अह | ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment, affirmation, certainty, etc.) surely, certainly  |
अह | ind. (as explaining, defining) namely  |
अह | ind. (as admitting, limiting, etc.) it is true, I grant, granted, indeed, at least ([For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle /aha- see ])  |
अह | n. (only Vedic or Veda; Nominal verb plural /ahā- ; genitive case plural /ahānām- ) equals /aḥar- q.v , a day  |
अह | n. often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' m(ah/a-). (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvādaśāh/a-, try-ah/a-, ṣaḍ-ah/a-,etc.) or n. (exempli gratia, 'for example' puṇyāh/a-, bhadrāh/a-,and sudināha-)  |
अह | n. See also ahna- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अह | 1 (also) a particle answering to ha- in a preceding sentence (ha-- aha- = $),  |
अहभून | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
अहः | (in compound for /ahar-).  |
अहह | ind. an interjection, as Ah! aha-! etc. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling)  |
अहहा | ind. idem or 'ind. idem or 'ind. an interjection, as Ah! aha-! etc. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling) ' '  |
अहहारे | ind. idem or 'ind. an interjection, as Ah! aha-! etc. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling) '  |
अहःक्षान्त | mfn. patient during the day,  |
अहःपति | m. equals aharp/ati- q.v commentator or commentary  |
अहःसहस्र | n. a thousand days  |
अहःसामन् | n. a liturgy that is to be sung during the day  |
अहःसंस्था | f. completion of the day  |
अहःशेष | m. the remaining part of the day  |
अहःस्तोम | m. a stoma- belonging to a particular day,  |
अहैतुक | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ā- )n. groundless.'  |
अहैतुक | mf(ī-)n. causeless, unexpected (as samṛddhi-)  |
अहैतुक | mf(ī-)n. having no motive, disinterested  |
अहैतुकम् | ind. without extraneous aid, through one's own ability or power  |
अहैतुक्य | n. haitukya |
अहकम् | See ah/am-. |
अहकम् | diminutive for ah/am-,"I"  |
अहल | mfn. unploughed, unfurrowed? (see )  |
अहलि | mfn. idem or 'mfn. unploughed, unfurrowed? (see )' |
अहल्लिक | m. a talker (?)  |
अहल्या | f. Name of the wife of gautama- or śaradvat- etc.  |
अहल्या | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
अहल्या | f. of a lake (see )  |
अहल्याह्रद | m. Name of a lake (see )  |
अहल्याजार | m. "lover of ahalyā- (see )", indra-  |
अहल्याकामधेनु | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a modern law-book  |
अहल्यापति | m. idem or 'm. "lover of ahalyā- (see )", indra- '  |
अहल्यासंक्रन्दन | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a drama.  |
अहल्येश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
अहम् | Nominal verb sg. ,"I" etc.  |
अहम् | equals ahaṃkaraṇa- q.v , (hence declinable genitive case ahamas-,etc.) [ Zend aSem; Greek ; Gothic ik; modern German ich; Lithuanian asz; Slavonic or Slavonian az].  |
अहं | (in compound for ah/am-).  |
अहमद | m. = Ahmad,  |
अहमग्रिका | f. equals ahaṃśreṣṭhikā- below  |
अहमहमिका | f. (gaRa mayū-ravyaṃsakādi- q.v) assertion or conceit of superiority  |
अहम्भद्र | n. equals ahaṃ-śreyas- below  |
अहम्भाव | m. equals -buddhi- before  |
अहम्बुद्धि | f. equals ahaṃ-karaṇa- below  |
अहम्बुद्धि | f. pride, haughtiness, ( anahambuddhi an-ah/am--buddhi- negative mfn."free from pride")  |
अहंचन्द्रसूरि | m. Name of an author  |
अहंधी | f. equals -karaṇa- q.v  |
अहंघात | m. a self-murderer,  |
अहमिन्द्र | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being,  |
अहंजुष् | mfn. thinking only of one's self  |
अहंकार | m. conception of one's individuality, self-consciousness etc.  |
अहंकार | m. the making of self, thinking of self, egotism etc.  |
अहंकार | m. pride, haughtiness etc.  |
अहंकार | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the third of the eight producers or sources of creation, viz. the conceit or conception of individuality, individualization  |
अहंकरण | n. conceit or conception of individuality  |
अहंकारवल् | mfn. selfish, proud  |
अहंकारिन् | mfn. proud  |
अहंकर्तव्य | mfn. "to be done by self", being the object of ahaṃkāra-,  |
अहंकार्य | mfn. equals -kartavya- q.v  |
अहंकार्य | n. "that which is to be done by one's self", any personal object or business  |
अहंकृ | (Potential -kuryāt-) to have the conceit of individuality  |
अहंक्रिया | See nir-ahaṃkriya-.  |
अहंकृत | mfn. conscious of one's individuality  |
अहंकृत | mfn. egotistic etc.  |
अहंकृत | mfn. proud, haughty  |
अहंकृति | f. equals -karaṇa- q.v , (an-- negative, adjective (cf. mfn.),free from the conceit of individuality) .  |
अहम्ममाभिमान | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'mfn. egoistic, arrogant, ' ' commentator or commentary on  |
अहम्ममता | f. idem or 'mfn. egoistic, arrogant, '  |
अहम्मान | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. idem or 'mfn. egoistic, arrogant, ' ' commentator or commentary on '  |
अहम्मान | m. egotism  |
अहम्मान | mfn. having the conceit of individuality  |
अहम्मति | f. idem or 'm. equals -buddhi- before '  |
अहम्मति | mfn. egoistic, arrogant,  |
अहंनामन् | mfn. named"self"  |
अहम्पदार्थ | m. the Ego, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator  |
अहम्प्रथमिका | f. idem or 'f. emulation, desire of being first '  |
अहम्पूर्व | mfn. desirous of being first  |
अहम्पूर्विका | f. emulation, desire of being first  |
अहंसन | mfn. obtaining or claiming for one's self ( vocative case dual number incorrectly written in two words ah/aṃ s/anā-) and viii, 61, 9 (vocative case sg.)  |
अहंश्रेष्ठिका | f. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. claiming superiority for one's self ' ( ) '  |
अहंश्रेयस् | n. claiming superiority for one's self  |
अहंश्रेयस | n. idem or 'n. claiming superiority for one's self ' ( )  |
अहंता | f. self-consciousness commentator or commentary on  |
अहंत्व | n. the being a self or an individuality  |
अहमुत्तर | n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, '  |
अहमुत्तरत्व | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, ' '  |
अहंवादिन् | mfn. "speaking of one's self, presumptuous", See an-ahaṃv-.  |
अहंयाति | m. Name of a son of saṃyāti-  |
अहंयु | mfn. ( ) proud, haughty  |
अहन् | n. the base of the weak and some other cases of /ahar-, q.v exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case /ahnā- ([once ahan/ā- ])  |
अहन् | dative case /ahne-  |
अहन् | locative case /ahan- (Ved.) or /ahani-, or ahni-, etc.  |
अहन् | Nominal verb dual number /ahanī- (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-) and plural /ahāni-  |
अहन् | only Vedic or Veda are the middle cases of the plural /ahabhyas- ([ ]), /ahabhis- ([ ,nine times]),and /ahasu- ([ ]) , while the later language forms them fr. the base /ahas- q.v  |
अहना | instrumental case with an earlier form of accentuation for /ahnā-. See before.  |
अहन्ति | f. idem or 'f. equals ahata-tā- q.v ' ([ vv.ll. ahantya /a-hantya- mfn."indestructible" ahantva /a-hantva- mfn. idem or 'f. equals ahata-tā- q.v ' ])  |
अहन्त्व | See the preceding.  |
अहन्त्व | mfn. ahanti |
अहन्त्य | See the preceding.  |
अहन्त्य | mfn. ahanti |
अहन्य | (4) mfn. daily  |
अहन्यमान | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being struck  |
अहर् | n. (the weak cases come fr. /ahan- q.v,the middle ones fr. /ahas-[see below] or in also fr. /ahan-, q.v) a day etc.  |
अहर् | n. a sacrificial or festival day, portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as dvādaśāh/a-,etc.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /aha-)  |
अहर् | n. day personified as one of the eight vasu-s  |
अहर् | n. Name of an āṅgirasa-,  |
अहर् | n. of a tīrtha-  |
अहर् | n. (/ahana-) Nominal verb dual number day and night (see /ahaś ca kṛṣṇ/am /ahar /arjunam ca-,"the black and the white day" id est night and day )  |
अहर | m. Name of an asura- (varia lectio su-hara-)  |
अहर | m. of a son of manu- (varia lectio a-dūra-).  |
अहरादि | a gaṇa- commentator or commentary on  |
अहरादि | m. daybreak,  |
अहरागम | m. the approach of the day  |
अहरहःकर्मन् | n. daily-work  |
अहरहर् | ind. day by day, daily etc.  |
अहरणीय | mfn. not to be taken away.  |
अहर्बान्धव | m. the sun  |
अहर्भाज् | mfn. (said of a sacrificial brick) partaking of the day  |
अहर्दल | n. midday  |
अहर्दिव | mfn. (/ahar--) ( ) daily  |
अहर्दिवम् | ind. day by day  |
अहर्दिवि | (/ahar--) ind. day by day  |
अहर्दृश् | mfn. beholding the day, living ( ) .  |
अहर्गण | m. a series of sacrificial days etc.  |
अहर्गण | m. a series of days  |
अहर्गण | m. any calculated term  |
अहर्गण | m. a month  |
अहरित | mfn. not yellow  |
अहरीत | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
अहर्जरम् | ind. "so that the days become old", by and by  |
अहर्जात | (/ahar-.) mfn. born in the day or from day, not belonging to night or to the spirits of darkness  |
अहर्लोका | (/ahar--) f. Name of a sacrificial brick (see bh/āj-before.)  |
अहर्मणि | m. "the jewel of the day", the sun  |
अहर्मुख | n. commencement of the day, dawn  |
अहर्निश | n. day and night, a whole day  |
अहर्निशम् | ind. day and night, continually  |
अहर्पति | m. ( commentator or commentary) lord of the day  |
अहर्पति | m. the sun  |
अहर्पति | m. a Name of śiva-  |
अहर्ष | mfn. unhappy, gloomy, sorrowful.  |
अहर्षमय | mfn. not consisting of joy  |
अहर्विद् | mfn. knowing the (right) days or the fit season  |
अहर्व्यत्यासम् | ind. so that the order of the days is reversed  |
अहश् | (in compound for /ahar-).  |
अहस् | the base of the middle cases of /ahar- instrumental case plural /ahobhis- ([ (twice) etc.]) dative case ablative /ahobhyas- ([ etc.]) locative case /ahassu- ([ ])  |
अहस् | See  |
अहश्चर | mfn. wandering during the day,  |
अहश्चर | and ahaś-śas- See /ahar-.  |
अहस्कर | m. ( ; gaRa kaskādi- q.v) "producing the day", the sun  |
अहस्कर | See  |
अहश्शस् | ind. day by day  |
अहस्त | mf(/ā-)n. handless  |
अहस्त्रियाम | n. day and night  |
अहस्त्रियाम | See  |
अहत | mfn. unhurt, uninjured  |
अहत | mfn. not beaten (as a drum)  |
अहत | mfn. unbeaten (as clothes in washing), unwashed, new etc.  |
अहत | mfn. unblemished, unsoiled  |
