Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
agastyaḥ | Masculine | Singular | kumbhasambhavaḥ, maitrāvaruṇiḥ | agyasta, the sage |
agastya | m. (3, 4) equals ag/asti- | ||||||
agastya | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
agastyacāra | m. the path of Canopus. | ||||||
agastyagītā | f. plural agastya-'s hymns, forming part of the ādi-vārāha-purāṇa-. | ||||||
agastyagṛhaspatika | mfn. having agastya- for a householder, | ||||||
agastyamārga | m. the path of agastya- (Canopus), id est the South. | ||||||
agastyasaṃhitā | f. Name of an old compendium of the tantra- literature. | ||||||
agastyaśāsta | mfn. ruled by agastya- (with diś-, f. "the south"), |
agastyaḥ | अगस्त्यः 1 = अगस्ति See above. -2 N. of Śiva. -Comp. उदयः 1 the rise of Canopus which takes place about the end of Bhādra; with the rise of this star the waters become clear; cf. प्रससादोदयादम्भः कुम्भयोनेर्महौजसः. R.4.21. -2 the 7th day of the dark half of Bhādra. -गीता [अगस्त्येन गीता विद्याभेदः] N. of a sort of विद्या mentioned in the Mb. Śāntiparvan; (pl.) Agastya's hymn. -चारः [ष. त.] the course of Canopus, the time of its rise which ushers the Śarad season and then every thing on earth assumes a lovely appearance. -तीर्थम् N. of a celebrated Tīrtha in the south. -वटः N. of a holy place on the Himālaya. -संहिता Agastya's collection of law. |
agastya | m. N. of a Vedic Rishi. |
agastya | This is the name of a sage, of mythical character, who plays a great part in the later literature. He was a Māna, and therefore is called Mānya and son of Māna, and only once is there a reference to the legend prevalent in later times that he was a son of Mitra and Varuna. His greatest feat was the reconciliation of Indra and the Maruts after Indra had been annoyed at his proposing to give the Maruts an offering to the exclusion of Indra. This feat is the subject of three hymns of the Rigveda and is often referred |
agastyaḥ | khanamānaḥ khanitraiḥ RV.1.179.6a. |
agastyasya | tryāyuṣam śG.1.28.9c; SMB.1.6.8c; MG.1.1.24c; VārG.4.20c. |
agastyasya | nadbhyaḥ RV.10.60.6a. Cf. BṛhD.7.97. |
agastyasya | putrāsaḥ AVP.9.7.7c. |
agastyasya | brahmaṇā AVś.2.32.3c; 5.23.10c; AVP.2.14.5c. |
agastyayaḥ | kaṇvāḥ kutsāḥ prasravaṇāḥ AVP.8.15.2a. |
agastya-vandana | obeisances to Agastya Muni | CC Madhya 9.223 |
agastya-vandana | obeisances to Agastya Muni | CC Madhya 9.223 |
agastyaḥ | Agastya | SB 6.18.5 |
agastyaḥ | Agastya Muni | SB 8.4.11-12 |
agastyaḥ | the great sage Agastya | SB 4.28.32 |
agastyaḥ yājñavalkyaḥ ca | Agastya and Yājñavalkya | SB 10.84.2-5 |
agastyaḥ yājñavalkyaḥ ca | Agastya and Yājñavalkya | SB 10.84.2-5 |
agastyaḥ yājñavalkyaḥ ca | Agastya and Yājñavalkya | SB 10.84.2-5 |
agastyam | the great sage Agastya | SB 4.1.36 |
agastyam | to Agastya ṛṣi | SB 10.79.16-17 |
agastya | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of plant
name of a Ṛṣi
Sesbania grandiflora Linn. (Surapāla (1988), 135)
the polar star Frequency rank 1940/72933 | |
agastyasaṃhitā | noun (feminine) name of an old compendium of the Tantra literature (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22809/72933 | |
agastyatīrtha | noun (neuter) name of a place Frequency rank 20427/72933 |