. ( aj-),"the instigator", brahmā- |
ajana | n. act of instigating or moving, |
ajana | mfn. destitute of men |
ajana | mfn. desert |
ajana | m. an insignificant person. |
ajanāmaka | m. "named aja- or viṣṇu-", a mineral substance. |
ajanani | f. (generally used in cursing) , non-birth, cessation of existence |
ajanani | f. ajananir astu tasya-,"may he cease to exist!" |
ajanani | f. see |
ajānat | mfn. (pr. p. jñā-), not knowing, unaware. |
ajanayonija | m. "born from ajana-", Name of dakṣa-. |
ajani | f. a path, road |
ajāni | is- ([ ]),or a-jānika- ([ ]) m. having no wife. |
ajanman | mfn. not subject to birth, |
ajanta | mfn. ending in a vowel. |
ajanta | mfn. See 2. ac-. |
ajāntrī | f. the pot-herb Convolvulus Argenteus. |
ajanya | mfn. improper to be produced or born |
ajanya | mfn. unfit for mankind |
ajanya | n. any portent unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake. |
ajapa | m. a goat-herd. |
ajapa | m. ( jap-), one who does not repeat prayers |
ajapa | m. a reciter of heterodox works |
ajapā | f. the mantra or formula called haṃsa- (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations). |
ajapa | m. See 1. aj/a-. |
ajapād | m. Name of the divinity called aja kapād-. |
ajapada | mfn. goat-footed. |
ajapāda | mfn. goat-footed. |
ajapāla | m. a goat-herd |
ajapāla | m. Name of daśaratha-'s father. |
ajapāla | Name (also title or epithet) of a particular tree (under which buddha- meditated), |
ajāpālaka | mfn. tending goats |
ajāpālaka | m. a goat-herd. |
ajapārśva | m. "having black sides like a goat", Name of śvetakarṇa-'s son rājīvalocana-. |
ajapatha | m. "goat's road", probably = aja-vīthī- q.v |
ajāpayas | n. goat's milk. |
ajara | mfn. ( jṝ-), not subject to old age, undecaying, ever young |
ajarā | f. the plants Aloe Perfoliata and Jirnapanjhi |
ajarā | f. the river sarasvatī-. |
ajaraka | mn. indigestion. |
ajarāmara | mfn. undecaying and immortal |
ajaras | another form for a-jara-, used only in some cases |
ajarat | mfn. not decaying |
ajarayu | mfn. not subject to old age |
ajarṣabha | (ṛṣ-) m. a he-goat |
ajarya | mfn. not subject to old age or decay , not friable, not digestible |
ajarya | n. friendship. |
ajasra | mfn. ( jas-), not to be obstructed, perpetual etc. |
ajasram | ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ gaṇa- svar-ādi-,etc.] |
ajasreṇa | ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ ] |
ajaśṛṅgī | f. "goat's horn", the shrub Odina Wodier, used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes (its fruit resembles a goat's horn) . |
ajastunda | n. Name of a town |
ajāśva | n. goats and horses |
ajāśva | m. pūṣan- or the Sun (having goats for horses) |
ajatā | f. a multitude of goats |
ajatā | f. the being a goat. |
ajaṭā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta equals ajaḍā- and ajjhaṭā-. |
ajāta | mfn. unborn, not yet born, not yet developed. |
ajātakakud | m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped |
ajātaloman | mf(mnī-)n. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. |
ajātānuśaya | mfn. having no regret. |
ajātapakṣa | mfn. having undeveloped wings. |
ajātāri | m. having no enemy, yudhiṣṭhira- |
ajātaśatru | mfn. (/ajāta--) having no enemy |
ajātaśatru | mfn. having no adversary or equal (indra-) |
ajātaśatru | m. (us-) Name of śiva-, of yudhiṣṭhira-, of a king of kāśī-, of a son of śamika-, of a son of vidmisāra- or bimbisāra- (contemporary of śākyamuni-) |
ajātaulvali | m. Name of a muni- who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out, gaRa śākapārthivādi- q.v). |
ajātavyañjana | mfn. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. |
ajātavyavahāra | m. having no experience of business, a minor, a youth under fifteen. |
ajathyā | f. yellow jasmin. |
ajāti | f. sham or bad merchandise, |
ajatva | ([ ; see ]) or |
ajātva | n. the being a goat. |
ajavāha | m. Name of a district. |
ajavas | mfn. not quick, inactive |
ajavasti | m. Name of a tribe, (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-and śubhrādi- q.v) |
ajavasti | m. plural the members of that tribe, (gaRa yaskādi-, q.v) |
ajāvi | m. plural (ajāv/ayas- ) sg. goats and sheep, small cattle. |
ajāvika | n. sg. goats and sheep, small cattle. |
ajavīthī | f. "goat's road", Name of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms mūla-, pūrvāṣāḍha-, and uttarāṣāḍha-. |
ajaya | m. non-victory, defeat |
ajaya | mfn. unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible |
ajaya | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
ajaya | m. of a lexicographer |
ajaya | m. of a river |
ajayā | f. hemp |
ajayā | f. Name of a friend of durgā- |
ajayā | f. māyā- or Illusion. |
ajāyamāna | mfn. ( jan-), not being born, not subject to birth |
ajayapāla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayasiṃha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayya | mfn. invincible, improper to be won at play. |
ajetavya | mfn. invincible. |
ajeya | mfn. invincible |
ajeya | mfn. Name of a prince |
ajeya | n. Name of a kind of antidote. |
ajīgarta | m. "that has nothing to swallow", Name of a ṛṣi-, śunaḥ-śepa-'s father. |
ajihma | mfn. not crooked, straight |
ajihma | mfn. honest, upright etc. |
ajihma | m. a frog (perhaps for a-jihva-) |
ajihma | m. a fish |
ajihmaga | mfn. going straight |
ajihmaga | m. an arrow. |
ajihmāgra | mfn. having a straight point. |
ajihva | mfn. tongueless |
ajihva | m. a frog |
ajihvaka | f. jihvaka |
ajikā | f. a young she-goat |
ajikā | f. a disease of the pupil of the eye (small reddish tumours compared to kids, protruding through the transparent cornea and discharging pus). |
ajikā | f. See ajaka-. |
ajīkava | n. śiva-'s bow See ajakava-. |
ajina | n. (probably at first the skin of a goat, aja-) |
ajina | n. the hairy skin of an antelope, especially a black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat, covering etc.) |
ajina | n. the hairy skin of a tiger, etc. m. Name of a descendant of pṛthu- |
ajina | m. Name of a descendant of pṛthu- |
ajinapattrā | f. a bat. |
ajinapattri | f. a bat. |
ajinapattrikā | f. a bat. |
ajinaphalā | f. Name of a plant, (gaRa ajādi- q.v) |
ajinaratna | n. a lucky-bag, |
ajinasandha | m. one who prepares skins, a furrier |
ajinavāsin | mfn. clad in a skin |
ajinayoni | m. "origin of skin", an antelope, deer. |
ajira | mfn. ( aj-), agile, quick, rapid |
ajira | m. Name of a nāga- priest |
ajirā | f. Name of durgā-, of a river |
ajira | n. place to run or fight in, area, court etc. |
ajira | n. the body |
ajira | n. any object of sense, air, wind, a frog |
ajira | n. (with ājeḥ-) a field of battle (confer, compare samarā- jira-), |
ajirādhirāja | m. "an agile emperor", death |
ajirādi | a gaRa of |
ajiram | ind. quickly |
ajiraśocis | (ajir/a-.) m. having a quick light, glittering, Name of agni-, of soma- |
ajiravatī | f. Name of the river on which the town śrāvastī- was situated |
ajirāya | Nom. A1. ajirāyate-, to be agile or quick |
ajirīya | mfn. connected with a court etc., (gaRa utkarādi- q.v) |
ajīrṇa | mfn. ( jṝ-), not decomposed |
ajīrṇa | mfn. unimpaired |
ajīrṇa | mfn. undigested |
ajīrṇa | n. indigestion. |
ajīrṇi | f. indigestion |
ajīrṇin | mfn. suffering from indigestion. |
ajīrti | f. indigestibleness. |
ajīryat | mfn. not subject to old age or decay |
ajīryattā | (f.) |
ajita | mfn. not conquered, unsubdued, unsurpassed, invincible, irresistible |
ajita | m. a particular antidote |
ajita | m. a kind of venomous rat |
ajita | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
ajita | m. śiva- |
ajita | m. one of the saptarṣi-s of the fourteenth manvantara- |
ajita | m. maitreya- or a future buddha- |
ajita | m. the second of the arhat-s or saints of the present (jaina-) avasarpiṇī-, a descendant of ikṣvāku- |
ajita | m. the attendant of suvidhi- (who is the ninth of those arhat-s) |
ajita | m. plural a class of deified beings in the first manvantara-. |
ajīta | mfn. ( jyā-,usually jina-), not faded, not faint |
ajitabalā | f. Name of a jaina- deity who acts under the direction of the arhat- ajita-. |
ajitakeśakambala | m. Name of one of the six chief heretical teachers (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of buddha-). |
ajitāpīḍa | m. having an unsurpassed crown |
ajitāpīḍa | m. Name of a king |
ajītapunarvaṇya | n. "asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost", Name of a twofold rite to be performed by kṣatriya-s |
ajitātman | mfn. having an unsubdued self or spirit. |
ajitavikrama | m. "having invincible power", Name of king candragupta- the second. |
ajitendriya | mfn. having unsubdued passions. |
ajīti | f. the state of being uninjured |
ajīti | f. see /a-jyāni-. |
ajīva | mfn. lifeless. |
