abhisamaya | See abhi-sam-i-.  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | etc. See antar-i-.  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | Nom. P. -ayati- See antar-i-.  |
anusamaya | See anu-sam-i-.  |
anvaya | m. ( i-See anv-i-), following, succession |
anvetave | etc. See anv-i-.  |
anvidh | or anv-indh-, to kindle  |
asta | m. astam-i-, astaṃ-gam- (also Causal See astaṃ-gamita-below) , or prāp- ([ ]), to go to one's eternal home, cease, vanish, perish, die etc.  |
astam | ind. at home, home etc., especially used with verbs exempli gratia, 'for example' /astam-i- ([ /astam /eti-; pr. p. astaṃ-y/at- ; fut. p. astam-eṣy/at- ; perf. p. /astamita-See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ]); /astaṃ-gam- ([ /astam g/acchati- etc.; perf. p. astaṃ-gata- etc., once in reversed order gata astaṃ- ]) or astaṃ-yā- ([ pr. p. -yāt- ]) to go down, set etc.  |
āya | m. (fr. ā-i-), arrival, approach  |
brahmacarya | n. study of the veda-, the state of an unmarried religious student, a state of continence and chastity (alsof(ā-). ) etc. (accusative with grah-, car-, vas-, ā-gam-, upa-i-,to practise chastity; see -cārin-)  |
dulayate | equals dur-ayate- See dur-i- under 2. dur-.  |
ehi | (imperative 2. sg. of ā-i-), come near!  |
eru | mfn. (fr. ā-īr-) equals gantṛ- (?)  |
eṣṭa | mfn. (or fr. ā-iṣ-), that which is desired or asked for  |
iñjanā | f. (fr. iñj- equals iṅg-?), movement  |
kāla | m. time (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of yama-, regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence kālam-i-or kālaṃ-kṛ-,"to die" etc.; kāla-in this sense is frequently connected with antaka-, mṛtyu- exempli gratia, 'for example' abhy-adhāvata prajāḥ kāla ivāntakaḥ-,"he attacked the people like Time the destroyer" ; see kālāntaka-; kāla-personified is also a devarṣi- in indra-'s court, and a son of dhruva- )  |
karṇapatha | m. the compass or range of hearing, (m ā-yā-,to come within the range of or reach the ear, be heard ; m upa-i- idem or 'm. ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 kalā-s) ' )  |
kṣaya | m. end, termination (exempli gratia, 'for example' nidrā-kṣ-,the end of sleep ; dina-kṣaye-,at the end of day ; jīvita-kṣaye-,at the end of life ; āyuṣaḥ kṣ- idem or 'm. removal ' ; kṣayaṃ- gam-, yā-, i-,or upai-,to become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come to an end, perish ; kṣayaṃnī-,to destroy )  |
manuṣyatā | f. manhood, humanity, the state or condition of man (accusative with ā-i-,to become a man)  |
nilay | yate- See nir-i-. 1. ni-- layāṃ - cakre-  |
niryat | mfn. (nir-i-) going forth, coming out, issuing  |
parivyaya | m. (pari-vi-i-) condiment, spices  |
praitos | See pr/e- (pra-i-), p.711.  |
prāya | m. departure from life, seeking death by fasting (as a religious or penitentiary act, or to enforce compliance with a demand; accusative with ās-, upa-ās-, upa-viś-, upa-i-, ā-sthā-, sam-ā-sthā-,or kṛ-,to renounce life, sit down and fast to death;with Causal of kṛ-,to force any one [acc.] to seek death through starvation) etc.  |
reṇutva | n. the state of being dust (reṇu-tvam-i-,to become dust)  |
samanvaya | etc. See sam-anv-i-.  |
samaya | P. yati- (for 2.See sam-i-), to level, regulate  |
sameddhṛ | See sam-indh-.  |
samira | m. equals sam-īra-, wind, air (See sam-īr-)  |
samīrṇa | mfn. (referred to sam-ṝ- equals sam-ṛ- Scholiast or Commentator on ) See under sam-īr-  |
saparyā | f. (also plural) worship, homage, adoration (accusative with kṛ-or dā-, vi--or prati-vi-dhā-,and Causal of rac-or ni-vṛt-,"to perform worship, do homage";with labh-or prati-grah-,"to receive worship or homage"; instrumental case with pūj-, abhi-gā-, upa-ās-, praty-ud-i-,"to worship, adore, approach reverentially")  |
śravaṇapathātithi | m. coming to (literally"being a guest of") the ears of any one (thi-tvami-,with genitive case,"to come to the ears of","be heard by")  |
sthiratā | f. moral firmness, constancy, tranquillity (tām upa-i-,"to recover composure of mind")  |
śuddhi | f. (in arithmetic) leaving no remainder (śuddhim-i-,"to leave no remainder") ,  |
udyat | mfn. (fr. ud-i- q.v), rising etc.  |
upahava | m. calling to, inviting, invitation, (upa-hav/am-iṣ-,to desire an invitation to [ locative case ], wish to be invited to exempli gratia, 'for example' t/asminn /indra upahav/am aicchata-, indra- wished to be invited to that [sacrifice] )  |
vaśa | m. authority, power, control, dominion (in personified) (accusative with verbs of going exempli gratia, 'for example' with i-, anu-i-, gam-, ā-gam-, ya-, ā-pad-, ā-sthā-etc.,"to fall into a person's [gen.] power, become subject or give way to"; accusative with nī-, ā-nī-and pra-yuj-,or locative case with kṛ-, labh-or Causal of sthā-or saṃ-sthā-,"to reduce to subjection, subdue"; locative case with bhū-, vṛt-, sthā-and saṃ-sthā-,"to be in a person's [gen.] power"; vaśena-, śāt-,and śa-taḥ-,with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',"by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to")  |
vīṅgita | mfn. (fr. vi-iṅg-) tossed, moved to and fro (wrong reading vīṅkita-).  |
vipalyay | (paly- equals pari+ay- equals i-) A1. -ayate-, to go back, turn round, return  |
vyapākṛta | mfn. (I. kṛ-) free from (compound)  |