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22 results for /asat
abhidāsVed. -dāsati- (subjunctive 3. sg. -d/āsat-[ ] or -d/āsāt- ) to consider and treat as an enemy. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiśās -ś/āsati-, to assign, allot ; to rule, govern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
as cl.2 P. /asti- (2. sg. /asi-,1. sg. /asmi-; plural sm/asi-or sm/as-, sth/a-, s/anti-;(rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' smahe- ); subjunctive /asat-;Imper. astu-,2. sg. edhi-(fr. as-dhi- confer, compare ); Potential sy/āt-; imperfect tense /āsīt-,rarely ās-[only in ; confer, compare ]; perf. 1. and, /āsa-,2. sg. /āsitha-,3. plural ās/uḥ-; parasmE-pada m. s/at- f. sat/ī-) to be, live, exist, be present ; to take place, happen ; to abide, dwell, stay ; to belong to (genitive case or dative case) ; to fall to the share of. happen to any one (genitive case) ; to be equal to (dative case) ; to turn out, tend towards any result, prove (with dative case) ; to become etc., (confer, compare ) ; to be (id est used as copula, but not only with adjective (cf. mfn.),but also with adverb [ exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āsīt- ],and often with participle,[ exempli gratia, 'for example' perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada prasthitāḥ sma- ; future past participle hantavyo 'smi- ; fut.p. especially with Potential,and only in y/adi dāsy/an-t-sy/āt-,"if he should intend to give"];the perfect tense āsa-helps to form the periphrastic perf. , and asmi-etc. the future); ([ confer, compare Greek Latin es-t; Gothic is-t; Lithuanian es-ti.])
ās cl.2 A1. /āste- (and /āsate- ; imperative 2. sg. ās-sva-, āsva-,and āsasva-;2. plural ādhvam-; parasmE-pada āsān/a-, āsat-[ ],and āsīna-[see below]; āsāṃ-cakre-[ ]; āsiṣyate-; āsiṣṭa-; āsitum-) to sit, sit down, rest, lie etc. ; to be present ; to exist ; to inhabit, dwell in ; to make one's abode in etc. ; to sit quietly, abide, remain, continue etc. ; to cease, have an end etc. ; to solemnize, celebrate ; to do anything without interruption ; to continue doing anything ; to continue in any situation ; to last ; (it is used in the sense of"continuing" , with a participle, adjective (cf. mfn.),or substantive exempli gratia, 'for example' etat sāma gāyann āste-,"he continues singing this verse";with an indeclinable participle in tvā-, ya-,or am- exempli gratia, 'for example' upa-rudhya arim āsīta-,"he should continue blockading the foe";with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āste-,"he continues quiet"; sukham āsva-,"continue well";with an inst. case exempli gratia, 'for example' sukhenāste-,"he continues well";with a dative case case exempli gratia, 'for example' āstāṃ tuṣṭaye-,"may it be to your satisfaction") : Causal āsayati-, to cause any one to sit down commentator or commentary on : Desiderative A1. āsisiṣate- ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ()-, -: Latin a7sachanged toA7ra;A7-nusforA7s-nus.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asatmf(/a-satī-)n. ([in seven times /asat-and five times /āsat-with lengthening of the accentuated vowel]) not being, not existing, unreal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhas cl.3 P. () b/abhasti- or (3. sg. and plural) b/apsati- (2. dual number bhasathas- ; subjunctive babhasat-or bh/asat- ; babdhām- ; future bhasitā-,vii, 2, 8 Va1rtt. 1. ; infinitive mood bhasitum- ), to chew, masticate, devour, consume (see psā-) ; to blame, abuse (see bharts-) ; to shine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhās cl.1 A1. () bhāsate- (in older language also P. bh/āsati- etc.; parasmE-pada bh/āsat- ; perfect tense babhāse- ; Aorist abhāsiṣṭa- grammar; future bhāsiṣyate-, bhāsitā- ), to shine, be bright etc. ; to appear ("as"or"like" Nominal verb or instrumental case of an abstract noun), occur to the mind, be conceived or imagined, become clear or evident etc.: Causal bhāsayati-, te- (Aorist ababhāsat-and abībhasat- ), to make shine, illuminate etc. ; to show, make evident, cause to appear ("by way of." instrumental case of an abstract noun) Desiderative bibhāsiṣate- grammar : Intensive bābhāsyate-, bābhāsti- (see bhā-,of which bhās-is a secondary form) .