ajīvana | mfn. destitute of a livelihood |
ajīvani | f. non-existence, death |
ajīvani | f. ajīvan/is tasya bhūyāt-,"may death befall him!" |
ajīvat | mfn. not living, destitute of a livelihood |
ajīvita | n. non-existence, death. |
ajjhala | m. a burning coal. |
ajjhaṭā | f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta (equals ajaṭā-and ajaḍā-). |
ajjū | f. a mother, |
ajjukā | f. (in the drama) a courtezan. |
ajma | m. ( aj-), career, march ([ confer, compare Greek ]) . |
ajman | n. career, passage, battle [ Latin agmen]. |
ajña | mfn. ( jñā-), not knowing |
ajña | mfn. ignorant, inexperienced |
ajña | mfn. unconscious |
ajña | mfn. unwise, stupid. |
ajñakā | f. an ignorant woman |
ajñāna | n. non-cognizance |
ajñāna | n. ignorance, (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which, consisting of the three guṇa-s sattva-, rajas-,and tamas-,and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with brahma-, causes self to appear a distinct personality, and matter to appear a reality) |
ajñāna | n. prakṛti-, māyā-, Illusion |
ajñāna | mfn. ignorant, unwise |
ajñānabandhana | n. the bond of ignorance. |
ajñānabodhinī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on the ātma-bodha- by śaṃkarācārya- |
ajñānakṛta | mfn. done inadvertently. |
ajñānāt | ind. unawares, ignorantly. |
ajñānatā | f. ignorance. |
ajñānatas | ind. unawares, inadvertently. |
ajñānatva | n. ignorance. |
ajñānavidhvaṃsana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . |
ajñānin | mfn. ignorant, unwise. |
ajñās | mfn. having no kindred |
ajñatā | f. ignorance. |
ajñāta | mfn. unknown |
ajñāta | mfn. unexpected |
ajñāta | mfn. unaware |
ajñātabhukta | mfn. eaten unawares |
ajñātaka | mfn. unknown, (gaRa yāvādi- q.v) |
ajñātaketa | (/ajñāta--) mfn. having unknown or secret designs |
ajñātakulaśila | mfn. whose lineage and character are unknown, |
ajñātam | ind. without the knowledge of |
ajñātaśīla | mfn. whose character is unknown. |
ajñātavāsa | mfn. whose dwelling is unknown. |
ajñātayakṣma | m. an unknown or hidden disease |
ajñāti | m. not a kinsman, not related |
ajñatva | n. ignorance. |
ajñātvā | ind. not having known or ascertained. |
ajñeya | mfn. unknowable, unfit to be known. |
ajñikā | f. an ignorant woman |
ajoṣa | mf(ā-)n. not gratified, insatiable |
ajoṣya | (4) mfn. not liked, not welcome |
ajra | m. a field, a plain [ Latin ager; Greek : confer, compare ajira-]. |
ajrya | (3) mfn. being in or connected with a field or plain |
ajū | mfn. not rushing forward, (in a quotation). |
ajugupsita | mfn. not disliked. |
ajur | mfn. ( jur-), not subject to old age or decay |
ajurya | (3;once 4 ) idem or 'mfn. ( jur-), not subject to old age or decay ' |
ajūryat | mfn. not subject to old age |
ajuṣṭa | mfn. not enjoyed, unsatisfactory |
ajuṣṭi | f. non-enjoyment, feeling of disappointment |
ajvin | mfn. ( aj-), active, agile, used in a sacrificial formula |
ajyāni | f. the state of being uninjured (see /a-jīti-) |
ajyāni | f. (ajyānayas-) Nominal verb plural Name of certain offerings , |
ajyāyas | mfn. not greater than (ablative), |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. not the oldest or best |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. Nominal verb plural of which none is the eldest (the marut-s) |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. see /a-kaniṣṭha-. |
ajyeṣṭhavṛtti | mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother ([ ]) , or (ajyeṣṭha-vṛtti-) behaving like one who has no elder brother. |
ajyeyatā | f. state of anything which is not to be hurt or overpowered |
abhaiṣajya | n. unwholesome food, |
ābhaj | P. (imperative 2. sg. /ā-bhaja-; perfect tense /ā-babhāja-; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. /ā-bhāg- ) A1. (imperative 2. sg. /ā-bhajasva-,etc.) to cause to share or partake ; to help any one to anything, let any one have anything etc. ; to revere, respect : Causal (imperative 2. sg. -bhājayasva-) to cause to partake commentator or commentary on |
ābhajanīya | mfn. idem or 'm. one who is to be honoured by a share ' on |
abhajyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice) not being detached |
abhajyamāna | mfn. not being vanquished, etc. |
abhayajāta | m. Name of a man, (gaRa gargādi-, q.v) |
ābhayajāta | mf(ī-)n. belonging to ābhayajātya- gaRa kaṇvādi- () . |
ābhayajātya | mf(ī-)n. descended from abhaya-jāta-, gaRa gargādi- () . |
abhibhaj | to turn or flee towards (accusative) |
abhicārajvara | m. a fever caused by magical spells. |
abhicārayajña | m. a sacrifice for the same purpose. |
abhijidviśvajitau | f. dual number the two soma- sacrifices called abhijit- and viśvajit- |
abhimṛṣṭaja | mfn. "born from (women) touched (by others)", illegitimate(?) |
abhimṛṣṭaja | mfn. summoned, invited |
abhiprajan | (3. plural A1. -jāyante-) to bring forth, bear : Causal -janayati-, to generate for the sake of (accusative) |
abhiprajval | (perf. -jajvāla-) to flare up |
abhipravraj | to step or advance towards |
abhipravrajana | n. advancing, |
abhirūpaprajāyinī | f. the mother of beautiful children, |
abhisaṃtyaj | (ind.p. -tyajya-) to abandon, give up, desist from (accusative) |
abhiṣaṅgajvara | m. a fever supposed to be caused by evil spirits. |
abhiśāpajvara | m. fever caused by a curse (see abhi-śastaka-at end.) |
abhitodevayajanamātradeśa | mfn. whose space on all sides suffices for a sacrificial ground |
abhityaj | to abandon (edition Bomb.) |
abhivibhaj | A1. to distribute |
abhivraj | (p. -vr/ajat-) to go up to (accusative) ; (ind.p. -vrajya-) to pass through , to go to (accusative) |
abhiyaj | to honour with sacrifices etc. ; to offer (a sacrifice) ; to honour (Aorist A1.3. sg. -ayaṣṭa-) |
abhrajā | mfn. "born from clouds", caused by rainy weather |
abhūtarajas | m. plural Name of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth manvantara-) |
abhyaj | ( aj-), (Imper. or subjunctive 1. dual number -/ajāva-) to combine, unite |
abhyardhayajvan | (6) mfn. (said of pūṣan-) receiving sacrifices apart or separate ones |
abhyavajval | Caus. -jvālayate-, to enlighten, illumine |
abjaja | m. "sprung (at the creation) from the lotus (which arose from the navel of viṣṇu-)", Name of brahmā-. |
ācāryajāyā | f. a teacher's wife |
acyutāgraja | m. (viṣṇu-'s elder brother) , balarāma- |
acyutāgraja | m. indra-. |
acyutaja | m. plural a class of jaina- deities. |
acyutajallakin | m. Name of a commentator of the amara-koṣa-. |
adantajāta | mfn. one who has not teethed, |
adeśaja | mfn. produced in a wrong place. |
āḍhakajambuka | mfn. |
adhiprajam | ind. on procreation as a means of preserving the world (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhiprajñam | ind. with regard to knowledge, |
adhiprajñāśikṣā | f. (with Buddhists) training in higher knowledge, . |
adhirajani | ind. by night, |
adhirajju | mfn. carrying a rope, fastening, fettering |
ādhītayajus | n. a sacrificial prayer which is meditated upon. |
adhiyajña | m. the chief or principal sacrifice , influence or agency affecting a sacrifice |
adhiyajña | mfn. relating to a sacrifice |
adhiyajñam | ind. on the subject of sacrifice |
adhokṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
adhokṣaja | m. the sign śravaṇā-. |
adhvajā | f. the plant Svarnuli. |
adhvarasamiṣṭayajus | n. Name of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the adhvara-. |
adhyātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of ātman-. |
adhyūḍhaja | m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage. |
ādityajūta | (ādity/a--), (fr. jū-) mfn. urged by the āditya-s |
ādityajyotis | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun |
adṛṣṭaja | mfn. produced or resulting from fate. |
adyayajña | m. to-day's sacrifice, , Scholiast or Commentator |
agādhajala | mfn. having deep water |
agādhajala | n. deep water. |
agaja | mfn. produced on a mountain, or from a tree |
agajā | f. Name of pārvati-, daughter of himālaya- |
agaja | n. bitumen. |
agaṇitalajja | mfn. disregarding shame. |
agātmajā | f. equals aga-jā- |
agniraja | m. a scarlet insect |
agnirajas | m. a scarlet insect |
agnisajjā | f.? indigestion |
agraja | mfn. (see j/ā-) born first or earlier |
agraja | m. the first-born, an elder brother etc. |
agraja | m. a brahman- |
agrajā | f. an elder sister. |
agrajā | mfn. first-born |
agrajaṅghā | f. the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone |
agrajanman | m. the first-born, an elder brother, a brahman- etc. |
agrajanman | m. a member of one of the three highest castes |
agrajanman | m. brahmā- |
agrajātaka | m. a brahman- |
agrajāti | m. a brahman- |
agrajihva | n. tip of the tongue |
agrajyā | f. sine of the amplitude |
ahṛdayajña | mfn. not pleasing to the heart |