अहत | n. unwashed or new clothes.  |
अहतमार्ग | mfn. one whose course is free,  |
अहतता | f. uninjured condition  |
अहतवासस् | (/ahata--) mfn. wearing new clothes  |
अहति | f. equals ahata-tā- q.v  |
अहविर्याजिन् | mfn. offering a sacrifice without oblations  |
अहविस् | mfn. not offering oblations  |
अहविष्य | mn. objects that are not fit to be offered as an oblation  |
अहव्यवह् | m(Nominal verb -vāṭ-)fn. not offering a sacrifice  |
अब्दसहस्र | n. a thousand years.  |
अभव्यहंस | m. a swan as it ought not to be (id est with black wings)  |
अभिग्रह | m. seizing taking hold of  |
अभिग्रह | m. attack, onset  |
अभिग्रह | m. defiance, challenge  |
अभिग्रह | m. robbing, plundering  |
अभिग्रह | m. authority  |
अभिग्रह | m. a vow  |
अभिग्रहण | n. robbing  |
अभिनहन | n. a bandage (over the eyes)  |
अभिनहन | See abhi-naddha-.  |
अभिप्रहन् | (3. plural -ghn/anti-) to overpower  |
अभिप्रहत | mfn. struck at, hurt  |
अभिषह | m. equals nigraha- (q.v)  |
अभिवहन | n. carrying near to  |
अभ्यवहरण | n. throwing away or down  |
अभ्यवहरण | n. taking food, eating commentator or commentary on  |
अभ्युदयावह | m. bringing prosperity,  |
अब्जहस्त | m. the sun (represented as holding a lotus in one hand)  |
आदहन | n. a place where anything is burnt  |
अधाराग्रह | m. a ladleful or cupful not drawn from flowing water,  |
अधरहनु | f. the lower jaw-bone  |
अधिकारसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on bhakti- (rāmānuja- school).  |
अधोभागदोषहर | mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.  |
अध्वसह | m. an indefatigable traveller,  |
अध्यर्धसहस्र | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.  |
अध्यवहन् | to thrash upon  |
अध्यवहनन | mfn. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed  |
आदिपितामह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-,  |
आदित्यग्रह | m. a particular ladle-full of soma- in the evening-oblation  |
अदृष्टहन् | m. destroyer of venomous vermin  |
आगमरहस्य | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
आगमतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
अगावह | m. Name of a son of vasudeva-, and of others  |
अघहरण | n. removal of guilt  |
अघशंसहन् | m. slaying the wicked  |
अग्निहोत्रहवनी | f. a spoon used at the agnihotra-  |
अग्निरहस्य | n. "mystery of agni-", title of the tenth book of the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-.  |
अग्निरहस्यकाण्ड | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the 10th (or 12th) book of the  |
अग्निवह | mfn. exposing one's self to heat,  |
अग्न्याधानहविस् | n. an oblation at the agnyādheya-  |
अग्रह | mfn. equals mukhya- (Comm.) propose to read agra-ha-, destroying the best part  |
अग्रह | m. non acceptance, a houseless man id est a vānaprastha-, a Brahman of the third class  |
अग्रह | mfn. (also) where no ladleful is drawn,  |
आग्रह | m. insisting on, strong or obstinate inclination for, obstinacy, whim  |
आग्रह | m. (equals grahaṇa-) seizing, taking  |
आग्रह | m. favour, affection  |
अग्रहण | n. not meaning,  |
अग्रहण | mfn. not afflicted by disease,  |
अग्रहस्त | m. equals -pāṇi-  |
अग्रहस्त | m. the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
अग्रहस्त | m. finger  |
अग्रोपहरणीय | mfn. that which has to be first or principally supplied  |
आहारविरह | m. want of food.  |
आह्लादलहरी | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem.  |
अइकसहस्रिक | mfn. (fr. eka-sahasra-), possessing 1001.  |
अइन्द्रहव | mfn. belonging to aindrahavya-  |
अइन्द्रहव्य | m. a descendant of indrahū- gaRa gargādi-  |
अजहल्लिङ्ग | m. (in grammar) a noun which does not drop its original gender, when used as an adjective.  |
अजहत् | mfn. (pr. p. 3 -hā-), not dropping or losing (in compound)  |
अजहत्स्वार्था | f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used, as"white ones"for"white horses","lances"for"men with lances").  |
आज्ञापरिग्रह | m. receiving an order  |
आज्ञावह | mfn. one who obeys orders, a minister  |
आज्यग्रह | m. a vessel of clarified butter  |
आज्यग्रह | m. plural Name of certain formulae  |
आज्यहविस् | (/ājya--) mfn. having an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
अकालसह | mfn. unable to bide one's time.  |
अकामहत | (/a-kāma--) mfn. unaffected with desire, calm  |
अकथह | n. a kind of diagram.  |
अक्षग्लह | m. gambling, playing at dice  |
अल्लाडलहरी | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on the  |
अलोमहर्षण | mfn. not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy).  |
अल्पहरिण | m. a kind of small red deer,  |
अम्बुनिवह | m. "water-bearer", a cloud  |
अमित्रहन् | mfn. killing enemies  |
अमित्रसह | varia lectio for mitra-saha- q.v  |
अमीवहन् | mfn. destroying pains, killing evil spirits  |
अम्लहरिद्रा | f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb.  |
आम्नायरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
अमृतहरीतकी | f. Name of a medicament.  |
अंशहर | mfn. taking a share, a sharer.  |
अमुक्तहस्त | mf(ā-)n. "one whose hand is not open (to give)", sparing, economical  |
अमुक्तहस्तता | f. economy, frugality  |
अनह | mfn. (said to be from an-) breathing freely, healthy, well (= nīroga-),  |
अनहम्बुद्धि | mfn. ahambuddhi |
अनहंकार | m. non-egotism, absence of self-conceit or of the tendency to regard self as something distinct from the Supreme Spirit, freedom from pride  |
अनहंकार | mfn. free from self-conceit.  |
अनहंकृत | mfn. free from self-conceit.  |
अनहंकृति | f. equals an-ahaṃkāra-  |
अनहंकृति | mfn. free from self-conceit or pride.  |
अनहंवादिन् | mfn. equals an-ahaṃkṛta-.  |
अनहन् | n. a non-day, no day, an evil or unlucky day  |
आनन्दलहरि | f. "wave of enjoyment", Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya- addressed to pārvatī-.  |
आनन्दलहरी | f. "wave of enjoyment", Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya- addressed to pārvatī-.  |
आनन्दलहरीस्तोत्र | n. Name of a poem.  |
अनङ्गहर्ष | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a dramatic poet,  |
अनपहनन | n. not repelling from  |
अनपहतपाप्मन् | mfn. (said of the pitṛ-s to distinguish them from the deva-s) not freed from evil  |
अनासादितविग्रह | mfn. unused to war.  |
अनवग्रह | mfn. resistless  |
अनवग्रह | mfn. not to be intercepted.  |
अनेकार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of two works on words.  |
अङ्गग्रह | m. "limb-seizure", spasm  |
अनिग्रह | mfn. unrestrained  |
अनिग्रह | m. non-restraint, non-refutation, not owning one's self refuted.  |
अनिग्रहस्थान | n. (in philosophy) occasion of non-refutation.  |
अनिलहन् | mfn. equals -ghna-.  |
अनिलापह | mfn. equals anila-ghna-.  |
अनिष्टग्रह | m. an evil planet.  |
अङ्कुशग्रह | m. an elephant-driver.  |
अन्नहर्तृ | mfn. taking away food.  |
अनोकह | m. "not quitting his home or his place", a tree  |
अन्तर्यामग्रह | m. idem or 'speaking to one's self, unheard by another, '  |
अनुग्रह | m. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object  |
अनुग्रह | m. assistance  |
अनुग्रह | m. facilitating by incantations  |
अनुग्रह | m. rear-guard  |
अनुग्रह | m. Name of the eighth or fifth creation  |
अनुग्रहकातर | mfn. anxious to please or for favour.  |
अनुग्रहण | n. anu-graha-.  |
अनुग्रहण | practising, practice,  |
अनुग्रहसर्ग | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) creation of the feelings or mental conditions.  |
अनुपहत | mfn. unimpaired, unvitiated  |
अनुपहत | mfn. not rendered impure.  |
अनुपहतकर्णेन्द्रियता | f. having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a buddha-), .  |
अनुपहतक्रुष्ट | mfn. whose organs of hearing are unimpaired  |
अनुप्रहरण | n. throwing into the fire  |
अनुरहसम् | ind. in secret, apart  |
अनुवह | m. "bearing after", one of the seven tongues of fire.  |
अन्वहम् | ind. day after day, every day.  |
अन्वर्थग्रहण | n. the literal acceptation of the meaning of a word (as opposed to the conventional).  |
अन्ववहन् | to throw down by striking  |
अन्यदुर्वह | mfn. difficult to be borne by another.  |
अन्यहक | m. brass-metal,  |
अन्यपरिग्रह | m. the wife of another,  |
अन्योन्यकलह | m. mutual quarrel.  |
अपह | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' keeping back, repelling, removing, destroying (exempli gratia, 'for example' śokāpaha- q.v)  |
अपहल | mfn. having a bad plough  |
अपहन् | (subjunctive 3. sg. -han-;Imper. 2. sg. -jah/i-,2. dual number -hatam-;2. plural -hat/ā-,or -hata-; perf. -jagh/āna-; pr. p. -ghn/at-; Intensive p. Nominal verb m. -j/aṅghanat-) to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy  |
अपहनन | n. warding off (see apa-gh/āta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
अपहन्तृ | mf(trī- )n. beating off, destroying  |
अपहर | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') carrying off  |
अपहरण | n. taking away, carrying off  |
अपहरण | n. stealing  |
अपहरण | keeping off all contrarieties,  |
अपहरणीय | mfn. to be taken away, carried off, stolen, etc.  |
अपहरस् | mfn. not pernicious  |
अपहर्ष | mfn. showing or feeling no joy,  |
अपहर्तृ | m. (with genitive case [ ] or accusative [ ]or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') taking away, carrying off, stealing etc.  |
अपहर्तृ | m. removing (faults), expiating  |
अपहस् | to deride: Caus. -hāsayati-, to deride, ridicule.  |
अपहसित | n. silly or causeless laughter  |
अपहसित | n. (also) smiling in tears,  |
अपहस्त | n. striking or throwing away or off (["the back of the hand"commentator or commentary ])  |
अपहस्तक | mfn. handless,  |
अपहस्तय | Nom. P. yati-, to throw away, push aside, repel, (generally used in the perf. Pass. p. )  |
अपहस्तित | mfn. thrown away, repelled, etc.  |
अपहत | mfn. destroyed, warded off, killed.  |
अपहतपाप्मन् | (/apahata--) mfn. having the evil warded off, free from evil  |
अपहति | f. removing, destroying  |
अपाणिग्रहण | n. celibacy.  |
अपाणिग्रहण | mfn. unmarried,  |
अपाङ्क्त्योपहत | mfn. defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper person  |
अपरहैमन | mfn. belonging to the latter half of the winter season  |
अपरिग्रह | m. not including commentator or commentary on  |
अपरिग्रह | m. non-acceptance, renouncing (of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics)  |