bhyas cl.1 A1. () bhy/asate- (only imperfect tense /abhyasetām- ; subjunctive bhy/asāt- ; grammar also perfect tense babhyase- future bhyasiṣyati-etc.: Causal bhyāsayati-: Desiderative bibhyasiṣate-: Intensive bābhyasyate-, bābhyasti-), to fear, be afraid, tremble (see bhī-,of which this is a secondary form, prob. through bhiyas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daṃś cl.1. (originally cl.6.) d/aśati- (; A1. ; parasmE-pada d/aśat- etc.; perfect tense dadaṃśa-; plural śur- ; parasmE-pada dadaśv/as- ; future daṅkṣyati- ; daṃṣṭā- ;1. plural daśiṣyāmas- ; Aorist adāṅkṣīt- ; plural ṣur- ; ind.p. daṃṣṭvā- ; cl.1. daṃśati- ) to bite etc.: Causal to cause to bite ; to cause to be bitten by (instrumental case) : Intensive dandaśyate-, śīti- ; dandaṣṭi-, daṃṣṭi- ; parasmE-pada d/andaśāna- (confer, compare ś/ūka-) repeatedly biting : Causal of Intensive (ind.p. dandaśayitvā-) causing to be bitten by (instrumental case) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic tahyan.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gras cl.1 P. A1. gr/asati-, te- (perf. Potential A1. jagrasīta- ; parasmE-pada A1.and Passive voice jagrasān/a- ), to seize with the mouth, take into the mouth, swallow, devour, eat, consume etc. ; to swallow up, cause to disappear ; to eclipse etc. ; to swallow or slur over words, pronounce indistinctly () 27 ; to suppress, stop or neglect (a lawsuit) : Causal P. grāsayati-, to cause to swallow or devour ; to consume, swallow ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin gra1-men; German gras; English grass.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jas cl.1 A1. (parasmE-pada j/asamāna-) to be exhausted or starved : P. j/asati-, to go : cl.4 P. to liberate : Causal jāsayati- (Aorist ajījasata-,2. dual number jajast/am-) to exhaust, weaken, cause to expire ; to hurt (see ) ; to strike, ; to contemn ; see uj--, ni-- ; projjāsana-.
naś or naṃś- cl.1 P. A1. n/aśati-, te- (Aorist ānat-, -naṭ- -anaṣṭām-, -nak-[in pra-ṇak-] imperative -n/akṣi-; A1.1. sg. n/aṃśi- preceding naśīmahi-; infinitive mood -n/aśe-), to reach, attain, meet with, find [ confer, compare 1. -and nakṣ-; Latin nac-tussum; Lithuanian ne4szti; Slavonic or Slavonian nesti; Gothic gana7hs; German genug; Anglo-Saxon gena7h; English enough.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naś cl.4 P. () n/aśyati- (rarely te-and cl.1.P. n/aśati-, te-; perfect tense nanāśa-,3. plural neśur-; Aorist anaśat- etc.; aneśat-, n/eśat- [ confer, compare on ]; future naśiṣyati- ; naṅkṣyati-, te-[cond. anaṅkṣyata-] ; naśitā- ; naṃṣṭā- ; naṅgdhā- ; infinitive mood naśitum-, naṃṣum- grammar; ind.p. naśitvā-, naṣṭva-, naṃṣṭvā- ) to be lost, perish, disappear, be gone, run away etc. ; to come to nothing, be frustrated or unsuccessful etc.: Causal nāś/ayati-, Epic also te- (Aorist -anīnaśat-; dative case infinitive mood -nāśayadhyai- ) to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove, destroy, efface etc. ; to lose (also from memory), give up ; to violate, deflower (a girl) ; to extinguish (a fire) ; to disappear (in - nīnaśah-and naśuḥ-) : Desiderative ninaśiṣati- or ninaṅkṣati- (confer, compare ninaṅkṣu-) ; Desiderative of Causal nināśayiṣati-, to wish to destroy : Intensive nānaśyate- or nānaṃṣṭi- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin nex,nocere]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nas cl.1 A1. () n/asate- (Aorist Potential nasīmahi- ;pf nese-; future nasitā- grammar) to approach, resort to, join, copulate (especially as husband and wife) ; to be crooked or fraudulent [ confer, compare Greek (),(),; Gothic ga-nizan,nas-jan; Anglo-Saxon gene0san; HGerm.gine0san,genesen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śas cl.1 P. () ś/asati- (Vedic or Veda also -śasti-and -śāsti-; perfect tense śaśāsa- ;3. plural śaśasuḥ- grammar; future śasitā- ; śasiṣyati- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -ś/asas- ; ind.p. -śasya- ), to cut down, kill, slaughter (mostly vi-śas- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvas (see 3 -śuṣ-) cl.2 P. () śvasiti- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also śv/asati-, te-; imperative śvasih/i- , śvasa- ; imperfect tense [or Aorist ] aśvasīt-, Epic also aśvasat-; Potential or preceding śvasyāt-, Epic also śvaset-; pr. p. śvasat-, Epic also śvasamāna-[for śvasamāna-See below]; perfect