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28 results for /ahi
आच्यु Causal P. (1. plural -cyāvayāmas-,or masi-;2. sg. -cyāvayasi-and imperative ya-) to cause or induce to come near : Intensive P. (imperfect tense -acucyavīt-,3. plural vuḥ-) to cause to flow over, pour out : P. and A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -acucyavuḥ-: A1.1. plural -cucyuvīm/ahi-,3. plural -cucyavīrata-) to cause or induce to come near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिगोपा(/ahi--) mfn. guarded by a serpent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिमन्यु(/ahi--) mfn. enraged like serpents (Name of the marut-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिमाय(/ahi--) mfn. multiform or versatile like a snake, showing the same variety of colour and shape View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिन= 1. /ahīna-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहीनरSee ah/ī- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहीरणिm. (see /ahi-and ah/ī-) a two-headed snake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिर्बुध्न्यSee /ahi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहिर्बुध्न्यस् Nominal verb sg. m. (instrumental case /ahinā budhny/ena- ) = , the serpent of the deep (enumerated in among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अहीवतीSee /ahi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अह्यर्षुSee /ahi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अश् (in classical Sanskrit only) A1. aśnute- (Aorist 3. plural āśiṣata- ; perf. ānaśe- Vedic forms are: aśnoti-,etc.; subjunctive aśnavat-,etc.; Aorist P. ānaṭ- (2. & 3. sg.,frequently in )and A1. aṣṭa-or /āṣṭa-,3. plural āśata-(frequently in )or /ākṣiṣur-[ ] subjunctive /akṣat-[ ] Potential 1. plural aśema- preceding aśyās-(2. & 3. sg.) etc. Potential A1.1. sg. aśīya-and plural aśīmahi-, Imper. aṣṭu-[ ]; perf. ānaṃśa-(thrice in )or ānāśa-[ ] or āśa-[ ] , 2. plural ānaś/a-3. plural ānaś/uh-(frequently in )or āśuh-[ ] A1. ānaś/o- subjunctive 1. plural a anaśāmahai-[ ] Potential 1. sg. ānasyām-, parasmE-pada ānaśān/a-[ ];Inf. aṣṭave- ) to reach, come to, reach, come to, arrive at, get, gain, obtain etc. ; (said of an evil, aṃhati-, /aṃhas-, gr/āhi-) to visit ; to master, become master of. ; to offer ; to enjoy ; to pervade, penetrate, fill ; to accumulate : Desiderative aśiśiṣate- Intensive aśāśyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बुध्न्यmfn. being on the ground or at the base, coming from or belonging to the depths (very often in connexion with /ahi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुह् (originally dugh- see d/ughāna-, dugha-etc., and the initial dh-of some forms) cl.2 P.A1. dogdhi- ; dugdhe- or duh/e- etc. (plural A1. duhat/e-, ; duhrate-, ; duhr/e-, ; imperfect tense P. /adhok-, ; duh/ur- ; A1. adugdha-[according to Aorist ] plural aduhra-,i sg. aduha- plural hra- [ see ]; imperative dhukṣva- sg. duh/ām- ; plural duhr/ām-, r/atām- ; dhuṅgdhvam- ; subjunctive dohat-[3 plural hān- ], hate- ; Potential duhīyat- ; y/an-, ; A1. hīta-, ; parasmE-pada P. duh/at- A1. duhān/a-, d/uhāna-,and d/ugh- ; cl.6 P. A1. duh/ati-, te- etc.; cl.4. duhyati-, te- ; perfect tense dud/oha-[ hitha- ], duduh/e-,3 plural duduhur-[ dudūhur- ] etc.; A1. duduhre- [ hrire-]; future dhokṣyati-, te- ; Aorist /adhukṣat-, ṣata-[3 sg. plural ], adukṣat-, ; dukṣata-,3 sg. ; imperative dhukṣ/asva- ; Potential dhukṣīm/ahi- ; infinitive mood dogdhum- etc.; dogdhos- ; duh/adhyai-and doh/ase- ; ind.p. dugdhvā- ) to milk (a cow or an udder) figuratively take advantage of (see) , enjoy ; to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk, soma- exempli gratia, 'for example' any good thing) ; draw anything out of another thing (with 2 accusative) etc. ; (mostly A1.) to give milk, yield any desired object (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. etc.: Passive voice duhy/ate- Aorist adohi- ( ) to be milked, to be drawn or extracted from etc.: Causal doh/ayati-, te- Aorist adūduhat- Passive voice dohy/ate-, to cause to milk or be milked ; to milk, milk out, extract : Desiderative d/udukṣati- (), dudhukṣati- ( see dudhukṣu-), to wish to milk.