āhṛtayajñakratu | (/āhṛta--) mfn. intending to accomplish a prepared sacrifice |
āhrutabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. curing anything wounded or hurt |
aindrajāla | n. (fr. indra-jāla-), magic, sorcery |
aindrajālika | mf(ī-)n. familiar with or relating to magic, magical |
aindrajālika | m. a juggler, magician |
aiṇeyajaṅghatā | f. having legs like those of a deer (one of the 32 signs of perfection), . |
aiśānaja | m. plural equals īśānaja- q.v |
ājānaja | mfn. (["born in the world of the gods"commentator or commentary ]) id est deva- equals āj/ānadeva- below |
akālaja | mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable. |
akālajaladodaya | m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist. |
akālajāta | mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable. |
akāṇḍapātajāta | mfn. dying as soon as born. |
ākaraja | mfn. produced in a mine, mineral |
ākaraja | n. a jewel |
ākāśaja | mfn. produced in the sky. |
ākāśajananī | f. a loophole, casement, embrasure, |
akṛtajña | mfn. not acknowledging benefits, ungrateful. |
akṛtajñatā | f. ingratitude. |
akṣahṛdayajña | mfn. perfectly skilled in gambling. |
ākṣaitrajñya | n. equals a-kṣ- q.v |
ākṣaitrajñya | n. (gaṇa- brāhmaṇādi- q.v) |
akṣaitrajñya | n. spiritual ignorance |
akṣaitrajñya | n. See ākṣ-. |
akṣaja | m. a diamond |
akṣaja | m. a thunderbolt |
akṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu-. |
akṣaja | m. a thunderbolt |
akṣaja | m. N. viṣṇu- |
akṣarajananī | f. "letter producer", a reed or pen. |
akṣarajīvaka | m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe. |
akṣarajīvika | m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe. |
akṣarajīvin | m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe. |
akṣetrajña | mfn. ([ ]) not finding out the way |
akṣetrajña | mfn. destitute of spiritual knowledge. |
akṣibheṣaja | n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, etc. |
akṣibheṣaja | m. a tree, Red Lodh. |
akṣṇayārajju | f. diagonal line |
alaja | m. a kind of bird |
alajacit | mfn. ([ ]) piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird alaja-. |
alajacita | ([ ]) mfn. piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird alaja-. |
ālajāla | n. (probably) a great fraud, |
alajī | f. inflammation of the eye (at the edge of the cornea) |
alajī | f. idem or 'f. inflammation of the eye (at the edge of the cornea) ' |
ālaji | mf(ī-)n. speaking to, addressing ([ ?]) gaRa gaurādi- |
alajja | mf(ā- )n. shameless. |
alakṣyajanmatā | f. being of insignificant birth or origin |
alaṃprajanana | mfn. (see alaṃ prajāyāḥ-above sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /alam-) able to beget or generate |
ālokasuvegadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a serpent-demon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
alpajña | mfn. knowing little, ignorant. |
alpaprajas | mfn. having few descendants or few subjects. |
amajjaka | mfn. having no marrow |
āmajjam | ind. to the marrow, |
āmajvara | m. fever produced by indigestion |
amantrajña | mfn. not knowing Vedic texts |
amaraja | m. Name of a plant |
amarmajāta | mfn. not originating in a vital part of the body (as a disease), |
amarṣaja | mfn. springing from impatience or indignation |
ambhojajanman | m. Name of brahma- (born in a lotus). |
ambhojanmajani | m. (equals ja-janman-) brahmā- |
ambumātraja | mfn. produced only in water. |
amitadhvaja | m. Name of a son of dharmadhvaja- |
amitadhvaja | Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
amitrajit | mfn. "conquering enemies", Name of a son of suvarṇa- |
amlajambīra | m. lime tree. |
amlajuṇḍī | f. the fourth change in warm milk when mixed with takra- (varia lectio amla-- duṇḍī-), |
āmodajananī | f. "causing a strong smell", betel |
amṛtajā | f. "produced by the amṛta-", the plant Yellow Myrobalan. |
amṛtajaṭā | f. the plant Valeriana jaṭāmāṃsī-. |
amṛtasāraja | m. "produced from the essence of ambrosia", raw sugar |
amṛtayajña | m. a sacrifice for obtaining immortality |
amūrtarajas | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v) |
amūrtarajasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v) |
anaḍudyajña | m. a sacrifice for oxen, |
anāhūtopajalpin | m. an uncalled-for boaster. |
anajakā | or an-ajikā- f. a miserable little goat |
ānandaja | mfn. proceeding from joy |
ānandaja | m. Name of a teacher |
ānandaja | n. semen virile |
ānandajala | n. tears of joy |
ānandajñāna | m. equals -giri- above |
ānandajñānagiri | m. idem or 'm. equals -giri- above' |
anantajit | m. Name of the fourteenth jaina- arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-. |
anantaraja | m. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's |
anantarajāta | m. idem or 'm. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's ' |
anantarajāta | m. also the son of a śūdrā- mother by a vaiśya- father. |
ananvavajaya | m. the not winning subsequently, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
ananyaja | m. Name of kāma- or Love. |
ananyajāni | mfn. jāni |
anapajayyam | ind. ( ji-), so that its victorious character cannot be reversed |
anāryaja | mfn. of vile or unworthy origin |
anāryaja | n. Agallochum, being a produce of the country of mleccha-s or barbarians. |
anāryajuṣṭa | mfn. practised, observed, or possessed by non- ārya-s. |
ānataja | m. plural a class of divine beings () |
anātmajña | mfn. destitute of spiritual knowledge or true wisdom. |
āṇḍaja | mfn. (āṇḍ/a--) born from an egg |
āṇḍaja | m. a bird |
aṇḍaja | mfn. egg-born |
aṇḍaja | m. a bird |
aṇḍaja | m. a fish |
aṇḍaja | m. a snake |
aṇḍaja | m. a lizard |
aṇḍajā | f. musk. |
aṇḍajeśvara | m. "king of birds", garuḍa-. |
andhālajī | f. a blind boil, one that does not suppurate |
andhrajāti | f. the andhra- tribe. |
andhrajātīya | mfn. belonging to the andhra- tribe. |
anekaja | mfn. born more than once |
anekaja | m. a bird |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony |
aṅgaja | m. a son |
aṅgaja | mfn. hair of the head |
aṅgaja | mfn. the god of love |
aṅgaja | mfn. intoxicating passion |
aṅgaja | mfn. drunkenness |
aṅgaja | mfn. a disease |
aṅgajā | f. a daughter |
aṅgaja | n. blood. |
aṅgajanus | m. a son. |
aṅgajāta | mfn. produced from or on the body |
aṅgajāta | mfn. ornamental |
aṅgajāta | mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony. |
aṅgajvara | mfn. causing fever |
aṅgārajīvikā | f. subsistence by charcoal-burning, |
anilātmaja | m. the son of the wind, hanumat- or bhīma-. |
aniṣṭayajña | mfn. one who has not sacrificed (with success), |
annaja | mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance. |
annajā | f. a kind of hiccup, |
annajala | n. food and water, bare subsistence. |
annajāta | mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance. |
annajit | mfn. obtaining food by conquest (explanation of vāja-j/it-) |
annajīvana | (/anna--) mfn. living by food |
antaḥprajña | mfn. internally wise, knowing one's self. |
antaḥpurajana | m. the women of the palace. |
antaḥśailaja | m. a native of antar-giri-, |
antaja | mfn. last born. |
antajāti | See antyajāti-. |
antarajña | mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing. |
antaryajana | n. inner sacrifice, |
antrasraj | f. a kind of garland worn by nara-siṃha-. |
antyaja | mfn. of the lowest caste |
antyaja | m. a śūdra- |
antyaja | m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester). |
antyajagamana | n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste. |
antyajāgamana | n. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste. |
antyajanman | mfn. of the lowest caste. |
antyajāti | mfn. of the lowest caste. |
antyajātīya | mfn. of the lowest caste. |
anubhaj | to worship |
anulomaja | mfn. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ([ ]), (as the mūrdhāvasikta- of a Brahman father and kṣatriyā- mother, and so on with the ambaṣṭha- niṣāda- or pāraśava-, māhiṣya-, ugra-, karaṇa-.) |
anumatavajra | mfn. one who has received the thunderbolt by consent (?), |
anupagatajara | mfn. not impaired by old age or infirmity, |
anūpaja | n. growing near the water |
anūpaja | n. ginger. |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. yielding no livelihood, (Compar. -tara-,"yielding no livelihood at all") |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. having no livelihood |
anuprajan | to be born after ; (with prajām-) to propagate again and again : Causal -janayati-, to cause to be born subsequently. |
anuprajñā | (pr. p. -jān/at-) to track, trace, discover |
anuprajñāna | n. tracking, tracing. |
anupravraj | to follow into exile |