अपरिग्रह | m. deprivation, destitution, poverty  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of possession  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of attendants or of a wife  |
अपथहर | mfn. choosing the wrong road,  |
अप्रग्रह | ([ ]) or a-pragṛhya- ([ ]) m. not a vowel called pragṛhya- (q.v)  |
अप्रहन् | m(accusative haṇam-)fn. not hurting  |
अप्रहत | mfn. unhurt, intact  |
अप्रहत | mfn. untilled, waste  |
अप्राप्यग्रहण | n. perception of an object though the senses are not in any direct connection with it  |
अप्रतिग्रहण | n. not accepting (a girl into marriage), not marrying  |
अरहस् | n. absence of secrecy (varia lectio)  |
अरालहस्त | m. a particular position of the hands,  |
आरामपरिग्रह | m. landed property (of monasteries),  |
अरण्यहलदी | f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica  |
अर्धहर | mfn. inheriting half a property,  |
अर्धहस्तक | m. a distance of 120 inches,  |
अर्धमाससहस्र | n. a thousand of half months  |
अर्धप्रहर | m. half a watch (one hour and a half).  |
अर्धप्रहरिका | f. idem or 'm. half a watch (one hour and a half).' (?)  |
आर्द्रहस्त | mf(ā-)n. moist-handed  |
अरिष्टहन् | m. (equals -mathana- q.v) Name of viṣṇu-  |
अर्कग्रह | m. eclipse of the sun  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. abstraction, of money  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. (in grammar) apprehension of meaning  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. signification.  |
अर्थहर | mfn. inheriting wealth  |
अर्थपरिग्रह | m. possession of wealth  |
अर्थपरिग्रह | mfn. dependent on money  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. accumulation of wealth  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. treasury  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. "compendium of objects (treated of)", Name of one of the pūrva-mīmāṃsā- texts.  |
आर्त्यपहरण | n. the relieving of distress or pain etc.  |
अरुन्धतीसहचर | m. companion of arundhatī-, vasiṣṭha-.  |
अरुशहन् | m. (arus3a- equals aruṣ/a-?) striking the red (clouds), Name of indra- [killing enemies ]  |
अरुतहनु | mfn. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken  |
आर्यहलम् | ind. an interjection ("murder!" ), gaRa svar-ādi-  |
असदाग्रह | mfn. equals -graha- mfn.  |
असद्ग्रह | mfn. performing mischievous or malignous tricks  |
असद्ग्रह | m. caprice, idle or childish desire  |
असह | mfn. incapable of bearing (or producing young ones)  |
असह | mfn. not bearing or enduring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with genitive case)  |
असह | mfn. not able to, not capable of (Inf. or in compound)  |
असह | mfn. intolerant, impatient  |
असह | n. the middle of the breast  |
असहमान | mfn. not tolerating  |
असहन | mf(ā-)n. not able to endure, unenduring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
असहन | mf(ā-)n. envious, jealous etc.  |
असहन | m. an enemy  |
असहन | n. not tolerating  |
असहनता | f. weakness,  |
असहत् | mf(antī-)n. unable to (infinitive mood), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
असहत्व | n. inability to endure  |
असहत्व | n. not tolerating  |
असहत्व | n. not being at hand  |
असाक्षिकहत | mfn. beaten (in law) without witnesses  |
असंग्रह | m. refraining from begging,  |
असम्परिग्रह | mfn. not accepted, refused,  |
असत्परिग्रह | mfn. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons  |
असत्प्रतिग्रह | m. (= - parigraha-),  |
आशावह | m. bringing hope  |
आशावह | m. Name of the sun  |
आशावह | m. of a vṛṣṇi-  |
आशीर्ग्रहण | n. accepting a benediction.  |
अश्महन्मन् | (/aśma--) n. a stroke of the thunderbolt  |
असृग्ग्रह | m. "the blood-planet", Mars  |
अश्रूपहत | mfn. affected by tears  |
अश्रुवह | mfn. full of tears,  |
अस्थिसंनहन | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant,  |
असुखावह | mf(ā-)n. producing unhappiness  |
असुरहन् | mf(-ghn/ī-)n. destroying the asura-s  |
अश्वहन | m. equals -ghna- q.v  |
अश्वहन्तृ | m. equals -ghna- q.v  |
अश्वहनु | m. Name of a man  |
अश्वहविस् | n. Name of a sacrificial ceremony  |
अश्वहय | mfn. driving horses  |
अश्ववह | m. a horseman  |
अस्यहत्य | (or -ha-tya-) gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v  |
अस्यहत्य | (See āsyahātya-.)  |
अतर्क्यसहस्रशक्ति | m. endowed with a thousand in comp.ehensible powers.  |
आथर्वणरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
अतिदुःसह | mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable.  |
अतिगहन | mfn. very deep  |
अतिगहन | mfn. very impenetrable.  |
अतिग्रह | m. act of taking over or beyond surpassing, one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent, (in philosophy) equals atigrāha-.  |
अतिपितामह | m. surpassing his own paternal grandfather  |
आत्महन् | mfn. one who kills his soul id est does not care about the welfare of his soul  |
आत्महन् | m. a suicide  |
आत्महन् | m. a priest in a temple attendant upon an idol (the priest subsisting by appropriating to himself offerings to deities for which future punishment is assigned) |
आत्महनन | n. suicide  |
आत्महत्या | f. suicide  |
आत्मत्राणपरिग्रह | m. a body guard  |
अत्रिचतुरह | m. "the four days of atri-", Name of a sacrifice.  |
अट्टहसित | n. loud laughter, a horse-laugh.  |
अत्यहम् | surpassing me  |
अत्यहम् | surpassing self-consciousness  |
अत्यहम् | see  |
अउद्गात्रसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
अउद्ग्रहण | n. idem or 'n. the being such an offering '  |
अउपहस्तिक | mfn. (fr. upa-hasta- gaRa vetanādi- [not in ]), living by presents (? pratigraheṇa jīvati- )  |
अउर्वदहन | m. the submarine fire  |
अवाचिनहस्त्र | mfn. having the hand turned downwards,  |
अवग्रह | m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the pada- text of the veda-s) etc.  |
अवग्रह | m. the mark or the interval of such a separation  |
अवग्रह | m. the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs , the chief member of a word so separated  |
अवग्रह | m. obstacle, impediment, restraint etc.  |
अवग्रह | mark of the elision of an initial a-  |
अवग्रह | m. (equals varṣa pratibandha- ) drought  |
अवग्रह | m. nature, original temperament  |
अवग्रह | m. "perception with the senses", a form of knowledge  |
अवग्रह | m. an imprecation or term of abuse  |
अवग्रह | m. an elephant's forehead  |
अवग्रह | m. a herd of elephants  |
अवग्रह | m. an iron hook with which elephants are driven  |
अवग्रहण | n. the act of impeding or restraining  |
अवग्रहण | n. disrespect  |
अवग्रहणी | f. equals gṛhāva-- grahaṇī- q.v  |
अवग्रहशक | Name (also title or epithet) of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
आवह | mf(ā-)n. bringing, bringing to pass, producing  |
आवह | mf(ā-)n. what bears or conveys etc.  |
आवह | m. Name of one of the seven winds or bands of air (that which is usually assigned to the bhuvar-loka-or atmospheric region between the bhūr-loka-and svar-loka-)  |
आवह | m. one of the seven tongues of fire. |
आवहमान | mfn. bringing near, bearing along, followed or succeeded by, bringing in succession.  |
अवहन् | (subjunctive 2. sg. -han- ;Imper. 2. plural -hantanā- Imper. 2. sg. -jahi-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. -/ahan-,or ahan-; perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to throw down, strike, hit ; Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off etc. ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to thresh (parasmE-pada fem. -ghnatī-) etc.: A1. -jighnate-, to throw down : Causal (Pot -ghātayet-) to cause to thresh : Intensive (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi-) to drive away, fend off  |
आवहन | n. bringing near.  |
अवहनन | n. threshing, winnowing (see adhy-avah-)  |
अवहनन | n. the left lung commentator or commentary on  |
अवहन्तृ | m. one who throws off or wards off  |
अवहरण | n. putting aside, throwing away  |
अवहर्षिस्त | mfn. ( hṛṣ-), caused to shiver  |
अवहस् | to laugh at, deride  |
अवहसन | n. deriding  |
अवहस्त | m. the back of the hand  |
अवहत् | mfn. not flowing, stagnant (as water),  |
अवहत | mfn. threshed, winnowed  |
अवैरहत्य | n. the non-destruction of men (a-virahatya-)  |
अवज्ञोपहत | mfn. treated with contempt, humiliated.  |
अविग्रह | m. (said of a word) the not occurring in a separate form (but only in a compound)  |
अविग्रह | m. bodiless  |
अविग्रह | m. indisputable (as the dharma-)  |
अविप्रहत | mfn. untrodden (as a forest or path)  |
अवीरहन् | mf(-ghnī-)n. not killing men, not pernicious to meu  |
अव्युप्तवह | mfn. (a horse) whose shoulder is unshaven, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अयनग्रह | m. a planet's longitude as corrected for ecliptic deviation  |
अयुगपद्ग्रहण | n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously  |
बदरिकामाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बद्धग्रह | mfn. insisting on something  |
बाधरहस्य | n.  |
बहल | mfn. thick, dense, compact, firm, solid  |
बहल | mfn. bushy, shaggy (as a tail)  |
बहल | mfn. wide, extensive  |
बहल | mfn. deep, intense (as a colour)  |
बहल | mfn. harsh (as a tone)  |
बहल | mfn. manifold, copious, abundant (in the beginning of a compound = in a high degree; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = filled with, chiefly consisting of) . (often varia lectio bahula-)  |
बहल | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
बहला | f. large cardamoms (see bahulā-)  |
बहल | m. Anethum Sowa  |
बहलचक्षुस् | m. Odina Pinisata  |
बहलगन्ध | n. a species of sandal  |
बहलगन्धा | f. large cardamoms  |
बहलाङ्ग | m. Odina Pinnata  |
बहलानुराग | mfn. deep red  |
बहलता | f. thickness  |
बहलत्वच | n. the white flowering lodhra-  |
बहलवर्त्मन् | mn. a particular disease of the eyes, a swollen eyelid  |
बहलीभू | P. -bhavati-, to become a thick or compact mass  |
बहलित | mfn. grown thick or compact or strong,  |
बहनक | m. plural Name of a people  |
बहय | Nom. P. yati- (fr. bahu-)  |
बहुग्रह | mfn. receiving or holding much (said of a minister and a water-jar)  |
बाहुप्रहरण | m. striking with the arms, a striker, boxer  |
बाहुप्रहरण | n. boxing, wrestling  |
बाहुसहस्रभृत् | m. "having a thousand arm", Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya- (killed by paraśu-rāma-)  |
बाहुसहस्रिन् | mfn. having a thousand arm  |
