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Grammar Search
"adyutat" has 1 results
adyutat: third person singular tense paradigm aorist class parasmaipadadyut
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
dyut cl.1 A1. dy/otate- (also ti-) etc. (perfect tense didyute-, parasmE-pada tān/a- [ see ], didy/ota- ; dyutur-. ; Aorist adyutat-and /adidyutat- ; /adyaut- , adyotiṣṭa- , parasmE-pada P. dyutat- A1. tān/a-or dy/utāna- ; future dyotiṣyati- ; ind.p. dyutitvā-or dyot- ; -dyutya- ) to shine, be bright or brilliant: Causal dyotayati-(te-, ) to make bright, illuminate, irradiate ; to cause to appear, make clear or manifest, express, mean : Desiderative dedyutiṣati- or didyot- : Intensive d/avidyot-, 3. plural dyutati- ; dedyutyate- , to shine, glitter, be bright or brilliant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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