tense śaśvāsa- ; future śvasitā- grammar; śvasiṣyati- ; infinitive mood śvasitum- ; ind.p. -śvasya- ), to blow, hiss, pant, snort etc. ; to breathe, respire, draw breath (also = live) etc. ; to sigh, groan ; to strike, kill : Causal śvāsayati- (Aorist aśiśvasat-), to cause to blow or breathe etc. ; to cause heavy breathing : Desiderative śiśvasiṣati- grammar : Intensive śāśvasyate-, śāśvasti- (only parasmE-pada śāśvasat-,snorting ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trai cl.1 A1. tr/āyate- (imperative yatām-,2. sg. yasva-and tr/āsva- plural yadhvam-and tr/ādhvam- ; Epic trāti-, trātu-, trāhi-; Aorist subjunctive trāsate-,2. dual number tr/āsāthe- preceding tr/āsīthām- ; infinitive mood trātum- etc.; ind.p. trātvā- ) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (genitive case or ablative) ; see pari--, saṃ--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tras cl.1. tr/asati- () , cl.4. trasyati- ( etc.; Epic also A1.; perfect tense 3. tatrasur-[ ] or tresur-[ ] ) to tremble, quiver, be afraid of (ablative genitive case,rarely instrumental case) and (parasmE-pada f. tar/asantī-) etc.: Causal trāsayati- (Epic also A1.) to cause to tremble, frighten, scare ; ([ confer, compare Zendtares;; Latin terreo.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaś cl.2 P. () v/aṣṭi-, (1. plural uśm/asi-,or śmasi- ;3. plural uś/anti- ; parasmE-pada uś/at-, uśān/a-and uś/amāna- ; cl.1. v/aśati-and cl.3. vivaṣṭi-[also vav/aṣṭi-],2. sg. vav/akṣi- ; perfect tense vāvaś/uḥ-, śe-; parasmE-pada śān/a- ; uvāśa-, ūśuḥ- grammar; Aorist avāśīt- ;2. sg. vaśīh- preceding uśyāt- grammar; future vaśitā-, śiṣyati- ), to will, command (parasmE-pada uś/amāna-,"having at command") ; to desire, wish, long for, be fond of, like (also with infinitive mood) etc. etc. (parasmE-pada uś/at-and uśān/a-,"willing, glad, eager, zealous, obedient";the former with superl. uśat-tama-,also = charming, lovely [accord. to Scholiast or Commentator also equals śuddha-, dedīpyamāna-,and sv-arcita-]) ; to aver, maintain, affirm, declare for (two accusative) : Causal vāśayati- (Aorist avīvaśat-), to cause to desire etc. ; to get in one's power, subject : Desiderative vivaśiṣati- grammar Intensive vāvaśyate-, vāvaśīti-, or vāvaṣṭi- ; parasmE-pada vāvaśān/a-,"willing, eager" [ confer, compare Greek , for,"willing."]
vas cl.1 P. () v/asati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense uvāsa-, ūṣuḥ- etc.; parasmE-pada vāvasāna- ; -vāsāṃ cakre- ; Aorist avātsīt- ; avāksam- [where it is artificially connected with vāc-]; avāstam- ; future vastā- grammar; vatsyati-, te- etc.; vasiṣyati- ; infinitive mood vastum-, vasitum- etc.; ind.p. uṣitv/ā- ; uṣṭvā- ; -/uṣya- etc.), to dwell, live, stop (at a place), stay (especially "overnight" , with or without rātrim-or rātrīs-) etc. ; to remain, abide with or in (with locative case of Persian; locative case or accusative of place, especially with vāsam-or vasatim-) etc. ; to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp., exempli gratia, 'for example' with channa-,"to continue to be covered" ;or with an accusative,with brahmacaryam-,"to practise chastity" ;or with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' with sukham-,"to live pleasantly or at ease";with or without dūratas-,"to keep aloof") etc. ; to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to rest upon (locative case) ; to charge or entrust with (instrumental case) ; cl.10 P. vasayati-, to dwell : Passive voice uṣyate- (Aorist avāsi-), to be dwelt etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (confer, compare ; Aorist avīvasat- : Passive voice vāsy/ate- , ti- ), to cause to halt or stay (overnight), lodge, receive hospitably or as a guest etc. ; to cause to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to let anything stand overnight (with tisro-, scilicet ratrīs-,"three nights") ; to cause to wait, keep in suspense ; to delay, retard ; to cause to exist, preserve ; to cause to be inhabited, populate (a country) ; to put in, place upon (locative case) (anadhyāyam mukhe-,to put restraint on the mouth, refrain from speaking) ; to produce : Desiderative vivatsati-, to wish to dwell : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti-, to remain, be in, be engaged in [ confer, compare Gothic wisan; German wësan,ge-wesen,waretc.; Anglo-Saxon wësan; English was,were.]