बहुवर्षसहस्रिक | mfn. lasting many thousand years  |
बहुवर्षसहस्रिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. lasting many thousand years ' , many thousand years old  |
बकसहवासिन् | m. "fellow-lodger of the heron", a lotus flower  |
बालग्रह | m. "seizer of children", a kind of demon (said to cause 9 kinds of possession)  |
बालग्रहप्रतिषेध | m. Name of work  |
बालग्रहयोगशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
बलहन् | mf(ghnī-)n. one who slays or destroys armies (varia lectio -vat-)  |
बलहन् | m. "destroyer of strength", phlegm, the phlegmatic humour  |
बालहन् | mf(ghnī-)n. child-murdering  |
बलहन्तृ | m. "slayer of bala-", Name of indra-  |
बलहर | m. "taking away strength", Name of a man  |
बालहत्या | f. child-murder  |
बालकहत्या | f. infanticide  |
बलनिग्रह | m. reducing strength, weakening  |
बलवृत्रहन् | m. "destroyer of bala- and vṛtra-", Name of indra-  |
बलीन्द्रसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
बलिवृषहन् | m. Name of a prince  |
बाणहन् | m. "slayer of bāṇa-", name of viṣṇu-  |
बन्दिग्रह | m. taking prisoner, capture  |
बन्दीग्रह | m. plunder, spoil  |
बारहट | m. Name of nara-hara-dāsa- (the author of the Hindi work avatāra-caritra- or caturviṃśaty-avatāra-caritra-)  |
बर्जह | m. an udder  |
बाष्पहतेक्षण | mfn. blinded by tears, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
बटुकभैरवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
बटुकभैरवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
बौद्धधिक्काररहस्य | n. Name of Comm. on it.  |
बौधायनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भडहरीमातृतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha- (see bhaṭabhaṭa-m-).  |
भद्रहस्त | mfn. having beautiful or auspicious hands (said of the aśvin-s)  |
भद्रावह | mfn. causing prosperity  |
भद्रावह | n. (with ghṛta-) a particular medicine preparation  |
भगहन् | m. "slayer of bhaga-", Name of śiva- (transferred to viṣṇu-)  |
भागहर | mfn. taking a part, sharing, a co-heir  |
भगनेत्रहन् | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
भगनेत्रहर | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
भगवद्भक्तिसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गीतारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भगवद्गीतार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गीतासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गुणसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवन्नाममाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतकथासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतपुराणभावार्थदीपिकाप्रकरनक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणभावार्थदीपिकासंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणबृहत्संग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भागवतसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतसमुच्चयेसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भागवतसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवत्सिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भैरवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
भैरवीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भैरवीरहस्यविधि | m. Name of work  |
भक्तिलहरी | f. Name of work  |
भक्तिमहत् | mfn. truly devoted  |
भक्तिसारसंग्रह | m. bhaktisāra |
भल्लालसंग्रह | m. Name of bhallāla-'s work.  |
भामह | m. Name of the author of the alaṃkāra-śāstra- and of the prākṛta-manoramā- (Comm. on the prākṛta-prakāśa-)  |
भरहपाल | m. Name of a man |
भारहर | mfn. equals -vāhika-  |
भारसह | mf(ā-)n. able to carry a great load, very strong or powerful  |
भारसह | m. an ass  |
भारतसंग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
भारततात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भारवह | m. a horse's canter (also n.andf(ā-).)  |
भार्गवकल्पवल्लीचक्रविद्यारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भार्गवनामसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
भारोद्वह | m. a lowest-carrier, porter  |
भर्तृराज्यापहरण | n. seizure of a husband's kingdom  |
भस्मग्रह | m. "taking ashes", a particular part of a Brahman's education  |
भस्मप्रहरण | mfn. having ashes for a weapon (said of a fever) (see -bāṇa-).  |
भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रह | m. "whose body is smeared with ashes", Name of śiva-  |
भाष्यार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भाट्टदीपिकासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भट्टारहरिचन्द्र | m. Name of authors  |
भाट्टरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भाट्टसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भवद्विरहनाम | n. the mere mention of separation from you  |
भवानन्दसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भावनासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामबीजाक्षरी | f. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of chapter of bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
भवानीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामयन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
भावरहस्यसामान्य | n. Name of work  |
भयहर्तृ | ( ) mfn. removing or dispelling fear.  |
भयापह | mfn. warding off fear or danger  |
भयापह | m. a prince, king  |
भयावह | mfn. bringing feer or danger, formidable, fearful,  |
भेदसह | mfn. capable of being disunited or seduced  |
भेषजकल्पसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भीमविग्रह | mfn. of fearful form, terrific in appearance  |
भिन्नभागहर | (prob. wrong reading for -hāra-), m. division of fractions,  |
भ्रातृव्यहन् | mf(ghn/ī-)n. killing rivals  |
भ्रातृव्यसहन | n. overpowering a rivals  |
भ्रौणहत्य | n. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhrūṇa-han-) ') the killing of an embryo  |
भृगूद्वह | m. "offspring of bhṛgu-", Name of śaunaka-  |
भृगूद्वह | m. of paraśu-rāma-  |
भृगुकुलोद्वह | m. patronymic of paraśu-rāma-  |
भ्रूणहन् | mf(ghnī-)n. equals -ghna- etc.  |
भ्रूणहन् | mf(ghnī-)n. one who kills a learned (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
भ्रूणहन् | m. or m. (?) equals -hati-  |
भ्रूणहनन | n. equals -hati-  |
भ्रूणहन्तृ | m. the killer of an embryo, any mean murderer  |
भ्रूणहति | f. ( ) the killing of an embryo.  |
भ्रूणहत्या | f. idem or 'f. ( ) the killing of an embryo.' etc.  |
भ्रूणहत्या | f. the killing of a learned Brahman  |
भूगोलहस्तामलक | n. Name of work  |
भूगोलसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भुजंगहन् | m. "serpent-killer", Name of garuḍa-  |
भूमीसह | m. a species of tree  |
भूतहन् | mfn. creature-slaying,  |
भूतहन्त्री | f. "destroying evil spirits", a species of dūrvā- grass  |
भूतहन्त्री | f. equals vandhyā karkoṭakī-  |
भूतहर | m. bdellium  |
भूतहत्या | f. the killing of a living creature  |
भूतोपहत | mfn. idem or 'mfn. possessed by an evil spirit '  |
भूतोपहतचित्त | mfn. having the mind possessed by an evil spirit  |
भुवनेश्वरीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
भुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भुवनेश्वरीवरिवस्यारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
बीजहरा | f. "taking away seed", Name of a witch (daughter of duḥsaha-)  |
बीजवहण | m. "seed-bearer", Name of śiva-,  |
बिल्मग्रहण | n. grasping or understanding by bits id est by degrees  |
बिन्दुसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मदायहर | mfn. brahmadāya |
ब्रह्मग्रह | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
ब्रह्महंसोपनिषद् | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
ब्रह्महन् | mf(ghnī-)n. "Brahman-slaying", the murderer of a Brahman etc.  |
ब्रह्महरि | m. Name of a poet  |
ब्रह्महत्या | f. murder of a Brahman (or any crime equally heinous)  |
ब्रह्ममह | m. a feast in honour of the Brahmans  |
ब्रह्मानन्दपरमहंस | m. brahmānanda |
ब्रह्मरहस्यसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मवैवर्तरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
बृहस्पतिसवहौत्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
बृहतीसहस्र | n. a thousand bṛhatī-s  |
बृहतीसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
बृहत्मञ्जरीसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बृहत्परिभाषासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
चक्रग्रहणी | f. "army-keeper", a rampart (Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
चक्रहस्त | m. (equals -pāṇi-) idem or 'm. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.'  |
चक्षुर्बहल | m. Odina pinnata  |
चक्षुर्ग्रहण | n. morbid affection of the eyes, .  |
चक्षुर्वहन | m. equals -bahala-  |
चण्डीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
चन्द्रग्रह | m. an eclipse of the moon  |
चन्द्रग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. an eclipse of the moon '  |
चन्द्रग्रहणोदाहरण | n. Name of work  |
चन्द्रहन् | m. "moon-slayer", Name of a dānava-  |
चन्द्रहन्तृ | m. (equals han-) Name of a dānava-  |
चन्द्रहनु | m. Name of a dānava-, 12939.  |
चन्द्रमह | m. a dog  |
चर्महन्त्री | f. "skin-destroying", Trigonella foenum graecum or a similar plant  |
चारुवह | mfn.  |
चतुःसहस्र | (c/at-) n. 4000  |
चतुरह | m. a period of 4 days  |
चतुरह | m. a soma- sacrifice lasting 4 days (see atri-c-.)  |
चतुर्विंशत्यह | m. sg. 24 days  |
छन्दःसंग्रह | m. "summary of metres", Name of a work  |
छत्त्रहय | m. plural Name of a family  |
छत्त्रोपानह | n. sg. ( ) the parasol and the shoes  |
छायाग्रह | m. "receiving the image or the gnomon's shadow", a mirror or equals -yantra-  |
छिन्नहस्त | mfn. "cut-hand", Name of a man,  |
चिदम्बररहस्य | n. Name of work  |
चिकुरहस्त | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a mass of hair, tuft of hair ' ' ' ' ' '  |
चिन्त्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
चित्रहस्त | m. plural particular movements of the hands in fighting  |
चित्रमहस् | mfn. (tr/a--) equals tr/ā-magha-  |
चित्रमहस् | m. Name of the author of  |
चूडामह | m. Name of a festival  |
चूडाप्रतिग्रहण | n. Name of a caitya-  |
दधिग्रह | m. a cup with d/adhi-  |
दधिग्रहपात्र | n. the vessel used for taking up d/adhi-  |
दहदहा | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-, 2638.  |
दाहहरण | n. "removing heat", the root of Andropogon Muricatus.  |
दहन | mf(ī-)n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