anupravraj | to become an ascetic after, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anupravrajana | n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anupūrvaja | mfn. descended in a regular line |
anurajju | ind. along the rope |
anuraktapraja | mfn. beloved by his subjects. |
anūrdhvajñu | mfn. not raising the knees, |
anusaṃvraj | to go after, follow |
anuvraj | to go along ; to follow (especially a departing guest, as a mark of respect) ; to visit seriatim ; to obey, do homage. |
anuvrajana | n. following as above, Heat. |
anuvrajya | mfn. to be followed (as by the relatives of a dead person to the cemetery) |
anuvrajyā | f. equals anu-vrajana- |
anuyajus | ind. according to the yajus--formula |
anvābhaj | P. and A1. to cause to take a share after or with another |
anvayajña | m. a genealogist. |
anyabījaja | m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son. |
anyaja | (any/a--) ([ ]) mfn. born of another (family, etc.), of a different origin. |
anyajanatā | f. fellowship with others, |
anyajanman | n. another birth, being born again. |
anyajāta | (any/a--) ([ ]) mfn. born of another (family, etc.), of a different origin. |
anyatastyajāyin | mfn. overwhelming adversaries |
anyayajña | m. another's sacrifice, |
apabhaj | P. (subjunctive 1. plural -bhajāma-) to cede or transfer a share to ; to satisfy the claim of (accusative) ; to divide into parts |
apadhvaṃsaja | mfn. "born from it", a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower[ ] or higher[ ] caste than its mother's). |
apajāta | m. a bad son who has turned out ill |
apajaya | m. defeat, discomfiture |
apajayya | mfn. See an-apajayy/am-. |
apaji | to ward off, keep off or out |
apaji | to win from (with punaḥ-,"to reconquer"), |
apajighāṃsu | mfn. ( han- Desiderative), desirous of keeping off. wishing to avert |
apajighāṃsu | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
apajihīrṣā | f. the wish to take away, |
apajihīrṣu | mfn. ( hṛ- Desiderative), wishing to carry off or take away |
apajñā | -jānīte-, to dissemble, conceal |
apajñāna | n. denying, concealing |
apajvara | mfn. free from fever, |
apajya | mfn. without a bowstring |
apākaja | mfn. not produced by cooking or ripening |
apākaja | mfn. original |
apākaja | mfn. natural. |
apakṛṣṭajāti | mfn. of a low tribe. |
apamajyā | f. the sine of the declination. |
apañcayajña | mfn. one who does not perform the 5 mahā-yajña-s (quod vide), |
āpannajīvika | mfn. having obtained a livelihood commentator or commentary on |
apaprajātā | f. a female that has had a miscarriage |
aparaja | mfn. born later |
aparajana | sg. or plural m. inhabitants of the west |
aparāntajñāna | n. prescience of one's latter end. |
aparityajya | mfn. = (or varia lectio for) a-- parityājya-. |
apatyajīva | m. Name of a plant. |
apavraj | to go away |
apayaj | (i. plural -yajāmasi-) to drive off by means of a sacrifice |
apetaprajanana | mfn. one who has lost his generative energy, |
āpīḍakajāta | mfn. (said of a tree in full flower), |
apraja | mf(ā-)n. ( jan-), without progeny, childless etc. |
aprajā | f. not bearing, unprolific |
aprajajñi | mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting |
aprajajñi | mfn. ( jñā-), inexperienced, inexpert |
aprajana | mfn. not begetting, |
aprajanatva | (n.) |
aprajaniṣṇu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting ' |
aprajas | ([ ]) ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless. |
aprajas | ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless. |
aprajastā | (apraj/as--) f. childlessness |
aprajāstva | n. childlessness |
aprajasya | n. childlessness |
aprajātā | f. not having brought forth (see a-prajā-above) |
aprajña | mfn. not knowing |
aprajñāta | mfn. not known |
aprajñātra | mfn. (fr. pra-jñātṛ-), not knowing, erring, being wrong |
āptavajrasūci | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
apūrṇakālaja | mfn. born before the proper time, abortive. |
araja | mfn. (for a-raj/as-below) , dustless |
arajā | f. Name of a daughter of uśanas- |
arajanīkṛta | mfn. not coloured or dyed, |
arajas | mfn. dustless , free from passion or desire |
arajas | f. "not having the monthly courses", a young girl. |
arajaska | mfn. dustless, without the quality called rajas- |
arajaska | free from impurity (others,"meek, gentle"), . |
arajāya | Nom. A1. yate-,"to become dustless"or"to lose the monthly courses", (gaRa bhṛśādi- q.v) |
arajju | mfn. not having or consisting of cords ["not a cord or rope" ] |
arajovittā | f. not yet having the monthly courses, |
ārambhayajña | m. a kind of sacrifice, |
āraṇaja | m. plural Name of a class of deities () |
araṇyagaja | m. a wild elephant |
araṇyaja | mfn. produced or born in a forest |
araṇyajārdrakā | f. wild ginger |
araṇyajīra | m. wild cumin |
araṇyajīva | mfn. equals cara- |
araṇyarajanī | f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica |
arasajña | mfn. having no taste for, not taking interest in |
āraṭṭaja | mfn. born in this country |
ardhajāhnavī | f. equals gaṅgā- |
ardhajaratīya | n. (fr. pr. p. jarat-, jrs-), (according to the rule of half an aged woman) incompatibility in argument on |
ardhajaratīya | n. Sarvad: |
ardhajīvakā | f. equals jyārdha-, the sine of in arc. |
ardhajyā | f. equals jyārdha-, the sine of in arc. |
ārdraja | n. dry ginger |
arephajāta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. without the letter r.' |
arjunadhvaja | m. "having a white banner", Name of hanumat- |
arkaja | mfn. "sun-born", coming from the sun |
arkaja | m. the planet Saturn etc. |
arkajau | m. dual number Name of the aśvin-s |
arkātmajā | f. "daughter of the Sun", Name (also title or epithet) of yamunā-, |
arṇavaja | m. "sea-born", cuttlefish |
arthajāta | n. sg. and plural collection of goods, money |
arthajāta | n. things, objects, |
arthajña | mfn. equals -kovida- above |
arthajña | mfn. understanding the sense (of a word) |
arthārthatattvajña | mfn. "knowing the essence of the very aim of anything", knowing thoroughly |
aruṇāgraja | m. "the first of aruṇa-", garuḍa- (the bird of viṣṇu-) (see aruṇ/anuja-below.), |
aruṇajyotis | m. Name of śiva-: |
aruṇātmaja | m. "son of aruṇa-", jaṭāyu- (See aruṇa- m.above) |
aruṇāvaraja | m. equals aruṇānuja- above |
arūpajña | (/a-rūpa--) mfn. not distinguishing the shape or colour |
āryajana | m. Aryans |
āryajana | m. honest people |
aryajārā | (/arya--) f. the mistress of a vaiśya- |
āryajuṣṭa | mfn. liked by or agreeable to noble ones |
āryavajra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammarian, |
āśāgaja | m. elephant of the quarter |
āśāgaja | m. (one of the supposed four [or eight] mythical elephants which support the world, standing in the quarters [and intermediate points] of the compass) |
asaj | (in compound for asat-). |
āsaja | mfn. clinging to |
āsaja | mfn. dragging (a wheel) |
asajāta | mfn. not related by blood |
asajāti | mfn. not of the same caste (varia lectio a-- svajāti-), . |
asajātya | mf(/ā-)n. without consanguinity |
asajjamāna | mfn. not hesitating |
asajjana | See /a-sat-. |
asajjana | m. a bad or wicked man |
asajjana | m. a malignous man = |
asajjātimiśra | m. Name of a person (in the dhūrtasaṃgraha-). |
asajjitātman | mfn. having a soul free from attachments |
āsajya | ind.p. having attached one's self or clinging to |
asamprajñāna | n. want of knowledge, |
asamprajñāta | mfn. unconscious, , Scholiast or Commentator |
asarvajña | mfn. not knowing everything. |
asauyaja | Name of a praiṣa- (with the address amuka yaja-) |
asitajānu | mfn. having black knees |
asitajñu | mf(Nominal verb -jñ/ūs-)n. idem or 'mfn. having black knees ' |
aśmagarbhaja | n. an emerald |
aśmaja | n. "rock-born", bitumen |
aśmaja | n. iron (see ) |
aśmajatu | n. bitumen |
aśmavraja | (/aśma--) mfn. whose stall or pen is a rock |
aspṛṣṭarajastamaska | mfn. perfectly pure |
asraja | n. "formed by blood", flesh |
asrajanman | n. "formed by blood", flesh |
āsrāvabheṣaja | n. a medicament, medicine |
asthiyajña | m. bone-sacrifice (part of a funeral ceremony) |
astrajit | n. Name of a plant |
astrajīva | m. "living on arms", a soldier |
astrajīvana | m. (= - jīva-), |
astṛtayajvan | (/astṛta--) mfn. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly |
asūrtarajasa | m. varia lectio for amūrta-r- q.v |
asūtajaratī | f. (a woman) who grows old without having brought forth a child |
aśvajaghana | mfn. having the lower limbs like those of a horse |
asvajāti | mfn. of a different caste |
aśvajit | mfn. gaining horses by conquest |
aśvajit | m. (t-) Name of a Buddhist bhikṣu-. |
aśvamedhaja | m. Name of a king |
asvapnaj | mfn. not sleepy, sleepless |
aśvayajña | m. a sacrifice offered for the benefit of one's horses |
āsyajāha | n. (= - mukha-), Sch. |