vāś cl.4 A1. () vāśyate- (Epic also vāśyati-,Ved. and Epic also v/āśati-, te-; perfect tense vavāśe-, śire-;in also vāvaśre-and p. vāvaśān/a-; Aorist avāśiṣṭa- ; future vāśitā-, vāśiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vāśitum- ; ind.p. vāśitvā-, -vāśya- ), to roar, howl, bellow, bleat, low (as a cow), cry, shriek, sing (like a bird), sound, resound etc. etc.: Causal vāśayati- (Aorist avavāśat-,in also avīvaśat-, /avīvaśanta-), to cause to roar or low or resound or thunder ; (A1.) to roar or sound aloud : Desiderative vivāśiṣate- grammar : Intensive vāvāśyate- (varia lectio rārāśyate- ), vāvaṣṭi- (imperfect tense Aorist /avāvaśanta-, vāvaśanta-, avāvaśītām-; parasmE-pada v/āvaśat-), to roar or scream or sound aloud ([ vāś-is sometimes wrongly written vās-.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(collateral form of5. i-) cl.2 P. () y/āti- (1. plural yāmahe- ; imperfect tense 3. plural ayuḥ- ; ayān- Scholiast or Commentator; perfect tense yay/au-, yay/ātha-, yay/a-, yay/uḥ- etc.; yaye- ; Aorist ayāsam-or ayāsiṣam-; subjunctive y/āsat-, yeṣam-, yāsiṣat- ; preceding yāsiṣīṣṭhās- ; future yātā- etc.; yāsyati- ; te- ; infinitive mood yātum- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood y/ai-, y/ātave-or v/ai-; ind.p. yātv/ā- ; -y/āya-, -yāyam- ), to go, proceed, move, walk, set out, march, advance, travel, journey (often with instrumental case or accusative of the way, especially with gatim-, mārgam-, adhvānam-, panthānam-, padavīm-, yātrām-) etc. ; to go away, withdraw, retire etc. ; (also with palāyya-) to flee, escape (with kṣemeṇa-or svasti-,to escape unscathed ) ; to go towards or against, go or come to, enter, approach, arrive at, reach etc. etc. (with accusative often followed by prati- exempli gratia, 'for example' with gṛham-,to enter a house;with ripum prati-,to march against the enemy;with mṛgayām-,to go out hunting;with śirasāmahīm-,to bow down to the ground with the head;with prakṛtim-,to return to one's natural state;with karṇau-,to come to the ears, be heard;with utsavād utsavam-,to go from one festival to another;with hastam- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to fall into the hands of;with patham-or gocaram- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to come within range of; especially with the accusative of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition, become, be exempli gratia, 'for example' vināśaṃ yāti-,he goes to destruction id est he is destroyed; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti-,it becomes hard; dveṣyatāṃ yāti-,he becomes hated;similarly nidhanaṃ--,to die; nidrāṃ--,to fall asleep; udayaṃ--,to rise, said of stars etc.;sometimes also with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yāhi rājñah sakāśe-,go into the presence of the king ;or even with dative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya-,both went home ; na cātmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti-,nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. ; phalebhyo yāti-,he goes to [fetch] fruits Scholiast or Commentator) ; to go to for any request, implore, solicit (with two accusative) ; (with striyam-) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse ; to go to for any purpose (infinitive mood) ; often with adverbs exempli gratia, 'for example' with bahir-, to go out ; with adho-, to go down, sink ; with khaṇḍaśo- or dalaśo-, to fall to pieces ; with śata-dhā-, to fall into a hundred pieces ; to extend to (accusative) ; to last for (accusative) ; to pass away, elapse (said of time) etc. ; to vanish, disappear (as wealth) ; to come to pass, prosper, succeed ; to proceed, behave, act ; to find out, discover ; to receive or learn (a science) from (ablative) ; to undertake, undergo (accusative) ; imperative yātu-, be it as it may : Passive voice yāyate-, to be gone or moved : Causal yāp/ayati- (Aorist ayīyapat-), to cause to depart, cause to go or march, dismiss ; to cause to go towards (accusative) (see yāpita-) ; to direct (the gaze) towards (locative case) (varia lectio pātayati-) ; to drive away remove, cure (a disease) ; to cause to pass or elapse, pass or spend (time) etc. ; to live (pāli- yāpeti-) ; to cause to subsist, support, maintain ; to induce : Desiderative yiyāsati-, to intend or be about to go, desire to proceed etc.: Intensive īyāyate- (?) , to move ; yāyayate-, yāyeti-, yāyāti- grammar
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