abhisamprapad | -padyate- (equals abhi-sam-pad-) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (accusative)  |
āpāda | etc. See under 1. ā-pad-.  |
āpatkāla | etc. See under 1. ā-pad- below.  |
kanyā | f. ( kan- ), a girl, virgin, daughter etc. etc. (kanyāṃ- dā-or pra-dā-or pra-yam-or upa-pad-, Causal to give one's daughter in marriage ; kanyāṃ prati-grah-or hṛ-or vah-,to receive a girl in marriage, marry )  |
prapad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also P.), to fall or drop down from (ablative), throw one's self down (at a person's feet) ; to go forwards set out for, resort to, arrive at, attain, enter (with accusative,rarely locative case) etc. ; to fly to for succour, take refuge with (accusative) etc. ; to fall upon, attack, assail ; to come to a particular state or condition, incur, undergo (accusative) etc. ; (with an adverb in sāt-), to become exempli gratia, 'for example' sarpasāt pra-pad-, to become a serpent ; to obtain, gain (patini-,"as husband") , partake of, share in (accusative) ; to adopt or embrace (a doctrine) ; to undertake, commence, begin, do ; to form (a judgement) ; to assume (a form) ; to enjoy (pleasure) ; to take to (dative case) ; to come on, approach, appear ; to take effect, succeed ; to turn out (anyathā-,"differently" id est without any effect or consequence) ; to admit (a claim) : Causal -pādayati-, te-, to cause to enter, introduce into (accusative or locative case) : Desiderative P. p/itsati-, to wish to enter ; A1. -pitsate- (see ), to be going to incur or undertake  |
pratipad | ind. (see prati-pad-,p.667) equals -padam-  |
samaya | m. coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms (ena-or āt-or -tas-,"according to agreement, conditionally"; tena samayena-,"in consequence of this agreement"; samayaṃ- accusative with kṛ-,"to make an agreement or engagement","agree with any one [instr. with or without saha-]","settle","stipulate";with samvad- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) ';with dā-,"to propose an agreement, offer terms";with brū-or vac-or abhi-dhā-,"to state the terms of an agreement","make a promise";with grah-or prati-pad-,"to enter into an agreement","make or accept conditions of an agreement";with pāl-,or rakṣ-or pari-rakṣ-etc.,"to keep an agreement","keep one's word";with tyaj-or bhid-or vy-abhi-car-etc.,"to break an agreement"; ablative with bhraṃś- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) '; locative case with sthā-,"to keep an engagement","keep one's word"; accusative with Causal of sthā-or of ni-viś-"to fix or settle terms","impose conditions") etc.  |
saṃdhi | m. a wall or the hole or cavity or breach in a wall made by a housebreaker (accusative with chid-or bhid-or Causal of ut-pad-,"to make a breach in a wall")  |
sampāda | daka- etc. See sam-pad-.  |
svarga | m. heaven, the abode of light and of the gods, heavenly bliss, (especially) indra-'s heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortalsSee transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies;this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brahmanism;it is supposed to be situated on mount meru- q.v; accusative with gā-, ā-sthā-,or ā-pad-,"to go to heaven","die") etc.  |
utpad | (ud-pad-) A1. -padyate-, to arise, rise, originate, be born or produced ; to come forth, become visible, appear ; to be ready etc. ; to take place, begin on : Causal P. -pādayati- (rarely A1. -te-), to produce, beget, generate ; to cause, effect ; to cause to issue or come forth, bring forward ; to mention, quote (See ut-panna-). |
vaśa | m. authority, power, control, dominion (in personified) (accusative with verbs of going exempli gratia, 'for example' with i-, anu-i-, gam-, ā-gam-, ya-, ā-pad-, ā-sthā-etc.,"to fall into a person's [gen.] power, become subject or give way to"; accusative with nī-, ā-nī-and pra-yuj-,or locative case with kṛ-, labh-or Causal of sthā-or saṃ-sthā-,"to reduce to subjection, subdue"; locative case with bhū-, vṛt-, sthā-and saṃ-sthā-,"to be in a person's [gen.] power"; vaśena-, śāt-,and śa-taḥ-,with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',"by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to")  |
vikṛti | f. change, alteration, modification, variation, changed condition (of body or mind; accusative with gam-, yā-, vraj-,or pra-pad-,to undergo a change, be changed) etc.  |
vyutthā | ( -ud-sthā-) P. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, te-, to rise in different directions (as light) ; to turn away from (ablative), give up, abandon ; to swerve from duty, forget one's self. ; to come back (from sea see vy-ut-pad-) : Causal -thāpayati-, to cause to rise up etc. ; to call in question, disagree about (accusative) ; to seduce, win over ; to set aside, remove, depose (from a place) ; to abandon treacherously  |