atajjña | (for a-tad-jña-) mfn. not knowing that, id est brahma- and the soul's identity. |
atiprajval | to flame or blaze exceedingly |
ativraj | to pass by ; to fly over ; to pass or wander through. |
atiyaj | to neglect or pass in offering a sacrifice |
ātmaja | mfn. self-originated |
ātmaja | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) "born from or begotten by one's self", a son etc. |
ātmaja | m. Name of the fifth lunar mansion |
ātmajā | f. a daughter etc. |
ātmaja | m. "originating from intellect", the reasoning faculty |
ātmajanman | n. the birth (or re-birth) of one's self, id est the birth of a son |
ātmajanman | m. (equals -ja-,m.) a son |
ātmajit | mfn. master of one's self, |
ātmajña | mfn. knowing one's self |
ātmajña | mfn. knowing the supreme spirit |
ātmajñāna | n. self-knowledge |
ātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the soul or supreme spirit |
ātmajñānopaniṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
ātmajyotirupaniṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
ātmajyotis | n. the light of the soul or supreme spirit |
ātmajyotis | mfn. receiving light from one's self |
ātmatattvajña | mfn. knowing or versed in the vedānta- doctrines |
ātmopajīvin | mfn. living by one's own labour (["one who lives by his wife"commentator or commentary ]) |
atrinetraja | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. |
atṛṣṇaj | mfn. not thirsty |
atyupayaj | to continue offering sacrifices |
audajñāyani | m. a descendant of udajña- ([ reads udanya-]) gaRa tikādi- |
audakaja | mfn. coming from aquatic plants |
audamajji | m. a descendant of uda-majja- |
audavraja | mf(ī-)n. composed by uda-vraja-. |
audavraji | m. a descendant of uda-vraja- |
aupajandhani | m. a descendant of upa-jandhani-, Name of a teacher |
aupajaṅghani | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher (confer, compare jandhani-), |
aupajānuka | mfn. (fr. upa-jānu-), being on or near the knees |
aupayaja | mfn. belonging to the verses called upayaj-, q.v |
avabhṛthayajūṃṣi | n. plural the yajus--formulas used for the ava-bhṛtha- |
avajaghnat | mfn. (irreg. p. in Passive voice sense; -hanyamāna- commentator or commentary) being beaten or struck by (instrumental case) |
avajāta | mfn. misborn (?), |
avajaya | m. overcoming, winning by conquest |
avajayana | n. means of subduing or healing a disease, |
avaji | (imperfect tense avājayat-; ind.p. -jitya-) to spoil (id est deprive of by conquest) , win ; to ward off , to conquer : Desiderative (parasmE-pada -jigīṣat-) to wish to win or recover |
avajihva | mfn. tongueless, |
avajita | mfn. won by conquest , contemned |
avajiti | f. conquest, victory |
avajñā | -jānāti- (ind.p. -jñaya-; perf. Passive voice -jajñle- ) to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt etc. ; to excel |
avajñā | f. contempt, disesteem, disrespect (with locative case or genitive case) |
avajñāna | n. () = 2. ava-jñā- |
avajñāta | mfn. despised, disrespected |
avajñāta | mfn. given (as alms) with contempt. |
avajñayā | ind. instrumental case with disregard, indifferently (see sāvājñam-.) |
avajñeya | mfn. to be contemned, disesteemed etc. |
avajñopahata | mfn. treated with contempt, humiliated. |
avajṛmbh | A1. to yawn |
avajval | Caus. -jvalayati- ([ ]) or -jvāl-, ([ ]), to set on fire. |
avajvāla | m. hot infusion, (Scholiast or Commentator). |
avajvalana | n. illumining, , Scholiast or Commentator |
avajyotana | n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining |
avajyotya | ind.p. having lighted (a lamp) |
avajyut | Caus. -jyotayati-, to light up or cause a light to shine upon, illumine |
avakirṇajaṭābhāra | mfn. whose tresses of hair are scattered or have become loose |
avamajj | (parasmE-pada f. majjanti-) to immerse |
avaprajjana | n. ( pṛj-), the end of the warp of a web (opposed to 2. pra-vayaṇa- q.v) |
avaraja | mf(ā-)n. of low birth, inferior, younger, junior |
avaraja | m. a śūdra- |
avaraja | m. a younger brother |
avaraja | m. (with ablative) |
avarajā | f. a younger sister |
avaravarṇaja | m. "born in a low caste", a śūdra- |
avayaj | P. A1. -y/ajati- (Imper. 2. sg. P. -yaja-and A1. -yakṣva-; Potential -yajeta-) Ved. to offer a sacrifice for satisfying the claims of, to get rid of or remove by means of a sacrifice |
avayaj | Nominal verb -y/āḥ- (see ) f. share of the sacrificial oblation |
avayajana | n. "removing by means of a sacrifice", expiation |
avayajana | n. means for expiation |
avibhajya | ind.p. not dividing (the inheritance) |
avicārajña | mfn. not knowing or clever at discrimination |
avīrajuṣṭa | mfn. not liked by men |
aviśeṣajñatā | f. want of discrimination or judgement |
avityaja | mn. quicksilver |
āvraj | P. -vrajati-, to come near, proceed to etc. ; to come back or home, return |
āvrajita | mfn. come near, come home. |
āyaj | P. (/ā-yajati-) and A1. (-yajate-) to make oblations or offer (to gods) ; to do homage, honour ; to receive or procure through offerings, gain |
ayajamāna | mfn. not instituting a sacrifice |
āyaji | ([ ]) mfn. procuring or bringing near through offerings |
āyajin | ([ ]) mfn. procuring or bringing near through offerings |
āyajiṣṭha | mfn. procuring most or best (superlative of the above) |
āyajīyas | mfn. procuring more or better, procuring very much or very well (Comparative degree of ā-yaji-) |
ayajña | m. not a real sacrifice and |
ayajña | m. non-performance of a sacrifice |
ayajña | mfn. not offering a sacrifice |
ayajñadatta | m. not yajña-datta- id est the vile yajñadatta- |
ayajñasac | (/a-yajña-.), m (Nominal verb plural ācas-) fn. not performing a sacrifice |
ayajñiya | mfn. not fit for sacrifice (once /a-yajñya-) |
ayajñiya | mfn. profane, unworthy |
ayajñīya | mfn. not fit for sacrifice |
ayajus | n. "not a yajus--formula", (/uṣā-) instrumental case without a yajus--formula |
ayajuṣka | mfn. without a yajus--formula |
ayajuṣkam | ind. idem or 'mfn. without a yajus--formula ' |
ayajuṣkṛta | mfn. not consecrated with a yajus--formula |
ayajvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not sacrificing, impious ' etc. |
ayajyu | mfn. not sacrificing, impious |
āyajyu | mfn. equals ā-yaj/in- |
ayatnabālavyajanībhū | (perf. 3. plural babhūvuḥ-) to become or be changed into a fan without effort |
ayatnaja | mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous |
ayorajas | n. equals -mala- q.v |
āyudhajīvin | mfn. living by one's weapons |
āyudhajīvin | m. a warrior |
ayutajit | m. varia lectio for ayutā-jit- below. |
baddhajihva | mfn. tongue-tied |
bahīrajju | ind. outside a rope |
bahirdhvajā | f. Name of durgā- |
bahiṣprajña | mfn. one whose knowledge is directed towards external objects |
bahugotraja | mfn. having many blood relations |
bahupraja | mf(ā-)n. having a numerous progeny (also j/as- ) see |
bahupraja | m. (only ) a hog |
bahupraja | m. a mouse |
bahupraja | m. Saccharum Munjia. |
bahuprajña | mfn. very wise |
bahuprajñānaśālin | mfn. possessed of much knowledge |
bahurajas | mfn. very dusty or containing much pollen |
bahuśāstrajña | mfn. acquainted with many books or sciences |
bahuyajvā | f. |
bahuyajvan | mfn. |
bahvajavika | mf(/ā-)n. having many goats and sheep |
bailvaja | (fr. bilva-ja-) gaRa rājanyādi- (varia lectio bailvala-) |
bailvajaka | mfn. (with deśa-) inhabited by bailvaja-s |
baja | m. (prob.) Name of a herb used as a charm against evil spirits |
bakajit | m. "conqueror of baka-", Name of bhīma-sena- |
bālabhaiṣajya | n. a kind of collyrium (= rasāñjana-) |
bālagaja | m. a young elephant |
balaja | mfn. produced by strength or power |
balaja | m. n. a heap of corn, grain |
balajā | f. idem or 'm. n. a heap of corn, grain ' |
balaja | m. a pretty woman |
balaja | m. the earth |
balaja | m. Arabian jasmine |
balaja | m. a rope |
balaja | m. Name of a river |
balaja | n. (only ) a city-gate, any gate |
balaja | n. a field |
balaja | n. war |
balaja | n. a pretty figure |
balaja | n. pith, marrow. |
bālajātaka | n. "child's nativity", Name of work |
bālajātaya | mfn. childish, foolish, simple |
balajyeṣṭha | mfn. one whose superiority is dependent on his strength or power |
bālayajñopavītaka | n. the sacred thread worn across the breast |
bālayajñopavītaka | n. a sort of substitute for the sacred thread worn by children (?) (see bāl/opavīta-). |
balbaja | m. (later balvaja-,or valvaja-) Eleusine Indica (a species of coarse grass not liked by cattle) |
bālbaja | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. balbaja-) made of the grass Eleusine Indica (Bombay edition bālvaja-). |
bālbajabhārika | mfn. (fr. balbaja+bhāra-) laden or burdened with balbaja- grass gaRa vaṃśādi-. |
balbajamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of balbaja- grass gaRa śarādi-. |