दहन | mf(ī-)n. (said of the dhāraṇā-of fire)  |
दहन | m. fire (of three kinds), agni- etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
दहन | m. the numeral three  |
दहन | m. one of the 5 forms of fire in the svāhā-kāra-  |
दहन | m. a pigeon  |
दहन | m. Plumbago zeylanica  |
दहन | m. Anacardium officinarum  |
दहन | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
दहन | m. Name of a rudra-,  |
दहन | n. burning, consuming by fire etc.  |
दहन | n. cauterising  |
दहन | n. sour gruel  |
दहना | f. Name of part of the moon's course  |
दहनगर्भ | mf(ā-)n. filled with the fire (of wrath)  |
दहनागुरु | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
दहनहल्प | m. a crematory rite,  |
दहनकर्मन् | n. the act of burning  |
दहनकेतन | m. "mark of burning", smoke  |
दहनप्रिया | f. the wife of agni-  |
दहनाराति | m. "fire-enemy", water  |
दहनर्क्ष | (ṛk-) n. the constellation kṛttikā-  |
दहनसारथि | m. the wind,  |
दहनता | f. the state of fire  |
दहनवत् | ind. as (at) cremation, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
दहनी | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
दहनीय | mfn. to be burnt, combustible  |
दहनीयता | f. combustibility  |
दहनीयत्व | n. idem or 'f. combustibility '  |
दहनोल्का | f. a firebrand  |
दहनोपकरण | n. the means for cauterising  |
दहनोपल | m. the sun-gem  |
दहर | m. a child  |
दहर | m. a young animal  |
दहर | m. a mouse  |
दहर | mfn. (fr. dobhr/a-) small, fine, thin (varia lectio dabhra-)  |
दहर | mfn. young in age  |
दहर | m. a younger brother  |
दहरक | mfn. short (day),  |
दहरपृष्ठ | n. Name of ,  |
दहरसूत्र | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
दहति | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
दैत्यहन् | m. " daitya--slayer", Name of śiva-  |
दैत्यहन् | m. of indra-  |
दैत्यहन्तृ | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
दैवहत | mfn. stricken by destiny, ill-fated  |
दैवहतक | mfn. idem or 'mfn. stricken by destiny, ill-fated ' : cursed by destiny  |
दैवहतक | n. a blow of destiny,  |
दैवहतक | n. cursed Destiny. ,  |
दैवहव | mf(ī-)n. gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
दैवहव्य | m. patron. fr. deva-hū- gaRa gargādi-.  |
दैवोपहत | ( ) ( ) mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (see daiva-h-).  |
दैवोपहतक | ( ) mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (see daiva-h-).  |
दाक्षायणहस्त | mfn. having gold in the hand  |
दक्षिणाप्रहरण | (ṇ/ā--) mfn. hurled to the right  |
दक्षिणाप्रतिग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s,  |
दण्डग्रहण | n. "taking the staff", becoming an ascetic  |
दण्डहस्त | mfn. staff-handed (yama-)  |
दण्डहस्त | m. a doorkeeper  |
दण्डहस्त | n. equals -mātaṅga-  |
दण्डहस्त | f(ā-, ī-). (ā- ; ī- ) idem or 'n. equals -mātaṅga- '  |
दण्डोपानह | n. sg. a staff and sandal,  |
दन्तहर्ष | m. morbid sensitiveness of the teeth  |
दन्तहर्ष | m. equals -gh-  |
दन्तहर्षक | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
दन्तहर्षण | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
दन्तहस्तिन् | mfn. having tusks and a trunk  |
दारग्रहण | equals -karman-  |
दारपरिग्रह | m. equals -karman-  |
दारसंग्रह | m. equals -karman-  |
दारोपसंग्रह | m. "wife-taking", marriage  |
दर्पह | mfn. pride-destroying  |
दर्पहन् | m. śiva-.  |
दर्पहर | mfn. equals -ha-  |
दर्शपौर्णमासहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
दारुवह | mfn. bearing or carrying timber vArttika  |
दशहल | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 10 ploughs  |
दशहरा | f. "taking away the 10 sins", the gaṅgā-  |
दशहरा | f. a festival in honour of the gaṅgā- (on the 10th day of jyaiṣṭha-, ;now held in honour of durgā- in month aśvin-)  |
दशहराकथा | f. Name of a work ,  |
दशहरास्तोत्र | n. Name of a work ,  |
दशकण्ठनिग्रह | m. Name of  |
दशसहैक | mfn. 10 + 1  |
दत्तहस्त | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having a hand given for support, supported by  |
दत्तहस्त | mfn. shaking hands  |
दौर्गह | m. "descendant of dur-gaha-" patronymic of puru-kutsa- ( "horse") .  |
दवदहन | m. the fire in a burning forest (naka-, )  |
दावदहनज्वालाकलापय | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the sheet of flame in a burning forest  |
दायाधिकारक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दायहर | m. receiver of inheritance, heir (see brahma--).  |
दायक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दायरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
देहग्रहण | n. assuming a body or visible form  |
देशीशब्दसंग्रह | m. equals -nāma-mālā-  |
देशीयशब्दसंग्रह | m. equals śī-ś-  |
देवग्रह | m. "divine seizer", a class of demons who cause harmless madness  |
देवहविस् | n. oblation to the gods  |
देवहव्य | n. idem or 'n. oblation to the gods '  |
देवहव्य | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
देवरहस्य | n. divine mystery (see -guhya-)  |
देवसह | m. Name of a mountain  |
देवस्वपहरण | n. plunder of divine property, sacrilege  |
देवीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
देवीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
धनहर | mfn. money-stealing  |
धनहर | m. a thief or an heir  |
धनहर | m. a kind of plant  |
धनहरी | f. a kind of perfume commonly called Chora  |
धनहरिन् | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
धनंजयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. bearing a bow, an archer  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. the art of managing a bow  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
धनुर्मह | m. the consecration of a b  |
धान्यसंग्रह | m. a store or magazine of grain  |
धाराग्रह | m. a cup filled from flowing soma-  |
धर्मगहनाभ्युद्गतराज | m. "a prince who has penetrated the depths of the law", Name of a buddha-.  |
धर्महन्तृ | mf(trī-)n. transgressing the law or justice  |
धर्ममीमांसासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्ममीमांसासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
धर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of a collection of technical terms  |
धर्मसंग्रहनिवृत्ति | f. Name of a jaina- work  |
धर्मशास्त्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मशास्त्रसंग्रहश्लोक | m. plural Name of work  |
धर्मतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मविचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मितावच्छेदकरहस्य | n. Name of work |
धाटीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
धातुरहस्य | n. Name of work on gramm. roots.  |
धातुसंग्रह | m. Name of work on verbal roots.  |
धृतहव्य | varia lectio for vīta-h-.  |
धूमग्रह | m. Name of rāhu-  |
धूमोपहत | mfn. "smoke-struck", suffocated by smoke  |
धुरावह | mfn. bearing a burden  |
धूर्तप्रहसन | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a comedy by jyotir-īśvara- .  |
धूर्वह | mfn. equals -dhara- mfn.  |
धूर्वह | m. a beast of burden  |
ध्वजप्रहरण | m. "banner-striking", air, wind  |
ध्वजप्रहरण | m. Name (also title or epithet) of vāyu-,  |
ध्वनिग्रह | m. "sound-catcher", the ear  |
ध्वनिसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दिग्धहस्त | mfn. (a hunter) having (in his hand) or using poisoned arrows  |
दिग्धहस्त | mfn. having the hands smeared or soiled  |
दिग्धहत | mfn. hit by a poisoned arrow  |
दिग्धसहशय | mfn. lying in mud or along with any soiled person Va1rtt. 2  |
दिग्ग्रहण | n. observing and fixing the quarters of the compass  |
दिनग्रह | m. day-planet  |
दिव्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दोःसहस्रभृत् | m. "1000-armed", Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya-  |
दोर्ग्रह | mfn. "seizing with the arms", strong  |
दोर्ग्रह | m. pain in the arm  |
दोषहर | mfn. equals ghna-  |
दोषत्रयहर | mfn. removing the 3 bad humours  |
द्रह | m. equals hrada-, a deep lake  |
द्रव्यगुणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
द्रव्यहस्त | mfn. holding anything in the hand  |
द्रव्यपरिग्रह | m. the acquirement or possession of property or wealth  |
द्रव्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
द्रव्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दृढहनु | m. "strong-jawed", Name of a prince (see ḍha-dh-).  |
दृढहस्त | m. "strong-handed", Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
द्रुणह | (or -naha- ) m. scabbard, sheath of a sword  |
द्रुणह | See druṇaha- under 4. dru-.  |
दुःखग्रह | mfn. difficult to be conceived  |
दुःखहन् | mfn. removing pain  |
दुःखनिवह | mfn. carrying pain with or after it, painful (thirst)  |
दुःखनिवह | m. a multitude of pains or evils  |
दुःखोपहतचेतस् | mfn. having the heart stricken with sorrow  |
दुःषह | mfn. irresistible (see duḥ-s-).  |
दुःसह | mfn. difficult to be borne, unbearable, irresistible ( duḥsahatva -tva- n.; compound -tara-) etc.  |
दुःसह | m. N. an evil demon  |
दुःसह | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
दुःसह | m. of puru-kutsa-  |
दुःसह | m. of a shrub (equals nāga-damanī-)  |
दुःसहत्व | n. duḥsaha |
दुन्दुभिदर्पहन् | m. "breaking the pride of dundubhi-", Name of vālin-  |
दुरभिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be laid hold of  |
दुरभिग्रह | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
दुरभिग्रह | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
दुराग्रह | m. equals -avagraha- m.  |
दूरग्रहण | n. seizing or perceiving objects from afar (a supernatural faculty)  |
दुरासह | mfn. difficult to be accomplished (varia lectio sada-)  |
दुरासह | m. mystical Name of a sword (v. prec.)  |
दुरवग्रह | mfn. difficult to be kept back or restrained  |
दुरवग्रह | m. wicked obstinacy, stubbornness  |
दुरवग्रहग्राह | (Bombay edition) mfn. difficult to be attained ( ) .  |
दुरवग्रहग्राह्य | mfn. difficult to be attained ( ) .  |
दुरावह | mfn. difficult to be brought or led towards (compound)  |
दुर्गामहत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
दुर्गामृतरहस्य | n. (gām-) Name of work  |
दुर्गसह | mfn. overcoming difficulties or dangers  |
दुर्ग्रह | m. "seizing badly", the evil demon of illness, spasm, cramp  |
दुर्ग्रह | m. obstinacy, insisting upon (locative case), whim, monomania  |
दुर्ग्रह | mfn. difficult to be seized or caught or attained or won or accomplished or understood  |