एहिमायmfn. () erroneous for /ahi-māya- ([ ]),of all-pervading intelligence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
घ्नn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "killing" See /ahi--, parṇaya-ghn/a- (see artha--, arśo--, kāsa--, kula--, kuṣṭha--, kṛta--, kṛmi--, gara--, guru--, go--, jvara--, puruṣa--,etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महाव्रतmf(ā-)n. also used to explain m/ahi-vrata- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महिकेरु(m/ahi--) mfn. raising highly (fr.2. kṛ- equals prauḍha-karman-,fr.1. kṛ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महिक्षत्र(m/ahi--) mfn. possessing great power View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महिमघ(m/ahi--) mfn. rich in oblations or treasures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महिषmf(m/ahiṣī-)n. great, powerful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महिव्रत(m/ahi--) mfn. having great power, ruling mightily
प्रतितिज्to emit heat or fire against or towards (only imperative pr/ati-tigdhi-and titig/ahi-,for which prati-tityagdhi-[!], and prati-tiṅḍhi-[!]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सच् (connected with2. sajj-, sañj-, sakh-; confer, compare sap-) cl.1 A1. () s/acate- (in also P. sacati-and s/iṣakti-,2. sg. s/aścasi-,3. plural saścati-,2. 3. plural saścata-,1. sg. A1. saśce-; parasmE-pada s/acamāna-, sacān/a-and s/aścat-or saśc/at-[ quod vide ]; perfect tense Ved. saścima-, saśc/uḥ-; A1. saścir/e- ; secire- ; Aorist 3. plural asakṣata- ; sakṣat-, sakṣata-, sakṣante-, sakṣīm/ahi- ; asaciṣṭa- grammar; future sacitā-, saciṣyate- ; infinitive mood sac/adhyai- ), to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with, associate one's self with (instrumental case) ; be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative) ; to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case) ; to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative) ; to he connected with (instrumental case) on ; to fall to the lot of (accusative) ; to be together ; (s/iṣakti-), to go after, follow, accompany, adhere or be attached to (accusative) ; to help any one to anything (two dative case) ; to abide in (locative case) ; (3. plural saścati-and saścata-), to follow, obey ; to belong to (accusative) ; to be devoted to or fond of (accusative) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin sequor; Lithuanian seku4.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सह् cl.1 A1. () s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, kṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .])
वध् (also written badh-; confer, compare bādh-;properly only used in the Aorist and preceding tenses avadhīt-and dhiṣṭa-; vadhyāt-and vadhiṣīṣṭa- ;the other tenses being supplied by han-; confer, compare ;but in Vedic or Veda and Epic poetry also present tense vadhati-; Potential vadhet-; future vadhiṣyati-, te-;other Vedic or Veda forms are Aorist avadhīm-, v/ahīm- subjunctive vadhiṣaḥ-; badhīḥ- ; preceding badhyāsam-, suḥ- ), to strike, slay, kill, murder, defeat, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice vadhyate-, ti- (Aorist avadhi-), to be slain or killed : Causal vadhayati-, to kill, slay [a. Greek .] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वन्द् (see vad-) cl.1 A1. () v/andate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense vavanda-, de- etc.; preceding vandiṣīm/ahi- ; future vanditā-, vandiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vanditum- etc.; vandādhyai- ; ind.p. vanditvā-vandya- etc.) , to praise, celebrate, laud, extol ; to show honour, do homage, salute respectfully or deferentially, venerate, worship, adore etc. ; to offer anything (accusative) respectfully to (dative case) : Passive voice vandyate- (Aorist avandi-, vandi-), to be praised or venerated etc. etc. Causal vandayati- (aor. avavandat- data-), to show honour to any one, greet respectfully : Desiderative See vivandiṣu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वृध् cl.1 A1. () v/ardhate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense vav/ardha-, vavṛdhe- etc. etc. [Ved. also vṛ-; vavṛdhāti-, dhīt/ās-, dh/asva- ; vāvṛdh/ete- ; parasmE-pada vṛdh/at- ; Aorist Ved. avṛdhat-, vṛdhātas-, dhātu-; parasmE-pada vṛdh/at-, dhān/a-]; avardhiṣṭa- etc.; preceding vardhiṣīm/ahi- ; future vardhitā- grammar; vartsyati- ; vardhiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood Ved. vṛdhe-["for increase","to make glad"], vṛdh/ase-, vāvṛdh/adhyai-; Classical vardhitum-; ind.p. vṛddhvā-,or vardhitvā- grammar;in vṛdh-is sometimes confounded with1. vṛt-), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive ; to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (especially the gods, with praise or sacrifice) ; (intrans. A1.; in Vedic or Veda perfect tense and Aorist; in Class. Aorist future and Conditional; also P. mc. in other forms) , to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed etc. ; to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) ; to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instrumental case locative case genitive case) or in regard to (dative case), become joyful, have cause for congratulation (vṛdhaḥ-, dhat-in sacrificial formulas ="mayest thou or may he prosper";in later language often with diṣṭyā-) etc. etc.: Causal vardh/ayati-, te- (in later language also vardhāpayati-; Aorist Ved. avīvṛdhat-, dhata-), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (A1."for one's self") etc. ; to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ; to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive etc. ; to exalt, magnify, glorify (especially the gods), make joyful, gladden ( Vedic or Veda also = to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in [instr.], enjoy etc.;with. or scilicet diṣṭyā-) to congratulate ; (cl.10. according to to ) "to speak" or "to shine" (bhāṣārthe-or bhāsārthe-): Desiderative of Causal See vivardhayiṣu-: Desiderative vivardhiṣate- or vivṛtsati- grammar : Intensive varivṛdhyate-, varivṛdhīti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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