balbajastukā | f. a bunch or tuft of balbaja- grass |
balbajika | mfn. gaRa kumudaādi-. |
bālbajika | mfn. bearing balbaja- grass (see balbajika-). |
balvaja | See balbaja-. |
bāṇajit | m. "conqueror of the asura- bāṇa-", Name of viṣṇu- |
bandhanarajju | f. a rope or string for tying |
bāndhavajana | m. relatives, kinsmen (collectively) |
bandhūkapuṣparajas | n. bandhūkapuṣpa |
bārhaspatyajyotiḥśāstra | n. Name of work |
bārhaspatyajyotirgrantha | m. Name of work |
barhidhvaja | m. "symbolised by a peacock", Name of skanda- |
barhidhvajā | f. Name of durgā- |
bhadantajñānavarman | m. Name of a poet |
bhadraja | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica |
bhadrajāni | mfn. having a beautiful wife |
bhadrajātika | mfn. "of noble birth"and"descended from the elephant called bhadra-" |
bhadrajaya | m. Name of a man |
bhadrātmaja | m. "son of iron (?)", a sword |
bhāgajāti | f. reduction of fractions to a common denominator |
bhāgajāticatuṣṭaya | n. four modes of reduction of fractions etc. |
bhāgānubandhajāti | f. assimilation of quantities by fractional increase, reduction of quantities to uniformity by the addition of a fraction |
bhāgāpavāhajāti | f. assimilation of quantities by fractional decrease, reduction of quantities to uniformity by the subtraction of a fraction |
bhagnajānu | m. having a broken knee or leg |
bhaikṣajīvikā | f. subsisting by alms or charity |
bhaikṣopajīvin | mfn. living on alms |
bhaiṣaja | m. (fr. bheṣaja-) Perdix Chinensis |
bhaiṣaja | n. a drug, medicine |
bhaiṣaja | mfn. relating to bhaiṣajya- gaRa kaṇvādi-. |
bhaiṣajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣaj-, or bhiṣaja- gaRa gargādi- () |
bhaiṣajya | n. curativeness, healing efficacy |
bhaiṣajya | n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness |
bhaiṣajya | n. any remedy, drug or medicine ("against" genitive case) |
bhaiṣajya | n. the administering of medicines etc. |
bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhā | f. Name of a Buddhist work |
bhaiṣajyarāja | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s |
bhaiṣajyaratnākara | m. Name of work |
bhaiṣajyaratnāvalī | f. Name of work |
bhaiṣajyasamudgata | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s |
bhaiṣajyasāra | m. Name of work |
bhaiṣajyasārāmṛtasaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
bhaiṣajyasena | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
bhaiṣajyayajña | m. a sacrifice performed as a remedy for sickness |
bhaiṣṇaja | mfn. fr. bhaithṇajya- gaRa kaṇvādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-). |
bhaiṣṇajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣṇaja- gaRa gargādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-) |
bhaj | cl.1 P. A1. () bh/ajati-, te- (2. sg. as imperative bhakṣi- ; perfect tense P. babh/āja- A1. bhej/e- etc.;2. sg. babhaktha- ; bhejitha- ; Aorist P.2. 3. sg. abhāk- ; abhākṣīt-, kṣus- ; subjunctive bhakṣat- ; A1. /abhakṣi-, kta- etc.; preceding A1. bhakṣīy/a- ;3. sg. kṣīṣṭa- ; kṣīta- ; future bhakṣyati-, te- etc.; bhajiṣyati-, te- etc.; bhaktā- grammar; infinitive mood bhaktum- etc.; bhajitum- ; ind.p. bhaktvā- etc., tvāya- ; -bhajya-and -bh/ājam- ), to divide, distribute, allot or apportion to (dative case or genitive case), share with (instrumental case) etc. ; (A1.) to grant, bestow, furnish, supply ; A1. (rarely P.) to obtain as one's share, receive as (two accusative), partake of, enjoy (also carnally) , possess, have (accusative,Ved. also genitive case) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to turn or resort to, engage in, assume (as a form) , put on (garments) , experience, incur, undergo, feel, go or fall into (with accusative, especially of abstract noun exempli gratia, 'for example' bhītim-,to feel terror; nidrām-,to fall asleep; maunam-,to become silent) etc. ; to pursue, practise, cultivate ; to fall to the lot or share of (accusative) etc. ; to declare for, prefer, choose (exempli gratia, 'for example' as a servant) ; to serve, honour, revere, love, adore etc.: Causal bhāj/ayati-, te- (Aorist abībhajuḥ- , ababhājat- grammar), to divide ; to deal out, distribute ; to cause any one (accusative) to partake of or enjoy (accusative or genitive case) ; to put to flight, pursue, chase, drive into (accusative) ; to cook, dress (food) : Desiderative bibhakṣati-, te- (confer, compare bhikṣ-): Intensive bābhajyate-, bābhakti-, [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin fa1gus; Gothic Old S.bo1k; German Buch,Buchstabe; English buck-,beech.] |
bhajagovindastotra | n. Name of work (see bhagavad-govinda-). |
bhajaka | m. a distributer, apportioner (See civara-bh-) |
bhajaka | m. a worshipper |
bhajamāna | mfn. apportioning etc. |
bhajamāna | mfn. fitting, meet, appropriate |
bhajamāna | mfn. Name of various princes |
bhajana | m. Name of a prince |
bhajana | n. the act of sharing |
bhajana | n. possession |
bhajana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reverence, worship, adoration (also bhajanatā -tā- f.with locative case ) |
bhajanāmṛta | n. Name of work |
bhajanānanda | m. Name of an author |
bhajanatā | f. bhajana |
bhajanavārika | m. a particular official in a Buddhist monastery |
bhajanīya | mfn. to be loved or revered or waited upon, venerable |
bhajenya | () mfn. equals janīya-. |
bhajeratha | ( bhaje-+ aratha-), prob. bhaj/e- (infinitive mood) or bh/aje- (1. sg. fr. bhaj-) + r/athasya-. |
bhaji | m. Name of a prince (also jin-and jina-) |
bhajitavya | () mfn. equals janīya-. |
bhajya | () mfn. equals janīya-. |
bhakṣajapa | m. the prayer muttered while drinking soma- |
bhaktajā | f. nectar |
bhaktajayantī | f. Name of work |
bhāṇḍabhajaka | m. the distributer of vessels or utensils (in a temple) |
bhārajīvin | m. "subsisting by carrying loads", a porter |
bhāratadeśaja | m. born in India, an Indian |
bharatāgraja | m. "elder brother of bharata-varṣa-", Name of rāma- |
bharatajña | mfn. "knowing the science of bharata-varṣa-", conversant with dramatic writings and rules |
bhāropajīvana | n. subsistence by carrying loads |
bhartṛyajña | m. Name of an author |
bhāsarvajña | m. Name of an author |
bhasmajābālopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
bhāṭakajīvikā | f. subsistence by wages etc., |
bhaṭṭasarvajña | m. Name of various scholars and authors |
bhāvaja | m. "heart-born", love or the god of love |
bhavajala | n. the water (or ocean) of worldly existence |
bhāvajña | mfn. knowing the heart |
bhāvajñā | f. Panicum Italicum |
bhavātmaja | m. " bhava-'s id est śiva-'s son ", Name of gaṇeśa- or kārttikeya- |
bhavātmajā | f. Name of the goddess manasā- |
bhaviṣyajñāna | n. knowledge of futurity |
bhavyajīvana | m. Name of an author |
bhayajāta | m. Name of a man |
bhāyajātya | m. (patronymic fr. bhayajāta-) Name of kapi-vana- |
bhāyajātya | m. of nikothaka- (q.v) |
bheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. bhiṣaj-) curing, healing, sanative |
bheṣaja | n. a remedy, medicine, medicament, drug, remedy against (genitive case or compound) etc. |
bheṣaja | n. a spell or charm for curative purposes (generally from atharva-- veda-) |
bheṣaja | n. water |
bheṣaja | n. Nigella Indica |
bheṣajabhakṣaṇa | n. "drug-eating", the act of taking medicine |
bheṣajacandra | m. "moon of medicine", Name of a man |
bheṣajāgāra | n. "medicine-room", a druggist's or apothecary's shop |
bheṣajakalpa | m. Name of work |
bheṣajakalpasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
bheṣajakaraṇa | n. preparation of drugs or medicine |
bheṣajakṛta | mfn. healed, cured |
bheṣajāṅga | n. anything taken with or after medicine (as water gruel) |
bheṣajasarvasva | n. Name of work |
bheṣajatā | (j/a--) f. curativeness, healing power |
bheṣajatarka | m. Name of work |
bheṣajavīrya | n. the healing power of medicine |
bheṣajya | mf(/ā-)n. curative, sanitary |
bhikṣopajīvin | mfn. equals bhikṣā-vṛtti- |
bhīmajā | f. patronymic of damayantī- |
bhīmajananī | f. " bhīma-'s mother", Name of the Ganges |
bhīmajānu | m. Name of a king |
bhīmapūrvaja | m. Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- |
bhinnajāti | mfn. plural of different rank commentator or commentary |
bhinnajātimat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. plural of different rank commentator or commentary ' |
bhinnajātīya | mfn. of a different kind commentator or commentary |
bhinnajātīya | mfn. of a different tribe or caste |
bhīrukajana | m. one whose servants are cowards |
bhiṣaj | (prob. equals abhi saj-,"to attach, plaster") , only 3. sg. proper bhiṣ/akti-, to heal, cure |
bhiṣaj | mfn. curing, healing, sanative etc. |
bhiṣaj | m. a healer, physician |
bhiṣaj | m. a remedy, medicine |
bhiṣaj | m. Name of a man with the patronymic ātharvaṇa- |