दुर्मोचहस्तग्राह | mfn. "whose hand's grasp is hard to unloose", holding fast  |
दुर्णामहन् | mfn. destroying the dur-ṇāman-s,  |
दुर्निग्रह | mfn. difficult to be restrained or conquered  |
दुरुद्वह | mfn. hard to bear  |
दुरुत्सह | mfn. difficult to bear or resist  |
दुर्वह | mfn. hard to bear  |
दुर्वहक | m. Name of a poet  |
दुर्विषह | mfn. difficult to be borne or supported, intolerable, irresistible, impracticable (ṣahya- idem or 'm. "difficult to be pervaded or approached", Name of śiva- ' )  |
दुर्विषह | m. Name of śiva-  |
दुर्विषह | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
दूषणावह | mfn. occasioning guilt  |
दुष्परिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be seized or kept  |
दुष्पार्ष्णिग्रह | mfn. having a dangerous enemy in the rear  |
दुष्प्रहर्ष | m. "bad rejoicing", Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
दुष्प्रसह | mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or suffered, irresistible  |
दुष्प्रसह | mfn. terrible, frightful  |
दुष्प्रसह | m. Name of a jaina- teacher  |
दुष्प्रतिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be taken or laid hold of.  |
द्वादशाहहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
द्वैतनिर्णयसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. dvaitanirṇaya |
द्वैतनिर्णयशिवपूजासंग्रह | m. dvaitanirṇaya |
द्वैतसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
द्वैयहकाल्य | n. abstr. fr. dvyaha-kāla-  |
द्विधूर्वह | m. a draught-ox carrying loads in the 2nd year,  |
द्विसहस्र | mfn. worth 2000  |
द्विसहस्र | n. vArttika (see -ṣāh-and -sāh-)  |
द्विसहस्राक्ष | m. "the 2000-eyed one", Name of the serpent-king śeṣa-  |
द्वितीयचक्रवर्तिलक्षणरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
द्वितीयस्वलक्षणरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
द्व्यह | m. a period of 2 days etc.  |
द्व्यह | mfn. lasting 2 days  |
द्व्यह | m. such a festival or ceremony  |
द्व्यहकाल | m. (ā-)n. falling on 2 days commentator or commentary  |
द्व्यहम् | ind. during 2 days  |
द्व्यहन् | (only locative case hni-), 2 days |
द्व्यहतर्षम् | ind. (or haṃ- t-) having caused any one to be thirsty for 2 days  |
द्व्यहव्रित्त | mfn. happened 2 days ago.  |
द्व्यष्टसहस्र | n. 16000  |
एकधुरावह | mfn. bearing the same burden, fit for the same burden, equal, apt  |
एकहल्य | mfn. once ploughed  |
एकहंस | m. "the only destroyer of ignorance"[ śaṃkara- on ; see haṃsa-], the Supreme Soul  |
एकहंस | n. "inhabited by a solitary or unique swan", Name of a tīrtha-  |
एकहस्त | mfn. one hand long  |
एकाङ्गग्रह | m. paralysis,  |
एकान्तग्रहण | n. partial comprehension  |
एकान्तरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
एकसहस्र | n. 1001  |
एकसहस्र | n. ([v]ṛṣabhaikasahasraṃ-[ ] or hasrās- scilicet gāvas-,a thousand cows and one bull )  |
गदनिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
गह | ? See dur-g-.  |
गहन | mf(ā-)n. (gaRa kṣubhnādi-) deep, dense, thick, impervious, impenetrable, inexplicable, hard to be understood etc.  |
गहना | f. ornament  |
गहन | n. an abyss, depth ("water" )  |
गहन | n. an inaccessible place, hiding-place, thicket, cave, wood, impenetrable darkness etc.  |
गहन | n. pain, distress  |
गहन | n. a metre consisting of thirty-two syllables.  |
गहनत्व | n. density (ati--)  |
गहनत्व | n. impenetrability  |
गहनवत् | mfn. having hiding-places or thickets  |
गहनाय | Nom. A1. yate-,"to lie in wait for any one in a secret place", to have treacherous intentions towards another vArttika  |
गहनीकृत | mfn. made inaccessible  |
गलग्रह | m. seizing by the throat, throttling  |
गलग्रह | m. compression of the throat (a kind of disease)  |
गलग्रह | m. a fish-sauce (prepared with salt, pepper, ghee etc.)  |
गलग्रह | m. Name of certain days in the dark fortnight (viz. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, and 3 following days)  |
गलग्रह | m. begun but immediately interrupted study,  |
गलहस्त | m. "the hand at the throat", seizing by the throat, throttling  |
गलहस्तय | Nom. P. yati-, to seize by the throat, throttle, strangle  |
गलहस्तित | mfn. seized by the throat  |
गन्धबहल | m. a kind of Ocimum  |
गन्धहस्तिमहातर्क | m. Name of work  |
गन्धहस्तिन् | m. equals -gaja-  |
गन्धहस्तिन् | m. Name of an antidote (said to be very efficacious)  |
गन्धहस्तिन् | m. of the author of a commentator or commentary on ācārāṅga- ( ),  |
गन्धहस्तिन् | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
गन्धर्वग्रह | m. the being possessed by a gandharva-  |
गन्धर्वहस्त | m. " gandharva--handed (the form of the leaves resembling that of a hand)", the castor-oil tree  |
गन्धर्वहस्त | m. (a-manuṣyasya h- )  |
गन्धर्वहस्तक | m. idem or 'm. (a-manuṣyasya h- )'  |
गन्धवह | mfn. bearing fragrances (said of wind)  |
गन्धवह | m. wind etc.  |
गन्धवहश्मशान | n. Name of a cemetery |
गणेशसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of a part of the  |
गङ्गालहरी | f. "wave of the Ganges", Name of a work  |
गङ्गालहरी | f. Name of a statue  |
गङ्गामह | m. "a kind of festival" see gāṅgāmahika-.  |
गरहन् | m. (equals -ghna-) a kind of basil  |
गर्भग्रह | m. conception  |
गर्भग्रहण | n. equals ha-  |
गर्भहन्तृ | m. "embryo-killer", Name of a demon  |
गर्गत्र्यह | m. idem or 'm. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) Name of a ceremony lasting 3 days '  |
गर्जितासह | m. "not bearing (an elephant's) roaring", a lion  |
गौसहस्रिक | mf(ī-)n. possessing 1000 cows  |
गायत्रीरहस्य | n. Name of work on the gāyatrī-.  |
घनहस्तसंख्या | f. (in geometry) the contents of an excavation or of a solid alike in figure  |
घनासह | mfn. what may not be hammered  |
घटग्रह | m. a water-bearer Va1rtt. 1.  |
घटीग्रह | m. equals ṭa-gr- Va1rtt. 1.  |
घृतहस्त | (t/a--) mf(ā-)n. having ghee in one's hand  |
गीतपुस्तकसंग्रह | m. idem or 'n. Name of a collection of songs '  |
ग्लह | m. ( grah- ) cast of the dice, game at dice (glahaṃ-div-,to play at dice for [instr.], ),  |
ग्लह | m. the stake in playing at dice  |
ग्लह | m. a die  |
ग्लह | m. a dice-box,  |
ग्लह | m. contention, bet  |
ग्लह | m. the prize or object fought for in a contest, person aimed at  |
ग्लह | m. a chessman  |
ग्लह | m. (ā-), f.? (see akṣa--).  |
ग्लहन | n. playing at dice  |
गोग्रह | m. capture of cattle, booty  |
गोग्रहतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
गोपालरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
गोपालसहस्रनामभूषणा | f. "decorated with the thousand names of kṛṣṇa-", Name of work |
गोरक्षसहस्रनामन् | n. "the thousand names of śiva-", Name of work  |
गोसहस्र | n. a thousand kine  |
गोसहस्र | mfn. possessing a thousand kine  |
गोसहस्री | f. Name of two festive days (the 15th day in the dark half of month kārttika- and of month jyaiṣṭha-).  |
ग्रह | mfn. ( ; gaRa vṛṣādi-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( Va1rtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding (see aṅkuśa--, dhanur--,etc.)  |
ग्रह | mfn. obtaining,  |
ग्रह | mfn. perceiving, recognising,  |
ग्रह | m. "seizer (eclipser)", rāhu- or the dragon's head etc.  |
ग्रह | m. a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner;sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn ;also 7 id est the preceding with rāhu- and ketu- ;also 9 id est the sun[ see ] and moon with the 7 preceding ;also the polar star is called a graha-, ( );the planets are either auspicious śubha--, sad--,or inauspicious krūra--, pāpa-- ;with jaina-s they constitute one of the 5 classes of the jyotiṣka-s)  |
ग्रह | m. the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac  |
ग्रह | m. the number"nine"  |
ग्रह | m. Name of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity etc.;it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons;those who especially seize children and cause convulsions etc. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets ) etc.  |
ग्रह | m. any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man  |
ग्रह | m. a crocodile (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
ग्रह | m. any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (especially of soma-) out of a larger vessel  |
ग्रह | m. Name of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with manas-, the hands and the voice)  |
ग्रह | m. (equals gṛha-) a house (see a--, khara--, -druma-and -pati-)  |
ग्रह | m. "anything seized", spoil, booty (see hāluñcana-)  |
ग्रह | m. as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (especially of soma-) etc.  |
ग्रह | m. the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used (su--, )  |
ग्रह | m. the beginning of any piece of music  |
ग्रह | m. grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
ग्रह | m. keeping back, obstructing  |
ग्रह | m. imprisoning, imprisonment (haṃ-gam-,"to become a prisoner" )  |
ग्रह | m. seizure (by demons causing diseases exempli gratia, 'for example' aṅga--,spasm of the limbs)  |
ग्रह | m. seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse  |
ग्रह | m. stealing, robbing  |
ग्रह | m. effort  |
ग्रह | m. insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (locative case or in compound)  |
ग्रह | m. taking, receiving, reception  |
ग्रह | m. taking up (any fluid)  |
ग्रह | m. choosing  |
ग्रह | m. "favour" See -nigraha-  |
ग्रह | m. mentioning, employing (a word) ,  |
ग्रह | m. apprehension, perception, understanding on and  |
ग्रहभक्ति | f. division (of countries) with respect to the presiding planets  |
ग्रहभक्ति | f. plural Name of  |
ग्रहभीतिजित् | m. "conquering the fear of the demons", Name of a perfume  |
ग्रहभोजन | m. a horse  |
ग्रहचरितविद् | m. "knowing the course of planets", an astrologer, .  |
ग्रहचिन्तक | m. idem or 'm. "knowing the course of planets", an astrologer, .'  |
ग्रहदशा | f. the aspect of the planets  |
ग्रहदाय | m. the length of life as granted by the planets  |
ग्रहधार | m. equals grahādh-  |
ग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of work |
ग्रहद्रुम | for gṛha-d-  |
ग्रहगण | m. a whole number of demons causing diseases  |
ग्रहगण | m. a whole number of planets taken collectively  |
ग्रहगणित | n. "calculation of the planets", the astronomical part of a jyotiḥ-śāstra-  |