bhiṣaj | m. of a son of śata-dhanvan- |
bhiṣaja | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- () |
bhiṣajāvarta | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- |
bhiṣajya | Nom. P. jy/ati- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-) to heal, cure, possess healing power etc. ; to be physician to any one (dative case) ; to be a physician or remedy for id est to gain the mastery over anything (locative case) |
bhiṣajya | mf(ā-)n. sanative, healing, healthful |
bhiṣajyā | f. healing, cure, remedy |
bhiṣajyita | mfn. healed, cured (wrong reading bhiṣajyayit/a-etc.) |
bhīṣmajananī | f. " bhīṣma-'s mother", Name of gaṅgā- |
bhīṣmakātmajā | f. " bhīṣma-'s daughter", patronymic of rukmiṇī- |
bhiṣṇaja | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- (see bhiṣaja-). |
bhiṣṇajya | Nom. P. yati- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), 3. sg. imperfect tense abhiṣṇak-, to heal, refresh |
bhogajāta | mfn. produced by enjoyment or by suffering |
bhraj | See giri-bhr/aj- and mṛta-bhraj-. |
bhraja | n. fire (?) |
bhrājajjanman | mfn. having a brilliant place of birth or origin (said of the marut-s) |
bhrajas | See vāta-bhrajas-. |
bhrajj | cl.6 P. A1. (; confer, compare bhṛj-) bhṛjj/ati-, te- (in only forms of the proper P.,and perfect tense babhrajja-; grammar also perfect tense babhrajye-and babharja-, je-; Aorist abhrākṣīt-, abhārkṣīt-; abhārkṣīt-, abhaṣṭa-; abharṣṭa-; future bhrakṣyati-, te-, bharkṣyati-, te-; bhraṣṭā-, bharṣṭā-; infinitive mood bhraṣṭum-and bharṣṭum-; ind.p. bhṛṣṭvā-), to fry, parch, roast (especially grain) etc.: Passive voice bhṛjjyate- (Epic also ti-; parasmE-pada bhṛjjyamāna- ) : Causal bharjayati- (confer, compare bhṛj-; grammar also bhrajjayati-; Aorist ababharjat-or ababhrajjat-), to fry, roast : Desiderative bibhrakṣati-, bibharkṣati- ; bibhrajjiṣati-, bibharjiṣati- grammar : Intensive barībhṛjjyate-, bābhraṣṭi-, bābharṣṭi- [ confer, compare bhrāj-; Greek ; Latin frigere.] |
bhrajj | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; Nominal verb bhraṭ-) roasting, frying |
bhrajjana | n. the act of roasting or frying |
bhramaraja | mfn. produced by bees (as honey) |
bhrāṣṭraja | mfn. produced or cooked in a frying-pan |
bhrāṣṭrajā | f. a pan-cake made of rice flour |
bhrātṛvyajanman | (bhr/ā-) mfn. having the nature or character of a rivals |
bhrātṛvyayajña | m. a sacrifice performed against a rival |
bhṛṅgaja | m. Agallochum |
bhṛṅgajā | f. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus |
bhṛṅgaraja | () ( ) m. Eclipta Prostrata. |
bhṛṅgarajas | ( ) m. Eclipta Prostrata. |
bhṛtyajana | m. a person (or persons) to be supported, a servant or servants |
bhrūkṣepajihma | n. (with vilocana-) a side look with contracted brows |
bhūdharaja | m. "mountain-born", a tree () |
bhujagātmajā | f. "serpent-daughter", a young female serpent |
bhujajyā | f. (in astronomy) the base sine |
bhujaṃgajihvā | f. "serpent's-tongue", a species of plant similar to Sita Cordifolia |
bhuktavatvajjane | ind. when people have eaten their meal |
bhūmivajramaṇi | m. plural land and diamonds and (other) gems |
bhuraj | (prob. connected with bhṛjj-and bhrajj-), only 3. plural imperfect tense A1. bhur/ajanta-, to boil, bubble |
bhūtajananī | f. the mother of all beings |
bhūtajaṭā | f. Nardostachys Jatamansi |
bhūtajaṭā | f. another species of Valeriana |
bhūtajaya | m. victory over the elements |
bhūtajyotis | m. "light of living beings", Name of a king |
bhūtayajña | m. the offering of food etc. to all created beings (See mahā-yajña-and bali-,and see ) |
bhūtendriyajayin | m. "one who has subdued both the elements (of the body) and the senses", a kind of ascetic or devotee |
bhuvanajñāna | n. knowledge of the world |
bibhrajjiṣu | m. "that which wishes to destroy", fire |
bibhrajjiṣuprakhya | mfn. resembling fire (equals agni-tulya- Scholiast or Commentator) |
bījayajña | m. "seed-offering", Name of a particular allegorical sacrifice |
bilvaja | See bailvaja-. |
bimbajā | f. Momordica Monadelpha |
bisaja | n. a lotus-flower |
brahmadhvaja | m. Name of a buddha- |
brahmadhvajopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
brahmaja | mfn. sprung from that which is holy (said of kārttikeya-) |
brahmaja | m. plural Name of particular clouds |
brahmaja | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a class of divinities |
brahmajajña | mfn. "born from and knowing brahma-"or"knowing what is brahma--born" id est "knowing all things" |
brahmajālasutra | n. Name of a sūtra- (see ) . |
brahmajāmala | wrong reading for -yāmala-. |
brahmajanman | n. "spiritual birth", investiture with the sacred thread |
brahmajanman | mfn. " brahmā- -born"(said of prajāpati-) |
brahmajapa | m. a particular formula of prayer |
brahmajāra | m. the paramour of a Brahman's wife |
brahmajaṭā | f. Artemisia Indica |
brahmajātaka | n. Name of work |
brahmajaṭin | m. Artemisia Indica |
brahmajijñāsā | f. the desire of knowing brahma- (see ) . |
brahmajīvanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
brahmajīvin | mfn. subsisting by sacred learning |
brahmajīvin | m. a mercenary Brahman (who converts his religious duties into a trade) |
brahmajña | mfn. possessing sacred knowledge, knowing the sacred text, spiritually wise, holy (said also of gods exempli gratia, 'for example' of viṣṇu-, kārttikeya-) |
brahmajñāna | n. divine or sacred knowledge (especially knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the vedānta-), spiritual wisdom |
brahmajñānamahātantrarāja | m. Name of work |
brahmajñānatantra | n. Name of work |
brahmajñānavipratipatti | f. Name of work |
brahmajñānin | mfn. equals -jña- |
brahmajñānopadeśa | m. Name of work |
brahmajuṣṭa | (br/ahma--) mfn. gratified by prayer or devotion |
brahmajūta | (br/ahma--) mfn. incited by prayer or devotion |
brahmajya | mfn. molesting or oppressing Brahmans (see Va1rtt. 1 ) |
brahmajyeṣṭha | m. (printed ṭhya-) the elder brother of brahmā- |
brahmajyeṣṭha | mfn. having brahmā- as first or chief |
brahmajyeya | n. the act of oppressing Brahmans |
brahmajyotis | n. the splendour of brahma- or of the Supreme Being (also written brahma-jy-) |
brahmajyotis | mfn. having the splendour of brahmā- (Scholiast or Commentator"of the presiding priest") |
brahmajyotis | m. Name of śiva- |
brāhmaṇaja | mf(ā-)n., said of an iṣṭi- (see Scholiast or Commentator) |
brāhmaṇaja | n. equals next |
brāhmaṇajāta | n. () the Brahmanical caste or race |
brāhmaṇajāti | f. () the Brahmanical caste or race |
brāhmaṇajātīya | mfn. belonging to it |
brāhmaṇajīvikā | f. the occupation or subsistence of, a Brahman |
brāhmaṇajuṣṭa | mfn. pleasing to brāhmaṇa- |
brāhmaṇayajña | m. a sacrifice intended for brāhmaṇa- |
brāhmaṇayajña | m. a sacrifice offered by brāhmaṇa- |
brahmāṇḍajñānamahārājatantra | n. Name of Tantric work |
brahmaprajāpati | m. dual number brahmā- and prajāpati- |
brāhmaprajāpatya | mfn. (fr. brahma-prajāpati-) |
brahmayajña | m. "Vedic offering", recitation of portions of the veda- and sacred books at the saṃdhyā- etc. (one of the 5 mahā-yajña-s or great devotional acts ; see ) |
brahmayajña | m. Name of the sacred texts for daily recitation |
brahmayajñadevarṣipitṛtarpaṇa | n. Name of work |
brahmayajñādividhi | m. Name of work |
brahmayajñaprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmayajñasaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
brahmayajñatarpaṇa | n. Name of work |
brahmayajñopaniṣad | f. Name of work |
bṛhaddhvaja | m. Name of a king |
bṛhaj | in compound for bṛh/at-. |
bṛhajjābālopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad- on the divinity of kālāgni-rudra-. |
bṛhajjaghana | mfn. having large hips |
bṛhajjāla | n. a large net or snare |
bṛhajjana | m. a great or illustrious man |
bṛhajjātaka | n. Name of varāhamihira-'s larger work on nativities (see sv/aipa-jātaka-) |
bṛhajjātaka | n. of another work |
bṛhajjātakaślokavyākhyāna | n. of a metrical commentator or commentary by bhaṭṭotpala- on the former work |
bṛhajjīraka | m. large cumin |
bṛhajjīvā | () f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī-). |
bṛhajjīvantī | () f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī-). |
bṛhajjīvantikā | () f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī-). |
bṛhajjyotis | mfn. (h/aj--) bright-shining |
bṛhajjyotis | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā- |
bṛhatkālajñāna | n. "the large kāla-jñāna- or knowledge of times", Name of work |
buddhajñāna | n. Buddha's knowledge |
buddhajñānaśrī | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar |
buddhyavajñāna | n. disregard or contempt of any one's understanding |
budhajana | m. a wise man W |