ग्रहगोचर | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहग्रामणी | m. "planet-chief", the sun  |
ग्रहग्रस्त | mfn. possessed by a demon  |
ग्रहक | m. a prisoner  |
ग्रहकल्लोल | m. "wave (? or enemy) of the planets", rāhu-  |
ग्रहकाण्ड | n. "section treating of graha-s of soma- which are taken up by a ladle", Name of  |
ग्रहकौतुक | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहकोष्ठक | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहक्षेत्रिन् | for gṛha-kṣ-  |
ग्रहकुण्डलिका | f. the mutual relation of planets and prophecy derived from it  |
ग्रहलाघव | n. Name of an astronomical work of the 16th century.  |
ग्रहमर्द | m. (friction id est) opposition between certain planets.  |
ग्रहमर्दन | n. idem or 'm. (friction id est) opposition between certain planets.'  |
ग्रहमातृका | f. Name of a Buddhist goddess.  |
ग्रहमय | mfn. consisting of planets  |
ग्रहमुष् | m. (? for -puṣ- equals -puṣa-) the sun  |
ग्रहण | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' seizing, holding  |
ग्रहण | mfn. resounding in (?)  |
ग्रहण | n. the hand  |
ग्रहण | n. an organ of sense  |
ग्रहण | n. a prisoner  |
ग्रहण | n. a word mentioned or employed (exempli gratia, 'for example' vacana--,"the word vacana-") and  |
ग्रहण | n. seizing, holding, taking etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. taking by the hand, marrying,  |
ग्रहण | n. catching, seizure, taking captive etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession  |
ग्रहण | n. seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance  |
ग्रहण | n. choosing  |
ग्रहण | n. purchasing  |
ग्रहण | n. taking or drawing up (any fluid)  |
ग्रहण | n. the taking up of sound, echo  |
ग्रहण | n. attraction  |
ग्रहण | n. putting on (clothes)  |
ग्रहण | n. assuming (a shape)  |
ग्रहण | n. undertaking, devoting one's self to (in compound) |
ग्रहण | n. service  |
ग्रहण | n. including  |
ग्रहण | n. mentioning, employing (a word or expression) vArttika and  |
ग्रहण | n. mentioning with praise, acknowledgment  |
ग्रहण | n. assent, agreement  |
ग्रहण | n. perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. acceptation, meaning Va1rtt. 5 and on  |
ग्रहण | n. equals ṇī-gada- (see kara--, keśa--, garbha--, cakṣur--, nāma--, pāṇi--, punar--.)  |
ग्रहणगत | mfn. eclipsed  |
ग्रहणक | containing, including,  |
ग्रहणान्त | mfn. being at the close of study  |
ग्रहणान्तम् | ind. until (the veda-) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned,  |
ग्रहणान्तिक | mfn. idem or 'ind. until (the veda-) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned, '  |
ग्रहणपञ्चाङ्ग | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
ग्रहणफल | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
ग्रहनाश | m. "destroying (the influence of) planets", Alstonia scholaris  |
ग्रहणसम्भवाधिकार | m. Name of an astronomical work.  |
ग्रहनाशन | m. idem or 'm. "destroying (the influence of) planets", Alstonia scholaris '  |
ग्रहनाशन | m. for gṛha-n- (a pigeon)  |
ग्रहणवत् | mfn. meant in reality, not to be taken in a different way on vArttika 1 and iv, 1, 4 Va1rtt. 2.  |
ग्रहनायक | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहनायक | m. the planet Saturn  |
ग्रहनेमि | m. the moon  |
ग्रहनेमि | m. the section of the moon's course between the asterisms mūla- and mṛga-śiras-  |
ग्रहणी | f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused)  |
ग्रहणि | f. equals ṇī-  |
ग्रहणी | f. of ṇa- q.v  |
ग्रहणीदोष | m. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator)  |
ग्रहणीगद | m. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery  |
ग्रहनिग्रह | m. dual number favour and punishment  |
ग्रहणीहर | n. "removing dysentery", cloves  |
ग्रहणीकपाट | m. a kind of mixture (for curing diarrhoea etc.)  |
ग्रहणीप्रदोष | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) '  |
ग्रहणिरोग | See ṇī-r-.  |
ग्रहणीरोग | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) ' ' ' (metrically also ṇi-r-).  |
ग्रहणीरोगिन् | mfn. affected with dysentery  |
ग्रहणीरुज् | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) ' '  |
ग्रहणीय | mfn. to be accepted as a rule or law, to be taken to heart  |
ग्रहणीयता | f. acceptableness  |
ग्रहणीयत्व | n. idem or 'f. acceptableness '  |
ग्रहपति | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहपति | m. the moon (gṛha-p-,B)  |
ग्रहपति | m. for gṛha-p-,  |
ग्रहपति | m. Calotropis gigantea  |
ग्रहपीडा | f. idem or 'n. "pain by rāhu-", an eclipse '  |
ग्रहपीडन | n. "pain by rāhu-", an eclipse  |
ग्रहपूजा | f. worship of the planets.  |
ग्रहपुष | m. "cherishing the planets (with light)", the sun  |
ग्रहराज | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहराज | m. the moon  |
ग्रहराज | m. the planet Jupiter  |
ग्रहसमागम | m. equals -yuti-, .  |
ग्रहशान्ति | f. propitiation of the planets (by sacrifices etc.),  |
ग्रहसारणी | f. Name of work  |
ग्रहशृङ्गाटक | n. triangular position of the planets with reference to each other,  |
ग्रहशृङ्गाटक | n. Name of (treating also of many other positions of the planets) .  |
ग्रहस्थितिवर्णन | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहस्वर | m. the 1st note of a musical piece.  |
ग्रहता | f. the state of being a planet, .  |
ग्रहतिलक | m. Name of work  |
ग्रहत्व | n. equals -tā-  |
ग्रहत्व | n. the state of a ladleful or spoonful  |
ग्रहवर्मन् | varia lectio for guha-v-.  |
ग्रहवर्ष | m. a planetary year  |
ग्रहवर्षफल | n. Name of (describing the good and evil fortune belonging to certain days, months, or years ruled over by particular planets) .  |
ग्रहविचारिन् | m. equals -cintaka-  |
ग्रहविमर्द | m. equals -marda-  |
ग्रहविनोद | m. Name of work  |
ग्रहविप्र | m. equals -cintaka-  |
ग्रहयाग | m. equals -yajña-  |
ग्रहयागतत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहयज्ञ | m. a sacrifice offered to the planets  |
ग्रहयज्ञतत्त्व | n. Name of part of  |
ग्रहयालु | varia lectio for gṛh-, 148.  |
ग्रहयामलतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
ग्रहयाय्य | varia lectio for gṛh-  |
ग्रहयोग | m. equals -yuti-  |
ग्रहयुद्ध | n. equals -marda-  |
ग्रहयुद्ध | n. Name of  |
ग्रहयुति | f. conjunction of planets.  |
ग्रावहस्त | (gr/āv-) mfn. equals -grābh/a-  |
गृहहन् | mf(ghnī-)n. See -ghnī-.  |
गृहकलह | m. domestic dissension  |
गृहावग्रहणी | f. equals ha-taṭī-  |
गृह्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work on domestic rites (by the son of gobhila-).  |
गृह्यासंग्रह | m. equals hya-s-.  |
गुदग्रह | m. spasm of the rectum  |
गुडहरीतकी | f. myrobalan preserved in molasses (see 14, 8) .  |
गुहागहनवत् | mfn. furnished with caverns and thickets  |
गुहहत | mfn. "struck by skanda-", the krauñca- mountain  |
गुलह | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v  |
गुणग्रहण | n. acknowledging or appreciating merit or good qualities  |
गुणमहत् | n. equals -pūga-  |
गुणसंग्रह | m. a collection of merits or properties  |
गुणसंग्रह | m. equals -grahaṇa-  |
गुणावह | mfn. having the proper qualities  |
हहल | n. a sort of deadly poison (see halāhala-)  |
हहव | n. a particular hell (see hāhava-)  |
हलहल | mfn. ploughing making furrows  |
हलहला | ind. an exclamation of applause or approbation  |
हालहल | ( ) ( ) n. the above poison.  |
हालहल | hālāhala-, hāhala- etc. Sea .  |
हलहलाशब्द | m. the exclamation halahalā-, halloo, hallooing, shout  |
हलहति | f. striking (the soil) with a plough, ploughing, furrowing  |
हनुग्रह | m. "jaw-seizure", lock-jaw  |
हनुमत्सहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
हारहौर | (?) m. Name of the prince of a particular people  |
हरिभक्तिरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
हरिलीलाविवरणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
हरितहरि | m. "having reddish or bay horses", the Sun  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the taking of the hand  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the marriage ceremony  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the putting hand to or engaging in,  |
हठयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
हविर्ग्रहणी | f. a sacrificial ladle  |
हव्यकव्यवह | mfn. receiving both oblations (see above) conveying both oblations  |
हव्यवह | m. fire  |
हयग्रीवहन् | m. "slayer of haya-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
हयग्रीवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
हयहर्तृ | m. the stealer of a horse  |
हयसंग्रहण | n. the restraining or curbing or checking of horses  |
हेड्डेशहरिहर | m. Name of an author  |
हेमहंसगणि | m. Name of an author (pupil of ratna-śekhara-)  |
हेमहस्तिरथ | m. "golden-elephant-chariot", Name of one of the 16 mahādāna-s (q.v) |
हेरम्बहट्ट | m. Name of a country (said to be one of the provinces of the Deccan)  |
हेत्वाभासरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
हिल्लाजग्रहफल | n. Name of work  |
हिमापह | m. "removing cold", fire, agni-  |
हिरण्यहस्त | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) olden-handed  |
हिरण्यहस्त | m. Name of savitṛ-  |
हिरण्यहस्त | m. of a man  |
हिरण्याक्षहर | m. Name of viṣṇu-. ( )  |
हितहरिवंश | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
हितहरिवंशगोस्वामिन् | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
ह्रदग्रह | m. "lake-monster", a crocodile, alligator  |
हृदयग्रह | m. seizure or spasm of the heart  |
हृद्ग्रह | m. "heart-seizure", spasm of the heart  |
हुतहव्यवह | m. Name of a son of dhara-  |
हुतवह | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "oblation-bearer", agni- or fire etc.  |
हुतवहज्वालासम | mfn. like flames of fire  |
इडेपहवन | n. one of the sacrificial utensils,  |
इध्मसंनहन | n. a string for fastening fuel together  |
इन्द्रहस्त | m. a kind of medicament  |
इन्द्रहव | m. invocation of indra-  |
इन्द्रमह | m. a festival in honour of indra- etc.  |
इन्द्रमहकामुक | m. a dog  |
इन्द्रमहकर्मन् | m. a dog  |
इन्द्रप्रहरण | n. indra-'s weapon, the thunderbolt  |
इन्द्रियनिग्रह | m. restraint of the organs of sense.  |
ईशानहत | mfn. killed by fever (= jvara-- hata-), (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
जह | mfn. (3. hā-) See śardham--  |
जहक | mfn. one who abandons  |
जहक | m. time  |
जहक | m. a boy  |
जहक | m. the slough of a snake  |
जहका | f. (equals jāhaka-) a hedgehog  |
जहल्लक्षणा | f. a particular figure of speech (the word used losing its original meaning)  |
जहन | See sarva-sattva-pāpa--  |
जहत् | mfn. pr. p. 3. hā- q.v  |
जहत्स्वार्थ | mf(ā-)n. "losing its original meaning"  |
जहत्स्वार्था | f. (scilicet vṛtti-) equals hal-lakṣaṇā- Va1rtt. 2 see a--.  |
जलह | n. a small -yantra-gṛha-  |
जलहरण | n. a metre of 4 x 32 syllabic instants.  |
जलहस्तिन् | m. equals -dvipa-  |
जलनिवह | m. a quantity of water  |
जानकीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. a hymn containing the 1000 names of sītā-  |
जनंसह | mfn. subduing men (indra-)  |
जनपदमहत्तर | m. the chief of a country  |
जङ्घाप्रहत | n. gaRa akṣa-dyūtādi- (not in )  |
जाङ्घाप्रहतिक | mfn. (fr. jaṅghā-prahata-or hṛta-) produced by a blow with the leg gaRa akṣadyūtādi-.  |
जन्मपरिग्रह | m. birth (accusative with kṛ-,"to be born"),  |
जातहर्ष | mfn. rejoiced.  |
जातकसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
जातिमह | m. birthday festival  |
जयवह | mfn. conferring victory  |
जयावह | mfn. equals ya-v-  |
जयावह | m. a kind of pavilion  |
जिनहंस | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 1468-1526;author of a gloss on the 1st aṅga-).  |
जिनहर्ष | m. Name of the author of vicārāmṛta- - saṃgraha-  |
जिनहर्ष | m. of a Jain sūri-, (consecrated A.D. 1800).  |
जिनसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
जीर्णज्वरहर | m. "removing that fever", Name of a plant  |
जितहस्त | mfn. one who has exercised his hand  |
जीवग्रह | m. filling (a cup) with living (or unpressed soma-)  |
जीवितोद्वहन | n. carrying on life, continuing to live, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ज्ञानहस्ति | m. Name of a man  |
ज्वरहन्त्री | f. "febrifuge", Rubia Munjista  |
ज्वरहर | mfn. febrifuge  |
ज्वरापह | mfn. equals ra-hara-  |
ज्योतिःपितामह | m. brahmā- considered as the grandfather of astronomy  |
ज्योतिषसंग्रह | m. the whole science of astronomy  |
कचग्रह | m. seizing or grasping the hair  |
कचग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. seizing or grasping the hair '  |
कचहस्त | m. thick or ornamented hair, beautiful hair  |
कहय | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
कैटभहन् | m. idem or 'm. "slayer of kaiṭabha-" idem or 'm. "enemy of kaiṭabha-" idem or 'm. "conqueror of the asura- kaiṭabha-", Name of viṣṇu- ', .' ' |
कलह | m. (n. ) strife, contention, quarrel, fight etc.  |
कलह | m. the sheath of a sword  |
कलह | m. a road, way  |
कलह | m. deceit, falsehood  |
कलह | m. violence without murderous weapons, abuse, beating, kicking  |
कलह | Nom. P. kalahati-, to quarrel  |
कलहकन्दल | m. Name of an actor.  |
कलहकार | mf(ī-)n. quarrelsome, turbulent, contentious, pugnacious  |
कलहकार | mf(ī-)n. Name of the wife of vikrama-caṇḍa-  |
कलहकारिका | f. a species of bird  |
कलहकारिन् | mfn. quarrelsome, contentious.  |
कलहंस | m. Name of several species of the haṃsa- bird or goose etc.  |
कलहंस | m. an excellent king  |
कलहंस | m. brahma- or the Supreme Spirit  |
कलहंस | m. a particular metre (consisting of four lines of thirteen syllables each)  |
कलहंसगामिनी | f. a woman with a gait like a swan's,  |
कलहंसक | m. a kind of duck or goose  |
कलहंसी | f. the female of the kala-haṃsa- above  |
कलहनाशन | m. Guilandina Bonduc  |
कलहप्रिय | mf(ā-)n. fond of contention, quarrelsome, turbulent  |
कलहप्रिय | mf(ā-)n. Name of nārada-  |
कलहप्रिय | mf(ā-)n. of a king  |
कलहप्रिया | f. Gracula religiosa  |
कालहस्त | Name (also title or epithet) of a pious forester, RTL: 441  |
कालहस्तिपुर | n. Name of a town.  |
कालहस्तिशैल | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
कालहस्तीश्वर | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
कलहवत् | mfn. having a quarrel, quarrelling with  |
कालखण्डहन् | m. Name of arjuna-  |
कालसंग्रह | m. period of time, term  |
कलिधर्मसारसंग्रह | m. Name of a work.  |
कालिकारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
कालीरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
कालीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
कामदहन | n. "the burning up of the god of love by śiva-", Name of a chapter of the  |
कामदहन | n. a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month phālguna-.  |
कामहैतुक | mfn. caused or produced by mere desire, of one's own accord  |
काममह | m. the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month caitra- or March-April)  |
कामिमह | m. equals kāma-maha-  |
कामोपहत | mfn. overcome with passion or desire  |
कामोपहतचित्ताङ्ग | mfn. one whose mind and body are overcome with love  |
कंसहन् | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-.  |
कंसहनन | n. the slaying of kaṃsa-.  |
कणादरहस्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
कनकविग्रह | m. Name of a king of viśālapurī-.  |
कन्दर्पदहन | n. a section of the śiva-purāṇa-.  |
कण्ठग्रह | m. "clinging to the neck", embracing, embrace  |
कण्ठग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. "clinging to the neck", embracing, embrace '  |
कन्याग्रहण | n. taking a girl in marriage.  |
कन्याप्रवहण | n. (= pradāna-),  |
कपालहस्त | mfn. bearing a skull in the hand,  |
कफहर | mfn. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic  |
कपोतहस्त | m. a particular position of the hands.  |
कपोतहस्तक | m. idem or 'm. a particular position of the hands.'  |
करग्रह | (1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage  |
करग्रह | m. (2. kara-graha-;for 1.See) levying or gathering taxes  |
करग्रह | m. a tax-gatherer.  |
करग्रहण | (1. kara-grahaṇa-;for 2.See) n. idem or '(1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage ' (see pāṇi-gr-.)  |
करग्रहण | (2. kara-grahaṇa-) n. levying or gathering taxes.  |
करहञ्चा | f. Name of a metre of four lines (each consisting of seven syllables).  |
करहति | f. a blow with the hand. 1.  |
करञ्जह | mfn. pernicious to karañja-  |
कर्महस्त | mfn. clever in business  |
कर्मसंग्रह | m. assemblage of acts (comprising the act, its performance, and the performer)  |
कर्मविपाकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
कर्णहल्लिका | f. a particular disease of the ear,  |
कर्णाटकलह | m. a quarrel about nothing,  |
कर्पूरहरिद्रा | f. Curcuma amada-.  |
कारुण्यलहरिस्तव | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
कार्यहन्तृ | m. one who obstructs an affair, mar-plot  |
काषायग्रहण | n. Name of a caitya-  |
कथासंग्रह | m. a collection of tales or fables.  |
कौचहस्ति | m. patronymic fr. kucahasta- (plural)  |
कौक्कुडीवह | n. Name of a village of the bāhīka-s Va1rtt. 26 (varia lectio kkuṭīv-)  |
कौक्कुडीवहक | mfn. coming from that village (varia lectio kkuṭīv-).  |
कौलरहस्य | n. "esoteric doctrine of the kaula-s", Name of work  |
कौमारहर | mfn. devirginating  |
कौमुदीमह | m. the festival of full moon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
कौषीतकिरहस्य | n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. = ', ' ,  |
कौषीतकिरहस्यब्राह्मण | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. = ', ', ' commentator or commentary on  |
कौतुकरहस्य | n. Name of a comedy.  |
कवचहर | mfn. wearing a coat of mail or jacket  |
कवचहर | mfn. wearing an amulet  |
कवचहर | m. a kṣatriya- youth when arrived at the age suitable for martial training on  |
कवलग्रह | m. the taking a mouthful of water for swallowing  |
कवलग्रह | m. water for rinsing the mouth  |
कवलग्रह | m. a weight equals karṣa-  |
कविरहस्य | n. "secret of the learned", Name of a collection of roots by halāyudha-.  |
कवितारहस्य | n. "the secret of style", Name of work on rhetoric  |
कव्यहव्यभुज् | m. Name (also title or epithet) of agni-,  |
काव्यसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
काव्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
केलिकलह | m. a quarrel in jest or joke  |
केलिश्वेतसहस्रपत्त्र | Nom. P. ttrati-, to represent a white lotus for playing with  |
केशग्रह | m. pulling the hair  |
केशग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. pulling the hair '  |
केशहन्त्री | f. idem or 'f. "having fruits that destroy the hair" equals -damanī- '  |
केशहन्तृफला | f. "having fruits that destroy the hair" equals -damanī-  |
केशहस्त | m. much or ornamented hair, tuft (quoted in )  |
केशहस्त | m. the hair for a hand  |
केशप्रतिग्रह | m. a barber,  |
केतुग्रह | m. the descending node (See above sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ketu-)  |
केतुग्रहवल्लभ | m. equals tu-ratna-  |
केवलान्वयिन्रहस्य | n. Name of work  |
खड्गहस्त | mfn. equals -pāṇi-  |
खड्गहस्ता | f. Name of a female attendant in the retinue of devī-.  |
खहर | mfn. (in arithmetic) having a cypher for its denominator (as a fraction) .  |
खण्डितविग्रह | mfn. "one whose body is injured", maimed, mutilated  |
खरग्रह | m. idem or 'n. a pair of donkeys Va1rtt. 3 '  |
खरग्रह | Name (also title or epithet) of various kings and chiefs,  |
खारसहस्रिक | mfn. containing or sown with a thousand khāra- measures  |
खट्वाङ्गहस्त | mfn. = - bhṛt-,  |
खोषडह | Name of a district  |
किलिञ्जहस्तिन् | m. an elephant formed by mats  |
क्लेशापह | mfn. ( ) allaying pain or suffering, consolatory, consoling (said of a son)  |
क्लेशापह | mfn. palliative  |
क्लेशापह | m. a son  |
कोकिलारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
कोशग्रहण | n. "drinking the water used at an ordeal", undergoing an ordeal  |
कोशापहरण | n. carrying off treasure.  |
कोशापहर्तृ | m. one who carries off treasure  |
क्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of a treatise.  |
क्रतुसंग्रह | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
क्रतुसंग्रहपरिशिष्ट | n. idem or 'm. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the '  |
कृमिपूयवह | m. Name of a hell  |
क्रोधहन्तृ | m. Name of an asura-  |
कृषिसंग्रह | m. Name of work (said to be written by parāśara-).  |
कृतहस्त | mfn. one who has exercised his hands, dexterous, skilled (especially in archery)  |
कृतहस्ततल् | f. dexterity  |
कृतहस्तवत् | ind. in a clever way  |
कृतप्रहरण | mfn. one who has practised the use of weapons  |
कृतासनपरिग्रह | mfn. one who has taken a seat.  |
क्षपापह | m. "removing night", the sun  |
क्षतहर | n. "removing sores", Agallochum or Aloe wood |