caityayajña | m. a sacrificial ceremony performed at a monument |
cakragaja | m. Cassia Tora |
cakrajāti | f. equals -bandha-. |
cakrajīvaka | m. "living by his wheel", a potter |
cakrajīvin | m. idem or 'm. "living by his wheel", a potter ' |
cakramāsaja | mfn. stopping the wheels (of a chariot) |
cākṣuṣajñāna | n. knowledge which depends on vision |
cāmaravyajana | n. a chowrie |
caṇakātmaja | m. " caṇaka-'s son", cāṇakya- |
candradhvajaketu | m. Name of a samādhi- |
candraja | m. "moon-born", the planet Mercury |
candrajanaka | m. "moon-progenitor", the sea |
candrajasiṃha | m. Name of a man. |
candrajñāna | n. Name of work |
candrajñānatantra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work ' |
candraprajñapti | f. Name of the 6th upāṅga- of the jaina-s. |
candrasūryajihmīkaraṇaprabha | m. "whose splendour obscures moon and sun", Name of a buddha- |
candrātmaja | m. equals dra-ja- |
candrodayamakaradhvaja | m. Name of a medicinal preparation |
caradalajā | f. equals cara-jā-, . |
carajā | f. (scilicet jyā-) the sign of -khaṇḍa- |
carajyā | f. idem or 'f. (scilicet jyā-) the sign of -khaṇḍa- ' , 34 Scholiast or Commentator |
cārajyā | for cara--. |
carmaja | mfn. made of leather |
carmaja | n. "skin-born", the hairs of the body |
carmaja | n. blood |
catustriṃśajjātakajña | m. "knowing 34 jātaka-s", Name of a buddha- |
cauradhvajabaddhaka | m. a notorious thief. |
cavyajā | f. Scindapsus officinalis |
chajjū | m. Name of a man |
chandaja | mfn. "originating from one's own wish", self-produced (gods) |
chāyātmaja | m. equals -tanaya- |
cikitsātattvajñāna | n. a med. work by dhanvantari-, 13. |
cīnaja | n. steel |
cintāyajña | m. a thought-sacrifice |
cippaṭajayāpīḍa | m. Name of a king of Kashmir |
ciraja | mfn. born long ago, old. |
cirajāta | mfn. "id.", (with ablative) older than |
cirajātatara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "id.", (with ablative) older than ' 13331. |
cirajīvaka | m. "long-lived", the jīvaka- tree |
cirajīvikā | f. a long life |
cirajīvin | mfn. long-lived |
cirajīvin | mfn. (said of mārkaṇḍeya-, aśvatthāman-, bali-, vyāsa-, hanumat-, vibhīṣaṇa-, kṛpa-, paraśu- rāma-) |
cirajīvin | m. viṣṇu- |
cirajīvin | m. a crow |
cirajīvin | m. Salmalia malabarica |
cirajīvin | m. equals vaka- |
cirajīvin | m. Name of a crow |
cirajīvitā | f. equals vikā- |
citrabheṣajā | f. "yielding various remedies", Ficus oppositifolia |
citradhrajati | (tr/a--) mfn. having a bright course (agni-) |
citradhvaja | m. (equals -ketu-) Name of a man |
citraja | mf(ā-)n. prepared with various substances |
citrajalpa | m. talking on various things. |
citrajavanikā | f. a painted curtain, |
citrajña | mfn. skilled in composing verses called citra- (Scholiast or Commentator;or "skilled in painting?") |
citrāṇḍaja | m. a variegated bird |
citrayajña | m. Name of a comedy by vaidya-nātha-. |
cittaja | m. "heart-born", love, god of love |
cittajanman | m. idem or 'm. "heart-born", love, god of love ' , |
cittajña | mfn. knowing the heart or the intentions of (genitive case), knowing human nature ( cittajñatā -tā- f.abstr.) |
cittajñatā | f. cittajña |
cīvarabhajaka | m. distributor of monks' dresses |
dagdhajaṭhara | n. the hungry stomach |
dāhajvara | m. inflammatory fever |
daityamedaja | m. "produced from the marrow of daitya-s", a kind of bdellium |
daityamedajā | f. the earth (supposed to be produced from the marrow of madhu- and kaiṭabha-) |
daivajana | (d/ai-) mf(ī-)n. belonging to the gods collectively |
daivajña | mfn. knowing fate or men's destinies |
daivajña | m. equals -cintaka- Name of śiva- etc. |
daivajñā | f. female fortune-teller |
daivajñabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
daivajñacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
daivajñadīpakalikā | f. Name of work |
daivajñadīpikā | f. Name of work |
daivajñajātaka | n. Name of work |
daivajñakalānidhi | m. Name of work |
daivajñālaṃkṛti | f. Name of work |
daivajñamanohara | m. Name of work |
daivajñamukhamaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
daivajñasanmuni | m. Name of an astrologer |
daivajñaśarman | m. Name of viśva-nātha- (son of gopāla-) |
daivajñaśiromaṇi | m. Name of work |
daivajñatva | n. |
daivajñavallabha | m. Name of work |
daivajñavallabhā | f. Name of work |
daivajñavidhivilāsa | m. Name of work |
daivajñavilāsa | m. Name of work |
daivayajñapiṇḍasūrya | m. Name of an author (wrong reading for deva--?). |
daivayajñi | m. patronymic fr. deva-yajña- gaRa taulvalyādi- (f(ī-).orf(yā-). ) |
dakṣajā | f. "daughter", durgā- |
dakṣajā | f. plural the Moon's wives |
dakṣajā | m. equals kṣātmajā-p- |
dakṣajāpati | m. "lord of durgā-", śiva- |
dakṣātmajāpati | m. "lord of dadhīca-'s daughters", the Moon |
dakṣayajña | m. dakṣa-'s sacrifice |
dakṣayajñaprabhañjana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", śiva- |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsa | m. equals kṣa-makha-manthana- Name of |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of |
dakṣayajñavināśinī | f. durgā- |
dākṣāyaṇayajña | m. a particular sacrifice |
dākṣāyaṇayajñika | mf(ī-)n. relating to it |
dākṣāyaṇayajñin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. relating to it ' |
dakṣiṇajānvakna | mfn. having the right knee bent |
dalaja | mfn. produced from petals (honey) |
damaghoṣaja | m. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- |
dāmajātaśrī | m. Name of a prince (on coins). |
dambhayajña | m. a hypocritical sacrifice |
dānavajra | m. "whose weapon is liberality"(said of vaiśya-s) |
daṇḍajita | mfn. subdued by punishment. |
daṇḍaprajita | (ḍ/a--) mfn. driven with a stick |
dantajāha | n. the root of a tooth gaRa karṇādi-. |
dantajanman | n. growth of the teeth |
dantajāta | mf(ā- Va1rtt. 1)n. () |
dantajāta | mf(ā-)n. (; gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) equals jāta-danta- ; (a-- negative) |
dantarajas | n. equals -mala- |
darbharajju | f. a rope made of d- |
dārḍhajayanti | see vaipaścita-, parasmE-pada 1332. |
dāsajana | m. slave, servant |
dāsajīvana | mfn. living like a slave |
daśajyoti | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- |
daśajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- |
daśakāmajavyasana | n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure (See ) . |
daśakaṇṭhajit | m. "enemy of rāvaṇa-", rāma- |
daśarathayajñāramha | m. Name of |
daśāsyajit | m. "conqueror of rāvaṇa-", rāma- |
daśavraja | (d/aś-) m. "having 10 cow-sheds", Name of a man |
dāvadahanajvālākalāpaya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the sheet of flame in a burning forest |
dehaja | m. "body-born", a son (see tanu--) |
dehaja | m. the god of love, diś-. |
deśaja | mfn. "country born", native, born or produced in the right place, genuine (as horses, elephants etc.) |
deśajāta | mfn. "country born", native, born or produced in the right place, genuine (as horses, elephants etc.) |
deśajña | mfn. knowing a district, familiar with places |
deśakālajña | mfn. knowing place and time () |
devabhiṣaj | m. physician of the gods (the aśvin-s) |
devadatttāgraja | m. "the elder brother of deva-datta-", Name of gautama- buddha- (see above) |
devaja | mfn. god-born, divine (as a sāman-) |
devaja | m. Name of a prince (son of saṃyama-) |
devajā | mfn. "god-born" |
devajagdha | n. "god-eaten", a kind of fragrant grass (equals kattṛṇa-) |
devajagdhaka | n. "god-eaten", a kind of fragrant grass (equals kattṛṇa-) |
devajāmi | mfn. (v/a--) peculiar to the gods |
devajāmi | f. (jāmi-) a sister of the gods |
devajana | m. (generally plural) a troop or collection of gods or demons or serpents etc. etc. (see daiva--, itara--) |
devajana | Name (also title or epithet) of a guhyaka-, |
devajananī | f. the mother of the gods |
devajanavid | mfn. knowing gods etc. |
devajanavidyā | f. knowledge of serpents etc. |
devajapa | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- |
devajāta | mfn. (v/a--) idem or 'mfn. "god-born" ' |
devajāta | n. (jāt/a-) a class or race of gods |
devajaya | m. Name of a poet |
devajuṣṭa | (v/a--) mfn. agreeable to the gods |
devajūta | (v/a--) mfn. "god-sped", incited or inspired or procured by the gods |
devajūti | (de-!) m. Name of an āditya- |
devakātmajā | f. idem or 'f. patron. of devakī- ' |
devarājayajvan | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on naighaṇṭuka- and also of his grandfather |
devayaj | mfn. sacrificing to the gods (agni-) |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. sacrificing to the gods (agni-) ' |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. serving for an oblation, |
devayajana | n. place of offering |
devayajanatva | n. |
devayajanavat | mfn. having a place of offering |